Sunday, May 20, 2018

Tentative return post 70.3

Finally back running after 3 weeks of sickness and Port Macquarie 70.3 recovery. Friday was an easy 10km with Emma, Saturday an easy 11km with Charlie on his bike feeling pretty good and bouncy. Today was 20km around North Head with Darren and Charlie on his bike again, again feeling great.  Stunning day and perfect cool running conditions which help, but I’m feeling better running than I have since returning from the achilles injury.  I reckon these 2 weeks off may have been a blessing in disguise.  Today was 1:29:05 on a hilly route.

Doing relays next week and need to get back into racing.  One race this year has left me a bit rusty.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

long sweat

So last night was the Manly Hardcore Mexican night and my liver is now past it. Somehow dragged myself around 28km (and not a flat 28km) with the Cap’n in the late afternoon in 4:42’s. 

Clean as a whistle from now on.


Friday was a rest day and the Super Series lunch where CT, Q, Scotty and I treated Barts to a top notch lunch at Bathers Pavilion.  The evening ended with the new tradition of ping pong where CT schooled us.

So Saturday in the heat and humidity was always going to be a struggle. Did the same 8km tempo with Timmy and Birchy as a fortnight ago.  40s slower in 30:13 this time, but 3:35’s were feeling fine. It was just the other factors that got me.

13.5km all up.

Thursday with Tucks

All time #2 is back in town so the session was dedicated to him. It was stinking hot so we did a shortened session at Rushcutters - 4 x 800m (2mins) plus 4 x 200m.

Times went 2:33, 2:32, 2:32 and 2:31.  Was just behind Tucks (Timmy remarked I was in his pocket once again) and Andy with Q a bit in front.  Then on to the 200’s with a different person leading each one out.  Brendan, Timmy, Q and Tucks did the honours each rising to the occasion.

Beers with Tucks in the evening.  The 5 day Christmas bender continues.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Another double

First up a commute on the bike with Dave Chapel but adding the standard Mosman hills. Beaut of a morning and a good way to add some efforts.  Caught Macca red handed emerging from the beach at Balmoral.  

Then at lunch the legs were a bit cactus but dragged myself out for a jog to Redleaf, dip in the pool and a jog back.  Talked all things Triathlon with Pete W and TKS, Mr Raisins and new bloke Vince also joined in the best lunch break you can take (bar the longer trip to Bondi).  12.5km all up.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Tuesday rooted

Up at 5:15am to ride with the Peloton up to Church Point and back hugging the beaches.  Nine of us this morning and with Toby, Dave, Smitty and Martin all ready to hammer it the pace was on from quite early.  I jumped on the back of the Manly Warringah train and, boy do they fly.  We were doing 46/47kmh from Long Reef on wards.  Dropped off the back towards Narrabeen and then did quite a bit of the work with Toby from there to Church Pt.  Got jelly legs on the final hill and lost them, only to almost regain contact right at the end.  Great ride and good to be back in it again. 

Then got home and ran into work.  Legs feeling pretty good (and achilles is better than ever) but towards the end I started to struggle in the heat.  Got to work and slumped over my desk for the next two hours having hoovered down a b&e roll.  66:25 for the run to work so better than recently despite struggling.

Monday meander

Was feeling knackered after the weekend so headed out in the late afternoon and found a couple of ovals to run around, mainly good old Reg Bartley.  Don't think I got one of the 10 km splits under 5:00 again.  This is becoming a habit.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Sunday happy

With the achilles feeling better and better - first time it’s felt good post a long run - I ventured out to do my favourite hilly loop around the dam. Just under the hour for the 13.35km (4:28’s).  Starting to feel like a runner again.

Will have to Strava Segment this loop.

Berry long run

Down in Berry for the Fairgrounds music festival for the weekend. Woke up in a tent on Saturday morning having had my best nights sleep in yonks. Nothing starting up until noon so got permission to do a long run in the morning. Did two 13km loops of a route going up Agar’s lane south of Berry and it was magic. A bit undulating but on quiet roads in beautiful countryside. And my Achilles wasn’t even sore. Managed 26.5km in under 2 hours (4:28’s).  Then a dip in the pool and starting on the cider at 1pm listening to some great bands. Happy days.

Post script:  Went for a little “lie down” at 8.30pm - 3 hours before the kids - and woke up 11hours later.  Booze and sunshine don’t work for me.

Friday hungover

Hungover from my client Xmas party. Managed my slowest ever 10km in the late afternoon.  Didn’t get one 10km split in under 5mins. Checked out a few ovals though.

Thursday, December 07, 2017

HuRTs 10 x 400m plus 4 x 150m

Jogged over to Rushcutters still feeling fatigued and not much better than yesterday, although the achilles and calf were much better after ditching the exercises last night and just resting. I think I’ve been hammering it too much.

Arrived to find Timmy had set up the cones and marked out the beautiful surface perfectly. So after a bit of procrastination we were into it.  Didn’t smash them out but ran relatively hard and tried to stick with the same people. Timmy was running them well and Brendan, Jerome and Andy were ahead.  Picked up a bit towards the end when I gained confidence about not falling apart.

Times were: 74s, 74s, 74s, 74s, 74s, 74s, 73s, 73s, 72s and 71s.

Then onto 4 x 150m with a different person leading out each rep.  This is when you see the testosterone fly and some different blokes come out of the woodwork.  Have to say that Jerome looked majestic on the final 2. 

Jogged back for about 10km all up.

Wednesday abort

Late out at lunch. Planned a run around Centennial. Got to Kings Cross and pulled the pin. Left calf very tight, Achilles sore, knackered and couldn’t be arsed.  Liam and Biggsy both stopped to have a word seeing me walk back to the office.

HuRTs 4 x 2km reps

And Jac’s last session. Bumped into her on the way down with Renee. Said a few words and then we got into it.

Approached the session apprehensively, trying to feel my way in. Ran with Enda and Fats on the first rep overtaking Timmy towards the end  (6:56) so tried to keep them all under 7:00.  Enda ran away on the 2nd but then found out he was only doing 2. Fats also ahead.  But quicker in 6:50.  6:57 on the third when I set off behind the group so was playing catch up.  Then decided to put an effort in on the last rep and felt great running with Q and Jono for a 6:43.  Tired after that though.

3km warm down with Q and happy enough. Until I got back to the office and saw what times I ran this session at the end of July 2016, off a rolling 8:30 (instead of 9:00 today).

Monday recovery

12km nice and easy with Enda, Hoey and the HuRTs crew. Feeling ok.

Sunday, December 03, 2017

Almost a long run

Shunned the 6am start despite a 5.30am alarm as I need the sleep recovery after a harder run on the Saturday.  Fortunately Craig and Hamish were keen for an 8.30am start.  Bit of a discussion as to where to go but we settled on a run around Narrabeen Lake getting there the most direct route.

Nice run. Felt good. Shout out to Lewis on our first km flying back the other direction (although as it turned out we were to return running the same pace over that section).

Pavlov Dog reaction on that route results in the pace increasing from Cromer onwards.  Last 2 km with Craig in under 4mins per km and I was cooked (it was pretty warm by then).  All up 25.2km in 4:28's.

Getting there.

Saturday, December 02, 2017

Saturday session

Dropped Charlie at Kogarah then back to Centennial to catch up with Timmy and Birchy. Plan was a warm up then 8km tempo around the park then a cool down.

