Tuesday, December 20, 2016

HuRTs 4 x 10mins

31C today.  Sensibly, I decided to wear an all black outfit.  

Arrived a bit late and with JFen in attendance there would be no hanging around.  So found myself straight into the first rep chasing the pack who were about 30s ahead.  Caught some back-markers by the end.  Second rep ran with Jeet who was pushing the pace the whole way.  That fella doesn't like anyone running in front of him.  3rd I went with the leaders (albeit Nick R, Crossy and The Vonk seemed to back off) so it was me, CT, Fats and The World's Least Sensible Runner. Final rep back and I eased off a bit running with TWLSR.

Felt a little better on each rep.  Hard coming back into the tougher sessions as the mental prep falls to pieces with a couple of weeks off.

Nice cool down with Enda and Jeet.  15km all up.

Just noticed this on the fridge door.  Only in Australia:

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Hills and Trail

Got up at 6am, put my running kit on, wandered outside, turned around, took my kit off and went back to bed.  Too bloody tired after a big week and another party last night.

Headed out on the afternoon up Allanbie Hill, down Wakehurst Parkway, down to Seaforth, then Tania Park, then Spit to Manly path (much more manicured than the last time I ran it) to South Steyne then home.  Still no Garmin (pls Santa!) but I doubt it was more than 23km in the 1:50 due to all the hills and trail.  But it was enough for me as I was rogered at the end.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Wave Rider 20

Tested the new shoes and first impressions are they are great.  Ran with the kids on their bikes to Queensie, then left them and ran on to Manly Hospital before retracing steps and joining them for a dip in the ocean followed by Salty Rooster.  Magic.

Some snaps from yesterday's Super Series lunch, although none of us are feeling particularly super at the moment:


Thursday, December 15, 2016

Perth #2

Another stunning day in Perth.  I don't think I've ever seen a cloud when I've come to this place.

Out at 6.30am with Jamie from the Allens Perth office.  Same route as yesterday, but a bit faster this time.  I think Jamie was getting competitive as he waved me on when we approached Elizabeth Quay. Felt great this morning.  Finally found a decent hotel to stay in over here too - Best Western Premier Terrace.  It's a bit like going into your granny's house finding the room, but once in they are awesome.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016


Flew to Perth from Melbourne this morning. Watched a fantastic documentary on the way: "Free to Run (Libres de courir)".  Made me cry.  Thoroughly recommend it (especially for the girls and the old sooks like me).

Headed out in the later afternoon for a run between the bridges via South Perth with TKS.  Lovely to have some company and try a new route rather than my usual 'Dalkeith 'n back'.


Monday, December 12, 2016

Monday sweats

No time at lunch (again) so out early with Lewis knowing I couldn't miss a day with plenty of travel this week.  A nice 10km chatting with him meant the time passed quickly and feeling almost quite good at the end.  Top start to a lovely Summer's day with a cooling breeze along the seafront.

Thoughts for the day:

1. Who is this Martin Odegaard fella? Some silky skills.
2. As I get older, old conservative people annoy me more and more.
3. Need to sit down and talk with my lawyers more.
4. I've become obsessed with a large glass of water with lemon in it first thing in the am.
5. Some people are born pleasers and others not. 3 of my kids are pleasers, 2 definitely not. 99% of lawyers are pleasers.
6. Sell and rent or reno now. You read it here first.


So finally felt well enough to head out on Sunday but was still pretty tentative so decided on 90 mins turning around at the fire station.  Had Ben, Erika and the Cap'n for company with only Lewis and Scotty doing the usual loop.

Tried to speed up to get to Narrabeen quicker for a pit stop (a feature of the virus) but only managed Collaroy before nature called.  Tough old run (at 4:37 pace) but happy to get something done at least.  Hanging on 'till Xmas.

Wed 7th

Couldn't get out to Redleaf due to work so did 10km solo around the wharves.

Then went to client Xmas party in the evening and ended up getting sick with some virus for the next 3 days.  Probably had it coming trying to burn the candle at both ends.

Tuesday, December 06, 2016

HuRTs 6 x 5mins

So after a bit of rolling out I'm starting to feel a bit less in pain when running so decided to test myself out with 6 x 5mins today with the HuRTs crowd. First rep and I'm puffing and panting around Farm Cove mid-pack trying to stay with HuRTs Most Improved Brendan.  Christ this is hard.  Same on the way back.  3rd rep we detour up the hill to avoid the crowds and, having called for the detour, feel compelled the lead the way.  That nearly killed me.  Repeat for another 3 reps.  

Great to run with the Squad and love the banter but a bit of an eye-opener after a few weeks taking it easy.  When did Jerome and Brendan get so good?  How come I'm struggling to overtake Elle?

Cool down with Timmy and Elle for 13km all up.  

Thoughts out to LJ who is injured again.  Do what you need to do to get back LJ (I know she's the most avid reader of this blog - and refuses to click into Timmy's mumbo jumbo).  We miss you.

LJ hydrating.

Monday, December 05, 2016

Sweat box

Out in the hot and humid conditions for a 10km sweat with Renee, Jac, Elle, Hoey, JC, Brendan, Toby, Worswick and others.  There was talk of going to Redleaf until we caught sight of Worswick whereupon everyone went silent in fear of the repercussions.  We will go Wed and Fri though.

Today's photo is of my youngest who was sent home from school for having a tick in her head. We were hoping it might have scared off some of the nits but, alas, it was not to be.  After poisoning her head she proceeded to be pampered while shopping at (the new and jazzy) Warringah Mall - apparently for my Chrissie presents.  Her best day ever.  I can see her rolling about on Nolans more often.

Catch up

Busy time at the moment.

Thursday night was the biathlon and it was a case of mission accomplished taking Timmy out by 25s (but he failed to offer me a head to head bet) and TKS by well over the minute offered.  Here is the happy snap:

Then on for a few beers catching up with Wildman at The Bell (strange place that one - not too sure about the clientele).  Wildman was on good wild man form:

Friday was frantic but included our department Xmas lunch so no chance to squeeze a run in.  

