Friday, December 20, 2013

Slipstream Lindop

Appreciated Timmy's effort to come over from Erko for the Akuna ride this morning, joining myself, Ben S and Jon Mulder. He used the excuse of not knowing the way to sit in behind us all the way to Mona Vale. Fair play to him, he made a bit of effort to bridge the gap to Jon as we went around to Church Point, but from then on whenever Timmy hit the front, he made sure he jumped hard when we were blindsided to open up a nice gap so that we couldn't share his wheel. He smashed us up the Col d'Akuna and then had the temerity to make ME hit the front right on the start of the hill into a headwind along Warringah Rd. Fair to say it'll be a while until he gets his next invite North of the Harbour. All up 62km in 2:05. A little slower than usual as we had no train to jump on up to Mona Vale.

Then this arvo I did a rare run - steady 10km in 41:47 (4:10's) to Shelley and back. Nice to stretch the legs after a few hard days in the saddle.

I've foolishly agreed to do the Parkrun with Macca tomorrow. Anything under 17:30 will be a bonus.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Will I survive

Well, this morning I almost gave up. Don't think I've felt as knackered since the long Sunday run I did with Macca in the lead up to the Marathon last year. Macca seems to be the common theme here. Out bright and early with him and Big Sam for Akuna Bay but adding in West Head too. It adds about 20km, but it's a bloody hilly 20km - up and down all the way albeit on a beautiful surface.

Bit of a mistake doing this ride after all the glut work with Dave yesterday. They just gave up on me on the return from West Head and I was dreading Akuna Bay. Sure enough, at the bottom of the 3km climb Macca and Sam turned the screws and motored up with me slogging it out behind. Managed to get into a routine and held on from then on by leaning forward more and using a bit of glute that hadn't bonked yet.

These are the stats: Tom Almost Dies

Having said all that, it was an awesome ride. Saw 5 wallabies bounce in front of us (fortunately not when going 69kmh (aiming to break 70 soon) down the hills) and the early morning views from West Head were fantastic.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Tired now

1km in the pool this morning.

1hour of DCRun strength training this arvo (heavy on endurance work today - again mostly glutes) followed by 10km shaking out the lactic at 4:37 pace.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Tuesday on the new toy

Out at 5:15am with Macca and Big Sam for the usual Akuna Bay loop.  Messed up the watch but we were significantly quicker today.  Worked hard up to Church Point then Sam said "let's see if we can get under 30mins for the [Akuna Bay] box to box".  

Well, once we started climbing he and Macca pulled ahead and I was feeling rooted but still managed it in 29:10.  Sam was 27:xx and Macca 28:05.  Didn't let up on the way back and, as usual, the elastic broke along Wakehurst Parkway.

Still, Macca said it was about 1:52 all up (from the ABC Pool) at an average of 31.5kmh.  Bike was awesome.  The Di2 gears are brilliant (especially the front derailleur) although I was testing them a bit with some desperate changes on the steep Akuna Bay section.

Monday madness

5km brisk delivering some Christmas cards then straight into 75mins of swim squad.  Right shoulder sore towards end but held on better again.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Christmas cheer

Friday was work Christmas lunch, so Saturday was a minster hangover but had booked in an Akuna Bay ride with Joel and Jon.  What I lost through hangover I gained using a decent bike (demo from Bike Additiction but same frame as mine).  Slightly longer as we went via the beach at Warriewood.

Today was 10km very easy (44:54).  Felt very tired.  Massive day yesterday and need more sleep.

Now to Timmy's for some drinks...

Friday, December 13, 2013

Tri Timmy put to the Sword. Again.

Well, this was the big event of the year.  More trash talk for this than any other event and the boys were nervous. 

Off we went into a stiff headwind with no-one wanting to take the lead.  Fast Charlie reluctantly did so I slotted in behind him.  It was still too slow though and I was well aware I needed time on the run so took the lead and started upping the pace.  Charlie came with me and by the turn we were ahead with Enda not far behind running very well - well in front of Kenny.  Charlie pulled ahead on the way back and performed a transition that had to be seen to be believed.  Without breaking stride he had his shoes off and goggles on and just ran straight into a dive into the pool.  Meanwhile, I was struggling with the double knots in my shoes allowing Rnda to enter the pool before me.  Times for the run were approx: 12:30 for Charlie, 12:39 for me and 12:47 for Enda.

Then the swim.  Less breastroke and more freestyle this time.  Hadn't got a clue who was coming past me but touched at the end of 300m and looked to my right to see Timmy coming in a few seconds later.  The look on his face was classic.  He was desperately looking to see if I was ahead to be greeted by me smiling like a Cheshire Cat!  19:00 for me, 19:04 for Timmy.  Fair play to him, his run wasn't bad with a 13:53 and his swim is pretty strong overcoming Selfie Jim.

Then many beers with the large HuRTS contingent.

The winner:

World's gayest photo:

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


8km easy in 4:28's then a DCRun session but just concentrating on core, glute activation and upper back.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Up at sparrows fart for an Akuna Bay ride with Macca but I was a minute too late at the ABC Pool and he'd gone. Pedalled furiously to catch him but gave up at Warringah Mall and skulked back home to bed.

Very hot (32C) and humid today and wasn't in the mood for a session. Decided against 400's and did 200's instead. 3km warm up, then did laps of the oval at LM Graham Reserve - 200m sprint and 200m float - except I'd marked out the sprint section longer than the float. Was tough enough in the heat and worked on the form again. All splits in the 36's other than rep 2. Suunto says 230m to 240m so I'll take 220m, it's not a full circle so shouldn't be too far out. Was definitely going faster than I'd normally do 400's in. 3km warm down for 10km plus all up.

Monday, December 09, 2013

No swim

Same as last week with a morning jog along Curly beach with Mags and Bec (including a dip in South Curl Curl pool) and then 20km over lunch - same route.  Did it in 1:23:56 this week though (4:11's) but I think I underestimated the humidity wearing all black.  Felt nauseous and light headed this arvo.  So much so I missed swim squad.

Will have to get out tomorrow.

Bought new bike.  Very excited.

Sunday, December 08, 2013


Friday was 60km on the bike with Sam, Macca and Ben around Akuna Bay in 2:00:31.  Hit the lights badly though so I reckon it was quicker than last week, particularly when we jumped on the back of the Manly Waringah CC train.  Went straight into 4km run around the Golf Club with Macca with the glutes and hammies screaming.

No running since due to camping at Coolendel.  Glutes have been smashed in any case, only recovering today (Sunday).

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

DCRun stuff

1km in the pool this morning. I'm still struggling to get under 2mins for 100m but at least it's the first time I've swam 1km freestyle.

DCRun session at lunch.  First part was glute activation exercises, then glute strengthening which consisted of 4x400m with 20 full body squats in between.  Then core work.  More wobbly legs on my part.  It was bloody hard.

