Sunday, March 13, 2016

Great Ocean Walk

First, congrats to all who completed Six Foot Track.  You're more brave than me.  It's a beast of a race and must have been even tougher in the heat and humidity of yesterday.  Run of the day goes to Erika for taking out second place in 4:20.  I still think she's got the talent to win it though.  Mike Lichwark surprised all to be first HuRTS home in a great 3:42 but my other top performance goes to Darren running a big PB in 4:17.  He's been struggling injury and, to be first home from his household was feat enough!

Inspired by the performances in the mountains (and not knowing any other routes to follow), I ran the Great Ocean Walk from Apollo Bay.  I had 2:10 on the schedule and thought I'd squeeze in 30km in that time.  I didn't realise how nuts the Great Ocean Walk is.  Rock hopping, sand running and running up massive hills on trail over headland is not my forte (and did my achilles no good) but it was very beautiful surrounds.

I turned after 13km (70mins) dreading the hills on the way back.  Took a wrong turn at 19km and found myself in a car park.  My brain started working telling me that where there were cars, there must be nice hard bitumen.  So I followed that and eventually got back with 26km done. Not far but I was buggered so it must be the equivalent of a 30+km run.

Checked out my Strava splits and saw that I got a record up the final fire trail hill between 12 and 13km in ahead of some notable trail runners - perhaps Six Foot next year could be on the cards!

Stopped for lunch near Lorne and Kirst and I sampled another craft beer shown here:

It too was shite.


Woke up in country Victoria in a town that, in my basic translation skills, means Beer War.  Parkrun was down on the schedule, but the nearest one was in Geelong about an hour's drive away.  So ran out the door down a long straight road, turned at 5km and ran back hard, then did 3km easy to warmdown.  5km hard was about 16:50. Session done.

Drove down to the Great Ocean Road, passing through a town called Forrest.  Now this is my nickname at work (I'm sure it's the same for many runners) so I couldn't resist the photo op:

Settled into our second overnight place and, having been inspired by the write-ups on CT's blog, I sampled some local craft beers.  And half a bottle of a local red wine.  Here were the craft beers:

They were all shite and I'd have traded all 6 for 1 bottle of Coopers Pale Ale.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

60min tempo

Marathon training on a daily basis goes a bit like this:

Knackered, knackered, knackered, climbing stairs at work is tough, ooh - feel slightly ok, hard session, knackered, knackered, doubting why the hell im doing this, legs feel slightly better today, hard session, knackered, I seem to shuffle everywhere, knackered, bit better, hard session, knackered.

Today was a hard session after finally feeling vaguely ok post-weekend last night.  Jogged to North Head, met Lewis and Justin.  Justin set off, I asked Lewis for a moment to compose myself, then we were off a minute later.

Felt OK when we got going and 3:30's were doable.  In fact, we were remarkably consistent, with my Garmin recording every km between 3:28 and 3:32.  Lewis was a massive assistance so many thanks mate.  All up 17.25km in the 60mins averaging 3:29's.

27km all up!!

I then had the delight of meeting LJ for mid-morning brunch to chew the fat on running and babies.  Great to hear she's back running again, such a champ.

Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Wednesday getting it done

Work is manic.  Got out early feeling half asleep for the first km.  But a great Manly Hardcore crowd of Erika, Emma, Darren, Lewis and Robbie Begg made for a great run chatting all the way.  

But hell it was sweaty.  What's with this weather?  I never used to sweat much but my tops are drenched at the moment.

Tuesday non-session

Boss said no to any session on account of the big weekend and ongoing achilles issues so just did 90mins.  Hurts were doing 14x3km so joined them around Farm Cove for a few easy ones.  That increased the pace a bit which meant the overall run ended up as a Half Marathon - 21.1km in 1:28 (4:12's).  Felt OK.

Monday, March 07, 2016

Easy Monday

10km with the squad around the city.  Spent most of the time chatting races with Hoey and beach sprints with JC.  4:46's.  Achilles much better today after a lot of rolling out last night.

Sunday, March 06, 2016

Long Sunday

37km with Barts, Macca, Craig, Lewis, Toby and the Cap'n.  Tired from the word go, fuckadoodled by the end.  Like really tired.  Like end of Marathon tired.  But the ocean was amazing.  


Saturday, March 05, 2016

Striders North Head - 1st in 32:26

Slept overnight in the Four Seasons - not because of any family rift but the Partners conference which was wrapping up at noon today.  But enough time to nip out for the Striders 10km.  With Barts, CT, Hoey, Lewis, Robin V, Scotty and Neil all due to race I wasn't going to miss this one.  Only Q out of the usual rivals was missing.  Unfortunately it turned out that Hoey was struggling with a niggle so couldn't make it.

Got a lift with Jackie O and Birchy after nearly being punched out by a homeless person at 6am.  At least it got the adrenalin flowing and ensured dump #4 of the morning was a dead cert.

Did a warm up with Hamish and then lined up.  I drifted to the front with Barts from the gun with a decent sized group jumping on the back and forming a significant gap early on to Macca and Jamie.  That group included Neil, CT, Lewis, Robin, Scotty and Gary Mullins.  At 5km (reached in 16:08 on my watch) we were still altogether but for Gary a short distance behind.  Here we are:

So half way through the race and we're all together, I immediately start to feel very average on the slight incline that follows this and I'm thinking I may struggle to finish top 5 here.  But I tell myself we're travelling quick and if I can just maintain pace there's no way every one will hold on.  And gradually the group sounds as though it's beginning to thin.  Here's CT starting to drop off between 5Km and 6km - he'll later retake Lewis:

All the way until 7km I'm feeling very average and just hoping for the group to thin so that I can get a podium.  By the car park loop though I sense that it's just me and Barts (I never dare look around) and suddenly around the loop I get a 3m lead and sense he's struggling.  I'm also knackered but have to at least give it a go or he'll never respect me.  Keep on trying to force the pace but not making any huge gap.  Then at the top of the hill after 8km I feel I've made some ground so just try to consolidate it.  This is really hurting now but know that I need sufficient gap at the Stone Arch or he'll hunt me down in the final 500m.  I really keep on pushing and round the Stone Arch, here Ben give a shout and see that I have maybe 8 seconds.  That should be enough but I have to put a massive effort in just after the arch so that he doesn't feel as though he has a sniff.  Here I am absolutely buggered with 200m to go:

Finish and I'm farked.  Barts comes in 7s later followed by a jubilant Robin dipping under 33mins.  Next up is Neil, then CT and Lewis before Gary M who is equally happy running 33:50.  Jamie does well for a 35:18 closely followed by Macca in 35:30.  Run of the day for me is Jeet in 36:18 (a full course PB).  Here he is:

Then Craig (who will be looking for his big mileage to sink in soon), Burkey (finally an appearance) and the Cap'n.

Kanser will also be looking for his mileage to sink in soon in 39:12, Birchy had his mind on Oxford St this evening while Jimmy won't want to speak of his effort.  But at least he turned up.  #wherewasTimmy.


Super Elle:


Splits were consistent - good final km:


At our Partner conference.  8km around the wharves super slow at 6.30am with my fellow partners.  At least it kept me off the booze the night prior.

Thursday, March 03, 2016

HuRTS 400's + 3km tempo

Achilles was too sore for hills this morning despite taking Voltaren last night.  Ventured out at luncthime in the heat with the HuRTS crew.  We were banned from Reg Bartley so Rushcutters Bay it was.  No nude ladies this time.

Did the 400's feeling tired in the legs.  Didn't push them and averaged 70/71's for whatever distance it actually was.  Then a short rest and into the 3km tempo where it was a completely different story.  Cruised around in 3:15's feeling fantastic.

Had Tom Middleton join us today for the first time.  But it was Quentin leading the charge on the 400's with little Tom, Tom M and Toby in pursuit.  Nicely organised once again by Timmy and good to see Enda back.  Ensured the banter was in full flow.  Cop out of the day goes to JFen who did the 3km tempo with the slow pack despite running 3:25's.

