Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Fighter

They might as well have been playing Rocky's Theme as I emerged from Deutsche Bank Place today for the HuRTS Fartlek session.  But they breed them tough in the North East of England and I wasn't going to let a minor bit of flu and a grade 2 lung infection bring me down.  

Plodded over with the legs about to give way from under me and met the huge squad waiting.  Fortunately everyone was taking it easy today post the Half on Sunday so found a good group of Smolly, Jeet, Erikakaka, Timmy and others to run  with, with 'Lil Jimmy Matthews appearing at half way after nicking a motorbike having forged some keys this morning.

I'd like to say it was fun but it wasn't.  But coughed up some rubbish so hopefully took a step on the road to recovery and back to HuRTS #1, the people's favourite.

Monday, September 22, 2014

What went wrong

Friday did 11km catching up with the squad while at my partners conference in Sydney. 

104km for the week.

But I was starting to come down with a sore throat.  Felt rotten by the evening.  Saturday was a write-off.  Took some of Kirsten's heavy duty pain killers which worked a treat.  Sunday felt sorry for myself checking out everyone's times at the Sydney Running Festival.  Good to see Barts back on top and Neil running a PB.  CT and Timmy should be ashamed of themselves. 

So not sure where to go from here.  A promising season has been wiped apart by a foiled trip to Melbourne Marathon and sickness for the big Half.  Will have to use the ever reliable JPMorgan CC to motivate me again.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wednesday MLR

Usual North Head route with Dicky, Quentin and Justin, but didn't add the Golf Course loop so only 17km.  It didn't rain!  In fact, it was a beautiful sunrise running along Manly Beach.

Dicky led us out so it was quick (close to 4min kms around North Head).  Quentin was puffing a bit on the hills so plainly has been on fat farm back home in the US of A.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

HuRTS 2 x 20mins

Bit stressed at work.  Knackered from the weekend.  Found a gap to run out the office today but felt lethargic and unmotivated from the get go.  

Muz cruised ahead.  Took me almost 2km to even overtake Timmy.  Then ran with Michael Ho (looking very smooth), Macca, Andy and Ray reaching about 5.5km (original start of Hickson Rd reps). 3:38 average pace I think.  Felt a bit better on the return just holding on to Hoey (which he will now be called) all the way back in 19:10 (3:29's).  Hoey gave Charlie a pat on the back at the Art Gallery as we passed him. So I did the same.  This seemed to make Charlie sprint so plainly he didn't like it.  Finished with someone dry-retching as they reached the gates.  So Tommy's performance of the day goes to him.

3km warmdown for 15km all up.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Moody Monday

15km very easy with a large group including Tucks, Enda, MC etc.

Choppidy chop

15km in the arvo.  The Adios Boosts feel more comfortable by the day but still a choppidy stride without my orthotics.  Up around North Head for 15km all up.  Then entertained Macca, Charlie and next door neighbour Jason and wives for a dinner.  Are too much sugar.  Am now buzzing...

This morning we did the Retro Cycle Ride around Manly:

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Catch up


Timmy combo of 20mins continuous hills plus 5km tempo.  Seem to go alright on the continuous hills, albeit make up most of my time on the downs rather than the ups.  Crossy and Barts were a bit behind, but Crossy was closing in from halfway onwards.

Then on to the tempo.  Legs tired to start with as usual (and as the session intends) but got into a rythmn and finished with Barts in 16:04 (10s quicker than last month).

5km cool down for 15km all up.  Tough session.


Birthday drinks on Thursday night.  Everyone kept buying me rounds.  So on Friday I was hungover.  Nowt.


31km.  First 10km easyish with Macca, Ben, Justin, Craig and Barts.  Then Erika joined us for 20km at her marathon pace (4:15's).  Ended up doing 4:10's I think and she was chatting the whole way.  I can only grunt when I do 20km at marathon pace.  She will smash 3hours in Melbourne and will go sub 2:55 I think.

Had to run in the Adios Boost with no orthotics as I left my usual trainers at work.  Short choppy stride with high cadence as a result.  It's tough on the calves but actually feel less fatigued overall.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Birthday run

Out at 5.45am and 21km done and dusted by 7.16am.  Perfect start to the day.  With Justin, Dicky and Erikakaka.

Stevie was complaining yesterday that he's not on the Head to Heads.  I said you need to beat me to qualify (hence Enda's absence) but in anticipation of his imminent return to form, and the fact I can look good for a while, he gets added.

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

HuRTS Hour Tempo

So Barts is upping the ante.  He sends around an email (and sensibly has it ok'd by CEO Mikey) to have some people buy into an hour tempo instead of 45mins.  Well, when I say some people, I mean me and Barts as we were the only ones who finished it.

