Friday, February 18, 2011

Easy Friday

Wow. Amazing how good you can feel after a few days rest and taking it easy all week. Still a bit tight in the chest and not completely over the man flu yet.

Today was the usual Monday/Friday route but cutting short up through the City when reaching CQ on the return. Rob, Marty, Craig, Indrajeet, Simon and BW were out. 53:44 for 12km.

Hoping to be well enough for a long one tomorrow morning. Dickyboy and Quentin each have plans for a long one early on, I'm trying to marry the two proposals...

45kms for the week. Bit of a step down due to illness but I probably needed the rest.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Family Photo

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The lurgy is about

Feeling slightly better again but not strong enough to cope with anything more than a jog. Did the 10km route running into the boys doing gate to gates around Farm Cove. Ran a couple of those with Timmy (i.e. eased up a bit from the jog) then saw Tucks running the other way so jogged back around Mrs Macs Chair to the office. 11.5km all up in 49 mins.

Sounds like Tucks has had the same lurgy as me, as have a few other lads in the squad. Good to see Page 3 Wildman upfront on the reps. He might need to pop down to Target and check out the bras though, he could have an eye out with those bouncing around.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tiger was right

He told me to take a day off whenever I had a hangover. I ignored him and got sick again. More Man Flu. Felt the slightest bit better this morning so jogged the 4km to Carl's for my personal training session. Just a load of stretches today with some core at the end. Hope to be feeling well enough for a proper run tomorrow. The 4km doesn't meet the CT test.

More turmoil in the Australian legal market as of today's news. I'm waiting by the phone for my call...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

By Jove

CT once said he counted anything over 30minutes as a run. On that basis, this one just sneaks in. Manly 7.5km route in 33:32 after a morning on the Golf course at Elanora. Wanted to end it from the first step. Worst run of 2011.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hungover Manly 10.2km

It was always going to be a struggle after a night out with the HuRTS boys. Wildman lived up to his reputation, Kanser didn't mention the injury once, Timmy disappointed us on the Pool table, Fast Charlie flew in from Vegas and MC lasted all of 20 minutes. I could script these things.

Today was a steady 10.2km Manly route. I say steady but about half way around I realised I'd have to work hard to get under 40 minutes so started to push it. 15:45 at Queenscliff, 21:59 at Manly SLSC and 39:54 all up (3:55's). Bumped into Thamal and had a quick chat. Sounds like he's recovering from something similar to JB - a virus brought on by over-training.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Easy Friday

Usual route with the detour due to a boat on Barangaroo. 35:08 out and 34:07 back. Easy run with Craig, Coops and Marty but felt shattered this afternoon, probably the delayed effects of yesterday.

103km for the week (due to the missed run) but high quality nonetheless.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

HuRTS Hills

Made a late change to the Hickson Road session but still had a fair turnout including JF, Brendan W, Rob, Marc, Ray, Ali, Todd and the fastest man in Erskineville.

We did some hills. Plenty of them. Followed a Sean W suggested session and marked out a 100m in the Botanical Gardens and ran 30 of them. The first 10 at 80% effort, the second 10 at 90% effort and the final 10 at 100% effort. Quick jog back down after each and a 2 minute rest between each set.

All worked out well. Pretty much all the first set were in 24s. The next set were in 22/23s and the final set in 21s with a couple of rogue early 22s. Struggled over the last final reps with Ray, Young Timmy and Todd showing me a clean pair of heels. The burglars. Where were they in the first set and a half I ask you?

Nice day today with a cooling breeze. 4km warm up and down for 14km all up.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

In like Flynn

Ray Flynn that is. Finally got my confirmation of entry into Six Foot.

Very easy 19km route around Centennial Park today with RMR, BK and Andy doing the whole thing and various others dropping off beforehand. 1:25:45. Felt pretty sprightly towards the end so pushed on a bit.

Achilles has been stiffening up a bit recently so need to watch that but right groin/sartorius issue has gone after lots of work on the glutes.

Good summary (Part 1) of racing in 2010 from Benny here

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

HuRTS 4 x 3km

Good session today. Was a bit worried backing up from 30km yesterday but legs felt OK running down Macquarie St with Laura and the UBS boys.

Ran in the front group with Quentin, Bartles, Dicky H and Andy. Quentin and I pulled ahead a little going up the hills on the first rep to finish the 10mins at the final lamppost (15m short) - 3:26 pace. We all regrouped after 2 mins to start from the Stone Gates for the return leg downhill and finished the 2.92km in 9:37 (3:17 pace). I was determined to get to the Stone Gates on the tricky third rep so pushed the pace up the hills and finished strongly with Quentin just missing out in getting there in 10:01 (3:25 pace). We had a bit of a headwind on this rep too. The last rep was just a question of holding on. Legs started to feel a bit numb but was pleased to finish pretty strongly in running the 2.92km in 9:34 (3:16 pace).

Good confidence builder as it was a solid session. Dicky H and Bartles both going well. 14km all up.

Monday, February 07, 2011

Comeback of the Century!

No, I'm not referring to my race result. But the mighty Toon's response to being 4-0 down after 26 minutes (and still at 68 mins) against Arsenal. There would have been a few celebrations in the Bigg Market after Tiote's Goal.

Queenscliff Nipper champs early yesterday with friends coming around in the afternoon (and an early start on the beers) meant no run yesterday. First day off in 2011 and my longest continuous running streak - 36 days. Made up for missing the sacrosanct long run today by doing the usual loop early by myself then joining the group (MC, LF Charlie, Bartles, Ray, Dicky H, Indrajeet, King James, Craig etc.). Very easy pace the whole way. 30km in 2:14:30.

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Sun Run

7th in 22:05(ish).

Early morning start a 6.45am kick off so Tiger picked me up at 6.00am before we picked up Quentin and Hamburglar, parking at Curl Curl before jogging the 2km to the start line. Queued for ages for the only toilet in Dee Why before lining up. It was hot this morning (again, sounding like a broken record) and very humid. I was sweating on the start line. Timmy Rowe and Vlad were there so that sorted out the first two places, but it didn't stop a load of young pretenders sprinting off the start line. I thought my legs weren't working as there were loads in front of me but started to overtake them going up the hill.

Went down the other side pretty quick but Quentin and another chap came past at the bottom and immediately gapped me. Overtook a young lad around South Curl Curl SLSC but that's the way it stayed for the rest of the race. It was bloody hilly and I just couldn't get the legs turning over fast enough. Quentin ended up in 5th about 20s in front.

First race since November and I need to do some more. Also need to do some hill work and more tempos. But generally all on track.

Friday, February 04, 2011

Old Stomping Grounds

Very slow 14km around the old stomping grounds of Balls Head (including the bush track). Team included MC, Ray, Craig (new blog referenced), Brendan, Adam Conquest, LF Charlie and Louis. 69:18.

121km for the week.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

HuRTS Pyramid

2km warm up jog to Art Gallery. Singlet and shorts soaking despite only running 5 min kms. Bloody humid and it's 37C out there now. Wouldn't fancy doing the 5000m in these conditions tonight. Jog over to Rushcutters with Tucks, Ray, Todd, Phil W, Coops, Chris G, John C and a few others for the pyramid. Decide just to cruise it today because:

(a) had the Allens swimming carnival last night followed by a few too many Coopers Pale Ales at the Tilbury; and
(b) wanted to save something for Saturday morning.

