Tuesday, March 31, 2015

More of the same

No chance of getting out at lunch so ran to work (same way as ran home last night) putting some effort in.  But when the first km pings out at 4:21 you know things aren't going too well.  It's a bloody tough run to work (more so now I've moved) as I was telling Enda and Jackie O after bumping into them in the City at the end.

57:59 all up.  9 minute improvement on 12 hours earlier and legs rooted, but nothing spectacular there.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Stressed man

Stressful day at work with no chance to get out so ran home like last week.  Felt ok -and that's about it.  67:08.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Same old Sunday

Huge crew this morning.  As a result, Justin was sweating early on as he had the credit card for getting breaky in afterwards.

Back to the old route and chatting the whole way with Barts, Macca, Lewis, Craig Mc, Jamie, Erika and Darren in addition to Justin.  30km in 2:14 (4:28's).

Nice dip in the ocean after if a bit nippy.  Everyone may have been laughing at my long sleeve top when I fronted up this morning, but they weren't after the ocean  swim.  

Saturday suffering

Couldn't get out Friday but then had another massive night at a leaving party for some friends.  So that was two nights in a row as Ronan's was a 2am finish too.  Not able to cope with that these days.  Just about managed 10km in the late afternoon in 43:58.

Thursday on the Beaches

Up and out early for 4 x 1 mile along the beachfront.  Macca, Justin, Jamie, Dicky and Lewis were there along with Amy, Emma and Anna.  Ran the first with Lewis but he was recovering from sickness and came into a tough session too early.  So ended running the rest solo.  Times went 5:08, 5:09, 5:06 and 5:09.  Hard to get the legs going so early to be honest but did the job.

Warmdown for 13km all up.

Then out in the evening for Ronan's charity trivia night.  Great night all round but foolishly agreed to a $50 bet with Macca with him supporting his man Craig Mc ahead of me at Gold Coast Marathon.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

MLR that nearly wasn't

Out of bed at 5.50am due to meet at the Boy Charlton at 6am.  Got to Queenscliff lagoon entrance and assumed I had missed everyone.  So ran solo towards and along the beach with a reassessed plan of doing 5km, goin back to bed then running home with Jimmy this evening.

Turned at 2.5km but then shortly bumped into Justin and Erika so turned again and ran with them.  Justin told stories of Shanghai while Erika and I commiserated with him.

17km all up. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

HuRTS 45min progressive tempo

Funny old day today.  Got out of the office to find it pretty hot and humid.  But then just as we finished the session the temp dropped and the rain started to fall. 

Made for a tough session with plenty of sweating, particularly wearing a T-Shirt.  Set out with Barts, CT, Tucks, Fats and The Other Manly Tom (TOM Tom).  Felt pretty good on the way out and we turned after 23:15 at the first traffic calming device past the bridges.  I pushed the pace after we turned conscious it would be tough to get back in the time available.

Barts went ahead at 30mins (hitting Alfred St at CQ) with just me and CT left. Started to feel the pace here a bit and we were at the OH gates at 34:15.  10:00 to get back going via the middle path which is solid running, pretty much finishing together.

CT running well again.  Some tired bodies out there today.

Ran 3+km this morning to the wharf and a long warm down with Barts and Andy for 20km all up today.

Monday, March 23, 2015


Ran home from work very, very easy.  In fact, it was Hoey training pace.  One of those runs where you feel better at the end than the start.  Still working out the quickest way home.  Today involved Burnt Bridge Creek where I ran into a massive fruit bat.  That was weird.

Great run by Benny St on Saturday night getting back towards top form with a 13:33 at Melbourne over 5000m (World Champs qualifier) to finish 2nd.


Major hangover following curry and beers with the Manly runners in Freshie.  Top night, but was capable of nothing more than 6km very easy on Sunday afternoon.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Long Saturday

Beers and curry tonight so a long run today.  Met up with Barts, Dicky and Macca with Charlie D joining us in Dee Why for 10km or so.  Solid pace from the off and Macca wanted a fast finish.  Ran with him letting Barts run off ahead.  

Legs were rooted and I struggled to stay with Macca.  Still, 30+km averaging 4:10 so pretty solid.  The B&E roll tastes good after that.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Fit It In Friday

A very easy 12.5km with Kanser, JBo and Bruce.  Got an earful from Kanser slagging off Aussies.  I don't think he realised Bruce was an Aussie.  You'd think the name would give it away.

Hey Timmy, coincidentally I took an office shot this morning.  Here you go:

Thursday, March 19, 2015

HuRTS 10 x 400m

The classic session on a beautiful, if slightly too warm and humid day.  We were teased with the early onset of Autumn.  This was still Summer.

Over to Rushcutters where Timmy had his cones out.  CT and Barts were in attendance alongside a massive crowd for a Rushcutters session.  Had a good chat with LJ on the way over and great to see her back out regularly again.

I felt pretty good today.  I think 3 days virtual rest since Sunday did the world of good as every rep would run the same course of CT and Barts taking it out hard for the first 200m while I tried to hold on then I'd come past and push the pace for the final 200m.  Did the first 5 in shoes looking forward to running the second 5 barefoot. 

Not sure about Timmy's 400m distance markings but we ran them all in 65/66's, the final in 63.

Although I felt fine running, legs feel rooted this evening so I think it was all down to the rest since Sunday.

Had a shock this morning to find they'd changed the artwork in our office overnight.  For some reason, this is what I've been given:

Someone is trying to give me a message.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Wednesday recovery

Very easy run and necessary as my legs are surprisingly still very tired from the Half.  Maybe a bit of jet lag in there too.  Just 11km all up averaging 5 min kms.  Bumped into Hoey and ran most of the way with him, chatting about the pain of Six Foot.  He's vowed not to repeat.  We shall see.

Monday, March 16, 2015

New York Half Marathon

Spent all day yesterday stressing about the prep for this race.  What should I wear?  Should I wear a watch?  How do the corrals work?  Will they have enough toilets?

On the last question I needn't have worried.  I've never seen so many portaloos.  Always one free.  Sydney could learn a lesson there.

In the end I wore my usual kit but did wear a watch.  Threw off my extra clothes into the donation bin at the last minute (a Tommy Hilfiger long sleeve top and a fleece - each bought for only $9.99 yesterday in Macy's - clothes are SO cheap here).

I lined up early and, after some podgy Mexicans pushed in front of me, started about 6 rows back from the front.  The siren goes and it's a bit of a scramble but I get away and into running ok.  An early hill sorts people out and we're through the first mile in 5:28.  A bit slow. But then the pace picks up as I pick up a group of 5.  Second mile in 5:08.  Km splits are all over the place so I give up on the watch other than checking mile (and 5km) splits.

At the top end of Central Park there's a cool section where you run along 110th street in Harlem, come around a big roundabout and back into the park.  Gives you a great chance to see the leaders (all Kenyans) and top Americans like Meb, Bumbalough, Tegenkamp and Ritz.  5km in 16:30 and I'm feeling good.  Then the big hill in Central Park comes, and it's followed by a load of rolling hills.  I come out of the park and our group has split apart.  I hit 10km in 33:40 and I'm floundering, wondering where it all went wrong.  Run down 7th Ave to Times Square (which is surreal) but it's into a headwind and I realise the whole length of the West Side Highway will be the same.  I'm feeling pretty low here, but then my saviour arrives.  He's like a Yank Hoey.  Someone to drag me through the second half.  I jump on his back and immediately we start catching and overtaking all the group who dropped me in Central Park.  Each one tries to jump on as we go past but drop off shortly after.  Down the West Side Highway and as Yank Hoey slows a bit, I take up the slack but, given its into the wind, my turns are shorter than his.  I keep on saying (to quote Farah) "One Mo Mile" before I drop off.  But then we're at 11 miles, I see Freedom Tower and it's all getting close.

Through some massive tunnel and I'm fighting hard here, thinking I can save something by getting a sub72.  Then out in the clear, more cheering by the NYPD and Firemen and over the line in 71:32.

Pleased to have recovered after I thought I was down and out.  A 70:xx is definitely possible on a good course in good conditions.  But this was an amazing experience and that's what I'll mostly take from it.  Everyone in the city supports it.  The hotel porter high fives you when you come back in.  Australia could learn from the enthusiasm everyone shows.

2nd Over 40:

New York #4

Just an easy 30mins on the treadmill as it was pissing with rain outside and not the nice sort of refreshing rain you get in Sydney.

Then caught up with TB for some pasta and red wine.  He fits right in in NYC.

