Friday, October 17, 2014

Early doors

Ran to work, first time from new house.  It's exactly 2km further than the old house, which is interesting to no-one but me.  Ran with Dicky but bumped into Ryan early on.  This meant we were going way quicker than I'd planned even before I met Dicky.  I've worked out that Dicky and I are incompatible because we both like to lead.  This means the pace just gets quicker and quicker.

All up 15km on an even hillier route than before in 66:59.

100km for the week and hard fought given work and travel.  Happy.

Desperately waiting for my new Wave Rider 17's to arrive.  I bought these bad boys on Feb 2nd, so I've done around 3500km in them.  They're looking a little worse for wear (check where my dodgy achilles' rubs) but have lasted incredibly well. I normally get 1000km in trainers before having to replace.

Thursday, October 16, 2014


Missed the HuRTs session due to work so took myself out at 2pm and did it solo.  No room on the pitches next to Reg Bartley Oval (which is closed for maintenance) with kids playing school sport so ran around the track on the outside of Reg Bartley, jogging to close the loop and start the next rep each rolling 2 mins. 

Felt a bit long and GMap has it at 425m:  Reg Bartley Track

Reps went:  72.4, 73.1, 72.9, 73.3, 73.2, 72.4, 73.6, 72.4, 72.4, 71.5

So that's averaging 68's which is about what I expected first up.  Will be easier when I can run with people.

Long warm-up and warm-down for 14.5km all up.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wednesday SLR

A bit over 14km today with Crossy, Kanser (yes, you read that correctly), Big Kev and JW.  As usual on a Wednesday, Crossy and JW were not hanging around and after a couple of 4:10's early on, I begged them to slow down.  Poor old Kanser didn't know what had hit him.  My legs were shattered again and had the short choppy stride going on.  Ended up doing a bit over 14km around the wharves averaging 4:16's, so we didn't slow down that much.

Continuing the theme of Melbourne Marathon stories, I received an email forwarded this morning which shows correspondence between Beaches Ben and Striders President Joe.  I'm guessing Joe was reaching out to Ben to thank him for helping one of the older Striders runners to the finish at Melbourne.  It's a great read and shows the true camaraderie of the Marathon:

"I blew up at 24km aiming for a 2.52. A training partner ran past at around 27km and tried to encourage me to stick with her [Ed:  this is Erika]. I told her that I was done; my rubber band was stretched. Thankfully she went on, ran her PB and to her race goal of 2:58. My plan B was sub 3hrs and that went at around 29km; my rubber band had snapped.  I was in a world of hurt along St Kilda Road and thought about jumping in front of a tram to end it a couple of times.  I may have even been delusional as I swear I spoke to Craig Mottram as he ran passed me pacing a buddy of his.  I walked through one of the last aid stations along there and was given some support by another fellow runner with a friendly tap on the shoulder keep at it.  Plan C came into effect which was to finish what I had started, just finish and I told myself that time did not matter.  It was around 37km just before the rise of the Tan that I then decided to take with me anyone else who I could convince that the clock did not matter anymore.  So if I saw someone walking or standing I went up to them and told them that they were coming with us and that I'd be there by their side and we would finish this together.  I would tell the group that "time didn't matter, concentrate on form and let's keep going together".  I think I picked up about 4 or 5 people and Graham would have been one of these.  I ended in 3:14:48 my second slowest marathon from 9 attempts, only slower than my debut in 2005.  Funnily I ran 17 seconds faster in Canberra in March this year pacing 3:15.  I'm ecstatic to hear that Graham achieved a Boston qualifier with a small amount of encouragement from me when I was broken, well and truly broken.

Please pass on my contact details to Graham and congratulate him on his stellar debut Melbourne marathon and Boston qualifier."