Hungover after our Department Xmas Lunch in the Lord Nelson yesterday. That said, we set off on the tempo with Timmy running 3:35 for the first km and I felt pretty comfortable.  Struggled a bit on the slight rises but then back into a good rhythm after 5km with Timmy helping out. All up ran 8km in 29:33 (3:41's) feeling ok.

14km all up.

Amazing runs by Scotty and Dave Criniti at State 5000m tonight.  14:48 holy crap with Scotty nudging Dave by 12 hundredths. 

HuRTs Awards

Too busy at work for session so just did 10km
in the late afternoon heading up to Centennial as I'm bored of the wharfs.  Very easy pace - 4:41's.

Then on to the awards and a great night.  The winners were:

1. Male POTY:  Barts off of his sensational C2S.
2. Female POTY:  Erika off of her Sun Run victory.
3. Improver:  Scotty based off his improvement from an already high standard.
4. Ultra: Luca due to his World Record exploits on the dreadmill.
5. Spirit:  Renee. Say no more.
6. Underperformed:  Timmy. No explanation required.
7. Triathlon:  Travis. Rare talent.
8. Nomad:  Andy.  Carcoar.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

around and about

Up at Sparrow's Fart to wake Maggie and announce to her she was doing a speed session with 3 of the Beaches finest female runners in Erika, Amy and Emma.  They were doing 10 x 500m on Nolan's so I figured Maggie could do 250m reps.  Bit on confusion on which way they were running but she managed a few and loved it trying to keep up with her older fellow runners.

I ran about a bit, then did a cool down with Erika before heading on to Shelley where I joined in with Lewis for a bit (boy he goes hard every day) before retreating home.

15km slow but plenty of time in feet and a top morning with some top people.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

HuRTs 1km reps

First up was final stroke correction class at 6.30am.  Still lots to work on, particularly relaxing my arm on entry and pushing the shoulder down.  But getting there.  I can now swim a much slower stroke so will join the Vladswim squad and hammer out the km for the time being.  Leaves me totally shagged (hence today's feeling at lunchtime) but so be it.

Out at lunch feeling knackered but down for the 8 x 1km reps (2min rest) at Barangaroo which is a pretty social session.  Massive turnout for a popular set which I may amend to put on more regularly.  First rep was a heart starter in 3:23 struggling along but then felt good for the next 5 running with Fats and Lachie in the 3:17 - 3:18 range.  After 6 the heat, humidity and morning swim got to me so eased up over the final two running 3:40's.

Another session done.  A bit of progression each time.  Cool down with Macca, JFen, Barts and Geordie for 13km all up.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Sunday on Monday

Missed Sunday run because:

1. I slept in having had the best night sleep in ages; and
2. Was going to go out in the afternoon but ended up taking the boys and 2 of Charlie's mates to "Thor: Ragnarok", which I thought would be 2 hours of kip after buying an Asahi with my popcorn but which turned out to be one of the funniest films I've seen in ages.  4 out of 5 popcorns on the Timmy scale for that one.

Anyway, got out at lunchtime today and had a great run with the squad, chatting to Gleeso, Biggsy, Jerome, Brendan and Heydo - finishing the whole 22.5km with the latter. Felt nice and bouncy today. A day's rest helps. The new Wave Rider 21's no doubt assisted.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Parkrun - 2nd in 17:12

Turned up today intent on staying with Darren and Ben for as long as possible. Ben was a no-show and Darren had had a few beers the night before so wasn't sure how he'd go.  But on the start line Jody Wall showed up and he ran a 16:4x a couple of weeks back so knew he'd keep it honest.

From the start Darren goes off like a shot and has gapped me and Jody by 20m. Stays that way gradually reeling him in by 2km. Then on the miserable pathway from the netball courts Jody pulls ahead as I'm feeling glum. 3:17, 3:23 then 3:30.  Then the hill and Darren drops off and Jody pulls ahead by to about 50m.  The gap stays that way. I was 15:00 at the bridge so a pretty poor effort coming home for 17:12 (last 2 kms 3:31 and 3:30). 

But all in all a good hit out and the times are starting to come down.  3km warm up and a 3km jog home for 11km all up.

Friday plod

Out solo although Jerome caught me at the end and we briefly ran together.  Tried to keep the heart rate low but still 135bpm for 10km in 4:45's.  Some people swear by this heart rate thing (Darrell credits his marathon PB at Sydney this year on it despite less volume) whereas others (Tiger in particular) think it's bollocks. 

My guess is that it has a place for building endurance for marathons, Ironman and above but no use for anything less.

Friday, November 24, 2017

HuRTs Rushcutters photo fest

Biggsy had his drone so Renee demanded a change to Rushcutters.  Mona Fartlek was the scheduled session so I changed to 8x800m off a rolling 4:30 (front group) and 5:00 (second group).

Great turnout, ground in mint condition and achilles still feeling good.  So I put some effort in for the first time in 10months.  Scotty was way out front; Andy, Jerome, Jack and Mikey L were in a group next with Fats, Enda, Macca and me behind.  Kept them consistent around 2:30 (it was short) with the last 2 a bit quicker.  Great to be able to push myself hard again so hopefully the improvements will come.

Great crowd as I said and nice to see LJ out having avoided the injury she feared and with Renee, Jac, Enda and another chick we had a decent female contingent for a change.

11km all up.

Not looking hugely comfortable.

Melbourne Wednesday

Best thing about staying overnight in Melbourne is the morning run from the Grand Hyatt.  Same as yesterday but:

1. Turned 1km further for 14km.
2. Cooler and beautiful weather for a run.
3. Had to face the mad commuter cyclists along the Yarra Trail. They're fucking nuts.

4:26's and moving well.  Happy. Achilles good.

Melbourne Tuesday

Down for a meeting and managed to get out along the Yarra Trail for 12km (turning at St Kevin's boat shed).  Bloody hot (32C) and as a result required more effort than would otherwise have been the case.  4:27's, picking up the pace gradually the whole way.

Sunday 2km extra

So each Sunday I'm adding 2km in order to build gradually. After an unexpected big night on Saturday (ended in the Boatshed at 1am with Mrs H and showing some good moves on the pool table) I got out in the afternoon and had the pleasure of Birchy's company. Even better, we ran into Erika along the way. 

Stayed local and finished with a couple of laps of Nolan's. Very easy pace (5:00+) for the 20km and the Achilles was a bit sore as a result so took Voltaren.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Saturday doublay

Dropped Charlie at Kogarah and met Timmy for a coffee which turned into 2.  So only 30mins odd for a ride which I did pushing around Centennial.  Did 2 faster laps (5:51 and 5:56) amongst the 20km.  First ride since Nepean and the legs were a bit rusty.

Got out in the late arvo for a run. Decided to put a place marker down on the 5km double loop of Manly Golf Course. Did 17:41 which I was pretty happy with. Laps of 8:50 and 8:51 so managed not to fall apart.  11km all up.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Friday I'm in love

Very easy plod in the late afternoon.  10km in 4:50's.  Had a very tough week at work and struggled with work and today was the result of that.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Wed easy

Out with Timmy for my 7th consecutive day for 11km very easy. Joined by Hoey and Marko.

91km over the past 7 days and feeling upbeat.

Tuesday HuRTs

45 continuous for my first Tuesday HurTS session in a year.  Feeling more and more confident with the achilles following the added glute exercises so set off with the intention of sticking to Macca for as long as I could.