Did the first lap in 89s (3:19's) so decided just to run them all at that pace. Reps went as follows:

1 lap: 89s
2 laps: 3:02
3 laps: 4:35
4 laps: 6:00
3 laps: 4:28
2 laps: 2:57
1 lap: 84s

Felt not quite comfortable but not too hard. Beautiful running surface, mown green grass with plenty of bounce.

I performed with distinction at the swimming carnival:

50m Backstroke: Last.
Partners race (freestyle): Last.
4 x 50m freestyle relay: My team last.
50m Breastroke: 3rd in the A Division.

My 50m breastroke was faster than my freestyle (and I almost had to be fished out of the pool in the backstroke). Had a good chat with Libby Trickett who was lovely.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Steamy Wednesday

Not quite as hot as yesterday (33C) but a slight breeze today which made a huge difference. Last night was a shocker. Not a breath of wind so just lay sweating all night in a 28C sauna.

Just MC, a mate of his I'd not met before, RMR and Big Mikey H today, with MC and his mate peeling off at the first lap around Centennial. Took it very easy due to the heat just trying to get the kms into the legs. Having said all that, I felt better today than any day this year. Not an ache or pain to speak of and felt pretty sprightly. I'll put it down to the Tiger massage yesterday.

All up 1:25:38 for the 18.7km (4:34's). Good to see Big Mikey H out again. At one point he asked whether we were going to do marathon pace stretches (like the good old days). I quickly hosed down that idea. I once did this loop with him in 1:14:43 (July 30 2008).

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

HuRTS 5min reps

It was carnage out there today. With scenes reminiscent of Passchendaele, grown men were left weeping spead-eagled around Farm Cove in the 35C heat. Wildman (2 reps) - goneski. Dicky H (3 reps) - kaput. Fast Charlie (4 reps) - au revoir. Big Mikey H (6 reps) - auf wiedersehn. JF (6 reps) - ciao. It was left to the hard men of running to see this session through. Jason I, Young Timmy, Tucks, Quentin, RMR, Ray, King James and myself - all runners schooled in the University of hard knocks with diplomas in perseverance - finished all 8 and rewarded ourselves with a dip in the harbour. Best way to spend a lunchtime. There's not many cities in the world you can do that.

In truth, we started pretty easy. Big Mikey H pushed reps 3 and 4 which were our quickest. Normally we pick the pace up as we go but we were just holding on to the original pace for the final reps just trying to deal with the heat. The 90s rests would either be spent jogging to the bubbler or hiding under a tree. Massive crowd despite the conditions and great to see some old familiar faces returning.

Quentin is running on Saturday which should give me something to aim for. Only 8 promoted from the Vets waitlist for Six Foot this morning so I'm now number 9 on the list...

Monday, January 31, 2011

Getting hot, hot, hot

32C and humid today. Felt warmer. Supposed to be 38C for our 8 x 5mins tomorrow. I think a dip in the harbour could be called for.

Good crowd today including some old timers like Wildman, Killa, Tucks, MC, Clyde, Springer, Laura, Rob, King James etc. Very easy pace because of the heat. Despite the large starting group only Tucks and I actually finished the whole thing. 15.8km in 71:36.

Six Foot start list down to 893. I'm 17th on the waitlist. Could be some good news coming soon...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dee Why Dash

Up at 5.45am, jogged directly to Dee Why to work out how long it'll take me to get to the start of the Sun Run next week (28 mins), joined 6.20am group of Dee Why Dash including Flakey, RMR, Mark Fiore, Pete T, Steve Hume, Georgie, Jo Cowan. Pushed the hills as I was feeling good and there are plenty of hills on this run. Pace picked up a lot coming down Allambie road running 3:50's, stopped at Queenscliff having done 31km in 2:22.

Dipped the legs in the Pacific Ocean which felt magic, shark alarm went off so hopped out. First thing Gaz says to the kids in Under 8 Nippers is "Follow Tom for a run down the beach!". I'm shagged out and can't even keep up with the slow kids. Beautiful morning though. Walk home with the kids eventually by 11.15am and immediately fall asleep on the sofa. Best start to the day.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Saturday meanders

12km in 52:57 including 8km of barefoot running around Campbell Parade. Sartorius still feeling slightly tight so wanted more stuff easy on the legs. Beautiful day and only 25C. First time I've come back from a run not caked in sweat this year.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Easy Friday

With temperatures down to 25C and a bit of a breeze about it felt cool today and much better for running. Decent crowd turned up including Ray, Luke, King James, Craig, Marty and others. Big boat was in at Barangaroo so we did the old Hickson Road route turning near the 2km reps finish. Out in 33:45 (4:39's), back in 31:03 (4:16's) which included a pit stop for me so a couple of kms in just over 7mins to catch up with the group again. Then when I did, Luke suddenly upped the pace, we caught a random chap with 500m who didn't want to let us overtook him so it all ended with a bizarre all out sprint covering the final km in about 3:20. I guess it was just a release of a bit of pent up energy finally having some cooler weather. Everone looked a bit sheepish after that.

113km for the week.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Me and my boys

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HuRTS 4 x 2km

Another warm one out there today (30C and 70% humidity) but a decent turnout for a Thursday - the HuRT Squad seems to like the longer reps. We split the group into two with Jason, Ray, Young Timmy, Andy and I in the front group and RMR, Clement, LF Charlie, Jules and Craig among others in the second group but including a guest star showing of Enda.

The session was tough in the heat, so tough in fact that we were even subjected to the sight of Page 3 Wareham, the first time we've seen him strip down to skins. I'll be doing the same if the weather gets any hotter. Those of us without sunglasses were regretting the decision at this stage, the glare was so bright we might as well have been staring straight at the Opera House.

Felt good on the reps. Was out on my own on the first. Gave the lads a 10s start on the second to chase them down then a 15s start on the final two, with Ray showing some fight at the end of each. Reps went as follows:


Tailwind on the 1st and 3rd (with the corresponding headwind on the 2nd and 4th) made for about a 5 second differential between the two. Felt pretty controlled. Times are still well down on what I was running for the corresponding Tuesday and Thursday sessions at the end of July last year (immediately prior to City to Surf). Having said that, weather was much more benign and with the help of others pushing the pace too.

5km warm down for 15km all up.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Australia Day

Manly is bogan central. Got out early to avoid the masses and decided on an easy session today (Timmy will be pleased) with some barefoot running so repeated Sunday's run. 46:45 all up for 10.1km. Running barefoot felt fantastic on freshly mown grass that was stillslightly dewy at 7am.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

HuRTS Progressive tempo

With temperatures up to 30C, but not quite as oppressive as yesterday, it was a turnout of the hardcore today. And Wildman. No Timmy (I think he was swimming with the boys at ABC Pool), no MC (he had an itch on his hamstring), no Tucks (prefers cycling these days) and numerous others missing.

Set out with Quentin and Wildman at an easy pace with Fenton just behind being regaled with stories of back to back ironman races and 8km swims from Smolly. Turned at the road where Hickson Road bends (5.87km) so averaging 4:00's. Quentin and I were then randomly joined by some American college runner who'd flown in from Cairns that morning and asked if we were in some sort of race. The sound of another American accent was enough to spur me on a bit. He dropped off around Farm Cove and Quentin dropped back a bit on the hills back home. Reached the start point in 44:17, averaging a solid 3:32 pace on the way back which wasn't bad in the heat. Felt really good today, as if I always had another gear.

