Not quite as big a crowd as last time we did this but still a good showing including Tucks, Serg, Muz, Ray, Kanser, Tim C, MC, Enda, Mat Kaley and with Fats joining after 5 mins. Felt comfortable from the word go today - probably as a result of taking Sunday off. I'll remember that in tapering for Gold Coast Half. Pushed the pace so so that by the Sebel it was down to Fats, Serg, Tucks and myself and then at the turnaround it was just Tucks and I - Serg suffering after a big run on Sunday. Turned at the end of the Hickson Road rep - so further than last time. Picked up Serg on the way back and the three of us just pushed on through to the end. Tucks said he clocked 10km on the Garmin at 33:49 and we finished at the final lamp post just short of the stone gates for 13.25km in the 45mins (3:23 per km).
Good session. Bit of a pick me up after the weekend but need to convert these sort of sessions into races.
Good session. Bit of a pick me up after the weekend but need to convert these sort of sessions into races.
Post script
When we were away in the Blue Mountains this weekend we came back to find a possum had built a home in the bookcase in our kitchen. We only discovered this this morning when all the fruit in our fruit bowl was half eaten. At first we blamed Charlie until Billy actually spotted the possum. Kirst tried and failed to eject him all day so it was left to me when I got home. Finally managed it (and have blocked the catflat which he entered by) after taking a few photos. Here are a couple. The elder two kids thought he was fantastic, but Charlie was completely freaked out by him. In fact, you now only need to say the word "possum" and he bursts into tears.
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