Sunday, April 29, 2012

Long Sunday

Out with Macca at 6am on a beautiful morning for a variation on the Narrabeen route. Felt much better than expected. The kms rolled by chatting to Paul and we lifted the pace in the final 10km sharing the duties.

All up 36.86km in 2:36:04 (4:14's) with the final 10km sub40.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Novice 10km Cross Country

First up was watching the kids in the 2km (after watching Tucks against the youngsters in the 4km). They went off quicker than our race and then waited patiently for Bec and Billy to emerge from the woods for the final 150m. Had no idea which of them would come out on top given how close they are in training. It turned out to be Billy finishing really well in 39th place (he's got another 2 years in this Under 12's age group) with Bec coming shortly after in 61st. Great run by them both and they were high as kites - bodes well for School XC next week.

I did a warm up of 3km running the course with Richie P, Eoin, Fats, Sam Green, the Twins and Ray. The ground was in perfect condition - nice and bouncy with only 1 mud patch although it was pretty warm at 23C. Quick catch up with Keith B, Kanser, Nick B and Flakey (Striders had a great showing) and we were off.

The usual fast start tussling for position with a bunch of youngsters gapping Keith and I early. I basically worked with Keith for the first 5km taking turns to reel in a few of the kids in front. After catching Mitch Dean at 4km I worked out we were in 4th, 5th and 6th places. Nick Bellemore then came past and started to push the pace a bit so I went with him with Keith seeming to drop off. It stayed like this until the final small loop (8km) when I made an effort to break free. At this stage Sean Williams shouts from the side that we're fighting for 3rd place. Was a bit confused as I could see we were 4th but it turns out that the 3rd place runner was some triathlete called Chris McCormack who pulled out shortly before the end (obviously doesn't have much endurance). Kept on trying to push the pace but could see another shadow had joined Mitch and I. That shadow came past at 9km and it was Tim Cochrane. I was still feeling pretty good with something in the tank so just followed Tim before emerging from the woods and starting to sprint. About 100m later, I realised I'd gone far too early and could hear Tim and Mitch catching up again. Then I hear the 5 kids screaming at me to sprint, so I go again and just give it everything until the finish line. Really chuffed to get 3rd in 33:01. Keith, Tongey and Fats finished shortly after to guarantee Striders the team win so a great day all round.

Team winners.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Friday recovery

12.3km solo in 58:08 (4:44's). Feeling knackered with very tight calves. Not expecting too much tomorrow.

100km for the week.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

HuRTS 10x400m

Surprisingly big crowd for the trip over to Rushcutters with Richie P making a rare appearance. I measured out 410m on the Garmin (knowing it always measures long on an oval) and, despite having heavy legs, threw myself into it. I led most of the first 5 reps with Darian occasionally blasting one out. In the second 5, Scotty, Bartles, Darian, Jason, Richie and Spike each took turns. Tucks was a burglar on the last. Rep times went:

66, 68, 67, 67, 67, 66, 66, 66, 66, 65

Very pleased with that. Suspect it's still a bit short given the times but a great session nonetheless.

Took the elder 2 kids and Maggie on a 10km bike ride up to Seaforth and back yesterday (similar route to my morning run). Very impressed with Mags at 4.5yrs old climbing out of her saddle and managing all the hills. I videoed her on one of them. You can't quite get an impression of the gradient until you look at the elder 2 kids struggling in front. Mags Riding

Read this on The Guardian which made me laugh... Story of the Day

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Quality Wednesday MLR

Stayed local with Dicky and decided on 20km with 5km on and 5km off. Needed to get the legs going to start so we did the first 3km easy and the final 2km easy. Chose a hilly route up to Seaforth and then to Tania Park and back. Kms went:

4:17, 4:16, 4:20, 3:57 (all uphill), 3:38, 3:42, 3:47, 3:27, 4:20, 4:13, 4:13, 4:08, 4:28, 3:34, 3:32, 3:32, 3:42, 3:32, 4:24, 4:08.

Dicky is good at keeping the easy sections honest when I tend to bludge. All up 20km In 1:19:17 (3:57's).

Plenty of hills as the inconsistent splits show and legs feeling it now. Beautiful cool and crisp morning though. Nice run.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

HuRTS 45mins tempo

It's a game of two halves. MC still absent so I corralled the masses into the session. Bartles and Scotty went straight to the front with Macca, Ray and Tucks behind me. I stayed with Scotty and Bartles until Farm Cove where they eased ahead and I eased back with the legs feeling fatigued and me wondering why I'm in a rut. Turned at the second set of speed bumps (6.39km) so I'd made good progress but was about 80m behind the front two. Immediately after turning I lifted the pace and felt much better. Concentrated on reeling in Macca and then Ray who was pushing the pace. Felt good pushing the hills back up to the start (covering the final gate to gate in 10:07) and finishing the 12.78km in 44:55 (3:30 pace). Bartles had closed and was just 8s behind but Scotty had bailed around Farm Cove. Bizarre weather. It was really hot before the start, then cooled during the run and then the heavens opened just after we finished. Can't work out this new Blogger format. Not sure the IT people at work will be happy with me downloading Google Chrome onto my PC, but can't seem to work anything without it. And if they've updated a load of stuff, why isn't there an easy button to allow me to embed videos? And why doesn't it show new paragraphs when downloaded?

Monday, April 23, 2012

Allens Linklaters

My new firm name. Just an easy run home tonight in 57:11 (Toyota Garage in 30:17). A couple of great runs in the London Marathon yesterday. First up Big Sam showed his strength in running 2:46:59. I'd predicted a 2:44 and he was on that pace at halfway (low 1:22) but apparently got the old cramps resurfacing between 30 and 40km so had to ease the pace to keep them at bay. Sounds like it's just a question of sorting out his nutrition. He was able to throw caution to the wind in the final 2km and his pace showed it - increasing by 12s per km for this section. BeerMatt had a great run in doing a 2:30:55. Looks like he went out exactly on his target pace running low 1:14 at half way. A very high quality time although I suspect he's a bit disappointed not going sub 2:30. If I could go through my first half in the time he does his second half I'd be happy.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sunday meander

Was supposed to be a big weekend of running but hasn't quite turned out that way. Couldn't get out yesterday as I spent too long checking out the camper trailers at the Rosehill Gardens camping and RV supershow.

Today was a very easy 30km in 2:20 with Dickyboy and Tim Peel. The quickest my heart rate got was running into a huge golden orb spider in the 2nd km and squealing like a girl. Saw Pete W and had a chat towards the end but that was about it. Feeling very guilty now.

Good luck to Big Sam and beermatt at 4pm this arvo. I'll be tracking their progress online.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Run in

Big meeting at lunch with a vote to shock the legal world so I ran in. Was knackered and managed a new PW of 62:34. Was sweating heavily and panting up the hills. Not helped by having to carry a heavy rucksack. In fact, it slowed me down so much that got me thinking how much Kenenisa Bekele would have to carry on his back before I could beat him over 10km. I settled on 27kg.

108km for the week.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

HuRTS Hickson Road

Rocked up late and, with only two other stragglers there, we realised everyone must have started already. So set off solo. Reached the end just as everyone was starting their second rep so I gave myself 30 seconds rest then chased them. Caught the tail-enders but then ony had about 1:20 until the third rep started, this time running with the front guys. Strangely the 4th rep was the hardest - probably because the body wasn't used to a full 2min recover. Started lethargically and had to work hard to get into it. Then felt full of running on the final rep.

Times went:


Always the toughest of sessions as it's a real lungbuster. J-Fen was running very well. Others upfront were Scotty, Daniel M, Darian (who I gapped - get it?!), Spike and Smolly (for one rep). But talk of the HuRTS is the growth of the elite women numbers. Lucy Starrat looked like a class act joining in today in her return from injury and had a chat with Adele from NAB afterwards who is looking to run sub40 for 10km. Along with Laura, Anna and Kristen Sukkar, we have the makings of a pretty elite squad.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wednesday MLR

Usual route. Just me, the Kilted Scot, JW and the pissing rain. The boys only did one loop of the park so I was left to run solo in the second half. Came back looking and feeling as though I'd jumped into the harbour. 1:27:16. Slow, but we ran the wide route around Centennial on the concrete path the whole way.

Getting interested in the Sydney10 and while running solo was wondering what time I'd be happy with. Tried to work out my best 10kms and it goes like this:

1. North Head Sep 2011: 32:24
2. State 10km May 2008: 32:37
3. State 10km June 2011: 32:41
4. North Head June 2008: 33:00
5. Gold Coast July 2007: 33:01
6. North Head Sep 2007: 33:08
7. Lane Cove Nov 2007: 33:16
8. Lane Cove April 2008: 33:17
9. Gold Coast July 2010: 33:21
10. North Head March 2009: 33:23

Given both State 10km races I've done have been sub33 that's got to be the aim.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

HuRTS 14 x 3mins

The cold wet weather has hit Sydney and scared off the fair-weather runners today, with only a hardcore of about 20 showing up. As it was the hardcore, the attrition rate for this tough session was much lower than usual, but the usual culprits still cut short. Our Irish friends chief amongst them.

