Got back from Singas the world's most tired man.way too tired to run Saturday and intended to go out yesterday but fell asleep on the sofa instead. So was determined to fit my long run in today. Got a call from Dicky G last night suggesting a 20km fartlek session at 6.30am and that fitted the bill so set off in the pouring rain at 6.30am with him and Ben. We did 5 mins on and 5 mins off on a route up to Seaforth Oval, across to Tania Park, around there twice and then retraced our steps. For me, the fast sections got progressively quicker and the slow sections progressively slower as I'd circled back to regroup with Dicky and Ben. Still felt fresh at the end of the 20km (bottom of Suwarrow St) so just tagged on my standard flat 10km route which I knocked out in kms between 4:05 and 4:15. Felt tired at the end but a great way to get through the 30km.
All up 30.03km in 2:08:07 (4:16's).
Ran in my new Brooks Infiniti ordered over the net. Achilles feels great but plantar fascia very sore.
Couple of photos added from Singapore:
Early doors:

Blue Steel:
1 comment:
Well done Tom,is that the best photo's you have though ?
For the followers of Tom's blog check out 'Young Timmy's blog for more evidence of the goings on in Singapore ? :)
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