Tuesday, December 03, 2013


10km easy in 43:50.  

Pub quiz in evening with LF Charlie and Iain.  A much improved performance from last months' last position.  We've worked out that, if in doubt, go with what Charlie thinks.

Monday, December 02, 2013

This is supposed to be off season

Up early and out with Bec and Maggie to run along Curl Curl beach and do some sand hills.

20km easy at lunchtime, up Pittwater and back down the beaches, although I picked the pace up in the final 5km for 1:26:00 (4:18's).

75 mins swim squad this evening. Don't like the sets with paddles as it seems to aggravate my dodgy right shoulder. Shame as it's nice to feel like you're swimming faster. I'm still crap and the slowest and get cramp everywhere towards the end but it's starting to feel a little easier.

Spent the morning in Maggie's class helping her make a Christmas wreath. I was pretty much the sole Dad, and all the Mum's had finished making their wreaths when Mags and I were still covering our coat hanger with newspaper, but pretty impressed with the finished product. Ours is the one with the little birds hanging down.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Curl Curl Parkrun - 2nd in 16:46

Quick first km in just over 3mins.  Then Sam Walker came past and maintained the pace while my legs turned to jelly.  No watch so just kept on pushing to the end.  

Jogged there and back with Macca and Jamie.  Eamo's becoming a regular too running a 19:04 PB today so the HuRT Squad are taking over.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Friday Grey

Steady 10km in 39:49 with new orthotics.  Haven't worn heel raises in 2 weeks now.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Bike and swim

Akuna Bay loop with Sammy, Macca and Ben early doors (just under 2 hours) then swim squad this evening (with Macca popping up again, he's stalking me).

Shagged out now.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


10.5km easy.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Seaforth 400's

Had tentative plans to run HuRTS but missed my chance to get to the City and the session doesn't match what I'm trying to do at the moment.  So jogged up to Seaforth Oval and ran 10x400m off 2 mins, except it's not 400m.  Surprised in any case that the times were better than last month:

63, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64

The 64's were all between 64.0 and 64.5.  Concentrated on keeping my right arm straight.  Canny pleased like. 
Suunto download below - it gets it at 370-380m:

Monday, November 25, 2013

Triathlon training begins

Saw DCRun this morning who filmed my running and showed me where my form had flaws. Basically need to work on my glute medius and more core. Then did a session with him, the hardest of which was making my thighs go lactic on a bike before using my glutes to walk up steps carrying dumb bells. Bloody hell. My heart rate hasn't got that high in years and I jogged home with the wobbly legs of a drunkard.

Then tonight went back to swim squad where Ruth put us through 75 minutes of hell in h2o. Worse bit was 2 x 100m with a band around my ankles. Holy crap. I tried to signal the pool boy after 30m but I think he assumed we were all proficient. Ended up doing about 2.5km of different stuff all up so it must be doing me good.

Took the bike in for a service and hope to get out with sammy and the boys on Thursday morning.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

MLR Sunday

2 loops of the old flat 10km circuit untimed but steady.  21kms.

Calves tight running in old Sayonaras and no heel raises.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Curl Curl Parkrun - 2nd in 16:40

Manic day today so had to squeeze the Parkrun in.  Got out the car to see who but Macca!  Did a warmup with him and he pointed out Jake Stollery - the chap who beat my course record by 5s a few weeks back.  So we finally meet each other when I'm feeling fat and lazy.

Jake went off quick with me 10m behind.  Hurdled a tree at 300m brought down in the recent storms.  Jake pulls ahead a bit.  3:10 and 3:16 for first 2kms.  He slows at 3km allowing me to catch up.  We then run together to the end with him chatting away, encouraging me and  looking like he's on a stroll.  Managed to hurdle the tree again on the run in.

No warm down as I had to rush back so 9km all up.

Might try Steeplechase next year:

Friday, November 22, 2013

Getting fat

Yesterday did 5km easy then 5 x Suwarrow hills (ending back of Reggie and Joel's) then 2km warm down.

Billy's got patella tendonitis requiring him to drop out of gymnastics for a bit. We start injuries young in our family.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Sunday MLR

Had plans to head to Centennial early doors for a run but a crap night's sleep coughing away put paid to that. Dropped Charlie at a party in Brookvale so just did 20km up to Narrabeen lake and back via Dee Why Beach and the Griffin St hill. 20km in 1:26 (4:18's). Body felt good for once. All this rest is doing wonders.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Curl Curl Parkrun - 1st in 16:54

Had a large number of beers, cider and rum last night over curry with Dicky, Macca, LF Charlie, Justin, Tim, Paul, Jamie and Ben.  Last thing I wanted to do was run this morning but Tiger had organised a session and knew this was my only chance of getting out so hauled my ass out of bed at 6am.  Session changed to Parkrun.  Jamie was also fronting so I had no excuses.  Fair crowd, numbers down on last week.  Good to see Eamo there too.

Uncomfortable run sweating out the booze.  Did enough to dip under 17mins.  Jamie was 15s back having run with him until 3km.  10mins rest then 10 x 1min with the Tiger, Jamie and Amy Stafford.  Big thunderstorms last night so the grass was very damp.  Made me work my glutes so much so that I faded badly on the last rep.  Felt like this is what I need to be doing though.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

JPMorgan CC - 12th in 18:26

Started to feel crook on Sunday and came down with a heavy cold.  Timing sucked.  Still felt very average on race day but this is one event I never miss.  Had to do my company captain's duties in any case so made my way out Centennial Park.  After a few hopeless run-throughs I confirmed my decision to take it easy and run with LJ.  

Massive showing from the HuRT Squad as ever.  This photo was taken shortly before the race start:

I buried myself a few rows back from the front line and ran with the crowd.  Must have been in about 60th position or so at the bottom of the hill due to everyone screaming away at the start but boy, do they start coming back to you as soon as you start climbing!  Asked Durante where LJ was half way up the hill and he said way up ahead.  My legs were empty at this stage and I was wondering whether I could hold on even at this pace.  Got to the top of the hill, found LJ, ran through the km marker then suddenly started to feel as though it was easy.  LJ was surrounded by runners, and I began to think, she's a class act, a race winner and doesn't need a bum like me getting in her way.  Andy was up ahead so I started to race it.  Caught Andy and Jason Ibrahim then a big group including Enda at the front was up ahead.  Went past them just after 2km with Enda latching on and I ran with Enda for about a km.  From then on it was Kenny and Fast Charlie in front but I wasn't gaining quickly.  Thought about pushing hard to catch Kenny after 5km but I'd have had to nail myself?  Quickly came to the lazy conclusion that my body wouldn't thank me.  So maintained the pace to the end trying to enjoy the spectacle and smile for the cameras.  I got the km splits as follows:

3:26, 6:29, 9:43, 13:14 (was that one long?), 16:26

A great run by LJ to win in 19:36 smashing her PB.  A big PB for Jeet too who was the most angry man finishing when he clocked 20:00.  Otherwise most people were slower than usual.  MC was disappointed to fall 19s short of a sub19.  Andy is coming down with Manflu and Barts said he just felt flat.  Good to see the Stallion back out running a 19:50.

