Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Wednesday MLR

17km early this morning around North Head with Macca, Erika and the Cap'n.  Not sure I even looked at the watch but it was slow and my legs barely got beyond shuffle mode.  Was supposed to do 4 x hills after but I had to rush to work so that got canned.  Did some glute work in the shower instead.

Passed Lewis running the other way down Manly Beach.  That bloke needs to learn how to run slower.  I'm guessing he was running 3:45's.


  1. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Good work on the glute training, no photos required thanks.

  2. "Glute Training" Must have been that Public School upbringing.

  3. Hope you're not implying I'm a private school w*nker Mr Sweeney. No spunky biscuit for me. Fully comp the whole way.
