Saturday, September 10, 2016

Birthday pressie

Just the same old long run with Barts, Craig, Macca, CT, the Vonk and Elle.  Very tired after last night's session so I was happy enough just to drag myself around.  Barts had had a few beers the night before so he hung back with Elle and myself towards the end.

Elle going great with another 37km run in the bag at 4:30 pace.  She should smash 3 hours at Melbourne at this rate.

Friday, September 09, 2016

Friday the new Thursday

Had the day off work today to go clothes shopping with Kirst for my birthday tomorrow.  I think it was more a treat for her than me.  But it meant I could rest yesterday which was important as I was very sore and tired.  Today was much better:

AM:  6km easy along the beach bumping into Mrs Cap'n.

PM:  2km warm up then continuous 10km - 3km hard, 500m jog, 3km Fartlek (7 x 300m with 150m float), 500m jog then 3km hard.  First 3km hard in 10:09, hard to tell Fartlek 3km pace due to the 500m jog but it was roughly the same, then final 3km hard in 9:56.  All around the paths of Nolans and Passmore dodging the Friday night touch footy teams (including Mags and Charlie).

Pushed it, felt OK, all up 10k in 34:31 which is solid. I just run different in my flats.

2km warm down for 14km, 20km for the day and 120km for the week including some solid sessions.  Tough week.

Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Wednesday MLR

Hilly route in via Manly Vale PS (horned by Chris Yates) and North Balgowlah.  18.5km in 4:43's, just getting it done. 

Tuesday double day killer

AM:  30 mins easy to South Steyne and back seeing Q, Erika and the Cap'n along the way.  Little more than a shuffle  at just over 6km.

PM:  Jogged to ES Marks from work then borrowed Gary's flats (more comfy than mine, might start investing in New Balances) before being told the session - 2km hard followed by 10x400m.  Told Jared and I were to lead the 2km in 70's, with Matt and Keith doing 4km.  Decided to lead the first lap as I honestly couldn't see myself holding that pace for more than 1.  We went through in 70, 2:22, 3:33, 4:45 then finished in 5:56.  Km split in 2:57.

Was pretty rooted after that but got a fair break before the 400's started.  I just watched on as the rest of the squad are considerably better at running 400 reps than me. Jared floats around making 63's look like a jog while Alex R opens up making 66's a stroll.  I was happy to keep them all at 68s, with reps 7 and 8 at 69s when I was really struggling.

Absolutely knackered at the end rolling around on the track for a good 5mins.  Haven't felt that tired from a session in years.  2km warm down around the track then a 2km jog from Jared's to Manly Wharf for 15km all up and 21km for the day.

Have to point out how well Matt Hudson is running.  An 11:50 4km followed by 10 400's in 63 with the last in 60 flat.  He was flying.

Monday, September 05, 2016

Monday recovery

Meeting at lunch so snuck out in the late afternoon for an easy recovery run.  Headed up to Centennial to feel as though I was out of the City, always like that loop.

13.5km with the body feeling sore and tired.  But better for the leg stretcher.  4:36's.

Sunday, September 04, 2016

Fathers Day

Dragged my ass around the usual route with Macca, Darren, the Cap'n, Dicky, Elle, Craig, Lewis, Scotty and Ben.  Survival mode this morning.  But a brekkie burrito wrap in Troubador and a few beers in the arvo at 4 Pines with Darren, Erika, Macca and Birchy made everything a lot better.

Saturday, September 03, 2016

Striders North Head - 1st in 32:53

Well, as a Fathers Day present I insisted on the whole family coming to support this morning.  And it's a good job they did, as I reckon I only won it because they were there.

Nice long warm up having arrived early and saw a good crowd on the start line, albeit with Barts and CT running 3:30's as part of a long run and Neil just testing himself out following illness and injury.  But loads others too including front runners Scotty, the Vonk and Lewis along with Macca, J-Fen, Mike L, Brendon, Streck, Birchy, the Cap'n, Craig, Binfield, Darren and, from the ladies, Erika, Elle and Renee.

Started off heading to the front and soon became aware there was a group of 3 of us after the first km - Scotty, the Vonk and myself.  The Vonk headed to the front in the 2nd km claiming it was for a photo opportunity.  Otherwise I would lead other than when we came to a hill where I sensed Scotty was testing us out.  Tried to keep the pace honest as I knew that was my best chance of breaking away before the young 'uns beat me in a sprint.

5km in 16:20 but sounds like the pace was fairly consistent and we were slowed by the wind.  Up the false flat in the 6th km and Scotty again applies the pressure.  Get to the car park for the final time and I sense the Vonk is dropping a bit so try to push the hill at 8km but it's into the wind and, in any case, Scotty has the same idea.  Again, push along the long straight knowing I have to give it one final shot only for Scotty to come past almost apologetically for not taking the wind.  Is he taking the piss?!  Pretty much consign myself to 2nd at that stage.

But, after 9km heading towards the stone arch for the final time I sense I've got a couple of yards so turn the hairpin and give it my all, also knowing the kids and Kirst are standing at the water stop 300m up the road.  Can't let him come past now so just concentrate on form and give it everything.

Cross the line and I'm buggered.  That really hurt.  Didn't feel bouncy at all today, was a slog the whole way.  Maybe due to a bigger workload this week or just on a down cycle post C2S.

Watch as Binfield comes through in 4th marking a successful return to form and Lewis just behind.  Need to have a word with Lewis, he should really be jostling with Scotty and myself given his training form.  Barts, the 35min pacer, leaves poor old J-Fen for dead in the final km so that J-Fen cross the line solo with Elvis legs in 35:01.  Seriously, I've only seen one pacer worse than him but she wasn't present this morning.

Easy warm down with the crew then over with dozens to Emporio, ground central for runners' brekkie.

Scotty dishing out some punishment:

The crew's warm down, sorry cool down:

Friday, September 02, 2016

Hardcore posse

Little bit of rain and Sydney runs for cover.  Seriously, this is the pussiest city on earth.

Just Enda, Renee and Hipster Chris (the irony!) joining in today.  Just a very easy 7km for me before the race tomorrow.

115km for the week, building up from 70 then 90 post C2S.

Thursday, September 01, 2016

HuRTS 5 x 1km

Not quite the Tiger's session but not far off and when I don't run in the am and HuRTS is on offer, I can't turn it down.

Great crowd today with the promise of Timmy's cones, even if we were entertained by Reg Bartley's poorer cousin.  Barts (looking like Mike Teevee), Q, Jerome, Andy, Brendon, Timmy, the Whorswick, Erika (bravely surviving group 1), Elle, Renee, amongst loads more.  Felt a bit tired jogging over but after one rep the aches are largely forgotten.

Ran with Q for all 5 with Barts just behind.  Times went 3:04, 3:04, 3:01, 2:59 and 2:55.  In truth I felt the last couple a lot battling with Q.  But another solid set of speed done.

Long warm down with Q and Barts for 13km all up.

The warm down:

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Tired MLR

Always tough backing up in the am after a track session the night before.  A 5:43 first km was testament to that.  Met Erika, Ben, Lewis, Vonky and the Cap'n at the usual spot but only the first 2 wanted anything to do with Allambie Hill.  