At the front it was Scotty, J-Fen, Ray, Cut Short Kanser, recent recruit Daniel Mellish, Tucks (taking it easy with Mt Solitary on this weekend) and myself. I felt pretty good today. Don't want to kill these sessions yet but gradually upped the pace to cover the gate to gates in the 3 mins (3:18's) feeling OK. Everyone pushed the last one where I did the gate to gate in 2:43 (2:59 pace). Solid session and another in the bag. Just looking for consistency at the moment.

Great to see Dicky High back out again cruising around Farm Cove before picking up Bartles (that sounds wrong, but he does have form). The latter has a calf issue so is taking it easy.

Went straight out for a massage afterwards with Amanda at JSM and the good news is that my calves are pretty good but my glutes were tight. Probably explains why the achilles has been so good recently.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Monday home

Caught up with Dickyboy again for the run home. Once again, it was less than comfortable as he seemed intent on running a PB while I struggled to hold on and listen to his conversation. 29:00 at the Toyota Garage and 54:22 all up.

The SMH Half has just got more interesting with the development of the England v Ireland showdown (unlimited counters, first 5 home on overall time). Some underhand tactics on the part of Kanser in trying to claim that Robbie Neal is a HuRT Squad member despite having only ever turned up at a couple of sessions 4 years ago. To be fair to him, Robbie did text me a couple of weeks ago asking about the Thursday session and, without him, we could have all 5 Englishmen home before the first Irishman crawls over the line. So I thought it was OK. Lieutenant Timmy was less accommodating. Obviously an Englishman of the old school, looking to dominate his opposition. I think Timmy should be concentrating on getting in the top 5. With Jonny B, Andy H, Big Sam, Dickyboy and Fats in the mix, it won't be easy.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Back home

7.5km leg stretcher around Manly following drive home and mammoth unpack.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Yagon no more

29km to end of Yagon Beach and back. Picture perfect day and the tide was out so ran on hard sand. All good. Only issue was negotiating the monster hangover. 2:10:20.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Easy peasy

10km to Yagon and back. Bloody sick of that route. Only once more.. 45mins today.

Maggsy at Sunset at Seal Rocks.

102km for the week.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thursday tempo

Same as Tuesday. 35:27 today though, really working hard on the hills. Perfect conditions. Camping is good again. Forgot to mention that Mrs H bumped into Mrs Tucks in Forster Mall yesterday. Small world.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Mid week mumbling

15km in 64:10 (4:16's) feeling fine. I reckon this running thing is a piece of piss if you just sit on your ass for the rest of the day.

It's rained pretty solidly for the past 48hours and the temps have dropped to about 15C so I'm pretty much over it. Almost came home early but the forecast is better. The good news is I discovered some showers at the posh end of the campsite that actually serve up hot water. So I took my first in a week.

Times at Lane Cove looked there for the taking and was surprised not to see Jonny B up there until I read his blog. Tough news as he looked as though he was flying in training (perhaps I should start listening to the Tiger and not just placing bets with him). His injury sounds similar to mine at Sydney Half.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tempo time

Did a short warm up along No.1 Beach then 10km tempo to Yagon and back. Tough with the constant rolling hills and blustery conditions. No snakes or dingoes today though, I think they prefer it sunny. 35:48 for the 10km followed by a warm down for 13km all up.

Monday, April 09, 2012

Settling in

I could get used to this camping malarkey. Sit around all day then start drinking at 4pm, in bed by 9pm.

Yesterday was 29km to the end of Yagon beach and back - 5km of fire trail then 19km of soft sand followed by 5km trail. Struggled to run 5min kms on the soft sand - when I got back on the trail again I was running 4:10's for the same effort. Glutes got a great work out though. 2:17 or thereabouts.

Today was 10km in the twilight on the trail to Yagon and back. Convinced I could hear dingoes tracking me in the words so ran most of it quite quick carrying a large stick.

Saturday, April 07, 2012

Snakes alive

Almost stood on one. He snarled at me. Looked bloody dangerous too, short but fat and with big fangs. On my way back some goons were poking a stick at it.

56mins. Felt crap to start with but ace at the end.

Friday, April 06, 2012


Beautiful morning - cool, clear and still and just enough time to squeeze a quick run in before setting off to Seal Rocks. Did the Manly 7.5km route. Stomach still a bit dodgy but felt a bit of energy returned today. Pushed the Manly mile hard to add just a bit of quality. Did that in 5:08 feeling lightheaded at the end. Finished in 30:45.

92km for the week.

Thursday, April 05, 2012

What the feck

Tried to run to work as a tempo. Stomach started feeling dodgy again at 2km. Could barely run 4:10's without feeling massively lethargic so pulled the pin and caught a taxi. Claudia is sick and I think I must have some low level bug. Holiday tomorrow so plenty of chance to recuperate.

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Kipchoge and Dibaba

Two of my favourite distance runners.

Kipchoge (Eliud) because he has stood the test of time. He rose to fame in the greatest showdown in any Olympic 5000m final where Bekele was facing El Guerrouj. Kipchoge was barely mentioned amid the fanfare of the duel between the 1500m and 10,000m Gold medallists, despite being the reigning World Champion at the distance at the time (aged 18!). He came very close to upsetting them both. Unlike a lot of Kenyans though, whose star shines brightly but briefly, he's withstood the test of time and went on to win silver in the World Champs in 2007 and silver again at the Beijing Olympics.

Dibaba at her best is just a class above all the opposition, has a devastating kick and a great ass.

Both are coming back into form and ran the Carlsbad 5000m at the weekend, Kipchoge coming third and Dibaba winning. Looks like they are timing their run into the Olympics well again.

Today was the usual Wednesday route with Big Sam, JW, Marty, Mr Ace and another new chap. Felt knackered to start with, really struggled up Ocean Street, felt marginally better around Centennial but had the gut issue again. Pleased to crawl back home. It was pretty warm out there and others felt similar. I know I'm tired though as the stride length was very short with increased cadence. I was taking 2 strides for every one of Big Sam's bounds. All up about 1:24 so it wasn't too slow.

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

HuRTS 45min tempo

Big crowd which I had to corral again with MC still absent but a bith thinner upfront. I'd planned on not pushing early on and J-Fen had the same idea so we ran together. Tucks ran with us wondering why noone was pushing the pace before he drifted off around Circular Quay. We were doing about 3:40-3:42's going out and I don't think I could have gone any faster. Breathing was fine but the legs were just dead. Then when we turned at 22.5mins (6.1km) I kicked into action a bit and J-Fen and I ran back together at a better pace finishing in 44:29. I almost pulled the pin at CQ on the return with a dodgy gut. Safe to say there was no risk of me not holding my core while running up the hills at the end.

All up 12.2km at an average of 3:38's. Very warm again today but I'm generally just tired. The holidays can't come soon enough.

Good to see Timmy and Enda back and the Fairlight crew going strong.

Monday, April 02, 2012

Shock! Company to run home with!

Caught up with Dickyboy to run home with someone for the first time in 9 years of running back to the Northern Beaches. Added about 20s at the start of the run meeting Dicky at Customs House and then set off on the usual route. The pace picked up all the way, probably going a bit quicker than I should have - 30:40 at the Toyota Garage and 56:25 all up. Felt pretty good though. Won't kill myself tomorrow trying to freshen up a bit.

Sunday, April 01, 2012

There's truth in the old sayings

I've been rolling through the 32km Sunday runs quite easily recently. But they say that 32km is only the half way mark in a marathon and anything over 32km is a struggle. That was proved this morning. Caught up with Sam at 6am and we did the 36km Narrabeen circuit, without gels again (taking a leaf out of Fats' book).

The first 20km felt great - a beautiful cool morning, chatting away. Sam pushed on a bit after the water stop at Narrabeen SLSC as usual but still felt fine until Cromer golf course. From then the pace got consciously quicker trying to run Sub4 min kms. Felt OK until Dee Why but then the Griffin Street hill punished me a bit and I just tried to drag myself home from there. By now it was 8am (9am in real money due to the clocks going back) and pretty warm in the high 20's. All up 35.8km in 2:31:24 (4:13's).

Sam's looking good for the London Marathon. Every time I'd thought I'd finally broken him he'd pop up in front again pushing the pace. I'm predicting a 2:44.

Finally, congrats to the Tiger last night in running 1:59:08 (still not quite good enough to save himself from owing me $200) and Macca running a great PB of 33:31 in the 10,000m knocking 30 odd seconds off his old mark.

Friday, March 30, 2012


Haven't felt this weary in 2 years. Legs just dead today. Crawled around 13.1km with Timmy, Tucks, Kanser and new chap Joel in an hour, wishing at every moment that the run was over. Yesterday really took it out of me. Good news though is that the body feels better than ever, no aches or pains to speak of.