Another good turnout, especially at the top end, with Wildman, CT, Muz, Fats, Crossy and Clarkey all there.  Even Enda showed up, but not sure what he did.  Pace felt solid enough on the way out.  CT had a 'comfort stop' around Barangaroo which had the rest of us running circles for 5 mins and Crossy and Muz had had enough to head back.  So Wildman, CT, Barts and I headed back together.  Somewhere along the line Stevie called it a day and then CT decided not to do the extra 3km loop around MMC, recovering still from his. 50 exploits.

To be honest Barts was pushing the pace for a lot of today and looked very strong. Plainly he was bludging at North Head on Saturday.  I pushed ahead a little after turning at Mrs Macs Chair but was rooted at the end.  All up 60:25.  Last lap of MMC about 10:13 so kept the pace solid.  Legs haven't felt this depleted after a session in a long time.

Told the boys I can't do Melbourne Marathon because of a conference I have to go to in Phuket.  Barts then announced he's only running the Half.  We're going to have to reassess the Highnam/Truscott/Bartlett Super Series.  CT seems to think he's still in the lead.  I told him I wanted an independent auditor appointed.

Fog on the Tyne:

Monday, September 08, 2014


Sunday - 3km very slow.  Too hungover and it was Fathers Day.

Monday - 11km slow.  Missed start of run due a call.  Think I'm losing my mojo.

Saturday, September 06, 2014

North Head Striders - 2nd in 32:47

So it was raining again.  And a bit windy.  Altogether pretty miserable.  The sort of day Michaels Durante and Conway would turn up for a race and immediately drive home again.  But it didn't prevent a big HuRTs turnout for what is traditionally the fastest Striders 10km of the year (ignoring State Champs). 

Fats, Andy, Barts, Clarkey, Timmy, Muz, Jamie, Justin, Angus, Ben, Jeet, Jono, 'Lil Jimmy - all there.  Girls were lighter on the ground with only Sonya showing from the squad.  Interest for the day was going to be seeing how Thurston would fare.  Standing in the toilet queues out pops Dave Criniti so Barts shouts out (having told me I should be going for the win) "Oh well, silver Tommy!".  Other guys up front were going to be Neil and Alex Rogers.  I didn't count on the latter being in such good form.

Gun goes and immediately Alex shoots off.  Neil, Dave, Wildman and myself follow.  By the roundabout we've caught Alex but he pushes on a bit.  Pace is very fast.  No idea as I'm not wearing a watch but I can tell I'm working hard.  At this stage I'm just wanting people to drop off to work out who I'm really racing, but Alex, Neil and Steve are still in the group.  Towards the far end of the course I'm struggling a bit and dropping a couple of yards off telling myself I've got to hold on.  Meanwhile Alex is taking in the views from North Head looking very comfortable.

Coming back up the hill I catch them again and gain a bit of confidence, knowing they're struggling a bit on the hills.  Stevie starts to drop a bit here - thank God.  At 3km I'd have put my money on him for the win.  At the turnaround at 5km it's Alex, Neil and myself clear with about 30m on Steve and Dave Criniti - argh, Dave!  If anyone is going to come home strong it's him!  But we're all still working hard.  See Clarkey and Muz going the other way, Muz is going well.  Then get a huge shout from Barts.  Fair play to him, never fails to give 100% in his support!  Then Fats and Andy then head down and time to work again.  Feel Neil dropping off here but Alex is relentlessly pushing on.  Near the far end of the course (7km) the elastic breaks and he pulls ahead.  Now I can hear Neil breathing down my neck.  Try to regroup and really work the hill at 8km.  From there just hold on and try to keep the form ok.  

Very pleased with the time.  Only my second time under 33 in a Striders race.  Stevie held on well to beat off Muz who had a very good run.  Great run by Sonya to take 3rd female.  But news of the day was hearing Timmy's time.  When we have a bet it's normally close.  Originally we said 4:20.  Then Timmy agreed on 4 mins, only to renege and finally agree on 4:10.  But it was 4:24.  He'll be disappointed not to have got under 37mins, especially with Jeet running 36:47.  So 4:10 was fair.  

Nice morning topped off with coffee and and omelette with the crew down in Manly.  

Friday, September 05, 2014

Friday plod

10km from work very, very easy.

Race tomorrow should be interesting with Wildman purportedly joining in.  He could run anything between 31 and 35 minutes.  Timmy has rorted me again.  Despite agreeing to a 4 minute buffer (and even putting it on his own blog yesterday), he's now reneging on the deal and said it should be 4 mins 20s.  I've caved in and reluctantly agreed to 4 mins 10s, just to stop him moaning on.