We hauled our asses around and enjoyed feeling like we're in the bush on a work day morning.  All up 17.4km in 1:25:26 (4:55's).  Had to work the final few km to get the average under 5min kms..

Tuesday, August 30, 2016


Yes, that's right, the Blog is 10 years old today.  Strange to think that Twitter had just been founded, no-one but University geeks had Facebook and You-Tube was a start-up.  And this blog has seen it all.  It's past its hey-day for sure, as Strava tends to be a more immediate source (and better detail) of running activities.  So I may retire it soon.  But for now:

AM:  30min plod along the beachfront looking like Jared Tallent.  Really couldn't get going this morning.  But beautiful weather and straight out to Emporio with Kirst after for bacon & eggs.

PM:  Jogged over to ES Marks wearing way too much gear and sweating like a pig to arrive and find Gary asking me how long I'll take to get ready (the squad are about to start).  Strip off, do a few strides and realise that with the attendees the squad is looking pretty quality these days.  Benny Saint is acting as timekeeper, Matt Hudson (29min 10km guy) is smashing out shorter reps while I watch Keith Mc and Jared West (1:46 800m man) float off in front of me.  Session was 2 x 1600m, 2 x 800m and 2 x 400m all off 2min rests.  So to be run hard.

Was pretty much solo on the first 1600m in 4:53.  Second one Jared blew a fuse (just back from long achilles lay off) so went past him at 1km, but with him tagging behind, to run 4:51.  Then the 800's which I ran with Keith in 2:19 each.   The rests were allowing enough recovery to attack each rep and so the 400's were in 63 and 64, going lactic on the final 100m with Alex R breezing past.

Great session, real speed sharpener.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Monday HuRTS

And what a crowd it was with Timmy showing up, Elle, Erika, LFC, TKS, JW, the Brothers Branigan and countless others. 16.5km easy in 1:17 (4:38's).

Laura Muir

Sunday was a lazy morning before heading out towards twilight for an easy hour.  Best part of the day and enjoyed a loop of the dam via Allambie Road.  13.5km averaging 4:20's.

A fantastic 1500m by Laura Muir at the Paris DL.  Just used her strength to run away from the field (including Olympic champ Kipyegon) and finish 2s clear smashing the British record.  Why didn't she take control and do this in Rio?!

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Sat long 'un

Another good turn out on a Saturday morning with Barts back, Macca on fire again, Craig, Vonky, CT, Scotty, first timer Bruce and NOTB's finest Elle even joining us.

After my customary 5:30 first km, Macca hit the front and it was a fairly solid pace from then.  Craig, Macca and Vonky started a fast finish after the last bubbler and I just hung on to Scotty and Barts who picked the pace up a bit.

Finished 29.5km in (I think) 4:18's but the Garmin battery performed similarly to my legs.

Our Grand Finalist!  Unfortunately a loss today and I won't be back.  Bloody hell, netball officials really like blowing their whistles.  Now got a headache.

Thursday with squad

Another manic day at work meant I missed the morning session with the Manly Hardcore and the opportunity to double up.  Managed to sneak out at lunch so joined in with the squad doing Timmy's hills plus tempo.  Had to take my mobile phone and check it constantly but at least I got a session in.

Went well on the hills managing 21 of them in the 20mins (about 58s per loop). Then into the 4.8km tempo where I pushed the whole way and got back in 15:59.  Quick check of Strava to see my previous record was 15:58!

No time for a warm down, just a photo of the squad:

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Wednesday MLR

Made the controversial call to change the MLR route to a circle of the dam which had a mixed response.  Dicky jumped with glee but then got upset that no one listened to him previously when he suggested this, Erika seemed excited, Macca is fit enough to be up for anything, Ben went quiet with the OCD hitting code orange, Lewis went quiet with the OCD going into overload and the Cap'n was just grumpy.

Actually felt pretty good despite being only 12 hours since the track session and helped by really liking that loop.  It's not too "trailey" but you feel like you get out into the bush a bit.  Voltaren is holding the achilles together mind while I smash out the foam roller each evening.  Must also have done 22days of push ups by now too?  I can manage 22 straight fairly easily now.

All up 17.5km in 80mins (4:34's).

Book parade day today.  Once again Kirst has done a fantastic job.  She should be in costume design as she loves it.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Tuesday stressful double

Holy moley, the most stressful day at work in a hell of a long time.  Had to give a vote of thanks at a business lunch which was way bigger than I was expecting, then presenting at a huge pitch in the arvo.  But amongst that:

AM:  30mins covering 6.2km bumping into the Cap'n in the early am.  Nice.

PM:  ES Marks session chasing Keith with Jared West joining us too along with Alex, Gerald, Biggsy and the girls.  Sess was 10x400m, to which my reaction was "is that all"?  But then Gary explained the 200m float recovery was to be run in 44's (3:40 pace) so it was more a true Fartlek session.

400's were run in 72/73s and 200 floats in 44/45.  6000m all up in 19:40 (3:16 pace).

Here's Nicholas Moore showing great interest in what I had to say:

Monday with the Squad

Rare Monday run for me with the HuRT Squad but a great turn out including Elle, Renee, Darren, Super Kev, Erika, Brendans x 2 and JW.  

Got some photos from C2S.  This is me crossing the line and telling the world I'm 2-0 up on head to heads for the year with Barts.  I think the crowd appreciated it:


Tried to run but Achilles too sore. So instead I ran a Strava penis on Nolans.  Much more difficult than you would imagine.  See below:

Long run Saturday

Out in the evening at a charity ceilidh with the NOTB plus the Truscotts, so we headed out for the long run Sat am.  Big crowd of Macca, Vonky, CT, Craig, Cap'n, Hamish and Darren.  Picked the pace up after 80mins to run 5km at 3:45 pace with Craig.

Was shattered after and the Achilles was sore.  Too much on super tight calves.

Photos from the ceilidh. Somehow we all managed to get smashed:


Pause in blogging but I've been urged back into action by LJ who was getting upset by the lack of updates.

Thursday was 20 x 1min with a 45s jog in between.  Did them on Nolans with Lewis (a long way in front), Q (less in front), Darren and Macca.  

Jog before and after for 15km I reckon.

Love this photo of LJ and Elle going stride for stride to the line at C2S:

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Wednesday MLR

Left calf still super stiff but ok enough to head out for 77mins this morning (nice and slow for only 16km) with Q, Lewis, Dicky and the Cap'n.  A beautiful morning and great company. 


Holy moley.  Left calf feels like a rock.  If only my vice were the same.  Managed 10km with the squad, 90% of whom jogged for 45mins too.  No idea what the other 10% had ideas of.

Photo at 5km of the C2S.  Tunbridge and Davy followed me the whole race before schooling me in the final km.  I had no idea that Quentin was right in the group at that stage (I assumed it was Barts).  The fella is the fiercest competitor I know.

Monday, August 15, 2016

City to Surf - 14th in 45:28

So the big dance came around again.  Got the ferry in with the Manly crowd but I wasn't much company - too nervous and focussing on the race.  Jogged up to the new Elite area with Q (a nice new addition, particularly the easier bag drop).  A few hellos, bit of a jog and some run throughs with Q and we're lining up.  One of the issues with such a big race is how long you have to stand around waiting for the start - about 20mins in this case.  I didn't really have a race plan other than to go out hard and push the pace early.  I knew that if I was going to beat Barts I'd have to have a lead on him with a km to go as he always finishes so strongly.

