Saturday, November 25, 2017

Parkrun - 2nd in 17:12

Turned up today intent on staying with Darren and Ben for as long as possible. Ben was a no-show and Darren had had a few beers the night before so wasn't sure how he'd go.  But on the start line Jody Wall showed up and he ran a 16:4x a couple of weeks back so knew he'd keep it honest.

From the start Darren goes off like a shot and has gapped me and Jody by 20m. Stays that way gradually reeling him in by 2km. Then on the miserable pathway from the netball courts Jody pulls ahead as I'm feeling glum. 3:17, 3:23 then 3:30.  Then the hill and Darren drops off and Jody pulls ahead by to about 50m.  The gap stays that way. I was 15:00 at the bridge so a pretty poor effort coming home for 17:12 (last 2 kms 3:31 and 3:30). 

But all in all a good hit out and the times are starting to come down.  3km warm up and a 3km jog home for 11km all up.

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