Thursday, September 20, 2007

Hickson Road

Swapped my entry in the Bridge Run on Sunday to the Half Marathon, principally following Kanser's email asking whether I'd be happier with a 9km PB or a Half PB. So didn't push this session as hard as I would normally do. Having said that, it would have been hard to as nobody else did, consistently at least. Times went:

3:45; 3:32; 3:37; 3:30; 3:53

First and last I was running by myself into a strong headwind. Last also involved a detour due to traffic. Third was most satisfying tucking behind the main group to shelter from the wind and then pushing on in the last 200m. Strong wind assisting on the return runs made them very quick. Anthony ran 3:17 for the 4th, a new Hickson Road record.

Another big crowd, including Ray, Serg, Anthony, Charlie, Fats, Phil, Richard's H and M (making a return), Durante, Dylan and Toby.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Wednesday slog

Bloody hell. Tough one today. 19km run into work with the usual 4 marathon pace stretches. Legs felt very tired after yesterday's session - I was dreading each fast section. Military Road ended up being the most painful. I think the fast sections must have been slower than usual but the overall time was OK at 82:37. Beautiful day - warm, sunny and no wind.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Overt training

8 x 5 min off 90 seconds recovery.

Charlie sent an email this morning suggesting this session and my initial thought was one of horror and looking forward to PiTD as usual. Then Anthony responded saying he was keen. Thought about a little more and realised that the two people doing the session were the two people who have finished immediately in front of me in my last two races and are precisely those I should be pushing myself against.

The session wasn't half as bad as it looks and was interesting to see the way Charlie normally trains. Tim C and Enda also showed up and for each rep someone took on the pace. The pace was pretty easy - certainly comfortable for the first 5 reps and rather than having any lactic build up over the last 3, it was more just creeping fatigue. Very different to my normal rep sessions where I tend to blast each one. Tim dropped out after 5 and Enda after 6 so the last two were just Anthony, Charlie and I pushing on a little. Still felt as though I could have done 2 more at the end but feel pretty fatigued now I'm back in the office.

1km before and after for about 15km all up.

Monday, September 17, 2007

More easy stuff

Had to be another easy run today as I could only get out when work finished at 7.15pm and I've been up since 3:25am. Very easy 14km run home. Really enjoyed it not having to do any fast stretches. 58:54.


Thursday - rest, too busy heading up to Port Douglas.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday - 11km around Port Douglas at quite a decent pace. 46mins first day, then 45:20 then 44:50 over the same route out to the crocodile park at the end of Port Douglas Road, back into Port Douglas the back way via the mangrove swamp (took this bit quickly worrying about crocs) then along Macrossan to the beach and back to the villa.
Can't get out at lunch today but hoping to fit in a run this evening.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Wednesday Tough slog

19km run to work with the usual 4 marathon pace sections. 82:08 - a little faster than the last few weeks probably due to not so much wind today.

This has become my toughest session of the week. I hope it's doing me some good. Pushed the bottom of Parriwi a little harder than usual which meant I was struggling by the top and found the Military Road section tougher as a result.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


3km warm up plus 6km Pain plus 3km warmdown for 12km.

Felt a bit sore and weary to start with after yesterday's long run but got into it by half way around and felt pretty strong for the latter half. 1:58 for the long rep. Another good crowd including Tucks, Ray, Serg (who isn't as injured as had been made out), Richard (who looks to be getting some form back), Tim C, Durante, Phil etc despite Charlie Low leading Mike, Anthony and a couple of others on a breakaway session of 12 x 1km off a 1 minute rest. That just sounded like a bit too much to me.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me

Treated myself to a 25km run due to missing the long run over the weekend (and for the last couple of weekends). 4km around Botanical Gardens and then 14km around Balls Head with Ray and Durante then to Darling Point and back with Ray. Easy pace the whole way. Had a few stomach cramps from Luna Park onwards - probably a small dose of what Bella and Duncan caught in Bilpin over the weekend.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

APEC Weekend

Spent the long weekend up in Bilpin and just ran a steady 10km each of Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Thursday speed

Tried out a speed session today. s x 5 x 520m (approx) around the outside of the football pitch on top of the Domain carpark. Worked very well as it was quiet (due to APEC I think) and they had just mown the grass which laid out a perfect grass track for us to follow.