So I did.  Saw Kevin Robertson ahead going down William St so I knew I wasn't totally out of control.  Passed him before the tunnel and could see the leaders (other than Harry Summers who went off at a crazy pace) not far ahead so it was quick.  Tried to work the Edgecliff Hill and stride out back down to Double Bay.  Someone shouted out 3km in 9:30 which sounded right.  Then through Rose Bay and Phil Dove is on the road screaming in his booming voice.  He says I'm 15th but can feel I'm dragging a group of 4 or 5 behind me.  I assume Barts is at the back of it as I thought I heard Phil shout at his name shortly after mine.

Then Heartbreak Hill starts.  I've done a load of hills recently so felt confident of attacking it.  Surprised at how quickly some of the runners ahead start to come back.  Towards the top I see Vlad ahead so concentrate on catching him and do so just before 8km.  He responds so just sit in behind him and relax for a bit before pushing again at the roundabout.  This is always a major landmark for me as I feel when you turn right here that you're heading for home at Bondi.  I've still got 3 or 4 runners hanging on but see Keith Mc ahead so concentrate on catching him.  Do so on the 2 nasty hills before 10km but he definitely does respond.  Then comes the huge long straight before the hill down to North Bondi.  I'm now hanging on and saying "just one more km".  Keith gives some encouragement before turning on the gas down the hill.  I just can't match that but am still with the group.  We hit North Bondi and the new finish but it still involves that nasty drag with a km to go and my legs are now cactus and I'm in serious "hanging on" mode.  But the hairpin comes, I have a quick look behind and can't see Barts anywhere.  Woo-hoo!!  So I practice my 2-0 finger salute and cross the line looking like a nutter but ecstatic.  Have to avoid Keith Mc barfing on all fours (I think only Enda knows how to kill himself more) and turn to see Nick, then Q, CT and Hoey coming over the line.  But where is Barts?  Someone says something about stomach cramps which is really disappointing for him on such a big race.

Then followed an emotional call to Kirst, and many beers in the sun chatting to the extended HuRTS family.  Times seemed a little slower this year (not sure why as I thought conditions were fine) but great runs by Bruce (49:30), Q (who never disappoints when the big races come around), Toby in 48:24, Macca in 49:01 and Elle in 55:31.  Notice how they're all from NOTB?

Love this race.  Love the atmosphere and the fact everyone shows up.  And it tests every aspect of running - speed for the first 5km, hill strength, endurance plus you have to be able to run downhills well.  

Many beers followed.  Here are some photos:

Me and Bruce:


The stayers:

More stayers:

Friday, August 12, 2016

Thursday keeping the legs interested

Easy 10km with a 15min Fartlek thrown in (8 x 1min in, 1min off).  Solo and around the Bot Gardens.  

Summer pumped now.

Melbourne Wed

Very easy 9km at lunch with a few hills thrown in.  Getting pumped.

Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Melbourne last effort

5 days to go and a final effort.  Up at 5am and in meetings all day but sneaked out at 6.30pm for a session around the Tan.  Almost gave up on it but pleased not to.

Easy jog out then changed into the flats for 5 x 3mins hard, 1min easy, 1min hard off 90s jog recovery.  Struggled slightly in the wind and dark but ended up with a rock solid session averaging 3:29 pace (7km covered) throughout despite the hills and float rests.  Sunday will be very interesting.  I reckon I'll either go great or shit.

Even managed a Tan Strava segment top 10 which must be rare given the numbers who run it:

Monday, August 08, 2016


10km easy with 4 x hills thrown in towards the end.  Flutes working well.  Nice shout from Keith Bateman on the Domain who I haven't seen in yonks.

BTW, did anyone hear anything from Neil about me deliberately omitting him from any mention yesterday?

Sunday, August 07, 2016

Post Gastro

Well, got a bit of gastro late Friday.  Tried a run late Saturday and lasted 500m before giving up.  Most frustrating thing was that I was at Wolgan Valley and couldn't take advantage of the free food and booze.  

Got back home this afternoon and, feeling better, headed out for 90mins.  Felt magic after the first km, no doubt from effectively 3 days rest.  Did the Manly Dam route going home via Eastern Hill in Manly for 21.6km in 4:07's.  Passed Asian Dave in Balgowlah.  

Excited about next Sunday.  Everyone appears to be running really well - particularly Barts, Scotty, Robin and Nick Roberts.  But you can never discount CT, Quentin and Lewis.  Very difficult race to predict.

Friday, August 05, 2016

In them there mount'ns

AM:  30mins in Wentworth Falls.  Two observations.  First, it's very hilly and very traily.  I managed 4.5km in my 30mins.  Second, when in the bush, I feel the need to crap.  I'm like a bear.  A search for broad leaved bushes ensued this morning.

PM:  Feeling as though this morning didn't count, headed out at dusk in Wolgan Valley for 6km.  Got scared when a boulder started barrelling towards me, turned out to be a wombat.  Kirst reminded me of the time Warrior Charlie saved Claudia in a similar situation when camping with him in Kangaroo Valley.   

Gradually feeling better post-fever with gastro issues being the underlying problem.  Even managed 22 straight push-ups this evening!

Thursday, August 04, 2016

Wednesday farked

Got up and ran to work in the freezing rain and wind.  17.5km via Manly beach. Felt shit the whole way and think I pushed myself over the edge.  Started coming down with a fever in the afternoon and was tucked up in bed with no desire for dinner by 8pm.

Fortunately, Gary had a very easy Thursday and Friday on the program - perhaps he predicted this - although he couldn't have predicted the Tuesday and Wednesday weather.

Didn't even manage my 22 push ups.  But now away with Kirst in the mountains  for the weekend for a bit of R&R.  Hopefully recover quickly for C2S which I'm pumped about.

Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Fun in the rain

AM:  6km very easy

PM:  Jogged to ES Marks after work.  It was pissing down.  And cold.  Wore 2 t-shirts, my milk tray thermal and a hoodie.

Turned up to find an almost deserted track but a full strength Runcrew which says a lot about the squad.  Matt, Keith, Gerald, Alex, Neil and Vlad all there.  Session was 2km + 10x400m + 2km.  Rain was so heavy it was a joke and Gary sensibly had us jogging between every rep to keep warm.  1 lap jog between each set and 200m jog between the 400's.

Stuffed up my watch on the first 2km but I'd guess 6:15.  Then every 400m rep was around 72s (with Neil going particularly well) then finished off with a 6:18 with only Matt in front which was nice.

Token warm down for 14km all up.

14 + 8 push ups tonight. Yay!

Monday, August 01, 2016


Just 10km squeezed in during a late lunch hour on the Botanical Gardens/river route.  4:30's but it felt quicker.  Must be tired.

Copping a bit of grief from Charlie and Barts on my 22 push up challenge and only managing 10 in one go.  Plainly I need to do more homo-erotic muscle beach action that Charlie is partial to.  I'll aim for 11 tonight...