124km for the week including 3 big sessions so canny pleased with that like. Would be 138km if I counted junk miles with the kids.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Mongrel

First up, took Bec and Billy out this morning for their usual Thursday speed session. I told them it was "hot laps" (3 x 500m) but secretly intended to add a 4th after they thought they had finished. Well, they weren't too pleased. Both started crying. Billy downright refused to do anymore. I said, fine, you needn't do it if you want to be a quitter. I wasn't favourite (or exemplary) Dad at this point, but what the hell. Billy then proceeds to tear off in a fit of rage and does the 500m in 1:59, a new record. So there is some mongrel in him!

Having done 4km with the kids and quiet at work I did the Rushcutters pyramid session intending to take it easy but with Jason I and new foppish haired chap Darien pushing the pace (with me unable to resist) I ran 89, 2:54, 4:24, 5:50, 4:16, 2:42 and 81 for the laps (averaging around 3:08's).

Then turned up in my running kit for the third time in the day unannounced to the final biathlon in the Thursday nighttime series with the sole intention of beating Young Timmy. This is understandable given the amount of crap he gives out on my swimming. Well, suffice to say Timmy was beaten by a breastroker. See pic attached. Many enjoyable beers followed. I felt crap on the run but did 12:59 for the 4km then did my standard 6mins breastroke for the 300m for a 19:26 PB.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wednesday MLR

Usual route with Mr Ace, King James, JW and Big Sam. Felt very weary in the legs to start with, suffering the after effects of yesterday. Nice easy pace though and body had adjusted by the end. 18.5km in 1:27:17 (4:42's).

Laid another bet with the Tiger this morning after massage. He's keen on a head to head so I foolishly agreed to give him a 7 minute headstart at SMH Half. This was after he persuaded me that he'd struggle to run sub 80mins. But with a PB in the 75's, I think I've been duped.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

HuRTS 45min Fartlek

Huge crowd today and with MC on the physio table I tried to bark out some instructions but just gave up and set off. Hardly anyone ever completes this session in any case.

Tucks, Bartles, J-Fen, Macca and JB were all running upfront, and with a big gap until the next group, I decided to go with them rather than do my more recent Tuesday thing of taking it cautiously to start with. It was a very consistent session with all the km splits with 3secs either side of 3:30 per km. JB gapped us on the way out but ran with us coming back until we splintered a bit towards the end with J-Fen and Macca stopping at 10km. Was pleased to feel good coming back up the hills in the final 2km to just miss getting back in time - doing 45:06. 12.8km all up doing 3:30's on the way out and 3:31's on the way back. We were doing the floats in 4:00's so I'll leave you to do the maths to work out what the fast sections were run at.

Warm out there today so a good session. Did a 2km warm down with J-Fen and Andy for 15km all up.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Easy Monday

Out with the Monday crew including the MBL women's team (Aine, Laura and Emma), Springer, JB, Jason I, Tim C, Marty and loads more. 15.8km in 1:09:42 (4:24's). Legs very weary from the weekend to start with but felt much better by the end. Plenty of talk about the Melbourne IM and the amazing times being recorded. The conclusion we all reached was that the course was short. Those Victorians have form.

Beautiful Sydney day out there. Gotta love Autumn.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sunday solo

Struggle running long alone but with most of the lads running the Sri Chinmoy half in Centennial today I was up at 5.30am to pound the streets alone. Just did the same route as last week to avoid having to think. Rolled through the kms fine in the end. Spotted a couple of familiar figures at around 22km and, sure enough, ran past the Hamburglar and Paul shortly afterwards. picked up the pace again towards the end doing the final 10km in just under 40mins. All up 31.3km in 2:12:42 (4:14's).

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Saturday tempo in Manly

Just too busy at work on Thursday and Friday to get out. Not often it happens. Coincided with drinking lots too.

Today was one of those perfect days where everything just feels magic, probably aided by 2 days rest. 14.1km tempo with Billy on his bike in 49:52 (3:32's). Billy earned himself a pair of Skins this morning after I said I'd buy them for him if he could do the 5km from Queenscliff to Shelley and back in under 26mins. He managed 24:58 so fair play to him.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wednesday MLR at pace

Missed the squad setting off by 10mins so tried to catch them up. Was running sub-4's from the bottom of Ocean St onwards until I eventually caught them (MC, Russell, Geoffrey), coming back down Ocean St at the 15km mark. Then took a much needed breather for the final 4km home. Copped some abuse from a hooligan in a car in Centennial but just tried to ignore it and not respond.

All up 1:18:05 which is 4:10's despite the easy final 4km. Buggered now. I need an easy day.

Interesting stat:

Countries With Olympic "A" Qualifiers In Men's 10,000 - Sub-27:45.00

Kenya - 33
Ethiopia - 5
USA - 4
JPN - 3
GBR - 2
ERI - 2
AUS - 1
MEX - 1
FRA - 1
ECU - 1
ITA - 1

And yet Kenya haven't won Olympic gold in the 10,000m since 1968. Also puts Benny St in lofty company (ex Kenya).

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

HuRTS 2 x 20mins

Good crowd but down on the usual numbers. Young Timmy missing again - he seems to have given up on HuRTS since his form dropped rapidly. No Kanser and no J-Fen. Good to see Emma back though and plenty up front with Tucks, Bartles, Fats and Macca. I was holding on to them on the way out pushing ahead of Macca and Fats towards the end. Bartles was way out in front with Tucks about 20m in front of me. The watches seemed all over the place but I think I averaged about 3:27's. I ran with Tucks on the way back - he pushed ahead coming around Farm Cove and on the first hill but caught him on the final hill with him clutching his side in pain. Looked like a twanged heart muscle to me. Must be going to the same Doctor as Timmy and MC. Speaking of twanging, Fats' hamstring seemed to do the same thing around the Park Hyatt. All I could think of was the Tigers' dry needles. Hope you're alright mate.

Got back in 20:03 but started further back from where I finished the first rep so I think I averaged 3:26's. Felt good until Farm Cove and then had to put some real effort in from there to get home.

Note another new Blog is on the scene from JB - we can no longer accuse him of sekrit training!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Same again Monday

Run home after a very nice client lunch at Felix (Prawn Cocktail, Steak Frites and Alaskan Bombe downed with a glass of NZ Pinot).

56:29 after 30:21 at Toyota Garage. I'm planning on buying a car from the oft mentioned Toyota Garage to replace our rust bucket. Felt surprisingly good today after the hearty lunch and yesterday's hefty run.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunday accelerating

Out with Macca at 5.30am with Big Sam on the sidelines nursing an Achilles issue. Very slow first km in the pitch black (5:40) before we started to get moving. We did the usual route up to Narrabeen caravan park but came back through Cromer and then stayed on Pittwater Road until returning via Campbell Pde and Manly Golf club with Macca keen to avoid the hills to protect his own Achilles. We'd been running 4:10's to 4:20's most of the way and I was feeling comfortable when, at 22km, Paul suddenly puts his foot down. The last 10km was run in 37:30. Not sure where that came from. I guess it combined a missed tempo session from yesterday with a long run. Paul looking as strong as ever.

All up 31.4km in 2:09:30 (4:07's).

Friday, March 16, 2012

Part 2

13km on the treadmill in 50:28.


100km for the week.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Grand Hyatt Melbourne

12km on the treadmill in 44:40. BORED!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wednesday MLR

Massage with the Tiger this morning then straight into the usual Wednesday 19km with MC, Todd, Mr Ace, Mark M and Shane. Very easy pace today which suited me as I was tired from yesterday and ruffled up from the massage. 1:26:26. Warm again. Stopped at many a bubbler in the second half.

We saw Lara T (the nemesis) running just in front of us in Centennial. Remarked that she could have been going to London this year with a bit of concentration on the Marathon - particularly when you consider that Jessica Trengrove has just provisionally qualified with a 2:31.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

HuRTS 45mins tempo

Still feeling a bit weary so didn't want to push the pace early on today. Especially so given it was 27C. A resurgent Tucks, J-Fen, Bartles and Fats went straight to the front at a pace I wasn't keen on sticking to, so I ran with Andy for the first 3km. He then slowed a bit so I pushed on by myself.

Ran past Fats who looked as though he was dry hurling opposite the STC before reaching the first speed bump along Hickson Road at the turn on 22.5mins (6.2km - averaging 3:37's). Bartles and Tucks were some way in the distance with J-Fen a bit behind them. Started to feel pretty good on the way back and when I passed Fats again he started to run with me which kept the pace honest. Got into a good rythmn here and hit a couple of kms at 3:26 pace. Pushed my way back up the hills to finish in 44:34 (3:33 pace for the return). Nice session. I'm trying to do these Tuesday's without leaving myself absolutely rooted at the end. I'll push the VO2 sessions on Thursdays.

Tucks and J-Fen cut short with Bartles finishing the whole thing strongly in 45:06. Timmy and Kanser will be pleased to hear that MC looked rooted on what is his new favourite session - may have gone out a bit too quick in the heat. Another huge crowd but far fewer finished than started.

Couple of kms warmdown with J-Fen for 15km all up.

Downloaded a new app for the iPad - Skitch (it's free). Just what I've been looking for - dead easy functionality for drawing and writing on Maps and pictures...

