Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Wednesday MLR

Well this morning I was buggery rodgered.  Dragged myself out of bed at 5.45am after staying up late watching an English medieval drama last night (lots of sex and violence) and met Macca, Justin and Erika on her eagerly anticipated return. 

Well, we had 1km with Justin before he decided that his hammy was too sore.  Although eyebrows were later raised when we subsequently saw Amelia (Justin's wife) on her run so maybe it was just a shift in the Bromley household balance of power.

Usual route up around North Head although it was just Macca and me dragging our asses up the hill as Erika turned at Shelley Beach to chase down Jenny Wickham after we pointed out she was a super fast 38 year old female.

17km all up at 4:38 pace.  But done and no real niggles to complain of at the moment.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

HuRTS 2 x 20mins

Where is Mikey?

It's the question on everyone's lips.  In the meantime, we got on with the session in hand.  Massive turnout today but only Barts and I were pushing it upfront albeit with Hoey joining us for the first 20min rep before he jogged onwards.

Reached the final arch before the Hickson Road bend (about 100m behind my best) but we started conservatively and built into it.  Felt OK on the way back and ran shoulder to shoulder with Barts getting back in 19:40, with a 9:54 final Gate to Gate.  Required some effort though.

4km warmdown for 17km all up.  Finally put some effort into a session for the first time in 5 weeks.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Home boy

Took the summer clerks out for lunch so ran home from work.  Cool and wet for a change and made it almost pleasant.  Even more pleasant was bumping into 'Lil Jimmy on the way for him to hurl some abuse at me.

Knackered long run

Out at a dinner party Saturday night. Got home at 12.30am then up at 5.30am for the long run.  Rooted from the get go.  Fortunately, Macca, Craig, Justin and Dicky felt the same way so our pace resembled something produced SOTB.

But all made up for with a dip in the Ocean and bacon & egg rolls and coffee back at our usual haunt of Emporio. With Dicky paying which was very kind.

Luckily we got our ocean dip before this happened:

Saturday, January 17, 2015

A session with the missus (and Justin)

For the first time in forever I went for a run with Kirst.  Plan was to do 6 x Passmore Loops with Kirst doing 3.  Then we bumped into Justin on the way so he joined in.  

Justin has some real pace!  Plainly wasting his time with all that marathon stuff.  I was aiming to get all 6 under 2 mins and managed with 1:55, 1:53, 1:55, 1:54, 1:55, 1:55.

Started to get a bit lactic towards the end.  Justin was running just under 2 mins but slowed on the last two with a hammy twinge. 

8km all up.

The week that was

11km with Kanser very easy.

110km for the week.  Bigger volume but piss poor on the effort.  Hopefully feel more up for it next week.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Timmy's Hills

Well, I was feeling tired and had forgotten my orthotics so wasn't really up for the session today.  Coupled with that, it was Timmy's killer 20mins of hills followed by a 5km tempo.  

With only Barts pushing the pace all alone, I ran with Timmy, Crossy, Tucks, Kaley and Big Kev for the most part - with Johnny Burke being in the wrong place at the wrong time so having to join in the 5 tempo.  Did 19 hills and 3:50 pace for the tempo shouting at Timmy the whole way.  Feel better for it now.

11km all up.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Base Building

I have to call it that as there was nowt else special about how I felt this morning.  Met Macca and Justin for 17.3km around North Head.  Knackered and sore.  Even Macca was quiet for the first 6km.  Impressed to get the average km speed down to 4:48's.

1:23.  Beaut of a morning though, especially at Queenscliff.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

HuRTS 14 x 3mins - The Great Divide

Hot, hot, hot today.  And humid.  So with Mikey away, I warned everyone to take it easy early on.  

I pretty much did my own thing today, starting steadily at 3:25 pace and bringing it down to 3:10 pace by the end.  I'd start behind the field to have the psychological advantage of overtaking people on each rep.  Whatever it takes to get through this killer session in these conditions.

So why The Great Divide?  Well, after 10 reps I look up to see 75% of the squad sat in the shade of a tree having pulled stumps for the afternoon.  I then look at who's left to finish off the 14 reps and it's Macca, Barts, Angus, Charlie D, Jono Woodhouse and myself.  And what do we all have in common?  We all live North of the Bridge.  Those Eastern Suburb pussies with too much money for too many home comforts don't understand effort and sacrifice and pain.  NOTB = Hardcore.

Jumped in the Harbour to cool down after and it was magic.  Slightly longer warmdown for 17km all up.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Old Timers

Well, you could have rolled the clocks back 7 years today when I showed up for my first HuRTS run in a month to find Kanser, Durante and Tucks waiting.  Then when Enda joined us after a few km you could have been forgiven thinking it was a HuRTS version of The Expendables.