Frustrated not to have been running healthy.  There was a good group just in front of Barts (who ran poorly) and Muz with Alex getting 3rd in 17:47 and Chamkaur just behind.  This is the first time I haven't beaten 18mins since 2005.  Having said all that, I don't think I could have run any quicker today.  Pretty sure that if I had pushed from the beginning I'd have blown up at Paddington Gates.  But it's bit of a fizzer for the end of season race.

Plenty of banter and trash talking in the tent afterwards which continued on to the Light Brigade.  Good to see Macca out running again and staying to the bitter end.  We even contemplated Maisy's in the cab on the way home.

The battle for HuRTS#1, with Barts doing just enough as usual:

Super smooth Kenny with me in the background:

MC realises it ain't gonna happen:

Saturday, November 09, 2013

Curl Curl Parkrun - 1st in 16:23

Jogged there feeling as lethargic as of late.  Chatted to JB, the Tiger and Jeet (who was over for a pre-JPM sharpener like me).  Decided to give it a crack from the off and guessed that JB would too.  Good through 2km in 6:22 (with JB still on my tail but sounding as though he was starting to falter a bit) but as usual the 3rd km slowed everything down.  Picked it up again with 1500m to go but had lost too much in the 3rd km.

Bit disappointed with the time but I think everyone was slower than usual due to the muggy conditions (very humid out there).  A good enough hit out.  Will do a MLR tomorrow then rest until the showdown on Wed night.

Jog home for 13km all up.

Friday, November 08, 2013

The tedium

Very easy 10km in 47:20.  Getting bored of running solo around Manly.

94km for week.

Thursday, November 07, 2013

Pat pat pat, splash, splash, splash

10km very easy around Manly in 44:50 at lunch.

Stroke correction with a squad in the ABC Pool in Manly in the evening.  An hour and I was gooooone.  Sharks, fingertips, spikes - you name it.  I was pleased just to be finally able to breathe from each side.  Luckily I joined fellow first timer Marie who kept me company.

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

2km TT Narrabeen

It's becoming a bit of a ritual to do this 2km TT a week or so before JPMorgan or a 5000m race. Perfect sharpener and one of the Tiger's suggested sessions. Unfortunately, today I was running solo. Was dreading the session all day as it hurts. Also, there was a fair bit of wind today and the SAS track is very exposed. Drove up to Narrabeen to find the Sydney Pacific chaps posturing before attempting a 500m TT. Did a warm-up, watched them do their stuff then jumped straight into it. Laps went:

67, 2:19, 3:31, 4:43, 5:54.0.

Would have liked to have been 0.1s quicker but pretty happy with that running solo and in the windy conditions. I was gearing up for a final big lap to bring in a 5:51 but hit the wind with 150m to go and the legs buckled. 2.8s slower than the equivalent TT last year but the Tiger took the wind for me that day so I think I'm in similar form.

5.5km warmdown for 11km all up.

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Squeezing it in

Hilly Manly course untimed.  Right knee sore the whole way.  Voltarened up this evening and smashing the thighs on the ribbed roller.

I'm dairy and alcohol free at the moment to sort out this tummy bug.  Boring as batshit.

Monday, November 04, 2013

Easy Monday

Headed out at 5pm with my knees sore again.  Decided to stick on grass and did three loops of the big Nolan Reserve field and smaller Passmore Reserve field (Gary  - I got it at 2.2km).  Much easier on the knees than the concrete.  12km in 50:03 (4:10's).

Sunday, November 03, 2013

Painful long one - the North Head/Balgowlah Growler

Kirst baggsied the morning slot so I set off at 3pm in 30C heat feeling very sorry for myself and doubting if I'd last 15km.  Suddenly at 6km before I hit Queenscliff the wind changed and a Southerly Buster came through.  It was head down into the wind all down the seafront then up to North Head.  Had a pit stop with a dodgy tummy at South Steyne and felt it from then onwards.  Then my knees then started to feel sore then my achilles started to hurt.

Dunno why I battled on but I did and ended in 2:03:46, which isn't that bad a time.  Feel crap now.  This stomach bug is lingering.  Couldn't even manage 2nd helpings of the strawberry flan this evening.

Saturday, November 02, 2013

Easy Sat on Sabbat

Came down with the family vom bug on Thuraday arvo which explains how I felt during the 400's.  Struggled through the HuRTS Awards night sipping on beers before the alcohol had it soothing effect.

First day of sabbatical was spent in bed or on the toilet.  Did 11km today feeling fatigued at the end but legs were good.  47.13 (4:17's).

Friday, November 01, 2013

Pussy 400's

Was gonna give up.  Then Timmy (of all people) sent a text exhorting "Get 'em Done" which was a call to arms and set me on my way.  But from then on it was shite:

72, 73, 72, 71, 71. 72, 72, 72, 72, 72

So way slower than Tuesday but my legs just felt dead today and I had no zip.  Good thing is that, other than any zip, my legs felt better (as in Achilles and. Knees no pain) than I've felt in 3 months- no heel raises again and ran in the Sayonaras.

Plenty of chat at the HuRT Squad Awards tonight and the winners will be announced tomorrow.  I was sick all night battling through a dodgy tum but staved it off (thank God) particularly after I had to down a Johnny Walker.  Huge respect to Fats tonight.  The most humble chap I know.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Different Wednesday

Out to Centennial today where MC took his UBS crew on a practice run of the JPMorgan course while LJ, Elle, Bart, Gareth B, Clyde, Enda and I trotted behind then headed back via Fox Studios.

Very enjoyable 15km run with plenty of joking around.  All set for the big awards night tomorrow.  There'll be laughter, there'll be tears.  There'll be many, many beers.  And then there'll be Harry's Cafe de Wheels.  Yum.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

HuRTS 400's

Need more speed so decided on 400's again instead of 2 x 20mins. Caught up with Kanser at 11.30am over at Rushcutters (he was there before me can you believe it). The oval was in perfect nick having just been mown. My legs were heavy and sore though after yesterday's double session. Same start and finish point as 2 weeks ago (which I think is about 2s long). Rep times were:

71, 72, 71, 71, 70, 71, 71, 71, 69, 68

Rolling 2 mins as usual. Kanser managed eight each 2 or 3s behind me before he said he was going to vomit. Bit of wind out there particularly in the final 100m but we managed to avoid the storm that blew in shortly after.

5km warmdown for 12km all up.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Long Monday of Sorts

Ran to work this morning. Felt surprisingly bouncy, getting into work in 56:40 (relatively quick) after 27:03 at Spit Junction.

