Saturday, August 16, 2014

Parkrun and Long Run

Off to Rooty Hill early Sunday am so got out of bed at 5:45am and was running by 6am to fit some kms in before Parkrun, do Parkrun as a tempo then some more kms after.  Did 11km beforehand to Shelley Beach then up over Queenscliff to Freshwater and Curl Curl.  Tempoed the Parkrun running 17:01 (splits of 3:24, 3:21, 3:25, 3:17, 3:33) then did a final 14km at a quicker pace than before.

All up 30km in 2:09:00 (4:17's).

Friday, August 15, 2014

Manly life

Lunch on today so just an hour up to North Head and back this morning.  Gave Quentin a shout along the beach but he was ear-phoned up.  Beaut of a day.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

HuRTS Pyramid

Stuck on a call so turned up late for the pyramid session.  Caught the first 3 lapper and latched on to Elle and Greta.  Ran with Andy on the 4 lapper then joined the first group running with Timmy for the final 3 reps.

Felt good today, feeling back to normal after the weekend.  Need to start training properly from tomorrow and cut down on the beer.

11km all up.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

HuRTS 4 x 10mins

Just cruised these with a good crowd though.  Ran with Mikey, Timmy, Tucks, Toddy, Angussy et al.  About 3:50's.  Hammy okish but can still feel it.  Getting the cricket ball out again tonight.  Ouch.

Summer clerk cocktail party tonight spent drinking red wine and deflecting brown nosing.  Macquarie Bank Golf day tomorrow at Pymble.  I am the all-new corporate w@nker.  Will try and squeeze a run in around Manly in the am.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Monday natter

Out at lunch for an easy plod with Tucks, MC, Springer, JW, Erikakaka, Superstar Renee, Elle, Crossy, TKS and a host more.  Of course chatted about the race all the way and analysed everything to minute detail.

Loved it.

Cut short for 11km.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

City to Surf - 25th in 46:11

I was fairly psyched for this.  After last Saturday's result, my sole aim was to hurt myself.  I basically wanted to be in the mix with Tucks, CT and Barts at some point of the race, if only to be able to contribute to some conversation in the marquee over a beer later on.  So we set off at the usual mad pace and at the William St tunnel I thought I must be ahead given how fast I was travelling, only to see Barts about 20m ahead and CT ahead further!  I was with Quentin and Ollie Lord, but down the hill to Rushcutters relaxed and stretched out and passed a good clump.  Robbie cameast though and looked super smooth as ever.  Caught Barts going down to Double Bay and was pleased to at least be in the mix.  Then CT was coming into sight and caught him over the hill before Pier Restautant.  Decided to stick by my rule to hurt myself so rather than tuck in I started to push the pace through Rose Bay.  We had a good group here and were travelling well but very quickly.  

Then Heratbreak Hill started.  I'd been pushing really hard and basically went lactic very quickly on the hill, watching Quentin and Ollie Lord just drift ahead.  I seemed to drop about 30s a km and seriously considered how I was going to finish this race, but was aware that CT and Barts hadn't come past so must be struggling similarly.  This race is hideous.  You go so fast early on, slow down massively up the hill then try to regroup and hold on as best as you can.  I regrouped going past Kincoppal and started running with Mark Warren, a top quality runner coming back from injury.  I knew that the moment I relaxed the boys would be catching me so every moment was spent trying to push on and hurt further.

Went through 10km in 33:13 and thought that they must have put the marker in the wrong place, but started to get excited about a time.  Then comes the long drag through Vaucluse/North Bondi where there is no one on the side of the road, Quentin is 100m ahead, Mark Warren is 10m ahead and I'm starting to waiver.  Told myself this is the moment to man up, so dig in again to catch Mark.  I'm with him by the downhill and the long sweep to Bondi begins.  Some chap from Box Hill Harriers sweeps past us at 12km and I'm thinking, if he's come past us so quickly, Tucks, Barts and CT are likely to do the same.  So hit Campbell Pde and put a huge effort in up the hill, pumping the arms with one final surge.  Catch another chap here, hit the corner and start sprinting thinking I can't let anyone come past now.  Hear Mikey, LJ and Elle screaming from the sideline for a final lift and cross the line absolutely chuffed.  

Turn to see Tongey, Tucks, CT and Barts all coming through one after the other and thank my lucky stars I didn't have to sprint in with them.   I'd have been desperate and not sure I'd have had the balls to make another effort.  I was absolutely spent.  The hammie just held on, did a jog along the beach with Q and Jamie after and had to cut short as it was too sore.  

Run of the day to Q.  Fantastic result and one none predicted.  Next best result for me was Renee's, running a 55:xx and almost beating Greta and Erika.  She's come on so much recently.  Macca and Fats also ran good PBs.  Crossy also had a great race, building all the way through to run a 47:01.  Also need to mention Sonya who ran a big PB in 57:xx and Lisa who dipped under the hour for the first time.

Then came the chat and the beers.  A great day.  Got a bit emotional when I got home.  I think the kids were a bit bemused.  Here are some photos.

Q and I at the start of Heartbreak Hill.

The boys post race.

7 hours later.  Things starting to get a bit loose.

Saturday, August 09, 2014


Headed out mid afternoon down to Rushcutters and did 8 x 200m sprint strides to test the hammy.  Generally ok.  13km all up.

Planned for a nice quiet evening but got home to discover the house full of kids and Kirst's friends.  She then started opening all my best wine as they'd run out of booze so I had to join in.  Not the best prep the night before the night before.  

Looked back over my C2S results when pondering it yesterday.

2001:  61:13
2002:  pulled out
2003:  pulled out
2004:  50:25
2005:  50:11
2006:  48:10
2007:  48:01
2008:  46:34
2009:  Injured
2010:  47:13
2011:  46:56
2012:  London Olympics
2013:  46:42

Never been wholly satisfied with my runs at C2S other than in 2008.  Let's see if we can knock off my longest standing PB.

Thursday, August 07, 2014

Comp time

Just 13km nice and easy over the C2S course today to Rose Bay and back.  Me, Tucks, Quentin, Crossy and Big Kev. 

But this morning was the big draw.  Tucks, Muz, Jeet, Enda, Timmy and myself turned up at Chifley Tower (timely so I could order a nice bacon & egg wrap to ease the hangover) to make the draw for the most elaborate team competition for the C2S ever.  8 teams, 5 grades with each team taking a runner from each grade (got it?!).  A few laughs sorting it out (and the team names).  Harder to predict than I thought with a few names not so recognisable from Grade E which will swing it.

Chairmans Selection is the reliable team, with first 5 from me, Jamie, Angus, Birchy, Adam Murray and Caroline Sweeney.  Will certainly keep things interesting after the race.  There'll be some calculator action and mad calls to verify times!

Ice Ice Baby

Wednesday - 14km very easy with Barts, Ellie, Kanser!, JW, Jeet and others.  Testing the hammie, was OK until towards end when it tightened a bit.  Back on the ice pack at work after.  Then out in the evening for our EOFY drinks.  Here's me dominating the pool table:

Sunday, August 03, 2014

Easy Sunday

Caught up with Macca, Ben, Jamie, Justin and Quentin for the same run as last week (although I skipped meeting them at the pool so I was about 2km shorter).  Easy pace all the way (4:31 average).  Knee/hammie was very sore from Collaroy onwards. I was hobbling towards the end.  Munching on Voltaren for the first time in a couple of months.  Need to sort it out.  

Just shy of 31km in 2:18.

NSW Short Course XC Champs - 13th in 25:38

Couldn't psyche myself up for the one.  Got there, did a jog warm up with Tucks, said hello to all the usual quality ANSW crowd - Richie Roberts, Robin W, Geoff Arnold, Dean.  Striders had a quality O35's team of CT, Tucks, Fats and myself.  So strong in fact that I think we would have come 2nd in the Opens.

Set off conservatively partly because I was wearing my trainers.  Struggled around the corners for grip so took them gingerly.  Left hammie was a bit sore on the short, sharp hills. CT raced ahead after 500m.  I was about 50m adrift of Robin with Tucks and Fats behind me.  Same on the 2nd lap with Tucks catching.  He overtook me just before the final lap and never looked back - catching and overhauling Robin and CT.  Our gaps remained about the same - I finished 15s adrift of CT and 9 adrift of Robin.  Pretty non-plussed about the result.  Fired me up for next week though.  It was 4s quicker than last year.  As my 5km TT on Thursday was 2s quicker than last year maybe that's about right.

Big week and the hammie is sore.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

HuRTS 5000m Time Trial

So over to ES Marks this evening driving Jeet and new recruit Ollie Lord from the City.  There we met JFen, Enda, Angus, Quentin, Andy and Renee getting ready to race, with Paul Hannell, Carla and Timmy on timing and encouragement duties.  Did a few laps warm up, tried a bit of stretching (mainly for the left hammie), did a few run throughs then we're off. 

