Thursday, February 18, 2016

Day 52

500m, 2km, 500m, 2km, 500m, 2km, 500m.  Up at Sparrow's Fart for this unorthodox set.  Each rep has a 500m jog recovery so it's 11km all up.

Met Jamie and Macca at QSLSC. Reps all along the beach to Shelley and back.  First one felt a struggle, middle reps mentally the hardest and I felt best towards the end.  Looked at the watch at 8km before the final 2km rep and realised I needed a 6:37 to get under 36mins for 10km, so that became the goal and pleased to run 3:20 then 3:14.  Ended up averaging 3:36's for the 11km including floats.

Nice shouts from Burkey, Erika and Darren all out on a beautiful morning.

1.5km warm up and 4km warm down for 16.5km all up.

Today is day 52 of my streak. Tomorrow it ends.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Easy short Wed

Elongated loop to the ferry wharf in the am.  Big fan of the easy early morning run.  Especially when it isn't to be followed by a hard afternoon session.

8.8km in 4:30's.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

79 Continuous

Super early start agreeing to meet Quentin, Jamie and Dicky at 5:50am.  This sort of start time is so "not me".  And as such I was 5mins late so the boys had already started.  

Session is 15mins easy, 22mins tempo, 5mins jog, 22mins fartlek (1,2,3,4,3,2,1 off 1min float), 15mins easy.  Simple huh! Sounds complicated but I did this session a number of times early on last year (particularly before SMH Half) and it got me really fit.  Back then I would do the tempo in 3:26's and the fartlek in 3:28's average at my best.  Today it was 3:28's for the tempo and 3:31's for the farts.  A bit off.  Legs felt tired although the breathing was ok.  No Mao-style "Great Leap Forward" is imminent.  I think I need rest to absorb the work.

20km all up.  

Thoughts for today:

1.  I'm getting more into David Bowie.  Unfortunately it took his demise for me to appreciate him more.
2.  Why does everyone call 150 Lashes 50 Lashes?
3.  People must cheat in Pub Quizzes.  Tonight we were in the bottom 6 of 24 teams despite feeling "we did well".  Australian 80's music questions don't help mind.  Working out the anagram of Canasta Scoring Fins was the highlight.  Try naming the last 5 Aussie blokes to win a tennis major though.  Or how many pairs of shoes Imelda Marcos left when she fled.
4.  Where is my Opal Card?
5.  Did Donald Trump really just say that?

Monday, February 15, 2016

Easy eve Monday

9km solo around the city in the late eve.  Easy at 4:33's.  This week looks like a combo of tough sessions and very easy (and short) recoveries.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Sunday morning

Not huge amount of sleep as were over at the neighbours for dinner.  Usual route (31km this morning in 4:24's) with Macca, Justin, Quentin, Lewis and Toby H.  

Will have a rest day or two next week on instructions from the boss so CT will win his $20.


Hungover.  7km around the back fields at 5pm.  Slow.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Easy commute

Very easy jog into work at 6.30am.  First km was little faster than a walk.  14.8km in 1:11:21 (4:49's).

143km for the week.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Tempo time

Hour tempo on the cards and Barts bailed saying he was "too tired".  Not sure what that means.  I think it's code for secret training as I saw him at the 3km mark of my tempo with Super Coach Timmy Lindop.

Felt tired from the start and after a 3:30 heading downhill feeling as though I was putting plenty of effort in the signs weren't good.  Gradually got into it.  29:00 at the turn at Barangaroo and back to the start in 57:47 so happy to negative split.  Finished with 16.87km (3:33's) which I was pretty chuffed with in the conditions.

3km warm up and warm down for 23km all up.

Only way i'm getting through this bigger workload at the moment is to constantly focus on the next session and not dwell on what you've just done.  Seems to work.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

MLR with friends

Too tired to get out in the am so headed out at lunch to find no-one at the usual start spot.  Resigned myself to 90 mins of tedium running solo before bumping into Timmy, Pete W, Champ and Jackie at the OH.  From then on we were joined by Sonya, Asian Dave, Jamie (briefly) and Jerome among others.  Time flew and before I knew it I'd done the 4x hills (withJerome  even joining me for those) and 20+km.

Very tired most of the way though and was head nodding at the theatre tonight despite seeing an excellent play (The Secret River).

Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Two State Tuesday

AM:  Met Jamie and Dicky for 2km solid then 10 x 300m.  2km around Passmore (although the Garmin was measuring it at less than 650m running anti-clockwise?) in 6:24.  Then 300m in a straight line on Nolans.  300m feels remarkably far when running in a straight line.  It was a case of before and after when running in shoes and then barefoot.  55, 55, 54, 54, 54 (then shoes off), 52, 52, 51, 50, 49.