Then did the usual Monday lunchtime run of 15.1km with a decent crowd including MC, LJ, Elle, Enda, Kenny, Renee, Andy, Clyde, JW, BW and even wildman protege Durante. The latter has promised an appearance at the HuRTS Awards on Thursday (Sydney's Night of Nights) which should guarantee some shenanigans. 67:10 all up.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

RunSydney 10km - 8th in 33:42

Ad the whole family including sister-in-law Sally out to watch this one.  Weather was warm and a bit of wind but nothing to complain about.  Did a decent warm-up, had a chat to Richie Roberts, the Saint, Bart and Barts and, when we were called to the line for the final time, I was just getting satellites on my Suunto so stood still.  Wandered down to the start and this official turns me back saying I've got to join the back of the field.  I look at him incredulously, tell him I'm seeded and he looks at my number and says I'm not because my name's not on it (I entered late).  No amount of reasoning works on this bloke so I look to the start line for support.  Barts starts looking at his shoes but thankfully Gary, Benny and Alex Rogers start waving their arms in support and the bloke lets me through.  Far out, had we gone off there and then I reckon I'd have gone through the first km in 2:55.  But instead we're held for 15mins.

Finally off and I'm feeling great.  Benny, Do Canto and Hintsa Mebrahtu shoot off.  I'm a bit further back and have to work my way through to catch Barts at about 2km.  From then we ran together switching places whenever one of us eased off.  Through 3km in 9:43 but 5km in 16:29 showed we were starting to slow.  At 9km we turned off Olympic Blvd  and suddenly Barts has gapped me.  He always finishes well and I didn't have any fight today.  Ran through the finish line with a token effort.  I could blame the humidity, smoke or warmth for the average time but I think too much drinking recently had more of an impact.  I should have beaten Barts today - he ran a marathon 4 weeks ago while I trained through.

Fantastic run by Bart M to PB in 37:13, easily worth 36:xx in better conditions.  He should really have been down for most improved in the HuRTS awards given he hadn't broken 40mins this time last year.

Saturday, October 26, 2013


9km on the hotel treadmill in 36mins before another massive night on the beers.

I think the running is going very well at the moment but I seem to be doing everything in my power to disrupt it.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Seaforth 400's

Heading down to Melbourne today so squeezed the session in this morning.

Jogged up to Seaforth Oval and did the 400's on the grass track marked out for Seaforth Little A's.  Well, either I'm flying or that track is short.  Off a rolling 2mins I did:

64, 67, 65, 65, 66, 66, 66, 67, 65, 66

Held the form very well until the final 3 when I started to struggle.  The Garmin said 420m (they always measure long running in circles) but still don't believe it. Will have to venture to Narrabeen track next week to see where I'm really at.

Jogged back (beautiful path) for 13km all up. Cool today (though we're spoiled in Sydney compared to the temps here in Melbourne) which helped a lot.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Shortened Wednesday

Just 12km today with MC, MrAce, Slapstick, JW, Élan and a post injury Andy Cross.  Cut short as I was just too tired after yesterday and it was bloody hot.  Figure it's better to go into the key 400's session feeling fresh rather than slogging through kms for the sake of it.

Either that or I'm just soft.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

HuRTS 4 x 10mins

Mrs Macs loop today. Did a 3km warm up as I was meeting Kirst at 2pm and was already sweating when I met everyone.  Bloody humid and warm to boot.  One of those days when everything is a huge effort.

Struggle through the first rep with Fats and Andy in tow, reaching 15s short of the start line (5:10 at the bottom corner).  Back the opposite way (which, strangely, feels easier despite starting and finishing in the same place), catching Andy and Fats on the hill after the bottom corner but with Andy pulling ahead again in the final 800m.

3rd rep with Andy following the whole way making it back to the start line (just) - 5:03 at the bottom corner and by the 4th rep I was really struggling.  Made no inroads into Andy until he looked as though he was tiring on the hill past the bottom corner.  Caught him at the Art Gallery hill, overtake but he then starts coming back at me.  I've got visions of Barts catching me at JPMorgan so put in a sprint to hold him off.  9:54 and rogered.

Cycled home last night.  Cycled in this morning.  Guys pass me on hills like I'm standing still.

Couple of photos taken of Billy at State Gymnastics champs at Rooty Hill RSL on Sunday. Rooty Hills RSL is far more impressive than it sounds:

Monday, October 21, 2013

Easy Monday

Usual route untimed.  15.2km.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Old route Sunday

Perfect day and a big crowd of Andy, Bart, Barts, Kanser, Justin, Ray and Eoin for my old Queenscliff, North Head, Tany Park route.  Starts gentle but hilly from 10km onwards.  Easy pace though saw us finishing in 2:08:54.

Big news of the day though is the arrival of a new blog.  With more frequent updates than the Tiger's, more quality training than Kanser's, less reliance on the Garmin than the KiltedScot's and better spelling than Timmy's, it's the must read running update of the day.  Young Jack is my nephew based down in Melbourne and is posting some quality times, particularly over 1500m and 3000m.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Curl Curl Parkrun

Busy weeken so drove there and did 7km warm up on the course.  Graced with some quality female runners today with Amy Stafford and Anna F turning up along with the Tiger.

Hip improved during my warm up so went for it from the off.  Km splits were about 3:10, 3:16, 3:20, 3:16, 3:14 for 16:16 all up (although officially timed at 16:18).  Gary ran with me for 500m then it was solo with Gary coming in 2nd, Amy 3rd and Anna 5th.

Very happy with that.  Quicker than I thought I'd go and held on well when I thought I'd be going lactic.

Interesting fact for the day:  Former wild child and current snooker World Champ Ronnie O'Sullivan is a keen runner with a 10km PB of 34:54.

Friday frolics

12km very easy around Centennial with MC.  Hip very sore (causing leg to collapse at times) from bloody glute exercises.

Took Voltaren late afternoon and evening in order to get through weekend.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

HuRTS 400's

Well the plan is to do plenty of these 400's sessions, but conditions really tested everyone today.  33C, windy and bushfires raging.  A few of the old timers returned today with Durante and Big Mikey H both making a return.  MC split us into 3 groups with just me, Mikey, Dom, Kenny and Andy in the first group.  Running off a rolling 2 mins I went:

67, 68, 69, 71, 71, 71, 72, 70, 70, 69

Too quick in the conditions on the first 3 running with Big Mikey.  He then dropped off leaving me to run solo when the conditions caught up with me.  Was wearing a black T-Shirt which I had to ditch exposing my white belly to the poor ladies present.  Worswick couldn't resist but comment.

Pleased with the session despite the variation in times.  Everyone was suffering out there.  I collapsed on the grass at the end sucking in big ones.  Good honest session though.

Warmdown via Darling Pt with Jeet and Andy for 12km all up.