It was pretty windy down the back straight, and Quentin set off quick.  He was stretching away on the home straight, my guess being that he was trying to gap me before the windy back straight.  So for the first few laps I was digging in to stay in touch.  Carried on like this until 3km.  Went through 1km in 3:03 and 3km in 3:21.  Then on the lap between 3km and 3.4km Quentin seemed to slow and was breathing hard so I thought, here's my chance, let's go.  Went into the lead and tried to push the pace but, of course, being the dogged bugger he is, he just tucked in and held on.  With 2 laps to go Q takes the lead again and starts upping the pace.  With a lap to go, I'm feeling pretty good, don't go too early lest I hit the wind, come around the final bend and then unleash the famous Highnam kick.  Which of course, Quentin matches fairly easily by lifting his pace only slightly.  To be fair, it was neck and neck down the straight but he won by 0.34s according to Paul Hannell's impressive looking 1970's timing machine, complete with biddy printer.  15:37:51 to Q and 15:37:84 to me.

Next home was Ollie (plainly taking it easy or not in form as he ran 45:08 for C2S last year), then Enda in 16:10, disappointed not to be 11s quicker, then Andy in 16:32, then Angus in 17:01 (I'm guessing disappointed not to be 2s quicker!), then JFen on the comeback with 17:18, then Jeet in 17:56 and finally Renee in 19:11.  Great crowd, great night.

Happy with the time as it's been a solid week.  Will take tomorrow off before running ANSW Short Course XC against all the quicks on Saturday.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Wednesday wander

The usual one loop of Centennial with MC, Clarkey, Crossy, TKS, JW, Big Kev and others.  67 something.  Legs tired after yesterday.  Left knee a bit sore.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Timmy Combo HuRTS Session

You can tell C2S is around the corner.  A huge turnout today, perhaps the biggest ever.  Fortunately Mikey had put up two sessions to choose from - the new Timmy combo (20mins of continuous hills pushing both downs and ups followed by a 5km tempo) or the usual 8 x 5mins.  CT, Quentin and Deano were leading the 5min reps while Clarkey, Muz, Crossy, Andy and Tucks joined me for the Timmy combo.  God knows what Enda was doing.  Tapering for a Time Trial.  That bloke has a lot to learn.

"The Hill" was about 150m from the football pitch above the Domain Carpark to the Robbie Burns statue then straight back down.  I started quite conservatively with Clarkey, Muz and Crossy up ahead but Tucks taking it even more easy than me.  And thank God I did.  Looked at my watch at 5mins and thought, far out, I'm only 25% into this and struggling already.  Noticed that I was keeping pace on the ups but starting to catch the lads in front on the downs.  At about halfway I went past Crossy and Muz and then caught Clarkey who was having a few problems with his ITB.  He took a rep out to stretch it then joined me again for the final 5 mins. 

Was a pretty brutal session in its own right, with us all looking pretty apprehensive about the tempo about to follow.  Split into 3 groups, a 4min km group, a 3:45 group and a 3:30 group.  Set off with Muz, Clarkey and Crossy running together - Tucks, Andy, Macca and Phil a bit further back.  It was strange to be running with dead legs but managed to hold it together OK.  Went through km markers in 3:22, 3:15, 3:20, 3:22 then 2:56 for the final 830m (3:32 pace) for 16:15 all up.  Clarkey pulled ahead at 3km and stormed home.  Muz and Crossy dropped off at about 3.5km but then on the hill near the Art Gallery I hear footsteps behind, assume Crossy has recovered well but suddenly see Tucks fly past!  That sly old dog.  Coming into form when it matters.

Long warm down with MC, Andy, Clarkey and Jeet for 15km all up.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Painful Monday

Painful due to the hangover.  Great night at CT's.  I was cutting some fine moves on the dancefloor.  Not sure who came up with the great idea of going to Jackson's on George though. 

Today was the usual Monday route in 68:03 (4:27's).  Big crowd there today including MC, Andy, Clarkey, Jeet, Ray, Charlie and loads more.  Felt very comfortable but my left knee is not right (by definition in fact, hahaha).  Getting pain when running up hill, which doesn't bode well for C2S. 

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Fast finish Sunday

Out to the Boy Charlton pool early doors on a stunning Sunday morning to meet Macca, Jamie, Justin, Ben and Lewis Ingram.  Plan was 32-34km with a fast finish.  Macca seemed keen this morning (plainly coming into form after running a 1:16 Sri Chinmoy Half last week) setting a solid pace from the off, certainly quicker than the pace I'd slogged over the 1.3km from my new house to the pool.

Felt pretty good today though and was initially looking forward to the fast finish, but then from 17km onwards my legs started to tighten up a bit and the left glute was again a bit of a problem.  Pace was picking up on the out and back around Narrabeen Lake then from Narrabeen bridge I started to pick it up more just to test the glute.  Seemed ok on the flats and we we're running quickly - 3:35's along here.  Jamie and Justin dropped off first, then Lewis around the Long Reef headland but Macca was as tenacious as ever.  He even went into the lead coming into Dee Why and gave me a bit of a break.  But going up the hill through Dee Why he dropped off a bit so I stopped at the top to stretch my glute then ran with Macca back home with him once again getting back into the low 3:30's.  He's hitting some great form.

Felt good at the end.  Pleased I could hold on well for the first long run in 5 weeks.  All up 33km exactly in 2:15:45 (4:06 average) with the final 10km in 36:46.

Now to undo it all tonight at CT's 40th.

Saturday not Parkrun

Kirst stole my Parkrun slot with a yoga session so just did a steady 10km in the late afternoon in 42:27.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Friday frolics

15.3km in 66 something (4:19 average).  Springer, Israelie Jonathan, Hardcore Michael and quite a few others I didn't know.

Too many beers this evening with Timmy, Enda, Charlie and 'Lil Jimmy.  Parkrun will be tough in the morning.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

HuRTS CEO Up in Arms

Well, all hell broke loose on the HuRTS emails this morning.  Chicanery and perfidy galore, with separatists Barts and Pete Triathlon Man both attempting to bring down Mikey's HuRTS empire with their own personal email distribution lists (Barts targeting the elites, Pete targeting the swimmers - and a few ladies it must be added) suggesting a hill session.  Might have been easier just to ask Mike to suggest a hill session given it seems everyone wants to do that with C2S approaching.  But no, and heated emails followed.  Of course, being Chairman, I backed CEO Mikey to the hilt.  You can expect his resignation in a couple of weeks.

Fortunately I had a client lunch today so did a tempo run (first from new house) around North Head and back.  3km of nasty hills in the middle and the legs were wobbly over the final 2km.  My Suunto ran out of battery before the end but I was 41.34 at 11km so probably ended up averaging about 3:43's (it's about 16.4km).  Will do this a couple more times before C2S and need to improve on that dramatically. 

1km warm up and 1km warm down on Nolans before and after.  Loving the new house. 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Recap Wednesday

A much needed massage with the Tiger this morning where he stuck needles in my ass.  I was unconsciously kicking like a mule but seemed to do the trick as I was high stepping back to the office.

One full Centennial loop at lunch with Crossy (looking super fit and giving away his lo-sugar diet secret), JW and Big Kev.  MC and others were taking it a bit easier dropping off early.  16km all up.

A few photos from holiday:

Mt Titlis, near Lucerne.  Charlie couldn't stop giggling about its name all day.  You can see we were well dressed for the occasion.

Climbing the mountains above Saas-Fee.  I had Claudia on my shoulders all the way up here and was knackered.

Bagnone, our village in Italy.  Loved it.

Claudia and I getting lost in the streets in Lucca, Italy.  Bit concerned about her actions when I asked her to pose for a photo. 

Me and my schoolmate Steve, at 2am in Pizza Pizza, Hexham's favourite (only) late night pizza/kebab joint.

Back blogging

Well, it was a magic 3.5 weeks in Switzerland, Italy and Scotland.  A few token jogs which in now way compensated for the booze intake and dessert eating.  Squeezed into my suit for work this morning pretending I still needed the same hole in my belt as 4 weeks ago. 

Rocked up to HuRTS today to discover Barts LEADING A BREAKAWAY SESSION with the HuRTS elite.  I stayed loyal.

Session was 45min tempo.  Just what I've been lacking.  Quentin took off (he seems to have hit some form) while I ran with Fats and Dean Degan with Macca just behind.  22.5mins was about 100m past the first speed bump and about 20m behind Fats.  Legs were a bit fatigued now.  Only got off the flight from Newcastle 14 hours previously so not too surprising.  Quentin came storming by before the O House with Fats just behind so ran with Fats from there.  Pushed up the hills to get back just under 45mins (44:57).  Long warmdown with Q and Mikey for 18km all up.

Going to see the Tiger tomorrow as my left glute is sore.  Too much carrying Claudia up big mountains.

