Sunday, March 13, 2016

Great Ocean Walk

First, congrats to all who completed Six Foot Track.  You're more brave than me.  It's a beast of a race and must have been even tougher in the heat and humidity of yesterday.  Run of the day goes to Erika for taking out second place in 4:20.  I still think she's got the talent to win it though.  Mike Lichwark surprised all to be first HuRTS home in a great 3:42 but my other top performance goes to Darren running a big PB in 4:17.  He's been struggling injury and, to be first home from his household was feat enough!

Inspired by the performances in the mountains (and not knowing any other routes to follow), I ran the Great Ocean Walk from Apollo Bay.  I had 2:10 on the schedule and thought I'd squeeze in 30km in that time.  I didn't realise how nuts the Great Ocean Walk is.  Rock hopping, sand running and running up massive hills on trail over headland is not my forte (and did my achilles no good) but it was very beautiful surrounds.

I turned after 13km (70mins) dreading the hills on the way back.  Took a wrong turn at 19km and found myself in a car park.  My brain started working telling me that where there were cars, there must be nice hard bitumen.  So I followed that and eventually got back with 26km done. Not far but I was buggered so it must be the equivalent of a 30+km run.

Checked out my Strava splits and saw that I got a record up the final fire trail hill between 12 and 13km in ahead of some notable trail runners - perhaps Six Foot next year could be on the cards!

Stopped for lunch near Lorne and Kirst and I sampled another craft beer shown here:

It too was shite.


Woke up in country Victoria in a town that, in my basic translation skills, means Beer War.  Parkrun was down on the schedule, but the nearest one was in Geelong about an hour's drive away.  So ran out the door down a long straight road, turned at 5km and ran back hard, then did 3km easy to warmdown.  5km hard was about 16:50. Session done.

Drove down to the Great Ocean Road, passing through a town called Forrest.  Now this is my nickname at work (I'm sure it's the same for many runners) so I couldn't resist the photo op:

Settled into our second overnight place and, having been inspired by the write-ups on CT's blog, I sampled some local craft beers.  And half a bottle of a local red wine.  Here were the craft beers:

They were all shite and I'd have traded all 6 for 1 bottle of Coopers Pale Ale.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

60min tempo

Marathon training on a daily basis goes a bit like this:

Knackered, knackered, knackered, climbing stairs at work is tough, ooh - feel slightly ok, hard session, knackered, knackered, doubting why the hell im doing this, legs feel slightly better today, hard session, knackered, I seem to shuffle everywhere, knackered, bit better, hard session, knackered.

Today was a hard session after finally feeling vaguely ok post-weekend last night.  Jogged to North Head, met Lewis and Justin.  Justin set off, I asked Lewis for a moment to compose myself, then we were off a minute later.

Felt OK when we got going and 3:30's were doable.  In fact, we were remarkably consistent, with my Garmin recording every km between 3:28 and 3:32.  Lewis was a massive assistance so many thanks mate.  All up 17.25km in the 60mins averaging 3:29's.

27km all up!!

I then had the delight of meeting LJ for mid-morning brunch to chew the fat on running and babies.  Great to hear she's back running again, such a champ.

Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Wednesday getting it done

Work is manic.  Got out early feeling half asleep for the first km.  But a great Manly Hardcore crowd of Erika, Emma, Darren, Lewis and Robbie Begg made for a great run chatting all the way.  

But hell it was sweaty.  What's with this weather?  I never used to sweat much but my tops are drenched at the moment.

Tuesday non-session

Boss said no to any session on account of the big weekend and ongoing achilles issues so just did 90mins.  Hurts were doing 14x3km so joined them around Farm Cove for a few easy ones.  That increased the pace a bit which meant the overall run ended up as a Half Marathon - 21.1km in 1:28 (4:12's).  Felt OK.

Monday, March 07, 2016

Easy Monday

10km with the squad around the city.  Spent most of the time chatting races with Hoey and beach sprints with JC.  4:46's.  Achilles much better today after a lot of rolling out last night.