13km all up.

Wednesday easy

Ran to work.  Not much more to add.  14.5km in 4:44's.  Left achilles was sore.

Tuesday, March 01, 2016

1km reps


Marked out the usual 1km loop on Nolans in the dark at 6am (1st day of Autumn and these sessions will become progressively more difficult to stage).  Had Tim, Erika, Darren and Jamie this morning but joined also by Lewis for his first official Manly RunCrew session.  The grass was dry and had recently been cut so wasn't the usual wading through treacle that you can feel running on this surface.

Reps went 3:11, 3:06, 3:06, 3:05, 3:03 and 2:55.  Not sure about that last rep.  Felt as though I pushed harder but I think it's a misreading as it wasn't that much quicker.  No idea about the accuracy in general as we all seemed to be reading different distances.  I was just running the same distance each time so at least each rep can be compared against the others.

Ran them all with Lewis.  Felt as though I was holding him back at least for the first 4 reps as he was reluctant to take the lead.  But that's probably good for him.  I much prefer feeling controlled in sessions rather than venturing into the lactic when trying to race people.

3km warm up and 5+km warm down for 15km all up.


40mins very easy bumping into Hoey and Jeet finishing their HuRTS set.  8+km.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Getting longer Sunday

Out earlier than usual with Craig, Macca and Barts at 5.50am for a few extra km before meeting the crowd (Lewis, Tim and the Cap'n) at 6.15am.  Psychologically it feels easier to tag the extra kms on to the start of the run rather than the end.

Felt very flat today after yesterday's efforts.  Just dragged my ass around listening (without contributing too much) to all the banter.  Picked up the pace at the end trying to catch Macca and it was nice to stride out a bit.  The ocean was magic afterwards, cooler than of late with a southerly swell and pounding surf.  All topped off by the Brekkie Burrito Wrap in Troubador which even came within 15mins after Barts started eyeballing the waiter.

35km done in 4:28's.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Park and Fart

4km jog to the start of Parkrun.  First km was an all time slow but then legs started to feel ok albeit achilles was a bit tight.  Took my Saucony Fasttwiches but only intending to run in them if legs felt OK.

Met Macca and Jamie (with pram) and some young fast looking kids at the start.   On seeing the kids, decided to wear the racing flats.  Set off and the kids sprinted off as you'd expect.  Gave me a good pace to chase early on though.  I was solo from 300m in.  First km in 3:05, then 3:11.  Told myself at the start that you make or break this course in the 3rd km so pushed hard and was happy with a 3:15. Then a 3:13 and finished with a 3:04 after crossing the bridge in 14:00 and knowing a sub16 was on the cards.  Official time was 15:53, equaling my PB but easily my quickest run solo.

Watched Macca come in 2nd just over 17mins and just ahead of Toby who made a wrong turn.  Both ahead of the young guns.  Jamie ran a super quick 17:52 with pram.

Few mins rest, then a 1km jog with Jamie before starting the 19min fartlek (1min on, 1min off) before jogging home.

18km all up.


Friday, February 26, 2016

Easy hour chasing the gang

Out at sparrows fart but unfortunately 3 or 4 minutes too late.  Erika and Justin (who were later to sweep up Burkey and Lewis) had given up waiting so I tracked their route hoping to bump into them on the way back up Manly Beach.  Charlie D was staring soulfully out at the ocean with his daughter and informed me they were only 300m ahead.

But they never appeared.  Strava had them running back past me between Manly and Shelley but bizarrely missed them.  I think they hid.

Got up to North Head and eventually bumped into them on the Bower.  All up 12.5km in the hour (4:49's).

Need to change my shoes more often after recent achilles issues so will start by chucking all the old ones out.

123km for the week.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Thursday double heat trouble

AM:  8km easy to Shelley and back.

PM:  HuRTS 800's at Rushcutters.  In 33C temps.  

Had decided with Gary to cruise these.  In truth, having taken Voltaren the night beforehand, I couldn't feel my Achilles.  Been bouncing around all day which makes me realise I've been feeling the Achilles in the background for quite a while.

Cruised the 800's in 2:38/2:39 until rep 7 in 2:31 and final rep in 2:22 (course was a bit over 800m).  Timmy did a fantastic job marking out the route on the perfect Rushcutters surface and providing an Esky full of cold water - really above and beyond the call of duty.

Barts was out front with Hoey not stopping between reps - both looking in great form.

5km warm down with Barts including a dip in the harbour at the CYC - perfect.

22km for the day.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Wednesday MLR

Woke at 5.30am.  Got to bathroom.  Looked into mirror.  Saw two piss-holes in the snow staring back at me.  Went back to bed for another much-appreciated 90mins of sleep.

Left achilles has been sore so was tentative for today's run.  Sneaked out at lunch and ran with Kanser and Hoey for 20km.  Achilles managed OK but I think I need some new shoes as current ones are rock hard.

Other than the achilles I felt great today, one of the easiest 20kms I can remember.  Will ditch the hills tomorrow and cruise some 800's at Rushcutters with Timmy instead. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Tired double

AM:  Met Jamie, Darren and Burkey early doors for 16 x 400m off a rolling 2:15.  Marked out a straight(ish) 400m on dewy Nolans grass and off we went.  Well, we headed in what we thought was the right direction as there was this Dickensian low level mist covering the field which meant we had no idea where the finish line cones were.  Just had to follow precious footprints in the grass on subsequent reps.  Here we are emerging:

Mangled 74/75's for the first 10 (I think it was a bit long) then took my shoes off and did 72/71's for the final 6.  Burkey on fire as ever for these shorter reps although he stopped to take photos for the final 2.  This is us finishing off:

Amazing light this morning helped by a huge full moon.

3km warm up and 5+km warm down for 16km all up.

PM:  8km easy from work in 4:32's.

Monday, February 22, 2016

To the Tiger

Ran to Lime Street from home for a massage, my first in months.  Felt much better for it, particularly my left glute/hammy.

15.2km in 4:38's so nice easy start to the week.  Still had Saturday's tempo in the legs though.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

90min tempo

So Friday was a rest day but, given a lighter week, I felt great all day and was itching to get out.  But I restrained myself and took $20 out of the atm to hand over to CT.

Saturday morning rocked up and after numerous emails and an elaborate route setting, I was dead chuffed to see the elites of HuRTS and Striders all out in force.  Barts, CT, Quentin, Hoey, Neil, Robin Vonk and myself were all doing up to 90mins.  Jamie was doing 30mins and Macca and Eoin were doing 4x5km.  Route started at the Passmore bridge and took in a loop of the golf course via the lagoon track, then returned (5km) plus a loop around North Manly Bowlo for 6.15km (via Mapmyrun) but I read exactly 6km on my Garmin.

Great group together bowling along and it really made it so much easier to do with plenty of banter (at least on the first lap).  Occasionally the pace would ease through lack of concentration but someone would soon pick it up to get us back on track.  It never feels wholly comfortable but 3:40's was certainly much more manageable than 3:30's and I was getting through the laps ok.  Her we are at the end of lap 3:

I'd managed to persuade the kids to stand on the bridge and hand out water on each lap.  To their credit they did a sterling job, shouting encouragement too.

Going into the final lap I was feeling good so decided to up the pace to see what we could sustain while still not redlining. That turned out to be 3:30's for that final lap with CT starting to look strong and obviously coming into form.  All up 25km in 1:30:55 (3:38's).

Warm up and down for 30km all up.  Dip in the ocean then Emporio for breaky.  Certainly quick service now all the fickle ex-customers are queueing over the road at Ruby Lane.

Then out in the evening with Macca, the Cap'n, Darren, Erika and Injured Andy for a few pints at the 4 Pines then curry at the Last Train to Bombay.  The Cap'n and I even kicked on to have a hipster cocktail out of a jam jar in some back lane bar.