Been hearing a lot of carry on about Enda's form.  Apparently he's out to beat me at City to Surf.  Well, I'm overweight and under fitness and Enda knows when to take his chances and strike.  It'll be close given how well he's running, but just the motivation I need.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Sophie Highnam

Rocked up at HuRTS today for the pyramid session just to take it easy.  No Mikey, no Timmy so I had to mark out the course on the field adjacent to Rushcutters and made a bit of a hash of it being about 20m short.  Still, we all got on with it.  Ran with Barts, George, Jonathan and Elle in group 2 with BOB, Quentin, Dom, Rich Mullaney, Ben Dec and others in group 1.  Just rolled around today with a longish warmdown.

Big news of the day received this evening when I heard that my niece, Sophie Highnam, has been selected to run for Victoria in the Australian XC Champs in Albany, WA in August having dominated her zone and regional XC meets.  Good on 'ya Soph!!  We've seen her brother Jack's Blog (who is talented enough).  Bring on Soph's!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

HuRTS Commonwealth Games Time Trial - 3rd in 15:28

PWell, tonight was one of those bizarre but hugely enjoyable evenings that, 7 days ago, you'd never be able to predict.  It was about then that LJ sent around an email asking if a few of the squad could pace for Eloise Wellings and Emily Brichacek.  They were looking to do a final 5000m hit out before heading for some altitude training in St Moritz and then on to Glasgow where they're both competing in the 5000m in the Commonwealth Games.  It's the sort of opportunity you don't turn down (even all the way down in Sylvania Waters) especially with free Crust Pizza and a singlet thrown into the bargain.

So I picked up Quentin (and Carla), Barts and Muz from work and drove down.  I'd been bricking myself all day and was no less nervous on the trip.  Luckily the wind had died down quite a bit and it was cool.  Did a few laps warmup then bumped into Eloise who had revised down the required pacing through 3000m from 9:09 to 9:12.  So on the start line it was Emily and Eloise, Barts, CT, Muz, Quentin, Crossy, myself and two chaps called Luke and *bad tempered bloke*.  David Tarbottom from Athletics NSW was filming and timing, and then Jock (from Jock Athletic - coaching Eloise) announces Steve Waugh as the starter.  Barts and I look at each other and point to Waugh mouthing "It's Steve Waugh!" while Quentin (an American for those who don't know him) looks on rather nonplussed. 

So we had to run 73/74's.  I put my hand up to run the first 2 laps knowing they're the easiest.  Steve Waugh tells us to go (with little warning it must be said), I stumble, nearly pull a hammie and rush to the front only to find bad tempered bloke flying off way too quick.  Try to slow things down, bad tempered bloke drops back and we go through in 73.  Next lap the same.  Then Quentin comes to the front and does a 72, then slows a bit so I reassume front running duties.  First km 3:05. Second km 3:05.  Third km 3:05.  I'd felt great to 3km but then I start to count the laps to go - 5 now, that's not too bad.  But it's starting to hurt.  Each time we get down the back straight Eloise shouts "faster, faster!" and I swear that if I hadn't had an Olympian shouting at me I'd have been running 2s a lap slower.  At some point here CT comes past and does a lap and a bit in front before I go back again.  Then with 1km to go I'm hurting and must be slowing as Eloise shouts "Tim, move aside" and I'm thinking "who he fuck is Tim and why's she shouting at him" before Truscott yells "TOMMY MOVE OUT".  So I do and the girls go through looking super smooth so I tuck in behind but they start to gap me.  I can see CT's shadow just behind so I know it's now a race between him and me.  Dig in to 600m to go thinking it's only half of Farm Cove to go now.  Then at 400m I give another push and see that CT has dropped off.  At 200m I'm catching the girls again but into the home straight they are racing each other and it's too late to catch.

Chuffed to bits with the time.  An 8s PB and another of Dad's PBs knocked off.  In fact, the last.  I can now retire.  Pleased to beat the boys too, albeit with all of them on the comeback trail.  It's not often we all get to race together like this, especially on the pressure cooker of the track.  Final results were:

Emily Brichacek:  15:26 (PB)
Eloise Wellings:  15:27
Tom Highnam:  15:28 (PB)
Chris Truscott:  15:35
John Bartlett:  15:38
Quentin Reeve:  15:42
Bad Tempered Bloke:  15:47
Andy Cross:  15:51 (PB)
Anthony Murrell:  16:18

So we all do a warmdown and Eloise tells us she's going to St Moritz next week so I tell her I'm going to Switzerland on Friday.  Held back from telling her I'm also going to be in Gateshead where the Aussie training camp is and Scotland as I thought she might think I was stalking her.  Then on to Crust Pizza in Cronulla for free pizza and chat with the boys and LJ.  Eloise gives quite a moving speech thanking all her support crew, her new friend Emily and the pacers.  I noted the use of the plural but picked up on the fact she was only looking at me.  Then her father-in-law gave a speech and I made a mental note not to speak at any of my kids, or their spouses, gatherings.

But a fab night.

The boys

Our official starter

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

This is going to be scary

Monday - moved house.  Knackered.

Tuesday - HuRTS 4 x 10mins but took it easy running 3:50's with Quentin.   Easy session due to a TT we are pacing for Emily Brichaceck and Eloise Wellings (Commonwealth Games 5000m representatives) down in Sylvania tomorrow.  5000m which they want to do at 3:03 pace (15:15).  Sounds very ambitious to me so Barts, CT, Muz, Crossy, Quentin and myself have all been roped in by LJ to help them do it on the promise of a singlet and some Crust pizza.  My prediction is we'll manage 4 laps then everyone (bar maybe Emily) will drop off and it'll become a race.  Feeling good though so I'll give it a crack.  Just hope these winds drop.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Short Sunday

Caught up with Richard Mullaney this morning then met Macca, Ben, Justin and Banksy.   Headed up towards Narrabeen but I turned at Long Reef, not intending to do a long one.  In truth, I needed to just haul my ass back home at whatever pace I could muster.  VERY tired after yesterday, particularly as I spent the whole day moving house and I've had three 4:30am/5:30am starts.

16.5km in 1:15:00 (4:32's).

Last night in 25 Griffiths St tonight.  Many fond memories of the place.  When I moved in I thought a long run was 16km and couldn't beat 35mins for 10km.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Curl Curl Parkrun - 1st in 16:05

So today I did a Quentin on Quentin.  Caught up with Sammy and the boys on the Manly 5.30pm ferry and dragged myself away from 'Lil Jimmy Matthews and J-Fen in the Wharf Bar after a mountain of Coopers Pale Ale at 10.30pm.  Up at 6am to do 12km with Elle before starting Parkrun.  Good crowd today with Quentin, Jamie, Macca, Pete W, Lewis Ingram (who I met for the first time) and others all rocking up.  Wasn't feeling confident after the big night so plan was just to try and stick to Quentin for as long as possible.  But legs felt pretty good after an easy week and I reckon the 12km warmup actually helped.  First km in about 3:08, then about 3:10, then the slow third km in 3:21.  Felt good up the hill on Harbord Rd and realised Q was going to wind it up from there.  Pace got gradually quicker.  Thought that if I stuck on his shoulder he'd get frustrated at some point.  After the bridge and out of the trees I decided to finally hit the front.  He of course reacted, dogged bastard that he is, so it was an all-out sprint from there.

Really pleased with the time - 16:05 feeling pretty comfortable until the final 500m.  Then finished off with another 9.5km with Elle (and Lewis, Jamie, Macca and Jamie's mate for the first 6km) for 26.5km all up.

Finally, proof for all the doubters of my dancing ability - shown here passed on to the next generation:

Friday, June 20, 2014

Oh the highs, oh the lows...

Up at 4.40am.  Down to the Ivanhoe.  Meet Big Sam and little Jack.  Have coffee.  Have ham and cheese croissant.  Get depressed at Suarez's headed goal.  Temporary excitement followed by groaning at every near England miss.  Jump in the air and hug Sammy when Rooney scores.  Stare into my empty coffee cup when Suarez scores again.  Flounce home.  Put running kit on.  Run to work.  Having been up for 4 hours, actually feel pretty good.  Bump into Macca in Kirribilli.  Bit strange.  Have a chat.  Carry on to work.  56:46.  Last time I'll ever do this route.  Momentarily reminisce.  But in my new house I shall be able to run around Nolan Reserve barefoot in the dew.  Maybe even naked.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Tempo run to work

Had a client lunch on today (guest speakers Phil Liggett and Gabriel Gate, who were awesome) so substituted the speed session with a tempo run to work.  Always hurts like hell as:
(a) it's bloody hilly from Manly to the CBD; and
(b) i'm no good first thing in the morning.
But didn't feel too shabby after an easier week.  23:52 at Spit Junction (where I met a lady at the crossing who said; "did I see you running from Fairlight? You must be very fast" to which I feigned modesty and said something along the lines of "you know, I do what I can".
Got to work in 50:38 and legs were even a bit wobbly running up Bent Street.  It's only 3:53's but felt tough.  How the hell did I ever run 46:43 over that route?  That record is impregnable.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Enjoyable run

Not often I get to say that.