12km including warm up and down.  Then rushed for a flight to Melbourne.

PM (lunchtime):  8.2km around the Tan in Melbourne in 4:30's.

Monday, February 08, 2016

Monday Morning

Out with Lewis for a loop of North Head followed by 4x Oliver St hills.  Took a while to get the legs moving this am.  Going to be a busy week at work so just hoping to squeeze the sessions in.

17.5km in 4:24's.

Sunday, February 07, 2016

Sunday slog

Well, fortunately those who fronted this morning had either raced yesterday (Macca, Justin, Craig, Lewis), had done a hard tempo late in the day (Barts) or had no inclination to run quickly (Tim P).  So we had a relaxing run the whole way averaging mid 4:30's complaining about how knackered we were and taking the piss out of my wardrobe malfunction yesterday.

Beaut of a morning to end in the surf and then on to Troubador after 32.2km.

Can't resist posting this photo of Kirst with Ken.  I think they're in love.

Saturday, February 06, 2016

Sun Run - 5th in 33:27

Woke at 5.30am with all of the previous evening's positive attitude out of the window.  Why am I doing this?  I'm knackered.  How can I run fast in 75mins time?

Met Lewis, Jamie and Charlie at Bike Addiction then Rochey in Freshwater.  We walked the Oliver St hill, trying in vain to keep ourselves fresh.  Jamie was full of fake positivity - an example being "But at least this strong headwind is blowing the humidity away!".  Jogged on.  Walked a bit of the Griffin St hill thinking WTF.  Got to Dee Why, said hello to a few familiar faces (Nick Roberts, Vlad, Tom do Canto, Elle, CT, Scotty) then did a few run throughs.  And suddenly I'm feeling ok and quite bouncy.  Line up and tell myself to stay in touch up the hill this year and not back off too much.  

The gun goes and Tom DC, Vlad and Courtney Atkinson quickly form a lead pack of 3 up the hill who crest only about 20m ahead of a large pack including CT, Lewis, Tom Middleton, Mitch Dean, Scotty, the 2 lead girls (Danielle Allen and Vic Mitchell), myself and a few others.  Then off the top Scotty kicks hard so I follow him, but he keeps on kicking to catch the leaders and I'm thinking this is madness.  So I settle down and CT comes past.  By the bottom, CT, Mitch, Lewis, Tom M and I have formed a group and we get into a good pace.  3:21 first km including the monster hill, 3:06 next km.  Now we're on Parkrun territory and I head the pack for a 3:15 then a 3:13.  We get back on Griffin Rd and straight into the wind so I settle in behind Mitch.  This will become a common theme throughout the remainder of the race.  We hit South Curly and it feels slow so I jump ahead up the hill to the Diggers and try to get a gap.  But there's a reason it felt slow - I've hit a wall of wind and it's a solid effort to maintain pace.  Mitch comes past but it looks as though at least the pack has split.

Do the switchback at Freshie and realise we have split.  We're only 20s behind Vlad and Courtney (TDC is now well ahead) and there's a similar gap to CT and Tom Middleton.  Shout out to CT.  But where is Lewis and Scotty?  

Up the nastiest hill on the course by my old house on Charles St and it's still me and Mitch.  Sweep down to Queensie and I'm still tucked behind him into the headwind.  It feels slow but resist the urge to push ahead.  Was this a mistake?  Who knows.  Wait until I can see the line with 500m to go and kick hard to get a gap.  But sense I haven't dropped him as the picture below shows.  And so repeats the situation of last year.  50m to the line and he drifts past with me having nothing to respond.

Approach Mitch post-race and apologise for drafting behind him into the wind most of the way.  He barely acknowledges me, says "that's racing", and moves on. I think, yep, you're right.  More motivation for the next race.

33:27 is 3s slower than last year but a solid effort in the conditions.  CT is next home and I have to drag him off the road.  I think he's getting his mojo back and he'll be putting the pressure on next time.  Vic Mitchell looked good in Olympic Year to beat Danielle convincingly.  Scotty limps home after pulling his calf early on. Charlie finally makes some effort after Elle (looking in fantastic condition post baby) gives him a scare.

Join Burkey, Charlie and their mate Youngy in Belgrave Cartel for some Mafia Eggs.  Then crash for the day as I'm farked.  Couldn't even mow the lawn.

