Sunday, March 28, 2010

Iron Cove Bolter STaR

Set off with the 6.20am group not knowing whether CT was going to show for a 6.30am start. Very easy to start with but it was just what I needed - legs were still shot from yesterday. Group included Flakey, Shaun A, Nick B, Jo Cowan etc. Fats joined us at about 3km. We continued on together until about 15km when Fats and I drifted off the front. Caught CT coming back over the Gladesville Bridge and ran with him until 3km to go. No idea of the pace as I left my Garmin at home but I'm guessing it was 5min+ kms to start with but around 4:20's from when Fats and I pushed on. Finished in about 2:18. Guide reckons it is 29.9km but I reckon whatever route we took was a bit less, probably 29km.

Left achilles is now sore (not on the insertion but further up). Was the same story last time I did yesterday's session with Sean.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Centennial 8km

Warm and humid and boggy underfoot. However, was hoping to stick to Sean today given how much better I've been feeling in running recently. However, it wasn't to be. He pulled away at the end of the first laps and put about a minute into me by the end. Laps went as follows:


28:26 all up. Only 1s quicker than last month with very similar time distribution over the 4 laps. I was hoping to get under 28mins today so was pretty disappointed. Not sure of the reason - probably just tired after the recent step up in training. However that third lap is just pathetic. Need to do some more tempo running to stop this mid-race tail off. I'm much stronger over intervals. Will do some quicker tempo 10kms when on holiday.

Followed by the usual 10 hills which I did consistently in 21s. 14km all up.

Friday, March 26, 2010

The effort of pants

Very easy 5km over lunch with Clyde, the King and a chick called Anne. Clyde reckoned 5km wasn't even worth the effort of changing pants. I've become slightly obsessed about running every day though. Don't seem to get sore when I do.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Easy Thursday

Very tired from the week's training and still can't shake a cold that I've picked up so skipped HuRTS and ran a very easy 13km instead. Crossed paths with Pete W and Clyde and caught Hamish Bell with 2km to go so ran back with him.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wednesday MLR

Easy run at lunch with MC, Tim C, Tucks, King James V and Indrajeet. Usual route out beyond Rose Bay turning after 45mins. Managed 9.4km before we turned (just before the top of Heartbreak Hill). Quicker on the way back to finish 18.76km in 1:27:11 (4:38's). Tired by the end despite the easy pace - it's been a big 3 days (60km) and did strength with Carl this morning so the legs were weary.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Farewell Sergio

The big fella emailed yesterday to say that he'd resigned and was heading over to that popular destination for Australians of Portuguese descent - Switzerland. It will be a sad loss for the HuRT Squad and the Sydney running community. No-one will forget his 68min Half Marathon at the Gold Coast - he wouldn't let us. For the month or so per annum that Serg was actually fit, he would blitz us all. The thing was that he'd only take about 4 weeks of half arsed training to get there. We will be marking his departure in true Serg style - 2 lite beer shandies (heavy on the lemonade), a plate full of peri-peri chicken and 3 Hickson Road reps.

Today was 4 x 3km with the HuRT Squad. None of the fast guys were there though with Clyde and Tucks absent and John and Andy resting before Ironman Oz this weekend. So I was all alone by myself up front. With yesterday's session in my legs and a heavy cold, I ran comfortably but can't say it was too enjoyable. Reps averaged 3:41, 3:33, 3:41 then 3:28. Zero aches and pains though. Body feels better than it has in 2 years.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Long Monday

Heaed out early for a loop of Centennial then joined the boys (MC, Tucks, LF Charlie, Luke, Indrajeet, Rob and James V) for the usual Monday route. I'd taken Centennial very easy (4:31's) so still felt good when starting the second part. Slowed down to start with then we picked up the pace all the way through such that the final 4kms were run in 3:56, 3:49, 4:00 and 4:05. All up 27.15km in 2:00:16 (4:26 per/km). Felt great today. First long run I've done in 12 months feeling good all the way. Luke was on fire pushing the pace towards the end.

Short Sunday

Didn't have time for a long one so just 7.2km to the fields the other side of Campbell Parade, around twice and back. Averaging 4:37 (33 mins or so). Legs very tired after yesterday.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Centennial 4 x 2km

Sean's plan was to run them at 3:25 pace. Was hoping to get them all in under 6:40 after last week's session. We were running them off every 9.5 minutes so a longer rest in between compared to last week.

Felt great on the first going off quick and just feeling comfortable. Keith and Vlad came past so just tried to keep within a reasonable distance of them. This was how each rep went - I was basically about 6 seconds behind Vlad so used him as a marker. CT also joined in the last 2 having wandered acorss us on a run. Various others were doing shorter variations on the 4 x 2km theme. Reps went:


Garmin had it at 1.98km but still really chuffed with the times. Long warm up and down for 16km all up.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Easy new shoes

Very easy jog to the Sydney Running Center in Edgecliff, swapped for a new pair of Brooks Infiniti and ran back. About 5km.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Slingshot kms

Session was planned for Rushcutters, I was late and only planning on running an easy 13kms. Bumped into the boys (Todd, MC, new boy Mark, Rob, Dom) running back from Rushcutters though as it was being used for a cricket match. So followed them to Farm Cove where they ran Gate to Gates and I ran with them but then continued on with a jog while they had the 2 minute rests, hence the "slingshot". All good, average km times came down from 4:50's while jogging to 4:00's while doing the slingshots. 12.5kms all up in 54:40 (4:22's). Bit out of the ordinary but there you go.