Homeward Bound

Very easy run home. Couldn't even be arsed to push the hills. Legs weary from weekend. 57:29 after 30:07 at T Garage.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Not the Six Foot Track

So it was cancelled. Wasn't hugely disappointed, still had a weekend away and it'll probably mean I'll be able to run better in the State 10km on the track at the end of the month.

Tucked into a few beers on Friday night with Timmy, Kanser, Tucks and families and then we headed out at 7.30am on Saturday morning to run from Megalong Road to Caves Road. Dave decided to pack provisions for a 4 day hike into his backpack so he had about 12kg on his back. We reached the first stream after about 250m and all took our shoes and socks off to tip toe across - taking about 10 minutes to do so. Later on, we'd realise how pointless this was. Very gentle and enjoyable run down to Cox's where we saw the strength of the river and realised it was a fair call to cancel the race. At this point, Dave hands me the backpack with rocks in and tells me it's my turn to carry it - just before the hills start. Also caught up with Jonathan W here.

I struggled up to Mini-Mini about 10m behind Kanser, Tucks, Jonathan W and a resurgent Timmy who was powering ahead. I was struggling with the weight of the backpack and was sweating loads, worried about how I was going to fare later on. Those sharp hills are definitely the toughest, particularly towards the top after you cross the open field. Then we head down to Alum Creek, cross rivers bigger than Cox's normally is, help a young bloke stuck in his Landcruiser and head up to Pluvi. I felt better here having drunk most of the water in the backpack and ran/walked these hills behind Kanser with Timmy and Jonathan taking it more slowly further back. Meanwhile, Tucks was just taking photos.

Black Range went on forever as usual (and is much hillier than I remembered) but the temps were cool up here and we were trotting along pretty well, at least until we hit a soft mud patch the size of a football pitch. Finally we were at Deviation and keenly waited for our lift home. 3 hours later and after about another 10km of walking, we got it. Timmy had lost it. Dave was swearing. I was going doolally. Tucks just took more photos. Here are some...

Timmy on Black Range - check out the sky:

Timmy, Tom and Dave, top of Pluvi:

Tom and Timmy on top of the World:

Tucks and Timmy having a "Richie High" moment:

Friday, March 09, 2012

Manly steady

12.2km around Manly in about 51mins. Beautiful day for a change. Bumped into Macca and ran the final 2km with him. Heading up to Blue Mountains now.

89km for week.

Thursday, March 08, 2012

HuRTS Hickson Road Reps

It started to become clear towards lunchtime that Colin was going to cancel Six Foot, so I chanced it and decided on doing the Hickson Rd reps hard, knowing I'll need some speedwork before State 10km later this month. Almost missed the start after being cut off by a huge flood at the bottom of the steps linking George St and Hickson Rd, but arrived just in time to hand Amjam the coveted HuRTS Six Foot singlet for Fats.

A bit windy on the odd numbered reps, I struggled to hold on to Bartles on the first. Always struggle with the pace on the first rep at Hickson Rd and today was no exception. They got easier after that, although the 4th was almost a disaster when my watch strap suddenly broke sending my Garmin 610 flying across the road. Happy enough in the end running them all holding on to Bartles other than the 2nd which he did in super quick time. I ran:

3:39 (watch breakage costing me about 5 secs)

Interesting to see Ray putting in some effort today. I emailed him after Tuesday talking about the original Hickson Rd session and pointed out the times we did. After running a 3:50 first rep, he obviously wanted to prove that age hadn't wearied him so ran the rest all 3:45 or quicker. MC also had a good session running them in 3:48's. Kanser and Timmy beware.

Great to see Benny picked for the Olympics. He has started blogging.

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Wednesday MLR

Usual run with MC, Mr Ace, Jonathan W, King James, the Kilted Scot and a couple of others but just MC, Jonathan and I doing the whole thing. Ran in the new trail shoes and they hurt my feet a bit and made my calves stiff - I think mainly due to the very stiff sole. Very good over little rocks though. I'm in two minds as to whether to wear them on Sat.

Jonathan W was talking a good game. It's a head to head on Sat with the loser to buy beers. Fats has been prevaricating on the 15min headstart so I'll go with JW having the pleasure of buying my beers in Caves House.

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

HuRTS 14 x 3mins

Massive crowd today, but marked by the rare attendance of each of the 4 original HuRT Squad members - Ray, Chris G, Tim C and myself. All doing Six Foot on Saturday morning other than Ray. Chris is injured, Tim ran 50km+ on Sunday morning so we'll see how we all fare.

I just planned to cruise the sessions today without hurting myself. I was running mid-pack with MC and Nick Marval but still found myself running 3:25's for all the reps, with a couple at 3:28 and a couple at 3:20. Weather was a lot cooler which I'm guessing speeded everyone up. No wonder we all run quicker over 10km in June - September. Most of the guys running Six Foot were taking it easy, running only a few intervals or just resting. Tucks doesn't look good for Saturday - gets his blood test results this arvo so good luck mate. Worst comes to worst he'll be able to make sure the beer is on ice and get some practice on the green baize before pairing with Timmy to take on Kanser and myself.

Got all the gear now for Saturday morning. First up is a pair of trail shoes I've bought - partly off Fats' recommendation and partly because they're Mizuno's which I love:

Even more exciting is the official HuRT Squad singlet for this year's race. They didn't change the lettering as requested but still looks good:

Monday, March 05, 2012

Fitting it in

Meeting at lunch today and client entertainment this evening so only managed to fit in an easy 7km late afternoon. Still weary.

Sunday, March 04, 2012

Easy with the kids

Just an easy 12km late afternoon with Bec, Billy and Charlie on their bikes. Maggie was in tears when I said she couldn't come because she wasn't fast enough. I'm fuelling the passion for exercise beautifully.

Untimed but legs were still very weary after yesterday's race.

Saturday, March 03, 2012

North Head 10km - 33:41

It's fair to say I was pretty psyched up for this race. Jogged down to Manly Wharf and met up with Macca and Big Sam and by the time we reached North Head we'd picked up Bartles and MC too. Did a bit of a warm up, plenty of chat on the start line with almost all the HuRT Squad in attendance (even a sick Kanser and a broken Timmy wearing strange socks) and we were off on the new course for the fastest first 200m known to man. Bartles went off with the leaders and I settled into a group with Scotty, JB (where did his sudden form come from?) and Bleasel. We then all worked together to pick up Bartles running with the Horne and from then our group of 6 ran together - just what I was hoping for. JB looked really strong - gapping us around 4km but running by himself I thought it was a brave move.

At the turn at 5km we were all back together (Macca too was just with us, running a stormer). Had a quick look behind to see J-Fen about 20m behind. I was starting to really struggle here but knew that I would and knew that the longer I could stick with the group - perhaps holding out until the loop at North Head - the better I'd go. If I was spat out, J-Fen and Macca would pick me up in no time. So I dug in, really hurting, with JB, the Horne and Scotty pushing the pace. They gapped us a bit so I just hung on to Bartles, Bleasel and another chap who'd fallen back from the front runners. Bartles would push ahead on the flats and I'd catch back up on the hills. Then at 8km JB suddenly looked as though he was blowing hard with Scotty and the Horne pushing on. Bartles and I went past him just before 9km and I started to feel OK heading back down to the Stone Arch. Turned that with Bartles on my heels and tried to push the slight rise over the final 500m, but he was still there. The Highnam cheer squad (kids, Kirst, Alec, Gill, nephew, niece and Dad) were screaming at me so it was down to the final 75m steep uphill. Bloody hell, what a finish. Glutes were screaming, cut Bartles off, stuck my arm out and managed to cross the line just in front of him. It wasn't pretty, it was probably illegal, but what the hell. That's racing.

It was a good race and we ran a good second half - getting closer to both Criniti and CT after the second lap but they'd obviously put in a very quick first 5km. MC had a good race to take out Timmy and get within 10s of Big Sam. Plainly the tempo sessions are paying off. Macca showed how to put it on the line in a race by finishing just behind J-Fen in the low 34's. Scotty showed that he's a class act by finishing just in front of the Horne. If that guy did some long runs he'd be very dangerous. Good to see Richie P, Eoin, Ray, Christian, Todd, Laura (3rd female) and Pete W. As I said, the HuRT Squad were out in force.

Now a game of Golf this arvo with Alec and Dad on his 70th and a taper for Six Foot. Happy days.

Post script:

Holy cow. Hadn't considered the possibility of Six Foot being cancelled until I saw this...

Scary freakin river

Friday, March 02, 2012

Easy stuff

Set off by myself for a very easy 10km in the pouring rain. Bumped into Marty and ran with him for a bit chatting about Six Foot, then bumped into Andy, Clyde, Louis and Mr Ace and ran with them for a bit. All up about 11km in 49mins. Nervous about tomorrow.

Managed to catch Gregson on Bigpond TV winning the 1500m in the Aussie champs in a tactically astute race. He's got class, always turns it on for the big occasion.

102km for the week.

