Monday, February 02, 2015

Long Monday

At Craig Mc's on Saturday evening which involved a crate of beer and 6 bottles of wine between the 6 of us.  Can't remember putting the kids to bed or getting home for that matter.  But after a week off the booze those beers tasted nice.  Which resulted in Sunday being a bit of a go-slow day and my first rest day of 2015.  Happy enough to dip my head in the surf watching the kids do Nippers.  Maggie was beaten for the first time ever at Flags (by a boy - they're getting quicker) and the look of shock on her face was priceless.  The immediate bursting into tears wasn't so cool. 

Managed to squeeze in a longish run today.  10km solo before joining the squad for 15km.  Had to put up with Enda and Kanser baiting each other for an hour.  The disharmony in the Irish squad is growing.  And to say that Enda is focussed on beating Macca this weekend to crow about being Ireland's no.1 would be an understatement.

25km all up averaging about 4:30's.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Sun Run - 8th in 33:24

Big turn out from the beaches boys this morning for our local race.  Met up with Macca, Justin, Quentin, Ben and Jamie (where was Dicky?) at Bike Addiction for our jog to the start in Dee Why.  Perfect morning for running with low humidity, about 17C and clear skies with no wind.  Ben, Justin and Q proceeded to jog up Oliver Street, while Macca and I walked and hurled abuse at them, telling them they'd pay for it later.

Quick chat with Charlie D and Mike Baird before the start (as you do) and then I had to stand with the great unwashed (no seeded start for me) while the likes of Macca, Dicky and Jamie swanned around in front of us looking like pros.  It was all a bit relaxed on the start line chatting to Jenny Wickham and Justin before suddenly we were off with me a bit unprepared.  Everyone sprints up the hill, I take it conservatively and find myself about 10s behind a group containing Barts, Quentin and Lewis at the top.  Hell, there's even a chick in front of me.  But I'm breathing hard - surely they've all gone off too hard?  

Pass the chick then Jamie going down the hill, then Nick Roberts going along Abbott Road but I'm making no headway to the Barts group.  On to the Parkrun course and I can see Barts pulling ahead of the group and catching Criniti.  But the rest of the group is still pulling ahead of me.  Get a shout from Clarkey on his bike at 5km and decide that no-one is going to come back to me unless I work hard, so start pushing the hill up to the Diggers.  Turn into Charles St and I'm getting back, by the Harbord Hilton I've caught Quentin, Lewis and Jason Hall so put a real effort in up the nasty pinch and on Undercliff St.  

Sweep down past Queensie Surf Club and get a welcome shout from Dad and then begins the longest run-in in the developed world.  Holey crap, I run along Manly Beach about 3 times a week but that've they elongated it?  But I'm holding form OK and feel fine to sprint if anyone comes up to my shoulder to maintain 7th.  Cruise to the line but, what's this?!  Some bloke (Jason Hall) floats past with  10m to go!

Very happy with the time on a tough course but, far out, what a performance by Barts. Bit of a game changer that one - 3rd overall in 32:39, smashing Criniti (who I almost caught in the end) but soundly ahead of Alex Rogers.  Macca also had a great run in 35:34 showing that strength counts for a lot on this course.  Lewis ran a PB.  Jamie just missed dipping under 36. Divky was mid 36 and Justin's hammy held up in high 36.  Ben did what he intended by dipping under 40 and was that Charlie running as Timmy in 40:xx?

Beaut of a day in Manly showing it off at its best to 10,000 runners.  Lovely B&E roll and coffee at Bench with Macca and Barts (could be the new venue) to round out a great morning.

Friday, January 30, 2015

5 pointer

7km to the ferry wharf via Shelly Beach.  31:27 (4:29's) so only just counts as a run.

Beaut of a morning though.  Rain gone, sun shining and surf up.

112km for the week.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Brett Lee and Taylor Swift

I was never a fan of Brett Lee playing for Australia, but that final over of the Big Bash final certainly warmed me to him.  Hollywood script all over it - last bowl of his career and he's on a hat trick needing to prevent 1 run.  Brilliant match.  I then went to bed and had a bizarre dream about Taylor Swift.

But on to today's run.  3 x 2km from the Park Hyatt turning at 1km (or more likely 980m).  Hoped to feel easy today (what with the Sun Run on Saturday) but in truth I never felt comfortable.  Ran them all with Barts.  We had Q and Jono with us on the first 2 with Crossy pushing ahead on the third.  Reps went 6:17, 6:10 and 6:11.

Very good crowd.  Timmy's hitting a bit of form so I'll be asking for a realistic 2:30 on Saturday morning next week for the customary $20.  Macca showed a bit of speed today and Darren could soon be ousting Erika as the fastest Jordan.

Warmdown with Barts and Eoin for 10km all up.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Wet Wednesday

More bloody rain.  House is about to go under.

Usual Wednesday route with Macca, Ben, Erika and Quentin.  Good company, rain unnoticed once you start but legs were cactus after yesterday.  Q complaining about his knee again which isn't good news.  Needs to get on the Voltaren and foam roller.

17km in 1:18ish (4:43's).

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

HuRTS Fartlek

Well, it was pissing down today.  Not just London drizzle, but a full on Sydney downpour.  I thought it was going to be one of those days you turn up when others don't and steal a march.  But all the top dogs must have thought the same as Barts, Tucks, Fats, Crossy, Jono, Quentin, Macca, Andy, Enda and Hoey were all there

Fartlek was slightly different to usual being (3 (1) 2 (1) 1 (1)) x 5. But I quite liked it.  Always seem to go OK on the fartlek - I think the concept of running hard but being rewarded frequently suits my mentally fragile character.  Crossy went of quickest so went with him but Jono came by around Farm Cove and pushed the pace on (especially on the floats).  Q and Barts were taking it easy on the way out.  Turned on 22.5mins well down Hickson Road opposite the Lend Lease courtyard.  At this point Q and Barts hung around to join us on the way back.  Pushed from the Opera House onwards to get back with 12 seconds to spare.

Watch said 12.86km which would be 3:29's overall average.

5km warmdown for 18km all up.

Still no Timmy.  Has he permanently shunned Tuesday sessions because they are too hard?  And no sign of CT in 2015 either. 

Monday, January 26, 2015

Australia Day long

Out early doors with Justin and Craig.  We'd planned a special route just for Ben but he decided today wasn't for him.

So down to Shelley and back before heading up the beaches but cutting across to Narrabeen Lake just past the fire station.  Justin headed back after 10km so just me and Craig.  Was a bit tired after last nights run but fairly light on the feet and averaged 4:30's so not too bad.  Ended up back at Queenscliff with 30km exactly on the clock in 2:15.  Then the usual dip in the ocean and B&E roll and coffee at Emporio.  But even better was Craig's B&E roll showing up late so he demanded 2 extra free coffees.  I like hanging out with demanding people.  Over the 2nd coffee he urged me to run Orange or Bathurst Halfs.  May look into it.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Perfect Run

Kirst bagged the early slot so only headed out at 5pm when it was still 30c on a stinking hot day.  But felt good.  

Went out in my boardies and trainers (I looked a right sight and, of course, bumped into a load of people I know as a result).  Did a loop of North Head but stopped at Queenscliff, dived into the ocean and caught the perfect (huge) wave to body surf back in.  At that point I thought it can't get better than this so jogged home.

16.5km and enjoying a no niggle period.  You have to cherish these.

Charlie heading out to bat yesterday:

Curl Curl Parkrun - 2nd in 16:26

4km warm up via the flat route with Erika then showed up for my first Parkrun in ages to find the crowd bigger than ever.  Met Quentin, a sweaty Carla, Jamie, Craig Mac, chap called Mike and Dick Mull, with the better looking Heyden and Mr and Mrs Binfield also in attendance.

Knew Q would make it a hard race and we tussled all the way until 4km when he put the foot down and gapped me.  He knows how to beat me as the gap didn't grow after his initial effort with him finishing on 16:23.  Good hard hit out and a solid time in the warm and humid conditions.

5km warmdown for 14km all up.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Easy peasy Friday

Very easy 11.5km bumping into Louis early on and running with him.  Felt knackered for the first 6km then got into it.

110km for the week.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Nolans 1km reps

Well, jumped out the back gate onto Nolans this morning to put the cones down to mark out our 1km loop to be greeted by this low level mist that made the whole area look like a scene out of Sleepy Hollow.  Very romantic it was.  Macca and I contemplated holding hands for the first rep in this dreamlike setting.

But instead we just bashed them out.  First 2 were a struggle - as ever at 6.15am.  We were slowed by the longish wet grass too which made your trainers sodden within seconds.  For that reason I ditched the shoes after 3 reps and ran barefoot in the second half and, as usual, the rep times showed it.

