Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Monday meander

Couldn't walk on Sunday.  Achilles blew up and calves were incredibly tight post race.  That's running in no heel spikes for 10km on a track for you.  Took Voltaren and hobbled around 11km with the usual HuRTS Crowd.

Saturday, March 01, 2014

NSW 10,000m Champs - 8th in 32:46

Well, it was the usual build up to a night race - me being a stress bunny all day and driving Kirst mad.  Not helped by having our house on the market for viewings and trying to find other properties.  Dad had agreed to be my lap counter and keep me company on the way out to Homebush but I wasn't much company for him.  A few nervous mutterings and compiling a list of excuses.  Reached the track, said hello to everyone and did a warm up with Barts.

My plan for the race was to keep calm early on and bang out as many 78's as I could, hopefully with a group around me.  Well, that's pretty much how it went, but absent the group.  Started off following Nick Bellemore and Barts, but Nick pulled ahead and Barts slowed so I jumped in front of him around lap 3.  So the race was basically me pacing Barts from lap 3 until lap 24.9, when he overtook me in a sprint finish with 30m remaining.  Officially, he was 32:46:34 and I was 32:46:77.  I should have gone earlier, I left the sprint until 150m to go.  Barts said as much afterwards, as I could sense him working hard over the final 800m.

It was my first ever track 10,000m and I enjoyed it.  It's a long slog, and mentally more difficult than anything else.  But it's not the painful lung buster of a 3000m or the sustained pain of a 5000m.  From 2km until 5km we war banging out 75s and 76s feeling good.  Through 3km in 9:42 and 5km in 16:16 and I worked out that I could still get under 33 running 80s from then on (3:20 pace).  However, I must have relaxed a bit as by 7km we were at 22:56 (6:40 or 80 per lap for the previous 2km and probably slowing while doing so) but the fact that I was doing the maths and working this out shows how different it is to a 5000m when I'm often unaware how many laps I've got left let alone target times.  So I knew we had to start hitting under 80s a lap and we did - I'd look at the clock each time we passed the finish line and it'd be a 78 or 79.  So with 3 laps to go I knew we would be under 33mins and I figured that it was time the start working out how to beat Barts.  Gradually upped the pace and could sense him working but he still held on.  I've been doing a few sprints as part of every run and foolishly thought I'd have an advantage.  The last lap sped up all the way, I started sprinting at 150m but could still hear him.  It got desperate at 50m but then he comes past.  The announcer shouts out something like "WE'VE GOT A BATTLE BETWEEN A COUPLE OF STRIDERS HERE…..AND, OOH, HE'S FIST PUMPED IN TRIUMPH".  Yes, you heard it here.  Barts fist pumped as he crossed the line.  No apology.  No mention of "you deserved it Tom for doing all the work", just a fist pump.

Few laps warmdown.  Paid attention to an enthralling women's High Jump.  The girl who finished 2nd drew a big crowd.

In summary, very happy with the time, bit pissed off not to finish with a win over Barts.  But in good shape and body is going well.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Woeful Friday

7km dead slow feeling very average.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

HuRTS 200's

The squad were doing 8x800m but didn't want to hurt myself before Sat so sat in the second group with TKS, Renee, Ellie, Lou and JC and did 200m fast on each rep and cruised the rest.

Long warmdown with Barts for 13km all up.

Now properly back at work.  Hrmphhh.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wellness Wednesday

Same as last week with LF Charlie, MC, Élan and Worswick.  Nice and easy, lemon squeezy.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Recovery not HuRTS

Squeezed in 10km from work this arvo during a busy day.  A few strides thrown in.  One of those runs where you feel infinitely better at the end than you did at the beginning.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Long run home

Out in Manly with a mate from the UK on Saturday night and hangovers are affecting me more these days.  So had a rest day.   Ran home this evening but added the Wednesday wharves run to start with for 30.2km all up in 2:15ish (4:27's).  Bumped into Fats at Darling Harbour and had a good chat.  Handling these long runs fine now, but helped by a rest day the day prior.

