Saturday, April 18, 2015

60mins tempo

In Seal Rocks.  Waited until the late arvo, did a 1km warm up (not least to get the initial big hill out of the way).  Then nervously got under way.

Basically ran to Yagon on the unsealed road (4km) and back, twice then plus some.  First km is a gradual uphill the whole way and did it in 3:42 thinking hokey cow, this isn't near the 3:30's coach was expecting. But that was the slowest km.  Averaged 3:36's for the first 30mins then 3:30's for the second 30mins.  Ended up doing 17km in 60:21 (3:33's).  

Bloody tough over the undulating hills.  Felt a bit nauseous afterwards but got a lot out of it.

2km warmdown for 20km all up and 114km for the week.

Friday, April 17, 2015


Supposed to do the hour tempo Thursday morning but too tired and slept through alarm so swapped for Fridays run and just did 30mins easy along the beach.  Beautiful morning.  6.8km.

Busy day then drove up to Seal Rocks at 7pm.  Worst night sleep ever being attacked by a gazillion mozzies.  Woke up with one eye so swollen from a mozzie bite that I could barely open it so I now look like The Elephant Man.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Easy Wed

Rolled over when the alarm went off at 5.30am.  Out at 6.45am and bumped into Justin, Macca, Darren and Erika towards the end of their run near Shelley Beach.

Ran with Macca for the rest of my 12km around the golf course and finished with 4 x 100m hills on the road leading down to Passmore.

Done but tired this morning.  Pace would have been just under 4:40's.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

10, 8, 6, 4, 2

Turned up to the HuRTS session (on one fine day) where they were doing 2 x 20mins.  If you were to analyse that, my session didn't quite fit, but set off with them nonetheless (starting with marathon man Fats) and ran the same route.  Session was 10mins, 8mins, 6mins, 4mins, 2mins all with a 2 minute rest between, so a bit like a Mona Fartlek.  Most of my endurance sessions have a hard running time of 40mins, and most of my speed sessions have a hard running time of 20mins, so at 30mins this was an inbetweener.

No guidance from Coach Carter on pace so I just ran as hard as felt comfortable which turned out at 3:15 to 3:20 pace.  After the first rep the session was about to get hard.  Struggled on the 6mins and 4mins but raised something on the 2mins to almost catch Timmy.  Solid session.

Warmed down with running man Jimmy (who was keen to stop for water when he saw a pretty woman at the Farm Cove bubbler) and Jono the kite (surf) runner.  16km all up.

First Double

30mins easy to Shelley finishing at Ground Zero for some breakie. 6.5km without orthotics feeling good.  4:36's.
Bumped into Andrew Daddo at Shelley on his run - keeping the weight off post I'm a Celebrity GMOOH.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Run home

Ran home with 'Lil Jimmy showing him the way.  16.64km (went via Manly) with 4 x 100m strides towards the end.  1:20 something (4:48's).

Then settled down with Jimmy to watch Game of Thrones (woo-hoo!) then the Premier League wrap up show over pizza.  Perfect.

Seal Rocks

Coach had 90mins down.  Ran 90:01 - basically to Yagon and back twice.  Should have got up earlier and arranged a run with Quentin who was staying at Treachery, but I'm no good early in the morning when camping.  When I run that undulating route (which I reckon I've now run more than anyone in history) I always seem to run the hills strongly and work the glutes.  It meant I ended up covering 21.02km in my 90mins (4:16's).

Some great results from Canberra over the weekend, with Neil winning the Half in 71:32 (exactly the same time I ran in NY) and Craig coming 2nd in the 50km in 3:07 going through 42.2 in 2:38.  Good to see Kanser getting some form back putting a minute into Timmy in running a low 83.

Tucks continued his trail dominance in coming 2nd in the Buffalo Stampede Ultra to some Englishman - no shame in that.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Parkrun - 1st in 16:12

Bit fuzzy this morning after a few Kolsch's with Jimmy and Jason (neighbour) last night in the 4 Pines.  But coach had Parkrun followed by 10 x 30s on the program so got out and did 4+km warm up before meeting Macca, Jamie, Pete, Bruce, JohnBo and Dicky on the start line.

Felt pretty good today and light on my feet without wearing the orthotics.  Had Jamie stick with me for 1km but then gradually drop a bit.  The usual struggle between 2km and 3km but picked it up again at the end.  Km splits on my watch were 3:06, 3:14, 3:25, 3:10 and 3:08.