When I was a kid I had this sort of encyclopaedia called "Fact Finder" (actually it was probably one of my brothers) which I was a bit obsessed with.  I never read novels as a kid, just fact books and maps.  I was a bit of a nerd.  Anyway, in Fact Finder they had a piece on a sculpture called "Bird in Space" by Brancusi.  I thought it was really cool as a kid.  So yesterday I wander into the Met and in one of the rooms, there I see "Bird in Space" in the flesh, so to speak.  It made my day.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

New York #3

Stepped out of the hotel in the usual running gear (2 long sleeve tops, full length skins, shorts, thick socks).  Ran 50m, turned around, back to Hotel and put a thick hoody on as well.  Absolutely bitter this morning, -1C but with a windchill to cut straight through you.

But a beautiful day and the usual route but coming back down 6th Ave.  Got overtaken in the park this morning.  Didn't like that.

Good luck to all running Six Foot today - I'll be tracking results from 4pm my time. Go Quentin!  Go Tucks!  Go Fats!  Go Jono!  Go Hoey!  Will be a great battle up front.

Friday, March 13, 2015

New York #2

This time up 6th Avenue (I think it's my favourite), around Central Park anti-clockwise (it's the way everyone seems to go and race direction for Sunday) then back down Broadway to Times Square and home.  

Over an hour today as I took it very easy nursing a hangover but pushed a couple of the hills in CP as some annoying bloke was sat on my heels.  Won't run down Broadway again either.  Too many bloody tourists.

Now reverting to my roots sat in the Cock 'n Bull Pub drinking a Newcastle Brown and eating Bangers and Mash.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

New York #1

Day of travelling yesterday so no run.  Pretty broken nights sleep with jet lag, so easy to get up this morning for a run.  

Rugged up in Skins etc. and set off in the cold running up Madison Ave and around Central Park before coming back down 5th Avenue.  Much better on 5th as it's extra wide.  Reminded me of running when a kid due to the cold - Central Park is still full of snow.  Was fantastic.  Love this city.  Ended up running for an hour.  4:10 pace around the Park (which is hilly!) but slower crossing the roads back to the hotel.

Me on 5th Ave later on:

Monday, March 09, 2015

Makeshift Monday

A bit late out so joined the crew of Bruce, TKS, The No.2 Jordan and Adam at CQ for the usual route - joined by Charlie and Andy a bit later.  Easy pace of 4:40's - 11km.

Very warm out there today.  Tomorrow is going to be a shock to the system.

Sunday, March 08, 2015

New lap of the lake

Out with Macca, Lewis, Barts and Andy on a new route going the back paths to Cromer then doing a lap of Narrabeen Lake around the newly opened paths and back to Queensie.  Top route.  29km slow with all our legs sore from yesterday.

But the dip in the ocean and B&E rolls went a long way to sorting that out.

4:40's I think.

Saturday, March 07, 2015

Striders North Head - 4th in 32:39

Up out and early and, for the first time, rode to the start line.  Well, rode to the bottom of Darley Rd then pushed the bike up the hill.  Didn't want to risk overdoing the glutes.

Bizarre experience while taking some excess clothes off before my warm up when I put my hand on the window ledge of the building where the refreshments are to feel something moving underneath it.  Removed my hand to see a slightly squashed red back spider (biggie too) trying to crawl away.  Panicked a bit, then realised it hadn't bitten me so all good.  But got the heart going.

Massive turn out from the squad and loads of the faster runners on show.  Barts, CT, Criniti, Neil P, Lewis, Quentin, Hoey, Andy, Macca and Mitch Dean all showing up.  But late pull-outs from Enda (queasy tummy worrying about Macca's form) and LJ (dodgy ITB) with knock-on consequences for Birchy.

Plan was to push hard early and work with the inevitable group.  Mitch and Barts immediately went quicker than the rest of us with me, Neil, Lewis, Hoey, Quentin and Criniti in the next group.  At 2.5km Criniti comes flying down the hill outside the kiosk and pushes ahead and I must have subconsciously upped the pace to follow him.  He moves ahead after 300m but it blows apart our group and I'm now running solo.  However, coming back towards the Stone Arch I can hear them catching and Neil and Hoey draw level at about 5km (16:10 I think).  I struggle on the false flat after the arch with Hoey taking the pace and immediately think here we go again. But all I have to do is hang on and allow him to drag me around with his usual even pacing.  Around 6km we must have dropped Neil.  8km I'm blowing very hard up the hill and give up hope, but by the long flat towards 9km I'm feeling ok again.  Push the downhill, get a bit of a break at the Arch and work very hard up the false flat to the finish.

Pleased with the time.  Disappointed to be 20s behind Barts but he is in great form.  Another great run by Hoey and I have to thank him again - 30s PB looking smooth.  Quentin did his usual trick of just holding off Neil and Lewis ran 33:38 behind CT. He should be much further up based on his training.

$20 from Timmy after failing to hold 4:15 and $20 from Enda for bailing on the Irish Challenge means my Striders race entries for the year are paid for in one fell swoop.

Coffee and B&E Rolls after.

This, apparently, is a 3/4 Latte. I think it's a Bondi thing.  The barista must be on secondment from SOTB.

Friday, March 06, 2015

Workday Friday

Holy moley.  Suddenly very busy at work.  

Sneaked out for a run to Edgecliff to buy some new trainers than ran back in them.  Very comfy.  7km and 96km for the week.

Will be looking for a big run in them tomorrow morning.  With CT, Quentin, Neil, Barts, Lewis and Hoey all running, it's going to be very competitive.

I've got a couple of bets.  $20 with Timmy giving him a 4:15 head start and $20 with Enda that my man Macca will reverse last month's result.  Enda is backing himself this time rather than Timmy and I having the bet after Timmy refused to back him!

I reckon it's going to be quick.

Thursday, March 05, 2015

Slack Arse Thursday HuRTS

Woke up with the alarm at 5.30am feeling like death warmed up.  Got to the bathroom, took a look at myself and decided another 90 minutes sleep was the best tonic.

So showed up for the HuRTS session feeling pretty good to be honest for 6 x 1km around Rushcutters.  Quite a good crowd after I'd made a call to arms but I ran solo for the first 2 reps before Barts appeared.  Took my shoes off after 3 reps which made the usual improvement in times.  But ran all reps within myself feeling comfortable.  Times went:

3:12, 3:13, 3:11, 3:08, 3:07, 3:04

Caught up with my old mate Steve for some beers this evening at Customs House which fortunately serves my new favourite Cricketers Arms but unfortunately only in pint glasses.  As poms we settled in nicely as if it were a night in London.  Now paying the price.

Big big BIG race shaping up on Saturday morning with more head to heads than a Bondi speed dating night.  LJ wanted a mention so I shall say this:

1. Head to head with Birchy - my money's on the Shire girl.
2. I'll be impressed if she gets within 90s of Timmy.
3. If Wol breaks 43, I'll buy them breakfast.

I'll post my other predictions when I'm more sober tomorrow...

Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Billy No Mates Wednesday

Arranged to meet the Manly crew at 6am but set off just before 5.45am to get a few extra km in (had to be back early).  This meant I arrived at the Boy Charlton Pool from the opposite direction and was about a minute late but Erika did a Mikey on me and sent everyone off on the dot.  So ran solo in the dark feeling sorry for myself.

Eventually bumped into Erika near Shelley running back so circled back with her for 14km dead flat all up.  Left knee is still a bit sore so was happy to avoid the hills and cut short.  4:37 pace.

Had a few beers with Birchy, Andy and J-Fen last night so to get out and run 14km at 5.45am actually involved a Herculean effort. 

Tuesday, March 03, 2015

10 x 330m

Missed HuRTS due to a meeting.  Had just read an article on the importance of speed training (circulated by the Tiger) so decided to do 10x400m solo later in the arvo.  Then Robdog sends me an email saying, Tommy, do 10x300m with a 100m float instead.

When a bloke as classy as Robdog tells you what to do, you obey.  So jogged over to Rushcutters, tried to work out about 3 quarters of the oval was and set off.  No watch, just ran hard and floated for 10 laps.  Bit of mental pain, seemed to work the glutes well so a good session.  

Jogged a lap and counted chimpanzees all the way rounds.  122 chimpanzees for the sprint section and 163 chimpanzees for the full loop so must have been very close to 3 quarters (330m and 110m).

Jog back to the office for 11km all up.

Monday, March 02, 2015


Late out at lunch but ran into the crew at OH for 13km easy pace (4:28's).  Back of left knee still a bit sore.

Bloody boring day.  I need some pizazz in my life.  Locked in 4:15 head start for Timmy on Saturday morning for $20.  But it's not quite the pizazz I was thinking of.

Sunday, March 01, 2015

Mountains Sunday

26.5km around Leura on a warm warming.  Bloody hilly and, to be honest, I was knackered by the end.  Left hammy was a bit tight.  2:03ish (4:40's).

Then a walk after.

The three sisters.