Rest day Sunday too. That session on Saturday needs to be respected.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Day 52

500m, 2km, 500m, 2km, 500m, 2km, 500m.  Up at Sparrow's Fart for this unorthodox set.  Each rep has a 500m jog recovery so it's 11km all up.

Met Jamie and Macca at QSLSC. Reps all along the beach to Shelley and back.  First one felt a struggle, middle reps mentally the hardest and I felt best towards the end.  Looked at the watch at 8km before the final 2km rep and realised I needed a 6:37 to get under 36mins for 10km, so that became the goal and pleased to run 3:20 then 3:14.  Ended up averaging 3:36's for the 11km including floats.

Nice shouts from Burkey, Erika and Darren all out on a beautiful morning.

1.5km warm up and 4km warm down for 16.5km all up.

Today is day 52 of my streak. Tomorrow it ends.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Easy short Wed

Elongated loop to the ferry wharf in the am.  Big fan of the easy early morning run.  Especially when it isn't to be followed by a hard afternoon session.

8.8km in 4:30's.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

79 Continuous

Super early start agreeing to meet Quentin, Jamie and Dicky at 5:50am.  This sort of start time is so "not me".  And as such I was 5mins late so the boys had already started.  

Session is 15mins easy, 22mins tempo, 5mins jog, 22mins fartlek (1,2,3,4,3,2,1 off 1min float), 15mins easy.  Simple huh! Sounds complicated but I did this session a number of times early on last year (particularly before SMH Half) and it got me really fit.  Back then I would do the tempo in 3:26's and the fartlek in 3:28's average at my best.  Today it was 3:28's for the tempo and 3:31's for the farts.  A bit off.  Legs felt tired although the breathing was ok.  No Mao-style "Great Leap Forward" is imminent.  I think I need rest to absorb the work.

20km all up.  

Thoughts for today:

1.  I'm getting more into David Bowie.  Unfortunately it took his demise for me to appreciate him more.
2.  Why does everyone call 150 Lashes 50 Lashes?
3.  People must cheat in Pub Quizzes.  Tonight we were in the bottom 6 of 24 teams despite feeling "we did well".  Australian 80's music questions don't help mind.  Working out the anagram of Canasta Scoring Fins was the highlight.  Try naming the last 5 Aussie blokes to win a tennis major though.  Or how many pairs of shoes Imelda Marcos left when she fled.
4.  Where is my Opal Card?
5.  Did Donald Trump really just say that?

Monday, February 15, 2016

Easy eve Monday

9km solo around the city in the late eve.  Easy at 4:33's.  This week looks like a combo of tough sessions and very easy (and short) recoveries.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Sunday morning

Not huge amount of sleep as were over at the neighbours for dinner.  Usual route (31km this morning in 4:24's) with Macca, Justin, Quentin, Lewis and Toby H.  

Will have a rest day or two next week on instructions from the boss so CT will win his $20.


Hungover.  7km around the back fields at 5pm.  Slow.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Easy commute

Very easy jog into work at 6.30am.  First km was little faster than a walk.  14.8km in 1:11:21 (4:49's).

143km for the week.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Tempo time

Hour tempo on the cards and Barts bailed saying he was "too tired".  Not sure what that means.  I think it's code for secret training as I saw him at the 3km mark of my tempo with Super Coach Timmy Lindop.

Felt tired from the start and after a 3:30 heading downhill feeling as though I was putting plenty of effort in the signs weren't good.  Gradually got into it.  29:00 at the turn at Barangaroo and back to the start in 57:47 so happy to negative split.  Finished with 16.87km (3:33's) which I was pretty chuffed with in the conditions.

3km warm up and warm down for 23km all up.

Only way i'm getting through this bigger workload at the moment is to constantly focus on the next session and not dwell on what you've just done.  Seems to work.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

MLR with friends

Too tired to get out in the am so headed out at lunch to find no-one at the usual start spot.  Resigned myself to 90 mins of tedium running solo before bumping into Timmy, Pete W, Champ and Jackie at the OH.  From then on we were joined by Sonya, Asian Dave, Jamie (briefly) and Jerome among others.  Time flew and before I knew it I'd done the 4x hills (withJerome  even joining me for those) and 20+km.

Very tired most of the way though and was head nodding at the theatre tonight despite seeing an excellent play (The Secret River).

Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Two State Tuesday

AM:  Met Jamie and Dicky for 2km solid then 10 x 300m.  2km around Passmore (although the Garmin was measuring it at less than 650m running anti-clockwise?) in 6:24.  Then 300m in a straight line on Nolans.  300m feels remarkably far when running in a straight line.  It was a case of before and after when running in shoes and then barefoot.  55, 55, 54, 54, 54 (then shoes off), 52, 52, 51, 50, 49.

12km including warm up and down.  Then rushed for a flight to Melbourne.

PM (lunchtime):  8.2km around the Tan in Melbourne in 4:30's.

Monday, February 08, 2016

Monday Morning

Out with Lewis for a loop of North Head followed by 4x Oliver St hills.  Took a while to get the legs moving this am.  Going to be a busy week at work so just hoping to squeeze the sessions in.

17.5km in 4:24's.

Sunday, February 07, 2016

Sunday slog

Well, fortunately those who fronted this morning had either raced yesterday (Macca, Justin, Craig, Lewis), had done a hard tempo late in the day (Barts) or had no inclination to run quickly (Tim P).  So we had a relaxing run the whole way averaging mid 4:30's complaining about how knackered we were and taking the piss out of my wardrobe malfunction yesterday.

Beaut of a morning to end in the surf and then on to Troubador after 32.2km.

Can't resist posting this photo of Kirst with Ken.  I think they're in love.

Saturday, February 06, 2016

Sun Run - 5th in 33:27

Woke at 5.30am with all of the previous evening's positive attitude out of the window.  Why am I doing this?  I'm knackered.  How can I run fast in 75mins time?

Met Lewis, Jamie and Charlie at Bike Addiction then Rochey in Freshwater.  We walked the Oliver St hill, trying in vain to keep ourselves fresh.  Jamie was full of fake positivity - an example being "But at least this strong headwind is blowing the humidity away!".  Jogged on.  Walked a bit of the Griffin St hill thinking WTF.  Got to Dee Why, said hello to a few familiar faces (Nick Roberts, Vlad, Tom do Canto, Elle, CT, Scotty) then did a few run throughs.  And suddenly I'm feeling ok and quite bouncy.  Line up and tell myself to stay in touch up the hill this year and not back off too much.  

The gun goes and Tom DC, Vlad and Courtney Atkinson quickly form a lead pack of 3 up the hill who crest only about 20m ahead of a large pack including CT, Lewis, Tom Middleton, Mitch Dean, Scotty, the 2 lead girls (Danielle Allen and Vic Mitchell), myself and a few others.  Then off the top Scotty kicks hard so I follow him, but he keeps on kicking to catch the leaders and I'm thinking this is madness.  So I settle down and CT comes past.  By the bottom, CT, Mitch, Lewis, Tom M and I have formed a group and we get into a good pace.  3:21 first km including the monster hill, 3:06 next km.  Now we're on Parkrun territory and I head the pack for a 3:15 then a 3:13.  We get back on Griffin Rd and straight into the wind so I settle in behind Mitch.  This will become a common theme throughout the remainder of the race.  We hit South Curly and it feels slow so I jump ahead up the hill to the Diggers and try to get a gap.  But there's a reason it felt slow - I've hit a wall of wind and it's a solid effort to maintain pace.  Mitch comes past but it looks as though at least the pack has split.

Do the switchback at Freshie and realise we have split.  We're only 20s behind Vlad and Courtney (TDC is now well ahead) and there's a similar gap to CT and Tom Middleton.  Shout out to CT.  But where is Lewis and Scotty?  

Up the nastiest hill on the course by my old house on Charles St and it's still me and Mitch.  Sweep down to Queensie and I'm still tucked behind him into the headwind.  It feels slow but resist the urge to push ahead.  Was this a mistake?  Who knows.  Wait until I can see the line with 500m to go and kick hard to get a gap.  But sense I haven't dropped him as the picture below shows.  And so repeats the situation of last year.  50m to the line and he drifts past with me having nothing to respond.