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

HuRTS 4 x 10mins

Still felt crap after last night (and have stomach cramps this evening) but main issue was very stiff legs. Just couldn't turn them over today, although they felt better each rep as the blood started flowing.  Did the reps over the old 10min route but starting from St. Mary's Gates.  First was ran with Clarkey just in front of Mike.  Second picked up a bit.  Third ran with Tucks just about reaching the Opera House Gates (3:28's so not bad).  4th starting a bit closer and try to sprint at the end to hold off a flying Wildman but failed at that too. 

But another session done.  If I can sort my legs and tummy out I don't think I'm in that bad form.

Fats ran well today, as did Muz and Barts.  Muz is a dark horse for a great run at JPMorgan.  He's been slowly getting better and better each week.

Long warmdown for 17km all up.

Was emailing Macca this afternoon asking about his run in Melbourne.  This was his response.  It's a great report that shows his mental strength and positive approach.  Well worth a read.

"Hey mate, after I saw you guys last Tues I went and did a Bikram class in the evening to get a good stretch on the old hips and legs and just didn’t feel that great. Next day I was just knackered and had a splitting headache but went for a recover run just to loosen the legs. Felt like crap so pulled the pin and went home. Took 2 days off work and lay on the couch as just felt lethargic. Should’ve known as Anna and the kids had been under the weather the week prior.

Started feeling bit better on Sat after a good rest and chest was Ok so flew down and put the feet up on the couch most of the afternoon. Still felt a bit flakey but not as bad.

Sun morning made sure I had a Redbull and Panadol early and then straight off to the start. Prior to the race I made the commitment to run at 3.40’s and if I fell apart well at least I gave it a shot. I was just praying I didn’t get the migraines I’d been having latter half of the week.

First 5k I was fine and started catching a few packs in front. Got to 10km bang on 36:39 so perfect pacing so far then everyone around me dropped. The next pack was around 400m ahead so no chance of bridging that gap. I just put the head down and after dropping a few gels basically ran the reminder of the race solo with the next pack behind consisting of Justin, Heydo and nice little group about 90sec back.

I got to halfway in 1:17:39 so again bang on track but running along a very long flat road with no one in sight was hard and after a few more km’s I found myself slipping to 3:45’s then 3:48’s. At the far end turn Heydo had bridged the gap and now only about 50sec behind so either I was slipping or he was running smart in a good pack. It was a long slog back up to St Kilda rd on my own trying not to slip any further. At 32km I started to struggle and was a bit dizzy but only a Striders 10k race to go so just concentrated on form and had my caffeine gels. The km splits were now 3:50’s and I couldn’t let them slip any further so really had to dig. It’s a long grind along St Kilda Rd and quite a lonely stretch with only a smattering of people clapping as you go by.

Around 34k got caught by one of the Syd Strider Twins and he went ahead. Couldn’t stay with him but at least a bit of company albeit for 30sec or so.  Into the Bot gardens and 37km could see a struggling Q and ran past him giving each other some encouragement. Next thing Heydo comes screaming past then another bloke at 38k when I had nothing. Tried my hardest to stay close but the wheels were falling off big time.

40km couldn’t have come soon enough and it was just mental from there on. Got a stabbing pain in my gut (think it must have been from all the nurofen I’d be loading up on since Wed) so just praying it didn’t stop me. There was no 41km marker and next thing I know I’m in a daze with 200m to go. I had a quick look at my watch and after seeing 2:38:01 went all out up the hill to get close to 2:38:30 and try and prevent Enda from Irish bragging rights. Wasn’t to be but just happy to finish to be honest.

Reflecting on the race I am pretty happy. I ran the pace I wanted to until halfway. I pretty much ran a time trial for 28km and came 2nd in the 45-49 AG, beaten only by Dave Tonge.  I could have sat back in a slower pack but who knows, may have ended up with a slower time. The legs held out most of the race and didn’t cramp and I was strong enough throughout the race.

I may or may not have gone faster if wasn’t sick leading up to the race but not going to ponder on that considering 4 out of my last 5 marathons I’ve been sick in the week prior.

It’s good to say I can break 2:40 as a 45 year old so all in all I am stoked as it’s my 2nd fastest ever marathon.