Tough night last night for the boys in the State 10000m but and amazing time (32:09) by Barts in tough conditions in snatching State Bronze medal.  Everyone else ran nearly a minute slower than what they had hoped for so would be very interesting to see what he would have run on a cool night with a pack.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Mt Solitary

I didn't do anything ridiculous like run up it.  Just enjoying the views of it with a beer post my flattish 10km around Leura in 44:25.

Hoping Barts, Macca, Jono and Justin go well tonight.  Good luck gents.  It feels warm here so I'm guessing conditions won't be ideal in Homebush.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Tiger Crew and Biathlon

Another super early start with Tiger's Babes for 11mins fartlek, 3 mins rest, 11mins tempo, 5 mins rest then 6 x 30s.

Just Lewis to chase today but chasing I was being shown a clean pair of heels, at least until the 30s sprints.  Ran those barefoot and felt great.  3:36 per km average for the 11mims fartlek (trying reasonably hard), 3:34 average for the 11min tempo (easing off) then sprinting hard on the 30s intervals.

Then in the evening was the biathlon.  Coerced into doing this by Timmy and really wasn't keen (nor was Enda, LJ, Jimmy, Durante et al.) but toe the line we did.  Felt pretty good on the run but with no-one to push me.  Then came the swim.  Didn't try as desperately as usual so swam 6:10 instead of my standard 6:00 but it was enough to hold of Timmy by 4s.  To be fair to him, he didn't make any excuses for dropping his goggles and it gets closer each time.  I was caught by Durante and McGartha with 20m to go and it was pretty desperate in the touch.  Matty Anderson seems to find it amusing that a breaststroker is fighting it out at the end and said as much (apparently) during the presentation.

But here is me getting my $20 for the head to head with Timmy:

And here are the squad post race.  I was absolutely rooted.

Great event. Some lovely beers post race with Timmy, Enda, 'Lil Jimmy, Durante and Sonya.  Top night.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Nanny State

Feeling grumpy today.  Just a few things which make me feel we live in an era (and area) of such mimmsy nimby's.  

First, Kirst says this morning that Manly West is proposing a rule that no kid under 10 is allowed to bike to school.  "It's too dangerous with too many cars on the road" they say.  So stopping kids riding is going to ease that.  Why can't we be allowed to exercise our judgment as parents?  FFS.

Then I get on the ferry and read the front page of the Manly Daily:

Social problems?! Greater social problems having to live in the vicinity of these tools making the objection.  FFS.

Anyway, usual Wednesday morning run with Justin and Lewis around North Head.  Tired as usual but still niggle free so all good. Lots of chat about the State 10,000m.  18km in 4:41's.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

HuRTS 14 x 3mins

Wasn't sure what session to do today.  Had an interview for Billy at High School this morning so contemplated running a track session down in the Shire with Eloise Wellings.  Then was told I need to pick up Charlie from cubs this evening and my argument that we could give him a badge for navigating his way home solo was not appreciated.  So got down to the HuRT Squad lunch session with a cast of thousands including all the regulars bar Enda.

Been feeling knackered recently.  Consistent big training over a decent period of time and not helped by a bad night's sleep last night after being bitten (in bed) on the toe by an ant.  So the first 6 reps were shocking with CT, Jono and Barts all finishing ahead with me, Tucks, Macca and Andy in the next group.  Gradually felt my way into the session and finished the last 4 quite well (especially the last) getting down to 3:15 pace (3:05 for the final one).  Was then rooted for the warmdown.  But all said, it was another hot and humid day so it's no wonder we're all pretty lethargic.  Hopefully it will be a massive boost going into the cold conditions in New York.

17km including warm-up and warm-down.

Timmy finished off well today after I shouted at him on reps 12 and 14.  Barts and Macca both looked nervous about Saturday night's 10,000m.  Macca will be aiming for Sub34 and Barts Sub32 although in secret I think he wants a bit more.  He keeps on talking about CT's PBs.  If anything will snap CT out of his trail-walking fascination, Barts doing the previously unthinkable will be it.

Monday, February 23, 2015

HuRTS Monday

Just me, Charlie D, Bruce, Jackie, Andy, Worswick, the Italian Stallion and a couple of others today.  15km feeling surprisingly good.  Was expected to be shattered after yesterday but bounced around in 4:26's.  Must be the change in shoes.  My Wave Rider 17's are now like plimsolls.

Durante wolf-whistled a naked bloke and I've got a new office change room partner in Jackie but that's about it on the interest front.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Fast Finish Sunday

I Did a slightly longer warm up of 3.5km this morning and only just caught the boys who I could see leaving the Boy Charlton Pool as I approached it.  At this stage we were in the middle of a huge downpour and, embarrassed to say it, but I think I heard Barts whooping as they set off in the rain.

It was Barts, Macca, Lewis, Andy and Justin this morning.  Pace was nice and easy (averaged 4:38's before the fast finish started) but I didn't really feel comfortable and was dreading having to pick up the pace.  It was only Lewis who fancied the FF, with the others saving themselves for next week's State 10,000m.  Had a gel at 21km then started picking up the pace at 22km (emerging from Narrabeen lake).  The final 10km went:

4:01, 3:53, 3:43, 3:40, 3:44, 3:32, 3:29, 3:29, 3:28, 3:27

So 32km all up in 2:17 odd (4:17's) with a final 10km in 36:26 which is about what I was looking for.  Lewis very strong again, couldn't hold on to him in the final km when he bounced away running a 3:17.

Beautiful dip in the ocean after (water temp about 4C cooler than last week) and the usual order at Emporio.  Nice.

Good to see Ogi finish as first Japanese lady in the Tokyo Marathon.  She's the girl I ran with all the way at GCM in 2012:

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Easy Sat, first in a while

Just 10km along the beach in the evening.  First easy Saturday run in 5 weeks but doing a fast finish in the morning.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Squeezing it in

8km early doors around and about then running to the wharf.

111km for the week.

Thoughts on the Fast Ferry:

1. Has someone died on Eastenders?
2. This cyclone hasn't landed near Townsville.  All the others always seem to land at a town "near Townsville".
3. I wonder if Thodey gets some sort of share options based on Telstra's price when he retired.
4. The IAAF are adding an O50's event to the World Champs.  Only 800m at this stage. Wonder what you have to run to win? My guess is 1:56.
5. Cricketers Arms beer was very good last night. Might even be better than Coopers.
6. How long does it take a girl with a big tattoo to regret it?
7. Has anyone actually listened to a Ramones song or do they just buy the T-Shirt?

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Running with Tiger's Girls

Met up with Danielle Allen, Emma Collyer, Anna White and Amy Stafford (the Manly Run Crew) as well as Macca, Jamie, Quentin and Lewis this morning at Passmore for a session Gary had scheduled for the girls.  It was 2mins, 6mins, 10mins, 6mins, 2mins off a 2min rest. 

Given we'd all be running different pace I laid out some cones from the centre of Passmore to the path at the perimeter (where we would do the reps) so that when we finished each rep we could just converge back in the middle with no-one having to travel any further than the others.  Worked quite well with each of us emerging from the morning mist to regroup before the next rep.

To be honest, Quentin and Lewis took it out quicker than felt comfortable for me, but to avoid running solo I tried to stick to them.  I did for the first rep, I think I dropped off the second towards the end (can't remember). On the 10min rep we ventured onto Nolans Reserve and I struggled on the grass but caught them on the final 2 laps of Passmore.  Same story on 2nd 6min rep and Lewis showed us all a clean pair of heels on the final 2mins.

Pace per rep went:

3:10, 3:23
3:17, 3:21, 3:14
3:16, 3:09

I found that pretty tough and was almost lactic on the final 2mins.  But did a long warmdown (5.5km), some stretching and a hot bath and I've got Pink Floyd legs now (comfortably numb).

The girls are strong.  Danielle has some real speed but must have had a tough week after her 5000m exploits on Saturday followed by a 1500m at the Bankstown Invitational on Tuesday night.  With focussed training I reckon she would be in Lara Tamsett territory.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Wednesday MLR

18km this morning around North Head (the extra km trying to find Justin) with Macca, Lewis and, eventually, Justin.  84:52 (4:40's).  Another beautiful morning but Autumn is closing in as it was dark when I woke up.  Legs buggered again but had a hot bath at home after and felt much better after that. 

Caught up with the lovely Elle this morning for coffee who only has 2 weeks until Goldrick Jr appears.  She was on fine form and I think I even managed 2 sentences during our 45 minute catch up.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

HuRTS 4 x 10mins

Rocked up today feeling tired again so planned to feel my way into the session.  Q, CT, Tucks, Andy, Crossy, Ray and Macca were there also holding back a bit so we ran about 3:40's on the first rep, getting back with 4s to spare.