Just for Timmy, here's a photo from my office of Doomsday out West:

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

HuRTS Fartlek

Decided to give the session a push today.  First time I've done so for a Tuesday session in months, mainly because I've still been tired from the weekend.  But with shorter Sunday runs more recently, I've been feeling good by Tuesday.  Kenny, Andy and Fast Charlie (although there's talk of Fast Charlie and LF Charlie doing a name swap) came with me but Fast LF Charlie dropped out at the Park Hyatt and by the turn Andy was about 50m back with Kenny a further 50m behind him.  We'd made good ground though, reaching the 2nd speed bumps opposite the steep steps before Lend Lease - good given the tougher detour around Farm Cove.  

Had someone to chase on the way back which always helps.  Caught Andy and Kenny at CQ then pushed on from the Stone Gates home (10:30) to get back in 44:59.9.  How's that for a central governor.  12.8km averaging 3:30's.  Always seem to go Ok on the Fartlek, which I think is because I'm
soft and like a little rest after any small amount of effort.

4.5km warmdown with MC, Andy, Mr Ace and LF Fast Warrior Charlie for 18km all up.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Monday HuRTS

First run feeling good in weeks.  Very easy on the way out chatting with Ray (running even after his 2:39 yesterday!), MC, Mr Ace, Worswick and others.  Picked the pace up on the way back.  All up 15.2km averaging 4:29's.

Convinced my achilles issue is a very tight glute/top of hammie and rollered it to death last night which paid dividends.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

East Side Sunday

Over to Kanser's this morning for a Centennial run.  Met Wildman in the park then did a route down to Coogee given it was yet another perfect day and followed the (very hilly and full of steps) coastal route all the way up to Bondi before heading back to Queen's Park and an internal loop of Centennial and back to Kanser's.  Pretty slow average time of 4:40's but that was mainly due to all the hills and steps. 26km in 2:01 something.

Some great results at Melbourne Marathon today with LJ running a fantastic 2:47 and Elle debuting in 3:05.  The girls are really showing the boys how it's done at the moment.  Richie Banks was the best of the blokes in 2:38:20.  Maybe we don't need to travel to Europe to run fast times.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Curl Curl Parkrun

Crawled over to Curl Curl early doors and then tried to haul my ass through the Parkrun.  Great little course.  Said hello to Ron Schwebel then we were off.  Some bloke in a triathlon top immediately sped off but was confident he was going to keep it up, especially as I was still running 3:16's.  Caught him at 2km, he tried to surge again to prevent me going to the lead then relinquished.

I hit the front then immediately went the wrong way.  He shouts to me so I rejoin 30m back again.  Probably lost about 10s.  Overtook him again at 3km then gradually pushed ahead maintaining the pace.  Finished just under 17 in 16:56 then jogged home.

13km for the morning and a great start to another beautiful day.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Mewling excuses

Just 7km in 31:20.  Beaut of a day but I had a few too many Bavarian beers last night so to get out at all was a bonus.

Think I'll try the Curl Curl Parkrun in the morning.  Magnesium is working.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Hot, hot, hot

35C today so MC cancelled the Hickson Rd reps.  I just ran around the harbour for an hour easy.  Body very sore.  Decided I need magnesium.

Wednesday MLR

Out with MC, Kanser, Mr Ace, Todd, Slapstick and half the NAB leveraged finance team for the usual Wednesday route but cut short at the Slip Inn for Kirst's appointment.  18km all up at an easy pace today.  Legs very stiff, need someone from Jackie's to sort them out.  But a beaut of a day.  Then out this evening for far too much fine wine and steak at Rockpool, not missing out on the Fat Duck inspired trifle.  Good days.

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

HuRTS 8 x 5 mins

Back to Art Gallery Rd for this set and it's a much harder (and better I reckon) session as a result.  Plenty of undulating hills especially on the return leg.  I was making up to 1.53km on each rep on the way out but struggling to get back other than on the last.

Solid session running up front alongside (variously) Kenny, BOB and Fats.  

4km warmdown for 17km all up.

Branxton Rodeo.  I loved it.  Bec was pants on the mechanical bull, Mags a natural.

Monday, October 07, 2013

Back home

Managed to squeeze in 7km back home from Huhter Valley before Kirst started screaming at me.  29:05.

Sunday, October 06, 2013

Hunter Valley long

Solo long in Hunter Valley.  Not keen on running long without company these days but knees were fine and achilles mostly ok so the kms ticked by having found a decent circular route up Old North Rd and back down Deasy's Rd.  

26km in 1:54 (4:23's).

Friday, October 04, 2013

Hunter Valley

13km in 54:22 (4:11's) in the Hunter Valley.  Pretty crap run really.  Knees and achilles were a bit sore, nowhere to run but out and back route on main roads and didn't even see a kangaroo.

104km for week.

Thursday, October 03, 2013

HuRTS 800m reps

5km early this morning picking up the car from the garage.

Spring weather for you at lunch. 30C and sunny on Tuesday, cold and wet today.  Was late to get to Rushcutters so missed first rep.  MC was leading them with LJ.  They were only taking 90s rest, grass was long, windy in final 100m, can't think of any more excuses.  I ran:


First 2:28 was chasing the second group to overtake them, much easier than running solo.  But generally nice to run fast(ish) again, been a while since I've done a Thursday session.  My knees feel better for it.

Jog back for 11km all up.

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Wednesday MLR

Usual route with Jeet, Bart, JW, BelElle, Em and a couple of others.  Pace a bit quicker today (I had it at 4:23's but may have measured long - will check at home).  20.5kms all up as everyone had dropped away by CQ.

Getting more and more photos from Munich and feeling increasingly jealous.

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Sunday and HuRTS

Sunday was 10km steady around 4 min kms while Kirst watched over the kids at Campbell Pde.

Today was HuRTS 45mins tempo welcoming back Tucks who took it easy on us all on his return.  I ran at the front with Ray before he dropped off a bit.  Turned about 50m in front of Ray and 100m ahead of Kenny.  Made no inroads on them until the Toaster, then finished quite well getting back in 45:01 (3:39's).  It was never comfortable out there today though, bloody hot (30C) and very windy.  Dried me up so much my lips were bleeding at the end which must have made a very pretty sight for anyone unfortunate enough to see me.

3km warmdown with Jimmy M for 16km all up.

Great to have Kirst back before she headed off to Hunter Valley.  She insisted we all try on Maggie's new hair accessory.  I think Charlie wears it best.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Long Sat with the Melbourne crew

Headed out to Centennial this morning caching up with JC, LJ, Paul B, Eoin and Slapstick (all doing Melbourne marathon in 2 weeks).  Did the usual 10km loops getting faster each lap - 46mins, 44mins then a quick 30mins for the final 8km.  JC an Eoin looking very strong.

Knackered afterwards after only 5 hours sleep post footie last night.  Here are some photos:

Good luck to all the Berlin boys tomorrow.  I know what they've been through to get there and hope it all goes right on the day.