Sunday, July 31, 2016

22 day push-up challenge

Just squeezed in 17km today up Allambie and back via Manly.  Was running along Sydney Road when some mad motorist came down a side lane and almost ran me over.  I was about to give the fool a serve when he wound his window down and it was Macca.  Plainly Timmy is paying him to try and take me out of City to Surf due to him getting cold feet on the 5mins he offered me.

4:29's today feeling much better than yesterday after an evening of pizza and hot dogs.

Have started the 22day push-up challenge today (raising awareness for the 22 ex-servicemen in the US who take their lives EVERY day as a result of PTSD - far outstripping the number who die in combat).  Holy crap.  I managed 10 + 8 + 4 with a healthy minute between each set.  Will see if that improves...

Saturday long run

The Manly Hardcore wanted to run long on Saturday and Barts was calling for a fast finish. Great turn out with Barts, Macca, Craig, Vonky, CT, Scotty, Ray, Toby, Ben and myself all in.  I tentatively planned to join them in upping the pace but decided early on I wasn't up for it.

Dragged my ass home with Ben feeling sorry for myself and wondering why I was feeling that way.  It's been a 113km week with lots of hills but didn't really explain feeling so flat.  Later realised I'd had no carbs the day before.  Grilled chicken and salad in the evening, a quiche at lunch and Mafia Eggs from Belgrave Cartel in the morning.  I'm pretty sensitive to nutrition these days and sure that didn't help.  Need a good Spag Bol before a long run.

Ended up with 29.2km averaging 4:26's.


8-9km jog around the city.  Much better at end than beginning.  

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Thursday HuRTS

Just watched the Obama speech at the DNC.  If he is not the best public speaker of all time then I don't know who is.  Spine tingling stuff.

Did a 5km warm up then met the HuRT Squad at the Park Hyatt and changed into my flats.  No Barts, Q, CT, Hoey, Nicky R or Crossy so I was solo up front today.  Decided to give it a crack in any case.  We split into 2 groups and ran off a rolling 8:30.  My rep times were:

6:13, 6:11, 6:14, 6:12

Nice and consistent but felt very bouncy and good on the first 2 reps but, to be honest, my legs started to feel dead half way through rep 3 so it was a case of just concentrating on form and turning them over.

5km warm down with Andy for 18kmmall up.

All the talk is on Timmy's form and his new found hill-climbing ability.  And now he's in the red centre running a marathon.  What the hell is going on?!

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Hilly MLR

A run to work, wanted to do 20km so planned on a loop around Manly Dam before heading in.  Thought Allambie Rd would make it too far so decided on running past Gleeso's house, Manly Vale School, the Manly Dam trail up to Seaforth Oval and then in. 

However, got to Balgowlah RSL and realised I was going to be too short so decided on a "short loop" around Clontarf to make up the distance.  This short loop turned out to be the hardest 3km of the run.  Clontarf is the hilliest suburb out there.  It's also huge.  Plainly there are more wankers North of the Spit Bridge than I had thought.

Got tired near the Harbour Bridge but held on for 21+km averaging 4:29's.

I'm a big fan of the mid-week 20, 20, 20 if the body can stomach it.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

All went wrong Tuesday

First missed morning run so did 10km at lunch with Hoey.

Then, missed ES Marks in the evening due to work commitments so sneaked out at 7.30pm for a loop of the city including 4 x Pottinger hills to the HofW then 3 x Argyle/Observatory Hills.  The latter were much harder.

11km all up.

So bitsy training but got some kms in.

Monday, July 25, 2016


Home. Felt very bouncy. Quick hello to Matt running the opposite direction on the coat hanger.  Attacked the hills and took Banksy's Strava segment up Spit Hill.  Didn't realise it starts at the South end of Spit Bridge though so there's more in it.  He'll be aiming to take it back later this week...

15.2km in 4:20's.


Hilly 29km solo after missing the lads due to Maggsies soccer.  Felt good and went quite well (4:24's) which wasn't bad considering the 380m of elevation.

Friday plod

Hungover 11km with Big Jim.  A question of just getting through it.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

12 x 500m

Pitch black, pissing rain. What the hell am I doing heading out for a warm-up at 5:50am?  Did 4km knowing I had to get a bit of blood flow in the legs before attempting 500m reps.  

Wasn't surprised to see the dedicated Lewis waiting to start but was to see Ben and Charlie lining up in the conditions.  Off we went with me just trying to hold on to Lewis.  I think the 500m marked out was a bit long (perhaps 3s) but we just ran the same consistent length.  Agreed with Lewis that we would each lead alternate reps which I find is a much easier way to get through them - you can turn off while you're following and just be dragged through.  Seems as though I nominated him to lead the reps into the wind though!

All reps 1:33-1:34 with the last at 1:28.  Solid session.  Legs comfortably numb now.

5km warm down (bumping into Macca) for 16km all up.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Wednesday miserable MLR

Pissing with rain.  The beautiful weather on our return has come to an immediate halt.  Up (jet-lagged) at 5am again so decided just to get it over and done with and meet the Manly crowd.  But where the bloody hell were they?  No Cap'n or Lewis.  Fortunately bumped into Q on Manly beach so ran and chatted with him.

16.1km including 4 Oliver St hills.  Dead slow - I was knackered from last night. Achilles fine but OP giving me a bit of gyp.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Tuesday double

AM:  9km easy with Justin and Jamie along the beach and around the golf course.  

PM:  Jogged to ES Marks after work.  4km hard in 12:24.  Just sat behind Alex R for the first 7 laps until Gary shouted to go ahead.  Then started catching Keith Mc on the final lap finishing just behind.  Felt pretty good.  

Then a bit of a rest before 200m fast, 200m jog x 6.  I may be able to hold on for 4km but I'm woeful at sprinting, being about 10-15m behind Alex, the McPhersons and Matt for each rep.  Basically my 200m reps are run at the same pace as my 4km rep.  I think only Neil P has a worse conversion.

13km all up.

Back in Syd

Easy 10km around the City solo flushing out the jet-lagged legs.  Nice to be back and a lovely day.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Final day

Head back this arvo so set off at 7am for a long run.  Much more pleasant this morning only at 29C.  Headed straight down the Pinellas Trail for 13.5km then returned.  Felt great this morning and ended up averaging 4:13's.  Finally seem to have acclimatised.

Must say the Yanks are really friendly.  3 of them stopped to talk to me this morning - 2 on bikes and 1 at a water stop.  One of them passed on a bike and shouted out "wow, you must be running at 6:30 pace!" and sure enough I'd just done a 4:03 km (6:31 mile) so he knew his stuff.

Headed out after the run to an old-school diner for brekkie where I had the "Country Skillet" which consisted of loads of stuff covered in sausage gravy (essentially lard with sausage bits in it).  Couldn't think of a better long-run recovery meal.

Florida has been much better than I expected.

Weeki Wachi

Out early to Weeki Wachi Springs Park so no early run.  Awesome place.  Old school American place.  Basically a deep water spring in Florida so deep pools with cold water (massive relief from the warm sea).  But the Yanks of course add a few slides and an underwater mermaid show.  

Loved it.