Jamie was told to do 3km hard, 500m easy then 1.5km hard which produced an interesting result as Macca, Dicky and Bruce all caught him right at the end with Macca coming through strongly for 3rd place in under 17mins.  He seemed pretty chuffed with that and should be.  Not sure of the bloke who came 2nd in 16:38 - he looked pretty serious doing his warm up and warm down.

Then jogged back with Jamie, Macca and Dicky with Jamie and I doing our 10 x 30s (30 on, 30 off) along the way.  30 on and 30 off means you end up running 3:45's.  So a good session all up for 15km.

Maggie's first game of netball.  She was aggressive.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Friday easy and hills

Did 20mins solo then met Erika and did 40mins with her.  Then we did 4 x 100m grass hills on Timmy's hill.  Averaged about 22s for those.

Felt good today.  14km all up.

124km for the week.  Biggest in donkies.

Thursday, April 09, 2015

20 min efforts

Up at sparrows fart to lay some cones and meet Jamie and Amy, Macca and Erika for 2 x 20mins with a 5 min rest.  First 20 mins was to be fartlek (2 mins on, 1 min float) while the second 20mins was just constant effort. 

Went well this morning.  Jamie pushed the first couple of efforts on the fartlek then dropped back.  I must have slowed a bit during the fartlek as I did the first full loop in 8:00 and the second in 8:12.  But all up managed 5.84km (3:25's average). 

Felt much more comfortable on the hard effort run (if that's not an oxymoron) running low 3:20's until the 4th km slipped to 3:29 so put a bit more effort in to finish it off.  Ended up with 5.93km (3:23's average).

1km warm up and 4.5km warm down with Macca for 17km all up.  Rock solid training this week and feeling good.

Big news is I have a coach for the first time since my Dad coached me aged 16.  Signed up to RunCrew until Gold Coast Marathon.  So at least I'll have someone to blame if it all goes to crap.

Tommy's stat of the day:

Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Wednesday MLR

Out with Justin and Dicky for the usual route.  Stiff and sore to start with but gradually eased up - particularly after Dicky set his usual breakneck pace.  All up 17.something km in 1:16 (4:27's).

Nice to get home and have Claudia asking if she could do some run training. Then Kirst arrived back from her PT in a good mood so we went for breaky at Emporio (taking just one kid) and feeling like a normal family for once.

This is Claudie:

Tuesday, April 07, 2015

HuRTS 14 x 3mins

In the future, they will talk of the 7th April 2015 and those hardy HuRTS few who fronted reps number 12, 13 and 14.  Fifty showed up.  Seven were left standing.  They included Charlie "Warrior" Dalziell, Macca "Hardman" McClarnon, Angus "Knows What it Takes to Run Sub35" Boyd, Tom "TOMTom" Lee and Tom "Leading by Example" Highnam.  And a few others I can't remember.

It was a fine day to start but after about 8 reps someone pointed out the ominous black clouds gathering over Western Sydney.  On rep 12, it hit with the mother of all mini-storms coming over us.  I was running blind with horizontal hailstones coming across and nearly ran into at least 2 or 3 people going the other way.  Of course, at this point those SOBS like CT, Enda, J-Fen et al. had all upped-stumps and headed to the nearest coffee shop for their decaf coconut chai's.

Reps went (distance wise):

850m, 890m, 900m, 900m, 900m, 900m, 920m, 910m, 920m, 920m, 930m, 870m (super cell Cyclone Vinny coming through), 910m and 950m

900m is 3:20's.  920m is 3:15's.  950m is 3:09.

Solid session.  Great to see Wildman back out there.  Tucks and CT putting in last minute sessions before Buffalo Stampede at the weekend.  I don't envy them that.

Warm up and down for 17km all up.  This week will be my biggest of the year yet.

Monday, April 06, 2015

Easter Monday

14km in the late afternoon - 7km up to North head turning around and retracing my steps.  Bit of verbal abuse from Ireland's no.2 Johnny Burke up the hill at Shelley Beach.  But otherwise unremarkable.  60:29 (4:19's).

Sunday, April 05, 2015

Easter Sunday Long Run

OK, well I buggered up my clock changing.  We were meeting at 5.30am (which should feel like 6.30am), except I use my phone as a clock and it automatically adjusted for daylight savings changes, so I actually got up at 7am.

Cursed quite a lot for the first 5km, then randomly bumped into Jamie as he was emerging from the path leading to Dee Why Beach.  Massive coincidence really (he'd thought we were meeting at 6.10am aka 7.10am) so we ran together along the normal route in reverse.  The big question was which way around the lake Macca and Justin were going to have gone.  I said Macca would have put 2 and 2 together and avoided the mud on the near side.  Jamie said Justin was a creature of habit and would have insisted on going the near side.  Turns out when we met them that this is exactly the way their conversation had panned out in deciding which way to go!

