Friday, January 18, 2013

Sydney's hottest day ever

45C at 2pm in the City. I didn't realise it was this hot until about 2km in. Cut short at 9km when I thought my eyeballs were going to explode.

110km for the week.


Tim said...

you should have dropped in for a swim - Slow swimmers paradise today with Heyden, Kane, Greig, MrAce all on show - managed about 172mtrs between them :)

Mike said...

Pull your head in Timmy, who cut short the second half of the pyramid, leaving a big gap in the line-up? All I heard was a gasping " I'm only doing 300!" on the second 400 rep before you grasped the lane rope to stay afloat.

Unknown said...

You mean Timmy doesn't train like the Thorpedo and he's been having us on all these years?