4km warm down with Andy and Quentin for 16km all up.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Easy(ish) Monday

It would have been easy, but I walked out of the office into what felt like a sauna - 33C and humid.

Each run is following a familiar pattern at the moment. Feel knackered and like crap for the first 5km, then get into a rythmn and start to feel pretty good. Today was no different other than the heat and humidity was pretty strength sapping towards the end. They were falling like flies today. I think I was the only one who managed the whole course. Variously, Timmy, Ray, Laura, Luke, MC and Craig dropped in or out.

Love the new trainers. Seem to slap my feet far less when running in them. Bit worried about my right sartorius though, which feels slightly strained near my groin. Saw Carl this morning and avoided the plyometrics and just did stretching. My right glute is very stiff which seems to have created the problem.

15.8km in 69:02.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Very easy Sunday

Was knackered all of yesterday and very lethargic after running U8 Nippers this morning, but went out in the mid-afternoon to test out my new shoes (Asics DS Trainers - have converted given Brooks have discontinued the Infiniti 2). Having said that, given my left plantar fascia has been a bit sore in the mornings I fancied doing some barefoot running to get some flexibility into the foot. So jogged down to Campbell Parade and ran some figure of 8's barefoot. The running stride changes, much shorter and higher cadence but it felt really good. Put the shoes back on to run home and that felt unnatural. Will definitely continue to give this a shot although only once a week for now as the change in running style will lead to injury if I do too much too often. My only concern is flaring up the achilles again. Removed the heel lifts in the new trainers (although still have the orthotics).

10km in 45mins all up.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Long Saturday

With Dickyboy up in the Blue Mountains, I had to fend for myself today. Was a bit worried about getting lost on the bush trails and fancied a change so just did the 3 x Manly 10km loops. Big crowd on Manly beach with the Australian Surf Life Saving Champs taking place, but plenty to distract the monotony of running a slow 30km by myself. Laps went 45:20, 44:45 and 43:42. The last laps was only quicker because I ran past a group of 15 year olds at Queenscliff on the final lap who were about to do some sort of time trial. Sure enough, they came past at North Steyne and I couldn't resist going with them.

31km all up.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Easy Friday

Just Julian, Craig and French Ben today, but JF joined in about half way around. Even bumped into MIA Greg. 14.89km in 66:29 (4:28's). Nice and easy on a beautiful Sydney day.

121km for the week.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

HuRTS Mona Fartlek

Cor blimey gov. Legs very heavy this morning. Struggled to even run for the Jet Cat. So set out for a pre-HurTS warm up only intending to cruise along at the back at 4mins per km before doing a jog warm down.

Rocked up at the start to see tumbleweed blowing across the path. Tuesday's may be swamped by runners but Thursday's certainly aren't. Maybe Mr Conway is more popular than I had thought. Maybe they're all secret training. Maybe they were all shagged after Tuesday's session. French Ben set off like a hare and I settled down to what I thought would be the back of the pack but ended up in second place pacing Luke. Adam Conquest was just behind with Ray, Brendan K, Coops, Jason I and others further back. Felt pretty comfortable averaging about 3:45's (combined for the fast and floats) on the way out. Benny French had obviously got confused as he came flying past us going the wrong way on the second 60s rep, obviously having turned too early. Picked it up a bit following the turn (just past the zebra crossing outside the Art Gallery) running with Ray and ended up at the steps at the end of the Opera House having done about 5.6km.

Then did a 4km warmdown with Luke and Ben for about 11.5km all up. Legs feel much better for having stretched them a bit with the faster running.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Heavy duty Wednesday

4km jog to Carl's at Spit Bridge then did the usual indoor plyometric session. Bus to work after that.

Couldn't get out at lunch due to a meeting so ran home tagging on the Manly route at the end to make it just over 19km. Took it fairly easy but still have the high leg cadence at the moment which is good. 1:22:25. In 2007 when I did this run regularly (with marathon pace stretches) I used to run about 82 - 83 so equivalent to today. In 2008, when I was setting most of my PB's, with the longer marathon pace stretches I used to run it in 78. Couldn't contemplate adding marathon pace stretches at the moment. It's a struggle just to maintain the kms.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

HuRTS 14 x 3mins

Another nice warm day, another huge crowd. Young Timmy appeared to have had a wardrobe malfunction and showed up with a running vest that stopped a good 3 inches above the top of his shorts, exposing some pale stomach, the poor fella. Must have got confused with the heat buttons on the washing machine. He mentioned something about it being what all the boys are wearing down at the Boy Charlton Pool but I didn't quite catch it.

Legs felt very heavy for the first few reps running with Tucks, Quentin, Dicky H and the rapidly improving John from Morgan Stanley. We were basically doing gate to gates due to the open air cinema being set up, finishing 10s short of the gates for the first couple of reps but gradually getting closer. So about 3:25-3:28 pace. Then for the final 6 reps (when the leg heaviness had gone and I'd got into the rythmn) we were doing gate to gates, which I finally worked out to be 3:18 pace after half an hour of basic maths. Ray had popped up as a pacemaker for these few reps. Struggled to keep with the boys on rep 11, then suddenly came good and felt great on the final rep chasing Andy who had bolted and went on to run 2:43 for the 909m gate to gate (3:01 pace). So maybe Thurston was right about the 17 days.

I should mention Andy who once again was doing secret training before turning up for reps 13 and 14 to show us just how fast he can run them. Some strange behaviour going on with our distance-loving genial Englishman. I can foresee burglar activity in the near future.

Monday, January 17, 2011

17 days

I remember a while back Wildman telling me that he knew he was on a good run and getting back into things if he could manage 17 consecutive days running. It was probably just idle talk and at the time I didn't think that was much, but despite all the training I do there have been very few, if any, occasions that I've managed it. Seem to be keen on my rest days. But I've run every day of 2011 and it's the 17th today. Can't say I feel stupendously different, but the running is going very well and I've lost weight despite stuffing my face at every opportunity.

Today was the usual Monday 15.8km route run very slowly in the midday 30C heat. Big crowd of MC, French Ben, Andy, Dicky H, Ray, Luke, Laura, Craig and Springer. 36:12 at half way and 1:10:17 all up.

I'm up to 20th spot on the Vets waitlist for Six Foot. Those cripples need to start bailing...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Steady Manly

Couldn't say easy otherwise Timmy would get upset, so a steady run today. Very slow to start with due to the after effects of yesterday's run and spending 6 hours in the sun at Narrabeen carnival this morning. But the leg cadence was high and as I settled into the run the stride lengthened a bit and the speed increased. Ended with 42:58 for the 10.2km

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Bush Run Part 2

Met up with Dickyboy and Hamburglar at 6:15am for another trip to Red Hill via Manly Dam. Went the Wakehurst Golf Club side of the dam, got ourselves lost in scrub chasing a non-existent path, then said goodbye to the Burglar and continued on to Red Hill. Less bush this time around as we popped out at Cromer (world's hilliest suburb) then made our way down to Long Reef. Typical of Dickyboy, he'd spot a new path (usually going straight uphill) and suggest we check it out. Pace picked up a lot when we got out of the bush doing a couple of sub4:00's coming back into Manly.