CT, Q and Tucks pushed ahead on rep 3 with Andy coming past me while I finished with Crossy.  Was doing 3:32's on that one.  Got back in the same time but needed a final 300m push to do so.

Just a session to get through without hurting myself.  Not comfortable at all though.  4.5km warmdown with Andy for 16km all up.

Nice to see LJ back out again easing her way back in.  Andy looks to be getting some form back - Macca and Enda will need to watch the mild-mannered boy from Watford (Milton Keynes? Luton? Somewhere down south).

Monday, February 16, 2015

Homeward Bound

Ran from work to Manly Wharf, picked up my bike and ride home.  14km, dead slow as the legs were barely functional.  Equivalent of 61mins running past my old house.  All up 14km in 4:40's.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

NOTB Triathlon

Macca referred to our now standard Sunday routine as the NOTB Triathlon - 30km run plus swim in the ocean plus brekkie.  Same again today with Barts, Macca and Justin toeing the line.  Pace was very easy (4:41's) but we were all rooted after last night's efforts and it was one foot in front of the other stuff.  Took a gel at 25km (first time in months) just to get me home and it's amazing the hit you get when you're not used to them.

Bit embarrassed at Emporio when the waitress assumed the chai decaf soy skimmed latte was mine and not Barts', but otherwise another perfect start to the day.

Splits from yesterday.  Pretty consistent throughout.  I ran well from 3km to 4km (7th place to 1st place) which is a good sign at a tough stage of the race, but couldn't match the final sprint.  Barts's final lap was faster than everyone in A grade bar one (Matthew Cox).

Saturday, February 14, 2015

ANSW 5000m Champs - 4th in 15:19.64

Drove out with Dad after a day of trying to corral the kids, grab some rest, watch some cricket and eat for an evening race.  How do you eat for an evening race?  I settled on a bacon & egg roll for breakfast, 2 chicken sandwiches for lunch, various bananas and 3 piccolo lattes.  Figured that as it was hot and humid, piccolos were the way forward.

Arrived at Homebush with Dad with the rain starting to fall and it still at 26C.  At least the wind had dropped but I wasn't expecting fast times with the warmth and humidity.  Did a warm up with Macca and Barts, then a few strides and was feeling pretty good.  I was running in my Mizuno Wave Rider 17's but without orthotics - which reduces the weight a lot.  However, the track was wet and they soak up the water so was regretting not just risking the spikes.  But hey ho, don't think shoes make that much of a difference.

Knew quite a few of the field and figured Barts would be leading it with Kyle McDonald, myself, Lewis and a few other youngsters in tow.  But I was wrong.  The gun went and everyone went screaming off.  I settled into mid-pack after a 35s first 200m then had to navigate my way around in lane 2.  By 1km (3:00) I was in a pack of about 6 including Kyle and Barts, with 2 random chaps another 30m in front.  But I figured they'd come back.  Our pack was working well together banging out 72s laps and I knew it wouldn't be won by a random bloke in sub 15:00.  2km in 6:02 and they're coming back to us.  I was about 4th in our pack, feeling pretty good for once.  Normally in a 5000m my brain is scrambled and I'm just holding on, but I was aware of each km and thinking I need to work the 3rd and 4th.  Through 3000m in 9:09 and I figure we're on for a pretty good time as the pack is still working together.  Somewhere between 3km and 4km we swallow the 2 in front so the race is now on.

At some stage before 4km the 3 lads in front gap me, Barts and another chap so I go past them to bridge the gap.  Then figure I might as well go to the front just to say I gave it a go.  Also, I want a good time so want to keep the pace honest.  I'm then overtaken, and from here things are a bit hazy, but I think I took the lead again at 600m before being overtaken before the bell.  Kyle, a chap called David Spence and another called Brady Goodyear are ahead and Barts goes after them in chase.  My legs are gone so I'm just trying to hold form as well as possible.  Brady falls off the front 2 at 200m to go, Barts takes him and I've now got someone to chase.  Then I hear the track announcer call out; "So it looks as though it's come down to a two horse race" and all I can think is 'I wouldn't count Barts out yet mate, that's really going to piss him off'.  Sure enough, Barts admits after the race that announcement really pissed him off.  So I was dead chuffed to see the big fella chase down the young blokes in the final 100m to win by 4/100ths of a second.  He even gave it a fist pump, so it's not just me who is subjected to it.

I managed to catch Brady and dip under 15:20.  Was stoked with the time.  But more so the race - it was great just to be in a race with a pack like that.  Not sure how Barts managed to put 7s into me on the final lap.  But the fact is he ran 6:03 for the final 2km to my 6:10, so it's not as if I finished particularly badly - he just finished brilliantly.

I think Lewis will be a bit disappointed with his 16:18 (given he went through the first 5km last week in 16:30) and Macca was with his 16:48 but they'll both be better for it in bigger races to come.  I admire anyone who runs track.

Was great to see a load of people out there - Tiger, Hamish Mac who I did a long warm down with, Benny St doing pacing duties for the Community 5km, Kenny and Renee and old rival and former great James Harrison with Robin Whiteley giving a few shouts out.  A great night.

Photo courtesy of Macca - me and Barts with our respective Dads, who frankly should be looking more impressed with us than they were.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Massage meander

Another crap night's sleep which is disappointing before tomorrow.  But I'm well rested after a very easy 4km jog to Tiger's massage then a 5km jog back.

Big race tomorrow.  In the B race with a few of the other regulars like Barts, Lewis, Kyle McDonald and Hamish.  I think Barts may take it on his current form though as the immediate next rung up are all in the A race.  If I get within 10s of him he'll have had a disappointing race based on his Sun Run performance.

90km for the week.

One of the benefits of taking the day off yesterday was being able to watch Maggie in her Futsal game.  Rock solid this one.  The Toon could do with her as a central defender.  Took a hard ball to the face late on which drew "Ooohs" from the crowd but fought back the tears like a true champ.


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Best hangover cure

Took yesterday off.  Too tired and knee was slightly sore from over-exerting on Tuesday.

Summer clerk dinner last night and was supposed to meet Tiger's Girls for a session this morning but enjoyed the red wine at Otto a bit too much.  Had a day at home so hot out this arvo for 12km easy including a dip in the ocean.  Bumped into Lewis and ran with him for a bit.

I think there may have still been some alcohol in the system when I dressed for today's run:

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

HuRTS - 5 x 1km

With State 5000m on Saturday Barts and I decided a 45min tempo wasn't the right session today so switched to something shorter and sharper.  Just a small group of me, Barts, Quentin, the battling Irishmen (Enda and Macca), Renee and a couple of others.  Ran the reps around Farm Cove in the heat of the day - about 28C and sunny.

First one starts and I feel like I'm holding on from half way in.  Then second one Barts pulls slightly ahead, Q comes past me and I manage a late rally to catch Q.  Feels quicker and it is - significantly.  It's amazing how much quicker you get on these reps when your legs get used to the pace.  Third rep and I'm pushing the pace towards the end but trying so hard my legs start stuttering a bit and hitting the ground early!  Fourth rep I'm telling myself just to hold on.  Same again on last - if I can get half way I'll be happy, but again rally late.  Times went:

3:08, 3:01, 3:00, 3:00, 3:00

Pleased with the consistency after the first.  It was a very tough session, both mentally and physically.  Finished with some 200m strides then a jog back to the office.

11km all up.

Monday, February 09, 2015

Mob Monday

Great big mob today, including Enda, Charlie D, Kanser, Andy, LJ, Big Mikey H, James Lambert, Hoey and a bunch of the AMP boys.  Just the usual 15km which was a bit quicker than usual.  

Tucks looked very intense ignoring us around Farm Cove.  Secret training.

Sunday, February 08, 2015

Super Sunday

Another beautiful Sydney morning and out at 6am to do a few extra km before meeting Barts, Quentin, Craig, Justin and Macca for the usual route.

4:30 pace the whole way and time flew by.  Legs were a bit heavy after yesterday but generally felt pretty good.  One of the most enjoyable runs of the week (and such a contrast to running solo) when you're looking forward to the dip in the ocean and coffee and b&e rolls after.  30km all up in 2:15:58.

A good weekend was topped by having my entry (preferred) confirmed for the New York Half Marathon on March 15th.  Will have to adapt the training a bit.  Ditching the Track 10km on 28th Feb and will put some longer tempos in beforehand.

Saturday, February 07, 2015

Striders 10km Homebush - 3rd in 33:10

With Kirst learning how to mediate divorces, I was flying solo with the kids today.  Decided that the best way to get the race in was to put the kids on water hand-out duty and bribe them with breakfast and a trip to Homebush Aquatic Centre afterwards.  Was hoping that my 2 bets with Timmy - giving him a 3:20 headstart and my backing of Macca over Enda - would give me enough money for brekkie.  In fact, I'd offered Timmy the alternative of buying us all breakfast if he lost both bets (and had refused the kids any food this morning just to get them extra hungry).

