Sunday, April 03, 2016

Last long one

Took 3 lots of Maltodextrin yesterday then had a huge meal at Toby and Alex's last night.  Just felt so much better today. Much brighter the whole way.  

We had a huge crowd today - the Manly Sunday Hardcore really is becoming the place to be seen.  Barts, Tim P, Toby H, Macca, Craig, Erika, Darren, Lucy (Erika's mate), Lewis, Scotty and Even Benny boy.  Only Special Q and the Cap'n were missing.  Pace started pick up coming around Narrabeen Lake and the last 15km was under 4min pace.  But a nice confidence booster finishing the 38km with a 3:25 with Barts.

A few more sessions (Thursday's hour tempo is looming) but otherwise the work has been done so now time to try and get myself in the right mental state.

Saturday, April 02, 2016


17km squeezing it in mid-afternoon after driving kids all morning to various sporting commitments.  1:15 finishing at Pace Athletic to pick up some socks and gels and Billy's BMX.  Jamie wasn't impressed by it.


Had a couple of beers with Gleeso Thursday night.  After our wives failed to chase us, it turned into a few more.  And then karaoke in The Ivanhoe.  One of those random nights you can't predict, but a great laugh. 

So Friday lunch with a great crowd of Enda, Erika, Burkey, Jeet, Birchy et al I managed 5km before needing to spew.  Toughest 5km of the year.  My secretary told me I was still emitting beer sweats in the mid-afternoon.

140km for the week.

Double Thursday

AM:  9km run to the wharf, picking up my backpack after 6km.  Actually quite nice way of getting to work.  Commuter on the ferry didn't appreciate my pheromones though.

Lunch:  79 Continuous.  Tough bloody set this one.  Hard to work out the average pace but I think I was close to 3:20 for the tempo (much faster than usual) and 3:29 for the Fartlek (about usual).  Ran solo but feeling the fitness at the moment - despite starting every session tired I come alright by the end.

29+km for the day.  Monster monster.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Wednesday MLR

You know you're in marathon training when a 20km MLR feels like a recovery run.  Out in the dark once again (can't wait for daylight saving to end on Saturday night) for 20km with Erika, Darren and Lewis.  Avoided the hills.  Moaned about our coach.  4:42's.

Tuesday double

AM:  out at sparrows fart in the pitch black to meet Lewis, Erika, Darren, Jamie, Emma (she's back!) and Dicky for a short sharp session of 5mins, 4mins, 3mins, 2mins, 1min off 2 mins rest.  Given the shortness of the session and length of the breaks it was meant to be run "hard", which pretty much means all out effort.

I wasn't looking forward to it.  Particularly in my marathon training state of constant fatigue.

Told Lewis I wasn't going to be keeping him company and let him go off at the start of the first rep but kept him in sight and gradually worked my way back during the course of the rep.  This is the way each of the reps went.  Average pace for each (on my watch) was:

3:06, 3:04, 3:04, 3:01, 2:53

Legs lactic at end of each rep.  Wouldn't have got within 5s of those times without Lewis to chase.

3km warm up and 5km warm down for 13km all up.

PM:  wandered out at lunchtime and ran with Kanser and Hoey alongside the HuRT Squad doing 5min reps.  9km averaging 4:30's.  Hoey sounds ambivalent about doing Canberra given a couple of issues recently.  Hope he makes the start line.  I'm relying on him!

Monday, March 28, 2016

Easy Easter Monday

Easy hour in the afternoon before watching Maggie's soccer.  Felt a gazillion times better than yesterday.  Took Voltaren last night which obviously helped.


Sunday, March 27, 2016

Super long

38.4km with Macca, Lewis and Hamish.  Felt sore from the off and it was a real struggle today.  I think yesterday's hard 5km slightly dehydrated was the issue.  Didn't enjoy a step of it and Achilles was very tight at the end (after 2:50+ of running).  

I wasn't much company this morning labouring under every step.  The best I felt was actually from 30km to the end when the kms finally got down to 4:10's.  

4:31 average.  Will take a bit ton recover from that.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Hungover Saturday

Had a few too many red wines at the neighbours last night so Parkrun was out of the picture.  Got out mid-afternoon and didn't have long so ran a 3.5km warm up to Manly Golf Course then two loops (5km) hard and then the same jog home.  

Wasn't feeling keen for the session (itself a shortened version of Tiger's scheduled session) and struggled throughout, it felt tough.  8:08 for the first lap and 8:09 for the second so nice and consistent,  but the Garmin was measuring short so I ran the extra 50m to hit 5km on the watch in 16:29.  Last time I did this session (30 Jan) it was 2 laps in 16:51 - so not too bad in the circumstances.  At least I did something.

Good Friday

8km very easy in the am to Shelley Beach before meeting the family for some brekkie.

123km for the week.