30.31km all up in 2:30:02. Tired now.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Run home

Easy run home. Legs at a high cadence but barely breathing, one of those enjoyable runs where everything feels right. Strong Northerly facing me most of the way. 58:23.

120km for the week. Plan is to get 8 weeks in around this mileage without worrying too much about the quality sessions. Then to drop the mileage slightly and improve the quality. Trick will be to keep the niggles and sickness at bay.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Even more easy running

Woke up. Tried to move legs. Struggled. Swung legs out of bed like Lieutenant Dan in Forrest Gump. Hobbled to bathroom. Resolved not to run hills today. Limped into work. Received text from Andy saying he had a meeting and couldn't make session anyway. Sent email to Tucks, Andy, Timmy and Dicky H pulling out of the session. Copped abuse from Timmy. Dicky H also wanted an easy one so met him with the rest of the HuRT Squad prior to their session. Jogged 12km in 57mins with Dicky H around and about, throwing abuse at Timmy while doing his Farm Cove reps. Caught site of Andy doing SECRET TRAINING ON HICKSON ROAD!! So his meeting was with Mr Pain, address Hickson Road! Outrageous behavious which won't be forgotten. Legs feel much better for the run.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Busy Wednesday

Jogged the 4km to Carl's this morning to do the plyometric session. I'll soon be able to do this (cheers Tucks for the link). Getting much better at the hops, bounds and leaps.

Then out for 19km with the boys at lunchtime. Legs felt very heavy from the morning and wasn't helped by the very high humidity. To be honest, I dragged myself around the 19km in 1:29:05. Dicky H, MC, King James, RMR, Marty, Christian and Todd were there. Followed it all up with a Tiger massage to put me back on the straight and narrow.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

HuRTS 45mins Fartlek

Jeepers Creepers! One of the biggest HuRTS turnouts ever recorded today. Must be the New Years' resolutions because the weather wasn't crash hot. Well, it was very warm, but overcast and very humid. I was sweating like Mutha Bacon.

Set off in a big group with Tucks, Quentin, Ray, Andy, Rich H and JF. This whittled down to me, Tucks, Quentin and Ray (only running half) around the Opera House. Then I needed to pee, so did so, and tried to catch JF, Andy and Rich before the turn. Just caught Rich on the turn so ran back with him trying to drop him all the way but he's a tenacious bugger, only dropping back coming around Farm Cove. Tucks came by at the Opera House (he went through 10km in 35mins) and I tried to hold on to him but with no success. He was flying. And I was knackered. At least Quentin didn't come by.

Finished up in 45:12 despite more time to run back due to my stop on the way out. Legs are tired with the extra mileage and the humidity didn't help. Poor old Timmy though. He was as pale as a ghost and looked well spent. I think he believes that frolicking in the pool and posing on a bike will get him fit. But he learned his lesson today.

2km warm up and 3km warm down with Tucks and Andy for at least 17km all up.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Another easy recovery

..but I need it. Very easy Monday route (with a few variations due to open air cinemas and cruise ships) in 1:09:38 with Rich H, Marty, Andy, Kanser (yes, Kanser!), Simon, Rob, Eamo, Indrajeet, Luke etc. Probably about 15km. Humid today but legs felt much better by the end.

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Very easy recovery

Just the 10.2km Manly route late this afternoon. Legs were very heavy after yesterday but happily no aches and pains. 44:59.

Saturday, January 08, 2011

The Bush Run

Caught up with Dicky Green and his mate Ben this morning for what he described as a run to "Red Hill". Dicky's a bush specialist, winner of the Oxfam Trailwalker in Australia and the UK and sniffs out bush tracks like a pig after truffles. I didn't realise that you could do a 30km run from the front door of my house and run 25kms of that run in the bush. I found places and tracks this morning I was completely unaware of despite living in the Manly area for 8 years. It was great. Perfect training for Six Foot. Not a bad pace but necessarily slow because of all the off road stuff.

30km in 2:35.

Friday, January 07, 2011

Plyo and jogs

Plyo session with Carl so did a 25min jog beforehand from Spit Bridge to Spit Junction (taking in a few streets of happy Mosman) and back then repeated it after the plyo session. Will see how the legs hold up for the long run tomorrow morning (rather than Sunday) around Manly dam with Dicky Green.

11km all up.

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Very easy recovery

Very easy jog around the Manly 10.2km route in the heat at lunchtime. Legs felt tired after last nights efforts so happy just to coast around. 44:35.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

5000m Blacktown

Turned up with the sole aim of pacing Keith through 3000m in 9:15 to set him up for a crack at the 55+ world record of 15:36. That works out at 74s per lap so was aiming for 73's, realizing that if you look for 74's you'll end up with 74.5 etc, and pretty soon you're 3 seconds over.

Warmed up with Keith and Wayne Bulloch and the conditions were perfect - cool, light drizzle and no wind. The race was supposed to be a combined 3000m/5000m but because the record attempt was on they had to separate them. Luckily, we got to go first. Was pretty nervous at the start but set off and settled into the pace very quickly, feeling pretty comfortable through 1km in 3:05, spot on. Bit tougher for the second km but again bang on 6:10. Tougher again for the third where I was starting to suffer but went through in 9:16 making way for Keith. Keith went on to smash the record in 15:29, a great result.

I stopped at 3km, one of the officials asked if I was pulling out but I was worried I might disqualify Keith or something if I did so I told her I was just having a breather. She looked a bit bemused so I started jogging around the final 5 laps in lane 2. Soon started to feel ok again so picked up the pace and ended in 17:00 or maybe just under, so not a bad workout in the end.

Forgot to mention that I turned up just in time to see the Tiger run his 800m which he did looking very strong and finishing in a pb of 1:57.7. Well done mate. Glad I didn't have any money on that one.

10pm all up.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

More of the same

Same as yesterday, but came the 14km route home as opposed to straight back after reaching the 10km mark. 2km in 8:39, 5km in 20:58, 10km in 40:49 (really pushed the Shelly Beach hill though - 2:19 for that) and 55:23 all up. Felt strong today.

Got a text from Sean this evening asking whether I'd pace Keith through 3km on his way to a 55+ World Record attempt over 5000m at Blacktown tomorrow night. He wants to get to 3km in 9:15. Thought it sounded like a bit of fun so agreed to do it. I'm now questioning my sanity! Haven't done any speedwork since the State 3000m in mid November. 9:15 will hurt. Still, nothing to lose so I'll give it a shot.

Monday, January 03, 2011

Easy 13km

Ran the Burnt Bridge Creek, Queenscliff, Shelly Beach route going through 2km in 8:45, 5km (where I saw Tony Wong hammering the young Striders) in 21:33 and 10km in 41:33 then came home the quickest way I could find. All up 54:07. Felt a bit tired until 5km then got a second wind, running against the wind down Manly beach. Aches and pains of yesterday gone.

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Emerald Excursion STaR

30.5km in 2:21:20. Rocked up and only recognised Keith Bateman among the 6:20 starters but soon joined by Ray coming around Pyrmont. Pace gradually picked up all the way around (only Keith, myself and a Kiwi girl called Jo finishing together) but coped fine. Arch of my left foot sore though.

