Tuesday, February 05, 2008

10 x 3min

Met up with the Tuesday crowd for 10 x 3min off 60 second recoveries. Another good crowd including Serg, Tucks, Anthony, MC, Charlie, Big Mikey H, Tim C, Kanser, Tim Lindop, Enda, Darrens x 2 etc. Another warm, humid day. Struggled a bit in the middle as a result. First rep was quite slow at 3:24 per km pace, then upped them to 3:15 pace where they stayed for the rest of the session. Started to struggle on rep number 7 but picked it up on the last 2 when it's psychologically easier. Big Mikey H was dominating up front, Tucks, Kanser and Ray held back a bit for Friday's race, MC was looking strong again. Good to see Serg getting keen.

We'll have to slow them down if we want to get back to running 14 of them again. Not very hungry this afternoon. Saw a plate of prawns in garlic sauce for partners lunch when I got back and nearly threw up.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Long Sunday run

Set off after Kirst returned for 27km. Ran down Suwarrow and started the first loop from there. Ran two loops then to Manly SLSC and back. First 10km loop in 45:32, second in 44:40, then really struggled over the last 7km (7:13 for the final Manly mile). The conditions were great, certainly to start with. Cool, no wind and bucketing with rain. With the slower pace it meant I felt very comfortable on the first lap. The rain stopped on the second lap and it got noticeably warmer.

Was aware of the achilles most of the way and started to feel it when I was struggling towards the end. It's annoying as this is the first time I've felt in while running in a couple of weeks.

2:00:12 plus 1:40 to run down Suwarrow.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Tempo 10km

Inspired by the Striders 10km this morning where I manned the water stop, headed out for a tempo 10km at 4pm around the flat accurate 10km route. Probably took it a bit harder than a tempo thinking about how well Uncle Dave ran this morning and how far behind him I would have been. Quite far judging by this run. Had Kanser's Frank Shorter quote in my mind after 400m, really not feeling in the mood and feeling tired before I'd even got started. Struggled on regardless and gradually felt my way in. Started to struggle around Campbell Parade - the sort of point where when you are fit your legs feel more numb than tired so that you're able to push yourself more. Ended up with a 37:20. Considerably harder than the 37:20 I ran with Springer 10 days ago.

Splits went: 3:34, 12:25 (5:55 for the Manly mile) and 23:57 (5:48 for return Manly mile).

Great watching the race this morning but really wanted to be a part of it. Good crowd of 6 up front with Chris Truscott and Robin Whitely making rare appearances, along with Jeremey Horne, Paul Arthur and Unc. Winner was Luke Taylor(?). Big gap until the next group. MC had a bad run but will perform to what he's capable of next time around. Durante had too big a smile on his face to have been trying hard enough and good to see Kanser almost back in the 35 mins. His second 5km must have been a lot quicker than his Bay 5km last week.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Hickson Road

There's something about Hickson Road. 5 x 1.2km off 2 minute rest sounds fairly straightforward, but it's run at a constantly uncomfortable pace so the whole session is painful. It was made worse today by the hot and very humid conditions - felt that I had no strength in the legs at all.

Huge crowd today (must have been 15+) with Charlie, Serg, Enda, Anthony and Phil Woods running towards the front. My reps went:

3:52; 3:48; 3:44; 3:44; 3:37

Couldn't believe how slow the first one was, and how hard it felt running it. Wasn't helped by the fact I ran the first two by myself up front. Joined by Serg on rep 3, Anthony on rep 4 and ran the final rep accelerating all the way with Enda and Charlie (who pulled ahead at the end). To think that six months ago I used to average 3:35 for these...

MC and Durante were taking it easy further back in anticipation of the Striders race on Saturday. Will be interesting to see what times they run. On current form I reckon Mike would have a chance of cracking 34 on a flat course so I reckon 34:2x on Saturday. Durante would run sub-30 if he did some consistent training.

Looking forward to going along to lapscore Kanser and Tucks at the State 5km tonight. Don't envy them running in these conditions.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Easy 10km

Normal flat route at work. It was supposed to be easy but the combination of yesterday's session in my legs and the heat and humidity resulted in it being a bit of a slog. Half way in 22:02, got a second wind after about 7km to finish more strongly in 43:16.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


45 minutes Fartlek - 1 min fast, 30 seconds slow. Sounds a lot easier than 30 x 1min off a 30 second active recovery. You tend to hit a low point at around 17 minutes when you think the session is never ending, but the last 10 minutes seems to pass quite quickly.