Some good runs out there but a good few also disappointed including Q no doubt and Justin just giving up at 29k. He’ll be the most upset I’d imagine. 

Looking forward to the curry night and a few beers on Sat as wasn’t feeling great on Sunday to celebrate. You still coming?"

Monday, October 13, 2014

Getting it done

But at what cost?

Had to work hard all day, couldn't get out at lunch.  Eventually got to 7pm, by which time a massive storm had rolled in.  Asked myself whether it was worth trying to run 2 hours now?  Told myself that's what losers say.  So headed out for the usual lap of Centennial before running home.  Felt really good until Spit Junction (20km) then gradually started to struggle before feeling absolutely crap when I got home.

It was hilly, I think I was going quite quick to start with, I've had a dodgy tum since Phuket, but no idea why I bonked so badly really.

Still, 28km in the bag.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Back home

Arrived at lunchtime after 3 hours sleep.  Worked in the backyard all afternoon so snuck out feeling pretty knackered.  Must have been the sleep deprivation that made me do a trail run of all things.  Went out around Manly Dam.  Would have done a circuit but had to turn back after the Allambie Rd exit as there were 4 helicopters with those water carrying things bombing an out of control bushfire, and smoke heading my way.

About an hour (11km).

Well done to everyone who ran Melbourne today.  In these days of Ultrawalkathons, it's often overlooked just how hard it is to push yourself to the limit in a road marathon.  Massive respect to you all.  Wish I could be chatting it over with some beers on St Kilda Rd now.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Phuket Day 2

10km in the morning sweating out the booze.  Needed the loo the whole way.  At least it was good core strength training.  No elephants today.

103km for the week.

Thursday, October 09, 2014

Phuket day 1

Out at 8am for 15.5km.  Through the beach resort of Laguna, overtook an elephant, out onto the minor roads heading North adjacent to the beach, through a few sleepy villages, said hello to plenty of guys sat in Asian squats beside the road seemingly watching the world go by, back to the resort.  By now it's 100% humidity and topping 30C.  Then got chatting to a chap from Penrith Tri Club.

Averaged 4:21's.

Did I mention I overtook an elephant?

Post breakfast recovery:

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

HuRTS Progressive Tempo

Slightly lower crowd than usual with Melbourne Marathon this weekend but still a few guys like Macca and Barts using the session as a final tune up and Hoey, Tucks and Muz keeping things honest at the front.  

Started very easy chatting to Barts.  Paced picked up towards halfway and, to be honest, I put quite a bit of effort in on the way back feeling good all the way and as though I had the "extra gear".  Back in 43:46 which showed how much quicker it was.  Pretty spent afterwards though.

Long warmdown with Mikey chatting about everyone's predicted times on Sunday for 16km all up.

Monday, October 06, 2014

Happy Mondays

Public Holiday and another beautiful day.  More time fixing the back yard.  Got out while Charlie was playing cricket for 12km around Manly, dodging the Jazz Festival crowds.  Probably the hardest 12km of the year - I was absolutely knackered.  Celebrated every sub 5min km with a high five to myself.  I'd be depressed with it but for the fact the body otherwise is niggle free so life is good.

Sunday, October 05, 2014


With the majority of the Northern Beaches crew running Melbourne next week, it was just me and Craig Mac this morning for the usual route, albeit starting and finishing from my place.  Spent all day in the garden yesterday so was pretty knackered but we got through it chatting all the way, mainly about everyone's chances next week.

While there's been a lot of talk about Irish Marathon performance of the year, everyone seems to have overlooked that the English performance of the year is up for grabs.  With Dicky Green's 2:52 in Rotterdam the only marker, it's a relief that Heydo is running next week or, God forbid, Timmy would have a chance at that particular title.  And we'd never hear the end of it.

30km all up in 2:12 something (4:24's).