Saturday could only squeeze in 5km between various kid duties.

Out for the usual long run on Sunday catching up with Craig for the first time in months, also including Darren, Scotty, Lewis, Toby, Banksy, the Vonk and Elle.  Easy pace (4:37's I think) but struggling quite a bit with the groin stiffness, OP like pain which got worse during the run.  Did some rolling out for the first time in donks last night and feels a bit better this morning.  Can't forget the 1%'ers.

Thursday, December 01, 2016

I am a winner!

So say the Berlin Marathon organisers, with entry confirmed for next year!


Should be a great crowd with Darren, Erika, Jeet, Taffy and Jac also confirmed.  More no doubt to come.

8km to Shelley Beach and back this am.  Biathlon test this evening to come..

Wednesday, November 30, 2016


A run to Redleaf and back with Ninja Warrior Crossy, all new Cap'n Grumpy Worswick, Renee, Elle, Renaud, Bruce and others.  Nice and easy.  Jumped into the pool just to remind myself how to swim (it's been a year) before tomorrow's big showdown at the ABC.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Morning sess

Off to Melbourne today so had to squeeze a run in this morning.  Darren was doing 90s reps starting at 6am at LM Grahams so decided to join him.  Off course I was late and he (with Erika) was already half way through so only managed 6 in the end.  Nice to get the legs moving and the surface was perfect.  Here's a photo Erika took on the final rep:


Finished with a long cool down to South Steyne then home where I seemed to bump into half of Manly.  'Twas packed.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Long run

Haven't run long in a month so I was a bit apprehensive, particularly as I've been suffering from a bit of OP recently.  Massive crowd though (Barts, The Cap'n, Lewis, Scotty, Jerome, Eoin, Toby, Elle, Erika, Darren and graced with the presence of the Shire's finest with LJ marking her Hardcore debut.  Hell, even Jeet appeared from some bushes at some stage telling us he'd just seen a large snake.  We didn't explore that conversation any further).

Did about 28.5km in about 4:25's or thereabouts.  Survived.  Almost didn't survive the bodysurfing at Queensie when I got tumbled and ended up on top of Darren with my shorts around my knees.  

Nice lunch at J-Fens yesterday and old mate Quentin went out of his way to honour our C2S head to head.  Top bloke:


HuRTs Beer Mile

Fast becoming the most popular event on the HuRTs Calendar, this was the third running.  And we've now had 3 different winners.  Which proves what a leveller this race really is.  I think about 33 people showed for this one.  In the mid-afternoon some big money came in on Barts at 12 to 1, so after a brief discussion, seasoned bookies Timmy and myself decided to take the bet.  So the rest of the afternoon was spent worrying about whether we had misjudged Barts' poor drinking skills and would find ourselves $1200 poorer by 6.30pm.  Fortunately, 10s into the first beer Timmy and I knew that our money was safe.  He took even longer to finish his first beer than me.

Leaders (in a close race) at this stage were Fast Charlie, the Cap'n, Toby, Renaud and Killa.  The latter would go on to win it based on drinking time alone.  My dark horse Toby lived up to expectations finishing 2nd, with Fast Charlie, the Cap'n and Renaud rounding out the top 5.  Meanwhile, back in the mediocre pack I was having a head to head contest with Fats having dropped Barts early on.  Finishing the last beer and getting my burps out of the way, I could see Brendan and Darren up ahead and decided to try to sprint them down.  Darren turns around after 200m and starts laughing saying "ooh, here comes Tommy!" in a mocking tone so it was all on from there.  I think I ran my fastest 200m in 30 years but edged out by Brendan on the line.

Spent the next 5mins on all fours.  Then started abusing the officials during the presentation (plainly the alcohol was kicking in).  Then a great night at O'Malley's ensued.  

Hats off to the girls relay teams who showed us how to drink.  The Irish plainly can't hold their booze with Enda and Jac both having to run penalty laps.

The winners:


The Participants:


Taking sweet winnings:


Telling one of my funny jokes:


Richie High!!


Thursday, November 24, 2016

HuRTs 1km reps

Had an unexpected lull in work today so jumped at the opportunity for a run in perfect weather conditions.  And the surface at Rushcutters was perfect too.

A good crowd including Enda, Brendan, Hipster Mitch, Branagan #2, LJ, Elle, Erika, Renee, Darien, Jerome and quite a few faces I don't quite recognise (but do my best to introduce myself to).  I'm just crap with names.  Always too concerned about telling people my name.

Schedule was 8 x 1km reps but I called for 6 followed by 4 x 200m.  Took the first 4 easy running with Enda then pushed ahead with Darien on the last 2 running barefoot.  Then got schooled in the 200m reps with the younger blokes puffing their chests out and flying ahead.

Great session on a beautiful day in a lovely spot.  Only downside was the realisation that I would be back here in just over 24 hours facing the prospect of downing 4 beers and running a mile in the space of less than 8 minutes.

News on the home front - my eldest is now in gainful employment having secured a job at Maccas at Manly Wharf.  1 down, 4 to go.  Then I retire.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Monday mutterings

Huge crowd today in the heat (must have been 20 of us) but I was stuck between the bickering of Enda, Timmy and Kanser.  All talk concentrated on the Beer Mile on Thursday and a massive amount of pressure is building on Timmy to avoid being "treble chicked".

10km nice and easy.

Catch up

Well, I've been taking it very easy since JPMorgan just getting out for a run when I can (not very often due to work) and enjoying it.

Friday 12th was an easy 10km jog around the City with Jac, Brendan and some other HuRTs members, Tuesday 16th I headed down to HuRTS and did 6 x 3min reps.

