Tuesday I ran in my racing flats, Wednesday was a rest and Thursday again in my flats. Walk to work this morning with my achilles feeling great. Then run in my DS Trainers and it starts to feel sore again. I check out the heel and look at it! The shoes are only 8 weeks old but the heel fitting must be rubbing against my bursar so much it's worn away a big hole. So the DS Trainers are the problem. Didn't have any issues with the Brooks Infiniti so I'm going to try a Brooks replacement tomorrow.

Today's run was the usual route but with a ship in. Big crowd including MC, JF, JC, Clyde, Brendan, LF Charlie, Craig, Indrajeet, Laura, laura's mate etc. Very slow on the way out but picking the pace up a bit on the way back. 15.2km in 1:09:03 (4:33's).
86km for the week.
I'd get some odour eaters too while you're at it. I can smell them from here ;)
Amazing wear!
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