Very easy 15km run today chatting the whole way.  Mostly about Kanser's brave, new training regime.  It's kill or cure. 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Sunday recovery

Manly Mexican Night last night so a gentle 10km in the teeming rain this arvo in 46:30.  Didn't feel as bad as I expected but couldn't have gone much quicker.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Manly Hardcore Posse

Out for the usual Northern Beaches route  (but running to the BC Pool to start) with Macca, Ben, Justin, Craig and Barts.  Barts was relieved to finally have some blokes who could run for more than 200m before having to stop at a bubbler.

Ben hasn't eaten a potato in 7 days on his no carbs diet so headed home after 5km.   The rest of us headed on at a casual pace but struggled with the humidity.  It's not like Queenstown.

Got to 22km back to Dee Why and Barts took his usual gel.  I think some bloke in the Eastern Suburbs gives him his supplies.  I wanted to get through the Dee Why hills so pushed on a bit from here and then all hell broke loose with Macca pushing up on my shoulder, Craig cruising at his usual marathon pace and Barts feeling as though he had to push the pace.  Final 6km went 4:00 (up the Dee Why hills), 3:49, 3:44, 3:38, 3:35, 3:34.  To be honest, in the heat I was rooted and my tummy felt a bit squiffy over the final 2km.  But Macca was pleased as we nudged under 4:20 pace for the whole 29km.  

Then a dip in the big surf at Queensie where I was tumbled around like a front loader and, as Barts was paying, Macca took us to the poshest B&E roll breakfast joint in town (brioche rolls no less) where we ordered four ladies (not tradies) and looked thoroughly feminine.

Back to the tough stuff (other than breakie).

Friday, January 09, 2015

Back home

Steady 10km around Manly in 40:32.  Nice to be back home after 3 weeks of travels.  

Thursday, January 08, 2015

Queenstown #3

4 hours of downhill mountain biking this morning (my favourite activity here) so I was pretty knackered getting out for my afternoon run around the lake.  12km in 49:32 (4:07's).  Once again, felt better as the run wore on.

Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Queenstown #2

Today I did my first Bungy jump.  I wouldn't have done it but for Billy.  Despite being only just the minimum age and weight (and not a little nervous), he went 10mins before me and totally nailed it.  Here he is, flying through the air:

The girl on the Bridge turned to me after he went and said "Is he your son?  He did that well!".  I was dead proud of him.  So of course I couldn't pussy my way out after that.  So here's me shortly after:

It was a massive adrenaline rush and we were both buzzing afterwards.  I had asked for the Bungy rope to be adjusted so I got a water dunk, but they must have overestimated my weight as I missed by half a metre.

After getting back to Queenstown I was exhausted but got out for 10km around the lake (such a great running track).  Very easy to start with but felt better as I went on and finished in 41:18.

What a day.  Mountain biking tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Queenstown #1

This place is magic.  It's like a cross between Switzerland and Scotland.

No time to get out this morning. Too busy  raising the adrenaline levels.  Was brilliant fun but only depressing thing was being weighed for the purposes of the "Ledge Swing" ( and realising I'd put on 3kgs over the festive period.

But got out this arvo and felt great, running 12km in 47:18 (picking up the pace the whole way).  13km all up after jogging up the mammoth hill to the hotel.

Me and Billy looking awesome above beautiful Queenstown:

About to do some Luge:

Monday, January 05, 2015

5 pointer

Not much time this am before flying to Queenstown with Billy, so just managed a run to Shelly Beach and back (8km).  Bumped into Justin along and chatted about all things in zud.

Sunday, January 04, 2015

Long trip home

10km early doors along the boardwalks of Merimbula before preparing for the long trip home.  As usual, felt crap for the first 2km after emerging from the tent then felt magic on a beautiful morning.

Saturday, January 03, 2015

Merimbula Parkrun

Had to squeeze in a long run, so got up early, did 10km, then did the Merimbula Parkrun, then did another 11km.  Very average time of 17:42 but it was hot and humid and I couldn't be arsed.  Got the win though and had a chat to TKS's mate Steve Isles afterwards who came 2nd.

Slowest long run in history.  Just can't get going at the moment.

Friday, January 02, 2015


10km out of the tent.  Checked out the Parkrun course.  Can't see how they can run it tomorrow as it's nearly all narrow boardwalk and was packed with tourists walking their dogs this morning.  Beautiful route though.  Ended up running up a stinking great hill back to the campsite which spoiled an otherwise enjoyable run.

Here we are: