Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Sat was 5km very easy.

Sunday was 10km tempo in 37:19 on the Yagon route plus 2km warmdown.

Monday was 30km all the way down Yagon beach (middle of nowhere) and back. Got scared shitless after 7km running down the beach only to hear footsteps behind me. Turned around to see 3 dingoes pursuing me. If they'd approached at 27km I'd have been toast, but was still relatively fresh after 7km. Running back up the beech after turning I could see from the tracks they'd followed me for about 4km. Soft sand for 20km so legs were knackered at the end even only managing 4:56's.

Rest today. At Taree Hospital now after Claudia was bitten on the foot but an in identified Australian critter.

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