3:16, 3:14, 3:12, 3:09, 3:07, 3:02

Macca would set off early from rep 4 to give me something to chase.  He was averaging about 3:30.  He's the only person I know who runs 1km reps at his 10km race pace.

5km warmdown for 12.5km all up.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Wednesday MLR

Well this morning I was buggery rodgered.  Dragged myself out of bed at 5.45am after staying up late watching an English medieval drama last night (lots of sex and violence) and met Macca, Justin and Erika on her eagerly anticipated return. 

Well, we had 1km with Justin before he decided that his hammy was too sore.  Although eyebrows were later raised when we subsequently saw Amelia (Justin's wife) on her run so maybe it was just a shift in the Bromley household balance of power.

Usual route up around North Head although it was just Macca and me dragging our asses up the hill as Erika turned at Shelley Beach to chase down Jenny Wickham after we pointed out she was a super fast 38 year old female.

17km all up at 4:38 pace.  But done and no real niggles to complain of at the moment.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

HuRTS 2 x 20mins

Where is Mikey?

It's the question on everyone's lips.  In the meantime, we got on with the session in hand.  Massive turnout today but only Barts and I were pushing it upfront albeit with Hoey joining us for the first 20min rep before he jogged onwards.

Reached the final arch before the Hickson Road bend (about 100m behind my best) but we started conservatively and built into it.  Felt OK on the way back and ran shoulder to shoulder with Barts getting back in 19:40, with a 9:54 final Gate to Gate.  Required some effort though.

4km warmdown for 17km all up.  Finally put some effort into a session for the first time in 5 weeks.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Home boy

Took the summer clerks out for lunch so ran home from work.  Cool and wet for a change and made it almost pleasant.  Even more pleasant was bumping into 'Lil Jimmy on the way for him to hurl some abuse at me.

Knackered long run

Out at a dinner party Saturday night. Got home at 12.30am then up at 5.30am for the long run.  Rooted from the get go.  Fortunately, Macca, Craig, Justin and Dicky felt the same way so our pace resembled something produced SOTB.

But all made up for with a dip in the Ocean and bacon & egg rolls and coffee back at our usual haunt of Emporio. With Dicky paying which was very kind.

Luckily we got our ocean dip before this happened:

Saturday, January 17, 2015

A session with the missus (and Justin)

For the first time in forever I went for a run with Kirst.  Plan was to do 6 x Passmore Loops with Kirst doing 3.  Then we bumped into Justin on the way so he joined in.  

Justin has some real pace!  Plainly wasting his time with all that marathon stuff.  I was aiming to get all 6 under 2 mins and managed with 1:55, 1:53, 1:55, 1:54, 1:55, 1:55.

Started to get a bit lactic towards the end.  Justin was running just under 2 mins but slowed on the last two with a hammy twinge. 

8km all up.

The week that was

11km with Kanser very easy.

110km for the week.  Bigger volume but piss poor on the effort.  Hopefully feel more up for it next week.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Timmy's Hills

Well, I was feeling tired and had forgotten my orthotics so wasn't really up for the session today.  Coupled with that, it was Timmy's killer 20mins of hills followed by a 5km tempo.  

With only Barts pushing the pace all alone, I ran with Timmy, Crossy, Tucks, Kaley and Big Kev for the most part - with Johnny Burke being in the wrong place at the wrong time so having to join in the 5 tempo.  Did 19 hills and 3:50 pace for the tempo shouting at Timmy the whole way.  Feel better for it now.

11km all up.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Base Building

I have to call it that as there was nowt else special about how I felt this morning.  Met Macca and Justin for 17.3km around North Head.  Knackered and sore.  Even Macca was quiet for the first 6km.  Impressed to get the average km speed down to 4:48's.

1:23.  Beaut of a morning though, especially at Queenscliff.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

HuRTS 14 x 3mins - The Great Divide

Hot, hot, hot today.  And humid.  So with Mikey away, I warned everyone to take it easy early on.  

I pretty much did my own thing today, starting steadily at 3:25 pace and bringing it down to 3:10 pace by the end.  I'd start behind the field to have the psychological advantage of overtaking people on each rep.  Whatever it takes to get through this killer session in these conditions.

So why The Great Divide?  Well, after 10 reps I look up to see 75% of the squad sat in the shade of a tree having pulled stumps for the afternoon.  I then look at who's left to finish off the 14 reps and it's Macca, Barts, Angus, Charlie D, Jono Woodhouse and myself.  And what do we all have in common?  We all live North of the Bridge.  Those Eastern Suburb pussies with too much money for too many home comforts don't understand effort and sacrifice and pain.  NOTB = Hardcore.

Jumped in the Harbour to cool down after and it was magic.  Slightly longer warmdown for 17km all up.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Old Timers

Well, you could have rolled the clocks back 7 years today when I showed up for my first HuRTS run in a month to find Kanser, Durante and Tucks waiting.  Then when Enda joined us after a few km you could have been forgiven thinking it was a HuRTS version of The Expendables.

Very easy 15km run today chatting the whole way.  Mostly about Kanser's brave, new training regime.  It's kill or cure. 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Sunday recovery

Manly Mexican Night last night so a gentle 10km in the teeming rain this arvo in 46:30.  Didn't feel as bad as I expected but couldn't have gone much quicker.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Manly Hardcore Posse

Out for the usual Northern Beaches route  (but running to the BC Pool to start) with Macca, Ben, Justin, Craig and Barts.  Barts was relieved to finally have some blokes who could run for more than 200m before having to stop at a bubbler.

Ben hasn't eaten a potato in 7 days on his no carbs diet so headed home after 5km.   The rest of us headed on at a casual pace but struggled with the humidity.  It's not like Queenstown.

Got to 22km back to Dee Why and Barts took his usual gel.  I think some bloke in the Eastern Suburbs gives him his supplies.  I wanted to get through the Dee Why hills so pushed on a bit from here and then all hell broke loose with Macca pushing up on my shoulder, Craig cruising at his usual marathon pace and Barts feeling as though he had to push the pace.  Final 6km went 4:00 (up the Dee Why hills), 3:49, 3:44, 3:38, 3:35, 3:34.  To be honest, in the heat I was rooted and my tummy felt a bit squiffy over the final 2km.  But Macca was pleased as we nudged under 4:20 pace for the whole 29km.  

Then a dip in the big surf at Queensie where I was tumbled around like a front loader and, as Barts was paying, Macca took us to the poshest B&E roll breakfast joint in town (brioche rolls no less) where we ordered four ladies (not tradies) and looked thoroughly feminine.

Back to the tough stuff (other than breakie).

Friday, January 09, 2015

Back home

Steady 10km around Manly in 40:32.  Nice to be back home after 3 weeks of travels.  

Thursday, January 08, 2015

Queenstown #3

4 hours of downhill mountain biking this morning (my favourite activity here) so I was pretty knackered getting out for my afternoon run around the lake.  12km in 49:32 (4:07's).  Once again, felt better as the run wore on.

Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Queenstown #2

Today I did my first Bungy jump.  I wouldn't have done it but for Billy.  Despite being only just the minimum age and weight (and not a little nervous), he went 10mins before me and totally nailed it.  Here he is, flying through the air:

The girl on the Bridge turned to me after he went and said "Is he your son?  He did that well!".  I was dead proud of him.  So of course I couldn't pussy my way out after that.  So here's me shortly after:

It was a massive adrenaline rush and we were both buzzing afterwards.  I had asked for the Bungy rope to be adjusted so I got a water dunk, but they must have overestimated my weight as I missed by half a metre.

After getting back to Queenstown I was exhausted but got out for 10km around the lake (such a great running track).  Very easy to start with but felt better as I went on and finished in 41:18.

What a day.  Mountain biking tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Queenstown #1

This place is magic.  It's like a cross between Switzerland and Scotland.

No time to get out this morning. Too busy  raising the adrenaline levels.  Was brilliant fun but only depressing thing was being weighed for the purposes of the "Ledge Swing" ( and realising I'd put on 3kgs over the festive period.

But got out this arvo and felt great, running 12km in 47:18 (picking up the pace the whole way).  13km all up after jogging up the mammoth hill to the hotel.

Me and Billy looking awesome above beautiful Queenstown:

About to do some Luge:

Monday, January 05, 2015

5 pointer

Not much time this am before flying to Queenstown with Billy, so just managed a run to Shelly Beach and back (8km).  Bumped into Justin along and chatted about all things in zud.

Sunday, January 04, 2015

Long trip home

10km early doors along the boardwalks of Merimbula before preparing for the long trip home.  As usual, felt crap for the first 2km after emerging from the tent then felt magic on a beautiful morning.

