Thursday, March 15, 2007

Hickson Road

Back to Hickson Road - 5 x 1.17km (now measured on G-Map Pedometer) with 2 minute rest. Good crowd today with a first appearance of Kanser getting back into training after injury, Richards (High and Palmer), Chris, Ray, Durante, Bill and David(?). Times went:

3:46; 3:37; 3:33; 3:37; 3:37

First was slow as running by myself. Durante then showed up and pushed the next three, with Ray returning to form with a good session pushing the last one in running a 3:36. Pleased with the session as after the first I was willing to write it off as a post-6ft hangover session. Glad to be able to hang on for the final two after a very quick third.

10km all up.

Attached are a couple of photos from 6ft - Cox's River and the end. Shame I look like such a mincer in the river, as soon as I saw the photographer I tried the masculine pose but it was obviously too late.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Wednesday to work

14km run to work. 27:15 at Spit Junction and 57:19 all up. Started out feeling quite fresh which explains the quicker than normal time. Settled into a pattern of struggling on the hills (6ft ankle weights being attached) and feeling sprightly on the flat and downhills. Beautiful morning for running - cool, sunny and no wind.

My mind was wandering most of the way trying to decide on goals for the rest of the season. I reckon they are:

1. City to Surf
2. Lowering my 10km PB - probably North Head in May or September.
3. SMH Half
4. Lowering my 5km Road PB - hopefully end of this month.

JPMorgan in November is a little too far away at this point but that will become the priority after City to Surf.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


3km jog + 6km Pain + 1km jog = 10km.

Didn't push it at Pain today - hung off the back of group 1 (led by Scott again in 24 minutes) with Ray and Tim Cradock chatting about 6ft and Tim's race plans. Good to see him back in full training in earnest again. Legs felt pretty good - a little stiff beforehand but much looser for having done the session.

Ran the long rep in 2:00 feeling pretty strong and with a bit of a headwind. Everything seems so short compared to Saturday...

Monday, March 12, 2007

Six Foot Track

I was still queueing for the toilets when the first wave gun fired, so had a very nervous 5 minutes before our wave was to go. Just managed in time, joining the rear of the second wave as I didn't want to be involved in any mad rush down the steep first section. I thought this was the most dangerous section of the course - large loose stones, lots of people around so your visibility is very short and most people shooting off too quick. Was pleased to get to the stairs where we had to stop for short while before gently making my way down. Dennis Wylie had stopped half way down, suffering from what he described as "arse cramps". Their weren't as many steps as I had imagined, and soon found myself in fantastic running country.

Took it very easy to Cox's, deliberately slowing myself down. Had two toilet stops in the first hour which is ridiculous given I would never normally do so on an hour run, but may have something to do with all the liquids I was taking on at each aid station. As I got to Megalong Road I started to stretch it out a bit but got caught in traffic on the technical section in the 2-3kms before Coxs which slowed me down again. Waded through Cox's river which was fun but not so getting the shoes sandy on the other side doubling their weight. Passed over the mats in 1:22 and started the hills in earnest. Ran most of them up to Mini Mini - walking (but with a lengthy stride) only the very steep sections. Went past Uncle Dave and Blue Dog on this section and was surprised at how quickly Mini Mini came up. Then headed up to Pluvi where I was walking a little bit more and again was surprised at how quickly it cam around. Took on a load of fluids and snakes at the top and felt great to be running on a flattish section starting Black Range.

The start of Black Range was probably my most encouraging section as I was starting to overtake first wave runners who appeared to have slowed down considerably. I worked out that if I averaged 5:00/km until the finish I'd be around 4 hours so just tried to keep the legs rolling over and churn out the kms. This worked until about the 31-32km mark where I was increasingly looking out for guidance as to how far there was to go. There were fewer people on the track here to so I wasn't overtaking so many. By 35km I was starting to struggle. Caught a chap I worked out was called John Hill (organises the High 5 products?) by the shouts he was getting but from here any slight incline was getting harder and harder to negotiate. I was desperately waiting for Caves Road, knowing that was around 37km and I'd only have 8km to go. The two hills before Caves Road did it for me - walked them slowly and really struggled to get any pace in the legs after that. John Hill (appropriately enough) was overtaking me on the uphills and I'd catch him again on the flat/downhills. Crossed Caves Road and briefly the spirits lifted but, to be honest, from then on I was just hanging on - walking even only slight inclines. Realised that you can make up huge amounts of time if you can finish this race strongly.

The sounds of the announcers voice at about the 43km was just fantastic. Pushed down the steep section to Jenolan Caves where others were starting to cramp up (overtook John Hills for the last time here) and gave it one final burst leading into the finish line. Felt a bit emotional at this point (obviously the feminine side comes out in times of extreme fatigue) and could barely manage a word to Kirst, Dad and the kids. But was surprised and pretty pleased with the time (4:12:35).

Amazing run by Fats. I hope he never beats me by 50 minutes in a race again. Great run by MPH too - I was half expecting to catch him along Black Range but he put time on me over that section. Chris also ran really well (4:04) given the interruptions in his training in the last 6 weeks. If anyone deserves to go sub-4 it's him.

Note for next year - if trying to beat 4 hours, take it a little quicker to Cox's (1:15 I reckon), about the same up the hills and try and finish strong. This may require training runs of more than 30km rather than stepping into the unknown shortly after Pluvi.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Run home the hard way

Plan was to run home but spoke to Beaky in the afternoon and planned a session he described as "2kms at marathon pace, jog, another 2kms at marathon pace, jog, then 1km at marathon pace". All sounded fine until I realised his marathon pace is my 10km pace.

Took my usual route with added bits. Mostly stayed with him on the fast spells but was getting lactic build up towards the end of each. He peeled off at Parriwi Road and from then I could take it easy.