Approach Mitch post-race and apologise for drafting behind him into the wind most of the way.  He barely acknowledges me, says "that's racing", and moves on. I think, yep, you're right.  More motivation for the next race.

33:27 is 3s slower than last year but a solid effort in the conditions.  CT is next home and I have to drag him off the road.  I think he's getting his mojo back and he'll be putting the pressure on next time.  Vic Mitchell looked good in Olympic Year to beat Danielle convincingly.  Scotty limps home after pulling his calf early on. Charlie finally makes some effort after Elle (looking in fantastic condition post baby) gives him a scare.

Join Burkey, Charlie and their mate Youngy in Belgrave Cartel for some Mafia Eggs.  Then crash for the day as I'm farked.  Couldn't even mow the lawn.

100m to go:

Not sure what happened to my singlet, but is NOT a crop top:

CT in next:

Jamie has a tough day in the office but always smiling:

Last but by no means least, Kirst chooses the toughest course on the toughest day to run her first 10km post cancer.  Runs just over an hour.  Then turns up to her Sat morning running group thinking they are celebrating the Sun Run with breakfast only to have to do another hour's training session.  Very proud of her.  We'll sleep soundly tonight.

Friday, February 05, 2016

The Bare Minimum

Just over 7km from work very easy at 3pm.  Bumped into Kanser and had a chat.  Looking forward to Sun Run tomorrow, just have to put my head down, not take any part of it easy and hope for the best.

105km for the week.

Thursday, February 04, 2016

Thursday primer

Dark again setting off at 5.50am.  Christ it's only early Feb.  Met Macca and Jamie at Queensie with only Jamie doing the set.  Just 2 x 7mins today as a primer for Saturday.  Wind blowing a Southerly which made the fist rep heading to Shelley a shocker.  3:18 then a 3:17 plus a bit more to make up 7mins.  Circled back to Jamie then the return.  What's happened to the wind, seems to be in our face again!  3:13 then a 3:14 plus a little bit more.

Longer warm down (6.5km) with Jamie bumping into Lewis and finishing with him.  Trying to persuade him to switch to the Tiger.

13-14km all up.

Just bumped into Pete Beacroft while he was running to work (I thought he lived in Canberra?).  Pete was a freak, won the Bankstown 10km in 30:03 and I think he had the Coolrunning 5km record around the Bay in 14:59!  He used to work at Allens and needless to say winning JPMorganCC was a doddle as a result.  Looks as though he'd struggle to break 40mins for 10km now.. 

Wednesday Pinkleaf

Out with Conway, Worswick, new chap Mitch, Rob (?) and Kronie for the usual longer route to Redleaf (7.5km).  Views on the beach at Double Bay were simply outstanding.  Dip in the pool then shorter route back (5km) very easy.

Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Tuesday stamina set

8 x 1km off a rolling 5 minutes today.  The list of excuses runs as follows:

1.  We started at 5:45am.  I don't think I've ever started anything at 5:45am before, other than my beauty sleep.  Had to set the alarm for 5:15am in order to set out the cones on Nolans.

2.  Grass was long and wet.  It was like the Sunderland Cross-Country circa 1987.

3.  It was dark.  It's summer and we're running in the dark.  WTF?

4.  The session was too long to run barefoot.

5.  The session was tough enough as it was.  1km is just that little bit too far.  About 900m too far.

But, Ben, Tim P, Jamie, Darren and Erika all fronted up to do it, albeit only Erika and I being set all 8 with Darren doing 7 and the rest 5.  Went better with Jamie on my shoulder for the first 500m (even better when leading on his last rep).  I ran 3:11, 3:12, 3:09, 3:10, 3:07, 3:14, 3:14.  So slow in the conditions but at least they felt slow.  Tell you what though it was a tough set.  Legs like lead weights at the end - I normally finish these sessions running quicker at the end but not today.  Couldn't get under 5min kms for the 5km cool down.

16km all up.

Monday easy

10km off the ferry, up around North Head and home averaging 4:22's.    Nice way to get home, should do it more often.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Sunday similar

Craig came over at 6am so we did a little loop of Passmore and to the start point via the golf course to add a few km.  Then met Lewis, Ray, Scotty and Tim P for the usual route but added the longer loop around Narrabeen Caravan Park given Craig and I would be finishing at my house.

Good chats as usual.  Pace started to pick up after the water stop at Narrabeen Lake with Ray wanting a faster finish.  He got it (which he should not have been in doubt of with Lewis in attendance) with some 3:30's thrown in after Mt Dee Why.

All up 30.3km averaging 4:19's.  Might catch some zz's this arvo. Currently sat on my deck on an old chair feeling like an old man.  But happy.

Saturday, January 30, 2016


Couldn't get out this morning due to kids sport so Tiger's session (Parkrun plus 10min hard, 5 easy, 10 hard) was always in jeopardy.  Looked a killer in any case.  Only got out at 6pm and, given I'm running long in the am, decided on half of it.  Did a long warm up, decided on two laps of the golf course as:
(A) it's exactly 5km; and
(b) I knew there'd be a few Strava times up for grabs.
Ran 16:51 feeling pretty controlled.  I say controlled as my breathing was ok but not sure I could have run any quicker.
15km all up averaging 4:05's.  Managed to venture out just as the thunderstorm hit.

Holy crap, you can tell it's Olympic year.  Times at the Hunter Track Classic are sensational.  1:46.3 by some kid to win the 800m (Jared 3rd in 1:47.8) and Gregson winning a top quality 3000m in 7:47 with a load under 8mins.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Friday Super Easy

Met up early doors with Ben, Erika and Burkey on the proviso that no one would be going quicker than 5min kms.  A lovely 12km sticking to the flat on a nice morning.  Averaged 4:53's.  Couldn't start the day better.  Unfortunately it's downhill from here as I have to fly to Brisbane.

128km for the week.  

First day of school.  Last kid now in.  My work is done:

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Timmy's Hills and Tempo

Out with a decent size squad of masochists for one of the nasty sessions on the calendar.  In truth, it's very similar to my session on Tuesday.  20mins softening the legs up (800's on Tuesday, continuous hills today) followed by a tempo.  Today's tempo was more undulating but a bit shorter.  Similar warm (27C) and humid conditions.

Ran with Hoey for the first few hills.  Given I was doing a loop in just over a minute I figured I'd do 20 so broke them down into sets of 5.  You have a find a way to get through this session mentally as you can find yourself staring at the watch after 5mins in disbelief.  After 4 Hoey starts to pull ahead.  I gauge whether I'm still pulling ahead of the chaps behind or whether it's me slowing and convince myself it's the former.  Legs get a bit numb towards the end but I suppose that's the aim.

Massive queue for water then we're straight into the tempo around Mrs Macs.  Timmy does his best Blackadder Goes Forth impression by blowing the whistle and telling the troops the course for the 5km before quietly announcing he's only doing 3km.  I give everyone a bit of a start (alternatively, myself a bit more of a rest) then set off and get into a good rhythm.  3:16 first km but it's gentle downhill.  Then a 3:21, then a 3:22 including the tough little hill before the half way mark and I'm gaining confidence.  Hoey then helps me out for a bit to finish with a 3:17 and a final 3:20 pace 810m including the nasty hill again. 15:58 all up (3:19's) and I'm really chuffed with that.  Seem to have hit some form.

Nice warmdown with Conway for 16km all up.

No time for a PM as its pizza at Ironbark with the family to discuss first days at new schools.  In any case, I'm farked.

By the way, love this "Hanging with the Beckhams" post from Sammy's Blog:    

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Usual 20km North Head route this morning including the 4 x Mackellar hills. Ran with Lewis most of the way but with new lad Robbie Begg (good triathlete apparently) for the first 5km.  Then, bizarrely, Quentin popped out of a side street looking startled, told us he'd nearly been hit by a tree, then promptly disappeared.  I think he must have been trying some of Enda's medication.