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Farewell 2010

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Wednesday's run I was feeling crap. Also had real problems with my wisdom teeth. On Thursday, I could only manage the Manly 7.5km route in 31:17 feeling really sorry for myself. Teeth got worse, saw a dentist and was put on antibiotics for an infection. Took New Year's Eve off feeling sorry for myself. Feeling better today so managed the flat 10km route but without a watch taking it very easy in the 30C heat and enjoying the run. Never seen Manly beach so busy.

2010 was an interesting year. First year of no PBs since I started running properly again in 2005. Having said that, I started with zero fitness in January and had to work from there without trying to get fit too quick and reinjuring myself. It was a year when I peaked for races and tried not to go all out in every one I ran. In general, it worked pretty well. Highlights for me were:

1. JPMorgan CC - highest placing I've achieved (3rd), not the fastest time but a real race for 3rd place and with 600m to go I was destined for 6th.

2. Gold Coast 10km - got back into the low 33's after struggling in the 34s and 35s up until that point which was a real boost to the confidence.

3. City to Surf - got into the top 50, second fastest time and not too far off the PB.

Other good runs were the Minimos (for a change) and the Run for Fun. All my Striders runs were pretty average. Most disappointing run was the State 3000m, having done a load of speedwork. Wasn't feeling right on the day and sure I'll go quicker next year.

Aims for the near term are Six Foot Track and JPMorgan in April....

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Slow hour

After filling my belly with Colombian food and Coke, the last thing I wanted to do was go for a run. But that was the only time available, so I trudged off with a stitch feeling lethargic and generally crap. 2km in 9:04, 5km in 22:28, 10km in 44:40 and 59:38 all up. At least I got out there. Bumped into Ryan Cantwell on Condamine.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Steady hour

Not quite. Burnt Bridge Creek Deviation, Shelly Beach,Osbourne Road route but cutting short up Fairlight Street to end. 2km in 8:37, 5km in 20:50, 10kmin 40:45 and 54:52 all up. Felt good today.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010

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Carl session

Jogged to Carl's via Burnt Bridge Creek Deviation (21:42), did a non-plyo session with Carl (notable minor achievement being my first ever full squat on a Dura Disk without touching the ground) then jogged back home the same way (21:53). Pretty tired after yesterday.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Six Foot training week 1

Inspired into action after talking to Jamie last night, I set off on my first long run in 2 months at lunchtime. Decided on 1:45 going up all the Northern Beaches (so turning after 52.5 minutes). The Long Reef lagoon had broken through to the ocean so even got to practice the Cox's River crossing wading up above my waist. Felt very average for the first 20 minutes then started to feel good. Kept going until the Fire Station at Narrabeen which I reached in 55:16. When I did this run early last year I would be stuffed by Dee Why coming back so it was good to know I've got a bit more base as I still felt good. Having said that, the Griffin St hill is a bugger.

Got back in 1:48:39 so 53:23 for the second half.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas

7.5km Manly route done this Argo on a fabulous day. Lovely views along Manly beach, Young Timmy would have appreciated this run. Felt pretty tired to begin with but soon picked up and was moving well along the beachfront. Made a bit of effort over the final 2km to try and get home in under 29mins but just missed with a 29:04.

Merry Christmas everyone.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

10km tempo

Well I tried to run it as a tempo, but it was very muggy out there today and my legs felt really heavy after a couple of bad night's sleep (3.5 and 5 hours respectively).

The old 10km out-and-back route from work. Got to 5km in 19:28 then picked it up a little coming back up the hills on the return to get home in 38:28.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Wednesday MLR

9 of us today - MC, King James, Dicky H, Benny St, RMR, Kroney, Clyde and Simon. The old double loop of Centennial Park route. All up 19km in 1:25:44. Nice easy pace the whole way and felt really good after not killing myself yesterday.

I'll continue on this way for the first quarter of 2011 - keeping the Tuesday session controlled so that I'm not knackered for the rest of the week.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

HuRTS 5min reps

Beautiful day, quite warm at 24C (Humidity 33%, cloud cover 8%, westerly wind of 31km/h - got a new App for my iPad). Nice crowd today including the return of Young Timmy, MC, Dicky H, Andy, LF Charlie, JF, Chris G, RMR, Todd and the ever improving AAR crew of Ali and Julian.

Intended to run them sensibly and did so with JF, Dicky H and Andy averagin about 3:35's. On rep 7, Dicky was making it his last and picked up the pace running it averaging 3:21 and we continued this pace on the last rep. Want to continue to run them this way - feeling strong at the end. Not quite hot enough for a dip in the harbour post session but won't be long before that starts again.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Very easy Monday

Usual route but very windy so avoided Barangaroo and stuck to Hickson Road. Crowd included MC, Laura, King James,
Andy etc., but then we were joined by Durante and Wildman! The honour! All up 66:16, but at a very nice pace.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Comeback Day 2

Manly 10.2km today after a day in the sun. Felt great again. 5:59 for the Manly Mile reaching Manly SLSC in 21:38 and 39:38 all up. Doesn't really count but bumped into Hambuglar shortly before the run when in Dan Murphy's, he'd gone long on beer while I'd gone long on wine...

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Training starts here

Christmas parties over, mojo back, need the rigour of a proper regime again. Just the Manly route today but feeling surprisingly good. 29:43 without trying. Left orthotics at work though so ran without them and noticed it.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

HuRTS Progressive tempo

Charlie, considered your advice, but then made a $50 bet with the Tiger giving him a 30s headstart at the State 5000m in February, so decided to do some training.

Small crowd today what with Christmas and all (and MC confusing us all as to what session we were doing). Set out very easily at 4:27 pace with JF, Luke, French Ben, English Andy and Dicky H, picked it up to 4:00's then 3:50's then stretched out a bit with Rich over the final 15 minutes getting back in 44:15. We turned only just past the start of the Hickson Road reps though so it was a very easy first half.

Nice to be back out again though.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Been stuffed at work. Knackered at home. Just want to sleep all the time and have lost my running mojo. Haven't done anything since last Thursday. Had a Carl session this morning with more plyometrics work so ran there (4km) but he advised against running on to work afterwards due to the intensity of the session. My legs were wobbling by the end of it so I heeded his advice and got the bus.

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Billy's homework

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Just been reading Billy's homework book for the year and noticed this entry from mid-August!

Runs to work

Wednesday: Ran to work via Carl. Carl wasn't there, did some core work in the Gym and continued on to work. 57:36. Got to work prior to 9am, logged on to Six Foot website to register for the race, couldn't get access, finally got access at 9.15am and it had sold out. So I'm waitlisted. Not happy.

Thursday: Ran to work. Decided to put some effort in and make it a tempo. Did the first km in 4:05 (which includes the first 200m of trying to get the legs to function) but then hit the hill at Balgowlah and my legs were dead. Continued to put some effort in but every hill I hit (and there are a few) my legs were goooone. Perhaps it's a good job I am only waitlisted for Six Foot. 25:44 at Spit Junction and 53:46 all up so not a bad time all things considered.

Good luck to Benny tonight at Zatopek.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

HuRTS 14 x 3mins

Knackered and run down after another broken night with Claudes so rocked up to the HuRT session in the heat with intentions to take it very easy. Ran with Mike Race for the first few reps and soon realised that running with Mike Race is no longer easy. Fely OK albeit a bit tight in the legs and pushed on a bit chasing Quentin over the final 4 reps. Another big crowd and even MC doesn't recognise half the group these days. It was Quentin followed by French Ben, Mike Race and Enda towards the front though.