Thursday, March 24, 2016


Managed to schedule a time with Barts for today for 5km, 3km, 1km with 500m jog between (i.e. 10km all up).  Actually discovered it was supposed to be a 1km jog between the 5km and 3km which may explain how dodgy I felt all afternoon.

3km warm up then into it.  Felt OK on the 5km trying to find a rhythm (16:43) but was desperately clock-watching on the 3km (9:55).  Managed to raise a bit for the 1km in 3:10.  All up 10km in 34:13 - in the heat wearing a black T-Shirt.  

To be honest this afternoon I felt crap.  Very dodgy stomach which took a couple of Coopers Pale Ales to calm down.  Can't tell whether it's a low lying bug (which the kids have have had recently) or just overdoing it.  But Barts said he felt similarly rooted.  We ran the whole thing together.

16km all up.

Top news this evening with my London Marathon entry finally being confirmed:

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Mellow Melbourne

Well, I thought Perth was good.  Melbourne was even better.  Given I had another 20km on the plan and didn't want to run laps of the Tan I just followed the Yarra Trail up the river from my hotel on Collins Street.  Got beyond Hawthorn at 10km where the tow path was incredibly picturesque (I think I would like to live in Kew/Hawthorn if I moved to Melbourne - but maybe that's like saying I would like to live in Vaucluse if I moved to Sydney).  Turned and returned.

If I thought I saw plenty of cyclists by the Swan River, I saw even more by the Yarra.  Some of them looked like Strava Psychos - gunning around corners not giving a toss about who might be coming the other direction.

Quicker again for the 20km today at 4:13's and I think the legs are returning to normal.

Perfect Perth

The three hour time difference makes it very easy to wake up at 5am so I was on the road by 6am.  Or I should say on the path.  Hit a cycle/walkway on the Swan River and headed to the coast.  Passed a gazillion cyclists but it was perfect, flat running on a beautiful early morning.

Legs still tired to start with but eased into the run and picked up the pace towards the end feeling great.  All up 20km averaging 4:16's.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Monday morning longish

Sunday was a rest.  Mentioned to Gary on Sunday that the pace on Saturday was fine but needed some more mileage to address the stiffening legs towards the end.  He responded with 2 hours scheduled for this morning.

26km running to work with North Head thrown in.  Plenty of hills and my legs were smashed for the final 10km.  4:47 average so very easy.

Saturday long tempo

Ok, this was the big session pre-London.  Drove up to find a good crowd of Barts, Neil, Robin Vonk, Scotty, Macca, Eoin and the Cap'n all killing about.  Did a 3km warm up and then (eventually) into it.  Everyone was doing something different - Neil was doing 3 x 7.5km, Scotty as long as he could last, Robin 20km, Macca and Eoin 25km with just Barts and me doing the full 27km. Jamie also jumped into for a solid 10km and did his bit at the front.

First 10km was fine averaging 3:33's.  Middle 7km picked up a but averaging 3:30's.  Barts was strong at this point (4th lap of 6) really pushing on and barking orders at me to keep up.  Definitely had to concentrate in order to do so but managed ok.  Last 10km averaged 3:27's and could feel my legs stiffening a bit towards the end.  But very happy to average 3:30's on an undulating course.

3km warm up and down for 33km all up.

Friday jog

8km early doors to Shelly Beach and back.  Very easy, contemplating the session tomorrow.

111km for week.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Nice recovery

10km very easy around the City with Renaud, Jerome and Steve.  Great blokes all.  

Felt better after than before.  4:47's.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016


Well I told Quentin and Lewis on the run today that when I'm on the start line in London I'll remember runs like this morning as the ones which get you over the line.  Pissing down with rain and pitch black until we got up to North Head.  Was mighty relieved to have their company.

All up 20km in 4:27's.  Felt pretty good this morning.  But the rain made my short sodden and resulted in some nasty inner thigh chafing.  Put some cream on post-bath which looked like pure animal fat. Nice.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

79 continuous with Barts in the Rain

15 easy, 22 hard, 5 easy, 22 Fartlek (1,2,3,4,3,2,1) and 15 easy.

Was supposed to do it at 6am with Lewis but I was still in my beauty sleep at that time.  Did the 15 before HuRTS start time (well, a bit late but Timmy was nice enough hold the crowd for me) then we were off.  Was lucky enough to have Barts in the group who was happy to do my session.  

Tempo felt arduous (3:27's) and the Fartlek felt better (3:28's).  Barts a support throughout. 

All up 20.15km in the 79mins (3:55's).  Solid.

Had a full house in the evening for B&B where the gossip was in full flow and Birchy showed his true colours.


Monday, March 14, 2016

Easy Monday

13.5km very easy around the wharves with Elle, Jacqueline, TKS, Jerome et al but finished off running the final few km with an Irishman called Jim who I've not met before.  Nice chap.  Makes a change.