Here's a start line photo standing next to Young Timmy, Tucks, Dave Criniti and Pete Walker:

Didn't want to go too quickly off the line so held back a bit then pushed on after 500m to catch Tucks. Went through 1km in 3:19 and 2km in 6:41. Then ran up the hill to Scribbly Gums where it all started to go wrong. Tucks pulled ahead on the way back down and Brendan Davies and Jonathan Bleasel caught me between 3 and 4km. Stayed with them up the hills until the turn where we were closing on Tucks slightly. Felt OK on the way back down but then had a shocker between 6km and 8km where I just let them get away without really putting any effort in, as if I just wanted an easy ride. Chap behind (Craig) caught me at 8km which spurred me into action. Finished with a 3:12 final km to hold him off (photo conveniently taken when running relatively quickly).

Pretty disappointed with the run. Finished the race without feeling spent. I think I just need to race more and get used to the feeling of being under pressure etc. Plenty of races coming up.
Don't worry about it Tom. You will come good over next few weeks as your body fully comes off Six Foot and you will nail Singapore. JF
I'd cut down on the alcohol, lose a little weight and keep up your current training. You seem to be running quickly in your training sessions, you need to convert this into some performances in the races.
Can't you put some larger format photos on the blog. My eyesight isn't so good nowadays !
Had a Chat to John Bartlett yesterday (he lives down the street from me). Sounds like he will be hard to beat as the season progresses.
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