100m to go:

Not sure what happened to my singlet, but is NOT a crop top:

CT in next:

Jamie has a tough day in the office but always smiling:

Last but by no means least, Kirst chooses the toughest course on the toughest day to run her first 10km post cancer.  Runs just over an hour.  Then turns up to her Sat morning running group thinking they are celebrating the Sun Run with breakfast only to have to do another hour's training session.  Very proud of her.  We'll sleep soundly tonight.

Friday, February 05, 2016

The Bare Minimum

Just over 7km from work very easy at 3pm.  Bumped into Kanser and had a chat.  Looking forward to Sun Run tomorrow, just have to put my head down, not take any part of it easy and hope for the best.

105km for the week.

Thursday, February 04, 2016

Thursday primer

Dark again setting off at 5.50am.  Christ it's only early Feb.  Met Macca and Jamie at Queensie with only Jamie doing the set.  Just 2 x 7mins today as a primer for Saturday.  Wind blowing a Southerly which made the fist rep heading to Shelley a shocker.  3:18 then a 3:17 plus a bit more to make up 7mins.  Circled back to Jamie then the return.  What's happened to the wind, seems to be in our face again!  3:13 then a 3:14 plus a little bit more.

Longer warm down (6.5km) with Jamie bumping into Lewis and finishing with him.  Trying to persuade him to switch to the Tiger.

13-14km all up.

Just bumped into Pete Beacroft while he was running to work (I thought he lived in Canberra?).  Pete was a freak, won the Bankstown 10km in 30:03 and I think he had the Coolrunning 5km record around the Bay in 14:59!  He used to work at Allens and needless to say winning JPMorganCC was a doddle as a result.  Looks as though he'd struggle to break 40mins for 10km now.. 

Wednesday Pinkleaf

Out with Conway, Worswick, new chap Mitch, Rob (?) and Kronie for the usual longer route to Redleaf (7.5km).  Views on the beach at Double Bay were simply outstanding.  Dip in the pool then shorter route back (5km) very easy.

Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Tuesday stamina set

8 x 1km off a rolling 5 minutes today.  The list of excuses runs as follows:

1.  We started at 5:45am.  I don't think I've ever started anything at 5:45am before, other than my beauty sleep.  Had to set the alarm for 5:15am in order to set out the cones on Nolans.

2.  Grass was long and wet.  It was like the Sunderland Cross-Country circa 1987.

3.  It was dark.  It's summer and we're running in the dark.  WTF?

4.  The session was too long to run barefoot.

5.  The session was tough enough as it was.  1km is just that little bit too far.  About 900m too far.

But, Ben, Tim P, Jamie, Darren and Erika all fronted up to do it, albeit only Erika and I being set all 8 with Darren doing 7 and the rest 5.  Went better with Jamie on my shoulder for the first 500m (even better when leading on his last rep).  I ran 3:11, 3:12, 3:09, 3:10, 3:07, 3:14, 3:14.  So slow in the conditions but at least they felt slow.  Tell you what though it was a tough set.  Legs like lead weights at the end - I normally finish these sessions running quicker at the end but not today.  Couldn't get under 5min kms for the 5km cool down.

16km all up.

Monday easy

10km off the ferry, up around North Head and home averaging 4:22's.    Nice way to get home, should do it more often.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Sunday similar

Craig came over at 6am so we did a little loop of Passmore and to the start point via the golf course to add a few km.  Then met Lewis, Ray, Scotty and Tim P for the usual route but added the longer loop around Narrabeen Caravan Park given Craig and I would be finishing at my house.

Good chats as usual.  Pace started to pick up after the water stop at Narrabeen Lake with Ray wanting a faster finish.  He got it (which he should not have been in doubt of with Lewis in attendance) with some 3:30's thrown in after Mt Dee Why.

All up 30.3km averaging 4:19's.  Might catch some zz's this arvo. Currently sat on my deck on an old chair feeling like an old man.  But happy.

Saturday, January 30, 2016


Couldn't get out this morning due to kids sport so Tiger's session (Parkrun plus 10min hard, 5 easy, 10 hard) was always in jeopardy.  Looked a killer in any case.  Only got out at 6pm and, given I'm running long in the am, decided on half of it.  Did a long warm up, decided on two laps of the golf course as:
(A) it's exactly 5km; and
(b) I knew there'd be a few Strava times up for grabs.
Ran 16:51 feeling pretty controlled.  I say controlled as my breathing was ok but not sure I could have run any quicker.
15km all up averaging 4:05's.  Managed to venture out just as the thunderstorm hit.

Holy crap, you can tell it's Olympic year.  Times at the Hunter Track Classic are sensational.  1:46.3 by some kid to win the 800m (Jared 3rd in 1:47.8) and Gregson winning a top quality 3000m in 7:47 with a load under 8mins.