Decent crowd again including Ray, Anthony, Tim C, Durante, Chris E, Phil, Charlie Low and two of his workmates. Reps went:

92, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 94, 95, 96, 97.

1 minute between each and one slow rep jog between the sets of 5. I led the first set (with Ray for the first 2) and then Anthony and Charlie pushed on in the second set (with Durante blazing for glory on the last).

Very different to running something like Hickson Road. Not mentally as tough but each one hurts physically. Quite of a bit of wind down the back straight probably slowed them down a bit.

1km warm up and 4km warm down for 11km all up.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Wednesday wander

19km run to work with the loop around Manly including the usual 4 marathon pace sections. As usual for a Wednesday, it was blowing a southerly so 3 of the 4 fast bits were tough. Again felt better along Military but I had bad luck with the traffic lights this morning so it was very disjointed.

83:21 all up (can't say I'm not consistent).

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

No Pain so tempo

Lunch with Deutsche Bank today so headed out at 6pm for a tempo run as I didn't have long available. Ran the old 8km (probably more like 7.5km) to Darling Point and back from the City then added a 1km warmdown. Felt great when running - even towards the end despite keeping a good pace up the whole way. 2 days rest/easy running explains that. Time was 27:49 - a 1:30 PB on what I thought (2 years ago) was my toughest PB. Shows what a bit of training does.

Easy Tiger (or is it a Kipketer?) massage at lunchtime which sorted out a few pains around the achilles.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Recovery Monday

Rested yesterday recovering from a monster hangover after Duncan's 40th on Saturday night.

Very easy 14km trundle around Balls Head at lunch with Ray. 66:23.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Striders North Head 10km

6th in 33:08.

Woke up with a cough but otherwise feeling OK so decided to run - pleased I did too. Jogged to North Head very slowly then caught up with the usual faces. Great turnout today - particularly from our Thursday lunchtime group including Serg, Tucks, Anthony, Ray, Mike, Richard H, Tim C and Gerry.

Set off at a sensible pace going through the first km in 3:16. Serg, Jeremey Horne and Tom Crasti were in the front group with Tucks, Anthony, Ray and I in a group just behind. Felt pretty good around 3km so pushed the pace on a bit (basically to try and drop Ray - I had the $100 bet with Kanser to consider after all) but heading back up the hill between 4 and 5km Tucks and Anthony eased ahead again. Went through 5km in 16:28 so the pace was still sensible. I was just trying to hang on to them at this stage. Was still there at the Start/Finish turnaround but I was dropped on that fatal stretch between 6 and 8km where I always tell myself I should push but never have the energy to in practice. Struggled badly on the hill between 8 and 9km but finished OK. Pleased with the time - sub 33 will come one day.

Tucks' marathon training paid off in running a fantastic 32:35 (a 16:09 second 5km) and Anthony's incredible rise continued unabated in dipping under 33 to run 32:55. How good is that from someone who only started training 5 months ago and who only goes out 4 days a week? Ray also ran a season best 10km (maybe even his road PB) in 33:35. Good to see Richard H getting back to form to run 34:47 not far behind TJA who is still struggling to find form after his flu. In other battles Mike held off Gerry by 5 seconds in the 35:30's.

Perfect conditions today - cool with no wind. A beautiful day up on North Head. Appreciated the shouts by Silverfox at the North Head loop - I really did give it my all mate!

Friday, August 31, 2007

Slightly under Friday

Still not feeling 100% but a late lunch cancellation and a beautiful day meant I was keen to get out. Ran a very easy 11km with Ray and Gerry towards Balls Head but missing out the headland itself. 52:06.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Mona Fartlek

Woke up this morning feeling unwell with a sore throat and general weakness. Contemplated not showing up for today's session but felt slightly better as the morning wore on so turned up with the intention of taking it easy.