Started with a good crowd of me, Ray, Serg, Anthony, Gerry, Darrens (Quarrell and new chap (asked his surname but I was knackered when he told me and I've now forgotten)) , Tim C, Enda, Toby, Adam C and Luke. Over half fell off before the end so that only Tim C, Darren New Chap, Enda, Adam and myself finished. Ray (who only planned to run until halfway) ran at the front with me following until Ray dropped out, then I ran at the front with Anthony, Tim C and Enda (who is going very well) variously joining in. It was very hot today which made the session very tough. Had to stop for a water break at the top of the Domain. Cut short the Domain section and ended up finishing slightly further around under the bridge from last time so we probably didn't cover as much ground. We chucked in the occassional easier 1 min rep for the group to re-form (which strangely coincided with when I was feeling a bit tired).

Great 10km race training. Just a shame I won't be running one until March.

Beaky - good to hear from you. Hope the stress fracture has healed and that the recovery continues to be successful. Would be good to see you back on the racing circuit in the near future. You don't want to be rowing in Canberra in Winter. You'll get stuck in the ice.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Public holiday Monday

Just a 1km swim in the Manly Boy Charlton pool. 23:48. Felt pretty tired today, probably due to the lack of swimming as a result of the increased running. Legs were sore today after yesterday's effort (particularly the thighs) but haven't felt the achilles all day. Saturday nights/Sunday morning's rest seems to have done the trick. I'll give it a day's rest each week. In fact, worringly, the left achilles was more sore than the right today.

Have added a photo taken this afternoon of Charlie and the older kids with his new armbands. He's taken to jumping in, with assistance (at the moment).

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Long run

26.3km. 2 loops of the 10km route plus to Shelly and back. Took it much easier than last week knowing I was running further. Felt fine until 20km onwards when the legs felt very tired (lungs were fine) partly due to the heat. Hot in the sun - amazing how much easier it feels running in the shade. Splits went 14:01, 27:40, 44:23 (for 10km), 58:12, 72:01, 88:47 (for 20km), 102:35, 115:57. Good to keep an even pace (check out that 10km/20km split) but struggled to do so at the end.

No problems with the achilles. In fact, went to bed last night without doing the exercises (I was knackered and "Sense and Sensibility" wasn't keeping me awake) and it felt a lot easier this morning as a result.

A few quick notes about some great performances recently. First, my eldest brother Jamie who set himself the target of beating 40 mins for 10km at Christmas and did so in fine style this morning running a 39:26. Secondly, Dave Sweeney setting an Australian >45 3000m record in 8:56 seemingly running by himself, and Keith running a 4:11 1500m on Thursday aged 53 (presumably an Australian >50 record? Hope to be out there challenging you both soon.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Steady 10km

Standard flat Manly route. Struggling not to push these steady runs. Probably something to do with feeling as though I need to test myself each time given the limited training I'm doing. 40:40 all up. Started at the bottom of Surrarow, 3:52 at long car park, 16:50 at Shelly, 29:30 back at car park. Achilles has been stiff recently.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Tempo 10km

The boys were meeting to do 400s/800s today at Rushcutters Oval and I knew my achilles wouldn't appreciate it so hooked up with Springer who suggested a tempo 10km. The idea was to go out at 4:00 per km pace. Given Gerry is the unofficial Striders 40:00 10km pacer, a man sought out for his metronomic pacing abilities, I told him he should lead the way and I could follow safe in the knowledge we'd bang out a 40min (well, 40:10 as it is 10.04km) run.

Well, Gerry's fired. We hit the halfway point in 17:52 (about 3:33 pace). At that point, we agreed to take it easy on the way back. Started out by jogging then gradually picked up the pace from end of Farm Cove before finishing in 37:31 (19:39 for the back 5:02km - about 3:55 pace). Not quite what either of us had planned, but a good run nonetheless. Pretty hot out there.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Some swimming

Achilles more sore than recently this morning, no doubt due to yesterday's efforts. Eased up during day but sensitive again this evening after sitting down for a long meal. Just 700m swimming in the Boy Charlton today. Not enough time and too busy (went at 6pm).

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Back with the Boys

6 x 5mins with 90 seconds rest. Good crowd today with Tucks, Charlie, MC, Michael Harrison, Serg, Anthony, English Andy, Tim C, Durante, Aus, Enda and others. Kanser joined us half way through after running a tempo 5km. Plan was to take it easy in the middle of the pack and be dragged around. Wasn't confident about staying the distance after a month away from proper training. Took the first 3 pretty easy in the pack, then started to push the last 3. Was struggling a bit more than usual but held on stronger than I had expected. Was overtaken only by Charlie, Tucks and Michael on the last rep. I think we averaged about 3:23 per/km for the first 3, 3:18 for 4 and 5 and 3:10 for the final rep.

Notice that in my absence:

1. MC is a lot stronger. He's a chance for going sub-34 if he can translate his training form into racing.
2. Kanser is much stronger. I'm sure Sunday's run/race was an aberration.
3. Anthony and Serg are well below form (or taking it easy).
4. Tim C and English Andy are going well.
5. Tucks is as consistent as ever.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Two days in a row!