Curl Curl Parkrun - 3rd in 16:30

Rocked up with Macca and Quentin.  CT was there, knew he'd go off quick so plan was just to stick to him.  Thing is, he went off very quick and I was a pussy and held back from the start.  Ran with Q the whole way sharing the work.  He made an effort at 4km.  I thought he'd gone early but he held the customary 4s gap.  CT maintained the gap he had by 2km and, just to rub salt into my wounds, beat my course PB by 1s in running 16:17.  Disappointed at the end, particularly as I felt fine running home.  Need to get myself out of this 16:30 rut by committing early on.

16km all up.

Friday, February 21, 2014

To work

Ran to work.  Untimed but very slow.  Few strides and body OK but tired.

110km for the week.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

HuRTS Hickson Rd

The crew of Modern Family blocked our usual Park Hyatt route so we made up 1.2kms starting just prior to the Bridge.  Another good crowd with the English Andys, Fats and Enda up front with Tucks still struggling (or deceiving us - no one can quite decide) further back with MC, LJ, Timmy and even Kanser making an appearance.

No idea as to pace as I'd left the Suunto at home.  Decided to sit in behind Enda and Andy C for each rep but halfway around each one I'd feel their pace drop so took it on after that.  Felt great today with plenty of pace.  No doubt I'll pay the price on the weekend.  Did a long cool down with Timmy, MC and Slapstick for 14km all up.

Have entered State 10000m a week Saturday following cajoling from Barts.  Will be my first ever track 10km.  Also going to do The Equaliser on Sunday but not too hard and as part of a longer run.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Met up with MC, Andy Cross, Slapstick, Elan and a client of MC's.  Ran to Bondi.  Jumped in the surf.  Ran back to the office.  Only in Sydney.

Highlight of the trip was seeing the reaction of Mikey when he found a $10 note on the pavement at Bondi.  I've never seen anyone swivel and swoop so quickly.  It was like watching the figure skating at the Olympics.

17.5km in 1:25 (4:50's).

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

HuRTS 14 x 3mins

What I learned today:

1.  HuRTS sessions are mentally and physically tough.  This was my first in 3.5 months and I'd forgotten how hard they are.

2.  The squad just grows and grows.

3.  The old timers are on the comeback!  Great to see Tucks, Fast Charlie, Muz and Phil Dove out there plus the likes of MC, Macca, Enda, Andy, Jeet, Pete W, Louis, LJ and a whole host more.

4.  Muz is on fire.  Seriously so.  He was effortlessly putting 10s into the rest of us over a 3min rep.  Needs a haircut mind.

I struggled early on but improved as the session progressed.  I think it was the mental side of things I struggled with most.  Didn't worry about the pace but tried to keep up with Bart's, Enda and Andy while working the hills and relaxing on the downhills and flats.  The new 3 min route around Mrs Mac Chair is a great improvement.

18k all up.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Super Long Sunday

Over to Centennial early doors for what will probably be my longest run pre-Six Foot.  Did a lap of the park solo then met CT, Barts, Enda, LJ, TB, Renaud, Birchy, Jeet, Young Timmy, BK and numerous others for 38km.  Everyone was running different distances but had company the whole way after the first lap with Terence finishing the last few km.  Real confidence booster today as I felt fine even at 38km and even managed some manual labour this arvo.  Having second thoughts about selling the house now that I've actually put some work into it.

2:51:42 all up (4:30's).

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Curl Curl Parkrun - 1st in 16:39

Well, this morning we had scheming and shenanigans worthy of a Game of Thrones episode.  And let me tell you, I was playing the role of the upstanding Eddard Stark and Enda was the scheming Tyrion Lannister.  He has form with dwarfs too.