Sunday, March 06, 2016

Long Sunday

37km with Barts, Macca, Craig, Lewis, Toby and the Cap'n.  Tired from the word go, fuckadoodled by the end.  Like really tired.  Like end of Marathon tired.  But the ocean was amazing.  


Saturday, March 05, 2016

Striders North Head - 1st in 32:26

Slept overnight in the Four Seasons - not because of any family rift but the Partners conference which was wrapping up at noon today.  But enough time to nip out for the Striders 10km.  With Barts, CT, Hoey, Lewis, Robin V, Scotty and Neil all due to race I wasn't going to miss this one.  Only Q out of the usual rivals was missing.  Unfortunately it turned out that Hoey was struggling with a niggle so couldn't make it.

Got a lift with Jackie O and Birchy after nearly being punched out by a homeless person at 6am.  At least it got the adrenalin flowing and ensured dump #4 of the morning was a dead cert.

Did a warm up with Hamish and then lined up.  I drifted to the front with Barts from the gun with a decent sized group jumping on the back and forming a significant gap early on to Macca and Jamie.  That group included Neil, CT, Lewis, Robin, Scotty and Gary Mullins.  At 5km (reached in 16:08 on my watch) we were still altogether but for Gary a short distance behind.  Here we are:

So half way through the race and we're all together, I immediately start to feel very average on the slight incline that follows this and I'm thinking I may struggle to finish top 5 here.  But I tell myself we're travelling quick and if I can just maintain pace there's no way every one will hold on.  And gradually the group sounds as though it's beginning to thin.  Here's CT starting to drop off between 5Km and 6km - he'll later retake Lewis:

All the way until 7km I'm feeling very average and just hoping for the group to thin so that I can get a podium.  By the car park loop though I sense that it's just me and Barts (I never dare look around) and suddenly around the loop I get a 3m lead and sense he's struggling.  I'm also knackered but have to at least give it a go or he'll never respect me.  Keep on trying to force the pace but not making any huge gap.  Then at the top of the hill after 8km I feel I've made some ground so just try to consolidate it.  This is really hurting now but know that I need sufficient gap at the Stone Arch or he'll hunt me down in the final 500m.  I really keep on pushing and round the Stone Arch, here Ben give a shout and see that I have maybe 8 seconds.  That should be enough but I have to put a massive effort in just after the arch so that he doesn't feel as though he has a sniff.  Here I am absolutely buggered with 200m to go:

Finish and I'm farked.  Barts comes in 7s later followed by a jubilant Robin dipping under 33mins.  Next up is Neil, then CT and Lewis before Gary M who is equally happy running 33:50.  Jamie does well for a 35:18 closely followed by Macca in 35:30.  Run of the day for me is Jeet in 36:18 (a full course PB).  Here he is:

Then Craig (who will be looking for his big mileage to sink in soon), Burkey (finally an appearance) and the Cap'n.

Kanser will also be looking for his mileage to sink in soon in 39:12, Birchy had his mind on Oxford St this evening while Jimmy won't want to speak of his effort.  But at least he turned up.  #wherewasTimmy.


Super Elle:


Splits were consistent - good final km:


At our Partner conference.  8km around the wharves super slow at 6.30am with my fellow partners.  At least it kept me off the booze the night prior.

Thursday, March 03, 2016

HuRTS 400's + 3km tempo

Achilles was too sore for hills this morning despite taking Voltaren last night.  Ventured out at luncthime in the heat with the HuRTS crew.  We were banned from Reg Bartley so Rushcutters Bay it was.  No nude ladies this time.

Did the 400's feeling tired in the legs.  Didn't push them and averaged 70/71's for whatever distance it actually was.  Then a short rest and into the 3km tempo where it was a completely different story.  Cruised around in 3:15's feeling fantastic.

Had Tom Middleton join us today for the first time.  But it was Quentin leading the charge on the 400's with little Tom, Tom M and Toby in pursuit.  Nicely organised once again by Timmy and good to see Enda back.  Ensured the banter was in full flow.  Cop out of the day goes to JFen who did the 3km tempo with the slow pack despite running 3:25's.