Manly Friday

Couldn't face the same old flat run around Manly putting the same stresses on my knee and Achilles so did the hilly 13km route instead. See end to work as about two-thirds of the way in I started stretching out a bit for the first time in weeks. 56:36.

Then n to see the mighty Sea Eagles!

101km for week.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Squeezing it in

Kirst fell asleep post surgery so squeezed in a run from the Mater.  Bumped into the squad for a bit chatting to Bart, Andy and Mat K.  14km slow with my right knee a bit sore.

Surgery went well.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

HuRTS 12 x 3mins

Not done a HuRT session in weeks and it showed.  Struggled with the pace today, never really feeling comfortable running with Kenny, Fast Charlie and Muz.  Managed 10 quite quick (will download stats tonight) then 2 more at 3:35 pace before I pulled the pin.  Achilles and knees fine (much better after massage this arvo) but was feeling a bit fatigued.  Not suprising after 118km in the last 7 days.

Was supposed to be flying to Berlin today so have been trying to ignore the thoughts.  But poor Charlie (on my same flight) had to turn around after 1.5 hours and fly back to Sydney due to a medical emergency.  That would have pissed me off no end.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Laura James

Well, today's post is dedicated to the first HuRT Squad member to win a major road race.  And you couldn't find a nicer person to have done so.  Humble as ever, she told me her response in crossing the line was a squeaky voiced "yay!" before politely handing the finishing tape back to the officials.  We're proud of you LJ.

Usual 15.2km today ran slow with a big crowd talking about the various Sydney Running Festival races.  Achilles fine, knees sore.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Back to the longer stuff

Last long run was 3 weeks ago and, having to go solo, I wasn't really looking forward to this. But a beautiful day (Narrabeen beach looked superb) made it a bit easier. Wouldn't fancy doing the Sydney Marathon today. Just the usual route but felt as though it took ages with no-one to talk to. Got in a good rhythm again but felt it in the final few km from Dee Why onwards. I reckon this says something about the taper - I wouldn't want to have more than 2 weeks since my last long run before running a marathon.

2:04:36 for the 30km (details here) but the Suunto measures the course about 200m shorter than the Garmin.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Grey running

Steady run over the usual 14.2km Shelley beach route. Achilles feels better by the day and just got into a nice rhythm banging out 4min kms.

Then out for a bike ride with the kids while Kirst did her run:

Friday meander

Very easy 15.8km route with a decent HuRTS crowd including MC, TKS, Big Sam, Kanser and others. A few beers in the evening to console Macca who pulled out of Berlin in the morning due to injury.

73km for the week.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Easy stuff

Wed was an easy hour with Bart up and down the coastal path from the Sheraton Mirage. Thursday was the same but solo, followed by a dip in the ocean. Idyllic weather. GC may be naff and vacuous but it's a great place to kick back.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Another update

Pulled out of Berlin yesterday. Kirsten has an op on Wed so it was a no go. Good news on Kirst though so very relieved.

To be honest, the last 3 weeks have been an emotional rollercoaster, but had a great party on Saturday with a good showing from the Squad and backed it up with a win today in the AVCAL 5km in 16:34. Check out the AFR (Street Talk section) for a write up tomorrow. I ran solo the whole way so it was a time trial and 30s slower than last year with no Jamie Palmer to push me on. But 40s quicker than my solo win in the Park Run iver the same course in April. Clive was 2nd with Jamie from McGrathNicol 3rd. Some celebratory beers were had after.

Tempered though by my left achilles now being generally sore - all the way up rather than localised. This was despite trying to warm it up beforehand by running 9km easy.

I inaugurated my Tour Singlet even though it will not be officially put to use:

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Back to earth

100% gravity today running 15km very easy early doors with Sam and Ben. Achilles felt fine. Woo-hoo - rock on!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Brad Pitt Friday

Acupuncture at Sydney University, Alter-G in Kingsford, all on the bike, felt like a student again. 1 hour with 15.5km covered watching some old film called "Across the Tracks" with a young Brad Pitt who looked as though he could actually run.

Felt easier again today, despite being on 75% weight. Garage door open though so less sweaty.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Alter - Grrrreat!

Another hour on the Alter-G, courtesy of Harry Summers instead of Sean. Felt much easier today even with weight at 73% instead of 70%. Ran 15.8km in the hour. Sweated buckets again.

Interesting chat with Harry who runs the Adelaide City to Bay this weekend. Only just back from injury but won the Perth C2S two weeks ago - he puts a lot of maintenance of fitness down to the Alter-G.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Headed out on Sunday for a long run but cut short at 15km with the achilles having progressively become more sore. Going back to the Elixir 7's definitely helped though.

Saw the specialist on Monday, acupuncture on Tuesday, then caught up with Sean Williams for an hour on the Alter-G anti-gravity treadmill today. Wow, it was amazing. Did a solid workout (last 30mins at 3:40's) and sweated buckets, all the while watching videos of Benny, Mo, Rudisha and (best of all) Daniel Komen. Now that bloke had real talent. I was bloody impressed with it, not a hint of aggravation of the achilles. I was on 70% weight. 15.56km in 60mins.

Oh, and I've taken to riding into work again to keep the weight off. Inauspicious start, as I stacked while leaning into a 90degree corner in Balmoral, my bare tyres just sliding out from under me. Some pretty nasty grazes to my arms and hip (see attached).

It hasn't been a good week.

Thursday, September 05, 2013

Hickson Road abort

Park Hyatt 1.2km reps. Felt magic on first one. Then achilles suddenly tightened up significantly on the 2nd (fast) rep trying to hold on to BOB. 3:39, 3:29 then bust. Bloody stupid of me to try them in the first place. Walked back to the office having a good chat to Big Mikey H.

Achilles now on ice, as are weekend racing plans. I knew that SMH medal would come in handy one day.

Wednesday, September 04, 2013


Met up with a big crowd for the Wed run but my calf/achilles got progressively more sore so cut short for 14km in 4:36's. Then went to see Gary who prodded it, massaged it then stuck random needles in it so hopefully better in next couple of days.

At least Kirst is running well. Photo taken of her running on the beach this morning:

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

At home

14.2km route from home. Did 5km (Queenscliff - Shelley) targetting 3:30 pace and managed 17:25 but I went to slow on the way out with a following wind (8:56) which meant I had to work hard on the way back into the wind (8:29). All up 57:40 (4:04 pace).

Liking the Suunto Ambit S2 (looks very accurate) but need to work out how to change the display and if I can get it to spit out km splits.

Today's session

Photo of kids on Sat night at Jellyfish:

Monday, September 02, 2013

Easy Monday

Just an easy run home (in orthotics) in 59:36. Lower left calf very sore, think I may have slightly strained it.

Sunday, September 01, 2013

Father Day

Out with Macca early doors for some flat stuff around Manly. I thought he wanted to take it easy but we were just hitting 4:15's the whole time. Then at 20km he made some remark about running faster over the final few km and suddenly upped the pace. The final 13km were all around the 3:45 per km mark. Macca went home separately with about 5km to go.

