Tuesday, July 16, 2013

HuRTS 4 x 10mins

Well, it's actually become gate to gates again.

Went harder than I wanted to, and should have, today. Mainly because I was running with the rapidly improving Muz and Barts. First rep to gates in 10:00 felt OK. Back in 9:43. Then too hard up the hills in 9:45 (very quick), then back dropping off Barts in 9:36.

2km warm up and 3km warm down for 17km all up.

Good to see Timmy getting back into it and Muz going so well so soon after rejoining us.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Easy Manly

15.5km around Manly in 65:37 (4:14's) with Charlie (riding Billy's bike). Felt good today. Charlie going well sticking with me running 4min kms in the second half but he was rogered by the end. Bumped into Thamal looking smooth as ever.

New clothes from Grandpa and Liz:

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Mosman Reversed 31km

Booked Mel to babysit the kids then set off for the STaR. Had tentatively arranged to meet CT, Reno and Fats but only Reno was there at 6.20am so we set off at an easy pace with that group. And thank God it was an easy pace. This STaR must have more hills and steps than any other. We were still averaging 5:35's after 14km when CT finally caught us (having set off 15mins behind!) but he seemed pretty average to slow his pace a bit.

Beautiful cool but clear morning and felt pretty good throughout - this is about 18 long runs on the trot now so 30km is starting to feel fine. With all the hills and bush it felt more like 35km though.

Fantastic run by Barts in the Harbour 10km this morning to knock off one of my PB's and run 32:11. I reckon 10km is his distance as I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have got within 20s of that. Also great to see Benny St continuing his great form heading towards the World Champs running 13:10 overnight.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

ANSW Road Relays

Cut this one a bit fine. Picked up Andy from St Ives on the way with Charlie, Mags and Claudia in the back. Had no idea what I'd do with them while I was racing but packed their scooters and they seemed to entertain themselves nicely on the Uni of Newcastle campus. We arrived with 10mins to spare. Dicky P had registered the teams so just time to strap on the timing chips. I was running last leg so had time for a couple of laps warm up.

Great race with the Opens, Over 35's and Under 18's mens all running together. In the Over 35's, Sutherland were once again our main rivals but we were also a bit nervous about beating the Under 18's Striders team as a few of those young 'uns are pretty quick over 4km.

Fats was off first but was always going to struggle running against the in-form Kevin Robertson from Sutho who ran a very quick 12:28. Fats came in in 12:59 after going out hard on the first lap. Andy was next, overtaking the Sutho runner and putting some time into him, running a good 13:14 despite niggling achilles issues. Dicky P was third leg running a solid 13:40 but had Nick Bennett from Sutho chasing him down and putting 17s into him. This left me against Andy Cross on the final leg. I thought that I might have a few seconds on him but was wrong, never bridging the gap and Andy in fact ran 3s quicker - a 12:40 to my 12:43. Not a bad hit out running solo (and 4s quicker than last year) but need to continue the speed sessions.

Then Andy and I joined Charlie and Mags running the 2km fun run. Charlie smashed it this year and Mags ran the whole way, even sprinting to the line to beat a young boy despite the fact she was almost crying with fatigue. Sometimes I worry I push them too hard but they both seemed stoked afterwards.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Manly Friday

Had to fly to Melbourne yesterday so missed the chance of a run.

Today I'm "working from home" while looking after Charlie and Mags. Cracking day. Got the kids on their bikes and basically ran from playpark to playpark with me adding bits here and there. All up 18km in 1:19:17 (4:23's). Then lunch from Doggfathers sat on the beach. Shortly off to soccer training. I could do this more often.

83km for week.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Longer Wed

20km around the wharves with MC, JW, Brendan, Slapstick and Jessie. Very easy pace but it was over and with no niggles before I knew it. One of the nicest runs I've done all year.

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

HuRTS Fartlek

Just rolled around today easing back in running with Barts, MC, Aidan, Pete W and others. Longer warmdown for 15km all up.

Interesting finish line photo:

Sunday, July 07, 2013

Gold Coast Half - 29th in 71:18

Pretty poor night's sleep as I was quite hyped after the Lions result and then up after Barts shouted at me at 5am(!). Jogged to the start and caught up with LJ before a few run throughs catching a load of others - Tiger, Richie P, Hamish, Anna and others. And then, still in darkness, we're off.

Plan was not to sprint off but start stead and build into the race. Nikki Chapple was on the start line in front of me so I knew she was someone I could pace off, as well as Barts. I'd been feeling really good in training recently so was hoping for a good time, at least a PB (my longest standing). Pretty soon there were three groups on the road - the leaders, a big group including Vlad and Chadi and then the group of Barts, Nikki, Jess Trengrove, some lad representing the ACT and myself. Nikki was setting the pace like a metronome. I wasn't wearing a watch, but Barts said that after a 3:08 opening km she was banging out 3:20's like clockwork. We reached 10km in 33:27 pretty much intact but with Jess dropping off. Then at the turn (10.8km) Nikki just seemed to put the hammer down (in truth, I think she just maintained pace) while Barts and I ran together. This was my worst spot from 10km to 12km. Barts started to form a gap and I thought, here we go, it's all over. Then, bizarrely at 12km, he drops his gel while trying to open it, and starts scrabbling around on the road trying to pick it up like a blind man searching for his glasses. I thought thank God, I'm back on him again and so sit in.