Ran back and the pace picked up a bit.  Justin peeled off, Macca ran with us half way down Manly Beach then headed home leaving Jamie and I.  By this stage we'd started to chase some old fella running quite quickly down Manly Beach and were running sub4's.  We were both feeling pretty good so just upped the pace from there.  I ended up doing 30km in 2:07:11 (4:14's) with the final 10km in 38:35.

Saturday, April 04, 2015

Striders Lane Cove - 5th in 34:33

Was pretty underwhelmed coming into this race.  Weather was crap with teeming rain but more relevantly, I was nervous after feeling so average on Thursday morning not helped by too many beers on Thursday night.  Didn't want my legs to feel so dead again so decided on taking it easy early on then feeling my way into the race.  Did a 4km warm up with Justin, Macca and Dicky in the pitch black.

Lined up a few rows back and set off behind Timmy and LJ feeling pretty comfortable.  Shortened my stride going up Scribbly Gums and found myself in about 8th spot and picking people up as I went.  However, as soon as pushed just a bit too hard the legs felt very average so I figured I was doing the right thing.  1km in 3:25, 2km in 6:54, 3km in 10:34, 4km in 13:57.  Not sure of 5km (it's on the steep hill and I'm concentrating here) but I'd guess 17:40.  From then I could see Robin Vonk, Lewis and Alex R up ahead so concentrated on trying to catch them and worked harder to do so.  Caught Robin at 6km then Lewis at 8km.  Got closish to Alex but he was cruising and upped the pace when he heard my slapping footsteps.  So a good negative split but just need the body to recover and work to calm down.

Nice run by Barts to get close to Dave C but otherwise times were pretty average today.  Timmy won $20 after staying ahead of LJ.  One more months training and she'll have him.  'Lil Jimmy looked resplendent in an England football kit.  Justin and Dicky need to stop running together the whole time.  Macca came home strong picking up a number of places and CT was forced to time trial for 3rd place.  Thank God that's all over.  

Friday, April 03, 2015

Friday Filler

Big night of beers last night first at work after a very challenging week and then in the Woolloomooloo Bay Hotel for the final Biathlon of the season celebrations.  So felt pretty average today.  Got out in the afternoon for 8km feeling better every step I took.  Shelly Beach and back running around Lakeview Crescent at the end to make up the distance.  34:10 (4:16's).  A grey run but what the hell, just running to feel.

108km for the week (largest for a while) but really disappointing sessions.  Not sure why this is - may be the stresses at work.  Will race tomorrow but not sure how I'll play it.  I don't want my legs to feel as they did on Thursday morning.

Beaches Crew 800's

Up bright and early again for 800's along the beach.  Just Jamie, Macca, Amy and Anna this morning, with the 6 x 800's to run off a rolling 4 mins.

I felt crap from the word go.  Just couldn't get the legs moving today, and when I did try to speed up I would start to go lactic.  Reps went 2:35, 2:33, 2:31, 2:32, 2:30, 2:30.  I was pretty much running with Jamie for the first half of each rep then pulling ahead slightly in the 2nd half.  After this mediocre showing I had to do something to make myself feel better so called for two extra 400's.  Ran those in 71s and 68s, feeling marginally better.

Long warm down with Macca, Jamie and Amy for 13km all up and my worst session of the year.

Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Wednesday MLR

Out early in the dark with Justin and Dicky.  Couldn't find my trainers so had to wear an older pair without orthotics.  Amazing how much lighter and bouncier you feel without them.  But the downside was my achilles was tight even early on.

Honest pace as ever with Dicky leading the way but he turned back at the roundabout up to North Head so Justin and I dropped to a more comfortable pace without him.  17.6km all up - 4:37 pace.

Kirst is on a dairy free, low sugar diet and I discovered this amazing yoghurt that fits the bill.  Seriously, it's nicer than any normal yoghurt I've tasted.  Had a massive dollop on my Weetbix post-run:

And this one's for Timmy - Fog on the Tyne:

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

More of the same

No chance of getting out at lunch so ran to work (same way as ran home last night) putting some effort in.  But when the first km pings out at 4:21 you know things aren't going too well.  It's a bloody tough run to work (more so now I've moved) as I was telling Enda and Jackie O after bumping into them in the City at the end.

57:59 all up.  9 minute improvement on 12 hours earlier and legs rooted, but nothing spectacular there.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Stressed man

Stressful day at work with no chance to get out so ran home like last week.  Felt ok -and that's about it.  67:08.