Showed up a bit late due to organising the kids and only had time to squeeze in a couple of km warm-up.  But bumped into Craig, Macca and Enda and could see there was a good HuRTS turnout, with even Richie High on show and Kenny and Eoin making long awaited comebacks.

On the start line, man-handled Claudia out the way wanting a last second cuddle, then we were off.  Matt Hudson and Dave Criniti sprinted off with Neil P in their wake.  I was next and noticed Lewis immediately tucked onto my shoulder so knew what his game plan was from the off.  Was aware that there were a few others on the back of the group but not sure who they were.  Neil was pulling ahead until 3km when the gap to Lewis and I (and a.n.other) settled.  Then on the horse track one of the runners from behind takes the gravel with Lewis while I stick on the path and who is it but Hoey!  Holy Crap!  He's obviously taken my 10km race advice to heart and been aggressive from the off.  Now I'm worried, as Hoey is a notorious negative splitter and, on this course, I have a fairly standard 30s positive split.  Hoey goes ahead of Lewis and I and starts doing all the work.

Continues on this way through the start finish area for the end of the first lap (Lewis later says it was 16:30 at 5km) and I get a big shout from the kids and we're catching Neil.  However, even at 7km Neil is holding a 10m gap and Hoey is inching closer to him and away from Lewis and myself.  So I make a big effort here to catch them.  Then remember what Macca and Craig were saying last week about not sitting behind someone when you catch them so I immediately go ahead of them and try to push on.  I'm aware though that Hoey is just sitting on my shoulder.  But he doesn't go ahead.  I'm sure with more confidence, and race experience, he would have as I reckon he was feeling better than me at that stage.  I'm not sure he could have felt any worse.  But the longer he sticks behind me the more chance I think I have.  So we get to the mini-climb onto the bridge, I hear Gary shout something like "drive forward!" and I just concentrate on sprinting for as long as I can.  Thankfully, the footsteps behind get quieter and I hold on for 3rd.  Embarrassingly, there was even a mini-celebration, as evidenced here:

Hoey came in 5s later for a massive minute PB - and a huge step forward.  He'll run low 32 on the State 10km course in May.  A big thanks to him.  With his relentless pace we were able to catch Neil which I'm sure I wouldn't have done running solo.

But then the real interest came.  How did my NOTB Irishman do against the soft SOTB Irishman?  Well, despite Macca giving it his all Enda came in 6s in front of him.  Both went sub35 so the competition worked in both of their favour.  I just feel for the kids who lost out on another meal and had to make do with begrudgingly offered scraps from Enda's cinnamon muffin at breakfast later.

A good run by Justin in 36:09 and great first runs back from Kenny and Eoin in mid 36.  Anna Fitz also had a good first run return in 37:35 just behind Timmy's 37:34.  I keep on telling the fella that he needs to do more of the sessions he hates - the longer tempos - if he's to get back into the 36's.  You can lead a horse to water...

So, Timmy and I were even for the day.  But my man Macca will be back.  He doesn't take defeats well, especially when he's forced to pose for a photo with the SOTB pretender wearing this T-Shirt:

So a top morning all round. Nice breakfast with the Irish "E"s of Eoin, Enda and Eamo before all scaring our younger kids shitless with giant buckets of water.

Friday, February 06, 2015

Easy Friday

12km solo up around Centennial Park.  Dead slow but no niggles and felt great.

101km for the week.

Thursday, February 05, 2015

Passmore Reserve Reps

Out bright and early for a 4km warm up which is the minimum before I can contemplate running quickly at 6.30am.  Only Macca this morning so we decided on 8 x Passmore Reserve reps (650m) off a 2 min rest.

Did this session on a Saturday afternoon about 3 weeks ago with Justin (albeit only 6) and was averaging 1:54/1:55's so was pretty crestfallen to see 2:01 on the clock after the first rep.  But that must just be the impact of running early doors, as the times came down after that, thank God.  Reps went:

2:01, 1:59, 1:58, 1:56, 1:57, 1:56, 1:56, 1:54

In a further warning to Enda, Macca really pushed on rep 4 which brought the time down.  Legs were getting a bit wobbly towards the end of each rep after that and - sitting here at lunchtime - they're still feeling pretty fatigued now.  So a good session over a good distance.  You push almost as hard as a 400m rep but have to hold on and concentrate on form towards the end.  Will do me no good for Saturday morning but hopefully one in the bank for State 5000m next Saturday.

5km warmdown for 15km all up.

Read a great oral history of the 1990 Commonwealth 5000m final on Letsrun.com last night.  Interesting tips on Andrew Lloyd's training before the race which we should put into practice.

Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Wednesday MLR

Usual Wednesday route with Macca and Justin.  Got up earlier today for some reason so actually met them past the Boy Charlton Pool for 17+km. 

Was prepping Macca all the way round for a good performance on Saturday morning.  He told me he was totally psyched and was going to smash any Irishman that got near him.  Justin indicated that he'd be happy to beat Timmy but would be going out conservatively and showing the legendary NOTB strength to bring it home on the 2nd loop.

Tuesday, February 03, 2015

HuRTS 8 x 5mins

Everyone there today with a quality showing upfront.  Barts, Quentin, Jono, CT, Fast Charlie, Tucks, Fats (giving it a nudge), Andy (hell, even he gave it a bit of a nudge), new man "Dark Horse Tom", Macca  plus blokes I'd never seen before.


Big news of the day was showings from our three star ladies - the 3 "E's" - LJ, Erika and Elle!  Where was Renee?  Running scared as the superstars returned.  Well, I say returned, I think they hobbled through a couple of reps, had a chat then said their goodbyes.

I eased off today, with the plan for the first few months of this year being 3 weeks on and 1 week off.  Intended to run with Macca but he just got stronger and stronger finishing the last 2 reps with Quentin and Barts.  Post-session I immediately got on the blower to Timmy and suggested a NOTB Irishman versus SOTB Irishman challenge for $20 on Saturday morning and he took it!  Just hoping Macca hasn't peaked 4 days too early and that Enda crumbles in perplexion at Timmy's new-found faith in him.

Felt comfortable all session which was good - far better than last Thursday.  I think the day off on Sunday has worked.  Not sure what I was averaging without a watch but we were getting to the second tree on the flat section opposite Garden Island.  I'll give the sprints on Thursday a go but otherwise take the rest of the week very easy.

Ah - on top of the No.1 Irishman bet Timmy has final agreed on a 3:20 handicap for Saturday morning.  Rorted once again.  I'm not used to negotiations where someone throws their toys out of the pram and refuses to pick up the phone until they get their own way.

Monday, February 02, 2015

Long Monday

At Craig Mc's on Saturday evening which involved a crate of beer and 6 bottles of wine between the 6 of us.  Can't remember putting the kids to bed or getting home for that matter.  But after a week off the booze those beers tasted nice.  Which resulted in Sunday being a bit of a go-slow day and my first rest day of 2015.  Happy enough to dip my head in the surf watching the kids do Nippers.  Maggie was beaten for the first time ever at Flags (by a boy - they're getting quicker) and the look of shock on her face was priceless.  The immediate bursting into tears wasn't so cool. 

Managed to squeeze in a longish run today.  10km solo before joining the squad for 15km.  Had to put up with Enda and Kanser baiting each other for an hour.  The disharmony in the Irish squad is growing.  And to say that Enda is focussed on beating Macca this weekend to crow about being Ireland's no.1 would be an understatement.

25km all up averaging about 4:30's.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Sun Run - 8th in 33:24

Big turn out from the beaches boys this morning for our local race.  Met up with Macca, Justin, Quentin, Ben and Jamie (where was Dicky?) at Bike Addiction for our jog to the start in Dee Why.  Perfect morning for running with low humidity, about 17C and clear skies with no wind.  Ben, Justin and Q proceeded to jog up Oliver Street, while Macca and I walked and hurled abuse at them, telling them they'd pay for it later.

Quick chat with Charlie D and Mike Baird before the start (as you do) and then I had to stand with the great unwashed (no seeded start for me) while the likes of Macca, Dicky and Jamie swanned around in front of us looking like pros.  It was all a bit relaxed on the start line chatting to Jenny Wickham and Justin before suddenly we were off with me a bit unprepared.  Everyone sprints up the hill, I take it conservatively and find myself about 10s behind a group containing Barts, Quentin and Lewis at the top.  Hell, there's even a chick in front of me.  But I'm breathing hard - surely they've all gone off too hard?  