Felt the pace start to drop here. There's a bloke 50m up the road being spat out from the earlier group so I put a burst in to catch him. Do so and, with a stroke of luck, he ups the pace so sit behind him now hoping to pull away from Barts. It's starting to hurt here (16km) but we're in a good rhythm so I stick to it. Then at 18km he starts to slow so I try to push on, conscious Barts always finishes strong. Sure enough, I pass J-Fen shortly after and he gives me a shout, then shouts for Barts about 5s later. Feck. This isn't going to be easy. Desperately try to keep on lifting the pace. Final km and the turn seems to take forever to come. Reach the final run in, take a quick look and just kick for home.

Stoked with the PB and finally able to give Barts a run for his money. He finished 7s back. Run of the day was Laura's 2min PB for a 78:35. Anna also cracked 80 mins for the first time.

Now for some beers.

Saturday, July 06, 2013

Day before junk

6km in the morning with a few strides. Took me 4km to stop hobbling from all the niggles.

Then up to Surfers. 70 odd minutes of pain to go...

Friday, July 05, 2013

Easy Friday

14km very easy with Ray, EmJam, John Doe and others.

100km for the week. All set for Sunday.

Thursday, July 04, 2013

HuRTS 10 x 400m

Decided to give this session a go to stretch my legs. Idea was to cruise around feeling great and as though I had another gear. Well that gear ain't there. Struggled to hold on to Andy C and plenty of effort was made. Felt better for it after though. Had a couple of 71's, one 70 and all the rest were 68's or 69's. Grass was long and ground was soft. Can't think of any more excuses.

Out tonight at Ribs and Rumps for Charlie Boy's 7th Birthday. The kid's a champ, but can't pose for a photo to save his life:

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Back in Manly

14km in 62:30 (4:26's). Sore and lethargic. Couldn't have felt more different than yesterday.

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Wolgan Valley day 2

20km on the trails of Wolgan Valley after a day sat on the balcony reading David Millar's autobiography. Doesn't get any better than this. And the run was magic too, with the tennis ball having worked wonders for my left knee.

20km in 1:24:45 (4:14's). One of those days when running feels easy.

Monday, July 01, 2013

Wolgan Valley day 1

Out with Mrs H for 7km in Wolgan Valley. Knee still giving me grief so I kept it short. Got a tennis ball into my ass afterwards which was agony but I think is the root of the problem.

Had dinner in the restaurant with about 7 other tables (being Monday) and happened to be sat next to Pete Beacroft! Had a great chat with my ex-colleague and 30min 10km man. He's twice the man he used to be but bags of natural talent if he ever looked to return.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Sodden Sunday

A few pints were had in the Steyne watching the Lions v Wallabies cracker of a game. Then up 6 hours later feeling a bit sore to drive Dicky to Centennial where we met Timmy. A bit in the park, then ran C2S course then back for a final loop of the park.

It's wet out there.

30km in 2:14 and a bit (4:28's). Left knee sore, I think it's my left glute which is locking up.

Soggy Saturday

Planned on 20km tempo. Ended up doing 6km easy, trying to plot a path that didn't involve swimming through the floods.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Easy Friday

An easy hour at lunchtime with CT.

120km for the week with some good quality stuff.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

HuRTS Hickson Road

A few too many ales at a State of Origin function hosted by Clive Cooper last night meant I was in a bit of a sorry state for the session today. So I variously ran with Barts, Timmy, Kenny, Fats, Ray and LJ. Suddenly felt good on the final rep and put a burst in to catch Barts but this was the exception to the rule.

Good to see Richard Mullaney back after a 5 year break. Bad news is J-Fen being diagnosed with OP which rules him out of running Berlin. Still trying to persuade him to come and support. Perhaps we ought to set up a Facebook support page a la Scott Westcott.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Long Wed

Usual wharves route with JW, BOB, Emjam, Slapstick, BW, Enda and Jeet (until he rolled his ankle).

20km in 87ish (4:22's).

Tiger massage in arvo.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

ES Marks 5km TT - 15:57

Clyde put out the call on Facebook a few days ago for a 5000m TT at ES Marks.  He's coaching Enda, JC and co and I've got huge respect for him as a runner (anyone who can post his PBs off his frame deserves all the credit that can be heaped on a person) so I was keen.  Plus it's 10 days prior to GC Half and the Tiger always suggests a short time trial 10 days out so it fitted the bill.

ES Marks is fantastic now they've laid the new track.  Haven't run on a bouncier surface since Monkton Stadium circa 1987.  Conditions were great - cold and drizzly but not too much wind.  Clyde was calling out the splits.  Couldn't have been made easier.  I was tentative beforehand though after yesterday's long run and having had an emergency massage today due to my left knee feeling dodgy.  But did the first lap in 74/75 and felt comfortable.  Can't remember the splits after that (Clyde jotted them down so may get them later) other than 7:43 at 2400m.  That makes sense though - I was basically working off 78s each lap.  As Clyde called the lap time, I'd add 78s and hope he called that time out when I next passed him.  Was feeling good with 4 to go so upped the tempo a bit.  Then it was 12:54 at 4km and I thought a 3:06 final km was a bit tough but then suddenly you've only got 2 laps to go so can really ramp it up.  15:25 at 4800m so just a sprint to finish off.

Chuffed with the time.  I was hoping for sub 16:30 beforehand so very happy to dip under 16.  Enda is hitting some form to run 17:03.  Good also to see Timmy injury free and running 18:16.  JC split the two with 17:54.

Jogs around the track to warm up and down for 11km all up.