Felt very sluggish over the first two fast 90's - Serg and Anthony were way ahead and I was struggling to hold onto Ray. Then on the first 60 I suddenly felt better and started to push the pace. Reached the 10 minute turnaround at the drain just before the final lamp post (probably the same spot as the first time we did this session but not as far as last time) - Anthony was just before the gates and Serg just after - and pushed for home trying to stay ahead of those two and catch Ray. Ran the final couple of 30's with Serg feeling much better. Finished further around the Opera House than usual (the final fast rep finished halfway between the gates and the Opera House) and fresher than last time. Overall, pleased to have shown up and not kill myself (this session isn't half as tough as Hickson Road). Let's just hope the cold doesn't develop over the next 2 days.

11km all up.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Long Wednesday

19km run to work with the usual 4 five minute fast stretches. Beautiful morning for running (a little cooler than the last two days) which was a good job as I had little motivation to do a hard long run otherwise. Really struggled along Manly Beach and up Parriwi but felt surprisingly good along Military Road before struggling again over the Bridge. 1:23:24 all up.

Felt knackered when I got to work so tried some of Beaky's Endura sports drink (his parting gift when leaving the firm) which is supposed to aid recovery. Nearly vomitted. God only knows how your supposed to glug down a litre of that crap.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


3.5km warm up + 6km Pain + 3.5km warm down for 13km.

Another warm day meaning Pain was a little tougher than usual. Serg and Durante raced off into the distance leaving the usual crowd of Ray, Tucks, Anthony, Chris's E and G, MfM, Mike, Toby etc. Put the usual effort in and was pleased with a 1:56 on the long rep running from the front. Buggered by the end.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Easy Monday

Easy 14km around Balls Head with Gerry and Mike. Lovely day - pretty warm (Spring has arrived) so quite sweaty by the end. Picked up the pace towards the end to finish in 62:37.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Pub 2 Pub

A big night on Thursday at the AAR alumni event plus a big client lunch on Friday wiped out most of the Friday and Saturday and meant I went to bed on Sat night doubtful as to whether I'd show up for this race. But it was a beautiful morning and Charlie had me up by 5.30am so I put on the racing flats and jogged to the start at Dee Why (catching a bus to Long Reef).

Met up with TJA before the the race and heard about his flu over the past week so I guessed he wouldn't be pushing it. Fascinating start as everyone tries to get to the hard sand while avoiding the surf. It was pretty manic to begin with - had sand flicked in my eye and by the time I'd dealt with that we were already heading off the beach. Jeremy Horne took the lead and I settled into second with Charlie Low, TJA and one other I didn't recognise. From Long Reef golf course until crossing the lagoon at North Narrabeen I just tried to force the pace all the time and drop members of this little group. Crossing the lagoon Charlie pushed on and I couldn't keep with him, he then seemed to accelerate up the hill to Turrimetta Beach (which was a real bugger of a hill - steep and dragging) and by the top had about 15 seconds on me in less than a km. I sensed that TJA and A.N.Other had dropped off the pace here as well as I couldn't hear them but daredn't look around.

From then on I just tried to maintain 3rd - stretching out on the flat sections and just putting my head down up the hills. Really appreciated the shouts from Richard High at the bottom of the Mona Vale hill as it's another tough one. (Also had a couple of shouts which were well appreciated from 2 cyclists when running through Collaroy Basin - couldn't identify them due to the helmets and sunnies).

It's a fantastic course. The views are so good at the top of the hill at Turrimetta Beach and again running down towards Mona Vale hospital that you can still appreciate them when in some pain.

Didn't get my time. Something around 47 mins I think. It's irrelevant as no-one knows the course distance and is different from last year. Jeremy ran 44 something and I guess Charlie was about 40 seconds in front of me.

About 20km all up including the 6km run to the start.

[Time was 45:58 - pretty pleased given the times of those around]