13km all up.

Wednesday easy

Ran to work.  Not much more to add.  14.5km in 4:44's.  Left achilles was sore.

Tuesday, March 01, 2016

1km reps


Marked out the usual 1km loop on Nolans in the dark at 6am (1st day of Autumn and these sessions will become progressively more difficult to stage).  Had Tim, Erika, Darren and Jamie this morning but joined also by Lewis for his first official Manly RunCrew session.  The grass was dry and had recently been cut so wasn't the usual wading through treacle that you can feel running on this surface.

Reps went 3:11, 3:06, 3:06, 3:05, 3:03 and 2:55.  Not sure about that last rep.  Felt as though I pushed harder but I think it's a misreading as it wasn't that much quicker.  No idea about the accuracy in general as we all seemed to be reading different distances.  I was just running the same distance each time so at least each rep can be compared against the others.

Ran them all with Lewis.  Felt as though I was holding him back at least for the first 4 reps as he was reluctant to take the lead.  But that's probably good for him.  I much prefer feeling controlled in sessions rather than venturing into the lactic when trying to race people.

3km warm up and 5+km warm down for 15km all up.


40mins very easy bumping into Hoey and Jeet finishing their HuRTS set.  8+km.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Getting longer Sunday

Out earlier than usual with Craig, Macca and Barts at 5.50am for a few extra km before meeting the crowd (Lewis, Tim and the Cap'n) at 6.15am.  Psychologically it feels easier to tag the extra kms on to the start of the run rather than the end.

Felt very flat today after yesterday's efforts.  Just dragged my ass around listening (without contributing too much) to all the banter.  Picked up the pace at the end trying to catch Macca and it was nice to stride out a bit.  The ocean was magic afterwards, cooler than of late with a southerly swell and pounding surf.  All topped off by the Brekkie Burrito Wrap in Troubador which even came within 15mins after Barts started eyeballing the waiter.

35km done in 4:28's.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Park and Fart

4km jog to the start of Parkrun.  First km was an all time slow but then legs started to feel ok albeit achilles was a bit tight.  Took my Saucony Fasttwiches but only intending to run in them if legs felt OK.

Met Macca and Jamie (with pram) and some young fast looking kids at the start.   On seeing the kids, decided to wear the racing flats.  Set off and the kids sprinted off as you'd expect.  Gave me a good pace to chase early on though.  I was solo from 300m in.  First km in 3:05, then 3:11.  Told myself at the start that you make or break this course in the 3rd km so pushed hard and was happy with a 3:15. Then a 3:13 and finished with a 3:04 after crossing the bridge in 14:00 and knowing a sub16 was on the cards.  Official time was 15:53, equaling my PB but easily my quickest run solo.

Watched Macca come in 2nd just over 17mins and just ahead of Toby who made a wrong turn.  Both ahead of the young guns.  Jamie ran a super quick 17:52 with pram.

Few mins rest, then a 1km jog with Jamie before starting the 19min fartlek (1min on, 1min off) before jogging home.

18km all up.


Friday, February 26, 2016

Easy hour chasing the gang

Out at sparrows fart but unfortunately 3 or 4 minutes too late.  Erika and Justin (who were later to sweep up Burkey and Lewis) had given up waiting so I tracked their route hoping to bump into them on the way back up Manly Beach.  Charlie D was staring soulfully out at the ocean with his daughter and informed me they were only 300m ahead.

But they never appeared.  Strava had them running back past me between Manly and Shelley but bizarrely missed them.  I think they hid.

Got up to North Head and eventually bumped into them on the Bower.  All up 12.5km in the hour (4:49's).

Need to change my shoes more often after recent achilles issues so will start by chucking all the old ones out.

123km for the week.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Thursday double heat trouble

AM:  8km easy to Shelley and back.

PM:  HuRTS 800's at Rushcutters.  In 33C temps.  

