Saturday, January 11, 2014

Curl Curl Parkrun - 3rd in 17:17

Another increased turnout from the HuRT Squad and it's band of merry followers. Macca and I were caught by Justin on the jog over, then we mingled with Andy, LF Charlie and even Big Mikey H on the start line. Sam Walker was there so a win was out of the question. Within 500m I realised a podium pretty much was out too.

Legs felt like I was running through treacle. Doing the Akuna Ride the day before seems to be the common theme. There was a group of 4 of us (Sam, Andy and BMH) through 1km but by 2km they had gapped me. Then on the tough 3rd km the front 3 had spread out. Had the consolation of picking up a burned-out Mikey over the final km and ran a bit better then but well beated by Andy and Sam.

Ran home the long way with Macca (also slower than last week but not by much - he'll be sub18 next week), Justin (nice start to seasons) and run of the day LF Charlie (19:14) for 15k all up.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Bike and run

Around Akuna with Sammy, Ben and Macca this morning.  New PB up Akuna hill (10:19) only 20s behind Macca this time.  Aim is to get under 10mins in next few weeks.  Got my first puncture on the way home.

8km this afternoon very easy but struggled for the first few km as a result of the ride. Outside of left hip has been sore since then.  Had eased up by the end of the run.  36:55 (4:36's).  Quick chat to Justin along Queenscliff lagoon - he's just starting back for the year.

Thursday, January 09, 2014

Thursday hill (again)

To the top of Allambie hill (6.5km) and back. 29:15 up, 26:34 back for 55:49 (4:17's). Feeling good but the glutes/hammies were very tight after yesterday's strength work.

DC Training

Wednesday was an hour of glute work with DC. Stepping up the intensity and I was wobbling on the jog home. Had a chat to Thamal on the way back who has continued to suffer from the chronic fatigue when putting the hard sessions in.

Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Solo cycle

Missed the morning ride with Macca and Sam with Kirst training so did 30km in the arvo in just under an hour cycling up to North Head and doing 5 loops plus one trip down to the Police Management School. Bit annoying with the speed bumps but at least it's traffic free. Windy up there which made it hard work by myself but just tried to keep the average pace above 30kmh. Got the glutes working which was the main aim.

Monday, January 06, 2014


Buoyed by how I felt after running the hills in Kangaroo Valley last week, I decided to try to replicate it. Only long hill I could think of was Allambie hill. Holy crap. It's 3.2km from bottom to top. But again felt good running up it. Decided to do a loop so ran along the bush track next to Wakehurst Parkway (albeit some of it is now road for a new housing development) then the Dicky Green route back from Seaforth Oval. If I felt good going up the hills, I felt very average after the bush running which I need to bear in mind for Six Foot.

All up 15km in 68:29 (4:32 pace). Nice loop

Sunday, January 05, 2014

2013 in Review

Well, it was a year of what might have beens. Pleased to see the end of it to be honest. With Kirst getting ill, pulling out of Berlin and pulling out of our 3 month trip across Aus, it turned on its head what should have been a great year.

Having said all that, I probably got as fit as I've ever been building up towards Berlin. In retrospect, I think I started the build up a bit too early. I became obsessed about fitting in a certain number of long tempo runs, but reckon I actually peaked around mid-August. Specifically, it was a Pyramid session I did on August 22nd and the 5000m TT on 30 July that gave me most confidence. In terms of races, my top 3 were:

1. Gold Coast Half. Massive PB and what turned out to be a rare win over Barts.

2. NSW Long Course XC. Bit of a turning point when the strength started to kick in.

3. State 5000m. Good time for early in the season.

Most disappointing was City to Surf. I was in great form but was on antibiotics the week leading up to the event and never felt comfortable.

Just looked back on last year's "Year in Review" and have realised that for the second year running I didn't run a good 10km. Didn't run too many (but more than last year) with the fastest being State 10km on the road in 33:01. So I haven't run under 33 since my PB in September 2011. I was capable of it this year (going through the first 10km of GC Half in 33:27 and not slowing much from then) but didn't have the race to put it together. That has to be the aim for this year - to get back into the 32's. The other aim will likely be Melbourne Marathon in early October. But I'll start the build up later.

It's officially long

26km with Macca around Shelley and Curl Curl. Did 5 or 6 strides towards the end. 1:58:43 (4:33's).

Weighed myself this morning. 66.9kg after 1 day on the new food regime. Not sure how I lost 2.2kg after a week eating crap and drinking to excess while camping, but hey ho. Last night I dreamed about the cold chicken in the fridge.