Had a partners meeting at lunch so went out around the Centennial route in the late afternoon sun feeling good and with almost no aches and pains.  12+km in 52mins.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

HuRTS 45min Fartlek

Rocked up today for a bit of banter more than anything else, and got plenty of it with Enda and Barts in fine form - Enda thinking he's got the making of the former HuRTS #1 and Barts not yet ready to give any ground to the Irish upstart.

Only 3 of us from Launnie made it there, LJ, Birchy and myself taking it easy nursing sore bodies (and heads).  I ran with Macca, Rich Mullaney, Craig P and Phil Dove.  Wasn't that easy in all honesty - we were averaging 3:40's overall and I was mentally and physically drained.  Got back in 44:30 though so must have upped the pace on the return.

Big group upfront with Tucks finally giving it a go, Enda, Barts, Crossy and Clarkey all leading each other out but Barts showed he's on the comeback by leading them back.

Long warm down for 18km all up.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Launceston 10km - 21st in 32:07

At the start of the year I wanted to concentrate on 10kms.  Hadn't been under 33 since September 2011 and it's a distance I've got a lot of respect for - running a good 10km is bloody hard. So a lot of the year had been planned around Sydney10 and Launceston.  Was feeling in good shape in the past couple of weeks so was pretty nervous and excited heading down to Tassie.  Great crowd down there with Timmy, Birchy, Dr Skins, Robbie, Quentin (and Carla), LJ, Elle, Jackie and Charlie K all making the trip.  Sized up a pasta place for the evening, checked out the arctic monkeys and froze our arses off before tucking in early for a good nights sleep.

Managed a breaky in the morning due to the relatively late start of 10am and even managed to watch England's first half v Italy.  Then we were off to the start, good warm up before I plonk myself on the front cuddling a couple of Kenyans while Timmy is still out stretching in front of the start with Liam Adams and co.  Then we're off.

Steady myself in the huge rush.  It's a slightly downhill start which makes it super quick.  Then I can't quite believe how quickly a front pack forms and how quickly they gap me.  I'm leading the second group and by 1km they already have a 40m gap on me.  And I can see from the lead car that I've just run 3:00 for the km!  Quite a few must have dropped off as by 1.5km I'm aware that there's only 1 chap on my shoulder, huffing and puffing like an old man.  It was like running with Macca!  Keep trying to maintain a quick pace.  It's a beautiful cold morning with no wind so I'm not fussed about this chap sitting on me.  I can sense him coming alongside every now and then which just keeps me honest.  It stays this was until the half way turnaround.  No idea as to time as I'm not wearing a watch as usual but work out after I must have gone through in about 15:48 ish.  At the turn I see a bit of a gap to Robbie (he goes through in 16:00) with further gap to a group headed by Quentin.  Give them both a bit of a shout then put my head down and start working to get back home.  But now it starts to hurt.  Mr Huff and Puff is doing more turns at the front now as we start to pick some blokes that have been spat out of the initial lead group.  I start to repeat my mantra - just hold on for one more km.  Mr Huff and Puff will drag me to a quick time and keep that lead over Robbie.  After what seems an age running through fields, suddenly we're back in Launnie and there's only one km to go.  Mr Huff and Puff gaps me but I put in an effort over the little railway bridge and we're turning into the home straight.  Now it's just head down and sprint and, what do you know, there's a couple of Kenyans coming back to us!  Just fail to catch them on the line.  Give Mr Huff and Puff a hug and tank him for dragging me home.  Ask him what time we did (there's no clock on the line and I'm running watchless as usual) but he doesn't know.  Arghhhhhh!

Quentin now comes in running a great back half to pick up Robbie at 8km.  He's back under 33 with a 32:46.  Then Robbie comes in on 33:01 and it's a bit of a gap to Charlie K on a very good 35:39 - this lad will be quick with a bit of training.  Then LJ comes wheezing over the line on 36:04.  She's had a cold all week but looks disappointed not crack 36 - even though it's a road PB!  Then Dr Skins (we're still trying to work out the nickname) on 36:40 and Timmy then comes in with a slightly disappointing 37:30.  The Birchy running to his Central Governor in 38:40.  Next up is Elle running a great 39:04 (she'll be under 39 very shortly) and then Jackie with a 2 minute PB of 40:39. 

Here we are immediately post race - Quentin, Birchy, me, Timmy, Charlie K, LJ, Skins, Jackie, Robbie and Elle.


Timmy spoiling the picture with the glamour couple Quentin and Carla.

So then we had a bit of a jog, bit of a shower, found the only breakfast joint open in Launnie (you're not allowed to call it Launceston apparently) on a Sunday, then the gents retired to the nearest pub whilst the ladies (and Birchy, honourable girl that he is) went to powder their noses.  Quite a while later they showed up whilst we were already half cut.  Here they are below, looking delighted with their results off coach CT's training plan. 

Then we went to the classy James Boags brewery and from there all class went out of the window as we ended up in the Irish pub, called "Irish" as far as I could tell.  I cut some fine moves on the dancefloor but Timmy seemed to be getting all the attention.  I won't post the offending photo.
All in all a top weekend.  The punters were happy.  LJ took home $450 from it, superstar that she is these days.  I have a feeling Launnie could become a regular fixture.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Friday plod

Last plod before Launnie with a Good Friday crowd of MC, Tucks, TKS, Adam, Crossy and others.

So here we are in Launceston, 11 of us.  Dinner booked for 6.30pm.  All a bit subdued at the moment lounging around watching World Cup replays and saving energy for the morning.  Getting nervous now.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

HuRTS Hickson Road

Continued the easy week by rocking up to the session and cruising around at 3:45's but adding a 100m at 95% during each rep.  Feeling good and getting really pumped for Launnie on Sunday.

I set up the office floor sweepstake today to try and get my fellow Aussie workers a bit more excited about the World Cup.  Well, half the floor didn't even know what it was but you mention a sweepie and they've all got their wallets out and studying the form.  Anything for a bit of a flutter.  So I'm first with my hand in the bucket and who do I get - England.

Wednesday ramble

Just the Centennial route back via Fox Studios, nice and easy but high cadence with LJ, Clarkey, Kev and BK.  

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

HuRTS 8 x 5mins

Monday off. 

Taking it easy this week so just cruised through the session.  Wasn't quite as easy as I'd planned running with Macca and Renaud but nothing like last Tuesday.  Was finishing just shy of Mrs Mac's Chair.  Long warmdown with Barts after for 16km all up.

Someone took some great photos from SMH Half on behalf of all Striders and sent them around on the distribution list today.  This is with 4km to go:

Stupid Sunday

Out at 6.30am with Macca, Ben, Justin and Erika for a loop up to Narrabeen Bogan Park and back.  Nice easy pace the whole way until Macca decided to see how strong Erika was by running 4:10's back into Manly.  She looked completely unflustered by his test.  All up 28km averaging 4:28's.

Then 13 runners of Manly origin descended on The Steyne and Last Train to Delhi for Curry Night.  All was good.  Then Ben, Paul and I went into The Boatshed.  No one else followed.  They're far too sensible.  At 3am I decided I was in the wrong place.  But the live band was great.

Saturday, June 07, 2014

Striders 10km North Head

Had the 40min pacing job today, trying to save myself for Launceston next week.  Turn up on the start line to find Enda looking exuberant and all the star runners missing.  It can't be I'm thinking.  Last Striders 10km he turned up for was in November when he took out the win when all the big guns were again AWOL.   Fats and Quentin were there but Fats had had a cold all week and was doubtful and I'd been drinking litre glasses of Lowenbrau in the Bavarian Bier Cafe last night with Quentin which left me feeling dodgy this morning so Q couldn't have felt much better.

Anyway, fair play to Enda.  He did all the work dragging Q and Tongey around for 8km but Q always buries himself in races and came out with the win over the final 1.5km.

I had a nice time pacing 40mins.  Plenty of people around, including Renee and Elle, to encourage and the group all came through under 40mins with a strong final km.  Coffee and breakfast with Timmy and Bec after for a good morning.

Friday plod

11km plus something with MC, Crossy, Springer, Adam and others.  Tired and sore after a tough week.

92km for week.

Thursday, June 05, 2014

HuRTS 400's tempo combo

Over to Rushcutters for 8 x 400m off a rolling 2 mins followed by a 3km tempo.  Felt crap on the way over - tired and unenthusiastic.  Barts, Timmy, Crossy, Rich Mullaney and Andy H made up the first group with MC easing off (again) in group 2 with a big group including LJ, TKS, Renee, Birthday Girl Elle, Big Kev etc.

Crossy was putting in some effort for a change in the 400's and was a few yards ahead for most but I was getting closer in the second half.  Had to really work hard to reel him in though and was running 67's and 68's on the long grass going lactic towards the end (down my arms of all places).

Dreaded the 3km tempo but felt OK once we got going running with Barts. It was wet today and when we turned the tight corner on to the wooden bridge I felt my foot slip out from me and slid into the side railing, only to turn around and see Barts flat on his back.  Looked like the bloody Keystone Cops.  Got going again and finished in 9:55 for 2.99km on the Suunto (Timmy's finally measured the distance correctly). Will download the stats tonight but pretty sure final lap was 3:13 including slowing a lot to cross the bridge of doom.