Had decided with Gary to cruise these.  In truth, having taken Voltaren the night beforehand, I couldn't feel my Achilles.  Been bouncing around all day which makes me realise I've been feeling the Achilles in the background for quite a while.

Cruised the 800's in 2:38/2:39 until rep 7 in 2:31 and final rep in 2:22 (course was a bit over 800m).  Timmy did a fantastic job marking out the route on the perfect Rushcutters surface and providing an Esky full of cold water - really above and beyond the call of duty.

Barts was out front with Hoey not stopping between reps - both looking in great form.

5km warm down with Barts including a dip in the harbour at the CYC - perfect.

22km for the day.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Wednesday MLR

Woke at 5.30am.  Got to bathroom.  Looked into mirror.  Saw two piss-holes in the snow staring back at me.  Went back to bed for another much-appreciated 90mins of sleep.

Left achilles has been sore so was tentative for today's run.  Sneaked out at lunch and ran with Kanser and Hoey for 20km.  Achilles managed OK but I think I need some new shoes as current ones are rock hard.

Other than the achilles I felt great today, one of the easiest 20kms I can remember.  Will ditch the hills tomorrow and cruise some 800's at Rushcutters with Timmy instead. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Tired double

AM:  Met Jamie, Darren and Burkey early doors for 16 x 400m off a rolling 2:15.  Marked out a straight(ish) 400m on dewy Nolans grass and off we went.  Well, we headed in what we thought was the right direction as there was this Dickensian low level mist covering the field which meant we had no idea where the finish line cones were.  Just had to follow precious footprints in the grass on subsequent reps.  Here we are emerging:

Mangled 74/75's for the first 10 (I think it was a bit long) then took my shoes off and did 72/71's for the final 6.  Burkey on fire as ever for these shorter reps although he stopped to take photos for the final 2.  This is us finishing off:

Amazing light this morning helped by a huge full moon.

3km warm up and 5+km warm down for 16km all up.

PM:  8km easy from work in 4:32's.

Monday, February 22, 2016

To the Tiger

Ran to Lime Street from home for a massage, my first in months.  Felt much better for it, particularly my left glute/hammy.

15.2km in 4:38's so nice easy start to the week.  Still had Saturday's tempo in the legs though.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

90min tempo

So Friday was a rest day but, given a lighter week, I felt great all day and was itching to get out.  But I restrained myself and took $20 out of the atm to hand over to CT.

Saturday morning rocked up and after numerous emails and an elaborate route setting, I was dead chuffed to see the elites of HuRTS and Striders all out in force.  Barts, CT, Quentin, Hoey, Neil, Robin Vonk and myself were all doing up to 90mins.  Jamie was doing 30mins and Macca and Eoin were doing 4x5km.  Route started at the Passmore bridge and took in a loop of the golf course via the lagoon track, then returned (5km) plus a loop around North Manly Bowlo for 6.15km (via Mapmyrun) but I read exactly 6km on my Garmin.

Great group together bowling along and it really made it so much easier to do with plenty of banter (at least on the first lap).  Occasionally the pace would ease through lack of concentration but someone would soon pick it up to get us back on track.  It never feels wholly comfortable but 3:40's was certainly much more manageable than 3:30's and I was getting through the laps ok.  Her we are at the end of lap 3:

I'd managed to persuade the kids to stand on the bridge and hand out water on each lap.  To their credit they did a sterling job, shouting encouragement too.

Going into the final lap I was feeling good so decided to up the pace to see what we could sustain while still not redlining. That turned out to be 3:30's for that final lap with CT starting to look strong and obviously coming into form.  All up 25km in 1:30:55 (3:38's).

Warm up and down for 30km all up.  Dip in the ocean then Emporio for breaky.  Certainly quick service now all the fickle ex-customers are queueing over the road at Ruby Lane.

Then out in the evening with Macca, the Cap'n, Darren, Erika and Injured Andy for a few pints at the 4 Pines then curry at the Last Train to Bombay.  The Cap'n and I even kicked on to have a hipster cocktail out of a jam jar in some back lane bar.

Rest day Sunday too. That session on Saturday needs to be respected.