Felt good again, no orthotics. Left glute was tight though which put some strain on the achilles.

Congrats to Tucks on what looks like a great race at UTMB for 36th place overall.

Got home to a glut of Fathers Day cards and this present. A Suunto S2. How good is that?!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Back in the fold

Went home early from work on Tuesday with the flu. Took Wed and Thurs off feeling rotten (temperature, swollen glands, listless). Back to work yesterday but still not 100%. So today was the first day I've felt vaguely like running. Conscious not to overdo it so decided to run easy for an hour today. Felt great from the off though. Ran 14.2km route in 55:08 (3:53's) feeling comfortable the whole way. No orthotics again.

Then did 2 hours of "Yoga for Runners" with Kirst this arvo. Bloody good stretch and plenty of core work. Got cramp half way through though and a pretty intense headache (no doubt remnants of the virus), particularly when the humming started.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Monday meander

Easy Monday. Late from interviewing so only caught the rapidly disintegrating pack half way.

Summary of today was:

1. Charlie's getting quick.
2. Ellie's getting hardcore.
3. LJ's getting serious.

13.5km in 4:26's (60 mins flat).

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Long and easy

Usual 35.5km route in 2:37 (4:26's) with Heydo, Binfield and Barts. Beautiful day and thank God no pace pick up. No orthotics today. Planning to race Berlin without them so want to get the body used to long runs au naturel.

Feeling good. Got the tough weekend over and done with without falling to my knees.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Long tempo

Just Barts this morning for the 19km tempo on the Shelley Beach route. Plan was to try to run 3:30's not feeling too uncomfortable. Weather was nice and cool albeit with a bit of wind.

Splits went as follows:

3:24, 3:31, 3:34, 3:24, 3:31, 3:28, 3:29, 3:29, 3:29, 3:29, 3:36, 3:32, 3:33, 3:35, 3:39, 3:42, 3:31, 3:34, 3:39

All up, 19.1km in 67:36 (3:32's). In truth, I never felt comfortable running 3:30's. Went through 10km in 34:50 trying to hold on to Barts but once again he was much stronger than me on this long tempo session. After that I was just trying to get home without dropping off too much. Briefly felt much better coming around the Golf Course (the 3:31 and 3:34 towards the end) before the gradual climb of the final km. Barts looking great once again. He's going to smash Berlin.

Makes the idea of running 3:30's in Berlin seem a long way off. Not sure why I struggle so much in these long tempos when the other training seems to be going so well. It is the equivalent of a 1:14:30 Half though so perhaps I shouldn't be so hard on myself pretending that should ever feel comfortable.

Knee was good after plenty of rolling out (and Voltaren) so that's good news. Ran in the orthotics to protect it.

2km warm up and down for 23km all up.

Friday, August 23, 2013


Met Dicky at 7.30am to run to work but pulled the pin after a km with the right knee too sore. That's what happens when I run without orthotics.

112km for the week (including 2 rest days). Grrr, this was supposed to be a big one.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

HuRTS Pyramid

7.5km very easy around Manly this morning.

At lunchtime did a slightly longer warm up down to Rushcutters for the Pyramid. The first group was just Barts, Kenny, Dom and me. Ditched the orthotics again today and ran in a new pair of Sayonaras and felt great again. I've got to run Berlin without them. Led every rep with Barts just behind. Times were:

78, 2:38, 4:01, 5:25, 4:00, 2:37, 72

So the best I've done that session but not that much quicker than I initially thought I'd done previously. 9th May when I was trying to hold on to Barts' coat-tails was my previous best. This was a bit quicker, but felt less desperate running it which was the confidence booster.

Long warmdown with Barts, MC, Jeet and Slapstick for 15km all up.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wednesday MLR

Usual 21km route with MC, LF Charlie, Kanser, JW, MrAce, BW, Jesse and Slapstick. Easier pace today but didn't feel as good as recently.

HuRTS branded tour singlets almost ready. The boys are going to be excited.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

HuRTs 8 x 5mins

Yesterday I had my problem tooth out which meant no running and much feeling sorry for myself.

Was tentative today as still in a bit of pain and my legs felt dead. Ran with Enda and Kenny doing just short of 1.5km on a new route straight down from the Stone Gates. Struggled to get back up the hills in the 5 mins. Good to see Laura showing more confidence in training and LF Charlie showing me a clean pair of heels on the final sprint. That chap is getting stronger and is one to watch.

Felt better during the final 2 reps. 2km warm up and a long warm down with an ever increasing crowd for 18.5km all up.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Easy Sunday

Full on day out to Newcastle at 6am. Got home, had 20mins lie-down then did 15km easy at 3pm. No orthotics again and more of the short stride, high cadence stuff. But legs felt magic again. If I could guarantee I wouldn't get injured I'd chuck them out in an instant.

62:59 (4:12's).

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Fast finish Sat

Up early doors after a pretty poor night's sleep. Met Andy, Ray, Binfield, Big Sam and Banksy outside and we were off for the usual route.

Somehow managed to leave my orthotics at work last night so ran without them which immediately felt weird. My stride was much shorter (JB said subconsciously protecting my achilles) but cadence was higher. Funnily enough it felt easier running. Nice and easy until Narrabeen chatting the whole way. Banksy then lifted the pace a bit and coming back around Narrabeen lake we were already running 4:00 kms but felt fine doing so. Back past Warringah Mall and I wanted to get the pace down to 3:40's and Ray and Andy were following. Final 5km and I tried to get down to target marathon pace of 3:30's. Ray dropped off here and I had to work hard for it but managed the final 5km in 17:23 (passing LF Charlie and Ellie in the process which lifted the spirits). Final 10km was 36:02.

Tired at the end and just want to sleep this afternoon. Great running all round with Sam doing 30km in 4:10's (he could yet run Berlin if he continues this rate of improvement) and Andy even doing 40km in 4:13's after an earlier warm up. All up 35km for me in 2:22:04 (4:03's).

Friday, August 16, 2013

Health Assessment

Ran to work dead easy untimed on another beautiful day. I'd post a photo from my office but Timmy gets upset when I do that.

106km for the week.

Had my annual health check at 11.30am. Only really interested in an accurate weigh-in and the cholesterol levels. These were the results (comparison to last year).

Weight: 65.2kg (68.3kg)
Resting pulse: 37 (42)
BMI: 19.7 (20.6)
Blood pressure: 115/65 (118/60)
Good cholesterol: 1.9 (1.7)
Bad cholesterol: 2.5 (2.4)
Adjusted age: 27 (27)

Pleased with the resting pulse result. Almost got my Dad's PB there too. I think he got his down to about 32. Mum used to say it was like listening to someone bang slowly on a bass drum.