Session is 7 x 2mins on, 1 off, 5min jog followed by 20mins tempo. Stuck to Macca until the turn, catching Enda just as we started the 5 min jog. Very impressed to see Cathy Liu only 100m back, got into the tempo return and stuck to Enda before pushing ahead from Mrs Macs back home.

Really happy with that averaging 3:49's for the whole 45mins.  3km cool down with Scotty and Q.

Monday, November 13, 2017


Ran 12km with the Monday HuRTs crew chatting mostly to Enda, Brendon F and Hoey. Best run I've had since injury.  Felt like I was finally flowing and achilles better than ever at the end. Have done some new glute medius exercises (my "Stephen Bradbury" exercises) so perhaps they are setting everything up properly.

4:36's br a great confidence boost.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Sunday increasing mileage gradually

Out for my first early Sunday run in 9 months. Caught up with Ben, Darren, Macca and the Cap'n for 18km on the flat at an easy pace.  Achilles good all the way although a bit sore now.  4:42's.


6 hours of driving to kids activities with a hangover and then got out at 5.30pm. Couple of tempo sections - one Nolan's/Passmore loop and then another 2.2km around the golf course to keep the average pace for the 10km respectable (4:12's).

Beer Mile

Got out at lunchtime on Friday for an easy 10km around the wharves with Gidon, Jeet, Jerome and Mark.

Then it was the Beer Mile. Arrived and was very nervous.  Watched the B Race and was even more nervous, especially seeing JC and Jac both hurling big style.

Plan was the same as always, multiple swigs but just keep them going, 100m of burping while jogging then 300m hard.  Had a ding dong battle with Birchy and Brendan early on with Craig Mc just ahead. Pulled ahead of them towards the last lap but had Nick Roberts come flying by me with 100m to go and I had nothing. Happy to finish and with exactly the same time as last year (8:31). 

Then on to O'Malley's for what is becoming the biggest social night of the year.

Thursday, November 09, 2017

Thursday early

A rare early run for me but took some Voltaren last night to deal with this knee bursar and felt a million dollars.

13+km with Darren and Benny around the flat bits of Manly in 4:30's.

Melbourne Cup

Out early before our department lunch and Crossy was keen to do a tempo. I ageed to go with him provided it was no quicker than 3:50's.

Did a nice route around Blackwater Bay but by Anzac Bridge (7km ish) I was struggling to hold on.  Each km split was between 3:45 - 3:50 until we climbed the bridge where I blew out to a 4:24!  

Chest still very tight but fitness is appalling.  Nice to get it done though and thanks to Crossy.

Lost as usual on the Cup.  My annual contribution to the Allens banking team.

Sunday, November 05, 2017


Well, longest run in a long while. Did the North Head loop (16.6km) in 1:12:24 (4:22's).  Bouncing along nicely with a much higher cadence than recently. Maybe that Parkrun yesterday was just the ticket.

Nice to do a different loop if a very familiar one. Achilles good, right knee a bit sore.

Saturday, November 04, 2017

Back to Parkrun

Have decided to try and get in a regular habit of doing Parkruns. I'm a bit worried that all my running is at a slow pace these days so need to get the legs used to some faster stuff. Didn't want to go full bore though (chest still very tight post cold) so a tempo it was.

Got up and did my usual eccentric loading and roll out which had the achilles feeling good. Woke Mags up and headed over with Kirst who was doing some laps of the oval.  Started very easily mid pack and spent 2km overtaking people.  Was in about 7th at 2km and noticed the bloke 100m in front of me cut the corner at the netball courts the cheating bastard. Resolved there and then to beat him. Took me until the final 300m to get past him (and a significant pick up in the final km) but karma was restored.

All up 4th in 18:43.  It's a start.

Jogged back up the track to see Mags having a great run not having done this for a few months. I think she came in at high 22's but looked great doing so and put a few middle aged men to shame.

Friday, November 03, 2017

Cold FFS

Still can't shake this cold. Actually feel worse today than yesterday. Got out at lunch on a manic day for 10+km very easy with Enda, Jerome, Mark B, TKS and Jack the Lad.  Running feels fine (albeit I haven't tried any pace work since my depressing 400's of last week) and only averaged 130bpm.

Thursday, November 02, 2017

Post JPM blues

Missed JPMorgan due to sickness (I was bed-ridden Monday and Tuesday) which was frustrating given I've been running pretty much pain free for 3 weeks now.  Got out today for 10+km around the wharves with Hoey (talking about Quintis), Jerome, Renee, Gidon, Birchy and Jack the Lad.  4:45's feeling pretty comfortable (138 bpm average heart rate).

Some great runs last night. Scotty dipped under 17 for 3rd, Barts just over but got the last of my PBs by 3s, great to see Andy putting it on the line to go under 18 and LJ returned to racing with a low 20 for 4th.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Moving around

Saturday 16th was a 12km where I picked up the pace and ended up doing 4:15's which was pretty encouraging. Feel as though I have the cardio with the bike work but no running legs at the moment.

Sunday and Monday were travelling to Menorca.  Arrived stiff and sore and immediately hired a bike on Monday afternoon.  Got out for ~55km rides each morning (Tues, Wed and Thurs) since. Brilliant country roads to ride along and wonderful way to see the Island.  Have absolutely loved it. All at a good pace (30kmh+) and feel as though the riding is going well.

Been doing some new exercises for the achilles which is giving me some new hope. Will try a run in Berlin tomorrow.

Friday, September 15, 2017


Thursday was another missed lunchtime session so got out at 5pm and did the 12.5km loop of Centennial via the Cross and Ocean St.  Sick of the wharves and love getting out to the Park.  Even the prospect of all the hills didn't put me off.  Also feeling really upbeat with the achilles starting to feel better.  I'm still as slow as.  It's like the increased strength of cycling muscles just doesn't allow me to run freely very well.  Either that or I'm just crap at running due to lack of training.  Anyway, it was an enjoyable 4:45's.

This morning was a response to a call to arms from Timmy.  6am bike training in Centennial was called, and I felt as though I needed to keep the NOTB in the game knowing Macca couldn't make it.  It involved a 4:50am alarm, motorbike to the city then ride from work to Centennial.  Kroney and Timmy had just finished a warm up lap and 30km was called comprising the 6.65km hilly loop we did last time followed by an easy lap x 3.  A beaut of a morning and a brief shot from Timmy before we were straight into it:

Good loop for me as we start with only 400m on the flat loop before we swing left up the hill.  I give this a bit of a nudge, see I've got a small gap on Kroney and a bigger gap on Timmy.  Head around the U and down the hill only to see it was actually Timmy just behind up the hill with BK nowhere in sight.  Some big fella comes past down the hill, I jump on his wheel and we are flying.  Work well with Timmy for the rest of the loop and we finish in 10:30 - much quicker than I expected.  Kroney just dips under 11mins having ridden solo.

Then a gentle lap to recover before we're straight into it again.  I jump out of the saddle up the hill but this time Kroney matches all the way and, seeing a gap between us and Timmy at the top we then work together all the way round.  Far out he's strong, taking big turns on the front into the wind.  Plainly he was just sizing us up on the first lap.  Legs go lactic as I push the false flat around Fox Studios Gates and we finish together in 10:22.

Another sort of recovery lap but we're all dreading the final interval.  It comes around too quickly and we're off again but this time Kroney really pushes the hill gapping me by about 5s at the top.  I look around to see Timmy about 10s behind and realise that I can:

(a)  put a huge effort in to catch Kroney knowing he'll drag me around ahead of Timmy; or
(b)  not do so and have Timmy catch me and work with him.

