Thursday, February 12, 2015

Best hangover cure

Took yesterday off.  Too tired and knee was slightly sore from over-exerting on Tuesday.

Summer clerk dinner last night and was supposed to meet Tiger's Girls for a session this morning but enjoyed the red wine at Otto a bit too much.  Had a day at home so hot out this arvo for 12km easy including a dip in the ocean.  Bumped into Lewis and ran with him for a bit.

I think there may have still been some alcohol in the system when I dressed for today's run:

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

HuRTS - 5 x 1km

With State 5000m on Saturday Barts and I decided a 45min tempo wasn't the right session today so switched to something shorter and sharper.  Just a small group of me, Barts, Quentin, the battling Irishmen (Enda and Macca), Renee and a couple of others.  Ran the reps around Farm Cove in the heat of the day - about 28C and sunny.

First one starts and I feel like I'm holding on from half way in.  Then second one Barts pulls slightly ahead, Q comes past me and I manage a late rally to catch Q.  Feels quicker and it is - significantly.  It's amazing how much quicker you get on these reps when your legs get used to the pace.  Third rep and I'm pushing the pace towards the end but trying so hard my legs start stuttering a bit and hitting the ground early!  Fourth rep I'm telling myself just to hold on.  Same again on last - if I can get half way I'll be happy, but again rally late.  Times went:

3:08, 3:01, 3:00, 3:00, 3:00

Pleased with the consistency after the first.  It was a very tough session, both mentally and physically.  Finished with some 200m strides then a jog back to the office.

11km all up.

Monday, February 09, 2015

Mob Monday

Great big mob today, including Enda, Charlie D, Kanser, Andy, LJ, Big Mikey H, James Lambert, Hoey and a bunch of the AMP boys.  Just the usual 15km which was a bit quicker than usual.  

Tucks looked very intense ignoring us around Farm Cove.  Secret training.

Sunday, February 08, 2015

Super Sunday

Another beautiful Sydney morning and out at 6am to do a few extra km before meeting Barts, Quentin, Craig, Justin and Macca for the usual route.

4:30 pace the whole way and time flew by.  Legs were a bit heavy after yesterday but generally felt pretty good.  One of the most enjoyable runs of the week (and such a contrast to running solo) when you're looking forward to the dip in the ocean and coffee and b&e rolls after.  30km all up in 2:15:58.

A good weekend was topped by having my entry (preferred) confirmed for the New York Half Marathon on March 15th.  Will have to adapt the training a bit.  Ditching the Track 10km on 28th Feb and will put some longer tempos in beforehand.

Saturday, February 07, 2015

Striders 10km Homebush - 3rd in 33:10

With Kirst learning how to mediate divorces, I was flying solo with the kids today.  Decided that the best way to get the race in was to put the kids on water hand-out duty and bribe them with breakfast and a trip to Homebush Aquatic Centre afterwards.  Was hoping that my 2 bets with Timmy - giving him a 3:20 headstart and my backing of Macca over Enda - would give me enough money for brekkie.  In fact, I'd offered Timmy the alternative of buying us all breakfast if he lost both bets (and had refused the kids any food this morning just to get them extra hungry).

Showed up a bit late due to organising the kids and only had time to squeeze in a couple of km warm-up.  But bumped into Craig, Macca and Enda and could see there was a good HuRTS turnout, with even Richie High on show and Kenny and Eoin making long awaited comebacks.

On the start line, man-handled Claudia out the way wanting a last second cuddle, then we were off.  Matt Hudson and Dave Criniti sprinted off with Neil P in their wake.  I was next and noticed Lewis immediately tucked onto my shoulder so knew what his game plan was from the off.  Was aware that there were a few others on the back of the group but not sure who they were.  Neil was pulling ahead until 3km when the gap to Lewis and I (and a.n.other) settled.  Then on the horse track one of the runners from behind takes the gravel with Lewis while I stick on the path and who is it but Hoey!  Holy Crap!  He's obviously taken my 10km race advice to heart and been aggressive from the off.  Now I'm worried, as Hoey is a notorious negative splitter and, on this course, I have a fairly standard 30s positive split.  Hoey goes ahead of Lewis and I and starts doing all the work.