Saturday, January 03, 2015

Merimbula Parkrun

Had to squeeze in a long run, so got up early, did 10km, then did the Merimbula Parkrun, then did another 11km.  Very average time of 17:42 but it was hot and humid and I couldn't be arsed.  Got the win though and had a chat to TKS's mate Steve Isles afterwards who came 2nd.

Slowest long run in history.  Just can't get going at the moment.

Friday, January 02, 2015


10km out of the tent.  Checked out the Parkrun course.  Can't see how they can run it tomorrow as it's nearly all narrow boardwalk and was packed with tourists walking their dogs this morning.  Beautiful route though.  Ended up running up a stinking great hill back to the campsite which spoiled an otherwise enjoyable run.

Here we are:

Thursday, January 01, 2015


Out of the tent and 10km along a riverside path in Bairnsdale that looked like it was designed by a runner.  Check it out.

Seriously, it was like that for 5km before I turned and returned.  Magic.

Year in Review:

Started the year with the plan to run a fast 10km.  This time last year I hadn't run under 33mins for 10km in 2.5 years.  So I was dead chuffed to get under 4 times and set a PB.  The other distance I raced most was 5km, what with Parkruns and the monthly Rosa 5km TT.  Found them really good for sharpening the speed.

So, 3 best races of 2014 were:

1. JPMorgan 5.6km.  Big PB and almost everyone was there.  

2. Launceston 10km.  Another big PB and went for it from the start.

3. City to Surf.  Another PB, almost everyone was there and although Quentin was ahead, i was chuffed to run well after coming back from Europe.

As usual, my best results come from races I really psyche myself up for.  On the downside, I was disappointed to miss another marathon.  It'll be 3 years since I last ran one when I do Gold Coast this year.  But London 2016 is now the big aim.  Other disappointments were not doing a great Half this year and missing State 3000m to have a crack at my toughest PB.

What I learned:

1. Improved diet this year made a massive difference.  Lost 3kg and ran PBs across nearly every distance without changing my training.

2. Speed works for me.  400s etc.  improves my technique as well as natural pace.

3. Glute/hammy strength exercises work a treat.  Improve technique and keep injuries at bay.

4. I went through the year almost entirely uninjured (save post Six Foot) and consistency of training makes a massive difference.

5. Ultras are not for me.

What to aim for in 2015:

1.  Marathon sub 2:30.  May not be Gold Coast.  May need to wait for London 2016.

2.  10km sub 32.  Tough ask.  Unfortunately the Harbourside 9.8km falls a week after Gold Coast.

3.  Half sub 71.  Not many chances, particularly if I do Gold Coast Full, so another tough ask. 

So there it is, another year done.  I think there'll be some big changes this year so will be interesting to see how it pans out. For now, I'm in a campsite in Merimbula drinking a bottle of red as the air mattress has a big hole in it so it's going to be an uncomfortable night.  But Merimbula Parkrun on Sat morning awaits, the first one of the year. I'm going for one of the newly announced Parkrun T-Shirts for 25 races completed....

Today's spot:

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

It's a wrap

13.3km to Brighton Beach again, almost getting lost again.  That place is a space/time vortex.

Will do my 2014 wrap tomorrow.  'Twas a ripper.

Childhood running hero Crammy made a CBE in the New Years Honours List today.  Check out where he lives.  Apparently (according to Dad who's seen them in Waitrose) Sol Campbell and Paul Collingwood also live in Hexham now.  It's a hotbed of sporting superstar talent.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Highnam Handicap

We're a fairly competitive bunch.  Since arriving here in Melbourne for the family Christmas, we've had competitive Mini-Golf (I didn't do so well at this), competitive Go-Karting (80km/h karts - I won this which made me happy) but the big event is always the Highnam Handicap.  

Basically, we spend 4 days arguing at meal times about our handicap start times, Dad has final say and everyone is required to take part over the 2.5km (other than Dad as official timekeeper and Claudie who has one more year respite).

I was starting off scratch, 15s behind Jack and 50s behind brother Jamie.  That's all I was aiming for, with any other scalps being a bonus.  I'd run to the start which was about 7km so was nicely warmed up.  Plan was just to run as hard as possible and use overtaking people towards the end as a spur to push on.

Felt dead legged to start with but after the first hill started to get into a rythmn and could see I was getting closer to Jack.  First km in 3:02.  Overtake Bec, then Kirst and close in on Jack.  Then suddenly at 2km a big group of us close in together - with Jack, Jamie, Sophie, Anthony (Sophie's boyfriend) and me all in a line.  2nd km was 3:00.  Had it been a 2km handicap it would have been perfect. But thankfully it was 2.42km.  I overtook them and Jack jumps on to my shoulder.  I tried to drop him straightaway not wanting a sprint finish but he still keeps up.  We're going pretty quickly now and the final drag uphill approaches and Jack drops off so now it's only Gill, Alec and, can it be so, Charlie! in front.  I pass Gill but that's it.  Chuffed to see Charlie take out the win but a great effort by all.

Here are the results:

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Bit of speed

Have been getting very stiff recently from not stretching and plodding around at the same pace the whole time.  So decided to throw some speed in today.

Longer warm up on McKinnon Oval then ran to the synthetic track at Duncan Mackinnon Reserve and did 4 x 400m.  Wasn't expecting much as it was early doors and that's what I got.  Times went:

66.0, 65.2, 64.8 and 64.1.

Felt better afterwards.  10km all up.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Long run with the fambily

Ran up to Malvern East station with Jamie and Jack, met Alec, ran a loop of 8km through fields, ovals and bush tracks then ran back home solo with three loops of Duncan Mackinnon Reserve for 26.7km all up.  Just over 2 hours (4:36's).

Friday, December 26, 2014

Boxing Day

Wasn't going to let Brighton get the better of me.  Ran to the beach down North Road, 4km down to Brighton Beach station then back via South Road.  Nice and easy, couldn't go wrong today.  16.5km in 1:11 (4:21's).

Now at the MCG with the boys, Alec and Dad watching the Boxing Day test.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Geographically challenged

Melbourne is dead easy to navigate.  Unlike Sydney, it's built on a grid system, with all roads going North to South or East to West.  It's because it's dead flat, which adds to the ease of lifestyle.  Check it out here:

So apart from the Nepean Highway cutting a swathe across the middle, it's dead straight forward.  So this morning I decided to run from McKinnon to the beach (due West), along the bay a bit (I can't call it a beach being from Manly) and then back home.  All went well, running parallel to North Rd and reaching the bay in perfect early morning weather.  Then I ran back, heading due East.  Except, after an hour, I find myself in a suburb I didn't recognise (Hampton - which was very nice).  So I panicked a bit and ran more directly home, except I then end up in Sandringham. Which is by the Bay even further away.  So having been out for 1 hour and 15 and miles from home with no idea how to get back, I did a Rob Costello and caught a taxi.

Take a look at the map again.  It's all NSWE grid lines apart from a random section in Brighton which looks like a fault line or earthquake has hit it.  That was my problem.

15km, probably.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Set off from McKinnon, ran along McKinnon Road, reached Duncan McKinnon Reserve, did 4 and a bit loops, then back along McKinnon Road to McKinnon.  These Victorians need some spice in their lives.

10km in 38:44 today.  Was feeling more and more sprightly as the run went on.  The splits tell it:  4:23, 4:15, 4:04, 4:03, 3:53, 3:55, 3:37, 3:46, 3:31, 3:13.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014


The reason those ACT boys are so fit is the god damn hills. 

Camped at Cotter River Campsite, got up early, ran around and about including up towards a huge dam then up a massively steep hill that went on for 1.5km.  Went off on a fire trail at the top and was treated with some classic Aussie landscapes that begged to be looked at.  Then a lovely run down the hill to finish off.  Beaut of a run.  But dead slow. 

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Long run and a Parkrun

No Barts this morning so forced myself out at 6.15am thinking Justin may be waiting.  But alas no.  So did a longish warm up of 8km bumping into good old Richie High with his family doing a Christmas Parkrun.

Set off on Parkrun and felt really good for a change.  I was running solo from 200m but felt strong enough to push the pace today.  16:24 all up so not bad for me running solo.  I'm usually the world's biggest pussy unless I have someone to chase.

Did another lap of the course with Richie, then an extended run home via Shelley Beach for 30km all up.  No dip in the ocean or b&e rolls today so took Mags and Claude out to Splat for a slap up break instead.  Nice.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Friday funk

Out early from home again.  Planned on the usual 10km flat loop but bumped into Macca after 2km so ran with him instead.  We sorted out the world's problems and then it was done.

55km for week.

Wednesday wanderings

Slacked off the running this week due to work commitments, parties and, frankly, taking stock after the horrific events of Monday which I was almost a part of.  Wandered out on Wednesday morning with Dicky and Macca with Dicky leading the way.  Dicky doesn't like to tell you what the route is.  In fact, most times I think he just makes it up as he goes along, particularly if he can find a random path to run down or, better still, a large hill to run up.