Got back and headed out at 5pm when it was still 33C.  Despite that I felt like adding some speed which I've been neglecting.  Did 2km hard (6:38) then 1km hard (3:07) during the 10.5km which ended up averaging 4:05.  Felt good today.

Friday, July 15, 2016

No speed

Just the usual route - 13km this morning in 4:32's.  Did some strides towards the end.  Then to Busch Gardens which were brilliant - best roller coasters in the world.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Attempt at some speed

Out in the am again (only time it is feasible to run - too hot any later and I've cracked open my first holiday beer by 4.30pm each afternoon in any case).

Decided I needed to try some speed this morning.  Kept on delaying when I would actually try it.  Got to 7km on the Pinellas Trail, turned for home and decided to run back quicker.  Did 5kms under 4min km pace then almost expired with heat exhaustion.  

All up 14km in 4:14's.

Tuesday - Pinellas Trail

Why didn't I find this earlier?  A disused railway line turned into a bike/running trail that runs for 33miles from Tarpon Springs to St Petersburg.  I did 10km in 4:34's.  Slowly acclimatising.


27.3km in the hottest conditions I've run in.  It was just an exercise of body temperature control - running easy enough so as not to overheat but not so slow that I was out in the heat too long.

First water at 19km, dip in the ocean at 22km (felt like a bath - we're spoiled in Sydney) and dragged my ass home over last 3km.  4:43's.

Monday, July 11, 2016

More treadmill crap

Saturday:  14km odd on the treadmill averaging 4:12's.  Always run too fast on the treadmill.  Just get bored and keep on trying to up the pace.  Ends up as grey running.

Sunday:  Could only survive 12km this morning before dying of boredom.  4:14's.  This sort of running doesn't suit my achilles.

Me and my dream car:

Diagon Alley was awesome:

Me and my dream van:


Sunday, July 10, 2016


13km in Tarpon Springs in the am feeling crap.  Legs stiff and sore, dehydrated in the 95F heat.  Need to drink more and roll out.

Thursday, July 07, 2016

Farewell NYC

Last run and back into Central Park (just too handy).  

Did 2.5 loops in the scheduled 1hr 45mins.  In the first km I had a bloke run past while training a girl he was trying too hard to impress.  They gained 20m so being a competitive twat I didn't let them get further ahead and then ran past on the big hill at the Harlem end.  This meant I was running 4:12's, which was a bit silly.  It was very warm (20+C at 6am).  

Continued on for 24.4km getting more and more tired and dehydrated.  Need some good sleep as I'm still slightly jet-lagged.

Kids in hotel room:

Maggie top of the Rock:

Bogan Mags buying a hot dog on the streets of NY at 10pm:

Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Tuesday same but different

Another shocking night's sleep but, due to the power of social media, I had arranged to meet TB at the Apple Store on the corner of Central Park at 6am.  But wet overnight so more humid this morning.  Great chat to Terence while running 13.2km around the Park nice and easy.

Top of the Rock:

Independence Day

Woke up after a fitfull jet-lagged sleep and did 13.8km around Central Park on a beautiful (Northern Hemisphere) summer's day.  Meaning it was green, lush and cool but warming up.  God I miss home sometimes.

Saturday, July 02, 2016

Gold Coast 10km - 21st in 31:35

Well, everything went to plan for once.  Arrived last night (being put up, very kindly, by Jeet and Birchy in a fantastic ocean view apartment in Main Beach), got some food and an early night's sleep.  

Had been feeling great in training over the past 2 weeks and woke up feeling good again.  Achilles has been no concern and all the rolling out has done wonders to how I feel in the early am.  Jogged to the start, got intimidated in the (very plush) elite area seeing Australia's two greatest distant runners milling about (Mona and Benita Willis).  Got to the start area and only mistake was not to jump onto the start line straightaway.  Found myself 4 rows back.  But told myself it was a good thing as I'd be able to accelerate into the race.

I didn't wear a watch.  I told myself I was in good form and would either be scared by the pace of the splits or would stress they weren't quick enough.  So ran on feel just trying to hold on to packs of runners for as long as possible.  Chadi was leading a big group early on so tagged on the back of that.  A smaller group started to pull ahead so tagged in to them until 5km.  Knew things were going well when, looking for the 4km mark, I suddenly saw the 5km mark.  That's a free km in the bank!  Clock said 15:32 as I passed but I was falling off the group of 5.  But, like Gold Coast resident Big Kev before me, I was excited.

Best thing about this race is the strength and depth of field.  As soon as I dropped off I had runners catching and coming past me.  John Dutton came past at 5km and I got a km out of him. So I just jumped on the back of each one to drag me through just one more km (as I told myself).  Massive shout from Coach Gary at 8km which was a great lift and I was closing in on John again.  

The long straight before the final finish tunnel seemed to last forever (but at least not as bad as last year's marathon and I probably covered it in half the time), then I turn and hear the announcer saying something like "Jacob Cocks in 30:40" - does that mean he's sat down eating a b&e roll or has he just finished?!  I turn the corner and see 31:10 on the clock.  Fuck yeah!!  Sprint for the line and do some mad fist pumps and crazy arms aloft.  I think my fellow competitors are a bit bemused.  But I don't care.

So stoked.  Biggest jump in my PB ever. Thanks so much to Coach Gary.  And thanks so much to Birchy and Jeet for the hospitality and brekkie.  A perfect start to my holidays.

Good luck to everyone tomorrow in the Full and Half.  It's perfect up here.

Friday, July 01, 2016

Friday jog

25mins early doors along the beach with a few strides.


Started the day by meeting Eljay and Elle for coffee to talk racing tactics for the weekend.  Eljay very kindly said that I was impressively erect.  She claimed to be talking about my running style but I'm not so sure.

At lunch joined the squad at Rushcutters but did 5min tempo followed by 4 x 30s before jogging back with Timmy.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Taper Wed

Very easy 7km bumping into Andy at the Opera House and finishing with a few hills.

Getting pumped about Saturday morning now..

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

ES Marks Runcrew

4km warm up in the inside of the track with Matt, Keith, Keith's brother Gerald, Hamish, Biggsy and Neil.  Then 3 x broken 1 miles as per 3 weeks ago - that is 1km hard, 300m jog, 300m hard with 4mins between each set.

Wore the flats this time with the achilles feeling stronger every day.  

Times went:
2:55, 51
2:52, 51
2:51, 52

Very happy and felt great.  As Gary pointed out, reps 2 and 3 are at a pace faster than my 1500m PB.

3km warm down for 12km all up.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Monday morning

1. Really enjoying the Manly Dam runs at the moment and hills.
2. Achilles feels better than ever.

So did another run up past Manly Vale Public School and back down the creek this am before adding the 4 x 80m hills up Suwarrow.  Felt great this morning.


Too knackered to get out with the boys at 6am after having to stay up to pick up Bec.  Got out later and did another circular Manly Dam route, this time tackling the Northern Beaches longest hill - Warringah Rd up to Beacon Hill.  Quite tired at the end of 20km. 

Saturday hills

Missed Parkrun so ran hard up a hill instead.  Allambie Hill.  Then back around the dam for 13.5km all up.  Nice route.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Hurts Rushcutters

Over to Rushcutters but no Timmy cones.  And to be honest we were lost without them.  Come back Timmy, all is forgiven.  Some makeshift shirts were laid which moved after the first rep.  But anyway, session was 8 x 400m off 2:30, 3 min jog then 8 x 200m off 1:30.