Saturday, January 04, 2014

Curl Curl Parkrun - 1st in 16:38

The Curl Curl Parkrun gets more and more popular with the HuRT Squad (and in general).  Turned up with Macca to find Binfeld, Andy, Pete Walker and the Tiger all there along with the usual crowd and the Tiger's gun females.

Fully expected to be turned over by at least JB, Andy and the Tiger based on the last 2 weeks' performance.  So headed out slightly easier with the intention of hanging on to Andy for as long as possible.  JB went off quick but we started to catch him around the 1km mark.  Hit the front along Griffin Rd thinking at least I can say I was in the lead for a bit.  Was feeling much better than the last 2 weeks so tried harder for the 3rd km.  Ran without a watch so was pleased to hear the time when I crossed the line.

Starting new diet today.  Always said I ran so that I could eat and drink what I liked but it's the last variable I've got to try and run quicker.  Going to do Brad Pamp's 21 day program from Jan 27th.  Weigh in tomorrow morning.

Usual run there and back with Macca for 16km all up.

Jan 3rd

LF Charlie joined us in Bendeela at some point, I think I got my days mixed up.  Anyway, did the same route again with him untimed and easier.

Jan 2nd

Same as New Year's Eve but 23:11 in way out and 18:56 on return.  Feeling good again.

New Year's Eve

Down in Bendeela in Kangaroo Valley.  Beautiful spot, trouble is it's at the bottom of a steep 1.5km hill.  Did 5km out and 5km back.  23:11 on the way out, 19:12 coming back.  Felt like I was running properly for the first time in weeks though.

Did Akuna Bay the day before with Macca, Sam and Ben G in 1:59 feeling good.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Long Medium Long run

Was intending to ride Eastside today but didn't have a time slot trying to sort out camping and Macca offered the company for a long run.  So did 24km with him around and about averaging 4:41's with some strides towards the end.

We had a discussion on what constituted a long run.  Settled on 26km, so this was a long MLR at best.  A step in the right direction though.

Curl Curl Parkrun - 1st in 17:21

KM splits went 3:15, 3:28. 3:38, 3:30, 3:18 then the 70m extra.  That's how it felt too.  Had some kid next to me for the first 800m but I was running angry as his dad told him on the start line, "all the fast ones are away today".  Can't cope with the truth yet.

4 and something km there and 6 and something km home all with Macca for 16km all up.

Friday, December 27, 2013

On ya bike

65km to Palm Beach and back (the pretty way on the way out, the quick way back) with Kanser and Ronan (and Angus B for a bit).  Nice and easy and with a big grin on my face after reading about the Toon smashing 5 past Timmy's Stoke boys.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

More of the same

Same as yesterday, but with all the rest of the family on bikes rather than the middle 3 kids. Begged the kids for a 10s start on the Campbell Pde lap but they pleaded all manner of ailments (it's like trying to get a bet off Timmy) before proceeding to pone my ass. But felt as though I was moving properly today and did 1:52.

Family have got a spread bet (appropriatly named) on what I'm going to weigh by 1 Jan. 3 slices of chocolate cake, 2 slices of pavlova, 3 mince pies, half a packet of fudge, numerous other sweets, as well as the standard 3 meals and 7 beers today.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Day

10km with Billy, Charlie and Mags, with the latter 2 on new bikes. Can no longer keep up with them. In fact, we went down to Campbell Pde and I raced them around the 660m loop. I did 1:55 (which was a huge effort) but only managed to beat Mags. Got no rhythmn in my running at the moment.

69.1kg. Heaviest I've been in 4 years, and that was before Christmas Dinner.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Doubling up

Getting concerned about the running fitness so ran 9km slow (untimed) this morning then 6.3km at 4:26's this arvo - both from and to the garage to get the car serviced. This afternoon's run started to feel vaguely normal again.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Medium Sunday

20kms from Centennial with Clyde, Enda, TKS, BK, BOB and a couple of others. Bloody humid and felt like shite. Struggling to adjust to cycling muscles in distress. 4:35 average.

But the good news was the Toon giving those Palace boys a shooing at home, showing what playing in the Premiership is all about. Bring on Boxing Day and another 3 points against those Pottery boys. We could be safe by the New Year.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Curl Curl Parkrun - 3rd in 17:34

Legs dead from the start. Hardest run I've done all year. Interestingly, like Macca, the best bit was running up the hill. Otherwise legs just too stiff and sore to get going. Ran with JB for the first 1.5km until he just pulled ahead inexorably and he ended up running 16:52. At least it's all uphill from here.

Jogged there and back with Macca (back the longer, flatter way) for 14km all up.