But it was nice to get out and managed about 17-18km all up.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Sore Sunday

So the 27km plus swim at Queensie and bacon & egg roll to follow is becoming a bit of a ritual.  Just me, Barts, Macca and Justin this morning.  Beaut of a day once the sun came out but the run was a real struggle despite taking yesterday off.  Sore and tired the whole way.  Fortunately everyone felt the same so the pace never dipped below 4:30's.

Friday's Super Series lunch was great but a big day.  Headed to The Bucket List with the beautiful cool people post lunch.  As you can see, we fitted right in.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Cashing in

10km early doors around Manly.  Very easy.  Good to see Jenny Whickham out running again.

Lunch today courtesy of CT and Barts at Sean's Panorama off of my Super Series win.  Oh happy days!  Afternoon off work, recognising that I always struggle to concentrate after lobster and champagne.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Redback HuRTS

Putting the paper bin out this morning and had to move a few large bits of soggy cardboard and, in doing so, I came face to face with the biggest redback I've ever seen.  Seriously, it was the size of a 50 cent piece and was 10 inches from my face.  I bricked myself. 

But on to today's session.  1km reps around Rushcutters in the rain.  Very low turnout with only Q, Barts, Jeet, Big Kev, TKS, JW, Renee and a couple of dudes I didn't know showing up.  6 x 1km off a rolling 5mins.  Q, Barts and I took it in turns to lead out each rep.  They went:

3:04, 3:03, 3:02, 3:01, 3:04, 2:56

Took my shoes off at halfway and felt magic running on the soggy wet grass in the second half.  If I could run barefoot without my achilles blowing up my life would be complete.  Darling Point cool down with Barts, Q and Jeet for 12km all up.

Picture of me and my new chick from one of my many recent boozy dinners:

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Run swim Wed

A run out to Redleaf pool the long way with Mikey, JW and A.N. Other, quick swim then a run back to the office.

14.75km at a very easy pace.

Tuesday, December 09, 2014

HuRTS 2 x 20mins

The mojo has gone.  I've fallen off the wagon.  Was a struggle just to show up today.  But then all the big boys arrived so had to join in.  CT was off like a shot leaving Quentin, Barts, Dick Mullaney and myself chasing.  We were going too quick around Farm Cove so I backed off, thinking Dick was on my tail but it turned out to be Fats.  Reached exactly 6km at 20mins (the big corner on Hickson Rd) about 20s behind Quentin and Barts.  They came to join me for the return.  I did all the work on the way back and pushed ahead up the final hills to get back in 19:49 (9:55 for the final gate to gate).  So in the end a solid session in the heat and humidity.  Body feels it now.

5km warm down for 18km all up.

Now out for another boozy dinner.

Ooh, but check this out.  Enda has designed, commissioned and purchased a T-Shirt to celebrate his sporadically successful season.  Macca is not amused:

Monday, December 08, 2014

"You don't get this in Centennial"

Sunday morning.  That was the phrase Barts must have said two dozen times.  27km up the beaches and back via the lake and Cromer with Barts, Quentin, Macca, Craig, Justin and J-Fen.  Finished with a dip in the ocean and a bacon & egg roll and coffee at Emporio.  Perfect start to the day.  You don't get that at Centennial.

HuRTS Beer Mile

I The The heavens opened.  Lightning struck all around.  But nothing was going to stop the inaugural Beer Mile.  After an eternity in the bottle shop at Potts Point trying to decide on a beer (Budweiser won - correct size and vol and not a beer I would ever want to drink again), we arrived to find a decent crowd.  Jono, Fast Charlie, LF Charlie, Quentin, CT, Macca, Muz, Renaud, Adrian, Alex Abell, Sonya, Zoe Williams, Jackie O and Greg.

I had one aim.  Not to get chicked.  I can't drink quickly for the life of me.  So settled on a tactic of many swills, many burps, then run as hard as I could once the burps were done.  The gun goes, everyone knocks their beers back and it's me, Sonya and Muz still trying to finish ours.  Check out the video.  Last beer took an eternity but in the end I quite enjoyed the whole experience.  Wasn't as painful as I thought it would be, and the delayed impact of the alcohol means you're quite euphoric afterwards.  So we had some more beers at the Cross.

This will become a regular event.  For the record, Jono beat Charlie in a great sprint finish, Jackie O can down her beers better than anyone and I avoided getting chicked.

Some photos - the finish:

No one wants to be chicked:

Friday, December 05, 2014

Zatopek B Race - 2nd in 32:28

Flew down to Melbourne at lunchtime and had a few client meetings in the afternoon - wandering around the city concerning myself with how warm it was.  Made my way out to Moonee Ponds at 6pm and caught up with Gill, Sophie and Jack, registered then did a warm up.  It was cooling a bit but I was still sweating on my 2km warm up.  Sun hid behind a cloud just as we lined up to start which was a relief.  Then we were off.

My aim was for 75/76 laps to get to 5000m in 15:45.  Went into the lead at 200m and first lap was 75, then 2:31 at 800m and 3:08 at 1km.  There was a bit of wind down the home straight so the first 200m of each lap was always a bit quicker than the 2nd.  At 1km I started to pull ahead of the field.  2km in 6:21.  3km in 9:32.  Then I started to struggle.  I was dropping to 79s laps and with no-one to run with was just feeling jaded in the conditions with no zip.  Then at 5km I can hear a chap catching me up.  WTF?  Where did he come from?  Sure enough he comes past at 6km, I stick with him for 600m before he sails ahead (he ended up negative splitting - 16:10 then 15:57).  Now, when I was a kid my brothers and I watched my Dad run one of his few track 10kms where he had a large lead for the entire race before he was hunted down and outsprinted in the home straight.  So with Alec, my elder brother, watching on tonight, the only thing I was thinking when this chap came last was thank God it was at 6km and not the final lap.  I would never have lived it down.  "You're just like Dad!" and how he would have laughed.

So then I plodded on, albeit slightly spurred on by having someone to chase.  But 10,000m on the track just grinds on and on - far less comfortable this time around than when racing Barts back in March at Homebush.  How I wished he was here now.  He would have hated these conditions more than me.  At one point I ran past a few girls who were sat lounging around on the high jump mat just inside the track and heard one of them say; "this thing goes on forever!". I almost said out loud; "you're not wrong pet, and you don't have to run it".  But eventually I get to 8km (26:01) - two sub 3's and I could still do this I chuckled to myself.  29:18 at 9km (the announcer had a loudspeaker calling out lap times but given everyone was so strung out it was a constant talking clock) and a token pick up of pace at the end to finish it off.

Massive thanks to my nephew (and Blog writer) Jack for calling all my lap times and general encouragement.  I could hear the disapproval in his voice when a couple of 80's crept in.  

Would I do it all again?  You betcha.

Proud Dad as Billy made School Prefect today:

Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Easy strides

Joined the HuRTS for their 3min reps session and jogged around at the back for 8 of them with a few strides thrown in.  10km all up.

Monday, December 01, 2014

More 400's

Tiger massage in the am and then down to Rushcutters with Timmy for 400's off a rolling 2 mins on the Oval.  Almost a full loop which the Suunto measured at 440m but I think was probably about 4 seconds over.  Times went:

74.9, 73.4, 74.3, 74.1, 74.1, 74.3, 74.5, 72.9, 73.8, 71.9

Felt OK.  10km all up.

Squeezing in

Just a steady 10km squeezed in between Nippers and Kirst's surprise birthday party.  Felt pretty good and a great day.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Perfect start long run

29km up the beaches and back via e lake with Quentin, Barts, Macca and Erika.  4:30 pace.  Legs still tired towards the end mind.  Plenty of chat to keep us all entertained, with Erika getting very excited about finding a spot of trail around Narrabeen lagoon.  We passed the greasy spoon near Brookie Oval which turned the conversation to bacon & egg rolls.  So after a dip in the ocean at Queenscliff we rounded the tun out with a large coffee and b&e roll at Emporio, bumping into Charlie D too.  Perfect start to the weekend.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Nolans 1km reps

Up at sparrows fart again for 6 x 1km reps off a 2min rest at Nolans.  Planned to meet the boys at 5:45am.  I was 2 mins late and no one was there.  But before I could mentally finish the phrase "you beauty, I'm going back to bed" up pops Dicky, then Quentin and then Macca.  Bit of a warm up then into the session.

The first rep is always a bit of a heart starter at 6am having been awake for half an hour.  Saw the time and thought this is going to be tough.  Then put the same effort into the next rep and it's almost 10s quicker.  Amazing what a bit of blood flow can do.