Pleased to get through them unscathed, probably at the pace we're supposed to run them at (MC was saying Benny St thinks we do these reps far too quickly). I guess the last 4 were at 3:25 pace with the earlier ones at 3.35 pace.

Monday, December 06, 2010

Easyish Monday

The usual route (no Liners today so all the way down Barangaroo) with a big crowd including MC, Clyde, the Chairman, James V, Brendan K, Luke and French B. Easy to start with then the Chairman picked the pace up on the way back, with only me, Luke and French Ben running with him all the way. 35:00 on the way out and 31:45 on the way back for the 15.8km. Struggled towards the end though - lack of mileage is affecting me. Hot out there. Singlet was dripping wet by the end.

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Not happy Jan

Really busy and stressed at work at the moment and with Claudia not sleeping well at night it's starting to hit me. Came down with the same sinusitis thing I've been having intermitently all year on Thursday. Felt rotten yesterday. Just about better today so crept out for the short Manly route this afternoon after spending 6 hours in the sun marshalling the Queenscliff Nippers Carnival this morning.

Felt crap for first half then gradually better in the second. 31:35 (4:12's).

Thursday, December 02, 2010

HuRTS Gate to Gates

Muggy today, had a bit of a headache and generally lacking any mojo but headed down with Jules mainly just to run with some mates. Tucks was taking it easy so ran with Dicky H on the first two reps and a bit ahead on the others apart from the last where Tucks put some effort in and blew us away. Others there included Andy, Todd, Bill, Clement, Ray, Anna, Luke and French chap Ben. Times went:

2:52, 2:51, 2:47, 2:49, 2:47, 2:46, 2:42

It's 909m so that is averaging 3:04's. Felt pretty comfortable on all but the last, but was still wondering how I ran them 10s faster per rep prior to JPMorgan. Then following Tucks on the final rep I realised how - you have to go full bore from the start and hurt yourself during each rep. But I wasn't up for that today.

We were supposed to do 8 but everyone seemed pretty happy to call it quits at 7. Very Conwayesque behaviour and he wasn't even there.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Wednesday slog in the rain

One of those days where it would have been much easier to roll over in bed and forget about it for the day. Instead, put my kit and rucksack on with a gore-tex jacket over the top and ran the 4kms to Carl at Spit Bridge. Did the session with him (no bounding today due to the weather (and my body)) but instead more core strength stuff - he even emailed me with the details:

*Wk 2/4 Race recovery program full ROM PN demand high x10-15 reps
-S (55) single jacks
-S (55) double prone jacks with S chest support (no hold)
-S (55) LB roll out (oblique focus)
-D full squat
-B kneeling R woodchopper x13.6kg

Then followed up with the 10km jog to work feeling very heavy-legged, especially on the hills. Absolutely soaked as it was a downpour. One of those days I used to love in the UK as I knew I'd be training when some of my competitors wouldn't be. Unfortunately my competitors out here seem more hardcore than me.

Put a link up to Carl's website on the left for anyone that is interested. Highly recommended. Got me over my achilles problems and will be my not-so-secret weapon for next year...

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

HuRTS 45mins Fartlek

Looked out the window before lunch and it looked cloudy and cold so put a long sleeve top on. Step outside and it's warm and humid. The top was drenched by the end of the session.

Fair crowd today (including AAR recruit Ali) but good upfront with Dicky H, Tucks, and new chap Quentin but with me doing all the work. Turned about 20m after the second speed bump on Hickson Road so a decent distance but slowed a bit with the effects of the humidity on the way back. Dicky dropped off just before the Opera House and my legs were gone as soon as we hit the hills with Tucks and Quentin pushing ahead. Got back in 45:54. Legs affected by the lack of a long run in training at the moment.

Good to see RMR justifying his Most Improved trophy for HuRTS with a 2.5 minute PB over the Half Marathon at the weekend.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Run home

Legs felt a bit heavy today but the breathing was good. Quick again, 15:41 at Ben Boyd, 29:05 at Toyota Garage, 47:02 with 2km to go and 54:10 all up. I've concluded that when you do no tough sessions (particularly the long run and intervals), the average pace of your normal runs quickens to compensate.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Short Sunday again

Same as last week but a bit quicker - 41:03 at 10km and 61:59 all up. Perfect running weather - 22C but a slight drizzle. Thighs still sourish, they'll probably recover just before Wednesday's repeat session.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The pain was bearable

Suffered like never before from Wednesday's strength training. Couldn't even touch my glutes without being in agony. Not helped by two nights on the booze on Wednesday and Thursday. Wednesday was the HuRTS Awrds night, where the following were annointed 2010 winners:

Best performance: JB (Gold Coast Half) with Heyden as runner up (Comrades and other ridiculous Ultras)
Most Improved: Mike Race with Laura as runner up
Serg Award: Conway. No one else got close. Enda got a few protest votes for constantly having a cold.

Thighs and glutes could just about stomach a run today so did the Manly 10.2km in 43:57. The only person I bumped into was my own daughter, which was a bit weird.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Heavy duty Wed

Training with Carl at 6am where we've started a new program outside involving loads of bounds, squats and drills. Legs were shaking like jelly all morning as a result. Then went out at lunch with MC, RMR, LF Charlie, King James, Craig and others (Rob joining mid-route) for two laps of Centennial and back (19km). Longest run in a month and felt fatigued as a result. Saw my female nemesis doing reps around McKay Oval.

HuRTS Awards Night tonight. The big event on the annual runners calendar, after the Laureus Sports Awards.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Run to work

Another grey run. 26:43 at Spit Junction and 55:55 all up. Legs felt weary to start with, probably a bit due to last night but probably more because I hate morning runs. Until I finish them.

Very brief clip of my sprint finish at JPMorgan here. Confirmed as the winning Mixed team today so we're off to Singapore in April.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Run home

29:42 at Toyota Garage and 55:42 all up, last 2km in 7:30. One of those "grey" runs that all training guides tell you to avoid, neither too hard nor too comfortable, but sometimes it's just the pace you go at.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Steady Sunday

15km in a steady pace. 43:00 at the 10km mark. 65:02 all up. Will have to start doing some proper training at some stage.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Easy Friday

Easy 61 minute run with a big crowd at lunch including MC, Wildman, Dicky H, Laura, Luke, King James, Craig W and many more.

This was after my "executive health check" this morning where I was forced to do the fitness test, basically increasing the pace and gradient on a treadmill until I could stand no more. I got up to 30 minutes with my heart rate at 170bpm and blood pressure 185/50 before I pulled the pin. All cholesterol levels were very good, still a bit heavy (66.6kg, the devils weight) so there's more improvement with a couple of kgs to lose. Haven't done a long run in 4 weeks though. By comparison, when I did this check in 2008 I was 64.7kgs and in 2007 I was 64.2kgs. However, my "effective age" is 28 which made me happy.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tri Tim put to the sword!

Those keen followers of Young Timmy's blog will be aware that the fella has recently been riding like Lance and swimming like Phelpsy so it was with trepidation that I fronted up to tonights ABC Pool biathlon for a sportsman's bet head to head with the all rounder. Those aware of my swimming abilities wouldn't have been too confident, but I reckoned that if I could get a minute on him on the run I might be able to hold on in the pool.

