Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Pain in the Domain

4km warm up + 6km Pain + 3km warm down. 13km all up.

Nice session today feeling surprisingly good after the recent mileage. Good crowd with Serg, Durante, Ray, Chris G, Chris E, Mike and Dylan. Usual story for me, pushing ahead on the flat bits and struggling up the hills. I'm starting to get a complex about running hills. 1:58 for the long rep (felt faster) with Serg and Durante toying around, chatting and making it look easy. Good for the motivation.

24:42 all up so pretty quick.


James said...

Glad to hear somebody's doing well.
Dad and I are both disappointed since we went out running together yesterday. First time ever I was able to go faster than him. He reckons it's the altitude !!
Having a good time. Speak soon

Superflake said...

Yes another cold, so no posts on running. Hope to be before the weekend.