Long warmdown with Barts for 13km all up.

Wednesday, June 04, 2014


15km at a pace slightly quicker than normal with MC, Clarkey, Big Kev and Gareth.  Up to Centennial and back via Woolhara Gates.

Tuesday, June 03, 2014

HuRTS 45mins Tempo

Big crowd today with all of HuRTS regular favourites on show, i.e. everyone but Enda and Timmy.  We had a big group of 6 of us up front with Crossy, Quentin, Fats, Barts, Muz and me all running together.  I was feeling pretty jaded after yesterday's long run so tucked in behind Fats on the way out with Quentin also doing his share.  Around the OPT I felt the pace drop a bit and was starting to feel a bit more comfortable so did a bit on the front too.  We hit 22.5mins just after the mid entrance to Barangaroo (where the road changes colour), so pretty good.

Made some effort on the way back but was still feeling good.  Then Muz comes past at the Toaster and more effort is needed with the group falling apart.  Muz dragged me around to MMC while I'm thinking how the hell am I going to keep this pace up the hills when suddenly he shouts out; "That's it for me mate, see you Thursday!".  My emotions ran from relief to downright anger - the bastard left me knackered having to climb to the finish!  Finished off ok to run 44:19 all up for 12.7km (3:28's).  Long warmdown with Q, Barts and Andy H for 17km all up.

Monday, June 02, 2014

Long Monday

Achilles just too sore to run on Sunday.  Took plenty of Voltaren and could do the eccentric loading by Sunday night and felt great today.  Did a Centennial loop then joined the squad for the normal Monday route.  All up, 27km exactly in 2:00:00 exactly.  4:15's for first 13km and about 4:40's with the squad.

State XC Relays

Down to deepest, darkest Shire territory for the XC relays in Miranda.  Always love this event.  The different clubs line their tents right by the course (the toughest section), plenty of viewing opportunities to cheer your team mates on and a short, sharp course that has you blowing hard and legs a burning due to the little hills.

CT went off in the first leg and they were sprinting.  Crossy (running for Sutherland) said he went through the first km in 2:56 and he was mid-pack!  CT was well up with Robin W and Nick Cope until the hills on the 2nd lap where they put a bit of time into him.  Still, he handed over after running a quick 12:48.  

I went off quick in my track spikes and caught a couple early and had Big Jim Dawes to track down after he took over from Nick Cope from RBH.  Caught Jim at the end of the first lap but was making no headway into Geoff Arnold of St George who ended up running 3s quicker.  Happy enough to finish in 12:57 after blowing hard on the hills and handing over to Fats leading the O35's.  The achilles was buggered though.  With no heel on those spikes it was always going to be a risk.  

Fats ran a great 13:04 (ahead of Muz 13:07 and Crossy 13:14) - I think the hills suit his strength and with Keith running a good 13:10 we won the O35's pretty easily:

Fats and I, with the Tiger at far left for RBH and Crossy at far right for Sutherland.

But story of the day was the scones.  Much has been said and written.  Suffice to say I finally got some.  And, boy, were they good.  Some more jam next year (maybe the Bonne Maman variety) and it will be perfect.

Finally, for the family, Claudia is desperate to start soccer.  Here she is, shin pads, boots and all, in Maggie's kit for the mighty Brookvale FC:

Friday, May 30, 2014

Freewheeling Friday

Had to do some corporate charidee cycle challenge this morning which involved sitting on a stationery bike for 30mins freewheeling furiously.  I was intending to take it easy until they announced that the person who rode the furthest in the room would get a prize.

So got off the bike 30mins later with the tightest hip flexors known to man.  Then joined LJ, Erikakaka and, subsequently a big crowd including Adam, Andy and Ray for the usual harbourside route.  Andy accompanied me to the very end of 15 odd km and had a great chat about the life of a QPR supporter.  Jeez, dunno how he does it.  Life's tough enough.

Poor old Timmy was upsetting LJ's Mum with his banter today but the lovely lady has still promised to deliver scones, jam and cream to the relays tomorrow.  Let's hope someone saves me my fair share...

Only 80kms this week.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

HuRTS 8 x 800m

So I took yesterday off from being too tired on Tuesday and also had a massage - my first in 6 months.  Also did some stretching last night. Woke up this morning feeling like a million dollars.  

Over to Rushcutters to meet a good crowd including Timmy, Tucks, Barts, Andy, Ray, CT, Enda, Crossy, MC, LJ, Renee and plenty of others.  Haven't done this set in a while and it's tough.  1:30 rest in between.  First group was me, CT, Barts, Dom, Timmy and Rich Mullaney.  Went straight to the front feeling great.  Ran about 2:21.  Same on rep 2, rep 3 Adrian joins us and runs in front of me the whole way - 2:19.  I pay on rep 4 running 2:24 and they stayed that way until the last rep which CT made an effort on running 2:19 to my 2:20.

The Garmins said 800m, I've got my doubts but there was some wind on the home straight so it was a rock solid session and confidence booster nonetheless.

Extra jog with Barts and CT to Darling Point and back before heading home for 14km all up.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

HuRTS 10 x 3mins

So it's supposed to be 14 but:

1. I was late and missed the first 2 reps because I couldn't extricate myself from
a meeting;
2. I'm just knackered at the moment.

Seem to start every run feeling tired at the moment before slowly easing my way in.  Same running home last night and same today.  Felt shocking with CT blazing on ahead.  Then gradually eased in but still never felt comfortable nor felt that i'd manage 14.  Ended up doing 8 quick (running even paced the whole way, which means pushing the hills to strengthen the glutes), then 2 cruising with Mikey.

Great to see Barts back but jeez, you'd think he'd been out for 6 months rather than 3 weeks.  Whinging like a pom.  We should claim him for Churchill/Sands next year.  I think it may have been an act to get CT to give him a head start at GC Half.  It seems to have worked.

Muz is coming back.  Will be interesting to see what he runs in the relays (for Sutherland) at Miranda on Saturday.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Sunday slog

Took Saturday off with hangover.  Nice evening at Ronan's 40th then dinner with Kirst and just enough sleep to get out with Macca and Ben this morning for a very easy 2 hours covering almost 26km.  Time flew and the chat came easy.

Bec's team staring down their first defeat of the season.  2-1 with 10mins remaining...

Only in Sydney

Friday was a run over the C2S course to Bondi with MC, Richie Palmer, Erikakaka, Charlie D, Dr Skins and others.  Quick dip then a cab back.

Drank and ate too much at the Striders dinner in the evening.   Striders needs sorting out.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

HuRTS sprints tempo combo

Over to Rushcutters for 8 x 400m followed by a 3km tempo.  Reg Bartley was closed so Timmy marked out a (slightly long) 400m on the plying fields adjacent, with his pathways 3km to follow.

Crowd smaller than usual on the jog over but joined by a few more at Rushcutters. What we lacked in numbers we made up for in looks with myself, Timmy, Darien, Charlie, Jeet, Greta, Erikakaka and Timmy's latest yummy mummy client (Ceron?) in attendance.

Legs were fatigued on the 400's and only managed to pip Darien on a couple of the later ones.  Otherwise he was 2-3s ahead looking super smooth as ever.  Tried to concentrate on form given the tiredness.  Felt much better on the tempo which, despite being longer than last time was still a bit short (Garmin's had 2.96km) which I did in 9:35 running even laps of 3:12's.

Rooted on the jog back to the office.  12km all up.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Wednesday ramble

Short Centennial route with MC, Big Kev, Crossy, Adam and Jonathan(?) the South African chap.  Enough of this easy crap, it's time to get sweaty again.

Tuesday un-HuRTing

Rocked up to HuRTS where 90% of us trundled around for 45mins instead of the progressive tempo.  Plenty more chat.  Did another 4km "warm down" with MC, Andy and Quentin.

Bec finished 21st in her Zone XC.  Despite her despising running with a passion, so far she's the one who's shown most aptitude for it.  I'm still holding out hope for the uber-competitive little Mags.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Monday recovery

Achilles very sore after the SMH Half in flats.  Calves are like rocks.  Took Voltaren Sunday night and Monday morning and felt better after getting out for a trot (11km) with the crew on Monday.  Obviously all the talk was about the race.  Lot of chat on how to run it, a 60-90s fade or even splits. 
LJ didn't do too badly on her predicted times - results in brackets
Tom:  72:11  (72:21) - 10s.
CT:  72:37  (73:14) - 37s
Fats:  74:44  (74:22) - 22s
Enda:  75:14  (75:36) - 24s
Dicky P:  76:10  (78:37) - 147s
Phil Dove:  77:20  (79:01) - 101s
Macca:  78:22  (76:53) - 89s
Big Kev:  79:59  (80:19) - 20s
LJ herself:  cagey, but I reckon she's thinking 80:00  (82:29) - 149s
Timmy:  81:52  (82:58) - 66s
Jeet:  82:15  (83:16) - 61s
Erika:  83:55  (84:04) - 9s
Kilted one:  84:25  (86:00) - 95s
MC:  84:44  (84:04) - 40s
Anton:  85:00  (84:56) - 4s
Elle:  86:37  (89:22) - 105s
Renee:  87:44  (89:40) - 116s
Jacqui:  89:17  (Can't find)
So she got 6 within 25s and was furthest out with her own time!