First 3 reps had a long section into the wind so we reversed direction for the next 3 and the times quickened.  They were (per km):

3:17, 3:08, 3:09, 3:02, 3:01, 3:05

Ran them all with Quentin.  Very tired at end.  Tough on that surface.

6km warmdown with Macca and Q for 13km all up.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Run swim run swim run swim run

Out at 5.30am to meet Macca, Erika, Quentin and Jake Stollery (serious triathlete) for the session mentioned in the header.  Ran to North Curly pool then swam 4 lengths freestyle.  Then Erika got some minor crustacean in her foot and Q and Jake (with the longest fingernails - Macca and I are obviously much more nervous, and less feminine, chaps) tried unsuccessfully to extract it.  So she was to hobble home.

We ran to South Curly pool for another 4 lengths freestyle (at least that's what I did - I think Jake did 8 in the same time).  Then we ran to Freshie and rather than go in the pool we swam out about 75m then did a length of the beach.  Decent swell here so I reverted to breaststroke managing to hold on to Macca's ankles.  Jake at this stage was approaching New Zealand.

Finished off with a run home for 13km all up.  Got home to find Kirst heading out to Splat with the kids for brekkie so joined them to top off a fab morning.

Claudia and Kirst after Claudie's nativity play this morning.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

HuRTS 4 x 10mins

Or, actually, Gate to Gates.  Off 2 mins rest.

Fair crowd but good group upfront with Tucks, Jono, Q, Crossy and Barts all in.  Jono took it out aggressively and I imagine Barts and Macca are feeling a little less comfortable about their $1000 bet that Jono won't run sub32 for 10km by July next year after today's session.

I just stuck in the group but was running the hills well and came back in front on reps 2 and 4.  Times were:

9:30, 9:45, 9:30, 9:47

That's quick for a humid and slightly windy day.

I've hit a bit of form at exactly the wrong time of year but discovered the Zatopek 10,000m B race is on next Thursday in Melbourne.  As there are effectively only two 10,000m track races a year in Aus, this is too good an opportunity to turn down and try to run a sub32.  Alec (LTOB) has already volunteered Jack to be my lap counter.  Just got to run it by Kirst...

Long warmdown with MC, Barts, Kanser and recently returned Aussie rep English Andy for 17km all up.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Run bike home

Too busy at work to run at lunch so in the evening while dodging lightning I ran to Manly then biked home.  14km untimed.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

You can never predict it

Hugely hot and humid today but felt magic on my 10km run.  Wore the Wave Rider 18's with no heel raises and was bouncing along on my toes.  42:00.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Long run and a Parkrun

Out at 5.45am with Macca and Ben.  It was a steamy night and I'd had a few beers after the ferry with Charlie D and some more at home watching Pride & Prejudice so wasn't feeling the sharpest first thing.  We wandered around and about down to Shelly and up to Curl Curl.  Thought I may be able to cruise around for the win but saw Sam Walker on the start line so knew that wouldn't happen.

Ran first km with Sam but he then started to pull ahead and I wasn't mentally ready for a hard run so ran it as a tempo in 17:07.  Macca, Ben and I had a bit of a chat with the Parkrunners after, trying to extricate ourselves from a bloke running 21mins for 5km telling us we should be running in minimal heel drop On shoes.  Also had a chat to the lovely Carla (Quentin's other half) who expressed surprise that Quentin should be awarded Male Performance of the Year without consulting her.  She has a sense of humour that girl.

Did a few more km afterwards to bring it up to 26km for the morning in 1:56:17 (4:28's).  Ended perfectly by jumping into the ocean at Queenscliff with Macca to ease the legs.

Friday, November 21, 2014

8 x 800m plus HuRT Squad Awards

Well, the first session of the day was in the heat over at Rushcutters at lunchtime.  8 x 800m off a rolling 4mins.  First group was Tucks, Crossy, me, Timmy, Jono O'Loughlin and another chap.  Ran them all pretty consistently feeling OK.  Tucks helped push the pace on the last one which, for someone with OCD like me, spoiled the statistics a bit, as the times were:

2:26, 2:26, 2:26, 2:26, 2:26, 2:26, 2:26, 2:23.

Jog there and back for 11km all up and 93km for the week.

Then it was on to the HuRT Squad Awards.  Great night chatting about running and not much else.  Charlie started the evening with a heartfelt speech.  Elle scared us all by fainting.  Mikey scared us all by buying a drink at the bar.  Timmy scared us all with his shirt.

The winners were:

Male Performance of the Year:  Quentin
Female Performance of the Year:  Erikakaka
Ultra Performance of the Year:  Tucks
Most Improved:  Renee
Spirit:  Timmy
Serg Award:  Mikey
Triathlete:  Pete W

Notice how the top gongs go to the Northern Beaches chapter of the HuRT Squad.  Hardcore.

LJ, Wildman, 'Lil Jimmy and Benny Saint 
Timmy telling LJ off for losing her trophy.  LJ not looking too fussed.
Sonya, Mikey, Erikakaka and Elle, all laughing at one of my great gags.

Adrian, Gretski, LJ (is that the world's longest necklace?), Erika, Birchy and Barts.

And later in the evening when we should all be in bed, Kanser, Fats, Timmy and Barts.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wednesday MLR

Up at dawn for 16.5km around North Head with Macca and Justin.  Beaut of a morning.  77mins (4:40's).

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

HuRTS Progressive Tempo

Tired again today but need to stop being such a moaning ninny, so I shall mention it no more.

Intended to take it easy and that's how it started with no-one taking up the pace.  Tucks and Jono Windsor were in front with me, Macca and Hoey a short distance behind.  Ran past Francoise Hollande  (that's one for my eldest brother) and the tricolor nr Mrs Macs Chair and we were all together again.  Continued this way until the turn at 23.15 at the far edge of the 2nd bridge on the Hickson Rd bend.  Pace immediately picked up with Jono and Tucks pushing it and me and Hoey behind with Macca starting to drop off.  Stayed this way all the way back and around Farm Cove but on the hills on the way back we first went past Jono then passed Tucks on the hill nr the Art Gallery.  Not often you can say you passed Tucks on a hill.  In fact, I think it's the first time I've ever said it.

Finished on 44:22 so a solid hit out.  Then did a long warmdown with Mikey and Slapstick for 18km all up.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday plod

Very tired after the weekend, so managed only an 11km jog with the sizeable HuRTS crew.  Felt better after a bit of a stretch mind.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Hot and longish

25km up around North Head and around and about on the flat.  1:50(ish) - it was 4:22's.  Felt fine but running long(isn) by yourself just gets a bit boring after a while.  Got tired towards the end - amazing how dropping back the kms on the long runs has an affect after only 2-3 weeks.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Curl Curl Parkrun - 2nd in 15:53

Had a few beers last night, first on the ferry home then at a Mike Baird fundraiser at the Golf Club.  So wouldn't have fronted up for Parkrun this morning but for the fact I'd promised Barts I'd be there.  Met Macca, Justin, Jamie, Quentin and Jamie's mate on the run there.  We all stood around before the start wondering why we'd bothered.

Then we're off.  Suddenly I didn't feel too bad.  Barts set a quick pace from the start.  First km in 3:04, then 2nd km with me leading in 3:06.  Then Quentin comes through for the tricky km on the grass and it's a still solid 3:16.  I push up the hill and back around the loop for a 3:11.  Then Barts comes past, before I go past him again before the bridge.  Then he puts a real effort in over the bridge (600m to go) and I give up.  Q comes past.  I tell Q I'm gone and he should push on to catch Barts.  Then Q blows up and I go past him again.  So it finished Barts, me then Q in 15:46, 15:53 and 15:57.  Can't be too often you get 3 under 16 at a Parkrun.  Happy enough with the course PB.  Barts is smiling like a Cheshire Cat.  We try and tell him it was a dead rubber of a race but he's having none of it.  Fair enough.

Then we all jogged over to South Curly Ocean Pool and swam a couple of lengths before jogging around the foreshore to Queensie before Justin and I head home.  Great start to the day.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Hot and easy

Hot today (35C apparently although didn't feel that high) so the run was the long route to Redleaf pool, bit of a paddle then run home.  13.5km with MC, Jonathan L, Hoey, Charlie meeting 'Lil Jimmy, Smolly and Champ at the pool.  Very easy pace (5min km+) which suited me perfectly.  Apart from beers on the ferry home, it was the best part of the day.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

JPMorgan CC - 4th in 17:05

So the big event rolled around once again.  But for once I had no excuses.  Managed to put together a great training block from mid-September after recovering from man-flu and, with a good 5km TT and hit out at Lane Cove, was feeling confident and in good form.  But then the day rolls around, I get incredibly nervous and doubts start creeping into your head.  So just concentrated on the plan.  I knew there'd be a big group of us - Alex Rogers, Quentin, Barts, CT, Crossy, Muz, Clarkey, Tucks and Brett Halls all fighting it out while the superstars (Dent, Hunt and Thurston) raced off ahead.  I guessed we'd still all be together at 4km, so the plan was to take it relatively easy up the first hill so as not to blow too early, then just to nail myself from Fox Studios Gates onwards to see what anyone had left.  Nice and simple.