Went out for an easy 10km at lunchtime with Kanser, chatting about all things running, marathon preparations and the meteoric rise of Mike. Just the flat 10km route again in 44:52 (22:32 at the turn). Achilles feels good. Still love those shoes.

HB - would have been keen to run the 5km or 10km on Friday 9th but I'll be in London. Looks like you've picked the old Striders course which I've always fancied trying - should be very quick.

TJA - crawl is an Englishman attempting Freestyle. Bollocks to your high mileage - I challenge you to a triathlon with my new found swimming prowess...

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Medium Long run

Got out for my first early morning run since starting training again and aimed to run either 16km or 20km on the flat. Plotted this almost exact 10km route which doesn't have the hint of a hill in it - we should make a race out of it http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=1563845.

Ended up doing the loop twice. First 10km in 43:02 (splits of 13:38 at Shelly and 26:56 back to the car park) then second 10k in 42:21 (equivalent splits of 13:21 and 26:32) for 85:23 all up (about 4:16 per km). Pretty tired by the end. It was warm and humid although still with cloud cover. Bumped into Pete Walker and Dave Le Banh on the second loop and a bunch of the Striders running the Dee Why Dash STaR. Achilles was fine - didn't feel it until the last 3km when it started to feel more sensitive due to getting tired. We'll see how it is tomorrow.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

More swimming

Another 1km in the Manly Boy Charlton pool. 22:33. Proof today that my crawl is now a lot quicker than my breastroke - I was losing about 10 seconds a length on the chap in my lane on the breastroke by gaining on the crawl.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Mixed but gotta love those Trainers

Woke up with the achilles more sore than recently so spent a while stretching it out. Headed out for 10.1km (route shown here on the G-Spot Findometer....http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=1560011) in the new trainers at lunchtime and they felt fantastic. Couldn't feel the achilles after the first km (was more concerned about a pain behind my knee). As a result, I lifted the pace from half way. Reached the turnaround in 20:45 and then completed the out and back in 41:06. Love the shoes. You can always rely on the Germans. I'll try a flat (and it is dead flat) 16km on Sunday.

Forgot to mention the very exciting news in my blog yesterday, being of course King Kev's return to Tyneside. And in an equally heroic return, he'll be joined by the deity that is Shearer. Will we never learn? Still, should be a fun ride for a while...

Thursday swimming

Popped out in the late afternoon to the Cook & Phillip for the usual 1km swim. Felt really strong on the crawls today and clocked 23:06 even though I rested at a few of the length ends. Achilles was a bit more sensitive today than usual despite a lot of ice last night but still good enough to test it with a 10km tomorrow in the new shoes.

Just back from watching American Gangster down in Manly. Great film - Denzel Washington was fantastic and our Russ was as credible as ever.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Almost back to normal

14km run home from work. 30:48 at the Toyota Garage and 58:38 all up. Felt very easy. Was aware of the achilles as usual, particularly on the hills. Having said that, couldnt tell whether it was the achilles or general tightness around the ankle as a result of trying out a heel wedge in my shoe. Won't use it again, particularly given I've just bought a new pair of shoes (Adidas Adistar Control) which feel great.

Attempted the longer run 'to test out the achilles. Feels fine now but we'll see in the morning. Back of knee was a bit sore up and from the final hill after Spit Bridge.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Ice Addiction

Saw Caleb this morning. Suggested some new exercises and a certain pair of shoes. Doesn't think pronation is the problem though, just over extending it through excessive training. So continue the exercises as before. He's suggesting 6 months to get back to pain free running though. I preferred Tara's 6 weeks. Achilles felt great today when not running, but aware of it all the way when running, albeit not painful.

Ran the flat 5.1km to the Opera House gates (20:51) then back around and cutting back to the office at the Art Gallery. 8km in 33:37. Then put the good old ice on. Nearly didn't get out today as I'd forgotten my kit other than my (soon to be replaced) shoes. Scrabbled around the office and found my Gold Coast 10km T-Shirt (one size too small) and an old pair of football shorts (3 sizes too big - like the pairs Ray wears). Looked like a tool and got a few strange glances but just happy to be out running.

Sunday, January 13, 2008


Woke up for the first time in 2 months able to walk to the bathroom without hobbling. The ice and increased exercises (added another Yellow Pages last night) appear to be working. Have an appointment with Caleb Wegener tomorrow but will cancel Tara.

1km early in the morning in the Boy Charlton Pool (Manly). I've gotten soft with too much saltwater swimming - it was tough this morning. 25:26. 2 minutes slower than last week. Beginning to wonder whether I miscounted the lengths and added another 2.