4:29's all up.  Knackered this morning.  Increased mileage catching up with me.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Australia Day

AM:  5.30am alarm.  Half wake, feel guilty about Q, Jamie, Tim P et al. waiting at Manly Oval.  Tell myself I'm knackered, the extra sleep will help and it would be un-Australian to get up at this hour.

Wake 2 hours later feeling lethargic again but force myself out.  4km warm up, 5 x 800m on the long grass of Nolans out the back gate.  Ken almost bowls me over on rep 4 getting over-excited at my sprinting.  It's getting very warm.  5mins rest then 20mins tempo.  Christ that was hard.  Felt as though I was holding on from the first km.

800's were 2:29, 2:29, 2:27, 2:26, 2:26

20 mins tempo was 5.85km (3:25's).

These sessions get me fit.  I keep telling myself.

PM:  Well - about 3 hours later as I had an Oz Day BBQ in the arvo.  7.5km easy on the grass of Nolans and Passmore in 4:40's.

27km for the day.  Monster monster.

Monday, January 25, 2016


Really struggled to get out today.  Great nights sleep last night but completely lethargic all day. Doesn't help that the kids have worn me down. Thank God Kirst returned this evening.

Got out for a lazy 15km usual route up to North Head.  4:23's.  More Jane The Virgin tonight - classic series.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Easy and short

8km in the early evening.  Felt shocking to start with.  Felt ace at the end.  The splits show that:

Late out due to a pub crawl the night before with my mate JJ and including these jokers:

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Long Saturday

Out this morning (a struggle after a few beers on the ferry and Wharf Bar with Dicky and Tim P last night) with Quentin, Macca and Ray.  Ray is a SOTB regular but said he was looking for a tougher run this weekend so headed North.  In truth, I was looking for an easier run so wasn't looking forward to picking the pace up.  

Eventually got into a groove after 15km and picked the pace up to 3:45's for the final 6km.  Ended up with 30km averaging 4:21's.  Q and I bumped into Jared West over the final km and chatted with him about his training and race plans.  All geared around the Aussie champs and selection in the 800m for Rio.  Beautiful dip in the ocean after as it was hot and humid this morning.

Finally on to the Troubadour again for the brekkie burrito, coffee and signature sparkling water shot.  Magic.  Barts overruled.  It's the new regular.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Streak and Peak

Wasn't massively keen on running this am after a few beers last night.  But with Jimmy staying over and promising him we'd get out this morning I ran the Manly Surf Club with him so he could do the Bold and the Beautiful.  I then did 8km up around North Head before rejoining p run home.  Nice to get out and get it done.

14km in 4:44's.  140km for the week.

Thursday struggle

AM:  7km around Manly finiahing at the the ferry wharf to work.  4:48 pace.  It's muggy out there.

PM:  Had a meeting at 1.45pm so managed to persuade Barts to come out a bit earlier.  Compromise was to do his session of 2mins on, 1min off x 12 (instead of my 12 x 1min hills).  2km warm up then into it.  Big factor was the 33C heat, especially in the sun.  We did it around the Opera House and between the OH gates and St Mary's Gates so it was pretty exposed.  Hung on to Barts for the first 8 reps then I was the one pushing the pace as he started to struggle a bit in the heat.  

Monster of a session, was pretty buggered at the end.  Averaged 3:37's which is good given 1/3rd of the time we're jogging.  2km warm down for 14km all up.

Then in the evening I was on timing duties for the HuRTS Biathlon.  Unfortunately the storm had just blown in so the pool was closed.  The team stoically did the 5km run in the maelstrom though.  Here they are:

Then over to the Tilbury (for the last time - bar staff there are shocking) to farewell my good mate Mr Durante with a few beers and a Tiger Pie courtesy of Harry's Cafe de Wheels.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Wednesday MLR

Out with Erika, Clive, The Cap'n and, wait for it, Lewis for the usual Wed MLR.  Beautiful morning and a very easy pace chatting the whole way.  Finished with the usual 4 x hills next to Mackellar.  20km averaging 4:42's.

Today I was thinking about "whatever happened to" and the following people came up:

1. Tim Cradock
2. Tim Ashby
3. Tim Rowe (what is it with Tim's?)
3. Chris Graham
4. Lucy Chapman
5. Lara Tamsett
6. Laura James

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Tuesday speed

AM:  Funny little speed session courtesy of Gary which was 2km solid (5mins rest), 10 x 300m off a rolling 2 mins (5mins rest) then 1km hard.

Good crowd of Quentin, Clive Cooper, Jamie, Burkey, Darren and Erika.  Pretty much ran everything with Quentin but Burkey was amazingly quick on the 300m reps.  Plenty of speed that lad.  Quentin was obviously paying his respects for the sad passing of Grizzly Adams last week.

2km in 6:15 along the beachfront (3:09, 3:06).  300's in 54s or thereabouts on Manly Oval and 1km in 2:52.

Jogs before, after and Inbetween made it 13 all up.

PM:  Easy 9km or so post work.

Monday longish

Out with the HuRT Squad at lunch chatting to Hoey, Jackie O and Bruce etc.  Then at the turnaround point Andy Heyden appears wearing his 1980 style red England football shorts, last seen when paired with a set of antlers for the pre-Christmas run.  It was really quite disturbing and if Timmy had been there sterner words would have been exchanged.

But he kept me company for the rest of the run after others disappeared so he was forgiven.

Finished with 4 x 80m hills for 17km.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Long run

Same as last week and another big crowd, this time with Barts, Scotty, Darren, Erika, Dicky, Ben, the Cap'n, Tim P, Macca and Craig.  Bit tired after yesterday so wasn't keen to lift the pace at the end but with Macca dropping the water stops and Barts super keen I just tried to tuck in behind him and Scotty.  A few 3:30's there and a faster earlier pace meant I did the 30km in 2:07:09 (4:14's). I'll pay for that this week.

Did my best to recover by having the Grumporio Big Breakfast (Barts ruled out Troubador) followed by a super hot bath. Ocean as good as ever.  That initial cold rush as you get your head under is my favourite moment of the week.  Sad deprived life that I lead.

Very strong running by Erika who did 37km in 4:29's.  She's hitting some form.  Darren holding on for 2 hours 45 too.  But biggest improver is Tim Peel.  3 weeks ago he was struggling with the earlier pace and only running 45mins with us. Today he did 27km averaging 4:21's.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Park & Fart

Woke up feeling a bit shabby but persuaded myself to get out and do the session knowing it wouldn't happen later.

Jogged the 2.5km to Curl Curl.  Decided to take the Saucony racing flats with me just to get me in the right frame of mind, otherwise I struggle to push it at Parkrun.  Session was 2km hard, 1km easy, 2km hard.  Went out hard and starting breathing heavily at around 700m but steadied to do the first 2km in 3:05 and 3:11.  Felt like I was jogging the third (3:54) and Andy (with Jamie not far behind) just got on to my shoulder at 3km, called me a tease, before I was off again.  Straight up the hillock which was not nice but finished feeling OK to do a 3:16 and a 3:06.  16:32 all up.

Then a brief chat and started to jog the course again with Jamie and his mate Roachy.  Got to 800m before I started the 8 x 1min fartlek (1min on, 1min off).  That went OK running 3:45, 3:44, 3:42 and 3:35.

Then a 4km jog home.

Canny busy morning like.  Lay on the sofa all afternoon.  Still no Telstra.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Friday cold

Melbourne like weather patterns.  38C yesterday, about 18C today.  Just in time for our ceiling fans to have been installed!

Out solo initially today for the world's most boring run but luckily ran into Ren-dog half way around and ran the second half with him, where the time just skipped by.  11+km very easy.

134km for the week, one of my biggest ever.

Thursday heat

AM:  7km along the beach in warm and muggy conditions.