Arrived with about 30mins to go, did a bit of a warm-up with Hoey and Jeet, just in time to get in the annual HuRT Squad photo:

Got nervous on the start line.  Then we're off.  Quick start but deliberately take it relatively easy up the hill as per the plan.  But round the Paddo Gates corner just behind Alex with Q, CT and Barts all around.  We seem to form a little group already.  I catch Alex's heels and apologise on the way up to Woollahra Gates, and notice people are working a bit on that little uphill section so am encouraged.  This is the group (Alex, me, CT, Barts and Quentin) rounding the Woollahra Gates corner:

Then holey moley!  To borrow from David Coleman, Alex just opens his legs and shows his class!  He flies down the hill, with CT following him.  I literally just can't keep up.  But as we gather back on Grand Drive, CT falls back into the group leaving Alex about 10m ahead of us.  As we hit 3km, I start to think that this race is really quite short, we're over half way through and unless we make an effort to catch Alex he's just going to drift ahead and it's going to be too late.  So I make a real effort to bridge the gap - secretly also thinking that if I catch Alex we will work together and it will give me a chance to break from Barts, CT and Q.  I catch Alex at about 3.5km and he looks quite surprised.  Then something happens that decides the race for me.  Anna FitzGerald is standing on the side of the road.  Now I'm a big fan of Anna, so I wait for a friendly "Go on lads!" or a "Well done Alex, well done Tom!", but instead I hear; "Go on Alex, don't let him get away".  Anna!  What happened?  I'm angry now!  We go through 4km and I can see Fox Studios Gates ahead and the slight incline that goes with it.  Here it is:

So the plan was always to nail myself from here, and that's what I do.  Is Alex dropping?  I can't tell.  Maybe he is?  He's bound to be quicker in a sprint, so I have to keep on piling on the pressure.  Through the 5km marker.  Christ, when will this gap in the fence ever appear?  I can't hear him now.  Through the gap in the fence.  Careful not to slip on the gravel.  Hit the grass then start sprinting for the line.  Can't let anyone come past now.  Cross the line and do 6 above the head fist pumps.  Barts and I had discussed this beforehand.  Whoever won between us was going to do some sort of celebration.  I was thinking pistols before hand, but in the heat of the moment it was skyward fist pumps. 

Then turn around to watch everyone come in.  Quentin pips Barts on the line for 6th place.  You'd normally back Barts in a sprint finish, but I've learned to my cost not to leave it too late against Q.  CT faded in the final 2km for 9th.  First woman (Lucy Starrat) comes in then guess who pops up for 2nd?  LJ's secret training has paid off.  Only just back from injury and she almost runs a PB for second place.  Fantastic stuff.  If anyone loves this event more than me it's LJ.  There's PB's galore (and the inevitable questioning of distance) but having done this race so many times and knowing where they always place the start and finish lines I don't think there was any significant change.  Maybe the finish line was a bit further up but it wouldn't make more than 5s difference.  I think people ran fast because it was unseasonably cool. 

Great to see Erika smash it in 20:23 for 4th place girl and getting a win over Greta into the bargain.  Standout performances from Jeet (19:16) and Charlie D (21:26) and a good comeback run for J-Fen in 18:47.  Also shouldn't forget Wildman's 16:35.  That's as quick as he ran when he won it, yet his comeback this time has been much shorter.  Great to see him battling it out with the likes of Marty Dent and Jeff Hunt.

Then we at some burgers and drank lots of beer and talked crap.  Here's some photos of us doing that:

It's getting rowdy.

 Barts, Wildman, Kanser, Durante and Jeff Hunt.

This fella dreaming of winning Coast to Kosci.

Big Bill Batt.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

More strides

10km including 6 x 45s strides with the HuRT Squad.

Monday, November 10, 2014


Rushcutters 8 x 200's (strides) with a longer jog home.  11km.  Left hammy a bit sore.

Sunday, November 09, 2014

Catch up


10km very easy including massage.


21.1km in 1:41 with Craig, Q, Justin and Erika.

Thursday, November 06, 2014

HuRTS 4 x 2km

Legs smashed from sprinting with the young 'uns yesterday.  Turned up to HuRTS just to cruise through so ran with Erika.  7:21, 7:20, 7:20, 7:11

11km all up.

Had to pull out of State 3km.  A surprise 40th has been sprung on me.  Also coming down with a sore throat.  Arggghhhhh!

Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Training with Junior Striders

Caroline Yarnell asked if I'd like to help out with training the Junior Striders.  Given they meet at Passmore Reserve (effectively my backyard) and it's something I've been keen to get into, I jumped at the chance.  Also this week it fits into my plan of dropping the mileage and increasing the quality.

So turned up after a 2km warmup and we did what Caroline called "1km pickups".  The route was the path around Passmore Reserve, so 1km is 1.5 laps.  You get into teams of 3.  First guy runs half a lap and is joined by the second guy.  They both run half a lap together and you're then joined by the third guy.  All three run half a lap together where the first guy drops out, etc.  Effectively it means you're doing 1km reps with the rest between being the time it takes one of the guys to run a full lap.  In practice, as you're picking up and dropping your teammates as you go, the pace is kept pretty constant.

I was with the 2 fastest juniors - Luke and Kieran.  My first couple of reps were pretty manic (2:57 pace) as Luke and Kieran were showing the bravado (and speed) of youth.  As the reps went on, their enthusiasm and pace waned a bit and it felt increasingly easier.  My pace times went 2:57, 2:57, 3:03, 3:03, 3:09, 3:03.  Then we did some relays (3 x 250m) and some run-throughs.

Was good fun and had a good chat with some of the kids later on.  About 9km all up.

Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Melbourne Cup

Well, had originally planned 400's at 11.30am.  But with work manic and Jamie offering an alternative session in my backyard, I couldn't turn it down.  Only probably was that it started at 5.40am.  I've never tried to run fast at 5.40am, other than when I haven't actually been in bed beforehand and have challenged someone to a drunken race.

So, Jamie, Quentin, Macca, Amy, Erika and I met at Nolans for 6 x 1km reps on the grass off a 2min rest.  Marked out a rough track (which was closer to 1.1km) and straight into it.  The way each rep would go would be Q would go off fast, I would catch him at about the half way point then take the lead, then he would come back at me in the final 100m.  Times for each 1km mark were:

3:16 (bit of a heart-starter)

Had woken up by then.  Finished with a 5km warmdown and was home by 6:40am.  But still managed to be late for work.

Monday, November 03, 2014

Monday long 'un

So Sunday was my first day off in 3 weeks.  Kirst was away.  Legs were fairly smashed from the 10km the day before so enjoyed the morning watching Maggie kick ass at Nippers, breakfast at Splat!, some gentle house-tidying then rode over to Erskineville on my good bike for Timmy's BBQ.  Beautiful day and a great spread put on by Timmy.

So did the long run this morning.  Basically did a loop to Shelly Beach and back then ran to Erskineville to pick up the bike a ride back to work.  28km all up in 2:03 something.  Averaged 4:26's.  Actually felt great after a day's rest.  But hard work coming through the City with all the stop starts which slowed things down.  Caught John Bowe at the top of Spit Hill and ran with him for a bit.  Passed Hugh Williams going the other way on the Harbour Bridge.  Then Timmy laid on a cup of tea and a warm spicy chicken roll to top the morning off.

Saturday, November 01, 2014

Striders Lane Cove - 2nd in 33:28

So with Kirst away this weekend, I leaned on Barts' wife Sam to look after the younger kids so I could race.  Rocked up to his place on a weirdly hot morning.  Everyone looked a bit apprehensive in the "warm-up", realising it was going to be a tough day in the office with temperatures at about 25C at 7am on the start line.  Great crowd in attendance with Neil, Quentin, Barts, Dave C, Fats, Enda, Macca, Timmy, Ben, Banksy, Erika, Elle, the Tiger and Amy.  Enda once a gained regaled us with all his illness woes and we groaned accordingly.

My plan was to tuck in early and not do any work until at least 4km and the hill that follows.

So off we went.  No-one seemed to want to lead so Neil drifted to the front.  The pace felt fine but it was never comfortable thanks to the weather.  Up Scribbly Gums (they seem to place the turn around cone higher up the hill each time) then back down and Dave and Neil get about 4 or 5 yards on Barts, Q and I.  Could see that Enda was just in front of Fats going quite well.  Timmy also travelling OK.  