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Rushcutters Sprints

Had a client lunch on today so Tucks and I headed down to Rushcutters the long way to run some 200m sprints. Originally planned to do 10 of them around the oval - i.e. sprinting half then going straight into a jog for half. We marked out what we thought was half way but turned out to be longer so they were about 250m sprints followed by 200m jogs. After 4 of them I was starting to struggle so we (well, I) decided only to do 8.

Tucks timed them as follows:

41, 42, 41, 41, 40, 40, 39, 39.

He was dipping his toe in the water after recent struggles following the virus so ran the inside line, but by reps 7 and 8 I was struggling to stay with him on the outside line.

Much harder than I was expecting. It's not easy running fast. I would have struggled to run any more at that pace. Even though we were just slow jogging the 200m before starting the next rep we were still averaging 3:45 per/km all up. Feel fine now though.

Plenty of chat about Six Foot. Tucks reckons Fats will smash me by well over 20mins and that I'm being way too generous offering only 15mins.

10km all up.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mr Average

Just a run home this evening. 56:32. Pissing with rain but I seemed to have a tailwind the whole way which made it pretty enjoyable. Decided not to attack the hills as the Tiger told me I had a fat ass during massage this afternoon. We finally agreed on a bet with me offering him $50 if he could get under 2 mins for 800m on Saturday.

Been getting a bit worried about Six Foot, particularly how tired I always feel along Black Range. Every time I've done it I'm always expecting a load of people to overtake me on that section, wondering how anyone could be running slower than I am. So checked some stats from last year which made for interesting reading (to me at least). I was:

1. 10th to Cox's;
2. 9th fastest in KOM;
3. 9th fastest from Pluvi to the end; and
4. 9th overall.

That all sounds like it makes perfect sense, but there's a lot of variation in how people run Six Foot. For example, last year's winner Andrew Lee was:

1. 1st to Cox's;
2. 2nd fastest in KOM;
3. 7th fastest from Pluvi to the end; and
4. 1st overall.

And Tucks was:

1. 12th to Cox's;
2. 4th fastest in KOM;
3. 2nd fastest from Pluvi to the end; and
4. 5th overall.

Which leads me to conclude that I'm Mr Average.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

HuRTS 4 x 10mins

Today was brutal.

Hottest day of the summer (33C but we had no shade) and one of the toughest sessions we do. The usual front group of Bartles, J-Fen, Scotty, Tucks and Fats with Fast Charlie also around. Went through the first km in 3:17 and I was pretty much red-lining. Finished at the gates in exactly 10:00. On the second rep Scotty, J-Fen and Bartles pushed a bit harder to finish a few seconds in front while I ran 9:49, with me trying to save something for the third. However, I grabbed some water, jogged back for the start of the third rep and seriously contemplated uppnig stumps there and then. Decided to run it easy, then saw that everyone else was doing the same and somehow drifted to the front. I then felt pretty good on the hills but the pace was slower and we ended the 10mins at the lamppost before the Robbie Burns statue, this time just with Bartles, J-Fen and Scotty. Not sure what happened to Fats, but Fast Charlie stopped after 2 reps and Tucks did the same, remarking that he couldn't even summon the energy to run back to the office.

Not sure what happened to me after that, but I certainly couldn't summon the energy to run with the front 3 back on the final rep so just ran through it at 4:00 pace in 11:07. But even that was a struggle. I was wandering all over the place after I finished but was lucky enough to jump into the harbour with the rest of the squad to get the core temperature down. Feel like crap now, nauseous and light-headed.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Run home

Bloody tired due to lack of sleep over the past few days. Was pretty useless at work today. Had a lunch on so ran home which I prefer to do on Mondays in any case. Pushed the hills holding the core, wouldn't say I attacked them. Got the heart pumping though and otherwise felt pretty comfortable. It's great to be running pain free with no injury niggles at all at the moment.

29:25 at Toyota Garage and 55:35 all up.

Looking forward to Saturday's race on the new course. I reckon it's slightly slower due to the longer drag turning at the Stone Arch - done 3 times now. It'll be a tough finish coming up there in the final 500m. Big bro Alec and his family are coming for the weekend (it's Dad's 70th) and I'm trying persuade my sister-in-law to race. She's pretty handy and it'll be good to see two Highnams in the results.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunday trails

Timmy rocked up at 6:10am and we were off at 6:30am picking up Dicky Green and Justin before meeting the Hamburglar, Jonathan W, Jamie, Paul, John Bowe and Jonathan's mate at Manly Dam. Very easy pace throughout. Felt fine on all the trails but poor Young Timmy is an urban dweller and started to feel it at 15km. We were originally talking about handicap times for Six Foot bets and Timmy was umming and ahhing over 10mins, but by 20km I'd already offered him 20mins based on his form on the hills. Could be a deliberate ruse mind. Maybe he's sharking me. If so, he put in a performance Streep would be proud of as at 23km I was forced to run straight home as fast as I could to pick up the car and come back to pick the poor fella up.

Strange old run. Plenty of trails around Red Hill, going all the way down to Narrabeen Lagoon, doing a 100m sprint on the synthetic track (Hamburglar's got some serious speed) before heading up the hills again to the highest point on the Northern Beaches. Felt comfortable today which was encouraging, albeit was panting a bit at the end due to a quick final 8km. Just short of 30km all up.

Kirst home tonight. Yippeeeeeeeeee!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Old Manly route

Out last night until 2am drinking JJ's finest red wine to see him off to the UK. Managed my first win at poker and came home with $450. So I woke up today feeling very average. Dad then gave me a timeslot of 2pm to do my run - in the heat of the day. I'd planned on the 7.5km route fast but with a throbbing head and red wine legs I stood outside in the heat wondering what the hell I was doing. Plodded through a 2km warm up then just went for it telling myself it was character building stuff.

First kms in 3:28 and 3:23 then started to struggle on the hills and through the crowds. Picked it up again near Queenscliff to finish in 26:53 (3:36's). Pleased to get under 27 in the circumstances but it's 90s down on my PB from post C2S last year. Followed it with a 2km warmdown

Haven't felt my achilles at all in the past 3 weeks so I ran without my heel raises. Feels so much better doing so. I'll gradually introduce this during shorter runs from now.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Easy Friday

Just John Bowe and Russell today. Headed over to Cremorne in the beautiful weather for an easy 13km. Forgot my watch again, don't know what's going on with my brain. Doesn't bode well for poker night tonight.

Feeling better every day. Could be on for a bit of a jump forward soon - just two more weeks...

59kms for week.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

HuRTS 8 x 800m

Rocked up at the Art Gallery just past 12.25pm to find Mikey had marched the troops off already. I've been a bit busy at work and feeling a bit doozy, plus I didn't have my watch on, so wondered for most of the jog down to Rushcutters whether I had the right session or not, feeling a bit depressed about the prospect of doing a speed session solo. So I did cartwheels when I saw the crowd assembled on the perfect Rushcutters surface. Big discussion on what constituted 800m and we were off, on a rolling cycle of 4 minutes.

The usual crowd upfront of Bartles, Scotty, Tucks and J-Fen. I felt great on the first 4 reps and then things generally went downhill. Hopefully just residual effects of the bug. Tucks seemed to have the same problem, sitting out a couple of reps. All done around 2:24-2:26 pace but who knows whether it's 800m or 750m. Bloody annoying not be able to run barefoot, at times I felt like I was running in a pair of high heels.

Absolutely rooted running home, even had to walk up the stairs. It was hot out there today and my singlet was drenched.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wednesday MLR

Had to get out today. Joints in shoulders and arms still feeling achey but couldn't stand being stuck in my office for another lunchtime. Was late for the start so spent the first 3km trying to catch everyone up. Did so at Rushcutters, where I joined MC, Kanser, Jonathan W, BW, Indrajeet, Russel and the Kilted Scot with Rob C joining us later. Lots of chatting. Kanser believes Timmy is weak pschologically in no longer wanting to join in any of the tough HuRTS sessions.

Easy pace the whole way. Legs felt great after all the rest. Upper body still aching.

At the end while stretching, Bartles runs by after some sekrit training. We then chat and he proceeds to tell me how he, J-Fen and Scotty were flying yesterday, are all running North Head and will smash me. First run back and bent double, I had to agree with him.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Not good

Set out on my hilly North Head/Tania Park 27km route with the intention of attacking all the hills. Attacked the first hill for about 20m and was just listless with no energy. Lasted 5km before hauling my ass back home. Need to shake this bug.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Fitting it in

With Kirst in the UK and 4 kids to look after, the only way I could do a run was to go down to Campbell Pde, get Bec running her 7 laps and Maggie & Charlie going around on their bikes. So I did 10km doing loops of Campbell Pde. As boring as a Lindop extended anecdote but got it done. Never felt comfortable despite feeling heaps better this morning from the Sinusitis. Ran 39:33 doing the first 5km in 20:40. Feeling pretty weak now so I've not kicked it completely yet.

Tim A, I'm relying on the antibiotics rather than your Granny's special remedies. Is this some trick to get me even more crook for Six Foot? Take it you're running again this year? If so, see you atop Pluviometer as per usual!

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Sinusitis again. Got the drugs in early this time though.

