Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Back to Black

5km walk with the missus feauturing breakie at Emporio then 7km run in 4:29's to the wharf.  In honesty, hammy was giving me a bit of jip following last night's run home.  Just need to keep up the rehab.

The Wobbly Head Cup League Table.  You can just see 'Proud Potter' Timmy in 20th. I couldn't fit Enda (in 35th place) on the one page.  That's me #1.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Turnbull, PM

It's 11pm and kookaburras are screeching outside.  What's going on there?  Maybe they are aware of something afoot in the electorate of Warringah.

Ran home (well to Manly Wharf) in the next real test.  Felt aware but fine the whole way.  Hoping a bit of muscle memory is kicking in as, although it was slow, didn't feel as though I was huffing and puffing as much as of late.

14.5km.  Did a brisk walk with the missus this morning which was nice, if a little elderly.

Sunday getting longer

Out at 7.15am to track down the early starters and join them for breakie.  Bumped into Macca, Erika, the Cap'n, Richard B and Q between Dee Why and Cromer with Ben who was a few hundred metres behind.  But the heartless bastards refused to wait for him against my protestations despite stopping for water.  The Manly Crew are ruthless.  I imagine the East Side Crew would have been only too happy for a couple of extra minutes rest.

Managed 12km all up with the hammy ok but a bit stiff starting from cold early on.  Nice breakie in Emporio with Macca and the Cap'n afterwards.  I feel no need to post the photos.  We enjoy engaging conversation rather than endless selfies.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Mad Dog and Englishman

Out for 10km with the Cap'n in the heat of the day.  Avoided the crowds and headed up the BBC Deviation to Seaforth.  Which meant hills.  Crikey, not encountered them in a while.

Nice easy pace and pain free again.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Pain free

Trying not to get too excited but today was first pain free run.  Did the same as yesterday on a beautiful Melbourne morning but a bit slower averaging 4:24's.


Thursday, September 10, 2015

Birthday run

In Melbourne but managed to get out at lunchtime for a bIrthday run.  Found a new route to the Tan - running along the river before cutting across to join at the bottom of the big hill.  Did a loop then back to the hotel.  

Lovely day.  Hammy gets better each day. Just over 34mins for the 8km.

Wednesday, September 09, 2015

AVCAL 2015

The usual 8km this morning with Erika this time chatting about all manner of stuff.

Now flying off to Melbourne to attend the AVCAL conference, which basically involves drinking large amounts with a bunch of uber-wealthy private equity types, where somehow I end up buying all the rounds.  Keen followers of the bog (both of you) will recall that it was at this event 3 years ago that I turned up expecting to breeze the "Conference 5km" only to be out sprinted by a dark horse despite running 16:05.  At least a few of the squad will be there so we can talk running.

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Getting it done

Usual Shelley Beach route times today in 34:12 (4:16's).  Aware of the hammy the whole way but it's getting better.

Thoughts for the day:

1. Today over Sunrise.
2. Response to Syrian refugee crisis shows the power of a photograph.
3. Mike Baird for PM. Now.
4. Is it sexist for me to enjoy The Bachelor but have no interest in The Bachelorette?
5. Sydney in Spring is just the best.
6. How does Keith Hong manage to smile when he talks on his daily updates for his 8 week challenge? I can't smile when I talk.
7. Wales have just lost any chance of making it beyond group stage of World Cup.

Monday, September 07, 2015


8km to Shellley and back bumping into Lewis of all people!

Felt marginally better today.  Have also done a lot of stretching of adductors.  Hoping I'm on the right track.

Striders - North Head - 37:59

Fronted up late and just in time to get a spare bin before burying myself in the pack with the intent of jogging around.  Only really showed up to go out for brekkie with Big Sam and the boys at Sydney's top breakfast establishment - Bench.  Rated 10/10 by Tommy and all non-hipsters who are bemused by brioche.

Anyway, I digress.  Saw the Tiger who told me not to do anything more than a jog.  Set off and ran with Hamish who was on 40min pacing duties but it felt like a jog so decided to catch up to Sammy for a chat.  Hovered behind Tiger for a while not wanting to get told off, then saw Erika up ahead looking strong so decided to run with her knowing she was on for a PB.  Gave her a bit of encouragement for the rest of the way but she is in great form and needed nothing from me to get her first sub38 and PB by definition. 

Hammy was pretty tight on the warm down.  Resolved to see Lewis over brekkie to get to the heart of the problem.