The biathlon involves a 4km run then a 300m swim (6 lengths of the ABC Pool). CT (recovered from last week's cold) set off quick and didn't let up. Some young kid went with him and I was struggling in third, thinking I'll come good in the second half. Slowly reeled in the kid by half way but he was stubborn until 3km when I finally gapped him. Finished the 4km in 13:03 (well behind CT in 12:43) but by the time I'd stripped off all my running gear (everyone else ran topless and in budgies) I was third in the pool. Managed 20m of freestyle before I switched to breaststroke. Seemed like an eternity of struggling up and down the pool with guys coming flying past whilst I desperately checked if any were Timmy. But eventually finished in 19:29 for 7th place. Not bad for a Pom, but best of all Young Timmy was chicked in finishing in 20:48. The poor fella was well ashamed afterwards, sobbing into his beers in the Woolloomoolloo Bay Hotel, dreaming of elaborate ways to eventually beat me in a bet.

Buggered afterwards. The run was tough and there's no way I could have gone with CT but the swim afterwards just fatigues every bit of you.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bruising Wednesday

Training with Carl at 7.30am so rode my bike to him for the first time in 9 months then on to work. It was slightly damp and coming through the Mosman cut through I took a stack after my rear break locked up. Hit the ground hard and badly bruised and grazed my right hip and right elbow. Bit shocked for five minutes then rode on to work. Out for 71mins at lunch by myself to Rose Bay and back feeling a bit sore. Then Tiger massage and now not looking forward to a ride home feeling very sore.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

HuRTS 5min reps

Lovely sunny day. Been lazily recovering from last week and trying to shake this cold so no running over the past 2 days. Rocked down to the squad session today with the intention of taking it easy. Although Tucks and Fast Charlie were there, I actually stuck to my plans, letting them push off into the distance especially in the second half. Was still running about 3:26 pace but it felt nice and easy.

Worked up a bit of a sweat by the end though so me, Todd, RMR, Tucks, Laura, Rob and a few others jumped into the Harbour afterwards to cool down. Happy days. Young Timmy was watching jealously from the shoreline because he didn't want to stain the nice new leather seats in his motor.

Great video of the State 3000m C Race here. Can't believe how slow we look running sub 3 minute kms. You can see my pitiful attempt at trying to overtake Tucks on the final lap.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

State 3000m - 15th in C race in 8:59.7

Bloody hell, 3000m races are just the toughest. Been feeling pretty crap again during the day, not helped with it being a scorcher (33c and humid). But given it didn't appear to affect me on Wednesday I wasn't too fussed. Warmed up with Tucks, got really nervous, watched the earlier races (supposedly lower grade but they looked pretty quick to me) then we were off. Didn't want to kill myself in the early pace but it's hard not to get caught up in it all. Plan was to try and keep Keith and Tucks in sight and see what I had left in the end. Well, the plan worked perfectly until the end bit. Went past Tucks with 300m to go and was closing in on Keith but then the legs went wobbly and I could only hold on.

Great result by Keith to run 8:56 and set a world best for M55. Pleased to hold on for a sub9. Matty B, you were right! Results and split times here

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Easy recovery

Very easy 10km around and about bumping into and running with Tucks and then Wildman and the Stallion. Felt surprisingly OK so keen to run Saturday night now, despite the fact it will be hell.

JPMorgan 2010 - 3rd in 17:52

Photos above are:
1. Me and Tucks
2. Travis, me and Fast Charlie
3. Enda, Craig, JF, Dicky H, Me and the Saint
4. The Saint and me

This was just one of those races when everything went right. Felt like shit beforehand. Last night, I wasn't going to run. Felt marginally better this morning but was still giving everyone all the excuses I knew. Rocked up thinking I'll give the first 2km a hard push and if I feel OK then I'll give the race a fair shot. Everyone from HuRTS seemed to be there. Added to the start line was Truscott (but genuinely poorly with a cold), Crasti and the Saint. Set off pretty quick at the front watching the Saint and Crasti drift away. Pretty quickly a group of Fast Charlie, Tucks, Andrew Cross, the Chairman, Travis and me formed and we stayed together as a group for 4km. The km were haphazard but 4km was about right reached in 12:48. At this stage I was struggling. At the Fox Studios Gates Tucks pushed on with the Chairman and Fast Charlie following him, all gapping me by about 5m, and I was just thinking about keeping Andrew Cross at bay. Then I see the turn for the finish and thought I'd put a final effort to keep in touch with that three. I caught them at the final turn and thought, feck this, lets just start sprinting and see what happens. Only Tucks came with me about 2m behind but I desperately managed to hold him off. And what do you know, I finish 3rd!! Outsprinting Fast Charlie - how good is that! Revenge on Tucks - how good is that! $50 from Kanser for beating the Chairman - how good is that! Needless to say, I was smiling like a Cheshire Cat and consumed many beers. Happy Days! Great chats with many friends afterwards. Lots more pictures to post soon. To bed.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

More easy stuff

Out with the HuRT Squad (including MC, Tucks, Wildman, Pete W, Jamie, Marty, Ray etc) for 45 mins very easy jog. Still got a sore throat but not getting much worse. Too late to worry about that now in any case.

Monday, November 08, 2010


3 kids ill, got a sore throat and is getting worse. 60 mins today around and about.

Congrats to Andy and Tim in the World 100km Champs, top runs guys you bloody nutters. Also well done to Kanser for braving through NYC marathon despite his injury the poor little soul. Sounds like a great event though.

Sunday, November 07, 2010

Run for Fun 10km

Rocked up a bit late (but didn't cut it as fine as Richie P!), waited for ages for the toilets, put my bag in the baggage area, went for a jog in the new flats, realized I'd left my orthotics in my bag, panicked, recovered bag, by now had 5 mins left. Posed for a photo with Benny St, Tucks and JF (Timmy, that's one for the pool room) and then lined up next to Tucks and JF. Fenton tried to chat up Clare Geraghty on the start line and, when she showed no interest, out-psyche her with tales of his recent training exploits.

And we were off. 1km in 3:08 just behind Tucks, Chadi and Thamal. 2km in 6:17 with Tucks having gapped me and running with a chap in an Australian triathlon vest (who I didn't get a chance to recognize but who said after the race we'd resume hostilities on Wed). 3km in 9:38, 4km in 13:10 (long drag of a hill), 5km in 16:30 and I can hear the familiar quick footsteps of Lara Tamsett closing in on me quickly. 6km in 19:53, Darren Moyle having gone past with Lara and dragging Aus Tri guy with them, 7km in 23:20, then the drag of a hill comes that I hate in the Striders 10km course but I put an effort in and catch Aus Tri guy, feeling really good now. Pass Darren and try to close on Tucks on the log straight of Australia Ave, turn for the stadium, see my 9km split of 30:11 and realize I have to run a 3:16 final km to win $100 off the Tiger. Head down, now some unknown Strider over takes me! (Quentin Reeve), sprint in with him into the stadium and he pips me on the line. 33:25. Not a sub 33 but pretty pleased as I haven't raced properly in a while. Feel much better now and more confident for Wed/Sat.

Good to catch up with all the lads afterwards. Tucks finished on 33:23, Chadi just under 33, JF on 34:22 having taken a wrong turn (!), RP, Enda, Jamie and cheers to Young Timmy for the shouts from the sidelines.

Should particularly mention a great PB by Mike Race smashing through 37mins to run 36:30.