Continues on this way through the start finish area for the end of the first lap (Lewis later says it was 16:30 at 5km) and I get a big shout from the kids and we're catching Neil.  However, even at 7km Neil is holding a 10m gap and Hoey is inching closer to him and away from Lewis and myself.  So I make a big effort here to catch them.  Then remember what Macca and Craig were saying last week about not sitting behind someone when you catch them so I immediately go ahead of them and try to push on.  I'm aware though that Hoey is just sitting on my shoulder.  But he doesn't go ahead.  I'm sure with more confidence, and race experience, he would have as I reckon he was feeling better than me at that stage.  I'm not sure he could have felt any worse.  But the longer he sticks behind me the more chance I think I have.  So we get to the mini-climb onto the bridge, I hear Gary shout something like "drive forward!" and I just concentrate on sprinting for as long as I can.  Thankfully, the footsteps behind get quieter and I hold on for 3rd.  Embarrassingly, there was even a mini-celebration, as evidenced here:

Hoey came in 5s later for a massive minute PB - and a huge step forward.  He'll run low 32 on the State 10km course in May.  A big thanks to him.  With his relentless pace we were able to catch Neil which I'm sure I wouldn't have done running solo.

But then the real interest came.  How did my NOTB Irishman do against the soft SOTB Irishman?  Well, despite Macca giving it his all Enda came in 6s in front of him.  Both went sub35 so the competition worked in both of their favour.  I just feel for the kids who lost out on another meal and had to make do with begrudgingly offered scraps from Enda's cinnamon muffin at breakfast later.

A good run by Justin in 36:09 and great first runs back from Kenny and Eoin in mid 36.  Anna Fitz also had a good first run return in 37:35 just behind Timmy's 37:34.  I keep on telling the fella that he needs to do more of the sessions he hates - the longer tempos - if he's to get back into the 36's.  You can lead a horse to water...

So, Timmy and I were even for the day.  But my man Macca will be back.  He doesn't take defeats well, especially when he's forced to pose for a photo with the SOTB pretender wearing this T-Shirt:

So a top morning all round. Nice breakfast with the Irish "E"s of Eoin, Enda and Eamo before all scaring our younger kids shitless with giant buckets of water.

Friday, February 06, 2015

Easy Friday

12km solo up around Centennial Park.  Dead slow but no niggles and felt great.

101km for the week.

Thursday, February 05, 2015

Passmore Reserve Reps

Out bright and early for a 4km warm up which is the minimum before I can contemplate running quickly at 6.30am.  Only Macca this morning so we decided on 8 x Passmore Reserve reps (650m) off a 2 min rest.

Did this session on a Saturday afternoon about 3 weeks ago with Justin (albeit only 6) and was averaging 1:54/1:55's so was pretty crestfallen to see 2:01 on the clock after the first rep.  But that must just be the impact of running early doors, as the times came down after that, thank God.  Reps went:

2:01, 1:59, 1:58, 1:56, 1:57, 1:56, 1:56, 1:54

In a further warning to Enda, Macca really pushed on rep 4 which brought the time down.  Legs were getting a bit wobbly towards the end of each rep after that and - sitting here at lunchtime - they're still feeling pretty fatigued now.  So a good session over a good distance.  You push almost as hard as a 400m rep but have to hold on and concentrate on form towards the end.  Will do me no good for Saturday morning but hopefully one in the bank for State 5000m next Saturday.

5km warmdown for 15km all up.

Read a great oral history of the 1990 Commonwealth 5000m final on last night.  Interesting tips on Andrew Lloyd's training before the race which we should put into practice.

Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Wednesday MLR

Usual Wednesday route with Macca and Justin.  Got up earlier today for some reason so actually met them past the Boy Charlton Pool for 17+km. 

Was prepping Macca all the way round for a good performance on Saturday morning.  He told me he was totally psyched and was going to smash any Irishman that got near him.  Justin indicated that he'd be happy to beat Timmy but would be going out conservatively and showing the legendary NOTB strength to bring it home on the 2nd loop.

Tuesday, February 03, 2015

HuRTS 8 x 5mins

Everyone there today with a quality showing upfront.  Barts, Quentin, Jono, CT, Fast Charlie, Tucks, Fats (giving it a nudge), Andy (hell, even he gave it a bit of a nudge), new man "Dark Horse Tom", Macca  plus blokes I'd never seen before.


Big news of the day was showings from our three star ladies - the 3 "E's" - LJ, Erika and Elle!  Where was Renee?  Running scared as the superstars returned.  Well, I say returned, I think they hobbled through a couple of reps, had a chat then said their goodbyes.

I eased off today, with the plan for the first few months of this year being 3 weeks on and 1 week off.  Intended to run with Macca but he just got stronger and stronger finishing the last 2 reps with Quentin and Barts.  Post-session I immediately got on the blower to Timmy and suggested a NOTB Irishman versus SOTB Irishman challenge for $20 on Saturday morning and he took it!  Just hoping Macca hasn't peaked 4 days too early and that Enda crumbles in perplexion at Timmy's new-found faith in him.

Felt comfortable all session which was good - far better than last Thursday.  I think the day off on Sunday has worked.  Not sure what I was averaging without a watch but we were getting to the second tree on the flat section opposite Garden Island.  I'll give the sprints on Thursday a go but otherwise take the rest of the week very easy.