Trailed Barts for the first four 400's then kicked into action and started pushing him a bit.  All were 65/66 on the watch but 67/68 pace in truth.  Then on the 200's I called for a different volunteer to pace each rep which made it interesting and distracted from getting through the set.  Averaged 30's on those (prob 31's in truth.

5km warm down for 13km all up.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Morning MLR

16km around Manly with Lewis and the Cap'n.  Sore after last night.  4:36's.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

(Missed Monday)

Can't fail to put this down as it continues quite a good running streak....

14km with Enda, Timmy, Hoey and Co around the wharves to Barangaroo.

RunCrew Tuesday

AM:  7.5km around and about to the ferry wharf in 4:38's.

PM:  4.5km warm up.  2km TT in 5:56 pacing off Hamish and Keith.  Followed by 10 x 300m in 49, 50, 49, 48, 49, 49, 48, 48, 48, 48 (rolling 2mins).  Felt great tonight in the flats.  3km warm down.

Good to see Enda, Christian, LJ and Greta supporting Eloise in what looked like a monster session.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Picking up the car

Out with Kirst last night to a charity function at Balgowlah RSL. Both drank way too much so taxi'd it home, hence the run this afternoon.  Went via Allambie Hill and hit some serious puddles on the trail next to Wakehurst Parkway.

12km, feeling surprisingly good.

Claudie this morning watching Maggie's soccer:

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Saturday long

Out early doors with Barts, Scott and Robin V for the usual route but with Barts keen on a fast finish. In fact, he was keen on a quickish start too.  I wasn't.  But just put my head down and ran.  Tired after yesterday's race.  When the boys picked up the pace I was hanging on. Did so for 4km then fell off at Dee Why and jogged home.

Bit of a GPS fail in not restarting my watch after a stop but I think it was 29km in 4:21's.

Mags and Charlie in Parkrun this morning.  New PB for Mags, good news before her Regional XC in Gosford on Friday:

Friday, June 17, 2016

City Mile Dash - 3rd in 4:32

I really didn't want to do this.  1.6km hurts more than a 10km or Half.  And I get more nervous for it as a result.  But I'd promised Timmy i'd turn up for his team (him, Crossy and Quentin - me replacing Durante from last year) so did so.

Jogged down with the winning girls, felt pretty good in the warm up, slapped my face a bit and then we were off.

First 400m - I can't believe how fast everyone can run. Seriously, I feel like I'm redlining it and I'm in 12th position. Ali Najeem is running a 27s 200m, Crossy and Q are well ahead and I'm thinking my days as a middle distance runner are gone.

Then get to 400m and everyone slows down. I start passing everyone and just think, rather than settle for this, why not push ahead.  And so at 800m i'm in the lead.  Turn the hairpin sheepishly, think "I could win this!" And start pushing on,  but feel a bit like a fox waiting for the hounds to pounce and sure enough at 400m to go Q and some kid come past and I can't go with them.  Q sustains the burst, the kid comes back but not enough for me to catch on the line.

Still, earned a pair of Mizunos thanks to Q, Crossy and Timmy.  11km for the day all up and a good hit out which will serve me well.

Thursday easy

...because of the frickin' City Mile Dash tomorrow which I'm really not keen on.  

10km easy up to and aroundCentennial. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Wednesday Melbourne MLR

Usual route up the Yarra Trail turning at 8km.  Bloody cold again and almost killed by a cyclist on 2 occasions.

16km in 4:32's.  Few strides at the end.  Took Voltaren last night as Achilles was sore.

Tuesday Tan Session

In Melbourne.  Frickin freezing.  Did the whole session with my black thermal top on (which Timmy likes so much) and a beanie.

Jogged the 2km warm up to Morell Bridge then started the 4 x 8.5min Fartlek (30, 60, 90, 60, 30 - same recovery, 3mins between sets).  Unfortunately started the first fast section straight up the Anderson St hill which was to repeat on each of the 3 laps.  Session looks fairly easy but it's a dead leg killer.  Turned out to be exactly 3 laps of the Tan before the 2km jog back.

15.6km all up averaging 3:59's.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Queens Birthday Monday

Met up for a couple of beers Sunday night with Macca, Darren and the Cap'n and it turned into another really decent crowd.

So I didn't run Monday morning but got out later (after a great walk to "the Cascades" from Davison) for 13km in 4:25's followed by a couple of km jogging then strides with Maggie and Asha.

Then to Vivid in the evening with the family.  Knackered.

Long Sunday

Huge crowd for a variation on the usual route.  Barts, the Cap'n, Macca, Scotty, Ben, Dicky, Toby, Hamish and even Lewis joined us later on.  With Dicky there, the pace was always going to be honest and he picked it up to Sub4's over the final few km.  29.4km averaging 4:25's.

Saturday, June 11, 2016


On Thursday Scotty O says he's doing Parkrun so I knew it would be honest today.  Decided to do a decent warm up (on instructions from Gary) and wear my flats as a result in the hope of sticking with him.

Turn up, no sign of Scott so decide to run in my trainers before he appears at the last moment.  Quick change into the flats and we're off.  Basically, I was toe to toe with Scott the whole way.  If I eased up he would come past and vice versa.  3:05 first km.  3:14 second km (I was hoping for 6:12 at 2km) so I think we're drifting away from a sub16.  Then we both attack the difficult 3rd km and I attack the hill resulting in a 3:18 and a 3:13.  Scott comes past at 4km and I feel I'm toast.  I go past again just before the bridge and see 14:04 so a sub16 is on the cards.  Scott goes past shortly after but knowing how quick his sprint is and my thoughts from last week about race wins not being handed on a plate I decide to give it a shot by sprinting early.  Get a gap and keep on pushing to the line to finish in 15:56.

Really chuffed with that and thanks to Scotty for making it such an honest race.

12km all up.


4-5km jogging around training Maggie and then to the wharf.


Did the HuRTs session at lunch with a really good crowd.  Plenty up front with Barts, Scotty O, Quentin, Darren Moyle, Jerome, Hoey and the Sub4 man Holt Hardy having a hit out before the City Mile Dash next week. 

Session was 6 x 1km off a rolling 5mins and my legs were complaining from the off.  Just no zip.  I'd suggested tonBarts and Q that we share the lead but in honesty I was just tucking in and trying to hold on.  Reps went 2:59, 3:00, 3:01, then my turn and did my best to keep it honest resulting in a 2:57. Next rep I was cooked and dropping off before Barts shouted at me at 500m saying something along the lines of "Get back on Tommy!" so I did as told and ran a 2:56.  Then the last we all started to pickup the pace, I got ready to start sprinting with 200m before the big boys took off leaving me in their wake.  Still managed a 2:56 though.

Good solid session on tired legs. 14km all up.

Wednesday, June 08, 2016


Easy 17km with Darren (4:47's).  Tired after last night's efforts but the pace was easy.

