Friday, December 20, 2013

Slipstream Lindop

Appreciated Timmy's effort to come over from Erko for the Akuna ride this morning, joining myself, Ben S and Jon Mulder. He used the excuse of not knowing the way to sit in behind us all the way to Mona Vale. Fair play to him, he made a bit of effort to bridge the gap to Jon as we went around to Church Point, but from then on whenever Timmy hit the front, he made sure he jumped hard when we were blindsided to open up a nice gap so that we couldn't share his wheel. He smashed us up the Col d'Akuna and then had the temerity to make ME hit the front right on the start of the hill into a headwind along Warringah Rd. Fair to say it'll be a while until he gets his next invite North of the Harbour. All up 62km in 2:05. A little slower than usual as we had no train to jump on up to Mona Vale.

Then this arvo I did a rare run - steady 10km in 41:47 (4:10's) to Shelley and back. Nice to stretch the legs after a few hard days in the saddle.

I've foolishly agreed to do the Parkrun with Macca tomorrow. Anything under 17:30 will be a bonus.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Will I survive

Well, this morning I almost gave up. Don't think I've felt as knackered since the long Sunday run I did with Macca in the lead up to the Marathon last year. Macca seems to be the common theme here. Out bright and early with him and Big Sam for Akuna Bay but adding in West Head too. It adds about 20km, but it's a bloody hilly 20km - up and down all the way albeit on a beautiful surface.

Bit of a mistake doing this ride after all the glut work with Dave yesterday. They just gave up on me on the return from West Head and I was dreading Akuna Bay. Sure enough, at the bottom of the 3km climb Macca and Sam turned the screws and motored up with me slogging it out behind. Managed to get into a routine and held on from then on by leaning forward more and using a bit of glute that hadn't bonked yet.

These are the stats: Tom Almost Dies

Having said all that, it was an awesome ride. Saw 5 wallabies bounce in front of us (fortunately not when going 69kmh (aiming to break 70 soon) down the hills) and the early morning views from West Head were fantastic.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Tired now

1km in the pool this morning.

1hour of DCRun strength training this arvo (heavy on endurance work today - again mostly glutes) followed by 10km shaking out the lactic at 4:37 pace.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Tuesday on the new toy

Out at 5:15am with Macca and Big Sam for the usual Akuna Bay loop.  Messed up the watch but we were significantly quicker today.  Worked hard up to Church Point then Sam said "let's see if we can get under 30mins for the [Akuna Bay] box to box".  

Well, once we started climbing he and Macca pulled ahead and I was feeling rooted but still managed it in 29:10.  Sam was 27:xx and Macca 28:05.  Didn't let up on the way back and, as usual, the elastic broke along Wakehurst Parkway.

Still, Macca said it was about 1:52 all up (from the ABC Pool) at an average of 31.5kmh.  Bike was awesome.  The Di2 gears are brilliant (especially the front derailleur) although I was testing them a bit with some desperate changes on the steep Akuna Bay section.

Monday madness

5km brisk delivering some Christmas cards then straight into 75mins of swim squad.  Right shoulder sore towards end but held on better again.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Christmas cheer

Friday was work Christmas lunch, so Saturday was a minster hangover but had booked in an Akuna Bay ride with Joel and Jon.  What I lost through hangover I gained using a decent bike (demo from Bike Additiction but same frame as mine).  Slightly longer as we went via the beach at Warriewood.

Today was 10km very easy (44:54).  Felt very tired.  Massive day yesterday and need more sleep.

Now to Timmy's for some drinks...

Friday, December 13, 2013

Tri Timmy put to the Sword. Again.

Well, this was the big event of the year.  More trash talk for this than any other event and the boys were nervous. 

Off we went into a stiff headwind with no-one wanting to take the lead.  Fast Charlie reluctantly did so I slotted in behind him.  It was still too slow though and I was well aware I needed time on the run so took the lead and started upping the pace.  Charlie came with me and by the turn we were ahead with Enda not far behind running very well - well in front of Kenny.  Charlie pulled ahead on the way back and performed a transition that had to be seen to be believed.  Without breaking stride he had his shoes off and goggles on and just ran straight into a dive into the pool.  Meanwhile, I was struggling with the double knots in my shoes allowing Rnda to enter the pool before me.  Times for the run were approx: 12:30 for Charlie, 12:39 for me and 12:47 for Enda.

Then the swim.  Less breastroke and more freestyle this time.  Hadn't got a clue who was coming past me but touched at the end of 300m and looked to my right to see Timmy coming in a few seconds later.  The look on his face was classic.  He was desperately looking to see if I was ahead to be greeted by me smiling like a Cheshire Cat!  19:00 for me, 19:04 for Timmy.  Fair play to him, his run wasn't bad with a 13:53 and his swim is pretty strong overcoming Selfie Jim.

Then many beers with the large HuRTS contingent.