Ah - on top of the No.1 Irishman bet Timmy has final agreed on a 3:20 handicap for Saturday morning.  Rorted once again.  I'm not used to negotiations where someone throws their toys out of the pram and refuses to pick up the phone until they get their own way.

Monday, February 02, 2015

Long Monday

At Craig Mc's on Saturday evening which involved a crate of beer and 6 bottles of wine between the 6 of us.  Can't remember putting the kids to bed or getting home for that matter.  But after a week off the booze those beers tasted nice.  Which resulted in Sunday being a bit of a go-slow day and my first rest day of 2015.  Happy enough to dip my head in the surf watching the kids do Nippers.  Maggie was beaten for the first time ever at Flags (by a boy - they're getting quicker) and the look of shock on her face was priceless.  The immediate bursting into tears wasn't so cool. 

Managed to squeeze in a longish run today.  10km solo before joining the squad for 15km.  Had to put up with Enda and Kanser baiting each other for an hour.  The disharmony in the Irish squad is growing.  And to say that Enda is focussed on beating Macca this weekend to crow about being Ireland's no.1 would be an understatement.

25km all up averaging about 4:30's.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Sun Run - 8th in 33:24

Big turn out from the beaches boys this morning for our local race.  Met up with Macca, Justin, Quentin, Ben and Jamie (where was Dicky?) at Bike Addiction for our jog to the start in Dee Why.  Perfect morning for running with low humidity, about 17C and clear skies with no wind.  Ben, Justin and Q proceeded to jog up Oliver Street, while Macca and I walked and hurled abuse at them, telling them they'd pay for it later.

Quick chat with Charlie D and Mike Baird before the start (as you do) and then I had to stand with the great unwashed (no seeded start for me) while the likes of Macca, Dicky and Jamie swanned around in front of us looking like pros.  It was all a bit relaxed on the start line chatting to Jenny Wickham and Justin before suddenly we were off with me a bit unprepared.  Everyone sprints up the hill, I take it conservatively and find myself about 10s behind a group containing Barts, Quentin and Lewis at the top.  Hell, there's even a chick in front of me.  But I'm breathing hard - surely they've all gone off too hard?  

Pass the chick then Jamie going down the hill, then Nick Roberts going along Abbott Road but I'm making no headway to the Barts group.  On to the Parkrun course and I can see Barts pulling ahead of the group and catching Criniti.  But the rest of the group is still pulling ahead of me.  Get a shout from Clarkey on his bike at 5km and decide that no-one is going to come back to me unless I work hard, so start pushing the hill up to the Diggers.  Turn into Charles St and I'm getting back, by the Harbord Hilton I've caught Quentin, Lewis and Jason Hall so put a real effort in up the nasty pinch and on Undercliff St.  

Sweep down past Queensie Surf Club and get a welcome shout from Dad and then begins the longest run-in in the developed world.  Holey crap, I run along Manly Beach about 3 times a week but that've they elongated it?  But I'm holding form OK and feel fine to sprint if anyone comes up to my shoulder to maintain 7th.  Cruise to the line but, what's this?!  Some bloke (Jason Hall) floats past with  10m to go!

Very happy with the time on a tough course but, far out, what a performance by Barts. Bit of a game changer that one - 3rd overall in 32:39, smashing Criniti (who I almost caught in the end) but soundly ahead of Alex Rogers.  Macca also had a great run in 35:34 showing that strength counts for a lot on this course.  Lewis ran a PB.  Jamie just missed dipping under 36. Divky was mid 36 and Justin's hammy held up in high 36.  Ben did what he intended by dipping under 40 and was that Charlie running as Timmy in 40:xx?

Beaut of a day in Manly showing it off at its best to 10,000 runners.  Lovely B&E roll and coffee at Bench with Macca and Barts (could be the new venue) to round out a great morning.

Friday, January 30, 2015

5 pointer

7km to the ferry wharf via Shelly Beach.  31:27 (4:29's) so only just counts as a run.

Beaut of a morning though.  Rain gone, sun shining and surf up.

112km for the week.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Brett Lee and Taylor Swift

I was never a fan of Brett Lee playing for Australia, but that final over of the Big Bash final certainly warmed me to him.  Hollywood script all over it - last bowl of his career and he's on a hat trick needing to prevent 1 run.  Brilliant match.  I then went to bed and had a bizarre dream about Taylor Swift.

But on to today's run.  3 x 2km from the Park Hyatt turning at 1km (or more likely 980m).  Hoped to feel easy today (what with the Sun Run on Saturday) but in truth I never felt comfortable.  Ran them all with Barts.  We had Q and Jono with us on the first 2 with Crossy pushing ahead on the third.  Reps went 6:17, 6:10 and 6:11.