93km for week.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tiring MLR

Dropped all work and headed out at lunchtime for the usual route. MC, Gus MacGillivray, his mate, Marty and a few others were there. Very slow to start with. Then half way around Centennial MC says he's only doing 1 lap so I push on with Gus and his mate. We then bump into Kanser, Gus and his mate disappear (you have to ask questions about that sort of behaviour in Centennial) so I complete another lap with Kanser and he accompanies me up to Woollahra Gates. We pushed the pace a bit when running together which I kept up all the way home. Thing is, it was getting pretty warm by 1.30pm and that must have taken a bit out of me as I've been feeling crap all afternoon.

All up 18.66km in 1:23:50 (4:28's).

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

HuRTS 2 x 20mins

Only the 2nd time we've done this session and I was feeling up for it this morning. Been feeling strong over the last few days so decided to push it today. Seems like everyone else decided to do the same thing as by 3km I wasn't feeling so strong anymore.

I ran in the front group with J-Fen, Bartles, Tucks and Scottyo. Bartles and I did most of the work until the Opera House when J-Fen pushed the pace. At the OPT, Scottyo joined him and I was holding on, not relishing the return journey. I finished with Tucks and Bartles at 5.88km (3:24's) with J-Fen and Scotty about 10m in front.

I was expecting to be holding on on the return (after a 3 minute rest) but found myself running at the front again. Scotty took the front running under the Harbour Bridge but didn't really push on. Then Tucks took over at the Opera House and did. From then I basically ran with Bartles all the way back, feeling better on the hills. Finished up with 5.83km (3:25's) which was much better than I expected. Surprised to see J-Fen and Scotty drop off the pace given how strong they've been recently. But the big news is that Tucks has come into form very nicely, pulling away with ease today to finish 25m in front of us. All very timely for Six Foot Track.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Varying the run home

Ran home late after work but decided to attack all the hills to try and get the heart rate up. Realised when I was doing this that I just don't get my heart rate up often enough with all this longer distance easy running I've been doing. Bloody hard work. I think it's time I concentrated on more aerobic work.

29:21 at Toyota Garage and 55:32 all up. Quicker as a result of the faster hills and there are plenty of them. Got a good shout from Clive Cooper driving by along Sydney Rd towards the end.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Feel good Sunday

Nippers Carnival up at Narrabeen all morning (where the kids excelled in mediocrity) so headed out late this afternoon for the usual route to Shelley Beach with Billy and Charlie on their bikes. Charlie has just upgraded to a bigger bike and is much faster as a result. I was feeling great so we bounced along at 4min kms the whole way. 11.5km in 46:00. Said hello to Mike Baird at Queenscliff. Good confidence booster after yesterday's long one.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Long Saturday

Out at 6am with Macca and Big Sam for the usual Narrabeen route but completing the lap of the lake. Great morning, time passed quickly with plenty of chat, at least until 26km when Sam remarked on how good he was feeling when suddenly the pace increased and the talk decreased. We ran the next 7km pretty quick averaging sub4's.

All up 35.7km in 2:39 something (about 4:28's). Felt stronger today so maybe it's starting to come together.

Friday, February 10, 2012

It was close, but I made it through

Sunday tipped me over the edge. I picked up a case of Endaitis* on Sunday and by Monday was struggling big time. Went through 1.5 toilet rolls in my office in blowing my nose. It was effective at keeping people from bothering me but resulted in me having to suffer alone. Tuesday was even worse, Wednesday was slightly better (probably equivalent to a normal person's pneumonia) but Thursday was markedly better. Ventured out for an easy 10km along the flat route from work in 42:13.

Today I joined the depleted Friday squad (MC is ignoring all HuRT Squad etiquette in advertising a Friday swim squad, in between trying to make a buck in selling some dodgy musical theatre tickets) for the normal Monday route. The two JB's, King James, the Kilted Scot, Russell and Clyde were there along with others. Turned over 13.27km in 59:13 (4:27's). Felt great running it, the three days rest doing wonders for the legs but feel very tired and depleted now, probably with some lingering remnants of the virus at play. I've got 36km planned with Big Sam and Macca in the morning so I'm hoping it's gone by then. The tiredness may have something to do with joining in with Laser Zone at Billy's party along eight other 9 year olds this afternoon. I kicked their ass. You were given a great printout after the game showing loads of statistics (number of kills, % hit rate, number of times you were killed etc.) which I thought of photocopying for the blog but in the end my modesty determined it wouldn't be appropriate.

72km for the week.

*A particularly virulent strain of manflu, brought on by overtraining, drinking to excess and constant texting from Young Timmy.

Sunday, February 05, 2012

Long Sunday getting faster

Trotted down to the ABC Pool after waiting a few minutes for Kanser and immediately felt good today. Caught up with Big Sam and, with Kanser nowhere to be seen, we headed off. Probably a good job he didn't join us today as I think the pace may have been a little too hot for him.

We took it easy for the first 12kms up to Narrabeen then, after stopping for our usual first water and Gu, Big Sam decided to put the foot down. I think he was running angry after yesterday's performance and I felt similar. Anyway, from then on it was a good pace all the way home feeling great, even pushing the Griffin St hill. Glorious morning made for a great run. The splits tell the story:

5:11, 4:28, 4:43, 4:28, 4:24, 4:24, 4:12, 4:15, 4:20, 4:03, 4:14, 4:13, 3:57, 4:00, 4:07, 4:00, 4:14, 4:01, 4:03, 4:08, 4:02, 3:56, 3:53, 3:51, 4:00, 4:02, 3:52, 4:15, 5:16, 4:00, 4:15.

All up 31.02km in 2:11:05 (4:13's). Somewhere in all that Sam probably ran a 10km faster than he did at Homebush yesterday.

I then did 4.54km with the elder kids down to Queenscliff in 25:10 (5:33's).

Saturday, February 04, 2012

Striders 10km Homebush - 11th in 34:32

Well, not the start to the season I was hoping for but it's under the belt.

Caught a lift with Ben and Big Sam and arrived with plenty of time for some run throughs to get the heart rate up. Big crowd at the start with some very good runners fronting up - Tom do Canto, Uncle Dave, CT, Farrugia, the Horne, Tucks etc. I lined up in the second row (behind Timmy, I think he was racing EJ to the first corner - and lost) and set off pretty hard (at least I thought it was). However, before 1km was reached the front group of 6 had already gapped Tucks and I by about 20m. At the top of the hills on to the footpath and crowd behind of Tongey, Bleasel, Dean Degan, Brendan Davies and an Asian chap I didn't recognise had caught Tucks and I. I struggled around the very wet horsetrack and was gapped by Tucks and the Asian chap. At 5km (16:52) they had about 20m on me. The time at 5km depressed me a bit and I immediately lost concentration and started to drift. Bleasel then came past followed by Tongey and I was running with Dean and Brendan. It stayed that way until the end, with me pulling ahead of them in the final km.

Legs felt heavy the whole way. I thought I was turning them over OK but apparently not. Pretty ugly negative split. But it's in the bag and the training continues. The body feels great with no niggles.

Cooled down with Tucks, Timmy, Kanser, and Big Sam. We all struggled today. My head to heads looks a bit lop-sided but at least I got Timmy on the handicap system.

Couple of photos:

50m to the finish...

Me gurning, Tucks, Kanser looking fucked, Young Timmy and Big Sam...

Friday, February 03, 2012

Friday fitting it in

Ran 5.9km to Lime St for a massage with the Tiger then ran 3.7km back. 4:07 pace there, 5:07 pace back. Bumped into Fast Charlie and Warwick on the way back so ran with them.

Tiger diagnosed my knee issue then set to work on it and it turned out a treat.

Just back from a 4 hour boozy client lunch which isn't ideal prep for tomorrow but I'll try my best.

105km for the week.

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Not Hickson Road HuRTS

Had a few too many Coopers Pale Ale after the swim carnival last night and only a few hours sleep so it was a very easy session today. Jogged down late to Hickson Road and met the squad coming back on their second rep. Joined in with the second group for reps 3, 4 and 5 doing 3:39's, 3:32's and 3:25's (per km, not total time) feeling OK. Then jogged back with Tucks, MC, Todd and Big Sam. All up 10.27km in 43:50 (4:16's).

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Wednesday MLR

Just MC and King James today with James peeling off at Fox Studios on the 2nd lap. Very easy chatting all the way. Took the concrete path around Centennial due to the rain so a bit longer. 18.69km in 1:27:02 (4:39's).

Excitement is mounting in the office for the annual swim carnival this evening. Here are a couple of photos showing the glorious AAR banking team and their captain..

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

HuRTS Tempo

Lower crowd than usual with Kanser leading a small band of breakaways at Rushcutters. Had a quick chat to LF Charlie, Tucks, Bartles and Durante before the start, with each of them admiring my spray-on tan, and then we were off. Tucks was heading the front group which included Scooty O, Bartles, Jase and Macca. Just as he was pushing us all into discomfort, he pulled up under the Harbour Bridge complaining of a bad stitch. I think this injury is related to the "tweaked heartstring" which MC and Young Timmy are often prone to.