Monday, May 19, 2014

SMH Half - 12th in 72:21

Was pretty psyched for this one.  Prepared very well and no excuses this time around.  Up at 5am and into the City to meet the squad for a warm up at 6.25am.  Loads of the squad there.  I love this race.  We always get a big turnout, it's a true runners race (and always has been), minimal fuss and excellent organisation.  Did a few run throughs and lined up next to Chadi and behind a stellar field at the pointy end - Marty Dent, Ben Moreau, Michael Shelley, Liam Adams, Jeff Hunt, Tom do Canto among others.  

Off we went and for the first km I felt fantastic.  Coming down Macquarie St I was running with Dave Criniti and Sean Bowes just behind the leaders but barely breathing.  Told myself to ease off as I would undoubtedly pay for this and then settled into a nice group with CT and a few others - but couldn't make out who they were as CT and I were sharing all the pacing duties at the front.  Here we are under the Harbour Bridge and then this was the group at the end of Hickson Rd about to turn on to the Darling Harbout flyover:

Notice in the 2nd photo how Nikki Chapple hasn't joined our group yet?  When we hit Pyrmont CT put in a burst and gapped us a bit.  I figured though that, as none of the rest of the group had gone with him, it was him speeding up as opposed to me slowing down so didn't get too concerned about the form.  However, I was a bit worried that he'd be able to latch on to Sean Bowes and the chap he was running with in front, so on the new loop around Fairfax wharf I put in an effort to catch him.  Noticed Enda and Fats going in as we came out.  Suddenly, we were right on Sean Bowes and went straight past him on the little hills around Pyrmont - with his running partner (a bloke called Klarie McIntyre) latching on to us.  This is one of the best bits of the course.  You suddenly come back against the tide of runners going in the opposite direction and get huge numbers of shouts and encouragement from your fellow runners.  Mikey had a huge group around him and gave a big cheer, but Timmy, Muz and Dicky were also very vocal.  Coming back past Star City I start to hear a motorbike behind us and realise Nikki Chapple has caught us.  And then gone straight past us.  Klarie latches on to her, as do I and Matthew Fenech.  I ask the latter our split at 10km and he says 33:30.  We then go through the half way point in 35:28 and technically we're on for a 70:xx, but I knew there's a minute drift there at least so a sub72 is the aim, as it was from the beginning.

After the half way mark there's a sharp little hill and this is where Nikkie and Klarie gap me and Matthew.  However, we get back on the flyover and Matthew bridges the gap.  I try to but give up.  This was the big mistake I made in the race.  If I'd planned to be aggressive, this was the chance to be so.  I'd end up beating Klarie and Matthew, but by running conservatively and not aggressively.

We get back to the Slip Inn and I'm starting to struggle but if there's anything to jolt you back into action it's Barts and Sammy on the sidelines screaming at me.  "GET ON THE BACK OF THAT GROUP TOMMMMMYYYYY!!!".  Get back into a good rhythm along Hickson Road (which we know so well) and start to think about attacking the hills.  Turn at the squashed car, have a quick look around to see if I can see CT (thank God no) and immediately start to gain on Matthew Fenech.  Pick him up on the hill to the corkscrew and again gauge the distance to CT on the hairpin at the top.  It's about the same as the gap to me and Nikki - he hasn't fallen off by much, he never does.  Cahill Expressway is fine but I hit the bottom of Macquarie St and feel as though I'm jogging.  Klarie is about 50m in front but I'm not gaining much.  Then again at the top the booming voices of Barts and Sam come out and spirits lift again.  Back on home territory now.  And here's J-Fen with more encouragement in the park.  We do reps of MMC all the time so know the road like the back of my hand.  I start to catch him coming back past the ABC Pool, but hell, these final hills are starting to hurt now.  This is what it looks like:

But then we're back to St Mary's and Barts again screams "GET HIM TOMMMMYYYY!!!".  So I do what I'm told and put some real effort in going down the outside of the road so that he doesn't latch on.  Fortunately, he's more buggered than me and I can enjoy the run into the line:

And then to watch the others arrive to see how the English have done.  Fats runs a stormer and raises his game significantly from the past couple of races to run a low 74 - you can always count on him when it matters.  Enda is next with a mid 75 PB.  And he's farked.  Check out Fats and I peeling him off the pathway:

For how well Fats runs for the English, Macca matches for the Irish.  This guy struggles to an 18:00 for Parkrun last week, but pulls a 76 out of the bag, doing it tough the whole way.  I don't think anything can sum it up better than this photo:

Other great performances followed, Timmy on the comeback (and cleaning up bets) with an 82:xx, but none more so than Erikakakaka's 8min PB running 84:04 (ably paced by HuRTS CEO Mikey "Hold the line" Conway).

The Churchill/Sands Cup was officially won by England in a very close contest (36s in it).  But Timmy and I had had enough of Enda's whining so gave it to the Irish by way of a 2 minute start.  But at the end of the day, healthy competition was the winner:

Thursday, May 15, 2014

HuRTS 3 x 2km

Smallest crowd in memory today with everyone resting for Sunday.  Just me, MC, LJ, Crossy, Kaley, Gus Mac, Adam, Craig P, Ray, Adam and the 2 Gregs.

I ran with MC and LJ at 3:50 pace with a few sprints thrown in.  LJ was providing sparkling conversation and entertained us throughout.  She then gave her list of predicted times for Sunday which surprised me, but this is what I can remember:

Tom:  72:11
CT:  72:37
Fats:  74:44
Enda:  75:14
Dicky P:  76:10
Phil Dove:  77:20
Macca:  78:22
Big Kev:  79:59
LJ herself:  cagey, but I reckon she's thinking 80:00
Timmy:  81:52
Jeet:  82:15
Erika:  83:55
Kilted one:  84:25
MC:  84:44
Anton:  85:00
Elle:  86:37
Renee:  87:44
Jacqui:  89:17

So she fancies the Irishmen but we shall see.  I think she was just being diplomatic  giving me the nod over CT.

C'mon England!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Lucky 13

Very easy 13km Centennial route with LJ, Big Kev and Greg.  Tired after yesterday.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

HuRTS 2 x 20mins

Low turn out today, not sure why.  We normally get a pretty good showing the week before a big race.  Muz, Fats and Gus Mac were upfront with me and CT.  CT said something about only doing 5 mins of the second rep and promptly put his foot on the gas going around Farm Cove leaving me running solo.  Managed to get to the corner of Hickson Rd with CT about 50m in front.  He said he averaged 3:19's so I must have done about 3:21's.  Ran together until CQ on the way back when he pulled aside and bid me on my way so I had to work hard solo to catch anyone.  Finally did so going by the ABC Pool to finish in 20:10 (3:23's).  

Pretty rooted after that.  Going well though.

Nice warm down around MMC with MC and TB (can I include any more acronyms?) for 16km all up.  TB has given out some free samples of his Race Names (c) for the SMH Half on Sunday. They look good.

Particularly no.40.  I've been calling Kirst "pet" since I met her and wondered why she was so confused.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Moody Monday

Knackered after yesterday.  Was in a massively grumpy mood this morning and felt so lethargic walking to the ferry wharf.  I put it down to a tougher run than expected yesterday and, more importantly, not getting any nutrition in me until 2 hours after I'd finished.

Very tired running today.  Cut short at 11km.  Need to freshen up for Sunday.  Big crowds as we get into the heart of the Winter racing season - MC, TKS, Charlie, Enda, Crossy, LJ, Renee, Jacki O, Erikakaka and Elle.  New Churchill/Sands recruit Phil was looking super smooth running the opposite direction.  Irish vice-captain Kanser less so.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mothers Day

Gave Kirst the honours this morning so headed out from The Spit after dropping Billy off at MHYC for sailing.  I had 2 hours and 15 mins so basically ran a slightly shortened version of the Middle Harbour Picnic (missing some of those nasty bits in Balmoral).  Came back on 2 hours 18 mins.  Forgot how hilly the bloody route is.  Felt pretty good though.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Curl Curl Parkrun - 1st in 16:44

Jogged over with Macca.  Plenty of hellos then into it.  Went off fairly quickly but just can't push myself when I'm going solo.  Slowed quite a bit in 3rd km.  Beautiful morning with mist rising from the fields as we arrived.  Jogged back with Macca and Jamie for 15km all up.

Where was Renaud?

Friday, May 09, 2014

Friday frolics

11km very easy with Enda, Ray, Birchy, Damon and Paul H. 

111km for a good, solid week.

Enda has agreed to a 2:34 headstart for SMH Half - $20. 