Beautiful day again, perfect Autumn weather. Sydney at its best.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wednesday Non-MLR

Only time for an hour today so headed out with Mike Race and Tim C around the Centennial route I did on Monday evening. Beautiful day for running. Just over an hour at an easy pace. Have got a sore throat so packing in the zinc.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

HuRTS 5min reps

Eight of them. Normally like this session - each one feels fairly comfortable (you run them at Half Marathon pace) but you get this creeping fatigue during the last 4. However, having finished my long run only 15 hours earlier, the creeping fatigue set in half way through the first rep.

Ran variously with Clyde, Binfield and the Judge but Clyde and Binfield pushed on on reps 2 - 4 and Clyde alone did on reps 5, 6 and 8. I was pretty consistent running them all in 3:28-3:29 pace other than the first (3:34) and the last (3:25). Sunny but cooler again (25C) which makes a huge difference. Interesting that the total session works out at 12.01km in 50:30, 4:15 pace despite having 10.5 minutes of rest included. Shows how tough it is on the body.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Feeling guilty Long run

Friday too busy to run. Sat was Thurston's Bucks day. Sunday was recovery from Thurston's Bucks day. Monday should have been further recovery from Thurston's Bucks day, but felt too guilty missing my Sunday run so ran home after 6 hours of meetings this afternoon at work. Went via my Wednesday Centennial Route then along Cahill Expressway and back home. Lovely cool evening and no aches and pains after 3 days off. Picked up the pace the whole way to run 26.18km in 1:55:19 (4:24's) which ain't bad considering all the hills. Attacked the hills from the Cahill Expressway home. It's become a bit of a habit.

Some great results from Six Foot from Uncle Dave, Fats, Tim C and Tim Ashby (the latter beating my PB by 3 seconds). Tucks had a shocker. In fact, I'm beginning to question his mental strength for the big races. I'll be beating him soon. I've challenged him to an 800m after he declared he'd given up on long trail running and was going to stick to the track.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Bingle Single

Not sure why anyone expected anything else from a 22yr old Shire girl.
Great session today - 4 x 2km off a strict 2 minute rest. Much cooler conditions and I felt stronger as a result. Set off on the first rep with Ray and Fats behind - MC, Todd, Derek and others in a group behind us. Ran with Ray and Fats on the second rep with a following wind pushing us along. Alone again on the third and with Ray pushing all the way on the last. Times went:


Sean had me down to average 3:25s so was really pleased with the times. More pleased with how I felt - full of running today.

90kms for the week but may fit in another tomorrow given I'm likely not to be able to get out over the weekend.

Photo is of the Tiger going for a run with Australian 1500m record holder Sarah Jamieson yesterday. At least he told me he was going for a run.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Longer Wednesday

Headed out with MC, Indrajeet, Marty and Tim C towards Rose Bay. I cut short towards the end for about 17km at a very easy pace (4:50's). Crossed paths with LF Charlie doing Warrior on the Woolloomoolloo steps (he obviously chickened out of a proper run) but he was concentrating too hard to respond.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Hurts Progressive tempo

Actually, it's more like running halfway at steady tempo than turning and trying your best to get back. Ran with Ray, Clyde, Andy and Tim C with Ray and Clyde pulling ahead by 20m at the turn. Ray and Clyde came past strongly pretty soon after the turn and left Andy and I running together for the return. I struggled up the hills towards the end when Andy came past.

Very warm today (high 20's) but not so humid. Still feeling the weekend work in my legs. Averaged 4:00's on the way out and 3:40's on the way back (11.82kms in the 45mins for 3:48 average). Finished 30 seconds short of the Stone Gates.

Monday, March 08, 2010

Easy Monday

Had the day off work with Bec being ill so headed out in the early evening for a very easy 8km around Manly. Felt terrible for the first 2km but felt great by the end. Bumped into Richard Green half way around and had a chat - said he was nearly a minute slower on Sat than he was expecting.

Sunday, March 07, 2010


Went out for my 2 hour run at 4pm after sweating all day in the humidity. Really didn't feel like it but forced myself out. Ran the same course up to Narrabeen as last week but went via Long Reef going behind the dunes on Dee Why beach rather than on the road. Felt great until 16km, running 4:10 - 4:20's feeling really relaxed, but then suddenly became dehydrated running back up the hill to Long Reef headland. From then I was hanging out for every bubbler. No matter how much I drank I still felt thirsty. Still do now, 2.5 hours later. Feeling pretty queasy too. Bec has a virus so hope I'm not in the early stages of that.

Held it together OK to run the 26km in 2:00:01. How's that for sticking to schedule?

Bring on Autumn.

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Striders 10km North Head

Woke up to find no wind but a humid morning after all the recent rain - similar conditions to last months race. Jogged over to the start, but having moved it to the car park at the end of North Head is much further to jog there than it used to be. I realised this about half way there when I'd already started sweating quite a bit. Caught up with Ray beforehand for a jog and we were off.

CT, Jan-Willem and another chap shot off and I was next, wanting to make an aggressive start. Enda was alongside with Ray, Thien Vuong and another. Basically ran with them until the turn at 3km when Ray and Thien started to pull ahead on the drag back up after the Stone Arch. After 5km Wayne Bullcoh came past and I let him go aswell. Lost a lot of time in the middle of the race between 4km and 7km - just don't have the confidence at the moment to push on through. After the turn at the Stone Arch for the second time I decided it was time to put some effort in so concentrated on catching Wayne. Got into a good rythmn here and pushed on past him between 8 and 9km to finish strongly. 35:28 all up. Ray finished on 34:58. A bit disappointed but it's still a minute improvement from last month so I can't complain. Body feels fine now.