Saturday, November 25, 2017

Friday plod

Out solo although Jerome caught me at the end and we briefly ran together.  Tried to keep the heart rate low but still 135bpm for 10km in 4:45's.  Some people swear by this heart rate thing (Darrell credits his marathon PB at Sydney this year on it despite less volume) whereas others (Tiger in particular) think it's bollocks. 

My guess is that it has a place for building endurance for marathons, Ironman and above but no use for anything less.


Lewis said...

I’m with Tiger on that one.

Anonymous said...

It has merits, especially for runners with poor awareness of correct effort levels. Obviously optimal results can't be achieved if you're tied to a gadget, but for a lot of runners focusing on heart rate is a safe method to achieve fairly good and consistent results. Running is a skill, and you are one of the few who know how to execute.

Therefore bollockish