So (a) is obviously a much more attractive proposition so I do that.  Catch him around the U and again we work together well but at times I'm giving 90% effort just to stay on his wheel.  Finish in 10:23.

Stoked with that session.  Really fast times and a rock solid effort.  But always satisfying to do a great session early in the morning on a beautiful day.  Full cycling gear wanker coffees ensued:

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Wednesday double

Cycle to work and had a clear run over the bridge and good pace at the bottom of Parriwi so gave it a bit of a dig. At least until the Ralpha road mural when I felt tired so sat down. Felt better after the bends so picked it up again and still managed 3:23. Reckon I could have gone sub3 if I wasn't being lazy.

Then out (late) at lunch for a run around the wharves. Met Andy and had a good chat with him in taper mode before Sydney Marathon on Sunday. 12km in 4:39's.  Achilles was a bit tender after flying to Melbourne and Monday night's effort so took some Voltaren last night. As a result it was great today.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Overheight vehicle

Saturday had Charlie doing his saxophone exam so no trip to Kogarah.  Managed to get out in the afternoon and just pedalled up to North Head for some laps including the snake each time - 30km on the bike.  Achilles was a bit sore after a bigger week so didn't run.

Sunday was my birthday so a lazy morning opening all of my presents (which comprised a can of Irn Bru and a pack of Rolos) before a solo ride around Akuna Bay taking it very easy.  Rode clockwise which is a lot easier - you can get up Akuna hill in the big chain ring in that direction which was the only section I put some effort into. Absolute beaut of a day.  55km.

Monday was spent watching Mags in the Regional athletics in the am.  She came 8th in the 1500m in 5:49 and was a bit disappointed. They go off crazy fast and she hung back on the first lap and just picked people off for the rest of the race. She then came 9th in her 800m heat but was knackered as she only had 75mins rest.  It was great watching all the races, some real talent. Interesting though that Under 10's both boys and girls is as competitive as Under 12's.  The winner of the U10 Boys 1500m ran 4:55 and the first 3 were all under 5mins.  That was the same winning time for the U12's and he won by 10s.  Mags time (slower than she ran in Zone) would have placed her 7th in the U12's so plenty more to come if she stays interested (which, judging by her current enthusiasm I'm sure she will).

Busy day at work so attempted a run to Mosman where I intended to catch a cab. Couldn't find one so ended up running all the way home - 14.5km in a pedestrian 4:59's.  Achilles good after the rest though.

For some reason I get really pissed off with overheight vehicles. Flying to Melbourne this am and the Harbour Tunnel is closed due to an overheight vehicle. Does the driver just think "what the fuck, I'll give it a shot and hope for the best". I got similarly annoyed when that truck knocked down the stone arch at North Head. That's my rant for the day.

Actually, I've got another. People who try to take too much carry-on luggage on planes. Check it in you pricks!

Maggie - pony tail flying, picking off the 4 in front with 500m to go.

Friday, September 08, 2017

touch footy

An easy 9km around Nolan's and Passmore watch Mags play touch footy. 4:42's. Achilles feeling good.


Feeling more confident with the achilles I ventured over to Rushcutters for the Pyramid session.  Great to see a number of familiar faces there including Timmy, Enda, Kroney, Eoin, Scotty, Toby, Brendan and a number of new (and pretty fast) faces as well.

Basically I ran at the front of the second group trying to keep the pace under control. Didn't push too hard but not sure of the pace as I'd forgotten the Garmin. I'm guessing it was about 3:40's.  Ran the last lap a bit quicker. All in all, really happy as the achilles held up OK.

All the boys are flying out there with Scotty at a different level. Timmy and Enda were pushing well in the first group and the ego takes a bit of a hit being so far back but so long as I'm injury free I'm happy.

Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Timmy's TT!

Put the call out for some hot laps earlier in the week and Timmy's response was to suggest a 20km time trial as something to prepare us better for Nepean Triathlon in 7 weeks time.  So with a degree of nervousness I dragged myself to Centennial Park at lunchtime.  Passed the HuRTs crew along the way (Charlie, Hoey, Renee and many others) and wished I was with them rather than about to endure over 30mins of pain.

Met someone resembling Tony Martin at the CP cafe, full-on tri bike, fancy helmet, smooth Rapha gear and all.  Then Tony starts talking in a soft Melbourne/Stoke combo accent and I realise it's Timmy.  He sets the route which involves 3 laps of a figure of 8 around the Park and, importantly, includes a nasty 700m hill up to Woollahra Gates - basically the reverse of the hill you come down in the JPMorgan CC.

We start up at the Paddo gates in a special box that Timmy marks out for the occasion.  He says we need to keep the laps consistent and something under 12mins per lap would be good.  He says go, I jump off, he misses getting his shoe in the cleat and I've got a gap zooming down the hill.  It levels out and I get into a rhythm only to hear this "WHOOSH" as Timmy comes flying by.  I seriously spend 500m balls out trying to get back onto his wheel, I feel the legs going lactic and think, holy crap, he's gapped me already and we're less than 2km in!  But eventually I get back on, recover and take a turn at the front as we go past Champ and a Brother Branagan.

Continues like this for a bit until we hit the hill, I turn onto it and get out of the saddle and work it pretty hard knowing you can recover at the top.  Turn at the top to see I've gapped Timmy by about 10s.  Come around the U and finish the first lap in 10:40.  Second lap is all solo, just trying to get into a rhythm, deal with the wind (strong into the face heading up to Fox Gates) and give the hill another nudge again.  Turn at the top and see the gap is probably about 20s now and finish lap 2 in 11:15.  Same again for the third.  Push the hill a bit harder knowing I'm nearing the end and finish lap 3 in 11:17 for 33:12 all up.  Timmy comes past in 33:47.  Average pace was 35.7km/h which isn't bad given the wind and the fact it includes 2km of hills.

In truth, I reckon I got all the time gains on the hill and he was about the same, if not a bit quicker on the flatter sections.  So plenty to work on before the big dance at Nepean.  Easy ride back to the office and a great session to knock out over lunch.

In other news, I received a call from a very excited Maggie this afternoon to tell me she's also been picked for the 800m next week at Regionals in addition to the 1500m.  The girl who pipped her on the line for 2nd in Zone after she eased up (she won't be doing that again) has had to pull out.  I'm more stoked for the fact that she's so stoked.  I'd be crapping myself that I had to do two tough races in one day.

Tuesday bike/run

Up at Sparrow's Fart to meet a a cycling crew comprising Manly based mates Toby, Dave Chapel, Rich "Smitty", Charlie Ridout and another chap I missed the name of.  Met at Warringah Mall at 5.30am with me wearing my sunnies.  I have to wear them on longer rides as I get bloodshot eyes otherwise but it was pitch black at 5.30am and I think the other blokes thought I was mad.

They go quite hard up to Church Pt with a final sprint finish and then cruise back along the beaches stopping for coffee at Curl Curl which was great.  In truth, Toby and I did all the work up to Church Pt with Smitty coming by for a final sprint with 500m to go, Toby and I leaving him to suffer for 300m before Toby jumped away and me losing his wheel to finish 2nd.  After coffee I grabbed my back pack from home, rode to work pushing Parriwi Rd (3:25) and the infamous "Intermediate Hill Sprint" (21s) for 60km all up.