We turned at 6.27km and Scotty started to push the pace. We then swapped pacing duties all the way back with Bartles perennially on the shoulder. Scotty pushed ahead in a final run in at the Art Gallery and I finished back in 44:44 with Bartles, running strongly today, a stride or two behind.

Garmin said 12.55km at 3:33 pace but I was wearing the 405 today, not the 610, and the 405 measures short under Circular Quay for some reason. G-Maps suggests 12.4km so about 3:36 pace all up. Pretty pleased with that in the humid conditions.

Needless to say I sweated so much my spray-on tan ended up on my cotton singlet.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday meander

Finally got some work to do which meant I missed the start time for the HuRTS Monday jog so caught up with them at the Opera House. Result was a very easy 13.3km in 59 odd minutes at about 4:27's. Finished up with Tim Cradock (who's getting back into shape), MC, Mark M and Russell. This Monday session seems to attract loads to start with but very few do the whole thing. Hot today. Sydney finally breached the 30C barrier.

Body feeling very good though with the knee much better and both achilles the best they've felt since September.

Our place on Berry Mt over the long weekend was great, the only downside being the grounds which were full of leeches. We were examining one fat one on the doorstep on Saturday afternoon which Charlie splatted with one of Bec's Haivanas and which released a load of blood (only then to crawl off - we got it with vinegar later). I took my shoes off a few minutes later and realised it must have just fallen off my ankle - this was the state of my sock..

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Long run around the Valley

Went a bit shorter today but found a 24km loop along Kangaroo Valley Road, then Tourist Rd, up to the Camberrawa Lookout then down Moss Vale Road to Kangaroo Valley and finishing with a gruelling 6km climb back up Berry Mountain to our house. Took it easy on a beautiful day and took some photos along the way. Struggled on the final climb after 20km where thoughts turned to Six Foot reminding me just how hard it is. Finished up with a 4.5km jog with Bec for 28.8km all up. Slow at an average of 4:44 pace but plenty of hills.

Here are the photos:

Looking back down to Kangaroo Valley from Tourist Road:

Camberrawa Lookout:

Climbing out of the morning mist up Berry Mountain towards the end:

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Up and down

11.1km from the house near the top of Berry Mountain on a route along Tourist Rd trying to plan tomorrow's longer run. Not a flat section on the whole route but felt great today. 46:something but it was 4:14's after the first 2km (all up) in 10:00 and the final 2km (all down) in 7:00. Feel as though I'm recovering well at the mo following each easy day. Having said that, I'll go shorter tomorrow after two very long Sunday runs in the past fortnight.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Kangaroo Valley

12km from the village and then up Upper Kangaroo River Road easy in 52:08 (4:20's). Right knee still sore after trying the ski exercises last night (the ones I used for Runner's knee). Didn't work, just made things more sore. Aggravated my adductor which I think is the root of the problem.

Saw some Kangaroos in the village at the end. Never seen Kangaroos in Kangaroo Valley before. I thought the name was a joke.

127km for week.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

HuRT Squad come to Manly

Australia Day today so Kanser, J-Fen, Bartles, Timmy, Big Sam and Macca all came over to my place for a 16.5km tempo at 3:45 pace. It was wet but warm and pretty humid - so much so that I had sweat dripping off my face from 2km in. Went through the first km in 3:41ish but my Garmin was throwing out random figures so I was running blind and relying on the others. All stayed as a group for the first few km before Big Sam and Timmy dropped off the back running together.

Pace was slightly uncomfortable the whole way. If you ever felt comfortable, you knew the pace had dropped to 3:48 or thereabouts. After the turn at Shelley Beach J-Fen picked the pace up and we pretty much ran 3:40's all the way back. Kanser dropped off at 11kmish and must have been dehydrated as he started to feel sick. Coming back towards Campbell Parade I suddenly started feeling pretty good so took a turn at the front pushing the pace. With a couple of km to go it was just J-Fen and myself and we ran back together to the finish. All up 16.4km in 1:01:06 (3:43's).

Now off to Berry Mountain.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

MLR Wednesday

Usual Wednesday run in the rain (albeit warm and muggy) with MC, Todd and King James and with The Kilted Scot and The Unkilted Yorkshireman peeling off after one lap of Centennial. Very easy pace. Slightly worried about right knee.

18.55km in 1:27:29 (4:42's).

Phish Food, Chocolate Fudge Brownie or Triple Caramel Chunk? Tonight's dilemma.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

HuRTS 4 x 10mins

Crowd was bigger than Ben Hur today. We may need to make arrangements to split the group soon as it's starting to become a bit unwieldy.

This is a tough session. Tried just to hang on to the back of the front group today but they were going at a pace and that was tough enough. J-Fen and Scotty O were leading the charge with Tucks, Bartles and I trying to keep up. We failed, reaching the gates in 10:03 with J-Fen and Scotty about 15 seconds in front. The next rep they just stepped up the pace again while I flailed around in the background, at least running consistent pace. The third rep was weird as I felt good and drifted to the front so tried to keep the pace honest and get to the gates in under 10mins. Just managed it with Scotty and J-Fen hanging on. Final rep I was spent so just tried to keep the same pace. Times for the Gate to Gates were as follows:


That's not bad but I was way behind Jonathan and Scott who ran it as fast as I think anyone has.

Had a massage this arvo at Jackie's with Amanda, who I reckon is the best one there. She's the female version of Jean-Louis (although more attractive) and did a great job.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Monday meander

Out with the squad at lunch for the usual Monday route. Had a chat with LF Charlie (moving to Clontarf, we have another local!), LJ, MC, Craig, Jonathan W and Luke. Then picked up the pace a bit running back with a chap called James. All up 15.66km in 1:09:52 (4:27's). Felt great today, complete reverse of last Monday so must have recovered better from the long run.

Big weekend for Maggie. Saturday she started swimming for the first time with any floaties (I can sense Timmy pencilling the gags already) and yesterday I taught her how to ride a bike without stabilisers. She then went on to ride for 3.5km. I gave up chasing her around Campbell Parade so just decided to take a video from the in-field.

Maggie riding

Right knee feels a bit sore, like it's bruised under the kneecap, so need to keep an eye on that.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Another long 'un

Up at 5.30am again to meet Big Sam and Richard Banks for a run up the beaches. Richard joined us because he's just been asked by the Japanese to run some marathon in a town south of Fukuoka which is twinned with Townsville - off the back of having won the Townsville marathon last year. He's only been given 3 weeks notice so is putting in some quick prep.

Coolish again (at least it was at 5.30am) but the km's flew by chatting away. Felt much easier for the first 20km than last week having taken it easier yesterday. We looped around the Narrabeen Track and got very excited about a new gate they've opened accessing Cromer Golf Course allowing you to circumnavigate Narrabeen lagoon without the risk of cutting your nads off while trying to jump the sharp fence. Rather than complete the circuit though we ran back to Dee Why making the run only 31.08km in 2:20 something (about 4:30's). I then did an extra 4.5km with the kids to Nippers so we'll call it 35km all up.

Felt tired from 20km onwards which was a bit disappointing given how good I'd felt up until then.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Not a tempo

Woke up with a hangover after going to a party last night so decided against a long tempo run, thinking I'd just screw my body. Did an easy 10.3km instead with Charlie, who is getting quicker, on his bike. Awesome quote from Charlie this morning; "When I grow up I want to have big ears like you, Dad.".

10.3km in 46:29 (4:29's). Felt pretty good. Ran past Thamal who was running with Flynn on his bike. I'm starting a trend.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Run to work

Hauled my ass into work this morning in what I think is a PW time - 61:09. Didn't care. Enjoyed the plod.

120km for the week with some decent quality work.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

HuRTS 8 x 800m

Over to Rushcutters on another warm day with a smaller, but hardcore, group in attendance. Still decent sized mind. Aparna who works for me (and an ex-Sydney Uni runner) was making her debut. With news that J-Fen is leaving KPMG and Andrea Ilakovac having gone, I'm planting some seeds for success in this year's JPMorgan team.

I was tired but just wanted to get through the session solidly. Tucks and Scotty O were taking the front running. I'm lacking confidence to attack these VO2 Max sessions so was sitting behind Kanser and Bartles on the first lap of each rep before trying to go harder on the second lap and close the gap on the front 2. The reps settled down into going through the first 400m in 73/74 with the second 400m being a bit quicker. Times were:


All done with a 100s rest in between.

11km all up.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wednesday MLR

Massage with the Tiger this am then out with a decent sized group of LC, Big Sam, Jonathan W, Laura, King James, Todd, Russell and a few others for the usual double Centennial Wednesday route. Sunny and warm today. Sweated buckets out there but a very easy pace so not too tough on the fragile body.

All up 18.35km in 1:26:13 (4:42's).

But, big news of the day and one which all loyal readers will be very excited about is the announcement of a new blog! It promises to be more interesting than Kanser's, more frequent than Enda's, less French than Jamie's and have fewer spelling mistakes than Timmy's. It is Fats' Blog. Better still, he's agreed to run under the HuRT Squad team for Six Foot, so we have a chance of beating Gramps' Army this year.

