Sunday, October 26, 2014
Easy Sunday
Saturday, October 25, 2014
And again...
Friday, October 24, 2014
Sore, sore, sore
Thursday, October 23, 2014
400's and a Biathlon
Then beers in my favourite pub (The Tilbury) with the boys and overall female winner Sonya before heading home. Great night.
The transaction:
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Wednesday with some talent
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
HuRTS 1km reps
Monday, October 20, 2014
Old school
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Cream Crackered
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Same again Saturday
Friday, October 17, 2014
Early doors
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Felt a bit long and GMap has it at 425m: Reg Bartley Track
Reps went: 72.4, 73.1, 72.9, 73.3, 73.2, 72.4, 73.6, 72.4, 72.4, 71.5
So that's averaging 68's which is about what I expected first up. Will be easier when I can run with people.
Long warm-up and warm-down for 14.5km all up.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Wednesday SLR
Continuing the theme of Melbourne Marathon stories, I received an email forwarded this morning which shows correspondence between Beaches Ben and Striders President Joe. I'm guessing Joe was reaching out to Ben to thank him for helping one of the older Striders runners to the finish at Melbourne. It's a great read and shows the true camaraderie of the Marathon:
"I blew up at 24km aiming for a 2.52. A training partner ran past at around 27km and tried to encourage me to stick with her [Ed: this is Erika]. I told her that I was done; my rubber band was stretched. Thankfully she went on, ran her PB and to her race goal of 2:58. My plan B was sub 3hrs and that went at around 29km; my rubber band had snapped. I was in a world of hurt along St Kilda Road and thought about jumping in front of a tram to end it a couple of times. I may have even been delusional as I swear I spoke to Craig Mottram as he ran passed me pacing a buddy of his. I walked through one of the last aid stations along there and was given some support by another fellow runner with a friendly tap on the shoulder keep at it. Plan C came into effect which was to finish what I had started, just finish and I told myself that time did not matter. It was around 37km just before the rise of the Tan that I then decided to take with me anyone else who I could convince that the clock did not matter anymore. So if I saw someone walking or standing I went up to them and told them that they were coming with us and that I'd be there by their side and we would finish this together. I would tell the group that "time didn't matter, concentrate on form and let's keep going together". I think I picked up about 4 or 5 people and Graham would have been one of these. I ended in 3:14:48 my second slowest marathon from 9 attempts, only slower than my debut in 2005. Funnily I ran 17 seconds faster in Canberra in March this year pacing 3:15. I'm ecstatic to hear that Graham achieved a Boston qualifier with a small amount of encouragement from me when I was broken, well and truly broken.
Please pass on my contact details to Graham and congratulate him on his stellar debut Melbourne marathon and Boston qualifier."
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
HuRTS 4 x 10mins
"Hey mate, after I saw you guys last Tues I went and did a Bikram class in the evening to get a good stretch on the old hips and legs and just didn’t feel that great. Next day I was just knackered and had a splitting headache but went for a recover run just to loosen the legs. Felt like crap so pulled the pin and went home. Took 2 days off work and lay on the couch as just felt lethargic. Should’ve known as Anna and the kids had been under the weather the week prior.
Started feeling bit better on Sat after a good rest and chest was Ok so flew down and put the feet up on the couch most of the afternoon. Still felt a bit flakey but not as bad.
Sun morning made sure I had a Redbull and Panadol early and then straight off to the start. Prior to the race I made the commitment to run at 3.40’s and if I fell apart well at least I gave it a shot. I was just praying I didn’t get the migraines I’d been having latter half of the week.
First 5k I was fine and started catching a few packs in front. Got to 10km bang on 36:39 so perfect pacing so far then everyone around me dropped. The next pack was around 400m ahead so no chance of bridging that gap. I just put the head down and after dropping a few gels basically ran the reminder of the race solo with the next pack behind consisting of Justin, Heydo and nice little group about 90sec back.
I got to halfway in 1:17:39 so again bang on track but running along a very long flat road with no one in sight was hard and after a few more km’s I found myself slipping to 3:45’s then 3:48’s. At the far end turn Heydo had bridged the gap and now only about 50sec behind so either I was slipping or he was running smart in a good pack. It was a long slog back up to St Kilda rd on my own trying not to slip any further. At 32km I started to struggle and was a bit dizzy but only a Striders 10k race to go so just concentrated on form and had my caffeine gels. The km splits were now 3:50’s and I couldn’t let them slip any further so really had to dig. It’s a long grind along St Kilda Rd and quite a lonely stretch with only a smattering of people clapping as you go by.
Around 34k got caught by one of the Syd Strider Twins and he went ahead. Couldn’t stay with him but at least a bit of company albeit for 30sec or so. Into the Bot gardens and 37km could see a struggling Q and ran past him giving each other some encouragement. Next thing Heydo comes screaming past then another bloke at 38k when I had nothing. Tried my hardest to stay close but the wheels were falling off big time.
40km couldn’t have come soon enough and it was just mental from there on. Got a stabbing pain in my gut (think it must have been from all the nurofen I’d be loading up on since Wed) so just praying it didn’t stop me. There was no 41km marker and next thing I know I’m in a daze with 200m to go. I had a quick look at my watch and after seeing 2:38:01 went all out up the hill to get close to 2:38:30 and try and prevent Enda from Irish bragging rights. Wasn’t to be but just happy to finish to be honest.
Reflecting on the race I am pretty happy. I ran the pace I wanted to until halfway. I pretty much ran a time trial for 28km and came 2nd in the 45-49 AG, beaten only by Dave Tonge. I could have sat back in a slower pack but who knows, may have ended up with a slower time. The legs held out most of the race and didn’t cramp and I was strong enough throughout the race.
I may or may not have gone faster if wasn’t sick leading up to the race but not going to ponder on that considering 4 out of my last 5 marathons I’ve been sick in the week prior.
It’s good to say I can break 2:40 as a 45 year old so all in all I am stoked as it’s my 2nd fastest ever marathon.
Some good runs out there but a good few also disappointed including Q no doubt and Justin just giving up at 29k. He’ll be the most upset I’d imagine.
Looking forward to the curry night and a few beers on Sat as wasn’t feeling great on Sunday to celebrate. You still coming?"
Monday, October 13, 2014
Getting it done
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Back home
Friday, October 10, 2014
Phuket Day 2
103km for the week.
Thursday, October 09, 2014
Phuket day 1
Wednesday, October 08, 2014
HuRTS Progressive Tempo
Monday, October 06, 2014
Happy Mondays
Sunday, October 05, 2014
While there's been a lot of talk about Irish Marathon performance of the year, everyone seems to have overlooked that the English performance of the year is up for grabs. With Dicky Green's 2:52 in Rotterdam the only marker, it's a relief that Heydo is running next week or, God forbid, Timmy would have a chance at that particular title. And we'd never hear the end of it.
30km all up in 2:12 something (4:24's).
Current favourite song: Timmy Trumpet