Arrived home to find Maggot and Claudie fully decked out in running kit ready for their session.  Their enthusiasm can be explained by the fact I said we'd be doing hills, and that each time they beat the time I set for them, they would get a lolly (had to run by Woolies on my earlier run to pick up the favoured Starburst).

So Mags and I jogged to the BP Garage while Claudie rode her bike, then Maggie did 8 X 80m hills while Claudie managed 4.  Mags got 5 lollies and Claudie got 4. Plainly I need to be stricter on Claudia's target times (17s for Mags, 25s for Claudia). Then a jog back.  Mags looking good. Aiming for a sub 25min Parkrun on Sat.

Tuesday, June 07, 2016

Bit of Track

AM:  8km with the Cap'n in 4:56's.  Had to avoid the Shelley path of destruction.

PM:  ES Marks - 4 x 1km hard, 300m jog, 300m hard.  All off a rolling 8mins.

Kanser and Biggsy were there but doing 800's off 4mins.  Just Matt Hudson and Keith McPherson doing my set so I was bringing up the rear.  Did all the kms in 2:57 and all the 300's in 53 with a 52 to end.  So nice and consistent.  

13km all up.

Monday, June 06, 2016

Run home

Exactly that, very easy - 4:40's (70mins exactly via Boy Charlton) with some strides at the end.  Felt better (particularly achilles) at end than start.

Sunday, June 05, 2016

Mental as Anything

SO Kirst and I were all fancy at a black tie charity event last night (check out the photo below) which turned out to have a FREE BAR so the chances of me making a 6.15am start were lower than nought.  Having said that, I woke at 5.50am feeling OK and temporarily thought of it before I heard the wind and rain and turned over under the duvet.

Got out at 2.30pm when the water was at it's highest point (coming around the front of the house) and I was a bit nervous it would be deluged by the time I returned.  Met Erika at Queenscliff where the wind was so strong I was blasted by sand.  We headed up to North Head picking up Q and Robbie along the way.  Watch in awe at the surf conditions between the Heads and along Manly Beach.  Quite simply the biggest I've ever seen in 16 years in Australia.

Got back after 27km to find the water levels having receded a bit.  Having said that, typing this at 9.15pm, it's back to the back gate.  Could be a long night as the police have already been around once and said next time they come it will be a mandatory evacuation.

Pace easy at 4:43's (2:07:24).

2pm, back to this level at 9pm:

Saturday, June 04, 2016

Striders North Head - 3rd in 33:52

When I was 11 I won my first "big" road race.  It was the Chester-le-Street Minor Colts Road Race - 2 miles against all the kids from the running clubs in the North East.  I remember turning the final corner with about 400m to go, amazed that I was still in the running and thinking I might as well go for this just to prove to Dad I gave it my best shot.  I just sprinted for the line and ended up winning by about 5 seconds.  What it proved to me was that race wins (in competitive races) are never handed to you on a plate, you have to do something about it.

Today, I forgot all that.

Turned up this morning knowing it would be a competitive race with Quentin, Scotty and Robin all showing up, despite the forecast showing horrendous conditions.  Did a 3km warm up and said hello to Alex Rogers - another to throw into the mix.  Conditions seemed OK at that stage - damp but not too windy.  Set off and it was the usual suspects at the front plus one other chap that people on the sidelines were cheering on as "Rory". Turned out it was Ruiradh McDonald - super talented young fella.

I pushed the pace with Q in the first few km going through in 3:15, 3:16 and 3:12 and then the race turned ugly.  Just as we climbed the hill by the cafe a storm cell came through and turning on to the long straight we had a gale force headwind and torrential rain.  My lenses got soggy and I could barely see.  Poor Alex was in the lead and giving the rest of us a bit of a wind break. But the pace slowed dramatically such that we were all treading on each other's heels.

Through 5km in 16:42 (urgh) and we're all together but Robin puts a surge in and it looks as though we're breaking up a bit.  This was the theme for the next 3km - Robin would put a surge in, Ruiradh would immediately follow him, Scotty would go next and I would spend 200m bridging the gap, knowing I had to be in a group when we hit the wind at 8km or I was toast.

Get to the headwind at 8km and it's just me, Robin and Ruiradh.  Robin steps aside and waves his arm for us to take the lead.  I chuckle to myself and just tuck in behind him again.  Pace gradually picks up and I'm just biding my time without doing anything positive.  Then with 600m to go Robin jumps ahead with Ruiradh tracking him, they have the gap and I'm gone.  Trudge back up the hill for 3rd in 33:52.

Great running by Robin and unlucky to be pipped on the line but that kid has talent.  Everyone else was just happy to finish I think. Timmy was probably pick of the bunch only 80s behind Macca with a 38:05 performing pretty well in tough conditions.

Poor show from the Manly Hardcore disappearing off home without brekky.  It was left to the HuRTS Establishment to chow down a Deluxe B&E Roll in Manly's finest breakfast establishment.  Timmy couldn't resist the coffee there ordering 3!

So form is coming back but plenty more work to do. Great just to be out there racing again though.

Friday, June 03, 2016


10km through the Bot Gardens and along the river.  Nice and easy and included a few strides.  Legs were sore before the the shakeout did the world of good.

Thursday, June 02, 2016

Perth easy score

Wide awake at 5.30am (still on Sydney time) and first meeting wasn't until 8.30am so I headed out on my usual 20km route.  Pitch black until half way and then a beautiful sunrise (deep red in the morning over here as the desert's in the East) to bring me back home.  Unfortunately I had a pretty strong tail wind on the way out (thought it felt easy) so had to put my head down on the return.

Legs a bit sore by the end and I was hunting out every bit of grass I could find.  But not surprising as it's 40km in less than 24 hours since stepping off the plane.


Wednesday, June 01, 2016

My little Maggot!

Apologies for the super proud Dad post (I had to resist posting anything on Facebook given my reaction when others do the same) but was so chuffed for Maggie finishing 3rd in the District Cross Country this morning.  On to Regionals and if she can get through that, to State.  Once again came through the field after being in about 11th or 12th at half way and beaten by 2 much bigger girls.  Kirst said she had gritted teeth in the home straight so I think she's got the attitude for this.

So I arrived in Perth to this news and set out with renewed enthusiasm.  Decided on Gary's 79 continuous - 15mins warm up, 22mins Fartlek (1min, 2min, 3min, 4min, 3min, 2min, 1min off 1 min float), 5mins jog, 22mins tempo, 15mins warm down.  Along the perfect Perth footpath past Nedlands to Dalkeith.  Session went well.  Fartlek's average 3:29 pace (but realised I had a slight tailwind when I turned) and the Tempo also averaged 3:29's, working a bit harder into the wind.  So not quite the 3:26's I got to last year but getting there and overall felt OK at the end (20.3km all up in 3:54's).

Now will slink into a bar in Perth CBD to watch the Origin.  All by myself.  But happy due to kid no.4.

Tuesday cop out

AM:  8km to Shelley and back with Ben and the Cap'n.  Nice and easy chatting about bollocks.

Lunch:  Headed out to the HuRTs session just as a torrential downpour started in the freezing temps we're suddenly suffering.  Took shelter, felt cold, legs were still sore from Sunday, had a meeting at 2pm so made the rare (if not first time ever?) decision to ditch the session and head back to the office.