Pass the chick then Jamie going down the hill, then Nick Roberts going along Abbott Road but I'm making no headway to the Barts group.  On to the Parkrun course and I can see Barts pulling ahead of the group and catching Criniti.  But the rest of the group is still pulling ahead of me.  Get a shout from Clarkey on his bike at 5km and decide that no-one is going to come back to me unless I work hard, so start pushing the hill up to the Diggers.  Turn into Charles St and I'm getting back, by the Harbord Hilton I've caught Quentin, Lewis and Jason Hall so put a real effort in up the nasty pinch and on Undercliff St.  

Sweep down past Queensie Surf Club and get a welcome shout from Dad and then begins the longest run-in in the developed world.  Holey crap, I run along Manly Beach about 3 times a week but that've they elongated it?  But I'm holding form OK and feel fine to sprint if anyone comes up to my shoulder to maintain 7th.  Cruise to the line but, what's this?!  Some bloke (Jason Hall) floats past with  10m to go!

Very happy with the time on a tough course but, far out, what a performance by Barts. Bit of a game changer that one - 3rd overall in 32:39, smashing Criniti (who I almost caught in the end) but soundly ahead of Alex Rogers.  Macca also had a great run in 35:34 showing that strength counts for a lot on this course.  Lewis ran a PB.  Jamie just missed dipping under 36. Divky was mid 36 and Justin's hammy held up in high 36.  Ben did what he intended by dipping under 40 and was that Charlie running as Timmy in 40:xx?

Beaut of a day in Manly showing it off at its best to 10,000 runners.  Lovely B&E roll and coffee at Bench with Macca and Barts (could be the new venue) to round out a great morning.

Friday, January 30, 2015

5 pointer

7km to the ferry wharf via Shelly Beach.  31:27 (4:29's) so only just counts as a run.

Beaut of a morning though.  Rain gone, sun shining and surf up.

112km for the week.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Brett Lee and Taylor Swift

I was never a fan of Brett Lee playing for Australia, but that final over of the Big Bash final certainly warmed me to him.  Hollywood script all over it - last bowl of his career and he's on a hat trick needing to prevent 1 run.  Brilliant match.  I then went to bed and had a bizarre dream about Taylor Swift.

But on to today's run.  3 x 2km from the Park Hyatt turning at 1km (or more likely 980m).  Hoped to feel easy today (what with the Sun Run on Saturday) but in truth I never felt comfortable.  Ran them all with Barts.  We had Q and Jono with us on the first 2 with Crossy pushing ahead on the third.  Reps went 6:17, 6:10 and 6:11.

Very good crowd.  Timmy's hitting a bit of form so I'll be asking for a realistic 2:30 on Saturday morning next week for the customary $20.  Macca showed a bit of speed today and Darren could soon be ousting Erika as the fastest Jordan.

Warmdown with Barts and Eoin for 10km all up.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Wet Wednesday

More bloody rain.  House is about to go under.

Usual Wednesday route with Macca, Ben, Erika and Quentin.  Good company, rain unnoticed once you start but legs were cactus after yesterday.  Q complaining about his knee again which isn't good news.  Needs to get on the Voltaren and foam roller.

17km in 1:18ish (4:43's).

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

HuRTS Fartlek

Well, it was pissing down today.  Not just London drizzle, but a full on Sydney downpour.  I thought it was going to be one of those days you turn up when others don't and steal a march.  But all the top dogs must have thought the same as Barts, Tucks, Fats, Crossy, Jono, Quentin, Macca, Andy, Enda and Hoey were all there

Fartlek was slightly different to usual being (3 (1) 2 (1) 1 (1)) x 5. But I quite liked it.  Always seem to go OK on the fartlek - I think the concept of running hard but being rewarded frequently suits my mentally fragile character.  Crossy went of quickest so went with him but Jono came by around Farm Cove and pushed the pace on (especially on the floats).  Q and Barts were taking it easy on the way out.  Turned on 22.5mins well down Hickson Road opposite the Lend Lease courtyard.  At this point Q and Barts hung around to join us on the way back.  Pushed from the Opera House onwards to get back with 12 seconds to spare.

Watch said 12.86km which would be 3:29's overall average.

5km warmdown for 18km all up.

Still no Timmy.  Has he permanently shunned Tuesday sessions because they are too hard?  And no sign of CT in 2015 either. 

Monday, January 26, 2015

Australia Day long

Out early doors with Justin and Craig.  We'd planned a special route just for Ben but he decided today wasn't for him.

So down to Shelley and back before heading up the beaches but cutting across to Narrabeen Lake just past the fire station.  Justin headed back after 10km so just me and Craig.  Was a bit tired after last nights run but fairly light on the feet and averaged 4:30's so not too bad.  Ended up back at Queenscliff with 30km exactly on the clock in 2:15.  Then the usual dip in the ocean and B&E roll and coffee at Emporio.  But even better was Craig's B&E roll showing up late so he demanded 2 extra free coffees.  I like hanging out with demanding people.  Over the 2nd coffee he urged me to run Orange or Bathurst Halfs.  May look into it.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Perfect Run

Kirst bagged the early slot so only headed out at 5pm when it was still 30c on a stinking hot day.  But felt good.  

Went out in my boardies and trainers (I looked a right sight and, of course, bumped into a load of people I know as a result).  Did a loop of North Head but stopped at Queenscliff, dived into the ocean and caught the perfect (huge) wave to body surf back in.  At that point I thought it can't get better than this so jogged home.

16.5km and enjoying a no niggle period.  You have to cherish these.

Charlie heading out to bat yesterday:

Curl Curl Parkrun - 2nd in 16:26

4km warm up via the flat route with Erika then showed up for my first Parkrun in ages to find the crowd bigger than ever.  Met Quentin, a sweaty Carla, Jamie, Craig Mac, chap called Mike and Dick Mull, with the better looking Heyden and Mr and Mrs Binfield also in attendance.

Knew Q would make it a hard race and we tussled all the way until 4km when he put the foot down and gapped me.  He knows how to beat me as the gap didn't grow after his initial effort with him finishing on 16:23.  Good hard hit out and a solid time in the warm and humid conditions.

5km warmdown for 14km all up.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Easy peasy Friday

Very easy 11.5km bumping into Louis early on and running with him.  Felt knackered for the first 6km then got into it.

110km for the week.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Nolans 1km reps

Well, jumped out the back gate onto Nolans this morning to put the cones down to mark out our 1km loop to be greeted by this low level mist that made the whole area look like a scene out of Sleepy Hollow.  Very romantic it was.  Macca and I contemplated holding hands for the first rep in this dreamlike setting.

But instead we just bashed them out.  First 2 were a struggle - as ever at 6.15am.  We were slowed by the longish wet grass too which made your trainers sodden within seconds.  For that reason I ditched the shoes after 3 reps and ran barefoot in the second half and, as usual, the rep times showed it.

3:16, 3:14, 3:12, 3:09, 3:07, 3:02

Macca would set off early from rep 4 to give me something to chase.  He was averaging about 3:30.  He's the only person I know who runs 1km reps at his 10km race pace.

5km warmdown for 12.5km all up.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Wednesday MLR

Well this morning I was buggery rodgered.  Dragged myself out of bed at 5.45am after staying up late watching an English medieval drama last night (lots of sex and violence) and met Macca, Justin and Erika on her eagerly anticipated return. 

Well, we had 1km with Justin before he decided that his hammy was too sore.  Although eyebrows were later raised when we subsequently saw Amelia (Justin's wife) on her run so maybe it was just a shift in the Bromley household balance of power.

Usual route up around North Head although it was just Macca and me dragging our asses up the hill as Erika turned at Shelley Beach to chase down Jenny Wickham after we pointed out she was a super fast 38 year old female.

17km all up at 4:38 pace.  But done and no real niggles to complain of at the moment.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

HuRTS 2 x 20mins

Where is Mikey?

It's the question on everyone's lips.  In the meantime, we got on with the session in hand.  Massive turnout today but only Barts and I were pushing it upfront albeit with Hoey joining us for the first 20min rep before he jogged onwards.

Reached the final arch before the Hickson Road bend (about 100m behind my best) but we started conservatively and built into it.  Felt OK on the way back and ran shoulder to shoulder with Barts getting back in 19:40, with a 9:54 final Gate to Gate.  Required some effort though.

4km warmdown for 17km all up.  Finally put some effort into a session for the first time in 5 weeks.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Home boy

Took the summer clerks out for lunch so ran home from work.  Cool and wet for a change and made it almost pleasant.  Even more pleasant was bumping into 'Lil Jimmy on the way for him to hurl some abuse at me.

Knackered long run

Out at a dinner party Saturday night. Got home at 12.30am then up at 5.30am for the long run.  Rooted from the get go.  Fortunately, Macca, Craig, Justin and Dicky felt the same way so our pace resembled something produced SOTB.