121km for the week.

Thursday, September 04, 2014


From Sebel in Docklands ran to Southbank then up to the Tan, 2 laps of the Tan and back.  Ran anti-clockwise which appeared to be bucking the trend.  16km.  Second lap of tan was 16:13 which is 4:15 pace which sounds right.  Despite a big night last night I felt great today.

Melbourne.  Very runnable city.

Got sent a photo of Newcastle by one of my schoolmates today.  Brings a tear to my eye:

Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Wednesday MLR

18km early doors up around North Head with Macca, Justin, Erika and Ben.  Nice and easy but my legs were tired after yesterday's session.

We stopped for water (just the once) at Shelley Beach and Erika remarked "those Eastside boys seem to stop for water every couple of kms!  And they run so much slower."

Second World War broke out 75 years ago today.  And it was my Grandpa's birthday.

Tuesday, September 02, 2014

HuRtS 14 x 3mins

Held back to start, reps 9-13 were quicker at about 3:10 pace then eased up again.  Back around MMC for 17 odd km all up.  Was that Kanser I saw out there?

Monday, September 01, 2014

Monday recovery

Easy 15km (actually, not as easy as it should have been) with MC, TKS, Clarkey, Enda, JW, Elle, Renee, Ray et al.  Plenty of talk of Tucks' exploits and plenty of Stankard High Intensity Training talk from the man himself.

Spring has sprung!  23C today and sunny!  But it's due to rain tomorrow.  Can't wait to hit sunny Melbourne on Wed.  Not many people say that.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Sunday recovery

Very easy 10km.  Tired but not too sore.

Stayed up last night getting FB updates on Tucks' exploits at UTMB.  A sensational performance to finish 6th.  That bloke just doesn't know when to stop.  Seeing him at 17th after the first checkpoint I knew he was on form something big.

Bec's Grand Final.  This looks quite professional:

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Fast Finish #2

Another rainy day.  Might as well live in Manchester.

Another great turnout, with Macca, Andy, Clarkey, Neil P, Barts, Ben, Quentin, Craig Mc and Justin all fronting up.  Pretty much all sub 2:40 marathoners.  

Pace was steady to start but after the first stop at Collaroy we were running 4:10's.  Not so muddy so we ran the path to the Narrabeen Track and back, making it 33km on the nose from the pool back to the pool.  Took a gel at the turnaround.  At Narrabeen (11km to home) the pace picked up, albeit thwarted every now and then by side road cars.  We had a nasty headwind most of the way home so adopted my usual position tucking in behind Quentin and Clarkey.  By Dee Why the front group seemed to be me, Clarkey, Neil, Macca and Quentin.  Coming through the hills of Dee Why I felt the pace drop (no doubt helped by the fact I was drafting the whole way) so I decided to push the pace to see who had anything left.  Quentin was just behind as ever and we had a bit of a gap at the top of the hill.  From here home we were pushing each other all the way, we the pace getting under 3:30's.  Last 2km in 3:24 and 3:16.  Final 10km was 35:20.  All up 33km in 2:18 odd (4:05 pace).  Clarkey and Neil came in shortly after with Macca right on their tails.  He's hitting some real form.  Then Andy and Justin.  Poor Barts continued the "woe is me" routine, but at least he's getting out and doing it.

With the run to and from home it's 35.5km.

Real confidence booster - felt great today.  Got a boozy conference this week though so will have to try to restrain myself to give North Head a good go next week.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Soggy rat

Ok, I've had enough.  This weather is depressing me.  

10km this morning with few aches and pains for a change.  Doing lots of stretching.

121km for the week.

Good luck to my good mate Tucks in that ridiculous race traversing 3 countries today.  Top 10 fella.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Double day do be doo

AM:  was supposed to do a 17km tempo but was just too fatigued and sore this morning so knew it would do more harm than good.  So did 8km slow instead, bumping into Ryan Cantwell and Clive Cooper en route.  Seems a lot of people train early morning....

PM:  went to HuRTS.  Much kerfuffle over the session finally settling on 5 x 800m (measured by Timmy, so it was closer to 750m) followed by a 3km tempo (measured by no-one, so it was long).  I really struggled on the 750's unable to get my legs going.  Wildman had a whinge that no one was trying hard enough, so I pushed the last 3 and managed to come home in front on 2 of them.  Then slogged out the 3km tempo with Barts and Crossy in 10:20.

Warmdown for 12km all up.