Thursday 18th I did the Timmy hills and Tempo set (all at 3/4 pace at the moment) before the big HuRTs awards night at The Hero of Waterloo.  Have to say, I thought the night was a real success.  Enough space (including a stage to present from) to house all 60+ of us, whilst being cosy enough to create a great atmosphere.  Highlights were the chants of "Cheerio, cheerio, cheerio!" to any of the early leavers and the excellent PowerPoint compilation of 2016 photos put together by Renee.  

I was genuinely shocked to win the Male PoTY against the toughest competition in years given Hoey's 2nd place in Canberra (2:29 low) and Barts' London result (2:29 low) and GC Half time (69:25).  Other winners were:

Female PoTY:  Renee (well deserved, has really stepped up in class this year)
Improver: Brendan (amazing gains, just has to consolidate now)
Ultra: Erika (our first female winner of this award)
Triathlete: Pete W (back where it belongs)
Spirit:  Timmy (for his cones)
The "Serg" Award:  Kanser (richly deserved)
I Gave it Everything:  Jeet

Some photos from the night:


More winners:


Late night celebrations:

So Friday was a bit of a write-off.

Saturday I did 14km around the Dam - usual route but legs getting soft already.  Then out for another party with Kirst's friends that night, but ''twas a good one with the likes of Ben Streck and Charlie Brooks also there.  Here's me getting ready:

So getting up for a 2hr run at 6.15am was always going to be a struggle, but fortunately Erika had also had a big night so we met up at 7.15am and met Barts, Darren, CT, Toby, Lewis, the Cap'n and another East-side deserter in Jerome for the last half hour before a beautiful dip in the ocean at Queensie and brekkie at Emporio.  Can't beat that for a start to the day.

Monday, November 14, 2016

JPMorgan - 2nd in 17:25

Well, another one done and dusted.  I think that's my 17th JPMorgan and my best ever position.  But slightly disappointed all the same.

Had a manic day, culminating in a meeting at Moelis (Enda's place) at 3.30pm where I started checking my watch every 30s once the clock ticked over 4:15pm.  Eventually, one of the chaps on the other side said something like "I understand you're keen to leave Tom, Enda mentioned you may get like this.". So I made my apologies and left.  Got to Martin Place station and met Jeet, LJ, Jac and Birchy.  I can't get the official bus anymore, I get too nervous being stuck on it.  Arrived at Centennial is light rain so we all huddled nervously in the Allens tent.

What I love about this race is that everyone from HuRTs is there, whether going for it (as most are) or just soaking up the atmosphere.  You warm up and see all your training mates plus some blasts from the past (Richie Palmer, Charlie Low, etc.).  We're then held on the start line in the coldish rain by none other than Benny Saint acting in an officiating capacity.  The bigwigs from JPMorgan obviously couldn't find sufficient umbrellas as they were late to make the pre-race announcements leaving us more nervous and miserable than ever.  Here's a photo of me to prove it:

Finally, we're off.  Plan from the start was to sit in a pack and attack the final km.  Easy.  Didn't quite work out.

Going up the hill I follow CT and Crossy at a quickish but manageable pace.  Turn the corner at the top and Crossy drops a bit leaving me and CT to lead.  We head towards Woolhara Gates and have we got a lead?  Feels that way.  Hey, it's a showdown between me and CT!

Then down the hill and someone bolts past us like we're standing still and immediately puts 30m on us.  Far out, it's Holt Hardy!  I was only talking to him in Monday.  CT turns and asks me "Is he in the race?" Then Neil suddenly comes past so I jump on the back of him with CT seeming to drop a bit.

Through 3km and there's Gary telling us to work together and we'll reel him in for sure. I'm not so sure.  He's looking comfortable.  But then he's proved right and we're cutting into his lead.  After 4km (towards McKay Oval) we go past and I push on a bit, into the lead.  Fuck me, I'm in the lead and I'm going to win JPMorgan!  Then some fella (Brett Halls) suddenly breezes past like I'm standing still.  I can't match it.  Fuck it, I'm gone. Turn Fox Studio gates and someone comes up to my shoulder, argh fuck it again it's Neil. Maybe 3rd will do, it's a podium after all.  No.  Can't let him beat me. Barts would be too disappointed. So on the rise from 5km to the Cafe I just nail myself and get a gap.  This is the gap on the final turn (photo courtesy of Greta):

From then on, I sprint for the line.  Congratulate Brett on the win (he seems non-plussed), turn around and see everyone coming in.  Holy moley Barts is 3rd.  Where the hell did he come from?  A great result considering his recent return from injury and just goes to show how much racing depends on belief and determination.  Then Neil.  A great run by him and he really is an all-rounder.  We know how good at the marathon he is but obviously has plenty of speed as that's the second great JPM he's run in consecutive years.  Then bloody Toby stumbles across the line, pipping CT in the process.  A massive run by him and my vote for HuRTs Improver of the Year.

We get ushered along but not before I see Erika coming in second in 19:41.  Holy crap, another huge performance with a time that's within 11s of LJ's PB and a time that would have won her the race in the majority of the previous 10 years.  

Then follows plenty of beers and chat in the Allens tent before we head to the Light Brigade.  Jeet and Bruce attempt the worst smokebomb in history along Oxford Street, while Macca, Hamish and I end up in Maisy's for the second round of burgers and milkshakes at 1am.  Another perfect night.  Apart from Donald Trump being voted in as President.

Serious talk:

The crowd:

HuRTs Ladies:

The Light Bridgade:

Tuesday, November 08, 2016

The day before

20min warm up session from the ferry to home.  

Have a manic day at work tomorrow but have cancelled all appointments from 4.30pm onwards (fortunately one meeting was with JPMorgan so I think they understood).

Monday HuRTs

Huge crowd today with a final tune up before JPM.  Ran with Enda, Kanser, Hoey & co before being joined by Holt Hardy.  He's doing a lot more on the bike these days but always pops out for JPM and will likely knock out a low 18.  Wouldn't want to leave anything to a sprint finish against him though as a 1:47/3:38 guy.