But all made up for with a dip in the Ocean and bacon & egg rolls and coffee back at our usual haunt of Emporio. With Dicky paying which was very kind.

Luckily we got our ocean dip before this happened:  http://m.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw/shark-spotted-at-manly-and-north-steyne-beaches-swimmers-flee/story-fni0cx12-1227188568945

Saturday, January 17, 2015

A session with the missus (and Justin)

For the first time in forever I went for a run with Kirst.  Plan was to do 6 x Passmore Loops with Kirst doing 3.  Then we bumped into Justin on the way so he joined in.  

Justin has some real pace!  Plainly wasting his time with all that marathon stuff.  I was aiming to get all 6 under 2 mins and managed with 1:55, 1:53, 1:55, 1:54, 1:55, 1:55.

Started to get a bit lactic towards the end.  Justin was running just under 2 mins but slowed on the last two with a hammy twinge. 

8km all up.

The week that was

11km with Kanser very easy.

110km for the week.  Bigger volume but piss poor on the effort.  Hopefully feel more up for it next week.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Timmy's Hills

Well, I was feeling tired and had forgotten my orthotics so wasn't really up for the session today.  Coupled with that, it was Timmy's killer 20mins of hills followed by a 5km tempo.  

With only Barts pushing the pace all alone, I ran with Timmy, Crossy, Tucks, Kaley and Big Kev for the most part - with Johnny Burke being in the wrong place at the wrong time so having to join in the 5 tempo.  Did 19 hills and 3:50 pace for the tempo shouting at Timmy the whole way.  Feel better for it now.

11km all up.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Base Building

I have to call it that as there was nowt else special about how I felt this morning.  Met Macca and Justin for 17.3km around North Head.  Knackered and sore.  Even Macca was quiet for the first 6km.  Impressed to get the average km speed down to 4:48's.

1:23.  Beaut of a morning though, especially at Queenscliff.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

HuRTS 14 x 3mins - The Great Divide

Hot, hot, hot today.  And humid.  So with Mikey away, I warned everyone to take it easy early on.  

I pretty much did my own thing today, starting steadily at 3:25 pace and bringing it down to 3:10 pace by the end.  I'd start behind the field to have the psychological advantage of overtaking people on each rep.  Whatever it takes to get through this killer session in these conditions.

So why The Great Divide?  Well, after 10 reps I look up to see 75% of the squad sat in the shade of a tree having pulled stumps for the afternoon.  I then look at who's left to finish off the 14 reps and it's Macca, Barts, Angus, Charlie D, Jono Woodhouse and myself.  And what do we all have in common?  We all live North of the Bridge.  Those Eastern Suburb pussies with too much money for too many home comforts don't understand effort and sacrifice and pain.  NOTB = Hardcore.

Jumped in the Harbour to cool down after and it was magic.  Slightly longer warmdown for 17km all up.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Old Timers

Well, you could have rolled the clocks back 7 years today when I showed up for my first HuRTS run in a month to find Kanser, Durante and Tucks waiting.  Then when Enda joined us after a few km you could have been forgiven thinking it was a HuRTS version of The Expendables.

Very easy 15km run today chatting the whole way.  Mostly about Kanser's brave, new training regime.  It's kill or cure. 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Sunday recovery

Manly Mexican Night last night so a gentle 10km in the teeming rain this arvo in 46:30.  Didn't feel as bad as I expected but couldn't have gone much quicker.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Manly Hardcore Posse

Out for the usual Northern Beaches route  (but running to the BC Pool to start) with Macca, Ben, Justin, Craig and Barts.  Barts was relieved to finally have some blokes who could run for more than 200m before having to stop at a bubbler.

Ben hasn't eaten a potato in 7 days on his no carbs diet so headed home after 5km.   The rest of us headed on at a casual pace but struggled with the humidity.  It's not like Queenstown.

Got to 22km back to Dee Why and Barts took his usual gel.  I think some bloke in the Eastern Suburbs gives him his supplies.  I wanted to get through the Dee Why hills so pushed on a bit from here and then all hell broke loose with Macca pushing up on my shoulder, Craig cruising at his usual marathon pace and Barts feeling as though he had to push the pace.  Final 6km went 4:00 (up the Dee Why hills), 3:49, 3:44, 3:38, 3:35, 3:34.  To be honest, in the heat I was rooted and my tummy felt a bit squiffy over the final 2km.  But Macca was pleased as we nudged under 4:20 pace for the whole 29km.  

Then a dip in the big surf at Queensie where I was tumbled around like a front loader and, as Barts was paying, Macca took us to the poshest B&E roll breakfast joint in town (brioche rolls no less) where we ordered four ladies (not tradies) and looked thoroughly feminine.

Back to the tough stuff (other than breakie).

Friday, January 09, 2015

Back home

Steady 10km around Manly in 40:32.  Nice to be back home after 3 weeks of travels.  

Thursday, January 08, 2015

Queenstown #3

4 hours of downhill mountain biking this morning (my favourite activity here) so I was pretty knackered getting out for my afternoon run around the lake.  12km in 49:32 (4:07's).  Once again, felt better as the run wore on.

Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Queenstown #2

Today I did my first Bungy jump.  I wouldn't have done it but for Billy.  Despite being only just the minimum age and weight (and not a little nervous), he went 10mins before me and totally nailed it.  Here he is, flying through the air:

The girl on the Bridge turned to me after he went and said "Is he your son?  He did that well!".  I was dead proud of him.  So of course I couldn't pussy my way out after that.  So here's me shortly after:

It was a massive adrenaline rush and we were both buzzing afterwards.  I had asked for the Bungy rope to be adjusted so I got a water dunk, but they must have overestimated my weight as I missed by half a metre.

After getting back to Queenstown I was exhausted but got out for 10km around the lake (such a great running track).  Very easy to start with but felt better as I went on and finished in 41:18.

What a day.  Mountain biking tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Queenstown #1

This place is magic.  It's like a cross between Switzerland and Scotland.

No time to get out this morning. Too busy  raising the adrenaline levels.  Was brilliant fun but only depressing thing was being weighed for the purposes of the "Ledge Swing" (http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rjgSD5BXMz0) and realising I'd put on 3kgs over the festive period.

But got out this arvo and felt great, running 12km in 47:18 (picking up the pace the whole way).  13km all up after jogging up the mammoth hill to the hotel.

Me and Billy looking awesome above beautiful Queenstown:

About to do some Luge:

Monday, January 05, 2015

5 pointer

Not much time this am before flying to Queenstown with Billy, so just managed a run to Shelly Beach and back (8km).  Bumped into Justin along and chatted about all things in zud.

Sunday, January 04, 2015

Long trip home

10km early doors along the boardwalks of Merimbula before preparing for the long trip home.  As usual, felt crap for the first 2km after emerging from the tent then felt magic on a beautiful morning.

Saturday, January 03, 2015

Merimbula Parkrun

Had to squeeze in a long run, so got up early, did 10km, then did the Merimbula Parkrun, then did another 11km.  Very average time of 17:42 but it was hot and humid and I couldn't be arsed.  Got the win though and had a chat to TKS's mate Steve Isles afterwards who came 2nd.

Slowest long run in history.  Just can't get going at the moment.

Friday, January 02, 2015


10km out of the tent.  Checked out the Parkrun course.  Can't see how they can run it tomorrow as it's nearly all narrow boardwalk and was packed with tourists walking their dogs this morning.  Beautiful route though.  Ended up running up a stinking great hill back to the campsite which spoiled an otherwise enjoyable run.

Here we are:

Thursday, January 01, 2015


Out of the tent and 10km along a riverside path in Bairnsdale that looked like it was designed by a runner.  Check it out.

Seriously, it was like that for 5km before I turned and returned.  Magic.

Year in Review:

Started the year with the plan to run a fast 10km.  This time last year I hadn't run under 33mins for 10km in 2.5 years.  So I was dead chuffed to get under 4 times and set a PB.  The other distance I raced most was 5km, what with Parkruns and the monthly Rosa 5km TT.  Found them really good for sharpening the speed.

So, 3 best races of 2014 were:

1. JPMorgan 5.6km.  Big PB and almost everyone was there.  

2. Launceston 10km.  Another big PB and went for it from the start.

3. City to Surf.  Another PB, almost everyone was there and although Quentin was ahead, i was chuffed to run well after coming back from Europe.

As usual, my best results come from races I really psyche myself up for.  On the downside, I was disappointed to miss another marathon.  It'll be 3 years since I last ran one when I do Gold Coast this year.  But London 2016 is now the big aim.  Other disappointments were not doing a great Half this year and missing State 3000m to have a crack at my toughest PB.

What I learned:

1. Improved diet this year made a massive difference.  Lost 3kg and ran PBs across nearly every distance without changing my training.