Headed out in the afternoon for a 10km run.  Heel felt a bit tight but stretched it out around Barangaroo which made a huge difference.  All the riding has made my legs like bamboo sticks.  But the run got better the further I went and finished averaging 4:25's.  Plenty of stretching in the evening and the achilles was much better this morning.  Feel like the tear in it has healed and now I'm dealing with the usual achilles issues I've had for years.  May even try some speedwork soon.

Tuesday, September 05, 2017

Monday Run/bike

Lunchtime meeting so had to get out for a run later.  Later turned out to be when I'd finished work for the day, so did 8km around Mrs Mac's feeling pretty lethargic and low on energy, then jumped straight onto the bike and road home, where I felt great.  Got home in just over 40mins despite hitting a few red lights and managed 4:43's for the run.

Countdown to Euro trip is starting.  Everyone seems to be hitting great form in the running (Darren, Macca, Andy and Big Sam over in London in particular).  Wish it was me.  I think my muscles have forgotten how to do it.

Sunday, September 03, 2017

Maggsy 300's

Out in the arvo on Nolan's after a lazy Father's Day. Had bought Mags some new waffle shoes so wanted to run them in before her 1500m a week tomorrow. Did a 2km warm up then 5 x 300m with me running an even pace and she coming past me kicking with 100m to go. She did 62, 63, 61, 63, 62 and was rooted afterwards so mission accomplished. 

I finished with a jog for 9km. Achilles felt great doing the 300's but my groin is very sore tonight and even half a bottle of Pinot at Toby & Alex's down the road has not eased it.

Tentative positive signs

So I haven't posted in ages because the running was non-existent, I've been trying to sort out the problem and rehab.  In short:

(a) the surgeon said he'd have to detach my achilles so the recovery period would be 13 months;
(b) I'd be seeing slight improvements with a load of calf strenghthening exercises; and
(c) surgery would have had to wait until after my Europe trip in any case,

so I decided against it. I've continued to do a load on the bike and am now up to 8 consecutive weeks of long (2 hour) rides.  I started running again 2 weeks ago - just 8 to 10km every other day at the moment.  I've added heel wedges to the orthotics and have avoided the old heel pain but can still feel something lower down on my heel when I run. But not painful enough to stop me for now.

Yesterday was another 70km down in Kurnell on the bike averaging 34kmh followed by 8km (4:19 pace) around Nolan's in the late afternoon. I find I run ok immediately following a ride but struggle the next day so today will be slower.

It's all currently prep for Nepean Triathlon (1km, 30km, 10km) on 29 Oct which is turning out to be bigger than Ben Hur. Timmy's odds list looks like this:

 At some stage I'll have to don my swimmers.

Finally, Mags is going great at Athletics, finishing 2nd in Zone 1500m in 5:32 and now through to Regionals at Homebush (Mon 11th):

Tuesday, August 01, 2017

Getting there

Whole family has been sick and I've finally succumbed (a bit). One of the benefits of not training so hard is that you're not constantly on the verge of falling ill.  Feeling a bit run down and have very swollen glands.

Didn't stop a good crack at Parriwi Rd yesterday on the commute in. Hammered it all the way and was rewarded with another 20s off my time and climbing above the mighty Gus Boyd on the ladder:

Achilles continues to improve and will try and jog with the new heel raises when I'm over the lurgy.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

So what's up?

Stopped running mid June with the achilles showing no sign of improvement and, in fact, deteriorating the longer is run. Started doing a lot of calf strengthening exercises and riding the bike. Within a week the achilles started feeling better and could walk without pain.

Saw the surgeon (Dr Wines) and he indicated that to fix it properly he would need to detach the achilles from the bone, smooth the heel bone, remove the bursar and clean up the tendon itself. It would be a 12 month recovery.  Given the improvements I'm seeing at the moment, I decided against it. Was great to have Gary there too who confirmed my opinion.

Since then I've been hammering the bike - commuting in and out to work, heading up to Centennial for some fast laps if I don't commute and doing one 2 hour ride on the weekend.  Starting to feel a bit stronger.  But holy crap Strava on a bike is very different to Strava running.  The 1km hill up Parriwi Rd near the Spit Brodge is a very popular segment.  On my first week of riding I decided to give it a crack to see how high I placed on the Strava leaderboard. Normally while running if I give a Segment a crack I'll be first or at least top 3.  So I pegged it up Parriwi. Legs were going lactic by half way, got to the top with a taste of blood in my mouth and sweat dripping down my skin tight Lycra.  Got to work and eagerly downloaded the ride to check out my placing.  2,044th. You have got to be kidding me!

Have since lowered Parriwi to 3:34 but that was off a standing start so there's a few more seconds there.  Can definitely feel a bit of strength coming through now.  Had a great session in Centennial with Timmy last week where we did 2 laps hard (5:37 and 5:50), 1 lap easy then 1 lap hard (5:49).  The speed endurance is what I need to work on though.  Did a good 65km around Kurnell (from Kogarah) yesterday solo in under 2 hours where it is flat as a tack - perfect prep for a potential go at Nepean Triathlon at the end of October.

The achilles continues to improve. I've bought 6mm heel wedges (which I used to wear from 2009 - 2013) so will try a jog in them in a week or so. Needs to be pain free though. Had enough of hobbling.

Top night in Manly last night with the crew for a curry. Even managed to persuade Macca to relive his former triathlon glory days and enter Nepean as well. And he generously offered me a 9min headstart.

Monday, June 19, 2017


6km on the treadmill in the Four Seasons Hotel. 23:42.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Something new

Slow and long isn't working so am trying short and fast.  Two local loops in the early evening.  6.2km in 24:20 (3:54's).

Something's got to change

12.5km with Enda, Gidon and Jac.  Achilles sore the whole way and it's getting worse.  Got to change things up as it's not improving and I'm sick of it.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

HuRTs Pyramid

Well, despite a hangover and only 5 hours sleep I managed to get out to the HuRTs session today. Something Darren said about "blocking the pain" last night was ringing in my head.

Solid crew to do the pyramid set on the fields next to Rushcutters. I plotted out a makeshift loop of about 450m and we were off.  Lewis, Andy, Branigan Jr and Jerome were up front with me and Tongey next.  Reps were consistent. Sweated out the booze. Felt harder than it should. But a first speed set done.

Longer cool down with LJ, Jerome and co for 14km all up.


The C2S recon MLR with Timmy but with added females!  We had Jac, Elle, Renee and Jay Z Pringle along for the ride too.

Felt quite bouncy as a result of the rest day on Tuesday so took out the polka dot jersey on the Heartbreak Hill Fast section and the killer hill up to Ocean St on the return.

All up 18km in 4:46's.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Long run Monday

Hungover in the am, got out at 1pm with the Cap'n for an hour before he upped sticks so continued on for 30km up the path to Seaforth Oval and back via White St and the Fairlight path. Picked the pace up a bit conscious the achilles goes better and for the first time in a long time felt like I was moving properly today. 


Then went to watch Wonder Woman with the family. 2 popcorns out of 5 for the film, 5 out of 5 for Wonder Woman herself.

Sunday abort

Plan was for 30km consisting of 5km easy then 5km tempo x 3.  Managed 12km before deciding achilles was getting worse. But finding that running quickly causes less damage than slowly.

Then onto Paddington for the end of season footy tipping drinks. Top night but drank too much.

Sunday, June 11, 2017


4km warm up. Wasn't sure whether to run as achilles still felt a bit sore. Arrived and thought what the hell. Especially seeing Kirst and Mags were waiting. So set off with the plan to try to stick to Lewis, Benny and 'Darren', knowing they were all in sub17 shape.

1km in 3:16 and I'm holding on. 2km in 6:39 and I'm just holding on. I do a wide turn through a big puddle on the grass by the netball courts shortly after and start to lose touch. Lewis is pushing ahead, followed by Ben and then 'Darren' with me further back. Same up the Harbord Rd hill then over the top and I'm starting to close in on 'Darren'.  High five Mags who is just behind Elle, then go past Darren at 4km and turn to have a word only to discover it's not Darren - it's a chap called Jody Wall. I wouldn't have tried so hard if I'd known that. 

Hit the bridge at 15:04 and realise a sub17 is possible. Start pushing and suddenly I'm closing on Benny. This is an added bonus. Get past Benny just before the dog leg and home in 17:04.

Great to be back in it again but the achilles is very sore after.  Running hard early doors is not good.

10km all up.

Friday, June 09, 2017

Friday HuRTs

Pretty big Friday turnout by HuRTs standards, with Andy, Brendan W, Renaud and a host of others joining in. Despite that, still saw Barts, Scotty and Jerome off doom their own thing.  Too slow for those boys these days.

Kept on running today and ended up doing 17.25km with Andy doing the whole thing with me.  Achilles ok. Felt fine over the distance. Need to start stretching the legs a bit more.  Will start tomorrow with a Parkrun effort.

Thursday, June 08, 2017

1 step forward, 2 steps back

Planned longer, only managed 8km around the City. Too sore after an early morning massage.  That said, was feeling better at the end after picking the pace up, so much so that I nearly headed out again.  But curbed my enthusiasm thinking of the long game. Nice to run with Barts and Scotty on their cool down for the middle part.

Maybe I'm just a bit grumpy but finding a number of identities very annoying at the moment. In no particular order:

1. Piers Morgan (self important short arsed twat)
2. Bloke from Mt Hotham on the Qantas safety briefing (annoyingly upbeat)
3. Trump (obvious)
4. Tom Piotrowski (what's with the beard, you're an analyst, not a model)
5. Hamish and Andy (you're not students anymore, grow up)

Better to get that off my chest.

Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Yarra Trail

Started using Jack's massage stick on the calves last night and it seemed to do a load of good. Woke up with the achilles not as bad as I expected. So went to Rebel and bought one for myself, as well as some small gel-like heel raises.

The result was 14.5km along the Yarra Trail with the achilles not too bad. Groin/glute another matter.  Finished with some hills, just because I feel my form is crap at the moment and hills normally sort me out.

Still not 100%.

Oh bejaysus

Tuesday (having missed Sunday and Monday). Can't catch a trick at the moment. Laid out again by this low level bug. Start to get a headache, aching and shivery as soon as I get tired.  So didn't until Tuesday.  Down in Melbourne and after a day of meetings I ran to Alec & Gill's from the Grand Hyatt.  Went a route that meant I wouldn't get lost - St Kilda Rd, Nepean Highway and North Rd which wasn't the most picturesque. But 14.5km done in 4:46's when I thought it would be another day off.

That said, achilles, knee and groin/gluten were sore.

Sunday, June 04, 2017

Hill tempo

Too tired from the Perth trip to do Striders so headed out for my favourite loop of Manly Dam in the afternoon and decided to push the pace a bit.  That's all fine but unfortunately I'd had a cronut not more than an hour beforehand and it sat on my stomach uncomfortably for the first 5km up Allambie Hill.  

After that was fine.  Averaged just under 4min kms and a good tester, although achilles was sore after.  Too much red wine at Craig's house later with Macca and his family had me feeling very average all day Sunday so will run long tomorrow.

Check out “Hilly tempo” on Relive!

Friday, June 02, 2017

Perth tempo

Swapped my planned Mona Fartlek to a long tempo, partly listening to the Tiger and partly listening to my body.  

Did a short warm up due to time constraints then straight out along the river to the end of the path at Dalkeith then returned. Came out at exactly 8km out and return.  Did tempo pace which I thought would be 3:50's but became 3:55's - just off the plane so perhaps that was the reason. But a beautiful day (much warmer than Sydney) and I love the path with no roads to cross and the river by your side the whole way.  Bit of wind on the way out but made the return easier.

Very even pacing around 3:55's.  Breathing fine at end but achilles and knee sore in the evening.  Many beers (they drink pints over here) with the sociable Perth lawyers made the body feel a lot better.

And awesome news!  Turns out we've hired a Grad lawyer over here called Kate Fitzsimons who represented Aus at the World Uni Games and runs 16:15 for 5000m.  Guess who's gonna be doing work experience in Sydney in November for JPMorgan!

106km for the week.

Thursday, June 01, 2017

Timmy MLR

Met Timmy and Renaud for a different MLR. The former is keen on starting his C2S training so we headed out to Heartbreak Hill. Renaud turned after 5km, then Timmy started his traditional effort up the hill.  I held back but picked the pace up a bit, but coming past Kambala could see him up ahead to put an effort in to catch him before the top.  

Was sore (mainly knee, but achilles a bit too) before the run having neglected evening roll-outs of late, but actually felt better after the hill effort.  It's like teaching your legs how to move properly again.

Turned at 9km and retraced our steps for a healthy 18km.  Timmy talked shite the whole way.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

HuRTs Continuous

Tried to do a 15min jog warm up but only managed about 8.  Joined a good crowd at the Stone Gates and barked out a few instructions.  Then off into the 20mins Fartlek, 5min jog and 20min tempo. I like this session.

Barts, Crossy, Lewis and Andy disappeared off ahead with me running with Jeet, Jerome, Mikey Lichtwark, Enda, Brendan and with Gus and Timmy just behind.  Reached just past the entrance to Barangaroo at 22.5mins, so just behind where I reached 2 weeks ago when doing 45min Fartlek. The difference was the return.  Chasing the J&J show, with Jeet in particular throwing in some 3:30's around Farm Cove, managed to get back in 44:29 - whereas 2 weeks ago it took me a minute longer.

Total was 11.8km in 3:46's.

3km warmdown with Barts and Andy for 16.5km all up.


Ran home from work. Had to go along Cahill EWay to avoid Vivid crowds. Slow and tired from Sunday.  5:00min kms.  14.5km.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Sunday laps again

Could only get out in the afternoon and Craig answered a call to arms.  He dropped Chelsea and Thomas off at ours to play with the kids while we ran loops of Nolans and Passmore - same as two weeks ago.

The kids were great, handing us bottles of water after every lap then picking them up as we chucked them on the ground.  14 laps and 30km done.  Same impact as last week - bloody tough on the glutes and hamstrings.  4:49's.

Back from the Brink

Saturday was ANSW XC relays in Miranda.  Was still feeling average in the morning so didn't intend to run, but was taking Maggie down after her morning ballet eisteddfod.  Got there, saw the awesome set up, saw the crowd and decided to give it a go.  But first Maggie's race.  She was fantastic, running 17:46 just 3 seconds behind (an admittedly very pregnant) Elle.  Here she is:

Then I was up first leg in the Open mens.  Well, I had only one aim.  Stay ahead of Enda.  Ran with him for the first 200m then pushed ahead a bit.  Could see I had about 5m after 1km and then got through the first lap in 6:50.  Then my legs started going dead.  Not sure whether it was lack of fitness, antibiotics or getting over the manflu, but every corner involved an increasingly desperate look over my shoulder to see where he was.  I told myself I owed this to poor Timmy who has been ostracised by Enda of late.  And so I got there.  14:10.  Better than I thought and something to work from.

Scotty had a great run in 13:11 mixing with the big boys.  Barts ran a great second leg in 13:26 but JFen was run of the day as he beat both CT and me to run 14:01.

Great turnout by Rejoov so here we are (at least the blokes and Mags):

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Monday recovery

Good news is that the achilles is feeling better and better (despite a real test on Sunday) and I ran home Monday evening with the stated aim of going dead slow but just felt comfortable the whole way.  69:55 (4:53's).

Bad news is the bug I've been struggling with started to hit me again when I got home and I'm off work sick today with a temperature.  FFS.

Long run including SMH Half

Headed in with the in-form Benny, Erika and Tim and got to the office after a few City diversions which had Benny's heart rate up in the 160's before we'd even started running.  Met LJ and then into the office for a change before heading out for a few pre-race kms.  Only managed 3.2km at 5:00 pace around MMC before being the last person to join the race from the front.  Headed a few rows back and then we were off.

Plan was to run 4min kms all the way.  But after Saturday's effort I wasn't too confident, worrying whether this little bug would hit me in the legs later on.  So by some bizarre logic I decided I needed to run a bit quicker to get some time in the bank.  Met JFen on the detour up Grosvenor Street and we ran together for the rest of the way, generally chatting (except on the hills).  We averaged about 3:50's going through half way in 40:41.  More effort required in the second half up the hills and noticeable how people were coming back to us.  Finished in 82:11 with a confidence boost given it felt comfortably hard.

Some super performances out there today.  Hoey was the pick, knocking off my PB from 2015 by 9s to run 71:04 leaving Barts and Scotty in his wake.  A typical strong second half performance from him.  Bruce ran a strong 76 on a tough course and Benny likewise only 4s shy of his Canberra PB on a much more difficult course (78:55).  Jeet is returning to form with a low 79 and he needs to belt up about his injury now.

Another 5km cool down with car gang at 5:20 pace for 29km all up.

Benny, Erika, LJ and me.  Thumbs are the new Dab.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Saturday tempo abort

3 weeks since the previous 5km TT around the golf club so tried it again.  Fail.  Just felt crap.  Think I've had a low level bug for a week which explained Thursday but that could just be an excuse, I just can't seem to get firing.  3:24 then 3:30 then jogged out the rest.  12km.

Brisbane Friday

Felt very average on Thursday so took my kit to BrisVegas and snuck in 14km over lunchtime in 4:30's along the river.  Need to stop over striding. Found that when I relaxed and increased the cadence I ran quicker and more easily.

103km for the week.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Wednesday MLR

Well it was the usual Wednesday MLR route I've been doing for the past few weeks with Timmy but without Timmy.  Instead, Jeet, Jack the Lad and Irish Dave did the whole thing (actually I added a km at the end solo) while Jac, Elle, Renee and Bruce joined us to the top of Ocean St.

16km nice and easy.  4:52's.  296m of elevation.  Starting to feel as though I am moving properly again.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

HuRTS Fartlek

1 km warm-up then into the 45mins fartlek (5 x 9mins of 3,2,1 each with a minute break).  Had ambitions of trying to stay with Bruce and Jerome but they fell apart coming around the Opera House.  From then on it was Gidon and Big Kev.  Turned at Barangaroo averaging 3:42's.  G and Big K didn't seem to turn very well so I was on my own on the way back.  Andy and JFen came flying by at CQ with Toby following shortly after.  Lots stopped at 30mins with SMH Half on this weekend and Toby kindly slowed to get me up the hills at the end.

Finished 39s over for 12.1km (3:46's).  Time not flash but at least feel as though I'm moving properly again.  3km cool down for 16km all up.

New of the day for a proud Dad was Maggie smashing all in her school XC win.  Charlie finished a credible 10th in his after falling at the start and someone standing on his ear.  Bec finished 12th in Zone.  God knows what the competition is like for that as she barely moves from her bedroom.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Monday recovery

Did 13km with the squad, running with BW, Bruce, JW, Eoin, Liam & Co.  Then finished with some hills (4) in the Bot Gardens.  To be honest, this is the first run I've done where I felt everything was moving properly and started to flow again.  Coincides with managing to do 8x single leg pivots in the shower this morning.  Also coincides with my starting on high strength turmeric tablets for their anti-inflammatory powers.  They seem to work!  Bursar on my heel hasn't been as shrunken in ages.  Make your farts smell though.


Sunday, May 14, 2017

Easy recovery

Just an easy 13km in the late arvo to Shelley and about.  Legs were buggered to be honest.  4:45's.

Just finished re-watching "Lion" and "La La Land" over the past two nights with Kirst. Both great films for different reasons and I had a lump in my throat watching each. Young Saroo is the star of the first and Emma Stone rose in my estimations for the latter. Great actress.

Tommy: 1 Nolans/Passmore: 0

Thursday and Friday were off sick with this cold bug doing the rounds.  Billy has been diagnosed with whooping cough.

Wanted to go long on Sat due to Mothers Day on Sunday, plus had a chance to get out.  Only problem was I had to keep an eye on Claudia.  So hatched a plan to run around Nolans and Passmore while she was out playing on the fields.  She would high five me every time I ran past.  She kept a pen and paper to log the number of high fives.  131 was the final tally.  13 laps of Passmore and Nolans plus one final loop of Nolans made up the 30km in 2:18 (4:37's).

Hardest thing wasn't the boredom of running the same loop (I actually like running on Nolans, less so Passmore) but the lack of variation in gradient, pace and terrain which results in sore muscles.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Wednesday in Melbourne

Well Tuesday was a write off. Up at 4:30am for the flight to Melbourne then an all day meeting finishing at 8pm put paid to any run, let alone a session.

Woke early on Wednesday morning and, realising it was my only chance and with the Achilles feeling good, I did the Yarra Trail for 16km.  Lovely.  Just can't run at 4:30's at he moment though.  Struggled to get it there.

Tuesday, May 09, 2017

Monday meander

13km in the late afternoon around the City. Had a shout out from Robin Whiteley. That was about it.  4:47's. Don't seem to be able to run any quicker these days.

Sunday, May 07, 2017

Back to 30km

Managed to persuade Benny, Macca, Hamish and the Cap'n to do the lunchtime long run.  Macca is playing injury Wac-a-Mole but did 10km with us, with Hamish and the Cap'n lasting until Addiscombe on the return.  Only Benny did the full 30 with me, with him doing 34km now preparing for GCM after his great PB yesterday.

I struggled over the final 5km but did it with the achilles feeling relatively ok.  4:47's.  Not quick, but enough at the moment.

Alien in my calf:

Saturday, May 06, 2017

A significant day in running

It started this am at Curl Curl Parkrun. Forgive my fatherly pride, but Maggie ran a stormer. 3 weeks ago she knocked 90s off her PB to run 23:24.  This morning, she knocked another 90s off to run 21:56. In doing so, she achieved the highest Age/Gender score at Curl Curl this am:


I told her to give it a crack with 10 days to go before her school XC and she duly responded.

