Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Wednesday MLR

Usual route. My watch said 12.10pm but MC's watch is fast and he waits for no man. Caught the group (Rob C, Worswick, Big Sam, Laura, Em, KiltedScot, Andy, JB, Ben O'B etc.) by the top of Ocean St. Nice easy run from there feeling surprisingly OK. I think the extra few hours rest from training yesterday am makes a difference.

All up 18.52km in 83 something (4:33's).

Then the Tiger stuck more needles in my ass which made it go uncontrollably wobbly. Don't like the sensation but feels great after.

Photo for the day is of the latest Berlin recruits. CT is already getting the excuses in.

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

HuRTS 2 x 20mins

Got out early (7am) due to the predicted heat this arvo. Met Tucks, Kanser, Macca, Laura, Angus, Paul B and Kenny for the session at Opera House gates so that we could have a dip in the harbour for afters. Ran the 20mins up the hills to the St Mary's gates then returned stopping at 20mins before retracing our steps.

Managed 5.41km for the first rep (3:42's) and 5.44km (in 19:55) for the second rep (3:40's). Held on to Tucks until the gates for the first rep but he pulled a long way ahead after that. Really struggled today but it had nothing to do with heat - legs are just tired being in a heavy training block and I'm no good running fast early doors. At least it was consistent. Jumping into the harbour post run was heaven. Had to keep a close eye on Tucks mind.

Good news is that CT is now on board for Berlin bringing us up to 14. Will be a cracker.

Monday, January 07, 2013

Back to work

But it's not all that bad. Nice big group to run with at lunch that beats a solo 14km in Manly. And at least I get to stretch post run when going from work - without 5 kids jumping on my back the moment I walk through the door.

Today was 16.3km in 74mins chatting to MC, Andy, Big Sam and the Kilted Scot.
JSM in the arvo was like a mini-Hurts Squad meet with Kanser and Bart walking out as I was walking in.

MC was telling me he ran every day of his holiday and Timmy won't get close to him this year. On yesterday's form, my money may be on MC. Although I've got a feeling I've said that many times before and regretted it.

Sunday, January 06, 2013

The Tigers who came to Tea

Had the pleasure of Kanser, Timmy, Tucks, Macca and Craig Mc's company this morning for the long run. Another beaut of a day but pretty warm even early doors. Did a flat route to Shelley then up and around North Head before coming back via Campbell Pde but with 4kms up to Seaforth then back tagged on at the end. Chatting all the way and 20km disappeared without being aware of it - so different to running solo. 30km all up in 2:17 (4:38's).

Tucks, Timmy and Dave were then shown up in the pool by my kids (Timmy now shying away from a biathlon showdown) before the latter two drank all my tea.

Saturday, January 05, 2013

Beautiful one day...

14km slow but untimed. Did the first 4km with Billy before he headed off home. Plenty down on Manly beach.

Had a chat with Jamie Palmer (my 5km nemesis) and said hello to Angus Mc and 1:49 man Jarrod West, looking very smooth.

Friday, January 04, 2013

Tough Manly

Did the hilly 13km route again, dreading it because of the heat today. Started off quicker (3:37, 3:49 and 3:47) but then on the very tough 4th km only managed 4:12 and I was ready to give up. However, 5th, 6th and 7th kms were all quicker than last week so perhaps the strength work is paying off (3:36, 3:50 and 3:55).

Finished over a minute quicker than last week in 51:14 (4:00kms average) so very happy given the conditions.

2km warm up and warm down for 17km all up and 110km for the week.

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Easy peasy

11.2km at 4:24 pace with Maggie and Charlie on their bikes to Campbell Pde and back after doing some laps. Challenged Charlie to a race for one lap - I did 2:03 and him 2:14. He was with me until half way when I pushed him wide onto the grass and he lost his momentum. He'll learn.

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Mosman strength

Out early with Macca for a jog to Mosman and then at the top of Parriwi Rd (5km) we started a 10km faster section. Roughly followed the Mini-Mos 10km route so it was tough with plenty of little hills. Splits were:

4:06, 3:44, 3:47, 3:52, 3:54, 3:50, 3:51, 3:49, 3:57, 3:57. So 38:47.

Then the 6km jog home for 21.1km all up in 1:32:08 (4:22's).

Macca as tough as ever not giving me a moment's respite. Knackered now and I've got strength with Carl at 11.30am.

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

2012 in Review

Saturday was 10.4km easy before driving to Peats Ridge.

Sunday was 25km on the beautiful trails of Glenworth Valley at Peat's Ridge Festival. Bumped into Russell at the Festival and tentatively arranged to meet him but he was a no-show. 2 hours so very slow but it was hot and all trails and I'd been partying it up.

Monday was 11.4km on similar trails in 52mins.

Today was the usual 14km Manly route in 62:01 - 31:00 on the way out and 31:01 on the way back. Boringly consistent.

Not sure what to make of 2012. Only one PB - being that in the marathon at Gold Coast but a few other "close-to" PB's. The biggest disappointment was not running a good 10km time - the distance I judge form on most. I was in good form in May but got sick just before the State 10km when I reckon I may have PB'ed. Top 3 races were:

1. Novice Cross Country. 3rd in a tough, close race. Ran a PB and beat some good names.

2. JPMorgan CC. Came back from hammie problems and ran my second fastest time to finish 4th. Tucks was too strong but had a great run himself.

3. SMH Half marathon. Fell apart towards the end but close to the PB on a tough course. And I reckon my PB was set on a short course in any case.

