Big crowd including Charlie, Serg, Fats, Phil Dove (making his annual appearance), Kanser, MC, Timinerko, Durante (looking very lean after secret warm weather training), Anthony, Springer, Ray, Greg, Mike Race and a couple of others. Intended to take make sure I didn't go off too quickly too early so we shared the pacing around making sure no-one sat on the shoulder of the pacemaker. It worked really well. We banged out the first 10 at almost spot on 3:30 per/km pace. The pace then increased over the last 4 so that the last one was done at almost 3:10 pace. Just Serg, Fats, Charlie, Phil and I ran all 14. Fats looked to be in great shape. Note sure how Phil does it but he was still right at the front at the end despite running reps 2-6 much quicker than us intending at that stage only to run 6.
I felt fine until the last 4 then put the effort in. Not as shattered as the last time I did 14 - the easier pace early on makes a big difference.
Attached a couple of photos Gerry took of the HuRT squad last Thursday.
AND Mike Race and Greg did all 14 as well !!! (OK, at slower pace, but we hung on till the end). The ride home on the bike SUCKED :-)
What does Hurt stand for?
You guys are sick. 14reps at lunch time. I'd passed out under the desk for the afternoon. HuRT. Hickson Rd Training. I guess they run themselves ugly or HURT just sounds like a lot of pain.
It was a marketing gem by Chris Graham. Hickson Road Training Squad (with a u to make it a word - HuRTS) also a slight jibe at Pain in the Domain i.e. Pain - Hurts , kind of similar but different.
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