The winner:

World's gayest photo:

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


8km easy in 4:28's then a DCRun session but just concentrating on core, glute activation and upper back.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Up at sparrows fart for an Akuna Bay ride with Macca but I was a minute too late at the ABC Pool and he'd gone. Pedalled furiously to catch him but gave up at Warringah Mall and skulked back home to bed.

Very hot (32C) and humid today and wasn't in the mood for a session. Decided against 400's and did 200's instead. 3km warm up, then did laps of the oval at LM Graham Reserve - 200m sprint and 200m float - except I'd marked out the sprint section longer than the float. Was tough enough in the heat and worked on the form again. All splits in the 36's other than rep 2. Suunto says 230m to 240m so I'll take 220m, it's not a full circle so shouldn't be too far out. Was definitely going faster than I'd normally do 400's in. 3km warm down for 10km plus all up.

Monday, December 09, 2013

No swim

Same as last week with a morning jog along Curly beach with Mags and Bec (including a dip in South Curl Curl pool) and then 20km over lunch - same route.  Did it in 1:23:56 this week though (4:11's) but I think I underestimated the humidity wearing all black.  Felt nauseous and light headed this arvo.  So much so I missed swim squad.

Will have to get out tomorrow.

Bought new bike.  Very excited.

Sunday, December 08, 2013


Friday was 60km on the bike with Sam, Macca and Ben around Akuna Bay in 2:00:31.  Hit the lights badly though so I reckon it was quicker than last week, particularly when we jumped on the back of the Manly Waringah CC train.  Went straight into 4km run around the Golf Club with Macca with the glutes and hammies screaming.

No running since due to camping at Coolendel.  Glutes have been smashed in any case, only recovering today (Sunday).

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

DCRun stuff

1km in the pool this morning. I'm still struggling to get under 2mins for 100m but at least it's the first time I've swam 1km freestyle.

DCRun session at lunch.  First part was glute activation exercises, then glute strengthening which consisted of 4x400m with 20 full body squats in between.  Then core work.  More wobbly legs on my part.  It was bloody hard.

Tuesday, December 03, 2013


10km easy in 43:50.  

Pub quiz in evening with LF Charlie and Iain.  A much improved performance from last months' last position.  We've worked out that, if in doubt, go with what Charlie thinks.

Monday, December 02, 2013

This is supposed to be off season

Up early and out with Bec and Maggie to run along Curl Curl beach and do some sand hills.

20km easy at lunchtime, up Pittwater and back down the beaches, although I picked the pace up in the final 5km for 1:26:00 (4:18's).

75 mins swim squad this evening. Don't like the sets with paddles as it seems to aggravate my dodgy right shoulder. Shame as it's nice to feel like you're swimming faster. I'm still crap and the slowest and get cramp everywhere towards the end but it's starting to feel a little easier.

Spent the morning in Maggie's class helping her make a Christmas wreath. I was pretty much the sole Dad, and all the Mum's had finished making their wreaths when Mags and I were still covering our coat hanger with newspaper, but pretty impressed with the finished product. Ours is the one with the little birds hanging down.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Curl Curl Parkrun - 2nd in 16:46

Quick first km in just over 3mins.  Then Sam Walker came past and maintained the pace while my legs turned to jelly.  No watch so just kept on pushing to the end.  

Jogged there and back with Macca and Jamie.  Eamo's becoming a regular too running a 19:04 PB today so the HuRT Squad are taking over.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Friday Grey

Steady 10km in 39:49 with new orthotics.  Haven't worn heel raises in 2 weeks now.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Bike and swim

Akuna Bay loop with Sammy, Macca and Ben early doors (just under 2 hours) then swim squad this evening (with Macca popping up again, he's stalking me).

Shagged out now.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


10.5km easy.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Seaforth 400's

Had tentative plans to run HuRTS but missed my chance to get to the City and the session doesn't match what I'm trying to do at the moment.  So jogged up to Seaforth Oval and ran 10x400m off 2 mins, except it's not 400m.  Surprised in any case that the times were better than last month:

63, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64

The 64's were all between 64.0 and 64.5.  Concentrated on keeping my right arm straight.  Canny pleased like. 
Suunto download below - it gets it at 370-380m:

Monday, November 25, 2013

Triathlon training begins

Saw DCRun this morning who filmed my running and showed me where my form had flaws. Basically need to work on my glute medius and more core. Then did a session with him, the hardest of which was making my thighs go lactic on a bike before using my glutes to walk up steps carrying dumb bells. Bloody hell. My heart rate hasn't got that high in years and I jogged home with the wobbly legs of a drunkard.

Then tonight went back to swim squad where Ruth put us through 75 minutes of hell in h2o. Worse bit was 2 x 100m with a band around my ankles. Holy crap. I tried to signal the pool boy after 30m but I think he assumed we were all proficient. Ended up doing about 2.5km of different stuff all up so it must be doing me good.

Took the bike in for a service and hope to get out with sammy and the boys on Thursday morning.