Saturday, August 07, 2010
Pre-race Nerves
Friday, August 06, 2010
Very easy run to work
Thursday, August 05, 2010
HuRTS Hickson Road
Just cruised through each rep in 3:30 pace (i.e. 4:04 - 4:08) with a 30 second burst mid-way through ran fast. JF was out front on each rep (Mad Man Moyle with him for the first 3) and asked to be paced through the last one so ran that one in 3:38 (3:05 pace) - Ray joining in half way through as he likes to. They all felt really comfortable.
Massage with Bianca last night (that sounds dodgy, it isn't!) and I'm feeling great at the moment but am a bit worried because I don't normally feel like this before I run well. Normally before a good race I feel lethargic and fearing the worst.
A few random predictions from me for what it's worth:
Benny St: 40:39
Thamal: 45:28
JB: 46:12
Truscott: 46:13
Bateman: 46:28
Andy: 48:30
Tucks: 48:59
Dicky H: 49:10
Young Timmy: 50:01
Flakey: 54:30
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Easyish run to work
26:45 at Spit Junction and 55:54 all up.
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
HuRTS 5min reps
Bit of a concern about our "Chalet" for post City to Surf based on this photo after last night's storms...
Plan for this week is to taper by reducing the volume but no so much the intensity. So showed up today planning to run 4 at normal pace and 4 easily (the session is 8 x 5min reps off 90s rest). Set off with Charlie and JF just behind feeling great although it was pretty blustery out there. Finished the first rep beyond where I have done recently averaging about 3:18 per km. Was feeling great and breathing easily. This continued for the next 3 reps then ran the last 4 with the two Mikes (including the last 2 with young Timmy) at about 3:42 pace.
Big confidence booster as it felt easy today. Bit of a worry about Kanser who disappeared off complaining about his hip.
Interesting email from the City to Surf organisers this evening telling the Seeded Runners who all the other seeded runners are. Guess it allows you to size up your opposition. If I can just beat one other person on the list (other than Andrew Lloyd) I'll be happy.
Bateman Keith, Warren Mark, Criniti David, Whitmore Luke, Lynch Barry, Farrugia Anthony, Highnam Tom, Elliott Jackson, Lloyd Andrew, Tuckey Andrew, Antonelli Jason, Meagher John, Kelly Steve, McFarlane Andrew, Shatrov Vlad, Nankervis Shane, Saunders Philo, Cox Matthew, St Lawrence Ben, Hunt Jeffrey, Williams Hugh, Johnson Michael, Dent Martin, Grattan Luke, Neill Robbie, O'brien Earl, Crasti Thomas, Ireland David, Symons Kale, Haber Anthony, Robertson Kevin, White Brad, Cochrane Tim, Low Charlie, Gultekin Riza, Cavanagh Stephen, Whiteley Robin, Didyk Adam, Craigie Alan, Keem Barry, Moseley Saxon, Clark Daniel, Moneghetti Steve, Taylor Luke, Morrison Tim, Welsh Richard, Page Grant, Hurt Simon, Mwangi Josphat, Serem Isaac, Hobbs Aidan, Cooray Thamal, Verwey Dane, Abercromby Mark, Webster Matt, Shelley Michael, Kay Richard, Summers Harry.
Good to see Rob Dog entered.
Monday, August 02, 2010
Very easy Monday
Sunday, August 01, 2010
Feeling better
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Hang my head in shame
Thursday, July 29, 2010
HuRTS 4 x 2km
So rocked up (late) to join MC, Tucks, Dom, Timmy C, Milli Vanilli, Ray, LF Charlie, RMR and others for the tough 4 x 2km session. We split into two groups and our group took the 2 minute rest off Dom's finishing time so I was getting about 2:30 rest. Reps went as follows:
So another good consistent session in the end - I think we must have had a favourable wind on the return reps. Had Tucks just behind on rep one, Ray pushed reps 2 and 3 and gave the others a start on rep 4 to give me something to chase. That makes it a hell of a lot easier than running at the front by yourself - the 4th rep felt best. Dom was running well so will be interesting to see what he does at C2S.
Pleased to have run those times on tired legs. Need to be careful though as the last time I ran this session tired (then went out for drinks) I caught the flu and was out for 4 weeks. I've got an End of Financial Year drinks function this evening...
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Wednesday MLR
Had a Tiger massage this afternoon and have put some money on young Timmy to show him a clean pair of heels at Lane Cove on Saturday. Gary then tried to bet me I wouldn't beat Keith at C2S, but I was far too sensible to take that one. Young Keith just has too much form at the moment.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
HuRTS Progressive tempo
We took it pretty easy on the way out - chatting with JF with Tucks, JB, Andy, Dicky H and quite a few others also running with us. Turned on 23.5mins having reached 6.05km (3:53 pace). JB immediately upped the pace (it's difficult not to when there's a big crowd in front) with just Tucks going with us. We seemed to be going very quickly - once again I was struggling to hold on going around Circular Quay (where Tucks must also have dropped a bit). However, travelling around Farm Cove JB seemed to ease off a bit so I took my turn in front. Pushed the hills on the way back with JB dropping off somewhere on the hill up to the ABC Pool. Finished in 43:36. Very quick for the second half - 6.05km in 20:06 (3:19 pace) which includes all the uphills. 9:50 for the final gate to gate. All up 12.1km at 3:36 pace. Felt strong in the legs but the pace was tough. Ideally would like to do a 400s session on Thursday rather than the planned 4 x 2km - just to get used to some quicker pace running.
Good to see Tucks getting back to form despite still only running low kms. Also just noticed that Muz posted a late comment last week - good to hear from you mate. Looking forward to hearing about plans for your return home...
Monday, July 26, 2010
Recovery Monday
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Long solo Sunday
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Off the wagon
Friday, July 23, 2010
Easy Friday
Thursday, July 22, 2010
HuRTS Mona Fartlek
Then had to practice what I'd preached so set off hard with the intention of reaching the Stone Gates. JB and Ray went with me. We almost got into the virtuous circle of reaching the top of the hills on the floats. Ray dropped off at 7mins to run back with Kanser leaving me and JB to carry on. We reached the Stone Gates with 8secs to spare and set off back. I was just holding on to JB on the final two 60s sections but felt better on the 30s intervals. JB dropped off half way around Farm Cove and I ended up half way along the side of the Opera House.
Another good, hard session. I've only reached the Stone Gates when I've been really fit (June and September/October 2008) so it's a good sign. It was quite blustery out there today too. I think it works out as averaging 3:22's for the whole thing. 3km warm up and warm down for 12km all up. 220km for the past 2 weeks.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Wednesday MLR
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
HuRTS 14 x 3mins
Another huge crowd out there. Kanser was giving young Timmy a fright shadowing him for all the reps. Poor Timmy was shattered after 12 and couldn't finish off the session. Doesn't bode well for him over the final 2km of C2S.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Easy Monday
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Balmain Bungle Star
Easy run today on a cold morning. Set off in the 6.20am group with Dennis, Flakey, Nick B, and a few others with Cam Arnold and Steve Hume joining us for various parts. Very easy pace for the first 12km (about 5:00 per km) then it picked up a bit running along the Cooks River. When we got to the end of the Coolrunning 5km course I decided to run that in reverse while the others took the slightly shorter route back. Did the final 5km in just under 20mins, bumping into Travis at the end. Tired now.