Thursday, March 04, 2010

Sort of Mona Fartlek

Sean's session for today was 6 x 30s with a 30 second rest. HuRT Squad session was Mona Fartlek. So I ambled around the back of the HuRT Squad until Clyde caught up with me on the final 1 min stretch before the six 30's started. I then ran the 30s with him which fitted in perfectly. Bashed them out pretty hard and I was pleased to finish them.

Others there were Ray (taking it very easy before Sat morning), Andy, Luke and Dom. MC had got there early and assumed we'd already set off. At least that was his excuse.

Dave - Sat morning is the next Striders 10km up at North Head, my local.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Easy Wednesday

Just an easy 10km plus a few sprints at the end - first half with Mike Race. Weather cooler but clear. Looking forward to Autumn.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Tempo Run Home Again

Missed HuRTS with a meeting so decided on a tempo run home. Felt great from the word go after yesterday's rest day so pushed all the way. 14:30 at Ben Boyd, 26:52 at Toyota Garage and 50:21 all up after a 6:50 final 2km. Only 1:36 behind my PB set just before City to Surf in 2008. Hope I haven't overdone it before Saturday.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sore Sunday

Schedule today was 26km in 2 hours. Woke early and set off at 6.15am feeling absolutely terrible. Really bad night's sleep due to the heat and humidity but also very tired after yesterday's session. It was a case of one foot infront of the other to start with, and even at 5km I thought I was never going to get myself out of it. I basically just ran up the coast to Narrabeen lagoon and back again. It took a push up Griffin Rd to Dee Why to get the heart pumping and breath some life into my legs. Km splits tell the story:

5:10, 5:00; 5:58; 4:42; 4:35; 4:39; 4:35; 4:29; 4:39; 4:21; 4:24; 4:25; 4:18; 4:23; 4:20; 4:12; 4:24; 4:20; 4:24; 4:26; 4:40; 4:22; 4:26; 6:17 (Freshwater beach and those bloody steps up over Queenscliff); 4:35; 4:22.

26.07km in 2:00:57 (4:38's). Achilles is sore for the first time in ages. Right hip flexor also tight.

Bumped into Richard High (second time in 2 days, he's stalking me) and Pete W.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Centennial 8km

Out with Sean's squad on a beautiful cool morning. Ground was very wet though which made things quite heavy underfoot particularly on the second loop. Warmed up with Keith and then did 8km tempo followed by 10 hills. Ran the first lap with Vlad who is recovering from illness and injury. He dropped off on the second so just tried to keep Sean within sights from then on. Laps went as follows:


28:27 all up (3:35's - exactly what I was told to do again). 9 seconds quicker than last September. Hills were fine.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Old Skool

Very easy 10km today with the old skool of HuRTS runners - MC, Ray, Springer and, wait for it, Serg. Headed around the new pedestrian path at Barangaroo which looks purpose built for HuRT Squad sessions. They've even got a blue line with a painted runner on it. Cooler again and light rain making for perfect running conditions.

84kms for the week. Hip, knee and achilles all great.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

HuRTS Gate to Gates

Hangover. Very stiff legs from yesterday's core strength session. Only turned up hoping to bump into Indrajeet (work issue) and because the session (8 x 909m) was very similar to what Sean had planned for me (7 x 800m). Then started the session and felt surprisingly strong. Was running at the head of the front group consisting of me, Fast Charlie, Ray and the Judge. All the reps were run in around 2:52 (3:09 pace) other than the first and the last which were a bit slower - about 2:58. Ray and Charlie came past half way around the last rep and the elastic broke. I did 7 of them as per Sean's plan. Beautiful day. Cooler than recently but perfectly clear and a little headwind on the "out" legs.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Fitting it in

Missed HuRTS with another lunch so just ran home. Tried to pick up the pace a bit and attack the hills to make it tougher, but it was something a little less than a tempo. Bottom of Ben Boyd in 15:33, Toyota Garage in 28:33 and 53:34 all up after a 7:14 final 2km. Felt pretty good from top of Ben Boyd onwards. Still got some slight concerns about my hip. Not sore when running but aware of it when sitting down.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Late Sunday run