Very good crowd.  Timmy's hitting a bit of form so I'll be asking for a realistic 2:30 on Saturday morning next week for the customary $20.  Macca showed a bit of speed today and Darren could soon be ousting Erika as the fastest Jordan.

Warmdown with Barts and Eoin for 10km all up.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Wet Wednesday

More bloody rain.  House is about to go under.

Usual Wednesday route with Macca, Ben, Erika and Quentin.  Good company, rain unnoticed once you start but legs were cactus after yesterday.  Q complaining about his knee again which isn't good news.  Needs to get on the Voltaren and foam roller.

17km in 1:18ish (4:43's).

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

HuRTS Fartlek

Well, it was pissing down today.  Not just London drizzle, but a full on Sydney downpour.  I thought it was going to be one of those days you turn up when others don't and steal a march.  But all the top dogs must have thought the same as Barts, Tucks, Fats, Crossy, Jono, Quentin, Macca, Andy, Enda and Hoey were all there

Fartlek was slightly different to usual being (3 (1) 2 (1) 1 (1)) x 5. But I quite liked it.  Always seem to go OK on the fartlek - I think the concept of running hard but being rewarded frequently suits my mentally fragile character.  Crossy went of quickest so went with him but Jono came by around Farm Cove and pushed the pace on (especially on the floats).  Q and Barts were taking it easy on the way out.  Turned on 22.5mins well down Hickson Road opposite the Lend Lease courtyard.  At this point Q and Barts hung around to join us on the way back.  Pushed from the Opera House onwards to get back with 12 seconds to spare.

Watch said 12.86km which would be 3:29's overall average.

5km warmdown for 18km all up.

Still no Timmy.  Has he permanently shunned Tuesday sessions because they are too hard?  And no sign of CT in 2015 either. 

Monday, January 26, 2015

Australia Day long

Out early doors with Justin and Craig.  We'd planned a special route just for Ben but he decided today wasn't for him.

So down to Shelley and back before heading up the beaches but cutting across to Narrabeen Lake just past the fire station.  Justin headed back after 10km so just me and Craig.  Was a bit tired after last nights run but fairly light on the feet and averaged 4:30's so not too bad.  Ended up back at Queenscliff with 30km exactly on the clock in 2:15.  Then the usual dip in the ocean and B&E roll and coffee at Emporio.  But even better was Craig's B&E roll showing up late so he demanded 2 extra free coffees.  I like hanging out with demanding people.  Over the 2nd coffee he urged me to run Orange or Bathurst Halfs.  May look into it.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Perfect Run

Kirst bagged the early slot so only headed out at 5pm when it was still 30c on a stinking hot day.  But felt good.  

Went out in my boardies and trainers (I looked a right sight and, of course, bumped into a load of people I know as a result).  Did a loop of North Head but stopped at Queenscliff, dived into the ocean and caught the perfect (huge) wave to body surf back in.  At that point I thought it can't get better than this so jogged home.

16.5km and enjoying a no niggle period.  You have to cherish these.

Charlie heading out to bat yesterday:

Curl Curl Parkrun - 2nd in 16:26

4km warm up via the flat route with Erika then showed up for my first Parkrun in ages to find the crowd bigger than ever.  Met Quentin, a sweaty Carla, Jamie, Craig Mac, chap called Mike and Dick Mull, with the better looking Heyden and Mr and Mrs Binfield also in attendance.

Knew Q would make it a hard race and we tussled all the way until 4km when he put the foot down and gapped me.  He knows how to beat me as the gap didn't grow after his initial effort with him finishing on 16:23.  Good hard hit out and a solid time in the warm and humid conditions.

5km warmdown for 14km all up.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Easy peasy Friday

Very easy 11.5km bumping into Louis early on and running with him.  Felt knackered for the first 6km then got into it.

110km for the week.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Nolans 1km reps

Well, jumped out the back gate onto Nolans this morning to put the cones down to mark out our 1km loop to be greeted by this low level mist that made the whole area look like a scene out of Sleepy Hollow.  Very romantic it was.  Macca and I contemplated holding hands for the first rep in this dreamlike setting.

But instead we just bashed them out.  First 2 were a struggle - as ever at 6.15am.  We were slowed by the longish wet grass too which made your trainers sodden within seconds.  For that reason I ditched the shoes after 3 reps and ran barefoot in the second half and, as usual, the rep times showed it.

3:16, 3:14, 3:12, 3:09, 3:07, 3:02

Macca would set off early from rep 4 to give me something to chase.  He was averaging about 3:30.  He's the only person I know who runs 1km reps at his 10km race pace.

5km warmdown for 12.5km all up.