Monday, August 02, 2010

Very easy Monday

Just me, Dougall and chap whose name I forget from Freshwater today for a shortened Monday route. About 12.5km just short of an hour. Another beautiful day but a tad breezy.


James said...

No comments on the fantastic performance from the French pair Bob Tahri and Mahiedine Mekhissi in the European championships last night. I've never seen such a fantastic race where 2 guys blow the field apart from lap 1 and then sprint it out between them over the last 150m.
Not just a brilliant performance but true respect between both athletes. It makes up for the pathetic performance, both on and off the field from the French football team.

Superflake said...

Do you have any HURT squad predictions for C2S times yet?

Anonymous said...

Tom will go 45.45 at C2S.

Charlie Low 45.30

Kanser 48.55

Go nuts,


Anonymous said...

...........And Clyde will be taken straight to the nut house in a jacket if he comes out with any more like that. What is Kanser going to get the 380 to Bondi is he? :)

Unknown said...

Timmy, you're not wrong. I think Clyde mis-spelt his sign off, should have been "Gone nuts".

Jamie, the race was on at 3am over here so missed that one. Sounds like a good source of national pride though.