Thursday, May 08, 2014

HuRTS Pyramid

Had a few jars last night at trivia night at The Australian in The Rocks.  Sample questions:

1.  Name 3 countries which start with a letter of the alphabet that no other country starts with that same letter.

2.  Which 5 vegetables make up a chiko roll?

3.  Who was the oldest Formula 1 World Champ?

Ended up feeling a bit dusty this morning, so treated myself to a bacon and egg roll at 11am.  That was a mistake.  But other than feeling as though I wanted to barf, today was one of those sessions where you feel full of running and everything is easy.  Had my Tudor on so no accurate times but I think one of the 3 lappers was 4:04 and the 4 lapper was 5:28.  Darien was gliding around like a superstar when he felt like putting some effort in.  CT was struggling with his legs today.  Tucks is coming back into form but training performances of the day went to Young Timmy who stuck with Group 1 with some good consistent times and Young Erikakaka who was smashing it out at the front of Group 2 on the final couple of reps with MC and LJ.  In fact, with the more attractive Truscott putting in an appearance today we had a phalanx of Sydney female running talent at the head of Group 2 in LJ, Gretstar and Erika with Elle, Renee and Jacki close behind.  The girls are showing us how it's done.

Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Wednesday and pumped

Finally feeling a bit better!

Nice 13km loop around Centennial with Enda, Crossy, TKS, Liam and Elan.  Then did an extra 3km MMC loop with Crossy. All very easy pace.

I received an email from media for SMH Half for the elite entrants asking to fill in a biography.  I think they may be confusing Seeded entrants with Elites, but I asked my secretary to have a go at filling it out in any case.  This was her attempt:

Tuesday, May 06, 2014

HuRTS 4 x 10mins

A few of the big boys missing today but HuRTS #1 Tucks and HuRTS wannabe #3 CT more than made up in quality what we lacked in quantity.  MC had his usual posse, Dad to be Phil Dove was looking like Adonis and Charlie had shed his traffic lights so all was well with the world.

I planned to cruise the reps and push the hills trying to engage the glutes.  Fine on first rep (2.8km - about 3.30s).  Much quicker on rep 2 with CT taking off (about 3:22's).  I pushed rep 3 feeling great in about 3:20's then decided to ease off on rep 4 as I knew I was tiring from the weekends efforts - about 3:38s.

Good banter, nice session.  3km warm down for 15km all up.

Monday, May 05, 2014

Moon Boy Monday

Just the usual 15km today with a cast of thousands but spent most time chatting to MC, Tucks and Crossy.  Took Voltaren last night (first in 3 weeks) and as a result felt magic.  

The cold still lingers, but none of you miserable buggers give a rats arse about that.

Sunday, May 04, 2014

Centennial Sunday

Over to Centennial this morning for 28km around and about the park.  Big crowd including Barts, Timmy, Kanser, Enda, CT, LJ, Renee, Birchy, TB, Jeet, Renaud, Big Kev and Elle.

Plenty of banter with Renaud taking a bit of stick for his pyrrhic Curl Curl Parkrun win and no-one having a bar of my manflu excuses. They'll see, just you wait.

Achilles was very sore the whole way.  Took some Voltaren after a heart-stopper of a greasy spoon breakfast and will hammer the eccentric loading over the next few days.

Saturday, May 03, 2014

Sydney10 - 30th in 32:37

Showed up not feeling confident at all and still feeling the effects of the cold.  But decided just to give it a go and hang on as far as I could.  Did a warm up with CT and then the usual hellos to all the HuRTS lads and lasses and we were on the line.  I was a few rows back as they were introducing all the elite (men and women).  The gun went and I found myself trying to pick my way through scores of people.  But soon enough I could see Barts and CT in front so the plan came into action.  By 2km CT and I had latched on to a group of Barts, Geoff Arnold and Robin W.  No idea as to times but I knew it was quick as Peter Costello, Dave Criniti and Vlad only appeared to be a short way up the road in front of us.  

Sure enough I was through 5km in 15:53 but CT and I had become slightly detached from the group.  I was feeling OK, certainly less desperate than I normally feel when running that quickly but was worried about how the cold was going to effect me later on.  Decided just to plough on as long as I could.  CT and I swapped positions until 8km (without him I'd have run 20s slower) when we turned for the long drag up past the ANZ Stadium.  At that point, Nick Bellemore comes past and we both trying to jump on to him, but I'm starting to give up.  They gap me a bit, then some chick (Gwen Jorgensen - 6th in the London Olympics triathlon) comes flying by me at 9km but I'm coasting.  Finally start to make an effort when I enter the stadium - ridiculously only to stay within 25s of Barts and win a beer from him as I could see him crossing the line when I enter the home straight.

Very happy with the time - if you'd offered me 32:37 on the start line I'd have grabbed it.  Disappointed I mentally gave up at the end blaming the effects of the cold when in truth I reckon it had no physical impact whatsoever.

Great run by Enda to smash his PB in 33:46.  Other massive PBs by Birchy, Renee and Erikakaka.  Timmy is finally getting back some form with a 37:02.  Tussle of the day was between Muz, Dicky H and Richie P all finishing consecutively within 3 seconds (Enda having overtaken them at half way).  Quentin will be disappointed with his 33:16 and Fats his 34:25 but both we're suffering colds and obviously worse than mine.

Quote of the day from Dave Criniti.  Was having a chat about marathons and he said he was planning on doing Gold Coast.  I said I was planning on a couple of Halfs and then the "full at Melbourne".  "There's a full at Melbourne?" he responds.

Around about 4.5km...


Told you it was hotly contested!


So, the sore throat niggle turned into a full on cold.  Wednesday working at home and Thursday feeling sorry for myself.  Finally managed a jog on Friday for 10km with a few strides to see how I felt.  Ok when running but got the chills afterwards.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

HuRTS 45min Fartlek

Showed up today feeling pretty good and intending to give it a bit of a go.  Partly to sense again how it's going to feel on Saturday morning (haven't done a quick session in a while) and partly to see where I'm at.  Well, with Barts, CT, Quentin, Enda, Tucks, Fats and Muz all turning up the big boys were in force.  

Went quite hard from the beginning but there was a big crowd just behind me and everyone was chatting away so just kept on pushing on.  Just about got enough rest on each float to push the minute fast sections each time.  I think Enda must have dropped off around Circular Quay and when we hit Hickson Rd with another fast section still remaining I knew we'd gone hard and would turn further than ever before.  It was just shy of the final traffic calming device before the road where we stop the old Hickson Rd reps.

On the way back I was having to work pretty hard but sensed everyone was too.  CT said something about getting to 10km and that was my excuse to up stumps too, which we did just entering Farm Cove.  It would have been a struggle to carry on and I would have slowed so it wasn't worth it with the race on Saturday.

Pretty rooted after the jog back home for 16km all up.  Quentin sent through some Garmin stats which are hard to follow but it looks like the fast sections averaged 3:12's with the floats averaging high 3:40's.

So another good session but I'm getting a sore throat.  Echinacea and gallons of water for me.  Been peeing all evening.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Makeshift Monday

Sunday - rest.  I contemplated a run and then quickly dismissed such foolery.

Monday - 7km solo but bumped into LJ and ran with her whilst we bemoaned our respective achilles' then 15+km with the squad (Tucks, Charlie, TKS, Renee, Erika, BW, JW, James L, Adam and even Crossy for a bit) then 4+km solo for about 27km all up.  Felt dead easy and averaged about 4:25's but achilles sore running in the Wave Riders.

Seal Rocks

Monday - rest

Tuesday - 14km steady, pushing the hills.

Wednesday - 13km steady, pushing the hills.

Thursday - 15km steady, pushing the hills.

Friday - 14km bit quicker than steady, pushing the hills.

(96km for week)

Saturday - 10km easy.

Saturday night - 45 beers and a tequila shot at Sammy's 40th.  I was going fine until the tequila shot. 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Long fast finish

Barts, Quentin, Ray and Dicky came over this morning for the Narrabeen route with a fast finish.  Did a loop of the Golf Course at the end for 32.5km all up.

Nice and easy to start then we pushed the pace from Cromer onwards.  And push we did, may have started easier than pre-Berlin last year but we finished quicker.  The final 12km was a little over 3:30 pace.  

Felt great this morning - beautiful day for it.  Richie was first to drop off having done Parkrun yesterday.  Ray was very strong but eventually dropped off near my new house.  Quentin fell off with about 2km to go leaving Barts and I pushing towards the end.

All up 2:13 something (4:07's) and a real confidence booster.

Sack Pardew

6km super easy with Maggsy on her bike.  Done later on when the hangover had subsided.

Go Fat and Go Early

Now you might have imagined that this was my race plan for Sydney10 but that I'd mis-spelled "fast".  But no.  This, apparently, is Birchy's pick-up technique for the ladies.  "Avoid the rush later on" he explains, with a straight face.

Found this out on Friday night, over a few impromptu beers with Sam, Charlie and out better halves, plus Timmy, Q, 'Lil Jimmy Matthews and Birchy plus Sam's sister and mate from London.  Turned into a big night but a great laugh. 