10km all up in 4:50's.

Sunday, November 06, 2016

Taper session

Beaut of a day. Started with a walk up the coast with Kirst and brekkie at Splat. Bit of cricket with the kids, lunch at Ruby Lane, another episode of Stranger Things in the afternoon (awesome new series - it's scaring the bejaysus out of Charlie) and dinner at the Cogleys.  Managed to fit in a taper session locally in the late afternoon which consisted of a 5km warm up, 5mins hard (3:08 pace but first km (3:13) into the wind), then 4 x 30s on Nolans.  Followed by 4.5km cool down.

Ribs a bit sore when huffing and puffing through the 200's.

Happy days.  Could have killed for a beer though.


Allambie Hill/Manly Dam route making up 14km.  Felt fab today and really enjoyed it on a beautiful day.  Made up just over 14km in 4:17's.  

Ribs still sore (still can't sleep on the left hand side) but better each day.

Saturday, November 05, 2016

Breathing through a straw

Met up with Barts.  3km warm up around Mrs Macs Chair.  Session was 6 x 1min hills then straight into 10mins hard.  Couldn't find a hill long enough so we did 10 x Domain hills followed by a Mrs Macs loop.

Hills went fine with the legs feeling pretty good and getting into a good rhythm but could only manage to breathe shallowly due to the ribs hurting.  Then straight into the tempo, 3:11 first km was good with Barts just behind, he catches me at Mrs Macs then pull ahead a bit up the hills but the legs were dead and my stomach was sore due to breathing shallowly.  9:40 for the Gate to Gate loop.  Not bad in the circumstances but need to sort out the ribs to give JPMorgan a good crack.

3km cool down.

Girls this am.  Another 120km of commuting for sport.


Aborted run home with my ribs too sore. Picked up a beer injury on Tuesday evening.  Just couldn't breathe properly.

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Melbourne Cup session

With the race that stops a productive afternoon on today, got out early with Darren and Erika for 12x500m on The Nolans path off a rolling 3mins.  Actually bumped into Jared for the warm up and cool down but he was doing a faster session on the grass.

First 3 reps were torture as they always are at 6.15am.  Rep 3 was a 1:32 which produced an expletive.  All the others were 1:30 apart from the last two in 1:29.  Very happy with that as I felt good this morning.  Nice and lactic over the final two reps which showed I judged them right.

14km all up.

Put your money on Jameka.  You heard it from me first.

Monday cruising

Jog home.  With a session in the morning took it as easy as I possibly could.  1:08:47.  Next year when I up the mileage this will be become a regular commute so 1:08:47 is the easy jog benchmark.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Sunday's are the best

Especially now we're properly in Spring. Lovely weather, would have had a dip in the ocean but for a breakfast date with Macca, Ben and the Cap'n at 8.15am at the Grumporio.  But now they know my name they shall henceforth be known as the Happyorio. 

2 hours this am (and 3mins) covering 27km.  Did the usual route in reverse but finishing at the house before grabbing the bike to breakfast.  Erika and I had a bit of an OCD moment when Toby and Lewis suggested reversing the normal route.  Took about 5km to adjust.  I was tired after yesterday's session (I always struggle backing up 12 hours later) but the company was great.

These are lifesavers:

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Saturday 5km tempo

Couldn't get out to Parkrun due to the busiest kid schedule ever.  One drop off for Duke of Edinburgh weekend away, 2 drop offs and pick-ups for sport (Avalon and Wahroongah - just to make life easy) plus 3 separate parties.  I've covered 200km in the car today.  Eventually got out at 5pm so did 4km warm up then 5km hard (2 loops of golf course again) with the same cool down.

Started and finished at the corner of Quirk and Balgowlah Rd thinking there was a 2 loop Strava segment that covered that section but it wasn't picked up.  Went out hard which was tough as the first 400m is an incline to the clubhouse. So your legs are cooked from then.  3:08, 3:16 then the hills clocking 8:03 for the first lap before a 3:22, 3:17 and 3:13 (8:15 second lap for 16:18 all up).

My PB is 16:17 set back in March when in peak form before London.  But back then I ran 8:08 and 8:09 so much more even split.  In short, I'm in good but not great form.

Friday solo

Missed the group (again) so did the usual variation of the wharves adding some botanical garden hills at the end.  13.5km in 4:36's.  

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Wednesday sort of MLR

Does 17km count as an MLR?  I think it has to be 18km to be an MLR.  Just like a long run has to be 26km.  I don't think Timmy's done an official long run in 3 years.

Was late for the group (work too busy again) but bumped into Jimmy early doors around the Opera House so did the rest with him which made it much more enjoyable.  Finished with the usual 4 hills up the Domain.  Felt sore and tired to start after the previous night's session but better at the end.  17km all up in 4:40's.

Another early morning shopping trip (6.20am) this am to get the kids packed lunch food and dinner.  No-one in the shops at that time which makes it dead quick.  But got home to discover Billy had scoffed all the Arnotts Premium Choc Chip cookies last night which sent Claudia into tears, so had to improvise with some jam sponge.  Wish I had packed lunches like this when I was a kid.

Decided to run Berlin Marathon next year so sent a HuRTS email out looking for support..

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Tuesday ES Marks

Usual jog there with the achilles and bruised foot feeling much better (achilles as good as it's been in weeks).

Just Benny this evening and when he said 5 x broken miles off a rolling 6:30 I thought he was describing his own set, not mine.  Different broken miles this time being 400m hard, 200m float, 400m hard, 200m float, 400m hard.  Everyone was doing slightly different variations with Hamish running 4 at even pace and Neil doing 4 broken versions with me.