Turned up having driven the family there (Kirst still in hospital but more on that later) and did a warm up bumping into Enda, Macca and Birchy but found ourselves running out of time.  There was a bit of standing around going on so I popped into the loos while Enda with the hidden agenda hurries the starter to get going.  I wander out of the loo smiling ready to greet everyone with a bit of banter on the start line only to see the backs of everyone running away and my Dad shouting something along the lines of "Tom, you daft twat!".  Well, I was a bit pumped then.  I reckon I lost at least 10s and had to run across the rough ground the catch everyone up.  At 1km Enda was way out front with Big Mikey H still 7s in front of me (I was timing the gaps).  Still running angry I caught them at the 2km mark but Enda immediately just tucks onto my shoulder for a free ride.  Seriously, that guy has no shame.

Started to tire a bit towards 3km with spirits only lifted with the 3 minor Highnams and one Super Senior Highnam cheering from the sidelines.  To be fair to Enda, he did take the lead for about 20m but semed more keen on looking at his watch.  From then on the race was an almost exact replica of last week.  Started to lift the pace with 1km to go wanting to avoid a sprint finish and got a slight gap coming over the bridge.  Pretty rooted by the finish line to be honest.  16:39 on the clock so taking into account the start it was about the same as last week.

Enda finished with a 16:47 to take $20 off me.  Fair play to him, he's running well as times seemed a bit slower this week.  I think the start/finish line was further back than usual - no doubt Otto (who ran the show this morning and succumbed to Enda's pressure on the start line) was trying to protect his PB.

Morning was topped off on the drive home to hear that Kirst's pathology results came through all clear!

Friday, February 14, 2014


Easy 8km run with a few sprints thrown in to stretch the legs.  35:01 (4:22's).  Ran with a heart rate monitor for the first time ever.  Averaged 135bpm - got up to 153bpm on each of the sprints.  Love the stats.

Doing Curl Curl Parkrun tomorrow where I need to stay in front of Enda.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Another long tempo

Same 16.5km tempo as last week.  60:31 (3:39's) today.  Was similar as last week to 10km (36:18) but then lost it a bit into the wind coming back along Manly beach.

Warm and very humid today which didn't help.  But solid session nonetheless.

1km warmdown.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Mater movements

10km from the Mater.  Some great trails through Artarmon Reserve which you don't expect in the middle of a city.  Hilly and tired.  45mins.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Tradey Tuesday

After a day of manual labour around the house I knocked out the 15km Allambie Hill/Seaforth Oval route in the early evening in 68:22 (4:33's) feeling very sore.

Loving the short track speed skating at the Olympics.  It's got to be the best spectator sport.

Sunday, February 09, 2014

Long run with friends!

Finally some company after weeks of long runs solo.  Met Andy and Macca at home, caught up with Jamie then met Tiger and Amy at Dee Why.  Up around Narrabeen Lake and back.  36.3km all up in 2:46:34 (4:34's).  We started off very slowly (I still had a hangover from too many red wines) at 6am but Tiger and Jamie were throwing a few quick ones in there on the way back through Cromer.

Very tired now.  I'm still struggling to back up for the long run after pushing the Parkrun the day before.

Saturday, February 08, 2014

Curl Curl Parkrun - 1st in 16:28

So this morning we had the Truscotts, Jamie, Macca, Justin, Charlie, Pete W, Big Mikey H and 188 other people for the increasingly popular Curl Curl Parkrun.  Lovely morning with little wind and lots of PBs out there.  Went off quite quick feeling confident and trying to drop CT who's only recently returned from foot surgery (albeit on a 2014 running streak).  Well, the tenacious bugger just wouldn't let go.  I started to lose it a bit at 3km and he took the lead only for me to have another pop going up the hill on Harbord Rd.  On the bridge with 600m to go and he's still on my shoulder.  Keep on increasing the pace and gradually get a slight gap so that there's no mad sprint thank God.

Pleased with the time off biggest week in 4 months (and first mid-week session in same period).  Impressed by CTs time off little training.  Macca went well for another PB in 17:30. ML Charlie also avoided getting chicked by Greta off seemingly little training.  He could go well if he applied himself.

Jog there and back the long way for circa 16km.

Just before 3km.  CT in 2nd, with Big Mikey H and Jamie in the background.