Lunch:  38C (and humid with it) but the session had to be done.  Turned up at Rushcutters with Scotty, Crossy, Darren Moyle, Little Tom, Paul H, Erika and a small band of other nutcases to find Timmy had laid out the track via his famous cones on a perfect Rushcutters surface and had even brought an Esky full of bottle of cold water for us.  Really above and beyond the call of duty.  So we had to do the session.  It was a lesson in heart rate control.  Knew that if I pushed too hard I would blow or feel sick.  Erika had a cold sweat half way through the session so had to ease off completely.  By rep 6 I knew I'd get through OK so pushed harder on the last 2.  Times were:

2:31, 2:30, 2:30, 2:32, 2:31, 2:31, 2:28, 2:24

Scotty was 1-2s ahead on each of them other than reps 6 and 7 where I was ahead, but plainly he was saving himself for the last where he blasted me away.

We didn't get under 6:30 m/km on the jog back to the office.  Despite doing the session topless, my singlet was dripping wet.  Horrific conditions but pleased to get through unscathed.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Wednesday MLR with hills

Out with Emma, Erika, Quentin and Dicky this morning for the usual North Head route plus 4x hills beside Mackellar.  The others left me comin back down Darley to solo for the final 8km.  Ran past Jenny Whickham and Lewis then, neither of whom know how to run slow.  Was tired today after yesterday's efforts.

My thoughts for today:

1. I'm jack of Telstra.
2. RBS tell me I have to sell everything.  What do you do if all you own is mortgaged property and running shoes?
3. Hills are good for me.
4. Where can you buy a standard TV aerial lead these days?
5. Pop up bars are the way forward.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Double Tuesday

AM:  8km to Shelley and back very easy in 4:39's after failing to get up for the tempo at 6am due a bad nights sleep.

PM:  45min progressive tempo.  Tried to replicate the planned 6km tempo by taking it easyish on the way out and coming home strong.  But was hampered by the heat (felt like I'd explode 30mins in) and the headwind on the return.  Hoey put 15s into me from the Opera House revelling in the conditions.  I put similar time into Nick R who has been on fire recently so was pretty chuffed with the session.  Got back in 44:53.  12.36km and 3:38's all up after a number of 3:54's to start.

25km for the day including warm up and down.

Got home this evening, had a hot flush and started sweating profusely.  Almost fainted.  Tough day.

Monday, January 11, 2016

More kms

17km at lunch in the heat with the squad.  Loads out there including Hoey, Jerome, Bruce, Erika, Darren, JW, Gerry and I think I even saw LJ at some stage?

Finished off with 4 x 80m hills on the Domain but without the usual better feeling I get after each one.

4:35 average.  

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Sunday with crowds

11 of us this morning - Ben, Macca, Quentin, Craig, Jamie, Tim P, the Cap'n, Andy, Banksy and, after missing us at the start and chasing us all the way to Narrabeen before catching up, Elle.

Usual easy pace to start before pushing ahead in the final 6km.  I was chasing Macca and Craig after thy skipped the final water stop so it was close to 3:30's.  30km all up in 2:09:29 (4:19's).  Beautiful dip in perfect waters at Quennscliff before a controversial decision to skip the crowds at Grumporio and test the quieter Troubadour for breakie.  Well, it didn't disappoint with a perfect Burrito Brekky wrap and a coffee with a fizzy water shot.  Unique.  But Barts's OCD would have been playing havoc.

Saturday, January 09, 2016


14km in just under an hour (4:15's) in the late arvo.  3am in bed last night so that was the earliest I was capable of getting out.

Nice time by Robin Vonk (16:18) at Curl Curl Parkrun this am.  He'll be beating his coach at this rate.

Friday, January 08, 2016

Streak run

Made a ridiculous $50 bet with CT over who could maintain the longest running streak.  Having watched Liverpool Legends with Jeet, Andy, Enda, Timmy, Ronan and Kanser last night and enjoying a number of ales at the time, the streak was all that got me out today.  Particularly given coach had it as a rest.

Did the bare minimum - 7.5km in 33+mins.  But it brought up 125km for the week.

Thursday, January 07, 2016


Alarm went off at 5.30am.  Got to the bathroom, looked in the mirror and decided I needed more sleep.  Erika, Darren, Jamie and Quentin would have the pleasure of my absence.  My Garmin Connect told me I then got another 1 hour of deep sleep before getting up at 7.30am.  Then ran the 6.5km to the Snake at North Head where I randomly bumped into Macca running his first hill session in 2 years!

I was doing 10x1min.  Went quite hard but tried to maintain form.  It really brings out every niggle in your body.  Got home and stretched religiously.  18km after running home with Macca and a solid session.

Wednesday, January 06, 2016

More rain

Out into the wind and rain yet again for another North Head loop.  16.75km in 1:11:49 (4:17's) feeling great.  All this rest being on holiday does me wonders.

Today Mr Garmin believes I live in Harbord.  Doesn't he know it was officially changed to Freshwater?  And that I don't live there?  At least it's not Manly Vale.

Getting bored of North Head.

Tough Tempo

Wandered outside at 6.15am and its raining and windy.  Why the hell do we do this I ask myself.  And I've got to get to North Head before I even start the session. 

But, dressed in my Eurotrash Gilet, I ventured up there to find Darren, Erika, Jamie, Macca and Ben waiting.  Quite a turnout on a hideous morning.  Erika informed us that you only felt the full brunt of the wind once you got beyond the roundabout.  Jamie said his instructions were to do only 20mins and to hold on to me, so at least I'd have company to start with.  My session was 60mins tempo.  I'd normally aim to hold 3:30's for that but would have to reassess with the conditions.

Set out with Jamie on my shoulder which kept the pace honest.  16:10 for the first lap averaging 3:32's but it was a lap of two halves - struggling to get under 3:40's into the wind then enjoying the tailwind on the return.  Jamie stops just over a km later and I'm running solo and immediately slow.  16:36 for the second lap but stabilise to do 16:42 for the third.  Then a shortened final lap for 16.72km all up (3:35's).

Very happy with that in the conditions even if the coach wasn't.  I could see the looks on the faces of everyone else running into the wind so knew they were all struggling too - Macca managed 3:54's for his 60mins.

4km warm up and warm down for 25km(!) all up.

Then a few good beers with Macca, Darren, Erika and families over a BBQ in the late afternoon rain at Macca's.

Monday, January 04, 2016

Stair rods

Went out at 1.30pm just as it starts coming down in stair rods.  After I got drenched it was an enjoyable run.  Felt good again (helped by all the sleep and rest I'm getting - up to Episode 13 of "World War 2 in Colour" on Netflix).  Queensie to Shelley was deserted.

Downloaded Garmin Connect after instructed by Craig and it looks great.  More stats than the Enigma Code.  Today:

Very upset that it believes I live in Manly Vale though.

Exciting news for the day is that there is a new blog in town.  Given it belongs to good mate and fierce rival Chris Truscott, I'll be paying it close attention.  Link is now added.  BTW, his targets for the year pretty much match mine.  Although I'll struggle to run a decent Half with SMH  coming shortly after London and being in The States during Gold Coast.

Sunday, January 03, 2016

More grey running

16.5km in 67:57 (4:08's) up around North Head.  Second half much quicker than the first after pushing the Darley Rd hill.  Frankly, legs felt cactus in the first 4km so that put paid to the 60min tempo on the program.  Need some new shoes I think.

Then out today to Patonga Beach on the Palm Beach ferry with Craig, one of his mates and families.  It pissed with rain so we just started drinking at the Patonga Beach Pub at noon.  So that put paid to the rest of my day.

Saturday, January 02, 2016

Long Saturday

Out with Barts, Macca and Craig for the usual Sunday 28km.  Still feeling under the weather with a sore throat so was happy to find the three lads feeling the same.  So the pace was nice and easy all the way ending up averaging 4:29's.  I was automoton mode just trying to turn the legs over to get around.