Photo of Bec in the Flags. The keen observer will notice me in the background.
Tonight was 22.67km easy run home in 1:43:51 - averaging 4:35's. Was going much slower until I reached Sydney Rd to start the loop around Manly when I decided I'd better speed up and get home before Kirst started to get worried.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

State Carnival Weekend

Thursday night headed up to the Nippers NSW State Carnival. Had a fantastic weekend, capped off today with Bec making the final of the U8 Wade. She was going well in the middle of the pack until three-quarters of the way through when she swallowed a whole load of sea water and struggled home. Nonetheless, she made her parents very proud.

Struggled to fit in the runs, rested on Friday. Got out Saturday afternoon in the baking sun having spent the morning and early afternoon in it. Did what was on the program - 4 x 2km plus hills. Found a 2km loop around some ovals behind ourt hotel in Newcastle. Was very reluctant to do them but told myself just to grind through them. Times went 7:25; 7:15; 7:09; 7:00. ould only do 6 hills due to lack of time. Caught up with Richard P for dinner with our families and headed out on Sunday morning with him and two of his running buddies for 15km very easy at 6am along the beautful Newcastle coastline.

Will try and fit a long one in tomorrow although my hip is a bit sore. Couldn't do any of my usual exercises in the hotel.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thurs run home

Same two glasses of wine at lunch, same time at bottom of Ben Boyd (16:02), almost same time at Toyota Garage (29:38) but quicker in last section for a 55:55. No legs for a 3:40 finish though.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wed run home

Felt a bit dodgy to start with after a couple of glasses of wine at lunch but soon settled into it. Pushed all the hills which lead to a slightly quicker time - 29:43 at Toyota Garage and 56:40 all up. Puffing hard up the hills but then would feel great after. Last km in 3:40. Followed by 5 x 100m at 90% effort.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

HuRTS 4 x 3km

Actually, 4 x 10mins on way out, 2 mins rest then return to the start.

Was working until 2am last night and was struggling this morning so set off pretty tentatively, trying just to ease my way into it. I think everyone was doing the same thing as there was a lot of banter going on for a rep session. John, Tucks and Fats out front (the Judge dropping in every now and then), me, Ray, Andy and Enda in the next group with Derek and Clement popping in and out. Reached the edge of the bus stop outside the Art Gallery for the first rep (same point as I got to on Mona Fartlek two weeks ago but felt as though I was running a lot slower today). Back in 9:30. I pushed the 3rd rep, running with Fats, Ray and Andy and pushing up the hills. Reached the big tree half way between the end of the bus stop and the statue. Back in 9:35 including a big pick up in pace over the final 300m tussling with Andy.

Andy had the average pace as follows: 3:50, 3:37, 3:42, 3:33.

Very pleased with the session. Getting stronger.

Load of people out there today. Even saw the mighty Serg going for a jog.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sunday Valentine

Headed out this afternoon for 90 mins with Ryan (nothing to do with it being Valentine's day). Ran around and about including up to North Head. Covered the 20km in 1:29:42 - 4:29 pace. Probably a bit faster than I would have done by myself to be honest, but felt very relaxed. Also easier on the legs doing the slightly shorter distance - again at Sean's suggestion.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Saturday session

Missed getting to Centennial this morning following a late dinner out last night so headed out at 4pm to do the session Sean had suggested. I was down for 6km at 3:35 pace followed by 10 hills.

That's what I did. Covered the 6km (2 and a bit loops of my 2.5km circuit) in exactly 21:30 although had to push the last 2km to do so. Kms went:


Then just rolled through the hill reps. It was very humid (we had 70mm of rain last night in an hour) but no wind. Vest was sodden by the end. Might have lost a few grams as a result.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

HuRTS Time Trial

6.5km time trial. LF Charlie, Chris G, Dom and others set off on 26mins, Ray and I set off on 23mins, Andy gave us 30 seconds and Tucks set off on 21mins. Have only done this session once before which was early September when I was in the middle of my first mini-comeback. Then I ran 22:45 but damaged my hip in the process. I took the first km a lot easier this time hoping just to run relaxed all the way. I had done a pretty tough session with Carl this morning and my legs were still tired from that. Km splits went as follows:

3:20 (pace for the half km)

23:30 all up. So fairly steady all the way, picking up the effort up the hills towards the end. I ran with Ray all the way and that helped push up the hills. 45s down on last time, but it was hot out there today. Having said that, I'm obviously still not as fit as I was in September. But I'm not injured.

