Tuesday, March 15, 2016

79 continuous with Barts in the Rain

15 easy, 22 hard, 5 easy, 22 Fartlek (1,2,3,4,3,2,1) and 15 easy.

Was supposed to do it at 6am with Lewis but I was still in my beauty sleep at that time.  Did the 15 before HuRTS start time (well, a bit late but Timmy was nice enough hold the crowd for me) then we were off.  Was lucky enough to have Barts in the group who was happy to do my session.  

Tempo felt arduous (3:27's) and the Fartlek felt better (3:28's).  Barts a support throughout. 

All up 20.15km in the 79mins (3:55's).  Solid.

Had a full house in the evening for B&B where the gossip was in full flow and Birchy showed his true colours.


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