Beautiful dip in the ocean with the water temp perfect at the moment.  Then on to the Grumporio with the boys getting increasingly adventurous in their choices of breakfast, with Craig going for Eggs Benedict, me going for the Grumporio Big Breakfast and Barts choosing a feminine concoction involving a side of avocado.

Friday, January 01, 2016

Curl Curl Parkrun - 1st in 16:30

Promised myself I'd do this to start off 2016 on the right foot.  But in truth I wasn't feeling crash hot.  Had a slightly sore throat the night before which had deteriorated overnight.  Went out quite hard in the first km to shake off any opposition but my legs weren't enjoying it.  Struggled through for a 16:30 and jogged home feeling sorry for myself.

Out with the boys for a long run tomorrow so will get an early night and hope for the best.

104km for the week.  

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Year in Review

Well, it started with a Parkrun win in Merimbula in a PW.  I'm in better form coming into the start of 2016.  But from there things improved.  A slow start but solid finish in the Sun Run in early Feb showed I was coming into some form and had a good 32:46 in the Striders at North Head in March after a PB over 5000m on the track.  I reckon my Dad would say that was my best run of the season.  I then joined Coach Tiger who mixed up the sessions but more than anything prepped me well for the big races.  A good New York Half on a tough windy day followed in April and a PB (just) at the Sydney 10.  I went into the SMH Half feeling tired but had my run of the season with a PB and a solid win over my usual rivals.  

Caught a bad cold just before Launceston but ran an equal PB nonetheless but was disappointed to let Barts drift past me just before the line.  Got a bit sick just before the GC marathon and tried to squeeze in my last big run too late which I think caught up with me on the day.  It was easily my toughest ever race and was physically drained afterwards but happy to have pushed through.  Then overdid it too soon and paid with a hamstring injury just before C2S.  There was only one race left in my books after that, being the JPMorgan, and was very happy with the way Tiger got me into good form off a limited training period to run a 17:16.  And so here we are.

Best 3 performances:

1. SMH Half
2. State 5000m
3. JPMorgan 

Sydney 10 and Launnie don't make it as I felt I should have gone sub32.

Most disappointing - GC Marathon, although there are always positives you can take from every race and for me it was not giving up.

Biggest regret - not doing more ANSW races.

New Year's Eve

More dinner and drinks last night so could only squeeze the run in during the heat of the day.  Felt good from the off though today and did an elongated route up to North Head but finished at Queensie for a dip in the ocean (where I almost lost my shorts in the big waves) followed by a jog home.  15km in 4:06 pace (grey running) followed by 1.5km jog.


Out early with Ben and Jamie for a loop around North Head finishing with a coffee at Grumporio.  Beautiful morning for it.  Nice easy pace (4:42's).  16km.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Making it up as I go along

Ok, it would be fair to say that over this recent period I haven't been following coach Tiger's program to to dot.  Too much going on, need for sleep, wanting to spend time with the family when on break etc.  So didn't show up to the special training session this morning and only managed to get out for a run at 5pm this evening.  Planned on 14km up to North Head.  Got up there and thought might as well do 17km including the Fairfax Walking Track.  Then on way back from North Head (including the hill just past the North Fort cafe) I ran a 3:49km split feeling great.  So decided to tempo it home from there.  Final 7kms went 3:30, 3:21, 3:32, 3:26, 3:26, 3:20, 3:18 feeling marvellous.

All up 17km in 1:07:17 (3:57's).

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Sunday with some class

So LJ has steadily been getting back into her running post injury, slowly increasing the distance and getting fitter.  And with limited time this morning she couldn't afford the usual 27 water stops.  So she decided it was time to take the step up from Centennial and join the Northern Beaches crew.

Ben, Elle, Erika and myself joined the Shire Starlet.  I was knackered and managed a measly 15km at a gentle pace before retiring to prepare the house for a few guests.  It's fair to say that LJ ran with a broad grin on her face with infrequent utterances such as "this is amazing!" and "I can't believe you have access to this all the time!".  I think she may be back.  And she didn't even get to the Grumporio.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Boxing Day

This may go down as run of the year.  Big Christmas Day with Jon, Jane and Wilf over as well as Dad and Katie.  Crawled into bed at 11.30pm after way too many wines, beers and Calvados.  So a long run and the alarm set for 5:45am was always going to be a challenge.

First few km were torture but at least Macca was feeling the same.  Tim P, Barts and Craig were also there.  Then after Narrabeen I started to feel ok.  Macca made a cheeky manoeuvre to avoid the 3rd and final standard water stop to gain a lead so Barts and I hunted him down through the mean streets of Dee Why.  Ended up running the last 10km in 39:04 and the final 5km in 18:03 (all stats courtesy of my new Garmin Forerunner 25 from Santa) to average 4:22's for the 28km.

Grumporio was back to form with Italian style eggs after a beautiful dip in the ocean at Queensie to wash off the booze oozing out of my pores.

Christmas Day

Dragged the family out to Parkrun.  Had to work a bit harder for the win than I'd hoped for running 17:05 but the flashing Rudolph nose was playing havoc with my breathing.  

Very impressed with Maggie running on strongly to be 2nd Highnam home in 28:58 with Charlie just over 30mins and Kirst then Bec following shortly after.  But they all ran all the way which was the aim for the morning.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas Eve

Responded to Barts call for an earlier session.  So headed over to Rushcutters with him (and Timmy setting up) before noon for 6 x 1 efforts off a rolling 5mins.  And efforts they were.  Legs cactus after Tuesday's session, Wednesday's biathlon and another night on the beers last night.  Felt like I was running through treacle on reps 1 to 3.  Took a breather and pit stop on rep 4 and rejoined for the final 2.

Did them all in 3:03 with the final one in 3:01.  Poor Barts was dragging me around though.

Then the boys turned up so we could look smugly at them and proffer that they enjoy their session and not slack off.

11km all up.  Rushcutters in fantastic nick as the photo attests:

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Manly biathlon

So the triathlon was canned due to the potential for wet roads on a very hilly and twisty route.  It was just the 700m swim to the Mambo metal stairs and back followed by 5km to Queensie and back.

Jumped into the water and it was hell. Couple of big rollers came over and I was swallowing water.  Steadied myself, reverted to breastroke and I was ok.  Was on the heels of one fella but could see Jono and Macca (and Charlie not that I knew it) miles ahead.  Every now and then I'd revert to freestyle but lose the toes of my pacer so realised I'm quicker at breastroke.

Saw some big fish and some big shadows which was a bit sobering.  At the metal stairs the waves were crashing into the wall so had to navigate quite carefully.  After an age it was all over and went into transition surprised to see Ben coming in just behind me.  Spent an age in transition getting my socks and t-shirt on then onto the run.

Hammered the first km knowing I just needed to get some blood flow through the legs.  Felt like my stride was tiny but I was passing a load of people so felt encouraged.  Saw Jono and Macca just after I went past North Steyne but where was Charlie?  Turned after the steps at Queensie and we're now into a headwind.  This should help me I think so just put my head down and grind out the final 2.5km.  Finish in 17:0x for the run only to see Macca, Jono and Charlie chatting together at the end!

17:15 for the swim.  17:0x for the run.  ~1min transition for 35:15 all up.

Lovely b&e roll with coffee with the gang at Shelley Kiosk as we're all done before 7am.  Now knackered.

The top 4:

Too much tomato sauce:

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

HuRTs 2 x 20min

Woke up at 5.30am with the intention of doing the RunCrew session in Manly.  Got a text from Emma saying she was bailing due to leg issues and that was the excuse I needed for an extra 2 hours sleep.

Slipped out at lunch feeling pretty good for the 2 x 20mins.  Ran with Tongey, Nick and Darren Moyle on the way out with JFen 30m back and Barts emerging from the bushes later on.  With a big group I pushed the pace on the way back and one by one they dropped off other than Nick who's a tenacious bugger.  Saw Hoey up ahead on the final 2 hills and he dragged me home a few yards ahead of Nick in 19:45.

