Tuesday, May 20, 2008

HuRTS 14 x 3mins

Rocked up to HuRTS still feeling the effects of Sunday. Smaller crowd than usual (to be expected). Serg and Anthony (neither of whom raced on Sunday) and Fats (who did) were putting the efforts in but I hung around in the pack with Durante, Tucks, Kanser, Tim C, Tim L and MC. First few (at about 3:30 pace) felt sluggish but felt better as the session went on and the second 7 were much quicker, and less painful, at just under 3:20 pace.

Felt steady all the way through and nothing like the usual fatigue I feel on a Tuesday afternoon. Which is nice.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I can't help thinking that the lack of fatigue is because you didn't do the session as scheduled - I'm sure I saw an email saying it was 14 x 3km.

Congratulations on the half, very impressive placing.