I'm really struggling between 3 and 4km, hating the conditions and just wanting to drop out.  But then Neil comes back to us and Barts drops off on the hills up to 5km, so I push on with just Q coming along.  Work the downhill around the top corner and feel like I'm getting a bit of a gap but Q always fights back.  Stays this way until 8km when he tries to push ahead so I wait until the final hill and push on from the top of it.  Suddenly I've got a proper gap and concentrate on Dave in front.  Feel average the whole way but happy with the result and time in the conditions.  

Barts struggled in the heat and Q went better post Marathon than I was expecting, but then he always gives 100%.  Watch the finishers come in and wonder where Enda is?  Macca comes in, then Timmy and Ben.  But still no Enda.  We even do a warmdown and can't see him.  Eventually find this wreck lying on the grass at the finish line.  Turns out he blacked out at 8km, rolled down a hill into a bush and was out cold for a few minutes with the runners behind unaware and running on past.  Far out!  He's got blood, a dirty face, and everything.  For all his moaning, this was a genuine "give it all" performance.  He couldn't have scripted it better!

Great run by Lewis Ingram who gets better each race.  Also good to see Erika on the podium although she wasn't happy with her time.  But no one was today.

The squad:

Barts, Neil, Erika, Macca, Elle, Timmy, Enda, Paulie Hanley, Me, Brendan and Birchy.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Very easy

Very easy 10km with TKS, Pommy Paul and Sonya around the wharves on a stunning day.

So battle resumes tomorrow at the Lane Cove 10km with Barts and Neil, with Quentin being thrown in for good measure.  Looks like Hoey is out though.    Tactics will be very different to Wednesday night.  Hang on and hope basically.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Running with Champs

So I turned up late to the Rushcutters 6 x 1km set which I was just going to jog in any case.  Latched onto Elle for the first (2nd) rep seeing Wildman pushing upfront with some chap on his shoulder.  Who could this be?  Quentin was 20m further back.  Barts also taking it easy?  I was confused.  Finished the rep to say hello to Holt Hardy!  Where has this fitness suddenly come from?

For the younger members of the audience, Holt and Steve were both pushing for Australian selection at the Sydney 2000 Olympics - Holt in the 1500m (he's a 3:38 man at his best) and Stevie in the 3000m Steeplechase.  Both narrowly missed out, but are class acts and both getting some form back.  Thurston's we knew about.  Holt's was a surprise.  Turns out he's aiming for the JPMorgan race.  Who would have thunk it?  Gary Howard take note.  This isn't the cowboy race you always claim it to be.

Jogged around chatting to Barts and Charlie.  Nice and easy 10 all up.  A few beers with Charlie tonight with Durante promising a show but failing to deliver.  Old habits are creeping back in.  Maybe Timmy still has a chance.

Good to see LJ back out there again.  And Happy Birthday to TKS.  

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Rozza 5000m TT

And so, I decided that the answer to the conundrum in the last post was to wind it up with 2 laps to go and hope for the best.

And that's how it went.

Turned up tonight the usual bag of nerves.  Not sure why I rev myself up so much for these track time trials.  Conditions were pretty good, a bit of wind but temperatures were about 18C.  The only issue was the big group doing 800's at about 4:15 pace which we would have to navigate our way through after their coach refused to ask them to run in lane 2.

Barts, Neil, Jason and Rich Mullaney all showed up, so it was a small but quick group.  Not sure why it's not more popular.  I still think a quick 5km does wonders for your fitness (and confidence).  Paulie Hannell and Greek George kindly showed to timekeep so i wouldn't be making the mistake I made against Quentin last time out.

Off we went and Barts goes to the front.  First lap - 72s.  Second lap - 72s.  Third lap (according to George) - 72s.  Even in my oxygen depleted state I figure he's reading the top line of his iPhone for lap times which is just repeating the first lap! Sure enough, it wasn't until lap 6 that we deviated from 72s according to George!  Having said that, we did go through 1km quickly in 3:01.  I overtook Barts at this stage and led from then, but with Barts right on my heels the whole way.  Going into 3km, I'm aware of two people behind, have a quick look and, sure enough, Jason is still hanging on.  All doubts go through your head at this stage - I'm doing all the work, they're both cruising, I'm going to blow and they're going to sail by.  But at some stage Barts shouts out "how many to go?".  I've got no idea, and tell him so, but start to think he's finding this uncomfortable.  I knew nothing would happen until 2 laps to go.  So with 1km to go I start to think about picking it up.  With 2 to go I start to make a concerted effort. With 600m to go I'm aware a small gap is created, so hit a lap to go and really start to push, especially down the back straight.  Knowing Barts has a great kick finish, all I'm thinking is that I want to make him work really hard for this.  Barts often talks about just closing his eyes and going all out towards the end of a race, so with 150m to go, and still with a gap, I do the same.  The legs are wobbly but I hold on.  There may even have been a fist pump.  15:26:15 to Barts' 15:26:80.

Stoked with the time and PB.  You must always celebrate PBs.  Jason held on very well for a 15:48 and looks so smooth running 3min kms. Neil ran a PB less than 2 weeks after a 2:27!  Rich M is heading the right way with a 16:45.

Here's the splits:

And here's the squad:

By the way, there's a new Blog on the block, and it's good.  Check out Hoey's. 2:35 man and low 34 10km with plenty more to come as he has youth on his side.

Easy HuRTS


Turned up just to jog the 2 x 20mins in prep for time trial tonight.  All up about 12km including 2km warm down, chatting all the way.

So CT is out of tonight's 5000m TT.  So far, just Barts, Jason, Rich Mullaney and TKS are confirmed but we'll see who turns up.  I'm guessing Barts will employ very similar tactics to our State 10,000m race back in March.  So how do you beat a guy:

(a)  who is in good form;
(b)  who has a better sprint finish; and
(c)  who is likely to stick to your back the entire race?

Monday, October 27, 2014

More 400's

Well Timmy bailed.  Despite all his good intentions and even mentioning on his own blog post yesterday, he comes up with; "you could have given me more notice!" this morning when I text him.  I'm almost willing to put the house on Durante now.  This made me think as I was running over that we refer to people as a "soft cock" or a "hard ass", but we never use the opposing adjective to the same noun.

So I wandered over to Rushcutters solo.  Marked out a rough loop, which was probably about 2s longer than last Thursday's.  Then threw myself into it.  Plan was not to kill myself on the reps today because:
(a)  running solo, I couldn't be arsed; and
(b)  wanted to feel in control and concentrate on form.
Reps were mostly 78s (i'm guessing 70/71 for the 400m) with one 77 and a couple of 79s.  All of a rolling 2 mins.  Felt pretty good at the end.

11km all up.  Right knee a touch sore but I see the Tiger tomorrow am.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Easy Sunday

10km around Nolans then up to Fairlight to pick up the car from where we'd left it last night before going to a wine tasting party.

I picked the Reds but didn't know my Rieslings from my Semillons or my Sauvignon Blancs.

Kirst has come down very rapidly with suspected pneumonia.  Straight up.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

And again...

Same 30km Saturday route, this time with Barts, Justin and Craig.  Very tired early on, couldn't get the kms under 4:30.  Legs still sore from Thursday and it was humid with the temperature rising this morning.  

Picked it up from Narrabeen bridge and actually felt more comfortable running 4min kms than 4:30's.  All up 2:11 something with the final 10km about 39:30.  Had some mad chick beeping her horn at us both on the way out and back.  Turns out it was Elle.

Then watched Charlie play cricket but had no time for brekkie.  Got home and bonked on the sofa.  Far out, I was gone.  I was brought around by Bec's pancakes with lemon and sugar.  I was like Uma Thurman in Pulp Fiction, suddenly had energy to do my chores.

Might break the sugar fast tonight and take tomorrow off.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Sore, sore, sore

My groin.  Not from the double up running session yesterday, but from frog kicks doing frantic breaststroke.  Got out today with Jeet, Big Kev, TKS and Bruce for 10km around the wharves.  Big Kev is getting fit and no longer runs easy, so Jeet and I dropped off when he started running 4:15's.  I was going to up stumps at 5km, but gradually felt better and got through the 10km.

Beers on the ferry home and a couple at Manly Wharf on a beautiful Friday evening.  Charlie D was regaling us of Barts' drunken stories from a Morgan Stanley client drinks last night.  Apparently, Barts is really a 2:21 marathon man but hasn't had the opportunity to prove it.  Unfortunately I have the task of trying to keep up with this prodigious talent tomorrow for 30km.

Manly in the evening:

111km for the week.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

400's and a Biathlon

Oh happy days.

Keen not to miss my key 400's session in the build up to JPM, I turned up at lunch to a big crowd (must have been 40+) for the changed session of 400's at Rushcutters. Reg Bartley Oval was being guarded like Fort Knox, so we congregated on the football pitches adjacent and marked out our 400m circuit.  This involved 2 recce's, not least because of the sunbather at the 180m mark.