Hamish was running well and ahead on each rep, pulling ahead on my floats.  Did the first rep in 5:03 chasing him and I was cooked from then.  Wanted to pull the pin after rep two and was conjuring up all manner of excuses to explain to Benny.  But then after rep 3 you've broken the back and, even though I was getting lactic, managed to finish them all going 5:08, 5:12, 5:12, 5:13.  Not bad in retrospect but at the time it was sheer hell - mentally one of the toughest sessions I've had to endure.  8km of running all up at 3:10-3:15 pace with few rests.  But the body is feeling in good shape.

15km all up including cool down.

15 days to go.

Have got kids pack lunch prep down to 30 mins.  They now think my packed lunches are the best ever.  I find that buying bouncy white bread, Jatz and Arnotts Premium Choc Chip cookies works a treat.



Late to start so met the squad at the Opera House.  Good crowd running with Kanser, Hoey, Worswick, Brothers Branigan & Co.  Saw some girl looking as though she was shooting a porn film around the wharves.  I kid you not.  Caught on her the way back but she was wearing a bikini by this stage.

Ended with some hills at the Domain.  15km in 4:41's.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Sore Sunday

Great night at the Steyne and Ashiana's last night with about 18 of us at the Steyne and a dozen for the curry.  Nice to see Emma and Nathan out.  All was going great until I tripped down the stairs exiting Ashiana's and turned my ankle, complaining like a sook.

Took some Voltaren this morning and managed to get out late arvo for various loops of Manly from the house which involved stops at home at pre-determined intervals in order to cook the roast dinner.  Just about worked although ran out of time for gravy.  Managed exactly 27km in the 2 hours (4:27's).  Have to say, it's a struggle without Kirst.  Haven't had a moment's rest today.


Check out the edges on the lawn:

Some amazing times at Burnie 10 this morning, looks like Australia's fastest ever 10km.  Also looks like various people (Harry Summers, Hugh Williams in particular) blew up trying to stick with the pace:

Saturday, October 22, 2016

JP Morgan session

Kids sport this morning so got out at lunch for Tiger's favourite JPMorgan session.  Basically 6 x 1min hills then straight into 15mins hard.  It's designed to replicate running up that bloody hill in Centennial at the start of JPMorgan before trying to get into a fast pace.

Did a 4km warm up to Suwarrow Street then straight in.  6 hills is just enough to soften the legs.  I was keen not to recover too much after the hills as you lose the benefit of the session so jogged straight back down and across the road and straight into 2 laps of the Golf Course loop.

Decided anything under 17mins would be ok so aimed for 8:20 for the first lap (3:20 pace). Started well with a 3:13 but then it started to hurt running up the rise in Kenneth Rd into a slight wind.  Bit of respite after passing the clubhouse and was chuffed to see 8:14 for the first lap.  It's then just a case of digging in and holding on.  Passed the Cap'n outside Jamie's  house as it was really starting to hurt but finished well for 16:39.9 for the 5km.

Very happy with that, albeit buggered. Will do me the world of good.  4km cool down for 16km all up.

18 days to go.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Thursday How do I do it

Ok, sounds like a bit of an Enda headline but struggling a bit at the mo with Kirst heading off to the UK (with Bec) with me to look after Billy, Charlie, Mags and Claudie for 2 weeks.  Spent 1.5hours on lunch boxes this am. How the hell was I to know Claudia only ate salami and not ham and Mags preferred apples to blueberries. A friggin nightmare.

Got out at lunch during a manic day (did I mention I was busy) to join the back of HuRTS mid-set so ran with Timmy for a bit before jogging around before rejoining Stoke's finest for a jog back.  11km all up  in 4:41's.  

20 days to go.

Wednesday team

Big crowd for a Wednesday run which we did up to Centennial rather than the usual wharves.  Love getting out there as you feel as though you're out of the City. Great crowd in Timmy, Jac, Hoey, Brendon, Renee, Paulie H, Wongie, Strom, the Brothers Branagan and a load of others taking part.  Big discussion on the relative quality of the running blogs on the market.  Of course I kept quiet as holder of the most long established and respected blog, listening to Timmy (News of The World editor's cutting room floor) and Hoey (snooze-fest central) bloggers fighting it out.

12.5km in an hour.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Flushing out the DOMS

Popped down to HuRTS, not intending to run hard, but just for a social run.  Turned out there was no session on the calendar so after many fraught emails I set a 35min fartlek at 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1mins off 1min jog.  Turns out to be more of a 35min tempo than anything else, particularly after you hit 20mins having only had 2mins jog.  But keeps the pace up the whole way with increasing breaks after shorter efforts.

Great turnout on a beautiful day with Scotty, Barts, Crossy, J-Fen, Brendon, Jerome & co all upfront with Enda, Birchy, Timmy and Taffy all showing up from the HuRT Squad Social Set.

Ran with Timmy most of the way averaging 3:51 by the end of my 35mins.  Legs not too bad at all.  I think given all the bludging I was doing on Sunday into the wind meant I didn't kill myself too much.  Cold has started to clear up too.

3 weeks and 1 day to JPMorgan...

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Melbourne Half - 15th in 1:14:00

Well, some races you just have to get through and tell yourself you're stronger for having competed.

Bit of a shambolic build up as I've never done Melbourne before so had no idea where to go etc.  Got funnelled into the MCG and from there it seemed to make sense.  Found the preferred start area, quick chat to Erika and then Eloise (just running for the win - no time in mind) and then we were lining up.  Took off with the likes of Brett Robinson, Ben Moreau & co feeling great for 200m until a rise up to Flinders St emerged and my legs suddenly felt like jelly.  Didn't really recover from there.

Loads came past until I eventually got into a rythmn and started to re-catch people.  Massive shout from the family at 3km which was nice.  By the end of St Kilda Rd (5km - 16:39) I was in a pack of 6 with Eloise about 50m back.  Then we hit the wind around Albert Park.  Holy crap.  It was a joke.  One by one we all tucked into behind each other, tripping over each other's heels in the process.  Eventually at the top end we turned away from the wind and I pushed on - with the group fizzling down to 3 but catching the chap in front.  Again hit the wind in the pit lane around Albert Park (10km - 34:30 - almost 18mins for that 5km!) before turning back to St Kilda Rd.  