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Easy jog

22mins around and about with a few strides thrown in at the end. Still feel slightly dodge but it could be nerves so I'll race tomorrow.

Friday, November 05, 2010

Easy Friday

Just an easy 51mins around and about by myself. Bit worried about feeling fluey, like I did a few weeks ago - just got sore shoulders and a slight headache and a dodgy tum. Hope to knock it on the head in the next 24 hours before Sunday.

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Tamed by the Tiger!

Headed out with the Tiger to Centennial where we saw Young Timmy who offered words of encouragement and then jogged over to ES Marks joined by Tom Hurley for the 2000m time trial. The track wasn't as bad as I remembered it but there was a bit of Sydney afternoon wind down the back straight so conditions weren't ideal.

Plan was to go out and run 70s laps and see how we felt. Tiger would do the first, me the second, Tom the third and then whoever had the legs. Was feeling a bit nervous by now but Tiger took us out in perfect timing of a 69.8 first lap - felt very comfortable as if I was clipping his heels. Then I took over and it wasn't so comfortable. Went through 800m in 2:21/2:22. Stepped aside and Tom took over and by this lap I was starting to feel it. Went through 1km in 2:56/2:57 (at which point I was thinking I'm going to struggle to get under 6 mins), Tom then stepped aside at 1200m and Tiger took over and I was starting to hang off the back. I used a lot of effort getting around Tom just before 1400m and on to Tiger's shoulder but he then upped the pace into the wind and gapped me. I think I must have gone through 1500m in 4:25 (not too far off my PB!) and by now was just trying to maintain the gap with the Tiger and hold off Tom. Stayed this way over the whole of the final lap to finish just in front of Tom in 5:51. Tiger ran 5:47.

Felt pretty good after so feeling more confident for the State 3000m next week. Having said that, McMillan gives a 5:51 2000m a 9:10 for 3000m. Pretty sure I'm in better shape than that. But we shall see.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Easy Wed

Rocked up for the usual run to Kincoppal and back to find Wildman showing up for a run. Select crowd alongside him including Simon, Brendan, RMR and a couple of others. Turned around after 30:30 and got back in 61:05 as I'm still keen to drop the mileage this week. Very easy. Hardest thing was coping with the hangover after celebrating yesterday's big win in the Melbourne Cup.

Tiger's lined up a 2km time trial for tomorrow afternoon at ES Marks which should be interesting. We've got $50 on the head to head after choosing 2km as the point of equilibrium between our respective running abilities.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

HuRTS Gate to Gates

Melbourne Cup today so headed out early for 6 Gate to Gates (909m) with Tucks, JF, Todd, RMR and Mike Wingram. 2 mins rest based off Todd. Felt great this morning despite a bad night with Claudia so planned to take them out hard and see how I felt. Did the first rep, got scared by the time and felt as though I was already going lactic. Did each other one feeling the same way telling myself "if it's any slower, I'll just stop there". But having Tucks alongside meant they didn't get slower. Reps went:

2:41; 2:40; 2:40; 2:40; 2:41; 2:40

2:40 is 2:56 pace. I think that's the fastest pace I've ever done them, but having said that we normally do 8. Really pleased with the session and a good confidence booster.

Anaerobic/VO2 max training really is the hardest training you can do. I dread 10 x 400m more than 32km.

Monday, November 01, 2010

Easy Monday

Lots of easy days of late. Usual Monday route with a big crowd including LF Charlie, Luke, Laura, Springer, MC, Simon, Russell etc. Felt very sprightly from the word go after an easy weekend. Very slow to start with but picked up the pace quite a bit from the turn. That's shown in the first and second half splits - 36:00 (4:33's) and then 31:28 (3:59's).

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Very short Sunday

Came back from Nippers knackered and very lethargic - had to sleep and in no mood for a run. Think I was low on carbs. Felt better after lunch but didn't want to go long so just did the not quite 8km Manly route. Felt crap to start with but then picked up throughout. 31:00.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Steady Sat

Manly 10.2km route, testing out my new Brooks T-6 racing flats. They weigh next to nothing but you can feel every stone through the forefoot so I'll be saving them for races only. Started very slowly but picked up the pace all the way through finishing in 42:44.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Very easy Friday

A few too many Mojitos at The Ivy last night so went out for a very easy run at lunch with Ray, Laura and thingy from Ord over the usual route but cutting back through the City from Circular Quay to sweat it out. Served the purpose but have just wanted to sleep all afternoon. About 12km in 53:56.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

HuRTS 10 x 400m - the Return of Wildman and the Stallion!

Over to Rushcutters. Smaller crowd including Timmy, Kanser, Ray, JB, LF Charlie, Andy, Luke and Geoffrey. "Inside Lane" Kane marked out the 400m and off we went and, fair play to the big fella, he was banging them out in 70 looking fairly comfortable. Looks like weeks of running 23km on a Sunday in 2:45 may finally be paying off. My reps went as follows:

69, 69, 69, 69, 69, 68, 69, 67, 69, 64

Turned around after rep 5 and, after doing a double take and wiping the sweat from my eyes, who should appear but Durante and Thurston! It was like old times. After big group hugs and everyone getting a little misty eyed, we set off on rep 6 with the two stars of the Sydney running scene circa '08 helping out up front and, what do you know, I start running a bit quicker. The boys had to have a bit of a sit down on rep 7 but popped up on rep 8 and, whoa!, it happens again. Rep 10 was all in with Young Timmy showing everyone that he can run a mean 350m before the boys helped pull me over the line.

Beautiful day and the oval was in top condition.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Steady run home

Start out, legs feel like deadweights, struggle up the stairs at the Rocks, think what the hell's going, I thought running was supposed to make you fit, bump into Eoin at start of harbour bridge and have a quick chat, start to feel a bit better and feel like I'm running more freely, 16:00 at bottom of Ben Boyd, think that's not too shabby, push the hill, feeling good now, running well along Military Road, Toyota Garage in 29:24, that's not too bad, starting to motor now, push the Spit Hill, hit Balgowlah Boys school in 47:21, can I get under 7 mins for the final 2km?, will give it a shot, 6:45, pleased with that, 54:06, who'd have believed it 50mins ago?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

HuRTS 45mins Fartlek

MC was absent so Fast Charlie changed the session to 45mins Fartlek. I'd raced to get there on time after a conference call, wasn't really in the mood, knackered after a bad night's sleep last night and generally tired from training. Legs felt like wood but the breathing was fine. I was in a group with Fast Charlie, JF and Dicky H. Kept on trying to up the pace to drop them all, kept on looking over my shoulder to see them all just sat there for almost the entire session.

Turned at the second speed bumps so not very fast but it was also warm today. Got back on 45:13 so a pretty honest session not dropping too much on the hills towards the end. I felt better nearer the end when the legs felt tired like they should in any case. Dicky H dropped off around the Opera House and we finally shook JF on the hill up to the ABC Pool. He's looking strong. Tiger - want to take a head to head on him at the Run for Fun weekend?

Pleased to have finished the session holding on to Fast Charlie but I need some rest to let the recent heavy training load sink in.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Run home

Busy at lunch so an easy run home. 57:54 after 30:57 at Toyota Garage.

Huge congratulations to my big brother, Jamie, who smashed his marathon PB yesterday in running 2:53. Next stop sub 4min kms! Full report here.