Didn't put GC Marathon in the top 3 as I missed my aim (albeit only by 1 second) but it was fairly conservative in any case. I've yet to attack a marathon, still being too scared of the distance. Having said that, I was probably fittest at that point in the year, having done some great long runs with Macca in the lead up. We'll be replicating that this year but I also want to gradually increase the base mileage. Out with him tomorrow morning for 20km with some fast bits.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Funny old day

Spent most of the day driving to Peats Ridge Festival with my boy Charlie, getting in through security tighter than the London Olympics, setting up the tent then driving home. Will head there for 3 days with the whole family tomorrow. It's Bec's (eldest daughter) and Katie's (sister) birthday today so we had dinner booked at Ribs and Rumps. Managed to squeeze in a half hour run so did the short Manly route (in reverse) hard in 27:30 which hurt, especially running head first into a Southerly buster along Manly beach (4:03) when I felt like I was standing still.

Had buffalo wings starter, 200g rump steak plus half lamb ribs and half pork ribs followed by chocolate cake. I can still hardly move. Just writing about it is making me want to vom. Should ensure I won't need to use the public toilets at the festival.

103km for the week. First ton in a while.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Up Lady Carrington

Not as rude as it sounds. Had my fill of rude last night watching series 1 of Game of Thrones.

Met Laura, the Tiger and Hamish Mc for 20km on a lovely bush track. Very easy but time passed quickly. 1:35 (4:48's).

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Boxing Day

Out with Billy on his new bike (a message for his avid followers - he'll be running again soon). His new bike is a Radius Neo - pretty lightweight with 21 gears. It means he now waits for me even when I'm running at pace. Did the 14km route. Have gotten really bored just doing this steady running so asked Billy to pace me for the 2.5km from Shelley Beach to the Queenscliff bridge which took 8:48 (3:30's). Felt much better for stretching the legs.

Had a quick chat with Thamal at Shelley who has struggled with injury and saw Tony Wong at North Steyne. Otherwise pretty quiet out there.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

In Dulci Jubilo

First ever run for me on Christmas Day. Same for Dad, and he's 70, so we're breaking new ground here. Just an easy 10km first thing in 42:55.

Spent the evening watching highlights from the Olympics on my Olympic Highlights Box Set DVDs. Got a bit emotional.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

10km early doors with Bec on her bike before picking up the huge leg of ham and turkey. 43:20 (4:20's).

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Silly Sunday Solo

Out at yet another party last night. I was sensible and walked home at 11.45pm. Kirst stayed out longer and eventually came in around 3.30am. This put paid to me getting out with Dicky at 6am as arranged or even the fallback of 7am. Eventually dragged myself out of bed at 8.30am by which time the temperature had risen and the sun was beating down.

If it hadn't been so hot, I hadn't got a hangover and I hadn't nailed myself on yesterday's run, I reckon I'd have felt pretty good today. As it was, I toiled to 27.8km in 2:08 (4:40's). Saw Eamo and Angus Mc out there.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Wobbly legged Saturday

Hilly and Bushy Saturday route giving it all I've got in 52:25. (4:05 pace). Through 10km in 40:09. Sounds slow but it's a fucking hard course. Legs cactus after.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Pussy 400's and needles in the ass

Bit of a cock up today. Kanser wanted to go to Rushcutters. I tried to change the session for the squad but don't think the email went through. Showed up alone with even Kanser pulling out. It was 32C, windy and there were some kids playing on the oval. Briefly thought about just jogging back to the office but guilt got the better of me. Marked out what I thought was roughly 400m (avoiding the kids - they scare me) and proceeded to run 10 but just with a 30m walk in between each one (30 seconds). I think it was about 410m but the times were abysmal. 76/77 for each. At the end of 10 I decided to do 2 more because I felt guilty. Wasn't even that puffed after 12 but slunked off back to the office with my tail between my legs.

Only good thing about the session was that I felt a lot better afterwards than beforehand, especially after a good stretch. Glutes felt magic. Tiger stuck some needles in my ass yesterday - I've been a bit of a sceptic on dry needling after he tried it in my hammies previously - but yesterday my glutes started spasming and felt completely released afterwards. So much so I was walking around like John Cleese all afternoon.

Couple of beers with Macca and maybe LF Charlie and Clive this evening. Not long before I can take a break from the booze.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wednesday mixed bag

Knackered when the alarm woke me at 5.30am but dragged my ass to Carl's for the strength session. Quite a bit of upper body work, lots of core and a sustained spell on the hammies.

Then slogged over the bridges to work, bumping into the Gibson twins on the Harbour Bridge and telling them about HuRTS.

Now sat in Dolce eating a 3 egg omelette with extra sausage, orange juice and a flat white. Just what the doctor (at least the exercise physiologist) ordered after 2 hours of exercise. Beautiful morning.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

HuRTS 4 x 10mins

Fair crowd today given the time of year. Felt knackered early on in the heat and humidity and ran with Dicky H and Kanser for the first rep letting Barts scuttle off ahead. Reached a little beyond the Art Gallery. 9:38 on return. Better on 3rd leg getting closer to Barts (with Smolly killing it) reaching level with the bubbler and then better still in 4th back in 9:20.

We were all cooked at this stage so did what HuRTS does best in summer with about 15 of us jumping in the harbour. 'Twas bliss. Then headed back to the office for Partners Xmas lunch of turkey, ham, prawns, all the trimmings, 2 trifles and a glass of Pinot. More bliss.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Monday meander

16km Monday route with a group that started with about 8, swelled to about 15 and then diminished such that just JW and I finished. Felt good today. The foam roller does wonders. About 4:20 pace average.