Great run by Tucks to set a course record and finish in 21:00 (he went through 5km in a (very soft) pb of 15:52). Andy ended up running the same time as Ray and I. Greg will have the other results.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Easy stuff

Very easy 40mins around Farm Cove and the Opera House etc. Beautiful day - sunny but not so humid. Greeted loads out there, including Dicky H and Bill, Springer, Derek, Crasti and saw Craig Dunn looking quite fit.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

HuRTS 5min reps

8 of them off 90 seconds. Tucks and Binfield out front, Ray all over the place, me, Fast Charlie and English Andy following, Mike Race looking solid, LF Charlie, Pete W and even Greg in attendance - just another usual HuRTS Tuesday lunchtime. I managed to persuade Brendan from work to join in too. He ran a solid 19:57 at JPMorgan off little training so have persuaded him that 6 months of HuRTS training could get him into sub-19 territory and give us a shot at the mixed title again.

Started steadily and basically ran all the reps at the same pace - 3:42 per km. Felt pretty good on the last one so upped the pace in chasing Ray to something sub 3:30. Not much more to report. It was rainy then sunny. Pretty warm.

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Tired Sunday

Missed a run in the morning due to competing in the 2km at the Cole Classic. I think I managed to avoid being last in my age group due to a sprint up the beach where I overtook an overweight bloke with the same coloured swim cap as me, so avoided complete embarrasment.

As a result of the swim and yesterday's race, the first 5kms of today's run over my favourite Manly long run route (Seaforth, North Head and Balgowlah Heights) was very sluggish. Got into it a bit after that, particularly after deciding to push the hills to raise the heart rate. Bumped into Thamal up at North Head who was looking as relaxed as ever. However, struggled over the final 5km running through the bush on the Manly to Spit path. 2:09:41 all up.

Knackered now. Achilles and hip better than ever but my old knee injury is feeling a bit weak. Need to restart the ski squat exercises which I was religious about until 4 months ago when I started all the other bloody exercises I have to do.

Fantastic run by Jeff Hunt in the Beppu marathon. I always said that lad had talent...

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Striders 10km Homebush - 36:24

Picked up Dicky Green at 5.50am and was chatting to him on the way to Homebush about fitness and training etc. I indicated that my hope was to run under 36mins today. He said he had no idea but anything under 40mins would be OK. Little did I know at that stage that I'd be seeing a lot of him for the rest of the morning.

With high humidity (despite not being too hot) I realised after the first km was reached in 3:30 that 36mins was going to be tough. I seemed to be miles back in the field during the first 2km. I deliberately didn't sprint off and tried to work my way through the pack instead. I was running with Dicky but with large groups in front who we gradually picked our way through. However, just after 3km when reaching the horsetrack he gradually eased ahead and I was on my own again. I reached 5km in 18:10 just after someone else had come past and realised that it was time to make an effort to keep in touch and claw some places back. I passed a group including Shaun Aichison and Steve Jackson along the road to 6km, and then Eoin Reville at 7km. Dicky started coming back at 8km so I just pushed on. Finished in 36:24. Time not great but it's my first race after only a month comeback training so can't expect too much. The pleasing bit was feeling much stronger in the second half and recording only a 4 second positive split when others blew out much more. That's probably got more to do with being scared of the distance in the first half though.

Tucks ran strong for 2nd place in 33:05 (times generally were relatively slow today). Great to see the Judge out there running just over 35 mins. Ray started coming back towards me at the end in running just over 36. Keith Bateman is looking very fit but blew up in the second half and ran high 34. Good shouts from the sidelines from the Tiger and Silverfox. Cheers all.