St Kilda Rd was another joke.  Huge headwind the whole way had us sharing the lead in our group of now 4.  From here my sole aim was to: 
1. Avoid getting chicked.
2. Beat these jokers in my group.

At 17km we turn off SKR and here's the extended family again screaming their heads off so I give them a fist pump as I'm feeling pretty good having run 3:40's for the past few km while bludging into the wind.  Up the pace a bit here.  Eloise is getting too close.  Back on SKR towards Flinders St station - another huge shout from the fam and we're now on the tow-path.  Decide to attack the pedestrian street hill to drop the group and it works.  Into the G and enjoy running loop to the finish.

Feel pretty crap now having stoked the virus.  I wouldn't have run but for the fact I'd have got a reputation for pulling out post-London.  But glad I did.  

Erika had a great run to finish in just over 84.  Hoey showed his incredible endurance to hold on for a 2:32 whilst the Cap'n ran a very solid 2:46.  They were my runs of the day.

Then onto post-run drinks which lived up to expectations despite my short attendance:

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Saturday in Melbourne

Woke up having taken Voltaren and the body felt fine but feeling sorry for myself with a miserable cold.  Sure I've put on weight in the past 5 weeks too.  Altogether not in the right mind space for tomorrow but what the hell.  Will give it a go just to be part of the crowd.

Did 4km with a few strides this morning with Kirst (who did 6km).  Probably the first time ever she's run further than me.

Friday shocker

Drove from Goulburn to Melbourne in 7.5hours only being stopped by the police once and clocked by a speed camera once.

Arrived having developed a cold and feeling stiff and sore.  Did 4km on some fields to loosen up.


Busy day at work especially with Kirst picking me up at 7.30pm with the kids to start our road trip to Melbourne. Overnight stop was fixed at Goulburn.  Finally got out for 5km hard followed by 4 x 30s sprints at 6.50pm and arrived back at the office to find Kirst waiting.  Oops. Quick change then we were off.


7km with Elle and Jac running Corporate Cup.  

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Light at the end of the tunnel

AM:  30mins to South Steyne and back.  Saw Darren and told him to take it easy.  That fella is always in a hurry.  Only ran this morning because I missed yesterday due to work.

PM:  Jog to ES Marks.  Benny had 10 x 400m off 2:15 on the cards for those doing Melbourne (me, Neil and Alex - the latter two doing the full).  First in 68s then all the rest in 66s/67s.  Pretty happy as I felt strong enough to push the home straight each time.  Jog back to CQ as Jared is sick for 15km all up and 21km for the day.  Bit too much.  Will take it very easy tomorrow.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Short Sunday

Was chatting to Charlie over the back fence in the afternoon after arriving back from Seal Rocks so arranged a short run with him.  Just to Shelley Beach and back.  Charlie was doing his running impressions on the return.  He nailed Darren but I wasn't happy with his impression of me.  Basically looked like Eric Liddell from Chariots of Fire.

Saturday, October 08, 2016

Seal Rocks - MLR

Shortened long run starting the taper for Melbourne next week.  Took Voltaren last night (first in 2 weeks) as my Achilles was sore after running the session yesterday in the Kinvaras.  I'm ditching them for the Fastwiches.

Felt magic today.  One of those days when everything is flowing and you feel breathless running 4min kms.

16.5km in the 70mins (4:18's).

I always go on about the wildlife up here. Dodged a snake on the run today (looked like some sort of broad headed snake).  This morning we caught a snake eating a frog outside our cabin:

Seal Rocks - 75 continuous

Drove to Seal Rocks late on Thursday night arriving close to midnight.  Up on Friday morning dossing around on the beach.  Then in the heat of the day had my glance to get out for the 75 continuous.  15min warm up, 20min Fartlek (7 x 2min on, 1min off), 5min easy, 20min hard, 15min cool down.  On the undulating trail to Yagon and back.

Tough going in the heat and dry gravel (with my feet slipping in the Kinvaras).  Fartlek was pants but pleased with the tempo averaging 3:33's in tough conditions.  3:59 average for the 19km.


Same as Wednesday.  Sore again.


10km in the evening around the City.  Feeling sore.


4 x broken miles down at ES Marks.  Very blowy which made life tough down the home straight.  Ran them with Alex, me pushing ahead on the km rep (about 3:05 in the wind), him catching on the 300m float then him pushing ahead on the final 300m hard.  All run between 5:12 and 5:19 (first 2 slower before Benny told us to speed up the floats).  All off a rolling 7mins (shorter than previously).

Tough old session.  15km all up.

Monday, October 03, 2016

Home Alone

So Kirst and the kids headed off to Seal Rocks at lunchtime leaving me home alone (other than Ken).  So I lay on the sofa all afternoon watching multiple episodes of Narcos before heading out (after tying Ken up) on my favourite loop with some added Mackellar hills at the end.

Felt really lacking in energy to start with (wanted to sleep all day) but got into it and enjoyed the run at the end with the legs feeling quite loose.  Got back to find Ken gone.  How he unclipped himself will remain one of life's mysteries.  But shouted his name a few times and he came bounding towards me from nowhere.

15km in 4:28's.


Sunday, October 02, 2016

Slow and long

Usual route with in-form Scotty, out-of-form Lewis, the Streck (who I went 1-0 up on spotto), Toby, the Vonk and the Cap'n.  Slow this morning but thankfully so for me after 65km in under 48 hours.

Good news is achilles feels much better after a combo of double strength magnesium (amazing muscle tightness recovery powers) and new shoes.  OP a bit sore.  