Finally, here is quote from an article announcing the probables for the Kenyan Olympic marathon squad:

Arriving at the names was not easy since 150 men and 50 women made the A-Standard qualifications," AK chief and IAAF Council Member Isaiah Kiplagat told a packed press conference. "Selectors looked at consistency, the ability to win without pace making, discipline and commitment to represent the country when deciding the names.


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

HuRTS 8 x 5mins

The whole of Sydney turned out for the session today. Everyone was there (other than Enda, whom I'm assuming Kanser has chained to the desk) - even Durante, again. MC's getting scared of the chap's latent talent already. It was pretty chaotic but we managed to get through the session.

I was still tired and sore before we started. Told myself it was one of those sessions you just had to get through. Ran most of the reps with Tucks, Andy and Macca. Fats and Timmy joined us for the first few. They felt a bit easier as we rolled through them and the muscles warmed up a bit. All run at 3:25 to 3:30 pace other than the final one at 3:16 pace.

14km all up and 17 days in a row. I've mentioned Thurston's theory on 17 consecutive days previously (although he probably made it up when pissed). It sounds easy but is surprisingly difficult to achieve, at least for me. Something, be it work, hangover, home commitments, injury or sickness, always seems to get in the way. I only managed it twice all of last year, including in January when I ran every day - like I hope to this month.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Super sore

Walking like John Wayne this morning so headed out for a short one just to ease the body. MC, Tucks, Jonathan W, TB, Craig, Kanser and others all in attendance. Even bumped into the Lovely Lisa making a welcome return to training around Farm Cove. Very easy pace and body felt slightly better for it afterwards, particularly after a good stretch. 11.42km in 52:17 (4:35's).

Got the splits from Saturday's race..

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Super long

Up at 5.30am (yikes) for a long run with Big Sam. We did our pre-Gold Coast route up to Narrabeen Caravan Park and around the Lake coming back via Dee Why front and the beaches. The first few km was one foot in front of the other stuff in 4:48's wondering how I was going to get through this. Then we hit our stride between 10km and 20km on the new path around the Lake and struggled home from Dee Why. Sam has bags of stamina. Despite very little training he still manages to keep the pace honest past 30km. All up 35.82km in 2:41:51 (4:31's).

I then had 30 mins rest (and a bath) before heading out with the kids for their run. We ran Queenscliff to Shelley and back (5km) in 26:12 (5:15's). I was struggling to hang on to them in the final km.

Now farked.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

State 5000m

Didnt know what to expect today. Only had 3 weeks of proper training but had been pretty pleased with the way things were going. Decided that anything sub 16:10 would be OK but with a stretch aim of going sub16. I was a nightmare to be with all day so have to thanks Kirst for her patience. Drove all the kids out to watch and form a great cheer squad.

Did about 5kms warm up with Macca while watching the earlier races and getting even more apprehensive. When the leaders in Race D go through the first km in 3:11 you get scared about what Race B is going to be like. Lined up on the outside and we were off in very good conditions - about 22C, slight drizzle and no wind. Everyone dawdled through the first 200m in 38s so I look the lead, much to my kids delight who went nuts on the sidelines. First km in about 3:09, after an injection of pace from someone at 800m which left me in 5th place. Don't know what 2km was in but someone seemed to be shouting lap times of about 75 or 76 each lap which sounded good. 3km was reached in 9:28 and at this stage I'm just staring at the back of the chap in front (Chamkaur), hoping for the laps to pass without the wheels falling off. A couple of others had gone past, Chamkaur slows a bit so I try to put a real effort in over the final 2 laps. Finish down the home straight with the legs going lactic which is always a good sign.

Chuffed to bits to get under 16 and run 15:52 at this stage of training. Macca also seemed to enjoy his first ever track race running a 16:51 but without the benefit of someone to draught behind. Watched most of the girls race (where Emily Brichacek was mightily impressive) cheering Laura on who ran a great 17:55.

Results here:

Chadi ran a superb 15:03 in the A race. Looks like CT must have blown up trying to stick to the big guns as he came in in 15:50 despite his training suggesting he was capable of something close to Chadi. It still gets him one up on the head to heads.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Easy Friday

MC controversially used the HuRTS Distribution list to advertise some pathetic frolic in the pool today, so it was a hardcore who turned out for the Friday easy run. Big Sam, Rob, Mat K, Luke, Simon, King James, Indrajeet and others. We went very easily oevr the bridge and around Cremorne Point. A very tanned looking Charlie D caught us coming off the bridge on the return and started gnashing his teeth at the mention of Timmy. Seems Young Tim may have pushed the teasing a little too far recently.

All up 13.53km in 1:09:27 (5:08's). Now just to kill myself on the track tomorrow night.

104km for the week. First 100+km week since mid-October. Even that one was a one-off. Last time I did them consistently was August.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

HuRTs 4 x 2km

Big crowd on a beautiful day. Bit of a headwind on reps 1 and 3 which I shared with the front guys (Fast Charlie, Scotty O and Andy). Hell, even Timmy gave it a pop today. Although pop he went at the halfway mark on each rep. J-Fen was taking it easy and Tucks and Kanser were nowhere to be seen. Nice to Fats making a welcome return.

Reps went:


First one didn't feel any easier than the rest despite the time difference. I was struggling to hold on to Fast Charlie and Scotty O today, and Andy put in a really good effort on the final rep.

Reps were run off a rolling 9 minutes.

Just checked and it's a year (Jan 27 2011) since I last did this session. I must pussy out of Thursday sessions frequently. Back then I ran:


(2 seconds per rep quicker) so not too bad.

Christ, forgot to mention that partner in crime Durante fronted up today for the first proper session in, probably 3 years. He may have been struggling to keep up with MC but it didn't stop him having a pop about my slappy feet...

Health check and easy run

Had my annual health check today. Weight 68.3kg (up 1.7kg from last year and 4kg from 2007 and 2008!). I'm hoping it's all muscle. Resting heart rate 42. BMI 20.6. Blood pressure 118/60. Good cholesterol of 1.7 and bad of 2.6 (good result says the doc). Adjusted age of 27 which sounds nice. Having said that, at 27 I was about 78kg, binge drinking every night and eating 4 doughnuts a day.

Ran home feeling very energy depleted as I'd had to fast most of the morning and hadn't eaten enough afterwards. 57:48 despite a cool following wind seemingly the whole way.

I've entered the State 5000m. The family are making a rare outing to come and watch. This normally guarantees me a bad run.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

HuRTS Tempo

Told MC the Progressive Tempo should be replaced with a straight tempo which he agreed to so today was the first chance to test it. 45 mins turning at 22.5mins. Marathon pace (or "15s per km slower than 10km pace" as MC put it, which sounds faster than marathon pace to me). Set off in the front group of Fast Charlie, J-Fen, Kanser, Scott O'C and, wait for it, Big Mikey H. We all stuck together until the turn when Big Mikey H carried straight on. Paul Macca and Andy were on their own behind the front group so we concentrated on catching them which happened around Circular Quay. Fast Charlie pulled ahead around the back of the Open Air Cinema and J-Fen went past me just before Mrs Mac's Chair as I started to tire. Felt pretty good on the hills on the way back though and finished about 5 seconds behind FC and J-Fen, just in front of Scott and Kanser.

Nice to be back in the mix again and it's a good session. Because it's a straight tempo people seem to judge their pace better so we finished more "en masse" than on other sessions. My Garmin measured it 12.2km and, finishing in 44:35, gives an average pace of 3:39's. GMaps measures it at 12.14km which gives an average of 3:40's, so close enough.

Poor Timmy finished up a little bit delirious and could barely string a sentence together. We left him dazed and confused standing in the middle of Art Gallery Road so I hope the old fella's OK.

I've decided that the best way to get fit is to race myself fit so I'm considering doing the State 5000m on Saturday night. Just got to get permission from Mrs H. It'll be a bit ugly but I criticise others for not putting themselves out there when not on top form so I should practice what I preach.

Booked accommodation for the Six Foot Track. Managed to get a property which is situated on the track itself so I should get a big cheer from the family running through Megalong Valley. Check it out here.

Monday, January 09, 2012

Back to work

Heavy Lasagne at a work lunch so ran it off on the way home. Felt rough until the end of the Harbour Bridge then got into a stride and enjoyed the rest of the run. Worked the hills. Achilles feeling very good. 29:53 at Toyota Garage and 56:00 all up.

Sunday, January 08, 2012

Recovery run

4.5km run with Bec & Billy to Nippers (does it count if done at 5.30 pace?) then 11km in the afternoon with Billy & Charlie on their bikes (not much quicker at 4.45 pace). Knackered today.

Saturday, January 07, 2012

Bush Run Part 3

Out at 6.30am with Dickyboy and Justin. Route was similar to Tuesday but with more bush running, both in Manly Dam and Red Hill. I was knackered today, feeling the effects of yesterday. Struggled through the first few km. Felt OK'ish from about 7km to 20km then really struggled home with the last 4km being run from one bubbler to the next in the warm conditions. All up 28.4km in 2:17:48 (4:51's).