Looking forward to seeing Ezekiel Kemboi on the SBS highlights tonight, one of my favourite runners. Now double Olympic and triple World Champion. Beaten by the young upstart Kipruto every time they've raced this season until the big one when the wily old fella showed him how it's done. Bit like me and Barts leading up to Berlin...

Thursday, August 15, 2013

HuRTS 2km reps

This session has changed to 3 reps instead of 4 to make them quicker and differentiate them from a Tuesday session. I planned to give this session a go today and try to go lactic. Jogged down with Timmy and joined a fair crowd.

Reps went:


Fair headwind on reps 1 and 3 hence the quicker 2nd rep. Also aided by the fact Kenny was on my shoulder until half way, came past strongly before I kicked hard for home. Last rep was tough with Andy going hard pushing me all the way.

Pleased with that and like the session. It's hard from the get go and teaches you to hold good form for an extended period.

Long warm down after when MC got all Richie High on us telling Big Sam how much he reminded him of pin up boy, and Mikey's hero, Nick Symmonds. The rest of us just went quiet and looked at our feet as Mikey gazed at Sam all doey-eyed.

But the good news is that Sam has finally agreed to the Premiership bet, shaking on it with Timmy today. Got to get my picks in tomorrow...


Nick Symmonds:


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Wednesday MLR

Usual wharves route with MC, LF Charlie, Clyde, Mr Ace and a couple of others. Usual trash talk and property prices.

21km in about 4:35's. For some reason my watch always measures it slower than everyone else's.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Benny St

HuRTS tempo today with everyone cruising it following C2S. Felt quite comfortable running 12km in 44:20 with the thighs easing up.

Huge respect for Benny running the 5000m heats at the World Champs today despite being sick over the past few days which caused him to miss the 10000m. For a guy that was in the form of his life that must be gutting. Here's me fretting over a sore tooth pre-C2S. But a hugely respectable time of 13:33 in the process and great photo op:

Monday, August 12, 2013

Monday recovery

Some little fella took a hammer to my thighs while I was sleeping last night.

Today was 15km with a large contingent from the squad swapping stories about yesterday. Very easy pace but that was enough.

City to Surf - 36th in 46:42

Up nice and early with Kirst bobbing around early doors even more nervous than me. Mat Kaley picked me up (many thanks) with Big Sam and LF Charlie and we were dropped in the City by 6.45am. Caught up with Timmy, Pete W, Kenny, James M et al and we did a couple of km warm up. Then headed to the start with Barts catching up with all the preferred and seeded runners on the start line.

Plan was to try to hold on the Barts and CT for as long as possible. 50% of that plan went out of the window within 30s of the gun when CT shot off and had a big lead on us even before the Kings Cross tunnel. I was just tracking Barts at this stage. Up Edgecliff and, bloody hell, was that hard. We still seemed to be sprinting and that hill is deceptively steep. It looked like a huge crowd was still in front and I just couldn't believe how fast everyone was travelling. Up and down the rollercoaster through Double Bay. Barts would gap me by a few metres before I would tell myself to man up and hold on. Through Rose Bay and more gapping and ungapping. We'd be running with others for periods before they would drop off. CT was still well ahead along with Neil Pearson (also conveniently wearing illuminous yellow), Chadi (in his instantly recognisable St George strip and headband) and Crasti. Kept on thinking "they're bound to come back soon" but it wasn't happening yet. Then Heartbreak Hill starts. We immediately catch a group ahead and Barts lets me take the lead for a bit. Just worked the hill (which I never find as bad as all the other hills on this brutal course) and at the top I start to feel good for the first time in the race. Some fellow runner kindly passes me half of his cup of water and I hear this desperate cry behind me going "Tommy!, Tommy!, give me some" so I hold the cup out for Barts but he's three yards behind and for a moment I think he's expecting me to drop back for him (I temporarily thought this could be my "gel" opportunity) but he speeds up to grab it. I then kick on a bit and feel like I've got a bit of a gap.

Continue to try to press home the advantage and go through 10km in 33:50. All the hills done. Hooray. Keep on hearing these huge shouts for someone just behind me and assume it must be the first chick. But then this little kid overtakes me. WTF!? He comes up to about my shoulder height. So I go with him which helps me along that long straight before you turn for the downhill. Then down the hill and I'm catching Chadi. Made my mistake here of not going straight past Chadi but sticking with him. Hit the bottom of the hill and get a massive shout from Matty Palmer and then immediately hear him shouting "Johnny!". Did I mishear that? Was he just shouting "Tommy" again? Or is Barts right behind me?! Holy cow please no. The comes that dreaded rise along Campbell Pde. Chadi pulls ahead, my legs start to scream and I'm a sitting duck. Sure enough, Barts comes past like Mo down a homestraight. He immediately puts 10m on me and I'm battling along Campbell Pde. See the corner, my spirits lift and see the clock ticking down so sprint for the finish. Just fail to catch Crasti and 8s outside my PB but I honestly don't think I could have gone any harder.

Then all the chat begins. It's a picture perfect day (I didn't see cloud all day). CT runs a stormer in 46:14. BOB continues his rapid improvement beating Kenny in 48:4x for next HuRTS man home. Jamie S has a great run to go sub50, Enda runs a PB in 49:30 then wees himself on TV but is pipped by Richie P and Andy, Dicky G just misses a sub50 after stopping to tie his shoelace on HH (so he says) but LJ has run of the day for 5th lady home in the biggest footrace on the planet running a jaw-dropping 50:38 and chicking half the HuRT Squad!

A great morning and afternoon of beers in the sun with all the squad with Timmy, Anna and I moving on to the Beach Road hotel. I took myself home after I started bumping into people. Got home to be greeted by a beaming Kirst who ran 74 mins despite having to duck and weave and only plod the first 5km due to the crowds. Brilliant stuff.

Here are a few photos. Love this race.

Courtesy of Matty Palmer approaching Campbell Pde. That's Barts' shadow you can see in the background.

Glenn, Young Timmy, Me, Jeet, LJ, J-Fen, Ellie, Barts

Barts, Young Timmy and Myself looking happy.

Saturday, August 10, 2013


Easy 10km in 43:30.

Friday, August 09, 2013

Easy Friday

Just an easy 14.5km with Ray, Kanser and Kaley.  Paranoid about antibiotics, chicken-pox and my right knee for Sunday.  Otherwise getting pretty pumped for it.

77km for the week.

Thursday, August 08, 2013

HuRTS 10 x 400m

It was wet and cold, the C2S is in 3 days and Mikey offered up a pussy alternative run so only 3 of us showed up. Angus and a chap called Greg.

Felt pretty good today. That's what 3 days rest does for you. Ran them all in 69/70 I think. 11km all up. Tooth OK and antibiotics doing the trick.

Charlie has now managed to spread his chicken pox to Bec, Billy and Mags. Kirst is crook. It's like a leper colony at home. I'm quarantining myself downstairs for the next 3 days.