Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Fartlek, Tempo

15mins warmup, 22mins fartlek (1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1) with a 1min float recovery, 5min jog then 22mins tempo, then 15mins warm down.

Set the alarm to meet Erika down on the beachfront to run it but was too tired at 5.15am so set off an hour later.  The floats were a bit too much like jogs for the first few reps of the fartlek (running 3:29 and 3:28) but picked it up to average 3:26's by the end (6.41km).  

Tempo felt much better picking the pace up the whole way to do 6.50km (3:23's). All around Nolan's and Passmore.  Almost 20km all up.

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