This was after 14km very easy to Shelley Beach and back avoiding the royal watchers.

110km for the week.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

HuRTS 800s and tempo

Put on the Musha's and over to Rushcutters (despite Reg Bartley being out of action) for the Highnam 5 x 800m set followed by a 3km tempo.  Judging by the crowd, they're a sucker for punishment as it was plenty healthy with Timmy, Tucks, TKS, Jeet, JW, LK, Erikakaka, Renee and Birchy all in attendance plus a host of others.

Led out the 800's with Tucks just behind.  The course was long (for once) as I averaged 2:40-2:42.  Then had a bit of a confused barny with Timmy as I thought he was cutting short for the tempo when in truth the poor fella was just changing the course but couldn't explain himself very well.  Anyway, it was actually a good 3km course (if a bit short) which I ran with Tucks in 9:40.

The usual crawl back to the office after this double session.  

A few beers and wines this evening. But I did resist Easter eggs.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Ran home.  Was going to tag on an extra 8km around Manly but got hungry so just went straight home.  Nice and easy.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

HuRTS 45min tempo

Strength with DC in the morning (final session of the block of 6) had the legs a wobbling again.  But seem to be recovering better now.  Still not enough to do anything about Barts and Clarkey sailing off into the distance on the tempo at lunch.  But behind we managed to form a nice little group of me, Fats, Q and New Tom.  We turned about 10s beyond the first speed bump on Hickson so better than a month ago then picke the pace up a bit.  Ran with Q the whole way back finishing in 44:39.  Solid and felt good, even if the achilles is still troubling me.

Long warmdown with Barts, Clarkey, Andy and Q for 18km all up.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Pit pat Monday

15km with a big group including MC, Tucks, LJ, Erikakaka, Renee and others.  Cadence was high which means I'm tired.

Sore Sunday

Dicky High came over and joined up with Quentin, Justin, Banksy and myself for my old North Head/Tania Park route.  Legs were fine by achilles pretty sore the whole way.  Need to get a tennis ball into my ass as I could feel my glutes tightening when climbing the steps.  

About 2:10 for the 28kms.

Then out in the evening to watch the London Marathon and then Liverpool v Man City.  Great night and a huge crowd.

What we learned:

1.  Mo's a 1500m runner.
2.  Kipsang is World #1.
3.  Dibaba is a champ and has some balls.
4.  Kane's a Dane.
5.  There'll always be an England.

Ooh, and before I forget, some bets were laid.

1. Head to head with CT - Sydney10.  A beer.

2.  25s from Barts - Sydney10.  A beer.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Saturday cop out

Planned on a 16.5km tempo but was too tired so just did an easy 10km instead.   Told myself I was "listening to my body".  But why do I feel so guilty?

Stopped a couple of times to chat to Quentin and Thamal along the way, just to make me feel really bad.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Friday flunk

Centennial Park route solo.  As usual, sore for first 5km then ok.

120km for the week. Very solid with some good sessions.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

HuRTS Hickson Road

The original and still the best, as Clarkey said after rep 3.  And he's not wrong.  This session always hurts, and I never race well on the weekend if I do this on a Thursday.  You start to go lactic towards the end of each rep so mentally it's tough too.  Ran well today though, holding good form throughout and running between 3:37 and 3:40 on the new course (other than the first in 3:45).  Was just in front of Clarkey for each with new bloke Tom, Anthony, BOB and another soon following behind.  There's some good runners coming through the ranks. Long warmdown with MC, Clarkey, Ray and Enda for about 14km all up.

Some strange banter this afternoon regarding Dicky's exploits in Rotterdam.  What emerged is that Quentin aspires to have a photo of me tattooed onto his right pec, and Banksy doesn't know where his pecs are:

Finally, it appears that Alberto Salazar has been reading my blog (thanks to Springer for this one):

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Billy no mates

21km solo around the wharves.  About 1:37 I think, but stopped and had a chat to Charlie and for some water.  That was about it.

OK, a few predictions:

1.  Mo will DNF in London.  His ego will make him run with the pace (Geb) and the real marathon runners, then he'll fall apart at about 29km.

2.  CT to run 1:13:31 in Canberra.

3.  Enda to run 1:15:50 in Canberra.

4.  Andy to run 3:19:00 (50km) in Canberra.

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

HuRTS 12 x 3mins

First, in the am was a DCRun session.  Pretty hard work this morning with some hills and dumb bell lunges hurting me most.

Then joined the squad with MC, CT, Big Dave Clarke, LF Charlie, Kanser et al all there.  Couldn't push the pace because of the effects of the morning but was working the hills around Mrs Macs Chair pretty well until about rep 10 when it suddenly hit my glutes.  Just logged the last 2 before upping stumps.  Solid day.  About 14km including this morning.

Was chatting to one of the blokes in the squad (Anthony) who's been turning up more regularly recently - running very well just behind CT and Clarkey.  Turns out he lives just around the corner in Fairlight.  Another Fairlight runner to add to the mix!

Monday, April 07, 2014

Melisandre Monday

Ran home.  Legs felt sore.  Involuntarily farted next to a bloke in Neutral Bay.

Sunday, April 06, 2014

Sunday all around

Dropped Bec off at soccer and just ran from there.  A bit stop start as I had to pick her up after the game but in total I was running for about 2:10 so I'm guessing about 28km.  Felt great today bouncing along.  Even the achilles was ok.

After a good chat with Matty Palmer yesterday the only person I should bump into today was his younger bro, Jamie Palmer, my AVCAL nemesis.  It was pissing with rain today.  Manly beach has rarely been so quiet.

Saturday, April 05, 2014

Striders 10km Lane Cove - 4th in 34:31

Well, after a big Thursday night, a boozy Friday lunch and another couple of beers in the evening, this morning was always going to be tough.  Did a 4km warm up in the dark solo to warm up the achilles then said the usual hellos to Timmy, Paulie B, Neil P, Quentin, Dicky H et al on the start line.  Plan today was to start easy and work my way into it.  Felt good to start.  Dave Criniti had raced off with Neil following him.  Quentin and I were running side by side (again) in 3rd and 4th.  Struggled up Scribbly Gums and was overtaken by another 2 young blokes I didn't recognise.  At the bottom, one pushed on while the other dropped back.  Quentin was forcing the pace a bit so just stuck to him.

Stayed this way until 6km when I felt Quentin wasn't pushing the pace as much.  Started to think, hell, this could be my day, maybe my head to heads are too aspirational after all.  I started working the hills but he'd always reattach himself on the flats.  Really worked the hill with 2km to go but again he reattached.  We were quickening the pace the whole time as the 3rd placed bloke was coming back towards us having been a long way ahead at the 5km turn, and even Neil P was in sight. With 1km to go I really upped the pace but Q was still holding on.  At the turn at the toilets (500m to go) he says something like "that's it, I'm done", I think, you beauty, but then he starts sprinting again the sly old fox.  So what ensued was an unattractive Highnam desperate sprint to the line just holding him off and just missing out on 3rd place in the process.

3km warm down for a good morning's efforts.  I used to run 33:30's on this course regularly.  But then I used to take these races much more seriously.  Feel like I'm in OK shape.  Not many great runs out there.  Uncle Dave ran a stormer in 32:13, Ben S is on the comeback with a 38:30 and Justin seemed happy with his scalps but Dicky G, 'Lil Jimmy M and Timmy all struggled.

Thursday, April 03, 2014

And now for something completely different

So with Mikey off injured, I felt I had the discretion to set a different session.  Copied something equivalent to what Sean Williams does - short reps followed by a medium tempo.  So decided on 8 x 400m followed by a 3km tempo.  The idea is the tempo simulates race conditions so you try to hold form over the relatively short distance on tired legs.

It was a beautiful day and Rushcutters was in tip top condition.  What's more the local council had spray painted a start line and 400m line and Timmy had laid out cones for the 1km, 2km and 3km  points of the tempo.  How spoiled were we?!  In short though, I think we were a bit short today due to taking inside lines around the oval.  I'm guessing 2s for the 400s and 25s for the 3km.

Ran with Clarkey for all the 400s.  Darien was looking super smooth about 2s quicker per rep.  Adrian popped in and out.  Clarkey and I did 67s and 68s for all keeping them consistent.

On the 3km Clarkey went off quite quick while I just ran steady 85s per lap (having felt the lactic towards the end of the 400s).  New boy Tom was the only other in our group with Darien pussying out to run in Timmy's group.  Reeled in Clarkey with 2 laps to go to finish in 9:35.

Knackered afterwards but a great session.

Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Wednesday in the sun

Usual route to Bondi and back catching a few waves in the surf on a cracker of a day.  Only downside was having to endure Timmy's drivel the whole way while the rest of the boys opted for an easy run around the foreshore.  He mentioned Bondi Rescue at the start of the run so I figured it would feature in his blog post for the day.

Lovely easy run which I appreciated as I was farked after yesterday's double efforts.