Sunday, August 07, 2016

Post Gastro

Well, got a bit of gastro late Friday.  Tried a run late Saturday and lasted 500m before giving up.  Most frustrating thing was that I was at Wolgan Valley and couldn't take advantage of the free food and booze.  

Got back home this afternoon and, feeling better, headed out for 90mins.  Felt magic after the first km, no doubt from effectively 3 days rest.  Did the Manly Dam route going home via Eastern Hill in Manly for 21.6km in 4:07's.  Passed Asian Dave in Balgowlah.  

Excited about next Sunday.  Everyone appears to be running really well - particularly Barts, Scotty, Robin and Nick Roberts.  But you can never discount CT, Quentin and Lewis.  Very difficult race to predict.

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