Saw him on Sunday (with large hangover having been on a curry and beers night with Big Sam and the crew) and he reckons it's an excessively tight piriformis which he worked on with me in tears.

Had a great Fathers Day with more soccer in the field in the arvo with all the local Dads and their kids.  I struck a beaut of a volley which had the local Mums aghast in admiration.


Jogged down to HuRTS at Rushcutters and did a few 400m jogs and a 1km slightly faster jog before jogging back to the office.

Getting bored of this jogging malarkey.

Wednesday, September 02, 2015


Up early and ran 8km to Shelley and back, initially with Erika but she pulled out  after 2km with a sore ankle.  Hope she's OK.

Hammy got progressively tighter at the top and bottom.  Had a massage at lunch and the Tiger worked on it solidly saying 'twas feeling much better than last week.


Rode into, and home from, work.  Love my bike.  My problem with riding is that I treat it like a tempo run the whole way and can't let myself just spin.  Too many bloody competitive commuter cyclists.


Very easy 7km with the HuRT Squad.  Hammy a bit tight at top near flute insertion.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Sunday continuers

8km this time getting to Shelley and back.  Been hammering the rolling out and have loosened up a lot.   I can now put my pants on without having to sit down.  High fived Paul and Chris at the lagoon.  Hammy better today with most of the pain in the tendon behind the knee.  34 mins odd.

Will be out early tomorrow training Bec and Kirst.  Bizarrely Bec wants me to train her again - 3 years after swearing she never wanted to run ever again in her life.  Has the aim of running under 25mins for Parkrun.  Which is about my standard atm.

Saturday starter

Tried 6km down the beach.  Conscious of the hammy for most of the way but determined now to hammer the rehab - particular getting the cricket ball on to my ass.

Spent the evening with the Manly runners curry club - Macca, Craig, Charlie, Quentin, Banksy, Skins, Jamie, Paul S, Benny and the Taffy lad.  The Steyne followed by Ashiana's followed by the Steyne watching the Toon go to the cauldron of Old Trafford and hold on for a creditable draw.  Who said our defence was shite?

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

City to Surf


Did 6km on Saturday with a few strides.  Could feel my hammy a bit but took more Voltaren and thought it might survive.

Sunday - travelled across with the Manly crew.  Great start as ever chatting to the masses but they get stricter every year on the start procedure.  Survived running with Barts, Neil and CT until KX tunnel then on the downhill afterwards my hammy grabbed and I was hobbling.  Jogged to Rose Bay then took the shortcut to Bondi where I could scream at the squad over the final km.  Standout performances from Barts, CT, Big Kev, Angus, Timmy and Erika.  Shouted myself hoarse then drank for England in the Allens tent with the crowd.  Magic day despite my disappointment.

2 weeks off now to regroup and rebuild.

Have to live vicariously through my kids.  This is Claudia today at her Sports Day:

Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Ice Ice Baby

Went down to ES Marks in the evening for the RunCrew session.  No Alex this week but Sam Strutt and Tiger's ever increasing crew of attractive female runners was there to chase.  Session was 2 x 6 x 400m.  400's were rolling off 2:10's and we had a 5min rest between sets.

First set of 6 were a bit laborious trying to settle in.  Reps went 70, 69, 68, 68, 69, 68.  Was about 2 or 3 seconds behind Sam on each.  Then the second set started and suddenly I feel great.  68, 67, 67, 67 then, fucky wank shite, my hamstring tightens up down the back straight while overtaking Sam so I pull up at 200m.  Try and stretch, try and do a jog but it's pretty tender and tight.  Get home and stick it on ice.  I blame the lack of beers in my diet over the past few days.  Plainly not getting enough salt.  Should never rattle the cage and do things different.

Now to rest and hope it comes good by Sunday.  If it does, it could be just the enforced rest I need.

(Haha, just checked the blog for C2S last year as I seemed to remember I strained my hammy in the week before then too.  And it looks like I had an identical blog post heading on this day last year.  Maybe Timmy is on to something!)

Monday, August 03, 2015

Monday meander

10km very easy catching up with Enda and Hoey.  46mins.

Sunday, August 02, 2015

Sunday struggle

Had too much wine while entertaining yesterday so eventually got out in the afternoon when I felt less shabby.  17.5km around North Head including the Fairfax track.  Easy pace just under 4:30's.