3:24's on the way out and 3:21's on the way back.  4km warmdown with Barts and JFen for 16km all up.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Monday meander

Slow as to Redleaf with Mikey, Hoey, Charlie, Champ, Nathan and others, running out the long way and back the short way.  Another dip.  Not sure it's going to help my Triathlon on Wednesday though.

Back on the Wagon

Dragged my ass out on Sunday morning to run 26+km with Ben, Tim P and the Cap'n after Saturday night at a party and Friday night at the Allens Xmas Party.  4:32's was as much as we could manage in the heat.  The dip in the ocean at Queenscliff was sublime.  The Italian style eggs at the Grumporio almost as sublime.

Here's me riding the bull on Friday night:

Thursday, December 17, 2015

The Bull & Bear

OK, so last night was a bit random.  What was supposed to be a couple of farewell drinks at our local boozer before it shuts down tomorrow turned into one of the biggest nights of the year.  The bar staff were bringing us free jugs of beer all night long as their loyal customers.  Pippa (the 2nd highest paid barmaid in Sydney apparently - probably the reason the place has gone bust) joined us later on as the photos attest.  So today was not a day to run a 60min tempo in the heat.  Instead, I turned up at HuRTS and ran Timmy's set of 20mins of hills followed by 5km tempo.  Actually felt quite bouncy but I think I was still drunk.  Nick R was smashing it out but I ran with Jerome on the hills then Timmy for the tempo.

The pictures:

Early on with the Bull & Bear regulars plus token female:

Pippa joins us for a beer:

Contemplating the flavour:

It's a thumbs up:

Birchy grabs himself a souvenir:

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Wednesday commute

Got a lunch on today so ran in after walking to school and dropping the kids at Manly West (final day of the year).  Charlie and Maggie are still willing to hug me at the gates but Billy wouldn't be seen dead within 20 yards of me so I proceeded to run after him with my arms out wide shouting "give me a hug!" for maximum embarrassment effect.  It succeeded.  I was very embarrassed at the yummy mummy's looking at me strangely.

Felt very tired on the run in after the last few days training so took it very easy and un-timed.  But the body is holding together OK.  13km.  Can I count the 2km walk beforehand and pretend it was a trail 'run'?

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Tuesday double

AM:  8.5km around and about and to the wharf.

PM:  Hurt Squad 14 x 3mins with a 60s rest.  Averaged about 3:18's (exactly gate to gates).  Felt tired running them but in the comfort zone.  Nice crowd (it's been a while since I've done a Tuesday set) but perhaps not as big as usual?  But the class was there with LJ in particular back in the fold and Hoey, Barts, Tongey, Nick R, JFen and a rapidly improving Jerome all pushing the pace upfront.

Jumped in the harbour with Barts, Charlie, Hoey and JFen afterwards.  Then a 3.5km cool down with Barts for 18+km total, 26+km for the day and 42+km within 20hours.  Except it wasn't a cool down as I proceeded to sweat like a pig post shower and freak out all my workmates.  It was very humid but plainly my body was struggling with the workload.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Monday solo

Too busy again at work so only managed to get out at 6pm.  Did the wharves run plus 4x80m Domain hills.  Nice to run in the cool of the evening.  16km total.

Bec did the Bold and the Beautiful this morning in 37mins.  I might try it soon.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Sunday same old

Out with Barts, Craig, Ben and the Cap'n for the usual 29km.  Picked the pace up as usual towards the end to average 4:23's.

Bumped into Macca at the end and we tried a new breakfast joint post our dip in the ocean.  This is fairly momentous for us but the stale brioche rolls at Emporio have let us down one time too many (i.e. twice).  So Salt at North Steyne was chosen and the b&e roll was top notch and the belaroma coffee pretty good too.  A few too many cyclists for my liking but you can't have everything.

Sat - Curl Curl Parkrun

Saturday morning was a 2.5km jog to Parkrun with Timmy and Jimmy with the intention of pacing the former to sub18.  But with Ben Streck in the start line my job was done as he's been hovering around that mark for the past few weeks.

Scotty O was there and disappeared off like a rocket.  Ben went off quite quick while I followed Timmy through the first km in 3:24.  Pushed ahead to try to drag him back to Ben through kms 2 and 3 but he would only sit 5 yards off my shoulder content to smile at the cameras.  Drifted up towards Ben on the uphill between 3 and 4km so encouraged him home to a 17:54 with Ben strong over the final km.

Timmy just failed in his sub18 attempt and Jimmy ran well in his first race back to run a 19:12.

4.5km jog home with the boys and Julia Degan for 12km all up.

Saturday, December 12, 2015


Another big night on Thursday for our client Christmas Party so a jog to Redleaf with Jimmy, Smolly and Liam, a dip in the pool and a jog back was perfect.

Thursday, December 10, 2015


Caught up with Melbourne clients last night.  If my liver survives intact until Christmas I deserve HuRTS PoTY.

This morning was a run to the Tan, couple of laps, then back to the hotel for a lovely breakie.  Perfect morning in Melbourne - blue skies and cooler and less humid than Sydney.  

Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Wednesday short

Too busy at work then went to the STC production of King Lear starring Geoffrey Rush last night with Bec.  So missed my PM run and was too knackered to join Justin when my alarm sounded at 5.30am.  Got out at 7am for a very easy run to Shelley and back in 35:50 (4:28's).  

Usual crowd out there including Amelia (the future Mrs Cap'n) and Lewis who I high-fived in exuberant fashion.

Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Double trouble


6km tempo along the beachfront.  Erika, Jamie, Quentin and myself fronted up.  I told Quentin we needed to be sub20 and he duly obliged.  Km splits went:

3:13, 3:17, 3:18, 3:23 (turning at Shelley), 3:19 and 3:09.  So through 5km in 16:30 and 19:40 all up.  Mission accomplished.

Hard work that, but great to have Q there pushing the pace with me occasionally doing my share if he slacked a bit.

Saw the Cap'n pretending to smile on a see-saw.

3km warm up and 5.5km warmdown.

Monday, December 07, 2015

Sunday Special

The usual route with a returning Barts, Macca, Ben and Justin.  Stunning morning and we ran nice and easy but stretched our legs over the final few km.  29km in 4:31's.  Then a dip in the ocean (cold but perfect for the legs) and bacon & eggs at Emporio.  I challenge anyone to top that for a Sunday morning.  Saw Anna Fitz running around Narrabeen Lake.

Put up a new bed, chucked one out, lay down on the sofa to watch some David Attenbrough then wandered along to the Riverview Pde Christmas Street Party.  Lasted 30mins, just enough time to remind myself why I appreciate living at the povo end of the street.

Maggsie all dressed up for next week's ballet performance:

Sunday, December 06, 2015

Saturday cop out

Another missed session.  This time courtesy of the Annual Super Series lunch at North Bondi Fish.  But a top afternoon celebrating with CT, Q and Barts - us all buying the latter his lunch as a result of winning with 2015 season.

Managed to get out in the late arvo for 10km around Nolan's running with the kids.  Charlie did 5km in 28:47.  I did about 45mins.

Thursday, December 03, 2015

4 x broken 6:30's

Different session today.  4 x (2:30, 1:30, 30) with 1min easy between each rep and 3mins jog between each set.  So it works out as a continuous 35mins.

Just Quentin, Macc and me this morning.  Wasn't looking forward to it as I was tired all of yesterday and convinced myself I'd take it easy behind Q.  We did ease into the first set (just 3:20 average for the first 2:30) but you'll see those times started coming down for each new set.  Nice session in the end - mentally easier as once you've done the first 2:30 then 1:30 and 30 reps can be blasted out.

9.3km in total for the 35mins (3:45 pace including 9mins of slow jog).

2.5km warm up and 3.5km warm down for 15km all up.

Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Wednesday MLR

Same as last week with Emma - elongated it to 17km this time but with the same 4 x 80m hills which I'm finding really beneficial.

Emma's getting stronger.