Still feel guilty about it 24 hours later.  No doubt I'll punish myself tomorrow as a result.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Long sore Monday

Holy crap.  Quads smashed after that downhill running to Jenolan Caves yesterday.  

Ran to work via North Head.  No watch, about 26-27km I think.  Legs buggered.  But achilles starting to feel better after all the plantar rolling.

A few photos from Kanangra Walls yesterday.  Magic spot.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Jenolan Caves

So I left Caves House this morning thinking, there's no way I'm heading up that bloody Caves Rd hill back towards Katoomba.  I've been down it and it's a killer.  So let's head the other way towards Oberon...

I swear it's 4km straight up the steepest hill I've ever run.  Eventually turned after 8km and running past a sign saying "Great Dividing Range - 1365m above sea level".  So 615m of vertical climb.  

Came back pretty quick though.

16km in 4:53's.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Fitting it in

Another solid day at work so missed the opportunity to join the squad for MC's last session.

Only option was to run home post work.  Have been feeling great this week (other than the achilles) and full of running so decided to run home solidly at sub 4's, knowing that's tough because of all the hills.  Did a 4km warm up around Mrs Macs then did the usual route but along the Cahill Expressway to avoid the stairs in the Rocks and then around Anderson Park to make up 20km.

Basically ran the flats and downs in a comfortable rhythm but had to work the hills (of which there are plenty) to keep the pace on track.  Due to the warm up I was always well behind averaging sub4 until I got to Balgowlah and could open up a bit.  

Really is a solid run and puts a load of strength in your legs.  All up 20km in 1:19:02 (3:57's).  No chicks overtook me today.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Make hay

In Melbourne again.  Headed out around the Tan with a couple of my Melbourne partners (they're fitter than my Sydney partners given we were running 4:20's).  Then headed out along the Yarra Trail to add some kms and was feeling so good (thank you Mr Voltaren) that I just kept on running.  Ended up running 21kms at about 4:22's.

Shock of the day occurred when running along the Yarra at a decent enough clip (km split had just shown 4:17) when I hear footsteps behind me.  Sure enough, 400m later someone overtakes me.  And it's a girl!  Or I should say woman.  Running 4:00's as a training run.  She looked pretty handy.  I need to get on Strava to see who it was but unfortunately my watch battery died.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Melbourne - 80 continuous

Supposed to double today but:

(a) in Melbourne; and
(b) achilles is too sore.

So I just did Thursday's session instead - 80 continuous.  Consists of 20min jog, 20min Fartlek (2min on, 1min off), 5min jog, 20min tempo then 15min warm down jog.  Quite a bit by the end (20.2km so 3:57 average) with the tempo averaging 3:27's.  Happy with that as I felt in control the whole way through.  If only my bloody achilles would improve I'd be starting to feel more confident.

Doing all the 1%'ers on the heel now in an attempt to nip this in the bud.

Monday meander

16.4km around the wharves with a decent sized crew including Eoin, Kanser,  Renee, Jerome, Hoey et al.  Achilles sore.


Sunday, May 22, 2016

Sunday long relatively

2 weeks before London 28km felt like a day off.  Today I was just tired and sore.

Great crowd though with Barts, Lewis, Heydo, Erika, Emma, Hamish, Toby and Macca.  4:38's.  Lewis said it was his slowest ever long run.  That fella hasn't lived.

Enjoyed watching the Highgate Night of 10000m on internet (UK Olympic qualifiers).  Tom Bedford knows how to put on a track meet.  Beer tent on the back straight is ingenious.  

Another high quality 10km was on the same day - the Great Manchester Run.  Great to see my favourite ever female runner Tirunesh Dibaba taking the win in 31:16.  Good form for a final Olympic appearance to cement her reputation as the GOAT.  In the men's, Dave McNeil had a great run to get on the podium with 2 legends.  He'll no doubt cherish this photo:

Saturday Parkrun

Jogged there with 30s to spare.  Enough time to say hello to Pete W, Heydo and Marc A.  Ran off with purpose.  Quickly felt shit.  Had a kid on my shoulder for 1.5km (Bryn - last week's winner) then finally shifted him.  3:11, 3:16, 3:24, 3:24, 3:19 for 16:35 all up.  About the slowest I could have predicted so pretty disappointed given I worked pretty hard for it.

Body is just sore at the moment and everything is a struggle.  I think I'll ditch Launnie and trying to push when I'm not ready.  Instead, just build consistency and confidence.

5km warm down with the ever cheerful Heydo.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Thursday double

AM:  8km to Shelley and back on yet another picture perfect morning.  What is with the weather at the moment?  Too good to be true.

Lunch:  8x800m at Rushcutters with the old timers.  Mikey led the session and did it with aplomb, encouraging everyone over the line.  Barts, Enda, Muz, LJ, Mr Selfie and numerous other old-timers out in force.  The only man missing was Timmy, who was at home deliberating on what shirt to wear tonight.  I'll post his ill-decision later.  Good session run with Barts upfront and Nick R just behind with Hoey floating around all over the place.  Off a rolling 4mins I ran:

2:27, 2:29, 2:28, 2:28, 2:29, 2:28, 2:26, 2:19

Last one chasing Hoey home only to have my boyfriend Jerome come floating by looking like Rudisha.

5km warm down for 14km all up.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Wednesday MLR

Big crowd for a Wednesday MLR meeting Hoey, 2 Brendans, Pete W, Champ, Charlie and others AND supposedly Kanser, but after 5 minutes of waiting we were off.

Nice easy run up the old route to Centennial, then of course met Kanser at Fox Studio Gates so did another lap with him and Renee.  All up 16.8km in about 80mins.

Big news in the Highnam household today was Maggie winning her school x-country and taking down Octavia in the process.  She was in 4th after the first lap and managed to overhaul the top 3 for the win.  Very proud.  Charlie also did really well coming 8th (2nd reserve for District) running against boys a year older.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

HuRTS 4x1km, 4x500m

Too many kids duties this morning so went out at lunch and managed to persuade Timmy to change the HuRTS session to my scheduled session.  Really big crowd (holding it down at Barangaroo helps) and with Crossy, Nick R and the bearded chap to chase there was plenty of support upfront.

Went out hard as I was keen to test myself for the first time since London.  Crossy did the same thing and I only inched ahead in the final 100m.  Similar story for rep 2 where I had to work bloody hard to get past him.  Rep 3 and he slowed as did my time as the legs were getting lactic.  Managed to hold it together for rep 4.  Times went:

2:56, 2:54, 3:00, 2:59.

All off a rolling 5mins.  That's very quick and I wonder about the accuracy of the distance.  But all the GPS watches had it on the km and we weren't running in circles.

Then the 500m reps off a rolling 3mins.  I struggled on the first to turn the legs over with Crossy gapping me quite a bit (having sat out of the final km rep).  Better on the second rep finishing well.  Struggled on 3rd then same again running solo on the last.  Times were:

1:30, 1:26, 1:30, 1:25

My legs are now absolutely buggered.  I gave it all today and have been pretty rooted all afternoon.

Great to see Andy back in the thick of things and there's a few fresh faces who are starting to get pretty quick.

4km warmdown with Macca for 13.5km all up.