Great taper for 6ft! 14km in total.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


4km jog then 6km Pain then 1km warmdown: 11km.

We let Scott and one other go ahead for Pain and ran it ourselves more sensibly. Didn't get a split for the long rep (Ray said approx 1:59 for him so about 1:57/8 for me) or for the whole thing. Certainly felt easier towards the end without pushing all the way at Scott's usual pace. Durante was strong over the last 4 reps having eased off on the long one.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Sunday from home

23km North Head and Balgowlah Heights route. Ran in the midday sun on a very hot (31C) and humid day. Legs were rolling over fine to start with so just went with the flow which meant too fast. Hit the stone arch in 46:45 and realised I'd taken it too quickly, from then on I really struggled, plodding along at the pace I intend to run 6ft track in next week.

Stopped at every bubbler but was still parched. Reached reef beach and decided to go in for a swim which was fantastic. Haven't felt so relieved. Picked up a bit after that and finished in 1:39:16. Pretty respectable in the heat but am knackered now and need a sleep.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Striders 10km Homebush

9th place in 34:31. Not sure why the time was so slow - no wind but it was very humid. My vest and shorts were drenched in sweat at the end. Disappointed with the time but not so much with the position - everyone seemed to struggle.

Had originally planned to set off at 34 minute pace with Keith Bateman. Didn't want to push it too much to start with after struggling at 3km at Lane Cove last time out but in retrospect I think I took it too easy early on. Tim Ashby had about 20 seconds on me by 3km. Ran most of the first 5km with Guy Doulman. Ray (who was only doing 5km) came past at about 4km chatting as usual - I tried to mutter some reply but was not making any sense in between gasping for breaths.

Time at 5km was 17:03 so tried to push it from there. Gradually reeled in Damian Tancred by the top of the hill between 6 and 7km and then Jake Shaw(?) going around the circular gravel path between 8 and 9km. Could see that I was catching Tim but ran out of time in the end.

2km warm up and warm down - 14km in total.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Recovery jog

Very easy 8km to Darling Point and back. 35:08.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Hickson Road

Big crowd there today - Ray, Phil Woods, Richard High, Pete Walker, Michael Durante, Christian Ellis, Bill and Dave Le Banh. Very consistent session (the usual 5x1.2km with 2 minute gap) went:

3:40; 3:34; 3:39; 3:37; 3:39

Richard pushed the first which is why it was quicker than normal. Chasing down Ray on the next three and then Phil Woods on the last. Easily the quickest aggregate time as first time all have been 3:40 or under. (Actually, just checked this point and I did a couple in November all 3:40 or under (one with aggregate time quicker too) when I was peaking for JPM. So won't expect anything special on Saturday morning.)

Jog there and back made 10km all up.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Struggled in

14km run into work. Beautiful morning but really struggled on the hills following yesterday's session and not helped by carrying a backpack with my workshoes in. Felt fine on the flat and downhills, dreaming of easy races and smashing PBs. Then I'd hit a little hill.

27:53 at Spit Junction and 59:00 all up so slow second half even though felt more comfortable in that section.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Pain plus some

Decided to bulk up Pain in the Domain by jogging 6km beforehand. Bumped into Ray and ran with him for most of it, chatting about races etc. Scot led Group 1 at the usual breakneck pace. Could feel the extra 6km in my legs most of the way around but was pleased to still manage 1:57 on the long rep - reeling in Durante but a good 3 seconds behind Dave.

27 minutes jog plus 24:40 for Pain plus 1km jog = 13km.

Monday, February 26, 2007


Rest. Too tired and sore throat.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Weekend summary


30km Mosman Reversed STaR. Lovely run in cool conditions. Steady all the way - about 2 hours 32 mins.


8km in about 33:30. Ran to Ken and Emmas for a party taking in a route along the Manly-Spit walk.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Friday filler

14km run to work. Started out very sore and tired after yesterday's intervals but gradually worked my way into it finishing quite quickly across the bridge.

28:10 at Spit Junction, 58:34 all up.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Hickson Road

Hot and humid with a slight breeze (which always seemed to be against us) for the reps today. The usual 5 x 1.2km with a strict 2 minute interval (often 1:45 by my watch). Only Ray Wareham, Phil Dove and Phil Woods there today. The reps went:

3:44; 3:37; 3:35; 3:39; 3:37

A little more consistent than last week with no blowout on the 4th rep.

10km all up.

Nothing much

Regulation run home. 14km, 30:25 at the Toyota Garage and 57:51 all up. Slight headwind, felt comfortable, glad to be recovering from the bug.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Strange Pain

Very different Pain as the QM2 was in town, the moonlight cinema was being taken down and the Domain was packed. As a result, we improvised with a longer course - the long rep being from the path near the Opera House gate to the glass pyramid. Felt rotten to start with, tried to sprint the rep from Lady Macquarie's chair but gradually got into it during and then after the long rep. Finished the last two reps feeling quite strong which was encouraging.

8km in total.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Woe is me

Rest. Feeling lethargic and listless, and with a strange aversion to milk. As a result, haven't had a coffee all day. Which is only adding to my problems. Cheered myself up briefly by booking accommodation in Blackheath over 6ft Track weekend, so I've fully committed myself now. How hard can it be?

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Mystery bug


11km run around North Manly, Harbord, Brookvale, Curl Curl and Queenscliff - about 48 minutes. Planned not to run a long one due to JJ's party the night before. Good job, as once again, felt listless and struggled the whole way. Started to feel under the weather following the run - slight chill and dodgy stomach.

Pretty disappointing 3 days.


Manly 8km route - 31:34. Felt a struggle the whole way. Started to feel a little ill following the run.


Rest. Hangover.