Decided to give the session a push today. First time I've done so for a Tuesday session in months, mainly because I've still been tired from the weekend. But with shorter Sunday runs more recently, I've been feeling good by Tuesday. Kenny, Andy and Fast Charlie (although there's talk of Fast Charlie and LF Charlie doing a name swap) came with me but Fast LF Charlie dropped out at the Park Hyatt and by the turn Andy was about 50m back with Kenny a further 50m behind him. We'd made good ground though, reaching the 2nd speed bumps opposite the steep steps before Lend Lease - good given the tougher detour around Farm Cove.
Had someone to chase on the way back which always helps. Caught Andy and Kenny at CQ then pushed on from the Stone Gates home (10:30) to get back in 44:59.9. How's that for a central governor. 12.8km averaging 3:30's. Always seem to go Ok on the Fartlek, which I think is because I'm
soft and like a little rest after any small amount of effort.
4.5km warmdown with MC, Andy, Mr Ace and LF Fast Warrior Charlie for 18km all up.