So eventually we marked out at 440m circuit (don't ask, I was flustered) and we're off.  Barts pushed the pace early.  I pushed the pace towards the end.  All done around 72/73 (probably 66's/67's for 400m) with Quentin blasting the last for a 69/70.  Solid session. Lengthy warmdown with Barts and J-Fen for 14km all up.

Then tonight it was the biathlon.  I'm busy at work.  I was tired from the lunch session.  But I couldn't face the abuse I'd get from Timmy for a no-show so I front up with 'Lil Jimmy, Sonya, Angus, Paulie H and Sam J for the torture fest of 4km running then a 300m swim.  Got boxed in early, then opened up with one random fella joining me.  He stuck with me until 3km then dropped.  I did 12:36 (near path loop) with 6:31 at halfway.  Then jumped in the pool.  Did first 50m freestyle then reverted to breastbroke.  1, 2, 3 blokes come past (one being Angus) but where is Timmy and 'Lil Jim?  I'm getting desperate, but make the final turn and have a quick look to see clear water behind me.  Oh Happy Days!  Try 3 strokes of freestyle, realise it's hopeless so revert to breaststroke and finish on the slightly annoying time of 19:00.

Then beers in my favourite pub (The Tilbury) with the boys and overall female winner Sonya before heading home.  Great night.

The transaction:

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Wednesday with some talent

Rocked up today to quite a sizeable group for a Wednesday, with Jeet, Big Kev, JW, Clarkey, Saffer Jonathan and others and a random American girl.  Turns out she's a client of Jamie Palmer's who he recommended to run with us today.  Angela someone.  She ran 2:46 at Chicago last week chasing a 2:43 qualifier for the U.S. Olympic trials.  Let's just say she looked like she could run.  Through halfway in 80:11 holy cow.

So we all speeded up to try to impress her.  Ended up doing 14.5km way too quick. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

HuRTS 1km reps

So the usual session is 14 x 3mins but with JPMorgan approaching a few of the lads were keen on changing the session to 10 x 3mins (off the usual 60s rest) and pushing them harder.  This basically works out as almost 10 x 1km.  

Well it was a who's who of the HuRT Squad today with Wildman, Tucks, Barts, CT, Quentin, Muz, Crossy, Ollie Lord, Jason R, Big Mikey H, Hoey, Enda, MC, Timmy to name but a few.  I was feeling pretty fresh having run long on Saturday and having an extra day's rest.  But best of all the new Mizuno Wave Riders had arrived in the post and, jeez, I felt bouncy for a change.  Made me realise how hard the old trainers had got after 3500km.

Wildman went off hard on the first rep and tried to keep him vaguely within reach with Barts tucking in behind me.  From there it was hard to tell how everyone was faring as we were all starting and finishing at different spots.  I knew I was travelling quickly though and by 8 I was cooked so just ran the last 2 through.  I was just about reaching 1km for each rep.  Average pace for them went as follows:

3:03, 3:01, 3:02, 3:04, 3:01, 3:02, 3:00, 3:04, 3:26, 3:22

Very happy with that.  Will continue to work on the speed as the base is there.

Long warmdown with Tucks, Quentin, Barts, CT and Slapstick for 15km all up.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Old school

Monday route but around wharves to avoid the increasingly dangerous Hickson Rd.  Ran with Andy, MC, Clarkey, JW, Renee, Elle, Ray and a host of others including, wait for it, Durante!  He only went and ran 15km.  But most impressive of all was his athleticism shortly after the turn when he hurdled a boom gate.  I kid you not.  It was the most athletic thing I've seen since Wildman threw a pool ball on a tin roof and leapt up a staircase 4 at a time.  I doubt I could have high jumped this boom gate with a squishy mat on the other side.

I immediately backed him to beat Timmy at JPMorgan.  Form is temporary.  Class is forever.

Oh, the 15km averaged 4:22's as I spent the first 2km at sub4 pace catching the group.

Finally, for the record, those on the HuRTS distribution list will have seen Timmy giving it out yet again claiming I'll be flapping about in the pool in the biathlon on Thuraday trying to avoid being chicked.  Well, to prove the hypocrisy of the man, here is a text I get from him not 24 hours previously claiming I have to give HIM a handicap!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Cream Crackered

Had a few beers and curry last night with the Manly running boys (and girl) so was a bit ropey this morning.  But no rest for the wicked as its Maggsy's birthday today so I had to prepare for a gaggle of 7yr old girls to entertain.  Managed to squeeze in 10km around Nolans and Passmore at lunch, bumping into Macca as I did.  Favour was returned as I then bumped into him on his run 2 hours later.  Actually felt pretty good today after the first couple of km.  45mins. 

Thank God this day is almost nigh.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Same again Saturday

Out with Craig Mc for the same run as a fortnight ago.  Great running conditions this morning, cool, cloudy but no breeze. Felt great today - pace very comfortable chatting until 20km then increased the pace a bit to close to 4min kms for the final 10km.

All up 30km in 2:09 - 4:19's.  Macca would be happy.  He doesn't like doing his long runs over 4:20 pace.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Early doors

Ran to work, first time from new house.  It's exactly 2km further than the old house, which is interesting to no-one but me.  Ran with Dicky but bumped into Ryan early on.  This meant we were going way quicker than I'd planned even before I met Dicky.  I've worked out that Dicky and I are incompatible because we both like to lead.  This means the pace just gets quicker and quicker.

All up 15km on an even hillier route than before in 66:59.

100km for the week and hard fought given work and travel.  Happy.

Desperately waiting for my new Wave Rider 17's to arrive.  I bought these bad boys on Feb 2nd, so I've done around 3500km in them.  They're looking a little worse for wear (check where my dodgy achilles' rubs) but have lasted incredibly well. I normally get 1000km in trainers before having to replace.

Thursday, October 16, 2014


Missed the HuRTs session due to work so took myself out at 2pm and did it solo.  No room on the pitches next to Reg Bartley Oval (which is closed for maintenance) with kids playing school sport so ran around the track on the outside of Reg Bartley, jogging to close the loop and start the next rep each rolling 2 mins. 

Felt a bit long and GMap has it at 425m:  Reg Bartley Track

Reps went:  72.4, 73.1, 72.9, 73.3, 73.2, 72.4, 73.6, 72.4, 72.4, 71.5

So that's averaging 68's which is about what I expected first up.  Will be easier when I can run with people.

Long warm-up and warm-down for 14.5km all up.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wednesday SLR

A bit over 14km today with Crossy, Kanser (yes, you read that correctly), Big Kev and JW.  As usual on a Wednesday, Crossy and JW were not hanging around and after a couple of 4:10's early on, I begged them to slow down.  Poor old Kanser didn't know what had hit him.  My legs were shattered again and had the short choppy stride going on.  Ended up doing a bit over 14km around the wharves averaging 4:16's, so we didn't slow down that much.

Continuing the theme of Melbourne Marathon stories, I received an email forwarded this morning which shows correspondence between Beaches Ben and Striders President Joe.  I'm guessing Joe was reaching out to Ben to thank him for helping one of the older Striders runners to the finish at Melbourne.  It's a great read and shows the true camaraderie of the Marathon:

"I blew up at 24km aiming for a 2.52. A training partner ran past at around 27km and tried to encourage me to stick with her [Ed:  this is Erika]. I told her that I was done; my rubber band was stretched. Thankfully she went on, ran her PB and to her race goal of 2:58. My plan B was sub 3hrs and that went at around 29km; my rubber band had snapped.  I was in a world of hurt along St Kilda Road and thought about jumping in front of a tram to end it a couple of times.  I may have even been delusional as I swear I spoke to Craig Mottram as he ran passed me pacing a buddy of his.  I walked through one of the last aid stations along there and was given some support by another fellow runner with a friendly tap on the shoulder keep at it.  Plan C came into effect which was to finish what I had started, just finish and I told myself that time did not matter.  It was around 37km just before the rise of the Tan that I then decided to take with me anyone else who I could convince that the clock did not matter anymore.  So if I saw someone walking or standing I went up to them and told them that they were coming with us and that I'd be there by their side and we would finish this together.  I would tell the group that "time didn't matter, concentrate on form and let's keep going together".  I think I picked up about 4 or 5 people and Graham would have been one of these.  I ended in 3:14:48 my second slowest marathon from 9 attempts, only slower than my debut in 2005.  Funnily I ran 17 seconds faster in Canberra in March this year pacing 3:15.  I'm ecstatic to hear that Graham achieved a Boston qualifier with a small amount of encouragement from me when I was broken, well and truly broken.

Please pass on my contact details to Graham and congratulate him on his stellar debut Melbourne marathon and Boston qualifier."