Pace dropped again after 30mins but rather than running 3:30s I clocked splits of 3:15 and 3:17. Sensed the group was splitting up and only Tucks was still there coming around Farm Cove. Pushed the hills back home (running a 3:25 split up the hills feeling really good) to finish in 44:20 (12.36km). Final Gate to Gate in 9:45.
Feeling in good form at the moment. Looking forward to a race.
Anna recovered OK. She sensed she was recovering after the second fit and cancelled the ambulance with Bartles giving her a lift home.
Sorting out stuff in storage and came across this photo. It's of me winning the Boys Northern X-Country Championships in Feb 1989. You can see why I was never any good at rugby, and notice the spazzy left hand which remains 22 years on.

Have a pie. What did you weigh back then?
I've tasted my fair share of pies since then.
You don't seem to have changed much - maybe a wee bit taller!
Amazing physique, and you had to put the number on skewed to fit it across your chest ; )
Actually, he didn't get to eat anything as his elder brothers scoffed it all for him. Which is why we aren't so good at running...
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