2. Speed works for me.  400s etc.  improves my technique as well as natural pace.

3. Glute/hammy strength exercises work a treat.  Improve technique and keep injuries at bay.

4. I went through the year almost entirely uninjured (save post Six Foot) and consistency of training makes a massive difference.

5. Ultras are not for me.

What to aim for in 2015:

1.  Marathon sub 2:30.  May not be Gold Coast.  May need to wait for London 2016.

2.  10km sub 32.  Tough ask.  Unfortunately the Harbourside 9.8km falls a week after Gold Coast.

3.  Half sub 71.  Not many chances, particularly if I do Gold Coast Full, so another tough ask. 

So there it is, another year done.  I think there'll be some big changes this year so will be interesting to see how it pans out. For now, I'm in a campsite in Merimbula drinking a bottle of red as the air mattress has a big hole in it so it's going to be an uncomfortable night.  But Merimbula Parkrun on Sat morning awaits, the first one of the year. I'm going for one of the newly announced Parkrun T-Shirts for 25 races completed....

Today's spot:

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

It's a wrap

13.3km to Brighton Beach again, almost getting lost again.  That place is a space/time vortex.

Will do my 2014 wrap tomorrow.  'Twas a ripper.

Childhood running hero Crammy made a CBE in the New Years Honours List today.  Check out where he lives.  Apparently (according to Dad who's seen them in Waitrose) Sol Campbell and Paul Collingwood also live in Hexham now.  It's a hotbed of sporting superstar talent.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Highnam Handicap

We're a fairly competitive bunch.  Since arriving here in Melbourne for the family Christmas, we've had competitive Mini-Golf (I didn't do so well at this), competitive Go-Karting (80km/h karts - I won this which made me happy) but the big event is always the Highnam Handicap.  

Basically, we spend 4 days arguing at meal times about our handicap start times, Dad has final say and everyone is required to take part over the 2.5km (other than Dad as official timekeeper and Claudie who has one more year respite).

I was starting off scratch, 15s behind Jack and 50s behind brother Jamie.  That's all I was aiming for, with any other scalps being a bonus.  I'd run to the start which was about 7km so was nicely warmed up.  Plan was just to run as hard as possible and use overtaking people towards the end as a spur to push on.

Felt dead legged to start with but after the first hill started to get into a rythmn and could see I was getting closer to Jack.  First km in 3:02.  Overtake Bec, then Kirst and close in on Jack.  Then suddenly at 2km a big group of us close in together - with Jack, Jamie, Sophie, Anthony (Sophie's boyfriend) and me all in a line.  2nd km was 3:00.  Had it been a 2km handicap it would have been perfect. But thankfully it was 2.42km.  I overtook them and Jack jumps on to my shoulder.  I tried to drop him straightaway not wanting a sprint finish but he still keeps up.  We're going pretty quickly now and the final drag uphill approaches and Jack drops off so now it's only Gill, Alec and, can it be so, Charlie! in front.  I pass Gill but that's it.  Chuffed to see Charlie take out the win but a great effort by all.

Here are the results:

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Bit of speed

Have been getting very stiff recently from not stretching and plodding around at the same pace the whole time.  So decided to throw some speed in today.

Longer warm up on McKinnon Oval then ran to the synthetic track at Duncan Mackinnon Reserve and did 4 x 400m.  Wasn't expecting much as it was early doors and that's what I got.  Times went:

66.0, 65.2, 64.8 and 64.1.

Felt better afterwards.  10km all up.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Long run with the fambily

Ran up to Malvern East station with Jamie and Jack, met Alec, ran a loop of 8km through fields, ovals and bush tracks then ran back home solo with three loops of Duncan Mackinnon Reserve for 26.7km all up.  Just over 2 hours (4:36's).

Friday, December 26, 2014

Boxing Day

Wasn't going to let Brighton get the better of me.  Ran to the beach down North Road, 4km down to Brighton Beach station then back via South Road.  Nice and easy, couldn't go wrong today.  16.5km in 1:11 (4:21's).

Now at the MCG with the boys, Alec and Dad watching the Boxing Day test.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Geographically challenged

Melbourne is dead easy to navigate.  Unlike Sydney, it's built on a grid system, with all roads going North to South or East to West.  It's because it's dead flat, which adds to the ease of lifestyle.  Check it out here:

So apart from the Nepean Highway cutting a swathe across the middle, it's dead straight forward.  So this morning I decided to run from McKinnon to the beach (due West), along the bay a bit (I can't call it a beach being from Manly) and then back home.  All went well, running parallel to North Rd and reaching the bay in perfect early morning weather.  Then I ran back, heading due East.  Except, after an hour, I find myself in a suburb I didn't recognise (Hampton - which was very nice).  So I panicked a bit and ran more directly home, except I then end up in Sandringham. Which is by the Bay even further away.  So having been out for 1 hour and 15 and miles from home with no idea how to get back, I did a Rob Costello and caught a taxi.

Take a look at the map again.  It's all NSWE grid lines apart from a random section in Brighton which looks like a fault line or earthquake has hit it.  That was my problem.

15km, probably.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Set off from McKinnon, ran along McKinnon Road, reached Duncan McKinnon Reserve, did 4 and a bit loops, then back along McKinnon Road to McKinnon.  These Victorians need some spice in their lives.

10km in 38:44 today.  Was feeling more and more sprightly as the run went on.  The splits tell it:  4:23, 4:15, 4:04, 4:03, 3:53, 3:55, 3:37, 3:46, 3:31, 3:13.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014


The reason those ACT boys are so fit is the god damn hills. 

Camped at Cotter River Campsite, got up early, ran around and about including up towards a huge dam then up a massively steep hill that went on for 1.5km.  Went off on a fire trail at the top and was treated with some classic Aussie landscapes that begged to be looked at.  Then a lovely run down the hill to finish off.  Beaut of a run.  But dead slow. 

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Long run and a Parkrun

No Barts this morning so forced myself out at 6.15am thinking Justin may be waiting.  But alas no.  So did a longish warm up of 8km bumping into good old Richie High with his family doing a Christmas Parkrun.

Set off on Parkrun and felt really good for a change.  I was running solo from 200m but felt strong enough to push the pace today.  16:24 all up so not bad for me running solo.  I'm usually the world's biggest pussy unless I have someone to chase.

Did another lap of the course with Richie, then an extended run home via Shelley Beach for 30km all up.  No dip in the ocean or b&e rolls today so took Mags and Claude out to Splat for a slap up break instead.  Nice.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Friday funk

Out early from home again.  Planned on the usual 10km flat loop but bumped into Macca after 2km so ran with him instead.  We sorted out the world's problems and then it was done.

55km for week.

Wednesday wanderings

Slacked off the running this week due to work commitments, parties and, frankly, taking stock after the horrific events of Monday which I was almost a part of.  Wandered out on Wednesday morning with Dicky and Macca with Dicky leading the way.  Dicky doesn't like to tell you what the route is.  In fact, most times I think he just makes it up as he goes along, particularly if he can find a random path to run down or, better still, a large hill to run up.

But it was nice to get out and managed about 17-18km all up.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Sore Sunday

So the 27km plus swim at Queensie and bacon & egg roll to follow is becoming a bit of a ritual.  Just me, Barts, Macca and Justin this morning.  Beaut of a day once the sun came out but the run was a real struggle despite taking yesterday off.  Sore and tired the whole way.  Fortunately everyone felt the same so the pace never dipped below 4:30's.

Friday's Super Series lunch was great but a big day.  Headed to The Bucket List with the beautiful cool people post lunch.  As you can see, we fitted right in.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Cashing in

10km early doors around Manly.  Very easy.  Good to see Jenny Whickham out running again.

Lunch today courtesy of CT and Barts at Sean's Panorama off of my Super Series win.  Oh happy days!  Afternoon off work, recognising that I always struggle to concentrate after lobster and champagne.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Redback HuRTS

Putting the paper bin out this morning and had to move a few large bits of soggy cardboard and, in doing so, I came face to face with the biggest redback I've ever seen.  Seriously, it was the size of a 50 cent piece and was 10 inches from my face.  I bricked myself. 

But on to today's session.  1km reps around Rushcutters in the rain.  Very low turnout with only Q, Barts, Jeet, Big Kev, TKS, JW, Renee and a couple of dudes I didn't know showing up.  6 x 1km off a rolling 5mins.  Q, Barts and I took it in turns to lead out each rep.  They went:

3:04, 3:03, 3:02, 3:01, 3:04, 2:56

Took my shoes off at halfway and felt magic running on the soggy wet grass in the second half.  If I could run barefoot without my achilles blowing up my life would be complete.  Darling Point cool down with Barts, Q and Jeet for 12km all up.

Picture of me and my new chick from one of my many recent boozy dinners: