Sunday, September 01, 2013

Father Day

Out with Macca early doors for some flat stuff around Manly. I thought he wanted to take it easy but we were just hitting 4:15's the whole time. Then at 20km he made some remark about running faster over the final few km and suddenly upped the pace. The final 13km were all around the 3:45 per km mark. Macca went home separately with about 5km to go.

Felt good again, no orthotics. Left glute was tight though which put some strain on the achilles.

Congrats to Tucks on what looks like a great race at UTMB for 36th place overall.

Got home to a glut of Fathers Day cards and this present. A Suunto S2. How good is that?!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I will be interested to see what you think of the Suunto. I stole the one that Tony won for the Glow Worm Marathon and really like it, but I've only been using it for fat shuffling and gym stuff.