Current favourite song:  Timmy Trumpet

Saturday, October 04, 2014

Homebush Striders 10km - 5th in 33:31

So, up early doors and out in the Landcruiser to pick up the Manly running crew.  First up, Ben and Grumpy Justin, then Dicky and Macca.  Grumpy Justin first complained about the radio, declaring that he couldn't abide talkback radio (despite the fact we were listening to Nova).  Then he complained about the heated seats (I find they warm my hammies nicely).  Plainly he wasn't eagerly anticipating the race ahead.

Lined up after a 4.5km warm up with the boys and realised the front 5 was likely to be exactly the same as last month, with Wildman, Neil P, Uncle Dave and Alex Rogers all toeing the line.  The gun was about to go, Timmy positioned himself right in front of me so I manhandled him out of the way and we were off.

Now, when camping with Toby Cogley last week, he was extolling the virtues of taking caffeine tablets before a race so today I gave it a go.  I took 2 No Doz half an hour before the race.  Alex and Steve stormed off with Neil chasing and Dave and I chasing him.  At 1km Dave starts to close so I go with him.  We hit the hill and I'm catching everyone, feeling magic.  At the top of the hill I decide to give Steve a scare by taking the lead so he responds in anger.  At this point, the caffeine wears off, Neil, Dave and Alex come past and I start panting.  They pull ahead, I try to regroup, and from here on i'm running solo.

It must have a pretty quick first 2km.  No idea what I went through 5km in but I'd guess 16:20 as I slowed down A LOT on the second lap with no one to chase.  Every corner I'd have a sneaky look behind to see if Lewis and Hoey were catching but fortunately the gap was fine.  Regrouped a bit towards the end, particularly after seeing Timmy enter the horse track when I was coming out and thinking I had a chance at the 3:55 head start bet.  Was pretty happy with the 33:31, only 2 seconds shy of my course PB.  I hate this course and never run well on it.  It always picks up any humidity (and there was plenty this morning).  But less pleased about going from 2 to 5 in the finishing positions compared to last month.  But to be fair, I've had an average couple of weeks training in that time and the other boys are getting better and better (Neil ran a PB today which is sensational on that course and in those conditions - watch out Chicago).

Timmy held on for a 3:45 gap - another close one in our history of fair bets.  Stevie and Enda - take note.  Stevie ran a great 32:18 holding on to the win from a fast finishing Dave.  Will be great to see what he can do with some more training.  Other notable runs from Dicky in 35:59 and a slow starting Hoey in a low 34.  He hasn't run many 10kms and will learn the need to attack from the start.

Another 4.5km warmdown before coffee and muffins in Manly with Ben, Macca and Slightly Less Grumpy Justin.  He still wouldn't allow WSFM or KIIS, and I didn't dare twiddle the seat warmer knob, but at least he was slightly more conversant (albeit frightening the family away from our table with his fruity language).

The Northern Beaches crew:

Dicky, honorary beaches man Stevie, Yours Truly, Ben, The Grumpy One and Macca.

In form man Neil, flanked by a couple of pretenders:

Friday, October 03, 2014

Friday ramble

Up early doors again (3 days running, you can tell I've been off booze all week) for 10km around Manly on another beautiful morning.  Enjoyed it.

100km for the week.  Showdown with Wildman at Homebush tomorrow.  He's giving me a 30s headstart.  He should be giving me 60s based on my post illness form.  But I'll front up and try to gain a bit of respect by limiting the gap from a total blowout.  More interesting is how I'll fare against Hoey, Enda and anyone else who cares to show.

Thursday, October 02, 2014

Passmore Reserve Fast/Floats

Well, I think the last time I did this session was 6 years ago.  There's a reason for that.

No word from Macca and Justin was a no-show (although I rumbled him on Manly Beach on my warmdown!) so just Erika and me this morning.  Did a 3km warm-up, quick chat about who's going to win The Batchelor, then straight into it. It's 13 laps of a 650-660m circuit, 1 float then 1 fast, etc.  Laps went:

2:23, 2:08, 2:31, 2:02, 2:30, 2:02, 2:32, 2:02, 2:29, 2:00, 2:30, 2:00, 2:27.