Followed up with a bush walk with the whole family and the Cogleys up at Red Hill.  Came across this amazing user-built off-road freestyle bike track and some blokes doing amazing things on it:

Now enjoying a late arvo coffee sans kids at Ruby Lane.  I'm shagged so this is bliss:

Saturday, October 01, 2016

Baxter Basix

Loop of the dam via Allambie Hill.  Officially my favourite run and what I return to when needing to find my mojo.  Bumped into Hamish Bell (didn't realise he was a Beaches man?) outside Manly Vale PS but otherwise just me and my thoughts in the late arvo.

14km in 4:23's.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Slumpity Slump

Took yesterday off so did the session today instead.  I missed last week's 79 continuous (one of the sessions I think does me the world of good) so did it today instead - from work.  Just the usual route sticking to the water's edge.  Strong winds today which made some of the fast sections really tough.

Saw Barts out there and rival Kevin Robertson - yelling out a high to both despite being in a fast section each time. A slow average on the Fartlek and tempo but still managed 20km all up (3:58's). Hopefully it does some good.

111km for the week.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Run home

After a hell of a day at work and with a sore achilles, the last thing I wanted to do was run home.  Seriously contemplated the taxi option but I'd told Maggie she had to go to run training (after a day of touch footy) so felt like a hypocrit if I pulled out.  So I plodded home.

Achilles actually felt better as the run went on and wasn't as sore as expected.  Kirst was in bed by the time I arrived (9.20pm) so this was dinner:

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Struggle Double

AM:  3 loops of Nolans and Passmore.

PM:  Jogged to ES Marks.  Session was 4 laps, 3 laps then 2 laps.  Matt was doing 15 laps aiming for steady 70's.  We had to pace him around, taking a 2 lap break between each of our reps.  

I'm struggling a bit at the moment.  Before getting sick last week I was just tired but put it down to the step up to 120km weeks.  Now I feel like I'm recovering from the cold. Legs felt sluggish and I've got no bounce or enthusiasm to push each rep.

Lost touch with Matty, Keith and Jared after 1km and held on to 4:51 for the 4 lapper.  Bit better on the 3 lapper with Matt and Keith pulling ahead on the final lap.  3:36 I think.  2 lapper and held on for 500m before Alex cruised past with me finishing 2s back from the group (2:22).

Matt continues his fantastic form to run 17:39 for his 6km.  That's a 14:44 5km along the way.

Then a bit of a break before starting the 10 x 300m reps off a rolling 2mins.  I finished each rep about 10m behind the rest of the group with Jared smashing out each rep in 45s with the last in 42s. He's getting stronger by the week.  A girl from Runcrew (Abi Regan) was also putting me to shame running her reps in 47/48.  I was at least consistent with each rep at 50/51s.  Consistently mediocre.

Sat down after and my calf started cramping.  Then did a stretch and the top of my quad started cramping.  Then later did a hip flexor stretch and my abs started cramping!  So I think I need to pump in some magnesium.

Warm down for 14km all up.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Centennial wanderings

Missed the squad so headed up to Centennial solo for a loop and return.  Love heading out there as you feel as though you leave the City behind.

Bit heavy legged to start but better by end.  15km in 4:35's.

Some great results in Berlin last night.  Neil ran a fantastic 2:31 off a disrupted prep.  Craig "took it easy" (someone needs to have a word with him) for a 2:44 but run of the day was Julia Degan setting a PB in 2:42.  This from a World Champ representative who struggles to win Striders 10km.  No one transitions to the full better.

Old man trophy arrived today:

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Back to Sunday usual

Smaller crowd this week with Macca, Dicky, Elle, Toby, Ben and man-of-the-moment Scotty joining me for the usual route.  Scotty has hit some great form after upping his mileage to 120kms per week post GC.  He's doing that as well as maintaining the speed sessions, and as a result ran 15:48 at Parkrun yesterday smashing my PB and doing it pretty much solo (sounds like Lewis and Matt Robbie were with him early on).  I think I'll avoid racing him for a while.

Felt fine today until about 25km when my shoulders and neck started to feel a bit achey and generally felt lethargic - just the effects of the virus flushing out I think.  This coincided with me and Scotty catching Macca and me turning to Macca and saying "I'm going to push ahead to Emporio".  About 300m later Macca runs alongside me and says "so when are you pushing ahead?".

So we got to Emporio and Macca starts explaining his decision to run the Half in Melbourne and not the full.  After about 20mins of long-winded explanations, it dawned on me that he's too worried the Cap'n would beat him if he ran the full..

Please to have got it done.  Epsom bath salts and a couple of magnesium tablets should sort out the soreness.

30km in 4:25's.

Southern Highlands

Well, the flu (bad cold really) hit and I took Wednesday off work feeling sorry for myself.  Just cold and shivery and streaming nose with a sore throat.  Started to feel better by Friday.

Down in Sutton Forest overnight Friday with Kirst.  Got up early Sat morning and ran 10km from the Peppers place in my Saucony Kinvaras.  Not sure I can use them for training (at least, my achilles would need time to adapt) but will be good for long tempos, Halfs and Marathons.  Felt good towards the end pushing the pace a bit.  4:15's.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Tuesday double?

AM:  6km to the wharf via Shelley Beach.  My first run to Shelley since the June storm.  

Have a sore throat and think in coming down with a cold so will see about training tonight..

Monday recovery

Just an easy run home from work at the end of the day.  66mins (4:45's).  I think I've finally found the shortest route home:

Monday, September 19, 2016

Sydney Half - pacing

Set the alarm for the ungodly hour of 4:30am.  This gave me 10mins to wash, dress, put lenses in, eat banana and drink large glass of water.  Then out to Bike Addiction to get a lift from Hamish.  Picked up Macca and Darren on the way and then into Macca's office in North Sydney where Darren decided to avail himself of the employees toiletries.