Then the Sydney 10 results came filtering through. It looked tactical upfront but Barts lived up to his billing as HuRTs #1 with a 32:05, followed by Scotty (who was with him until 8.5km) and Nick in 32:27 and Binfield running a great race to dip under 33.  Toby pipped CT in 33:17 and other great PBs went to Bruce (34:07) and particularly Benny in 34:55.  Sub35 is a special thing.  Timmy claimed my $20 with a 37:15 and gave me something to aim for in my tempo in the afternoon.

Then Kipchoge's sub2 attempt (let's not pretend the other 2 were doing anything but making up the numbers).  It was a much more professional set-up than I'd anticipated and really interesting to watch.  The bloke is amazing.  So smooth with virtually no wasted energy. It's like watching Tucks.  He smashed everyone's expectations in getting with 25s and proving that it's possible.

Then I got out for a run - feeling inspired.  Decided against a hard 5km having watched the marathon so settled on 10km steady tempo.  Tried to keep the pace manageable throughout and that equated to 3:45's.  Felt in control which was good and ended with 37:17 (just outside Timmy's time this am). 

14km all up.

Thursday HuRTs

Over to Rushcutters but a small crowd in light of Saturday's Sydney 10.  And no cones.  Session was the pyramid of 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1 laps.  Decided to push it a bit but still incapable of hurting myself.

Quentin and Jake out front with Big Kev a bit in front of me.  Averaged about 3:21's throughout.

Longer cool down for 15km all up.

90km for the week.


Out with Timmy again but joined this time by young Jack Maxwell and a chap we called Irish Dave.  Young Jack kept the pace a bit more honest so that we averaged 4:43's.  Same route of Centennial loop via Ocean St both ways. 15km.

Tuesday, May 02, 2017

Some reps

Ok.  Been procrastinating on this one.  Partly worried about the achilles, partly worried about lack of fitness. Finally joined HuRTs for 8 x 1km around Bangers.  Decided to settle on about 3:25 pace. After the first at 3:30 they were all around 3:22 to 3:23.  Variously ran with Jeet, Brendan, Timmy, The Bearded One, Biggsy etc. There's quite a pack at that pace.

Well, for the first time since January I wasn't even thinking of the achilles when running that pace. But then on the 6th rep it started to tighten a little.  Started the 7th rep before my head told me to cut it at that, and live to fight another day.  So stopped after 50m and jogged back to the office.

10km all up.  Achilles good this evening.  Sorry it's boring, but exciting for me.

Dinner tonight at the BFC before Dad and Liz head back to Blighty tomorrow:


Monday, May 01, 2017

Monday plod

Started to run home. Decided it was too much on my fragile achilles so did 7km around flat Barangaroo, was last man sprinting on to the ferry then 3km from the wharf home.  10km in 4:57's.  Just what the doctor ordered.

I've decided that success in life is about the quality of your distribution networks.

Longer Sunday

Got out at lunch with Darren and the Captain.  Did the same route as last week but adding to the lagoon and back and a loop of Fairfax.

Achilles surprisingly ok and got into the running after 5km.  Which was handy given that Darren had decided to punish his less fit running companions by pushing the hills.

All up 27km on a beaut of a day in exactly 2 hours (4:27's).

Then up to Narrabeen to ride the BMX next to Maggie as she ran 5km around the lake.  Legs shafted after that.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Saturday test

Was in Port Moresby Thursday and Friday with no chance to run.  Couple of days rest was probably what I needed in any case.

Headed out in the late afternoon to do another 5km tempo test.  3 weeks ago I ran 17:46 (adjusted to 17:39 on Strava) for the 2 lapper of Manly Golf Course starting from the corner of Kenneth and Quirk.  Ben Streck had run a 17:08 PB at Parkrun in the am so ambitiously set that as my target.

Went out hard over the undulating first km and was pleased to see 3:22.  A 3:26 followed and through the first lap in 8:32.  The tough 3rd km was 3:32 then consolidated with a 3:28.  Final km in 3:23 for a 17:11.  Strava seems to knock off 7s on the double loop as it gave me 17:04, finally knocking off Banksy's segment record.  Second loop was 8:39 so was happy not to drop off too much.

35s improvement in 3 weeks.  Next up sub17.

8km warm up and down for 13km all up.  Achilles sore in the evening.  6 hours of flying yesterday and the day before won't have helped.

Port Moresby:


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

MLR with Timmy

Out at lunch for what is becoming a regular MLR with Timmy. Chatted about everything from Rory Delap to Port Moresby and a few sidebars along the way.  15km around Centennial and back in 4:50's.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017


Kicked out of the house with the kids by Kirst, I ventured to the dark side to warn them of the perils of going astray. Venturing from Circular Quay to Watsons Bay, we encountered drug dealers (see pic below - my son pretending to pimp out his sister), latte sippers and beards galore.

Once home I got back to basics with a lovely 17km run around North Head with Charlie (the person, not the Eastern Suburbs drug of choice) and the Cap'n.  4:34's.



Still feeling ok (6 days in a row) and it was a beautiful day so joined HuRTs for 10-11km easy.  Chatted to Biggsy and Jac mainly.  Starting to feel more confident.  So much that I've got a bet with Timmy I'll run sub 2:34 in Berlin.  $50.


Still can't run early with the Achilles being too stiff before lunchtime but got out at noon and Angus was keen to run at that time.  Did 25km with an extended route up around North Head. Great to have some company and kick off my first official long run post-injury.

Angus was remarking how I seemed to say hello to everyone in Manly before he stopped to say hello to Tony Abbott at Queensie on the way back.  I didn't.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Not the Novice

Down to Scarborough Park in the early afternoon. Wasn't up to running the Novice 10km but Maggie was doing the Under 12's 2km and Charlie decided to take part too as we travelled down there. Great running by both. They were knackered as they fell over the line. Mags ran a great 8:13 for 15th girl. Hard to tell how she did for her age as she has another 2 years in Under 12's.  Charlie was about 30s back.

Got home and, inspired, I ran loops of Nolan's and Passmore on the grass high-fiving the kids on the basketball court as I ran by. Felt great and as if I was moving properly again.  10km in 4:20's.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Friday with Jerome

Just me and the friendly Frenchman today.  But had a great chat with Jerome all the way round, a nicer bloke you will not meet.

12.5km in 4:34's.

Watched another 3 episodes of Thirteen Reasons Why tonight.  Holy crap it's heavy but gripping stuff.  Although I do wish he'd just listen to the tapes a bit more quickly.

Thursday with HuRTs

Jogged over the Rushcutters with the crowd to find Greta having diligently laid out some cones.  Set the group off on the Quarters session and then proceeded to just run it easy myself at the back.  Longer jog back with Q, Scotty and a new bloke called Jake.


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Wednesday MLR

Missed Timmy due to the worst meeting of my life. Got out eventually and ran to Centennial Park via Ocean St and, still angry, decided on a white fence tempo to see if I could beat last week's time.

First km - 3:32 (same), second km - 3:37 (2s quicker), third km - 3:34 (6s quicker), final 600m - 2:01 (6s quicker).  So all made up in the back half and that's how it felt too.

Achilles a bit sore after but ok this evening. Have a massage with big David Morgan Smith (who sounds and looks like a rugby player) in the am so will take it easy tomorrow.

Back home Monday

Back home and did a loop of North Head in the afternoon. Bumped into Erika on Manly beachfront and ran with her to Shelley.  Gradually increased the pace the whole way ending with a couple of sub 4's for just over 16km in 4:27's.

Achilles a bit sore after so rested Tuesday.