Interesting how they stabilise after the first 2 reps (float being too quick and fast being too slow).  All up 29:42.  4km warmdown for 16km.

Back then I was quite a bit quicker overall (29:03) but the fast laps in general were a bit slower but the floats were quite a bit quicker.  Christ, I trained hard back then. No wonder my times were so consistent. But also little wonder that I got a chronic achilles problem.  Check out who I outsprinted in the State Road Relays on August 3rd 2008!

Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Wednesday MLR

Usual 17km route with Justin, Dicky, Q and Erikakaka.  Legs stiff and heavy after yesterday's session but got into it after 8 or 9km.  Thankfully temperatures much cooler today.  Lots of talk about the marathon.  Erika finally getting some confidence [and I am]* predicting some big wins over Timmy, Ben and Jeet.

*Erika demanded I print this correction.  She said nothing of the sort.  It was just Quentin, Dicky, Justin and me who made this prediction.  Slack typing on my part.  I apologise for any confusion caused.  She, of course, still claims only to be aiming for a Sub3

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

HuRTS 8 x 5mins

It was stinking hot again.  My shoulders were still sunburnt from the weekend so had to wear a sleeved top.  My only clean one was black.  So in black shorts, socks, t-shirt and hat I ventured out into the 30C heat.  Managed to hold on to Quentin, Hoey and Crossy for the first 3 reps (all about 3:20 pace).  Then started to feel it on the 4th.  On the 5th and 6th I was a wreck and down to 3:32 pace.  I was in no mans land.  Hell, even Enda was in front.  Took my top off for the final 2 and, bingo, felt fine running with Q and Muz.  

Jumped into the harbour to cool down after which was magic.  Got a bit scared about sharks though.

Affected by the heat in the afternoon.  Thank God it's supposed to cool down tonight. 

15km all up.

Speaking of sharks, Wildman - despite criticising me for training crap over the past 2 weeks and brimming with confidence himself - refuses to give me more than 30s on Saturday morning.  Honestly, it gets to a point when the only fair bet you can get is from Timmy!   But fortunately one of the lawyers at work has agreed to a 5minute head start at JPMorgan for a 6 pack of Coopers Pale Ale so should get some redress.  I don't think he'll manage 4 min kms.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Seal Rocks recap

Saturday was an easy 14km at Seal Rocks.

Sunday was zilch.  Drank too much red wine around the campfire on Saturday but in truth I don't remember anything after someone passed me a floppy looking cigarette.

So today I got out early for a lap of Centennial before meeting MC, Clarkey and JW for a run to Red Leaf pool, a quick dip and a run back.  Would have been fine but for the fact it was 30C.  Struggled big time in the heat and felt pretty drained for the rest of the arvo.  But 27km in the bag.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Self flaggelation

Was supposed to meet Macca and Justin for some 10min reps this morning but once again I had a drinks reception last night and at 5.30am my body was telling me 2 more hours sleep was much more sensible.

So headed out at lunchtime for the same Centennial route as yesterday, but decided to run it quickly as punishment for my morning laziness.  19:51 at Oxford Street/Centennial. It's a punishing first 5km of hills and steps.  A couple of sub 3:30's around Centennial finishing in 46:09.  Measured it at 12.28km (I thought it was closer to 13km?) so 3:45's average.

What are all these accurate times and distances I hear you all cry?  He is normally naked of the wrist.  Well I'm heading to Seal Rocks now and need to measure my long run so managed to fix my Suunto last night.

My Suunto, looking a bit like Paul Ince circa 1997:

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thursday amble

Summer clerk calibrations over lunch so popped out at 4pm for a loop of Centennial.  Bit more bounce there today.  Plenty of snot.  That's about it.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Short MLR

Wednesday run with Dicky, Erika, Justin, Ben and Quentin.  Cut short down Darley Road (so about 15km) as I wasn't feeling great.  Legs feel tired now.  Amazing how a few days rest makes them soft.

Beaut of a morning though.