Down to the start line to pick up the pacing flag where I met Timmy and Muz. Here we are, bleary eyed, at 5.50am:

Treated like royalty at the start line and we're off.  Run the uphill section (such a crap start to this race - only the Sun Run ranks worse and that race is a joke) and I do a 3:40 thinking "this isn't going to be fun".  Find a group including LJ and J-Fen and can see Muz just ahead so all is good.  Suddenly you run down off the bridge and we're flying, running a km split of 3:30 feeling fantastic.  See the leaders switching back and The Vonk looks good followed by Hamish Mc and Alex and then Macca.  Then on Cahill Expressway I hear someone swearing loudly in front and Muz has pulled up lame - his calf blowing from protecting his  achilles.

The next few km I'm running with Burkey at the front of a group of about 10 and we starting clipping off the kms regularly at an even pace.  Here we are through Hyde Park:

The group in front falls apart a bit and we catch Eoin at 10km (37:30) with Darren up ahead.  Catch Darren in Pyrmont at 13km and get a good luck at the runners here due to the switchbacks.  Vlad is going well, Renee is having a cracker of a run but LJ is having an off day.

The group is still holding together and in shouting at anyone threatening to drop off.  I was worrying about the hills on the flyovers at Darling Harbour but they divert you around the water's edge so that it's a great - flat - final 7km.  Catch Brendon F at 16km and from here it's just encouraging the group to hold together.

Darren and David from Clutz start to pick up the pace at 17km finishing very strongly.  By 20km I can see the group is going to make it so drop back a bit to encourage those behind.  First Hamish (coming home strong) then Marc Ashworth and others.  We're in the final finish chute now and there's an Indian chap who's struggling but on the cusp of making it.  I'm screaming at him (to the amusement of the crowd) and he musters a sprint to get through with 3s to spare.  And the fella is in tears and comes over to say thank you after. I was welling up.

A great run.  I like the course although a few too many switchbacks to be fast.  Some great performances out there with Marc, Darren and Brendon all doing fantastically to go under 80 for the first time.  But run of the day to Renee in 83:36.  She just gets better and better.  Take a look at the Striders website and see how high that places her on the Striders Half Marathon Ladder.

Will try to race this next year.


Old Man v 800m man.  Jogged to Curl Curl to see Jared warming up and a few other familiar faces including the Cap'n and Pete W.  Had a chat and found out Jared had instructions to run the first 3km in 9:30 and then "feel the pain".  So my morning was set from that.

Off we go and Jared shoots off looking like he's cruising while I take 2 strides for every one of his.  Through 1km in 3:02 - holy crap.  I push on a bit through 2km in 6:12 and then 3km in 9:32 and he's starting to breathe hard.  I gap him up the hill but I'm cooked here too.  Get home feeling uncomfortable in 16:07.  Smashed by that first km.  Strava said I set a personal record for the first half, but was 17s slower than my record on the second half.  That says it all.

The Cap'n is showing some form to finish 3rd in 17:16.  Jogged home with him for 11km all up.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Interesting day

AM:  6.5km with 3 loops of Nolans and Passmore on the grass.  Did it because my achilles was still sore.  Not sure why I haven't been doing it before as, after the first lap (watching some young chick pone me) I felt great.

Lunch:  Most disappointing HuRTS turnout in a long time. Only about 10 people today.  If others continue to organise their own sessions to suit themselves - and encourage others within the squad to join them- then the HuRT Squad will disintegrate.

Did a shortened version of the Timmy Hills and Tempo set with 12mins of hills and a 3km tempo being just one loop of Mrs Macs.  Fats and Mikey L were pushing the hills with me barely hanging on before putting in a late effort.  This was token given Fats was doing the full 20mins.  Then into the tempo where I gave it a shot with Mikey L before struggling on the hills before Darren Moyle and Tongey brought me home in 9:36 (3:20's).  Followed by a 4.5km cool down solo.  

The squad is 10 years old this month but needs a lease of life.  My recent turnout has not assisted.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Achilles a bit tight again so decided against a hilly run to work and instead did a lunchtime MLR with Hoey and BK ending with another 4 x Domain carpark hills.  18km in a slow 4:45's.

Tired at the moment but sick of saying that so will bore you with my work day instead.  6 coffees (3 piccolos, 1 latte and 2 flat whites), 4 meetings, 1 shirt pick-up, usual pasta salad and quiche plus fizzy water and small muffin from Delisse for lunch (oops, forgot wallet and they gave it to me on credit but promised I'd return and have just realised I didn't), probably 15 phone calls, probably 150 emails, 1 new instruction, 1 interview (nice bloke, we'll probably make him an offer) and did a small amount of what the average person might call 'law'.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


AM:  6+km in the early morn before brekkie with Kirst at Emporio.  Achilles tight.  Plod plod plod.

PM:  5km jog to ES Marks from work to be met by Coach Ben saying it was "12x400m with 200m float - with Matty", which basically translated as 17 and a half laps solo trying to avoid being lapped by Matt.  Nice.  

Ran 23:08 in total for the 7km (3:18's) with the 400's in 74/75 and the 200's in 44/45.  Hard work solo and legs felt heavy the whole way.  Gary told me to run lighter at one point but I couldn't tonight.  Managed to avoid being lapped by 5s!  Matty ran 22:00. 

3km warm down around the track with a further 2km from Jared's to the Wharf.  He is getting fitter rapidly every week, running his 1km reps in 2:50 then 2:40 tonight before 300's in 44s.  He's doing Parkrun on Sat and I reckon if I turn up I'll need to be 20s ahead at 4km to beat him.

23km all up for the day.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Monday bloody Monday

Just an easy 17km with the squad which included some hills at the end (Domain car park).  Ended up running with this nice chap from Clayton Utz at the end who told me that stories of my summer clerk interview style ("5km does not make you a long distance runner") was doing the rounds.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Easy loosener

Very easy untimed run around the Allambie Hill route.  Really enjoyed it.